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Fan Fiction

Search for the Master Chief by Legend Player

Search for Chief part 1
Date: 29 July 2003, 2:44 AM

The Covenant Capitol Ship D'alleas (Pure) preparing to be stationed on Sigma Octanus III
Milittary time: 900 hours.

Orgoth is glad that the Prophets want to assault the planet by ground. With the ship lowering in the atmosphere his golden armor shimmering in the sun and medal of honor + Prophet blessing Medal lighting up slowly he is happy to know that the medals were given to him by ten prophets. He has earned a lot of respect on each ship he has been on. But the prophets get more attention. But Orgoth isnt like other elites he was trained like a spartan making him twice as strong as a human spartan. He is the highest rank of an Elite. Orgoth said, "Attention" about twenty thousend soilders stood tall "My fire team get over here." Orgoth barked. He watched Ten Silver Elites Who carried plasma rifles and 8 plasma grenades each , two hunters, 25 yellow and blue Shielded Jackals, 1 Silver Grunt named Fak who was a high ranked grunt he carried 6 plasma granedes and a needler, + with 50 Black Grunts armed with needlers and fuel rod cannons and grenades. Orgoth carried a plasma rifle with a plasma sword and sixteen plasma grenades. "Gravity lift deployed Gravity lift guards go down and guard it. Orgoth and his fire team will be down after the guards are stationed; all other troops
get on drop ships" the prophet yelled.

When Orgoth got down from the lift he saw 4 Hunters, nine Elites with plasma rifles and plasma swords, seven Grunts manning stationary guns, two Jackals and four Wraith tanks. When orgoth ran 10 miles his team was in a city with 80,000 marines the team watched as 10 M.B.T.s (scorpions) blew away a transport bus with fifty covenant in it. "Artillery attack" Orgoth barked he watched 99 grenades and feul rod missles swarm overhead including his and blow up two M.B.T.s. A few seconds later 30 Hunters came in and died taking down the remaining tanks with them. A frag grenade came over head and missed a ghost. Orgoth called in air support to attack a huge base with a dropship to send 4 stationary guns, four weapon chargers, forty plasma sheilds, 1 elite to man a wraith, a wraith, 15 weapon crates, and 100 methane tanks. Orgoth was glad "Thirty black grunts stay behind. Five elites stay behind. 15 Jackals stay behind. The rest come with me." Orgoth barked He ran so the hunters could keep up Another five
fire teams were walking. The Sniper Shots Took down Hiyf a Squad leader elite Down with Frixok and the rest of fire team Jiytuou. Orgoth was glad it didn't take down 'Orgoth' his fire team "Attack the Snipers" The leader of fre team twoperf yelled who was Hanamee. In About Five minutes the Snipers died with 7/18 covenant troops left of fire team twoperf With Hanamee alive they moved on. On the comm link Orgoth said, "Hanamee is the Green Soilder found Yet??" "Negative. He is in another city I think." Hannamee said. Hanamee was glad Orgoth callled. Hanamee was only a Silver elite with a prophet blessing medal and a wounded medal. But Hanamee is The best silver elite and Orgoth is the best gold elite. Orgoth Went to the huge base that he called air support to attack only 3 of 10 banshees were remaining he said, "Send a fire team" Within five Minutes The fire team Came And was attacking. Trigger fingers spasmed as marines fell dead. Orgoth Screeched, "Fall Back everyone .But The elites Attack!!!" soon all of the elites were knocked unconscious except For Orgoth with only Fifteen marines left Orgoth Strafed right threw a grenade on marines head dove back and while doing that he fired his plasma rifle. With two marines dead from the Plasma rifle fire that just occcured. The grenade went off Three marines died. The marines' bullets bounced off his energy sheild It was now half way gone Orgoth dove forward cut off a marines arm and shot him in the head all during the dive. He finished off the Wounded marine with a quick burst from his plasma rifle to Orgoth's suprise the marines trigger finger spasmed fully automattic fire when the Spasm fire stopped Orgoth's sheilds had gone down three quarters of the way He was on a roof top the full time. He hid behind a large electrical box looked around surprised to see all of his fire team alive He saw Hunters, Grunts, and Jackals kill six marines. His sheild just recharged so he dove to the left distracted the marines and opened fire with two weapons in both Orgoths hands one is a plasma sword though A sniper Tried to shoot Orgoth's head but missed and took off half of Orgoth's sword Orgoth Strafed to the left then the right dove backwards fired and took down all the marines but the sniper Orgoth impaled the sniper with a shard of his sword bakflipped five meters back and dove backward and as he dove backward he was tightning his finger trigger but before he could fire he watched as five fuel rod missles blew away the marine. Orgoth Jumped down gathered up the party had the Jackals rush in the building and had the Grunts look for medical packs to revive the elites.

Hanamee called in to be picked up by a dropship four grunts and two jackals are all that remain of fire team twoperf. Hanamee knows the grunts will become veteran rank and get red armor. "Hey Rewt, Gargew, and Fuyew. We will get new armor and become rank of veteran." Wuyk squealed excitedly. Gargew squeaked, " The Prophets will love us." Rewt Squealed,
"We might go to our home planets since we did so good." "Dropship." Fuyew Squealed everybody got on Hanmee barked, "Fool you won't go home you'll have to get super high in ranks the you will get be a pilot if you want" Oyt Jabbered, "like Orgoth?" "Fool Orgoth Chose not to be a pilot." Hanamee growled. We will meet with Orgoth soon.

Derg a prophet looked at the Radar looking for 'Orgoth' the fire team "They seperated exellency." Weop Squealed "Should I send in dropships to pick them up" "Exellent" Derg said "Grunt" "Yes?" Weop asked is "Orgoth alive?" "Yes exellency." An Elite barked, "Exelllency Hanamee has arrived for the meeting." Derg ushed throgh sercuirity got his dna sample drawn from the palm of his hand and went in the meeting room and sat down in a hover chair. Hanamee came in with six of his men Hanamee said, "Exellency The rest of my troops died." "Well we have promotions for everybody."

Orgoth came out of the dropship with his fire team and was told to go to the meeting room over the intercom he went up to sercurity Got his dna sample and went into the room Hanamee was there Orgoth sat down and saw a prophet the prophet said "Orgoth you will get a higher rank. according to my research human mythology referes to a 'Dragon' in fighting styles which is the highest rank you will get new gold armor a liscense for all our ships and a licsense to carry ten weapons of your choice. with a personal Ghost, Banshee, Wraith , gun turret, and a Shade. with your teams own dropships, transport bus, ghosts banshees, wraiths, and gun turrret. with your new armor it is stronger and can hold more stuff like 16 plasma granedes 2 plasma rifles , 1 needleer a plasma sword and a health pack. plus you will get personal weapons: needler 2 plasma rifles, 16 plasma grenades , and a plasma sword plus a health pack and all these weapons can fit in your new pack plus it shrinks matter so your pack isn't gonna be bulky." "Well Fak you get a prophet bleesing medal since few grunts get this far you also get a medal of honor and a personall needler." "Oh and everybody else gets perssonnal weaponsand a medal of honer plus get new armor and second highest rank." "But Orgoth gets the legendary badge same with Fak so Fak gets all these medals in one day."

Orgoth went back to the barracks and got compliments on his fighting and medals by all the covenant races. he wnet to the armoury to get his personnal weapons and new armor he went back to the barracksand went to sleep. Fak got his new armor and personnal weapons after that he went to the barrcks and was freaked out be being complimented by all the covenat races including prophets, elites, and hunters.

When Orgoth got up he got his fire team together and went down the gravity lift he saw a transport bus and five dropships and other vheichles on the ground unmanned the guards were there. Orgoth asked who they were for and guards said for fire team Orgoth. So his fire team got in and went back to the city and all but Orgoth and Fak were told to stay behind at the old base.
**************************TO BE CONTINUED*****************************************************I Wrote to much*********

Search for Chief part two
Date: 1 August 2003, 5:20 PM

*00:9^rf Covenant time (9:00a.m. human time) Sigma Octanus III Covenant cruisuer pure
2552 Date and month unknown

Orgoth walked through a city of sigma Octanus III in the sun with his golden armor shimmering with Fak a strong Grunt with Fak's silver armor shining. Fak squealed "Exellency the Humans are strong here you should call for the rest of the team." Fine. Fire team 'Orgoth' meet at my location on the double!!!" Orgoth mumbled 'fine' but the rest he barked. Fak barked, "Enemy!!!" and threw agrenade on a marines face. Twenty needles hit another marine The needles and granede exploded and killed four marines. By now the rest of the fire team was here. There have been no casultys in the teams history. "I'm leaving stay here!! Fak is in charge!!! No complaints!!!" Orgoth barked. Orgoth ran turned went on a roof top and saw 40 marines he strafed left and right while firing dove to the left took down three marines All but one of their trigger fingers spasmed Orgoth's shield is now down half way he strafed right threw a grenade dove forward fired while diving took down 2 marines fell with trigger fingers spaseming. Jumped 8 meters high from artificial enhancments Dropped a grenade on a marine and managed to grab on a power pole the grenade went off killing five marines and barely nicking his sheilds. Automattic fire took down Orgoth's Sheild according to his hud he threw 2 plasma grenades in a total of three seconds Ten marines died in the blast. Orgoth Leaped down kicked a marine in the face and killed him Orgoth took out his energy sword and dove for cover his sheild recharged cut all the marines' assult weapons in half he was shocked to see marines have side arms twelve pistol shots all at once took down his shields he shot all the marines hands so they couldn't hold stuff Orgoth put away all his weapons. He always wanted to do this he picked up a marine threw him off the edge and saw Fak fill him with needles. Orgoth picked up another marine threw him at 4 marines and killed all of them. he then took out his sword and grated the rest of the marines. Orgoth Conquered all of the city with a sacrifice of two thosend elites Hanamee got ranked into a gold elite. Orgoth Got a War Lord Badge and a wounded badge. Fak got a War Lord Badge and a wounded badge.

Orgoth, Fak, and Hanamee were summoned to a counsel with five prophets. It was a mission briefing on a super soilder that is green and human who has killed thousends of covenant and how they must capture him He destroyed a holy relic
and a cruiser by himself. "You Orgoth are even at tactics with him and are stronger than him physically and even with him Combat wise. you can probobly carry a wraith 1 mile. But you three can surely capture him alone. But he has marines to help him so we are sending you with 4,000 Hunters and 5,000 Elites with dropships, plasma shields, and 5,000 banshees with elites not including the ones I mentioned earlier so more like ten thousend Elites. To attack a cruiser the Bear with this capitol ship's help.

(Indent) Cheif Mendez who had heard about the slaughter was mad. He just finished a group of 76 spartan II's with MJOLNIR armor from Dr. Halsley's Plans. He is now filling Pelicans with SpartanIIs to load on the Bear U.N.S.C (United Nation Soilder Corporation) Cruiser. Mendez knows the Master Cheif (John) is on that ship. Pete a spartan is piloting a Pelican to the Bear Shuttle Bay. It was thirty minutes before the Spartans boarded the Bear. The Cheif Had Gotten class 12 MJOLNIR That the moniter told him about. So now the Moniter is Allie's with the humans. But on the Bear there are Navy Seals.

(Indent) Admirail Stanforth Acclerated the bear and was shocked to see a huge Capitol ship 1 mile wide and 10 miles long and could carry 5,000,000 troops at least. The Alarm went off Long Sword bombers went out of the bay Breaking the sound barrier. Thousends of weapons got checked out from the armories. Seals (Navy Seals) went to guard the three million cylinder engine of the Bear. Pelicans Loaded up with marines.

This is a crappy ending although it will be continued.

(NOTE I thought Hanamee (the writer of him is cool so i'm using him in my story hanamee is awesome dude)
