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Sergeant Felix Lester by supertest
Sergeant Felix Lester: Prologue
Date: 10 December 2006, 9:07 pm
Sergeant Felix Lester jumped out of his drop pod. He surveyed the terrain, barren with a few hills but it still had adequate cover. There was a crashing noise to his left. He raised his MA5B assault rifle. A soldier walked up. Fester lowered his rifle. A soldier walked into the clearing. "Corporal Intation," acknowledged Lester."
"Good think it's you, Sergeant, said Intation. "There are rebels all over this place."
"Let's link up with the rest of the Marines," said Lester. They hardly walked a few meters when Private First Class George Cripton, and Private Loft, along with Lieutenant Ryan Hersey, the commander of the mission.
Lieutenant Hersey said, "Ok marines, we have to link up with the rest of our boys, and then crush the Rebels refinery."
The Sergeant, Loft, Cripton, and Lieutenant Hersey started towards the rest of the Marines, about a kilometer away. "Be careful," warned the Lieutenant. This isn't the ideal terrain to have a battle on. As the group of Marines came over a crest of a hill a burst of gunfire erupted. Corporal Intation screamed and fell.
"Take cover!" yelled Lester. "Loft," he said after they found cover. "Find out where that gunfire is coming from."
"Yes Sir," replied Loft. He looked around the rock that he was hiding behind. A moment later he said," there is a truck down in the valley with a 50 cal on the back. And about four guys around it.
"It will take time to go around," said Lieutenant Hersey. "And they already know that we are here."
"So let's take them out," said Cripton.
"Ok," said the Lieutenant. "Private," he said pointing towards Loft, "you're with me. "You," he said gesturing towards Cripton, "are with the Sergeant.
"Oh, yeah," said Cripton, cocking his M90 shotgun.
"Let's go,' said Sergeant Lester.
He and Cripton went back down the hill and then went around it, flanking the truck. The Lieutenant and Loft would provide cover fire. As they rounded the hill they saw the rebels. One was manning the turret and three with assault rifles. Cripton looked at the shotgun and said, "I won't need this." He slung the shotgun and took out his M6D pistol. Together the Sergeant and Cripton opened fire. A rebel fell. The rest realized that they were flanked and took cover behind the truck, but were still in a position to fire on the Lieutenant and Loft. All the while Lester and Cripton fired at them. The soldier in the turret turned and fired at Cripton and the Sergeant. They both took cover behind a fallen tree. They heard an explosion coming from somewhere on the hill.
Meanwhile Lieutenant Hersey and Private Loft were firing on the truck. "Grenade!" yelled Loft seeing a grenade flying through the air. They quickly went back behind cover. The grenade was a smoke grenade. They waited for the smoke to clear. When it cleared the two Marines looked back at the truck and only saw the person manning the turret.
"Where the hell are the rest of them," said the Lieutenant. They heard firing in the distance.
"Holy crap," said Loft, "They must have used the grenade as a diversion to get their troops over to the Sergeant and Cripton.
Cripton and the Sergeant were hiding behind the tree when the two rebel soldiers came up on them. One spat fire at Lester. He rolled and ducked. Then he turned and fired at the rebel backpedaling around a hill as he did it.
Cripton looked at the soldier that was charging him. He sidestepped the rounds and fired his M6D. I fired one round and then Cripton heard the click, click, click of an empty magazine.
"Crap," he thought. "I forgot to reload!" But his one round flew straight and true. It impacted in the barrel of the rebel's weapon.
The rebel soldier looked at his ruined weapon and dropped it. He pulled out a combat knife and started to charge Cripton with a smile on his face. Cripton ran backwards, fumbling to unsling his shotgun. Just as the rebel closed with Cripton and started to swing his knife, Cripton dropped his shotgun. The gun went off when it landed and blew the rebel soldier's legs off. The surprised rebel, with nothing to support him, fell over. He reached for his knife that was a few feet away but Cripton smashed in his skull with a combat boot.
Cripton picked up his fallen pistol and reloaded it. He holstered it and put a shell in his shotgun which had not broken, thankfully, when he dropped it. He heard the sound of rifle fire from the direction when he had last seen the Sergeant. He cocked his shotgun and headed of in the direction of the fire.
The Sergeant took cover behind a large boulder he spat fire at the oncoming rebel. The soldier took cover behind a tree. Lester pinned down the rebel with fire from his Assault Rifle. He glanced at hiss ammo counter. Five rounds. He saw something black come towards him. "Crap, a grenade," he thought. He jumped to the side and was able to avoid to explosion. But he was now out in the open. The rebel soldier stormed out and fired his rifle rapidly since there was still some smoke from the grenade. A round hit Lester in the shoulder. Lester saw his Assault Rifle a few feet away. "I must get to it, before the smoke clears," he thought. With that he jumped towards his rifle. Still in the air he grabbed it and turned towards the rebel and fired the last five rounds towards the rebel soldier. He knew that at least one of them hit the soldier when he heard the thump of a human body. The smoke cleared and The Sergeant got up. He squirted some bio-foam into his wound. He looked up and saw Cripton coming up.
"Aww, I missed the party," complained Cripton.
"We need to get back to the Lieutenant and Loft," stated Sergeant Lester.
"Lead the way, sir," they had just started off when their comm. buzzed.
"This is Lieutenant Hersey. Can you hear me Sergeant?"
"This is Lester. What is it, sir?" said the Sergeant in his comm.
"Get to our position, Sergeant. I tell you when you get here."
The Sergeant and Cripton walked back to the hill that Lieutenant Hersey and private Loft were at. "What is it?" asked Lester as they came up the hill.
"It looks live they go some reinforcements down there," replied Loft. "There's a troop transport that brought some more rebel soldiers. Four to be exact."
"We can't take them on," the Lieutenant said. "We'll have to radio in for some reinforcements of our own."
"Sir, that will take too long," said Cripton. Right after he said that, a rocket hit one of the rebel's trucks and a couple of the rebel soldiers fell from sniper shots. The other truck was hit a moment later by another rocket and the rest of the soldiers were finished off by the sniper.
"What the..?" said the Lieutenant. Two Marines walked over the crest off the hill opposite of them. The Sergeant and every one else met them in the valley where the wreckage of the two trucks littered the ground.
"Hey, Sergeant," said the Marine with the rocket launcher.
"Corporal Bugler, Private First Class Flint, didn't now that you were here!" exclaimed the Sergeant.
"Yeah, we got transferred here," said Flint. "But the rest of our squad took a plunge in the lake."
"Sorry to hear that," said Loft.
"I have gotten the positions of the other Marines," said the Lieutenant who had been talking on his comm. "Let's link up with them."
"Then we get to blow up a refinery!" said Cripton.