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Halo 2: Base Alpha 5 USNC part 1
Date: 13 November 2003, 4:28 PM
"This is Base Alpha 5 USNC in S.A., we are under attack! repeat UNDER ATTACK"-SGT. Diago Alpha Base 5 USNC. "Sir, we are getting a transimission from SGT Diago Base ALpha 5 USNC, they are under attack"-shouted PVT Grant. "How the-" "Did they find us"-Cortana intuerupped from SGT Jackson. At the Alhpa Base 5 they had many waves of covenant with more advanced vehicles and creatures. Inside the military base a seceret project was happening there called SPARTAN IV (a more upgraded SPARTAN). MC shouted over the radio"Ok, hold tight marines we will arrive A.S.A.P.". "Thank God" came from many radio signals. "Aright marines we will be arriving at ALPHA BASE 5 soon, our friend here will drive the Hog and your mission is to sieze the covenant and to find where thier ship is". Than the marines loaded their weapons and shouted " SIR, YES SIR". "LZ looks clear sir" said the pelican driver. "LAY HER DOWN GO, GO, GO," SGT ordered. This will be fun MC thought bracing his new Battle Rifle. "Load 'em up men" said MC while starting up the new Troop-Hog grining. "Why are we so far away from the base Sir?" said the sniper. "We want to suprise the covenant from behind!" shouted MC over the noise of the overhead longswords, remembering his journey back to earth and remembers all the marines he killed and paused. "Whats wrong Sir?" said the Demo. expert. MC didnt say a word, but SGT Jackson told him what happened on HALO and how MC saved him on a longsword. The marines didnt say a word until they arrived. There was a wounded soldier with a medic caring for him on the way there. "Look!" shouted Cortana while pointing towards five new mysterious hairy covenant. MC stopped the Hog, than he siad into his radio quietly "frag and clear". Than the marines threw a frag and killed all the hideous aliens. MC thourly checked him and with his new suit he decoded a dog chain and it said 'BRUTE'. The team moved on and stopped at a checkpoint. "Sir, Fire Team Charley reporting for duty" said SGT Jackson to SGT Diago. Everybody look its HIM, HIM the one that saved the galaxy" said a very excited marine. MC parked the Hog and Cortana said "looks like they put up a good fight". MC and his team ran over to a bunker that read 'FIRE TEAM CHARLEY'. Than SGT jackson said "Looks like we are celebrities here" and MC shook his head dissapointed. They moved to that bunker wich was havily gaurded with human turrets. The team arrived and a marine took one look at MC and fell to the ground. Than PVT Betesnan said"Sir SGT said you should stay here and fight the covenant". MC said "alright you two get on those turrets and me and SGT will try to pick of the covenant the rest of you, cover us from behind". "SIR" said SGT "yes?" "PERMISSION TO SPEAK FREELY" "granted" "WE ARE IN DEEP SHI-" right when he got hit by a blue plasma shot in the head. "SARGEANT!" everybody yelled. "SNIPER" everyone heard on the radio. "CLAM DOWN MARINES HE"S ALIVE" reported MC. BOOM everbody heard and than the sniper shouted from behind "THE CALVARY HAS ARRIVED". About twenty warthogs and tanks and ten longswords came from an unknown source took out almost all the covenant" YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" and "WAHOOOOOO" was being heard shouted over the radio. "Team settle down dont forget your mission we have to find the ship" The team searched across the battle field and foun about 10 banshees and took them all and searched and found a damaged renagade banshee and they followed it deep into the jungle. And at the horizon a huge ship blended in with the jungle. The team reported back to the base and said "ALL ENEMIES ELIMINATED AND WE ARE FOLLOWING A RENEGADE BANSHEE TO THE COVENANT CRUISER". Than SGT Diago was in tears at the statue of Captain Keyes wich part of its head was blown off. It seemed like he was fighting side by side to the Captain just like the good old days. MC kept reminding himself when he reached into the flood infected Captain's head to rechieve the neural implants. The SGT was fighting grunts next to the statue with an old fashion automatic assault rifle. But MC thought all the enemies were eliminated but he was wrong and just flying to the covenant cruiser... TO BE CONCLUDED
Halo 2: Alpha Base 5 USNC (part 2)
Date: 13 November 2003, 9:50 PM
"IM HIT IM HIT" MC heard from a distance with his new enhanced hearing aid, it sounded like a marine voice. "No we've got to go back we HAVE to" whispered Cortana. Than MC yelled over the radio "GO BACK GO BACK THEY ARE STILL UNDER ATTACK". All of the banshees raced back to the base. "What the hell is goin' on down there Diago? DIAGO?" reported SGT over the radio. "LETS GET DOWN THERE DOUBLE TIME BEFORE THEY FIND THE SPART-" a huge explosion intrupped Cortana as MC realized he got hit by a fuel rod and thought 'shit... hunters'.
"IM HIT IM HIT" heard from all the banshees right before they smashed into the wall of the base. MC searched the banshees for survivors and found that an elite was in one of the banshees and with a human arm in the banshee but the Elite died in the crash. MC had Cortana confirm who's arm it was and it came up as 'PVT Dimmagio' (which was thier sniper). Once they eliminated all the covenant they found SGT Diago impaled with an energy sword on the statue of Captain Keyes. MC de-activated the energy sword and put it in his storage area. "What the hell happened here?" asked SGT. Cortana replied with They thought all enemies were down when a wave of creeps came, it took about half of the SGT's squad to take them out.
MC and his squad searched the base and found the rest of Diago's squad stranded in the maitnance room captured by the covenant. "What is this building built for?" said a grunt slapping a marine in the face. MC ordered half of the marines to sneak up behind the covenant and hold them up while the other half slaughters them from the front. After the firefight they gathered up as much marines they could get and as much vehicles (covenant and human). MC went inside the base and chaecked out the new SPARTAN IV project. MC asked the marines "Where is the new SPARTAN project". "Thats the problem Sir" said the marine. "What" "ITS GONE, it got captured by a banshee and went norhteas-". "He went to the covenant cruiser we saw!" yelled SGT. "This is Fire Team Charlie and looking for backup we are going to board a covenant cruiser REPEAT WE NEED BACK UP is anyone on this line" yelled SGT on the radio "damnt noone is there". Than MC said to all the marines "LOOKS LIKE WERE GOIN' IN ALONE, LETS MOVE NORTHEAST" MC hopped in the new Jungle-Hog with a lot more armor and camoflauged. SGT hopped in the side seat and Corperal Garlin went into the turret. MC turned around the Jungle-Hog and put on his loud speaker. "MARINES THERE IS A SHIP NORTHEAST OF HERE THAT HAS LANDED ON OUR HOME PLANET AND WANTS TO DESTROY EARTH, ARE WE GOING TO LET THAT HAPPEN?" "SIR, NO SIR" "ALRIHT, LETS MOVE". A huge group of tanks, ghosts, banshees, all kinds of Hogs, and creeps, were following MC. As they rode through the jungle they heard an explosion behind them... It was the base. MC stopped and told everybody that he planted the bomb so the covenant wouldnt get any information from the labs. MC stopped when noone expected him to, he stopped because his motion tracker was going crazy. "Sniping Team A 545 report to my position a.s.a.p." "yes sir". The sniping team came up in four ghosts, the head, dressed in a ghille suit, said "You rang Master Chief?". "Yea,I need you to lead and brief us on any enemeis close" "SIR, YES SIR" 'wonderful' MC thought. So they continued riding throughthe jungle and they ran into an ambush and lost 3 vehicles due to a Wraith. "Hey Chief" said Corperal MC turned around and saw SGT with blood gushing out of his temple "SHIT" and found a blue pulsading plasma grenade on his head. "Dont worry" whispered SGT and than ran out of the warthog into the Wraith and blew himself and the Wraith to pieces. Than MC heard a scared voice of two grunts with a unactivated plasma grenade in its hand. MC jumped out f the hog and beat one of the Grunts to a bloody pulp and killing him, but the other one surrendered and MC put it into his side seat. Than the snipers came over the radio "Uhhh sir, I dont know how to say this but, WE ARE FREAKIN SCREWED WE NEED LOTS OF HELP TO TAKE IT ON" "IT?" TO BE CONCLUDED
Halo 2:Alpha Base 5 USNC (part 3)
Date: 14 November 2003, 1:15 AM
"Look sir, its too big for us" whispered the head sniper, "its ok we have enough we have enough vehicles and artillery" announced MC. MC said over his radio "ok, we need to just attack in waves, first we'll have the Rocket-Hogs and tanks" "roger" said the demo. expert. "Than we need our reconnasaince vehicles next to take out any excess survivors" "sir yes sir" he heard from half the convoy over the radio. "And than we need our eyes from above to observe if there's any other survivors" "yes sir said a faded voice". "And as for you my friend you will tell us the ships weaknesses unless you will look like your buddy over there" "um uhh yes" said Yuma. MC punched him in the face and ordered "YOU CALL ME SIR" "uhh yes ssirr" said Yuma scared. "Ok we need our explosives to the front of the lead a.s.a.p." ordered the demolition expert. MC heard the rolling of tanks and loading of shells coming behind him. "Your resistince is stronger than I anticipated" "You might actually have a chance reclaimer" said a very familiar voice...
Reclaimer reclaimer reclaimer it kept repeating over in his head- "Oh shit you made it off" shouted MC. "Yes my consructs are built to withstand very heavy explosions". It was 343 Guilty Spark, he made it off the ring world HALO. "Leave him alone focus on mission" said Cortana. "OK" shouted MC "STOP SHOOTING OUT HIM GARLIN" "yes sir" said Garlin. As the rockets were ripping through the sky the ship's guns turned to us and started firing. "TAKE OUT THOSE GUNS SIR" was heard by many voices over the radio. "FOCUS YOUR FIRE AT THE SHIPS GUNS" ordered MC. One minute after the order the guns were desroyed and MC ordered "Reconnasaince vehicles advance to the ships main access rings". MC drove to one of the ships main access rings and came into the door. He saw all the marines burst into the door and they cleared the room. MC ordered to the eyes in the sky "Echo 419 and the rest of you eyes in the sky give us arial support" "YES SIR". The marines on the squad got lost while MC's squad was continuing on going room to room tactically. "Hello reclaimers" said 343 "Where the fu-" "Please do not resort to foul language reclaimer" 343 said interupping the chief. "Dont mind him chief" MC heard in his mind in Captain Keyes voice. MC grinned and said under his breath "yes sir". The next door was locked, the optic cable he looked through he saw a green camoflauged 8 foot tall man tied up with blue glowing rope-thing. MC looked at his Battle Rifle and there was no ammo, so he took out his SMG, nothing there, he asked his marines for ammo but they werent there. And than he remembered the statue, SGT Diago fighting to his death. He reached into his storage and reached out his energy sword and activated it. He busted open the door and there was noone in there. He cut open the ropes of the SPARTAN IV "Sir, reporting for duty Sir, I am the new Spartan project" said the spartan. "Its an honor" said MC. "We need to get out of here now" said the spartan while grabbing out two SMG's. There was a door, a very large door, the two spartans walked in very cautiosly. Inside the Monitor was speaking to this floating chair thing, and than the light faded and the Monitor slowly dropped to the floor with sparks coming out. Than a wave of plasma goes and knocks out the SPARTAN IV and the rookie fell lifelessy to the ground. As his comrade dropped he sprinted with his sword poised for penetratring the flesh of the creature when the sword vanished from his hands. The hovering object swrirled around revealing a terrible humming creature. "You survived that blast, let's see you survive me." The creature fired more and more plasma blasts but MC jumped over all of them. So the creature pushed a button and a door opened, exposing Spec. Op. Grunts fired at MC. BANG, BANG, BANG, the door opened and out poured marines, the marines have killed all the grunts but passed out after another plasama blast. Than MC attempted to choke the creature but got thrown back to the wall. The creature ordered "Stop trying to kill me, because you will not succeed" "WHAT KIND OF MONSTER ARE YOU"...
Halo 2:Alpha Base 5 USNC (part 4)
Date: 14 November 2003, 3:13 PM
"My name is Yama, for short, I am a Covenant Prophet and some say we are leftover forerunners, but i am just a mere covenant being." said the creature. MC was confused than he asked "Wat the hell do you want with Earth". "We want to do what you did to your marines, your ship, your Captain, AND HALO!" the prophet announced as throwing MC into the wall again. "Chief move three paces back" said a voice over the radio. "DONT MOVE, your little sniper cant hurt me" Yama said as 3 shots went into his head but nothing happened. "LOOK CHIEF" Cortana said as a sniper rifle and a ghille suit with blood on it floated over to MC. "It can't be... HES INFECTED" shouted Cortana. "How did you know? was it the sniper shots?" asked the prophet. "NO ITS 'CAUSE ALL INFECTED ONES ARE SONS OF A BIT-" MC said while grabbing a Battle Rifle "YOU WERE THE ONE, YOU MISLED THOSE MARINES, TO RELEASE THE FLOOD" "Is that so?" Prophet asked MC while pushing another button. Infected flood and rangers poured out of the room the grunts came out of. All the marines woke up and startin running like hell "SHIT SHIT SHIT" said marines while running. MC picked up a shotgun and blew apart the 50 rangers following him. MC took the shotgun, pumped it and shot and blew right through the prophet. "Chief look" shouted Cortana. Its was the engine, MC took out his shotgun and emptied a clip into it. "MELTDOWN MELTDOWN" the ship announced. "LOOK, THE DOORS CHIEF" said the english demo. expert. There was a row of pelicans and all the marines jumped on them. BOOOOM, the pelicans shook when the ship exploded. The pelicans were in south america and needed to get to new york. "Where are we sir?" asked Corperal Garlin "its a thing called an ocean, ever seen one?" said a marine sniper. "Cortana?" asked MC "yes?" "Does this mean there's no more flood?" "I have no idea". "This is Fire Team Charlie and we need escort to the UN repeat Fire Team Charlie." ordered Cortana into the radio. "Yes ma'am, expect a warthog escort once you reach N.J.. MC, helmet off we need your hearing aid, there was a very low frequency sound coming from an island. "ChIsh coven- help- USNC forces help" said the frequency. "Were goin' in" ordered MC. MC landed on the island and there was nothing there, not one thing. "Ok lets go back" said PVT. "No, I found something" said MC. It was a hatch, MC opened the hatch and there was a pile of dead marines and grunts. "What a shame" whispered Cortana. MC planted a bomb there and destroyed the small island. There it is, MC thought, what he blew up a world for. "New Jersey on the horizon" yelled out PVT. the pelican landed and the Warthog escort was waiting for them. Once they arrived at New York they went to the UN. They arrived at the gate and a statue of MC was there next to a statue of Captain Keyes. A SWAT TEAM was there gaurding the entrance with SMG's. MC showed them his implants and MC went on in. "Master Chief very pleased to meat you" said one of the SWAT members. On the vest of his SWAT suit it said KEYES, SNIPER. "Are you his son" asked MC. The SWAT member said nothing and greeted the rest of the marines. MC opened the door and took a seat at America. He took off his helmet and popped Cortana into a hologram projector. Cortana updated the whole world that the Covenant have found earth. "They are threatining to destroy earth in a style that we did to HALO" said Cortana. All the people in the UN had a mad look on their face. The UN leader announceed "Thats it, the whole world is updated to THREAT 7 BETA". Wich basically means soldiers will be stationed all over the world. "And as for that Grunt you brought along" said Cortana "Full interagation and torture untill death". "You can't kill me I have valueable technology and tactics" pleaded the Grunt. "Fine let him live but still interogate him" said Cortana. "Master Chief put your helmet back on and go destroy another cruiser or something."
That was the end of the first story: THE FIGHT FOR EARTH: THE BEGINING. The next 3 part story will be THE FIGHT FOR EARTH: THE BATTLE.