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The Adventures of Lt. Jake by Hunter_Killer
The Adventures of Lt. Jake, Part One
Date: 24 July 2003, 4:22 PM
0900 Hours, 28 November, 2559 Planet Alpha Centauri 3 Pelican Dropship, en route to Dante City
1st Class Lieutenant Jake Williams frantically struggled with the flight stick, trying to keep the damaged Pelican Echo 725 under control, as two banshees trailed it. Sparks shot out of a nearby console, hitting his Co-Pilot, Rick McDouglas. He screamed in pain, as he was burned. A bolt of Plasma smashed into the Pelican, rocking it. Jake grunted. This was too much to take in at once. "Medic!" Yelled the Pilot, and a Marine Medic entered the Pilots' Compartment, and began to treat Rick. "Hey," Came a Marine in the Passenger's Compartment's Voice, "What's going on, Lieutenant?" "We're under attack," Said Jake to the Marine. An alarm went off, and lights flooded the Pilot's Compartment with red light. They were about to crash! Jake desperately fought with the controls as he remembered he had to bring it in soft, not just for him, but also for the Pelican load of Marines flying with him. Suddenly, his screen said:
Time Until Impact: 00:05
"Brace for impact!" He yelled. "Shit..." Said a Marine, and a second later, the Craft hit the ground, and Jake blacked out.
When Jake regained his vision, he was not in the Pelican. He was on a grassy hillside, with the Pelican on top. It was wrecked, and on fire. Jake looked around, to find his answer. He had been hurled out of the cockpit, into the hillside. In the process, he had lost his emergency radio. But, he still had his Med-Kit, Rations(Why couldn't I lose those instead? Thought Jake.), and his trusty MD6 Pistol Sidearm. He also had two clips of Un-damaged Ammo for it, and shoved one into the Pistol. On his helmet Visor, he saw crosshairs, and ammo counters. On the other side of it, the HUD showed his Vital Signs. He waved the Pistol around, and caused the crosshairs to move. Excellent. Works perfectly. The first time the full visor helmet was used, was for the SPARTAN Program. Then, SPARTAN IIs inherited it. Now, the UNSC was giving out helmets to the Pilots of the Support Craft, like Longswords, or Scorpion IIs(Lighter, faster flying versions of the Ground Vehicle ), or even Pelicans. Suddenly, he heard movement. One... whatever it was, was gona round the Pelican soon. Jake pointed his pistol at the side where whatever was there was going to emerge, and his finger wrapped over the trigger...
Sergeant Kelso, a British Marine on the Pelican, readied his M33 Automatic Rifle to fire, and slowly advanced... Kelso rounded the bend, and was looking strait down the barrel of an MD6. "Wait!" He said, "UNSC! Don't Shoot! Don't Shoot!" Jake lowered his Pistol. "Ah... glad to see you made it." "Yah, and your driving didn't exactly help," Said the Sergeant. They both smiled. Although technically, Navy Officers outranked Army, they were also sort of the same class, in each other's book. "Were there any other Marines that survived?" Jake's face became serious. "Me," Said a voice, and a Marine limped around the bend. He had lost his helmet, and had several burns on his face. He carried an Assault Rifle, also with it's share of burns. "1st Class Private Aaron Mace, reporting!" "Well," Said the British Marine, "We'd best get moving to Dante City, and find an Evac Dropship." "Sir," Said Aaron, "That City's a combat zone, real hot one too!" "Well, Marine," Said Sergeant Kelso, "Didja join to fight aliens, or didja join to stay in the nice, comfy Barracks?" "Sir!" Aaron replied, "I signed up to kick Covenant ass, sir!" "That's the spirit, now let's go!" And the three started off, and shortly coming to an abandoned UNSC Base. "Whoa," Commented Jack, "you Marines don't clean house very well after ya leave. Look!" He pointed, and there were a line of Warthogs, all nice and neat. "We can use one of those to get to Dante!" Commented Aaron, and they approached.
Newa, a Red Veteran Grunt, smelled something... Human. He ran over to a Blue Elite, the quad commander, and several Jackals. "Excellency!" The Elite turned around. "What do you want, Grunt?" "Humans draw near!" One of the Jackals said, "Ha! And what would a gas-sucker know?" "Silence, Fuam. Even if he is a Grunt, Grunts have exceptionally good noses." He made ready to throw a Plasma Grenade around the bend, and three Humans came from it.
Jake rounded a corner, and saw a squad of Covenant warriors! Before he could do anything, a Plasma Grenade stuck to his chest, and started to begin the three second countdown... The Two Marines dived out of the way, and the third second was up...
The Advenantures of Lt. Jake, Part Two
Date: 5 August 2003, 1:45 AM
0945 Hours, 28 November, 2559 (Military Calendar) Planet Alpha Centauri 3 UNSC Base # 724
The Plasmatic Grenade made a small hum, then just sat there, next to Jake's Distinguished Service Cross medal. Jake closed his eyes, and counted... One... Two... Three... Four... Five... Six... He opened them again, and said, "I'm Alive! I AM ALIVE!!! YES!!!!!!!" Just then, a Plasma Bolt whizzed past Jake's left ear. THAT brought him back to the battle. Kelso pulled Jake away from the bolts of super heated energy, that passed through where he had been one second ago. "Kill Them All!" Yelled the Elite, in his low pitched tone. "And bring ME the Woman!" Then, he caught himself. "Err... There are no Women present... KILLL THEM ALL, NOW!" "Yes, Excellency!" Said the Grunts and Jackals, and they advanced. The Humans were developing a strategy. "Ok, I think, if you two give me covering fire, I can reach a Warthog," Said Jake. "What then?" Asked Aaron. "Well," Jake responded, with a grin, "Leave it to me." "Ok," Said Kelso, "Move out on three. We'll keep 'em busy!" The Marines started to spray the Covies with AP Rounds, killing some. The rest didn't notice the Human Lieutenant running past them. Jake ran, like he never before had to. He thought, 50 Meters... 40 Meters... 30 Meters... Elite Chasing me, gaining fast... "Huh?" He pulled out his pistol, and emptied the Entire Clip of Ammo on the Elite. With the last shot, it fell, dead. But, he never stopped. Whew! Made it! Thought Lt. Jake, as he jumped in the driver's seat of an improved Warthog, with a MAAG[Medium Anti Aircraft Gun]Gun. He slammed the petal down, and steered towards the Jackals and 2 Grunts that remained. The last sight the Jackal, Karm, saw was the side of a Warthog, then he and his comrades became blue and purple Paint on the Base deck. "Yah! Nice one!" Said Aaron, as he got in the Passenger Seat. "Yep," Said the Brit, as he manned the bigger Chain Gun in the back. "What now?" Asked Aaron. "Well," Replied Jack, "According to the NAVCOM on the 'Hog," Jake was pressing buttons, making the top screen change every two seconds[the other screen was the radar], "There's a Pelican Hanger about 20 Miles yonder," He pointed west. So, Jake began weaving in and out passages in the base. Then, they found a sign on a door where they stopped:
"Coooool! I need some more ammo!" Said Aaron, as he ran in. Jake and Kelso followed, into a big room, piled high with weapons, ammo, and Grenades. "Well," Said Sarge Kelso as he slung a Shotgun on his back, "we can bring all this back in the ATV, some other blokes might need some, oh, and let's grab some food too!" So, they found a few food packets, and devoured the rations inside like they was a dinner at Christmas. Then, they rounded up all the supplies. Aaron picked up a box labeled:
And threw it in the passenger's side, next to the seat. The other two people in the room flinched, as the grenade box landed. "Aaron!" Said Jake, obviously annoyed, "HANDLE WITH CARE, remember? That could've gone off, then that would kill us all!" "Sorry," Said the Private, as he grabbed a few MA5B Clips. After that, everything went smoothly, until they left the base. "What the Hell..." Muttered Jake, as a weird fleshy ball thing with tentacles came out of a pipe. Thinking quickly, Kelso made his MAAG lose 60 rounds, as the weird thing exploded, with little force, into a dozen fleshy bits. "What in the name of Walter Cronkint, was that THING?" Asked Aaron. "No clue, probably don't wana know." Responded Jake. "Are there more?" As if in response, dozens and dozens emerged from the pipe, only to meet MAAG Bullets, and Aaron's Assault Rifle AP Rounds. "Floor it! NOW!" Said Kelso, the MAAG running out of rounds in the clip. The Warthog lurched forward, past more and more of those things. "Oh, man. This just keeps gettin' better and better!" Said a very annoyed Aaron, loosing AR Rounds at the things, as the ATV sped by. "Lt. Jacob Williams, to any and all UNSC Dropships in the area. Come in, please. Come in!" Said Jake, into the Hog's radio. A reply crackled through the speakers. "Pelican Charlie 279, here. Need anything, Lieutenant?" "Hell, yah. Need Dust-Off, right this damn second, at Sector 27 Bravo!" "Ok. See ya in two!" the Radio fell silent. The Warthog spun a donut twice, and screeched to a halt. "Damn, what now..." Two of em had latched on to a tire, and deflated it with the tentacles. Suddenly, one flew straight towards Jake's face, only inches away...
The Adventures of Lt. Jake, Part Three
Date: 1 September 2003, 4:41 PM
1020 Hours, 28 November (Military Calendar) Warthog Beta 27 D, en route to: "The Hell outa' town!"
The thing extended a tentacle, only a millimeter away when it popped, dropping two fleshy bits on the Lt.'s face. Aaron reloaded his Assault Rifle, and the vehicle sped out of the clearing in front of the infested UNSC Base. "Think we should report it?" Asked Jake, as a Pelican flew into view. "Does mouse shit roll? Hell yah!" Said Kelso, matter-of-factly. The Pelican touched down, and opened its Troop Bay. There were five Marines, all bloodstained and with a variety of weapons, in it already. Just enough space for the two noncoms and Jake. They entered the dropship, and the Marines sat down. Jake, however, continued on to the Pilots' Compartment. "Pilot?" Said Jake, as he sat down in the empty Co-Pilot's Seat. "Yes, Lt.?" Asked the pilot of the Pelican, working his controls. "Is it possible for you to get me a COMMLINK with Fleet Command?" "Negative, sir. But, I can put you through to the Captain of the ship we're gona land in, the Golden Sword." The Pelican gave a quick jolt, as its thrusters kicked in, and it started to rise. "Excellent. Thank you." "No problem. I'll pull up the LINK now," Said the Pilot, as he pressed some buttons, and pulled a lever back. He pressed a button labeled: SEAL TROOP BAY, as the Pelican climbed into the atmoshpere. A man's face appeared in a screen on the left of Jake. "Captain O' Brian speaking," Said the man on the screen. Jake then explained what happened at the Base, then he turned off the link. Then, he returned to the troop bay. "So," Says Aaron, obviously in the middle of a joke, to the rest of the Marines, "Then the Sarge says, 'You idiot! That's no Frag Grenade! That's my wife!" The whole troop bay exploded in laughter.
4th Cycle, 21 Units (Covenant Battle Calendar) Covenant Outpost, Alpha Centauri Three
Seven Grunts, 5 Jackals and a Blue Elite used stealth tactics to sneak up on a Red Elite, then charged him. Needles, Plasma, and fists flew. When it was over, One Red Elite and a Grunt were dead. They then proceeded into the compound, hoping to pass for regular Covenant troops. They had to plant the plasma explosives in the command center, and destroy the Covenant Outpost! They passed down a hallway, where a Grunt saluted them. Then, they found the control center of the outpost. A Blue Elite was there. The resistance troopers leveled their weapons at the back of the Blue Covie's head. The Jackals and a Grunt over-charged their Plasma Pistols, the other Grunts loaded their Needlers, and the Blue Elite put a fresh battery into this Plasma Rifle. They all fired at once, and the elite fell immediately. Then, the Elite planted the Plasma Charges. The troopers all ran out of there, passing a Confused Grunt. Another Grunt looks in, and says, "This is not my day," As the Plasma from the Charges enveloped the outpost. The Resistance Elite smiled. Then he was filled with determination. They must tell everyone the truth about the "Mystical" Prophets, and that they were using the Covenant, not helping it.
1030 Hours, 28 November(Military Calendar) Alpha Centauri System, UNSC Destroyer Golden Sword, en route to Sol System
The Mess Hall was filled with chatter by the Crewmen and Marines, swapping war stories, or jokes. Or both. Jake was having a bite to eat in the mess hall, when something walked in that made him drop his half-eaten Burger. A 7 Foot Tall Green Armored Warrior emerged from the door, MA8B Assault Rifle in his arms. Jake's first instinct was that it was Covenant, and he had thoughts about drawing his M9D Sidearm. Then, a Green Uniformed Crewman(Green Techs were Cooks and waiters) "Master Chief, sir! Welcome to the Mess Hall. Can I help you?" The thing nodded, and a voice came out of the Armor. "I'm looking for a Lt. Jake." Jake slowly stood. "I'm Jake," He said, and walked up. "Good. The captain wants you to go to the Launch Bay, to get your new Pelican. It's Charlie 24. You'll drop me and the rest of Fire Team Delta off at Earth, Lt. We'll arrive at Sol in two minutes." Jake saluted, and walked past the Spartan.
Two Minutes Later...
Jake was seated at the Cockpit, and he revved the Engines for his Pelican Dropship. A Marine entered, and he realized it was Aaron! "Hi," Said him. "Sit tight," Said Jake, as the Dropship lurched into space, and Earth came into view, as well as a Covenant Cruiser directly in their path...
The Adventures of Lt. Jake, Part Four
Date: 4 September 2003, 1:20 AM
1034 Hours, 28 November 2567(Military Calendar) Sol System, Pelican Dropship Delta 24, en route to Planet Earth
"Now would be an excellent time to turn," Said a Marine, as he looked out a window. "We're coming in too fast, it wouldn't matter," He said to the Marine. "Look!" Several motes of Red Light appeared, and eventually grew into a solid band on the Covie Cruiser. "Pulse Laser!" Yelled his Co-Pilot. "Yes," Jake said, "The Golden Sword is doomed, but it's our salvation. Hold on!" They were really close to the ship, when it's shields opened. The Dropship streaked through, narrowly missing the searing Plasma Laser Beam. Jake noticed a Landing Bay, whose doors were almost closed. The Pelican got through, but scraped up against the top of the door. It crashed on the Deck, and Jake was hurled to the Deck of the Pelican. The Chief helped him up, and they, along with everyone but the Co-Pilot(Who was dead), climbed out of the Dropship. "Damn," Said the Lt., as they exited the Launch Bay, "That's the second Pelican this week. Good thing I got insurance." He drew his M9D Pistol. They entered a hallway, which was empty. The Human weapons swept the area once, finding no target. "No covenant?" Said a surprised Sarge. "Maybe ain't no Covies here." "Worp! Worp! Worp!" Two Plasma Grenades landed at the feet of the Humans. "Stealth Elites!" Yelled a frantic Mexican Marine. Everyone dived out of the way, just as the twin plasma explosions blossomed. Several shards of purple metal debris showered the Humans, as Automatic weapon(and Pistol) chatter met the humming of Plasma Rifles. The humans sprayed the air with bullets, hoping to find their cloaked adversaries. The Plasma Bolts seemingly spawned from the air, hit the ground around the rolling, ducking, firing & screaming Humans, kicked up more disintegrating purple metal shards, and sizzled into nothingness. One of Jake's bullets struck an elite in the kisser, and it decloaked, mad as all hell. It indicated this by roaring, and nearly hitting the Pelican Pilot with a bolt of Super-Heated Plasma. The Chief charged, Plasma bolts striking his shield. He reached the Elite, and thrust his MA8B into the chest cavity of the Covenant. He squeezed the trigger, and 15, 8.79 mm Armor Piercing Munitions Rounds -along with Blue/Purple blood and an alien intestine- came out its back. The Elite fell, with a final cry. The Chief threw a Frag, & 2 More died in a bloody pool. Jake ran forward, and hit an Elite with the barrel of his gun. He never figured out how to find that last Stealth Elite. He force sent the Elite reeling, and the Chief finished it off. The Mexican Marine, now more calm, said, "Oh, yah! Uh huh! We showed em, amigos! They won't bother us again!" He shot 5 Rounds into a Dead Elite, and a spout of blood hit him. They pressed on, until they came to a fork. One end, according to Cortana, was the entrance to the Docking Bay. The Chief's plan was to set the ship to self destruct, get a hold of a Dropship, and scoot the hell down to the Planet. However, the doors were locked. The other fork led to a hallway, up to Engineering. The party went in that direction, hoping to override the Lockdown on the bay. Surprisingly, they found no Covenant on the Short Trek to Engineering, and quickly took care of the small guard posted at the critical point. "Anyone know how to set this thing to blow, and override the lockdown?" Asked a Marine. "Let the Lt. do it. He's good at wrecking ships," Said Aaron, now a Lance Corporal, very slyly. Jake ignored the crack, when he could have had the Marine court-marshaled for disrespecting an officer, and walked up to the controls. He quickly got the grasp of things, with a little help from the AI Construct. He typed in the commands, and alien klaxons sounded. An elite's voice, probably prerecorded, said over the loudspeakers,"Alert. Self Destruct Initiated. Destruction in 14 Units, and counting." "How long is that?" Asked an American Sergeant, as he loaded a new clip into his Battle Rifle. "6 Minutes," Said Cortana, over the MJOLNIR II's Speakers, "Lt., override the security lockdown, then we'll get out of here!" "Yes, sir," Teased Jake, and he typed more on the alien console. "There. Lockdown on Docking Bay 3 Disabled. Let's get out of here." But, several Covenants entered, and the Humans eventually killed them all. They Trekked back to the Landing Bay, but with every inch, they battled more and more troops. "Damn," Noticed Aaron, "They knew we were coming. It was a trap!" The Chief tossed a Frag, killing the newest group. A Stealth Elite had a Plasma Sword, and snuck up behind Jake. He slashed the sword, the blade coming at Jake's neck...
THe Adventures of Lt. Jake, Part Five
Date: 6 September 2003, 4:47 PM
Note to Readers: Maaco is a chain of car repair companies, in case you don't know that. :p
1046, 28 November 2567(Military Calendar) Sol System, Covenant Cruiser Vengeance, in Earth Orbit, Hallway leading to Docking Bay 3
Sergeant Rico, acting quickly, swung his MA8B Battle Rifle in the Sword's path. It clanked off the hard Rifle, and the Elite backed a few meters away. It "Worp! Worp! Worp!"ed in surprise. All the Humans simultaneously wheeled, and sent a steady stream of bullets at the Elite, killing it. "Self destruct in one Unit," Boomed the Intercom Voice. "We have 30 Seconds," Announced Cortana. "Go! NOW!!!" The Chief jumped in a U-Dropship, and the 9 other Humans filed in two. Jake quickly yanked the yoke, and slammed a button, and the ship shot forward. He aimed the Plasma Turret, and blasted the door, the atmoshpere being sucked out. The Dropship clanked onto several pieces of metal, then sped free. Explosions lined the ship, and the frame imploded. Metal debris raced in all directions, as did a Shockwave. He steered towards the Planet, and took a breath for the first time in 120 Seconds. He slumped back in the alien pilots' chair. "We made it," Said an astonished English Corporal. Jake was brought to attention, and the Dropship rumbled and rattled in the atmoshpere. A Grunt jumped out of a corner, and shot an Overcharged Plasma Pistol at Jake. Jake dived out of the seat, and the Plasma struck the control panel. Sparks and debris shot out, and the Dropship spun out of control. Jake managed to shoot the Grunt in the head twice, and blood splattered the deck. The Covenant Craft spiraled towards the ground, and a trail of smoke and fire shot out of it. "Shit," Said Aaron, and the ship crashed into a building. An explosion occurred, and the building toppled. The Dropship was bounced back 300 Meters, and touched down on a road. It tore a 60 meter ditch(19 Feet Deep) in the ground, before finally skidding to a halt. Jake was knocked down, and got up. "Uh oh," He said, as the others awoke, "Better get Maaco." "Out 'a the Dropship, on the double!" Ordered a Black Sergeant, and the Marines emerged from the flaming hulk of the Covenant Vehicle. The Chief went out next. Jake took a minute to find his Pistol, which he dropped, then followed the others. He looked it over, and found a dropped Ghost, still upright. He got in, and started the controls. He drove over to the Marines, and he exchanged insults with a certain jar-headed friend of his. "Chief, picking up a radio transmission. It's incredibly weak. I'll patch it through to your speakers so the others can hear it, too." A voice materialized, and was competing with the static and gunshots in the background. "This is Fi-- Team October, -- any --- all UNSC Personnel --- the a--- we have disc---- rebel Cove--- Units. We have --- an alliance-- with the--, and need im--- pickup at 183 S, by 43 West-, under at---- by Normal Coven---- Troops..." "The signal's gone, I lost it. I managed to find the relative location of the Fire Team. Follow the NAV Point, and you'll find our men." Cortana said. "Jake, stay with the others here," Instructed Cortana, "I've called for evac. Wait here till it comes." "Aye." Jake jumped out of the Ghost, and the Chief jumped in it. He sped off. A good ten minutes were spent doing nothing, until the dropship arrived. They were picked up, and whisked away to San Francisco, Terran Battle Command. Jake had a meeting with Admiral Forest, and they agreed on what to do. The Covenant had already eliminated %70 of Earth, and the Humans continued to loose ground. Jake was to fly a Team of Spec-Ops Marines and the Master Chief into the Enemy Homeworld, and eliminate it. How he was to do this: They had managed to Capture a perfect U-Shaped Covie Dropship. The Covenant would think it was one of their victorious dropships. They had a hunch that if the Covenant Homeworld(The Prophet's One) was destroyed, the Covenant would be freed. From what, you say? MIND CONTROL. A UNSC Ship managed to Capture a Covenant Frigate, and they found out the truth. The Frigate was carrying Secret Files, that showed mind control chips, planted in the brains of all Covenant Warriors, as soon as they are born. However, some of the chips were not working. The result: Resistance Covenant. If the Chief and the Marines managed to blow the prophets up, the mind control would ease. And, according to file, the original Files, the Real Covenant were peaceful discoverers. It was the one chance to save humanity from the Prophets.