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Survival or Death by Sergeant B
Survival or Death: Episode I
Date: 20 August 2003, 5:58 PM
Delko Colony, 2554, 1200 Hyati Base, Headquarters
"We're tracking 50 banshees, and 200 Covenant bastards, sir." "How did they track us down all the way here? We carefully planned this from the begginning of the war. Okay, turn to Combat Alert Alpha. And send in Alpha Company, Bravo Company, Raider's Company, and Lunar Company to defend the base. I want Tang, Keen, and Covo Companies to stay back 'till I order them to, Major." "Yes sir!"
Hyati Base, Raider's Campus
"We're finally getting to kick some covenant ass! Yeah, I've dreamed of this since my dad destroyed a Covenant Battle Cruiser!" said Private 1st Class Jack Portman. "You know what, I heard that a Covenant strikeforce assembled like must be one of the Prophet Generals' units. I can't wait to snipe his head off!" said Corporal Kevins. "Don't get yout hi hopes to up yet sons, 50 banshees, 200 Covenant, and half of the covenant are Elites! You new marines are getting crazy these days!" replied Major Fellons, commanding officer of Raider's Company. "Companies Alpha, Bravo, Raider's, and Lunar report to designated areas at this time, Alpha, Bravo, Raider's, and Lunar. "That's us men, lock-an'-load, let's shoot the hell of them damn bastards!" shouted Fellons. "Sir, yes sir!!" * * * Covenant Battle cruiser: The Prophet, Time 1100 Prophet Council headquarters
"My excellentcies, I assure you that this operation will be a success. I have gathered the best of my troops to assault the earth colony." said Prophet General Langhorn Yarrophus. "I wish you the best luck General."
Hyati Base, Time 1500
"Sir, the Covenant have opened fire." reported Lieutenant Yocker.
"We're going to shoot some Covenant ass!" remaked Jack Portman, while grabbing his assault rifle. He marched outside and saw Covenant charging straight at him."Firing!" said Private Georgeson. This was the first time Raider's Company fought something this big. As there was firing, there was also dying. Jack and Bob( Jack's squadmate) had a combined total of at least 25 elite kills already."Private Portman, come over here! I nedd your help!" shouted Sergeant Vedder, leader of Dagger Squad, Jack's squad. "Yes sir?" replied Jack. Before Sergeant Vedder said anything, a fuel rod blast hit him, making Vedder fly in the air. "NO! shouted Jack. He stood up and charged, firing his assault rifle. He fired his clip, then realized he was charging up to 150 covenant. He sprinted back to the camp. "We lost Sergeant Vedder." moaned Jack. "Also Kevins." said Bob. Both of them were in shock. They finally realized what war was all about. Fighting and death. "Okay, Georgeson, mount a LAAG near the northwest area of our camp, Arra northeast, and I will take the center. Move!" The three marines mounted the LAAG and then fired at the charging covenant. After a few more minutes, the firing died. Then all of the sudden, a marine from from Covo Company said over the com link, "Any UNSC marines available, please come back and help, gaah! spt spt chh chh...... The marine was gone. "Let's head back!" commanded Jack. The three marines ran back to only that all the marines were dead. "Take all the ammo you can find. I'm going to try to call HQ. This is Private 1st Class Portman calling to HQ, any UNSC perssonnel respond!" shouted Jack over the com link.There was no respond. "Jack, does that mean we're the only ones left?" asked Georgeson. "Yup.". The three marines decided to go to a pelican and fly back to the colony, Yachori. They flew into the planet's atmosphere and landed on a platform, only to see that all the inhabitants on it were killed. Luckily, they found a badly wounded marine that knew information on what happened. They got back to the Pelican, but not before covenant attacked them.
Covenant Battle Cruiser: The Prophet
"M'lords, I have good news. The strike force has successfully assaulted the Human base. But a crew of 3 escaped before we could get there. Luckily, they were last sighted near the planet Yachori." "I want you to follow them them and destroy them, understood?" "Yes m'lords."
Echo 918
The wounded marine that was saved was called Higsby Ollo, a private.Luckily he was a medic/assaultman. "So, what happened asked Georgeson. "Simple, we were attacked after you were.So, you're part of the famous Raider's Company? Cool. I'm in Mach Company.So, where are we going? asked Ollo. "We're going to Washingnton." replied Jack. "But I thought it was forbidden to go to earth because of the covenant." said Ollo. "Those fuckin' bastards have already found Earth."
Earth's Fate: Chapter 1
Date: 23 October 2003, 12:27 AM
Author's Note: I have decided to make NEW Survival or Death stories but with a new plot. This should be an improvement from the "other" one.
Rebel Uprise: Prologue
Lara Kenjetz ran up the stairs of the building. Pistol in hand, she shot the locked door and it opened. 2 terrorists stood there with there rifles in hand. Before they could react, she shot both of them with the 12.7 semi-armor-piercing, high-explosive rounds. They fell to the ground with a pool of blood under them. She ran ahead with no resistance. Broken glass were spilled on the path. At the end of the path, no door was there to bring her to the next room. Suddenly, a loud boom the room. 5 terrorists came sprinting towards her. She was able to fire at 2 but she tried to fire 3 other times with no bullets coming out. She was out of ammo. She threw the pistol at one of the armored troops' head. He fell to the ground screaming in agony. Lara ran toward of the terrorists and kicked him in the stomach. He fell down. Unfortunately, he fell down on a razor-sharp piece of glass. He instantly died as the glass pierced his heart. One more left, she thought. She went to punch the terrorist but he blocked. With a swift movement, he struck her with his knee. Since she was not armored, she felt the blow full force. She felt a pain in her stomach but forced herself to get up. With one final blow, she punched him in the neck and he fell to the ground. She recovered the rifles and went to look for the door. She looked at the blown wall and stepped in. A door had been there. She saw a man dressed in a black suit sitting on a chair. He looked like he was waiting for someone. As she got closer, she recognized him. "Finally Lara, I was waiting for you." He stood up and looked at her. Her green eyes reflected off of his sunglasses. Her white sleeveless shirt and blue jeans covered her body. "I saw some action. Well, let's go." They ran up another flight of stairs. They stopped at a door named "Control Room". "Lara. You go first. Try not to be seen. Many guards are lurking there. And it seems like you don't have any silencer. Here." He handed her a black tube. She twisted it one the rifle and she entered the room. The room was small. 5 computers were lined up together on a table. She could see 10 guards. She raised the rifle and fired. 2 guards were shot to death as the rifle fired. The 8 other guards noticed and they started to fire on her. She ducked and rolled around as bullets came darting at her. She raised her rifle one-handedly and fired another burst. A guard fell to the ground with blood dripping out of his mouth. By this time, the man had entered. He finished off the rest and then looked around the room. "Thanks Vincent." Lara said as she panted. "One of the safes here should have the sword." He checked the left side as Lara checked the right. After looking through their side, one remained. Vincent opened the safe and inside was the disk. Suddenly, the alarm sounded. Red flashes came all over the room. "We'd better go." Vincent exclaimed. They dashed forward on the stairs. They finally reached the heliport. The dropship where Vincent had left it was gone. Instead, 20 armed terrorists stood there. "Give the disk back and your lives will be spared." Surrender wasn't Vincent's idea. He aimed his gun at the terrorist leader and fired. Lara followed, killing 4 guards. Then she felt pain in her shoulder. It stung like hell. Then she knew it. She had been shot. Everything blurred in her vision and she fell to the ground.
Lara woke up and sat up. She didn't know where she was. She looked around the heliport. Then she heard a moan close to her. She saw Vincent lying there. She stood up but the bullet wound stung her. She resisted and rushed to Vincent's side. "Vincent!" Red blood covered the black suit. Lara didn't know what to do. "Lara." Vincent said faintly. "The Fardas have taken the disk. You must retake the disk. Leave me. I'll be fine. I-." Vincent's mouth stood open and his eyes were open. Lara knew what had happened. She closed Vincent's eyes with her fingers. Standing up, she walked to the door. The bullet wound didn't matter to her anymore. The cold night that freezed her didn't matter. All that mattered was that her mentor, longtime friend, Vincent Benson, was dead.