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Sydney Slaughter by Strayer
Chapter One: Deployment
Date: 7 May 2005, 9:37 AM
Chapter One: Deployment
The Pelican roared over the battle damaged streets of Sydney, its engines fired up and its cargo ready to drop. What was attached to the Pelican was strange however; its cargo didn't consist of ammunition, supplies of vehicles. It consisted of sixteen men.
16 HEV pods, used for transporting ODSTs from ships, were attached to the part of the Pelican where a Warthog or Scorpion Tank would sit.
The pilot of the drop ship, Lieutenant Peter "Barrel-Roll" Wilcock peered forward while his co-pilot made some calculations. His co-pilot quickly showed him the results and he nodded, approving.
"Pilot to cargo, pilot to cargo, we'll hit the drop zone in approximately 2 minutes. Prepare for release. I repeat: prepare for release," the pilot informed the troops.
"Roger pilot," responded the deep-voiced, serious and rugged platoon leader, Staff Sergeant Nicholas Woo.
Wilcock sighed and eased the Pelican to the left and saw the breath taking view of the Sydney Harbor Bridge. Usually it would be filled with busy traffic and some pedestrians on the sides, but because of the Covenant invasion, it was deserted.
"Okay Mick, flip the switch," Wilcock said to his co-pilot as he hovered above the bridge. Below he saw Covenant Elites, Grunts and Jackals notice the Pelican and started firing.
As Mick hit the release button, he and Wilcock heard sixteen loud "thumps" as the HEV pods detached from the drop ship and fall towards the bridge.
"Hey Frank! Give those boys some cover fire with the turret," he said to his crew chief.
"Roger that!"
Wilcock then fingered the trigger for his 70mm chin gun, pouring lead into the Covenant forces.
When he and his crew chief too out as many bogies as they could, Wilcock pulled up and flew away, not before giving a silent prayer to the troops.
As Staff Sergeant Nicholas Woo sped towards the ground, he suddenly remembered the old Helljumper saying: "How are we gonna get there?" his commander used to say. "FEET FIRST SIR!" they would reply.
Woo quickly checked his M90 tactical shotgun. He grabbed a pack of extra shells as well as some more ammunition for his M6C pistols, then he pumped the shotgun. He was ready.
Abruptly, he felt the reassuring "thump" as his parachute deployed, then quickly detached as his HEV pod slowed down.
Woo took a deep breath then braced himself as his pod embedded itself in the concrete of the bridge.
The front hatch burst open and he stepped out into Hell.
Outside his men landed safely and charged out screaming, firing their weapons. The Sergeant looked around then spun to his left and shot an Elite right in the face with his shotgun.
The poor alien was ripped to shreds, as well as his two Grunt comrades, which Woo quickly disposed of.
Suddenly a few plasma bursts streamed past his head, nearly shattering his visor. He charged forward along with his men and began to let loose.
He took out two Grunts with one shotgun blast then he melee an Elite in the back, breaking its spine. However Woo was then struck in the back and he fell to the ground dropping his shotgun.
As he lay on the cold concrete, he saw two of his men become skewered by two Elites with Energy Swords. Before Woo could order his men to concentrate fire on the two Elites, he was kicked in the stomach by the Covenant alien that had struck him.
The Sarge bore the pain and rolled over, taking out his two M6C magnums. As the Elite stepped over him, he fired his weapons and tore the SOB in half.
He then got up and grabbed his nearby shotgun, which he used to dispose of a Grunt and two Jackals. Woo looked up and saw two more of his mean get slaughtered by the sword Elites, which were soon shot in the head by his sniper.
After a few more minutes of fighting, the Helljumpers had won, with only four casualties.
Sergeant Woo looked over his men, they weren't done yet. Even though their faces were hidden behind their helmets, he could tell they wanted to kill more of the Covenant bastards. He knew this because he also wanted to do the same.
"Corporal, report!" he barked at one of his troops.
"Sir," Corporal Weaver replied, "We've sustained light casualties, our target is only approximately 3 kilometers west. Our supporting Pelicans, Delta 493 and Alpha 201 will be here shortly with second platoon and our artillery."
The Sarge nodded. Good, he thought. We'll need the artillery and the few extra hand-full of men.
"Alright men, before the Pelicans arrive I want a secure perimeter set up. Louis, Gregory; get to the top of this bridge and make sure no Covenant get past the toll booths. Mitchell, Ford; I want you two to scrounge around for any extra ammunition, gear, anything that we can use. The rest of you, grab your supplies from the HEVs and meet back here. Understood?"
"Sir yes sir!"
The ODSTs spread out to do their tasks. As Sgt. Woo made his way to his pod, he began to plan out the rest of the operation.