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Fan Fiction

Spec Ops Team by Lt. Leer Spec Ops

Spec Ops part 1
Date: 30 September 2004, 4:06 PM

0400 hours Onboard the ship Star Dust
Personnel Log of Lt.Commander Leer.

The captain just called me into his office for a mission briefing, I have been chosen along with a team of 10 other specialists to conduct a raid on a covenant refueling station. The covenant use this station to refuel their ships and to stock up on raw materials such as plasmoid energy. The UNSC wants us to get the covenant off the planet so we can use it for the same purpose as them.

0800 hours aboard dropship headed for planets surface

"Alright boys lock and load here we go!" yelled the Lt. "Sir ready sir!" the marines screamed back at him, each of them reached behind his seat and picked up their FASAR's (fully automatic subatomic rifle). The rifles were one of the many new weapons the scientists at Reach 2 had developed. The rifles fired a atomic ray that would litterly tear apart the atoms of whatever it hit instantly killing or seriously wounding. The rifles also fired plasma tipped bullets and explosive bullets. The marines also had six imploder grenades, when activated these grenades would create a vacuum that would suck up whatever was around it in a radius of 6 feet, after sucking up it would spit it out in a big gooey mess. Last but not least was a plasma lined combat knife, the best thing about these knifes was they never had to be charged they used the motion of the blood pumping through your hand to fuel the miniature plasma generator.
"Alright marines ETA in five minutes" said the pilot over the com. "Roger that Sparky, don't forget us back here while your sitting here in you comfy chair" replied Lt. Leer. "Halo jump in 5 4 3 2 1, go go go move move move!" The marines piled out the back of the dropship at 1500 feet, the parachutes would deploy at 750 feet and would release the marines at 50 feet were they would somersault in the air and land on the ground. The only reason that the marines did not break every bone in there body when they landed was because of their reinforced bones, after boot camp every marine goes through a surgery that replaces all of the bones in their body with mozabinite a new metal that was 100 times stronger then titanium but also 100 times more flexible.
As the marines landed each of them whipped their out their FASAR and scanned the area with their UVAMD goggles (ultraviolet and motion detection). "Alright team were going to spread out into 2 groups, blue group and red group. I will take red group and scout ahead, Scott, you take blue group and cover our backs. Everyone got that?" "Sir yes sir!" "Alright then lets move out!" Lt. Leer and his group of 4 other marines began to move ahead of blue group.
"Sir, heat signal coming 200 yards 10 degrees southwest." Said a marine into the com.
"Acknowledged red one, red one and red three move out and investigate." Responded Lt. Leer.
As red one and red three carried out their orders, Lt. Leer noticed that a large group of 3 heat singles were moving toward them from above, at over 500 mph!
"Banshees at 50 degrees north!" yelled Leer. As the banshees flew over the team they dropped plasma bombs. "Scott! Get that jackhammer and take those birds down!"
"Already ahead of you sir" said Scott as he launched a jackhammer rocket at the nearest banshee. The banshee pilot tried to evade the rocket but it had a heatseaking tip and the banshee exploded in a huge ball of fire and plasma. The other two banshees immediately broke off the attack and fled off to report back to their base.
"Alright boys so much for the sneak attack, now they know were here, so we have to go for a frontal assault here's what we do, Scott you take blue team and plant a mine field about a mile in front of their base, I will take red team and draw them out, when they hit that mine field there wont be much left of them to fight against..."

OK this is my first try at writing fan fiction so if you don't like it cut me some slack ok hopefully as I progess through the story I will get better at writing and the story will be more enjoyable
-Lt. Leer signing out

Spec Ops part 2
Date: 1 October 2004, 2:50 PM

01200 hours on planet Quintus en route to
enemy encampment Star date 2756

"Sgt Havoc do you copy?" said Leer over the com.
"Yes sir I copy, I have the enemy camp in site, approximately 1 mile" replied Havok.
"Proceed with the mission Sgt and report back to me after mines have been placed Leer out."
"Copy that sir."
Sgt. Havoc began to place mines in front of the enemy encampment with blue squad.
As Havoc and his team finished placing the final mine, blue one picked up a group of roughly 100 units coming out of the base.
"Sir" said blue one. Who was on top of a small hill surveying the enemy camp
"What is it blue on? Replied Havoc.
"I'm picking up a group of enemies coming from the base."
"Copy that blue one, blue team fall back and await further orders."
Five acknowledgment lights blinked in Havoc's helmet.
"Sir, picking up enemy forces coming from base falling back until further ordered." Said Havoc to Leer.
"Roger that Sgt, keep your head down until I give you the signal." Replied Leer.
"Red team follow me!" shouted Leer.
Leer and his troops began to move towards the base from the rear.
"Lt permission to set up sniping spot and cover teams back," said Corporal Sam who was the teams sniper/scout.
"Permission granted corporal, keep them busy if you can." Replied Leer.
Red team arrived at the wall of the base and took out their RAPA's, (repelling and climbing aids) these were basically a pistol that fired a grappling hook and could lift up to a ton of weight. Each member of red team climbed to the top of the wall and dropped silently to the other side. A patrol of grunts spotted them and one of them was about to sound the alarm when. THWIP! A sniper bullet caught him in the neck and he crumpled to the ground dead.
"One down more to go" said Sam over the com.
"Thanks Sam keep your eyes open" replied Leer.
As red team silently crept up to the camps command building they dispatched of 10 more grunts and 2 jackals. Leer crept up to the door of the building and placed an APPM (anti personnel plasma mine) in front of the door.
"Red one and red two, proceed to the other buildings and plant mines" whispered Leer over the com
"Yes sir" replied the soldiers.
All of a sudden the door of the building that red team was huddled in front of burst open, detonating the mine and sending metal shrapnel flying towards the team. One of the marines was hit in the back of the neck, right in the opening between his helmet and his body amour, he was instantly killed. Two other marines suffered minor wounds.
The detonation of the mine had alerted the camp and grunts, jackals and elites came pouring out of the buildings waving plasma guns and swords.
"Red team fall back fall back!" shouted Leer into the com as he shot one elite through the head and threw an imploder grenade into the midst of a band of grunts killing all of them.
Leer ran back to the wall and quickly got over it dropping to the other side and dashing for the safety of the woods, only red four and red three followed, the others were shot as they tried to get over the wall. Red four was limping and red three was holding his side where a plasma bolt and burned him. The door of the camp opened and grunts, jackels, and elites poured out. But when they were in the middle of the mine field, Havoc detonated it, sending every one of the miserable aliens to their doom.
"Sam do you copy?" said Leer
"Sam repeat do you copy?"
Only silence met Leer's ears. Sam had been so busy covering red teams mad scramble out of the base he hadn't noticed when a cloaked elite snuck up behind him and slammed his plasma sword into his back.
Only 7 marines remained of the 11 that had started the mission, and two of them were badly hurt and would need evac as soon as possible.
"Eagle to bluebird, Leer to bluebird do you copy?"
"Copy eagle this is bluebird what's the trouble?"
"Mission failed sparky requesting immediate evac I have 2 men seriously wounded and they need medical attention as soon as possible."
"Copy that eagle, bluebird on the way."
As the drop ship landed at the extraction point and the marines walked aboard Leer looked over his shoulder and stopped.
"Sparky, I'm not coming back with you" said Leer.
"What do you mean your not coming back? The mission failed you said so yourself" said the pilot.
"It ain't over till it's over Sparky, and it ain't over." Said Leer glaring back at him.
"Havoc how's about us two finishing this mission up old school style? Just you and me?" asked Leer.
"Sounds like my kind of party sir." Replied Havoc grinning as he grabbed his shotgun and rocket launcher.
Leer took his FASAR and pistol and also grabbed a new load of grenades and 6 extended clips for his rifle on second thought he also slipped his brass knuckles into his pocket, just in case things got down and dirty with the covenant.
"Alright then, Sparky get these men back to the ship, well call you when weve got the base secured," said Leer.
"Sir? Just the two of you?" replied the pilot with an open mouth.
"You heard me, get moving" said Leer. "Me and Havoc will be just fine."
The drop ship took off leaving Leer and Havoc behind in a cloud of dust.
"Alright lets get moving, I cant wait to get my hands on some alien scum" Said Leer.
Leer and Havoc began to work their way through the forest back to the camp, this time with grim faces behind their helmets and the safety off on their guns...

A few notes here, I changed Steve's name to Havoc because it sounded better and I got messed up on a few things, like I forgot about the guys coming out of the base and you don't hear about them again,also when red team is escaping the camp there should only be like 2 people following Leer because he only started out with 4 anyway and 2 were killed by shrapnel, also I said 2 men were "minorly wounded but later on I say they are seriulsy wounded... well lets just say they bled a lot and stick with that. As I said before it's a work in progress 
