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Seattle 2552 Pt.1 The Beginning
Date: 1 June 2009, 1:12 am
June 15, 2552
Downtown Seattle
Jake rode the maglev train to the Space Needle, at the base where the UNSC's recruitment offices were. Jake was 23 and had lost his sister on one of the Outer Colonies. He had submitted his recruitment papers a week earlier and they had just now told him to meet at the offices. The train slowed to a stop and Jake exited the car and walked toward the elevator, he rode down to ground level. He thought the recruitment offices where in the old Channel 4 News building, or something his great grandfather had told him about. He walked down the side walk and entered the building. At the front desk they told him that they would be right with him and he sat down on one of the plastic chairs. A man in a nicely pressed uniform called his name from the door. He was ushered to a back office and was asked the same questions as he had the first time he tried to join. After the questions where finished they asked Jake to wait in the lobby. When the man returned, he carried an envelope. "Inside," the man said "is your train ticket and signed recruit papers. Don't be later than 0700 on the 105 train, the rest of the details are inside." The next day, Jake arrived at the maglev station at 6:00 am. At the station, he stood with some other recruits waiting for the 105 train to the Tri-Cities area.
Chapter 1
November 13, 2552
Downtown Seattle,
Corner of 2nd Avenue and Madison Street
The Building shook and debris rained from the ceiling.
"Plasma bombardment?" asked Jane
"No, too many of their forces still down here," said Jake
There was a tremendous explosion and the lights flickered and went out. Jake and Jane switched on their helmet lights and looked around. They had been wandering around in the building of downtown Seattle for a few days and it had gotten cold in the beginning of the winter months, it was almost the year 2553. Last he heard of the Master Chief was that he and the In Amber Clad had followed a covie cruiser as it did an in atmosphere slip-space jump to who knows where. Jake and Jane got separated from their squad in a fire fight involving a Covenant Scarab. They where headed to their RV point on top of Queen Ann Hill near the bagel shop. Thankfully the Covenant haven't been fully interested in the hill but they haven't glassed it ether. Earlier Jake had seen Brutes and Elites battling it out on more than one occasion, still he had seen twice as many Brutes as Elites. Jake and Jane headed to the skybridge that connects the two buildings. When they reached it they found that the center span had collapsed and the edges were melted from a Wraith blast. They turned around and headed to the lower maglev station only to find it too was destroyed. Finally they went up the stairs and found the upper station intact.
They ran across the station on to the service catwalk. The track split at the Space Needle (now needle-less). Jane showed Jake to the other track. They had two more stations to go when a Phantom flew over and dropped Grunts on the next platform. Jake and Jane opened fire and cut down the first few Grunts on the ground. Jane jumped behind a dead train car as the Phantom strafed the area where she stood only moments before. The Phantom flew away and they finished off the Grunts. Jake found a working maglev train and drove it up the hill, stopping and abandoning it near the top. At the top they noticed that the rest of the squad was in a nearby apartment building. The first floor lobby was converted in to a small command center and there were a few injured marines further inside. Jake over heard the radio, an old twenty-third century radio, say that the Covenant had started to dig in New Mombassa. They had lost their original radio earlier in another firefight.
Also their Pelican was shot down a few days ago and the rest of their Pelicans were in a deep underground hanger at the abandoned ONI facility, awaiting an emergency call. They had lost most of their Hornets when the Covenant first attacked. Surprisingly they had two Longswards and four Shortswards on call from a nearby air field, and judging on how much they where in demand, they were lucky to have them. Suddenly there was a huge explosion followed by a long crashing sound. Jake ran outside and saw the orbital elevator come crashing down in to Puget Sound.
"They've got our position!" yelled one of the Techs. James, Jake's Sergeant radioed for a Pelican. The ETA was about 30 minutes and they only had 15 minutes until the Covenant arrived. James ordered Jake and Jane to go to the AA Wolverine at Kerry Park. When they arrived the gunner said," four Phantoms escorted by six Banshees, when should we fire?" "When they pass over those trees," replied Jake. "Yes, sir," said the gunner. Suddenly there was a bright flash of light and the actual orbital station crashed into the center of Seattle. Building crumbled and a giant dust cloud enveloped their position. "Crap!" yelled the Wolverine gunner "I can't see a thing, we're blind!" Jake Could hear the Phantoms pass overhead. Over the radio Jane reported that they were not able to take out the Phantoms. Jake herd the sound of automatic weapons fire as he gunned the Warthog back to the command building. They arrived just as one of the Phantoms dropped off a Wrath, luckily they were driving a Gauss hog. Jane opened fire and took out the first Wrath with a shot to the back panel. The second Wrath turned to fire on them only to be put down by a direct shot to the drivers hatch. The Banshees turned towards the Hog. Jane took out two and yelled "crap, guns jammed!" The four remaining banshees exploded as the Wolverine sailed through the air and landed on a pile of derbies. "Thanks they almost had us," Jake said to the Wolverine gunner.
"This is Bravo 187, is there anyone still alive down there,over. " "This is Alpha team, we have plenty of wounded and we need evac,over." Jake waited by his Hog as they loaded up the Pelican. "We're full," yelled James "Jake, Jane, take the Hog to our down Pelican and tell them we're pulling out." Their Pelican had gone down very close to where the orbital elevator fell. They took off down the road, bouncing over piles of garbage and derbies that cluttered the street. Along the way Jake noted how few Covenant forces the had seen. The Hogs headlights barley cut through the fog and rain making it close to impossible to see ten feet ahead. The sun was low behind the buildings and the best light other than the headlights were the numerous fires that burned in the buildings. As they neared the location of the Pelican They noticed fewer and fewer intact buildings.
They arrived at what should have been a wall of sandbags and razor-wire all that was left was the back of a destroyed hog peaking out of the rubble. They drove on and saw that the location of which the Pelican had once been sitting was covered with derbies and a large part of the orbital elevator. Suddenly a Phantom's search light shinned around a corner. Jake Pulled the Warthog into reverse and backed into a nearby parking garage. They decided to spend the night in the old history museum, formally known as the Columbia Tower. They Stayed on the fourth level in the food court. Jake went to a burger shop and made a large double cheese burger.
That morning they reported that the Pelican was destroyed and the crew was missing, also they needed evac." Jake walked over to his Hog and noticed something large rounding the corner. A Hunter pair came around and Jake started to run towards the down orbital. The Hunters charged and smashed his hog in to a nearby building. He and Jake took cover and opened fire. After a few minutes a Pelican came over head and dropped two ropes James opened fire with the back mounted chain gun aiming for the Hunters. Jake and Jane quickly climbed the ropes. The Hunters staggered back but one of them got a shot off, The round slammed into the left engine. It flared and caught fire. Smoke flowing from the back left engine,the pilot flew up out of Seattle and headed towards the desert.