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Scope by The Silver Spartan
Scope (Prologue)
Date: 27 January 2004, 7:05 PM
Diego awoke to the sound of gunfire followed by the base alarm ringing. He jumped out of bed and rushed to his locker to grab his S3-AM sniper rifle; the new top of the line rifle issued by the UNSC. He got his armor on in a hurry and rushed down the hallway past a trio of bewildered Marines. Once he was outside he ran to the drab gray concrete wall and climbed up to the top. "What the hell is going on?" Diego yelled to Private Steve Macco, who was cowering behind a wall. "Sir there's something behind that warthog that crashed over there." Pvt. Macco said in a shaky voice. He made a rough gesture with his thumb. Diego carefully peered over the top most section of the wall. He immediately saw the burning jeep, flipped over beside an outcrop of trees. He saw no Covenant threats however. He ducked back down and questioned Private Macco again. "What, what did you say you saw?" "Well I barely got a glimpse of it but it looked like a gorilla on steroids, with silver and gray armor." "Huh?" Diego thought to himself, there was no known species of Covenant that really resembled a gorilla, unless you counted the Grunts. He crawled away from Macco to get a better angle. Suddenly the wall shook and a flash of blue light appeared where Macco had been. Chunks of the wall flew in the air and part of the lower section where Macco had been hiding collapsed. A plasma grenade? No surely they weren't that powerful. He quickly jumped off the wall and ran over to Private Macco, he was very severely burned from head to toe "Medic, MEDIC!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. He set Macco's body near the bottom of a post and rushed to the top of the wall to see what the hell was going on. He peered over the wall once again and saw a flash of movement; he fired his rifle twice and hit the giant beast that leapt out from behind the Warthog. It roared and fell to its knees. He shot it again and watched it fall to the ground. Diego shot it in the head again, just for good measure. A couple of seconds later a medic and two squads of Marines arrived. Diego sat on top of the wall stunned by what he had just seen. Three Helljumpers or ODST's hoped up to his position. "What in the hell?" one of them said in surprise as Diego pointed at the body of the dead creature. Diego hopped down from the wall to check on Steve Macco. The Medic had already rushed him away, so Diego rushed away to the Base's Med unit. He found the doctor hunched over Macco and the Medic watching through the window. "I've never seen anything like this before." The Medic told Diego. He recognized the Medic as George Bossio one of his close friends; they had fought many battles together in the past. "Hey Bossy what's up?" Bossy was George's nickname; as he had a tendency to push people around. "Well I'm on leave for two week to go to see my wife, she's going to have a baby." "Well congratulations man." "Just don't die before than." "Ha, ha you are SO funny!" Remarked George. "How does it look for Private Macco?" "I don't know, he's in critical condition." "I thought I heard Doc Halton say 30%." "Deigo looked thought the glass to see Doctor Halton attending to Steve. He gave Steve a sympathetic look. "I've gotta' run catch you later" He waved goodbye to the medic and took off for the wall. He was greeted by one of the Marines he had seen in the hall earlier. "Sir we've been looking for you the Captain thought he saw cov—" Just then Five Helljumpers broke through the gate dragging the mystery creature. Gasps and low whistles broke out around the compound. The creature did look like a Gorilla, and now that he thought of it, it also reminded Diego of a rhinoceros. On its left arm it sported what looked like a chrome Fuel-Rod gun, with a massive, hooked blade on the bottom. "Holy shiza!" Diego heard a German Marine say under his breath. "Sir we've got trouble!" Said a young Marine. "The scans from the one of the ships circling the planet has picked up Covenant activity ten clicks north of here headed this way." It was going to be a busy day...
Scope (Chapter 1, New Arrivals)
Date: 15 February 2004, 11:46 PM
Scope (Chapter 1, New Arrivals)
This is going to be my first chapter of the series, so bear with me here ;) Also, I really do appreciate tips or hints.
0127 Hours, September 26, 2552 (Military Calendar) / UNSC Base / (Compound 022) Off. Des. (Alpha 2), Located / (Inner Colony 18), (Planet Tylon)
Staff Sergeant Diego Sanchez stood over the large silvery gray Covenant that lay sprawled on the floor of his base camp, titled Alpha 2. Alpha 2 was on an inner colony named Planet Tylon. Tylon was under attack by Covenant ground troops for an unknown reason, although it was probably because of the significant amounts of alien artifacts. Tylon was the only known human-inhabited planet with non-covenant alien instillations on its surface (later discovered to be Forerunner), they were always under inspection by scientists, and were off limits to the public or even the press. Compound 22 a.k.a. Alpha 2 was the mysterious instillations last defense from falling into the hands of the Covenant.
It still remained a mystery what the creature was or where it came from, or even if it was a Covenant species. He helped five other Helljumpers carry it all the way to the science lab stationed in the center of the base. On the way there he talked with the ODSTs about the origin of the mysterious warrior. "So, where the hell did this thing come from anyway, Sir?" One of the Helljumpers asked Diego. "Well, Private Macco said he saw it by the crashed 'Hog over to the left of the entrance, you know, by that cluster of trees near the woods." "Yah where Smith went to take a piss and we shined the spotlight on him." The ODST's chuckled. "So how is this Macco kid, is he dead?" "He got burnt-up pretty damn bad when I saw him." "I don't know, the Doc said he had a 30% chance of making it, or something like that." They arrived at the lab and put the creature on a steel surgical table for the scientists. After it was all taken care of Diego went to find his Senior NCO, Sergeant First Class LaRicca, for orders. He found him Barking orders to several Privates near the ruined section of the wall. He ran up to him and saluted. LaRicca saluted back. "Sergeant, you better come here." The Sgt. said quietly. Those 'Covenant movements' you heard about are more like two Battalions of Elites, Hunters, Jackals, and Grunts." "The good news is, they don't have dropships, but the bad is, get ready, they have approximately six platoons of Banshees, Wraiths, And 165 or more individual Ghosts. Diego's jaw dropped like hammer hitting concrete. "Sir we have only 23 functioning LVRs, minus that one that got smashed up out there." "Oh yah and we have two Scorpions, great, just great." "We might as well shoot our selves now and save the Covies some work..." "Don't let me ever hear that again Sergeant!" LaRicca hissed, "Of course I thought that to at first, but than I got in touch with High COMM and they said they could spare us some reinforcements for once." "Sir, how many reinforcements are we talkin' here?" "About 150 Helljumpers Plus 450 Marine regulars, oh and three platoons of Scorpions, 'Hogs, ATVs, and Air support from their Longsword bombers. And if we need it they will let us 'borrow' the pelicans they all come in. Once again Diego's Jaw dropped but not as far as the previous time. "Sir we are still out-gunned but I think we just might make it." Diego proclaimed. "The Covenant will be here within one-and-a-half hours and the Freedom of Liberty will be dropping their 'cargo' within the hour." "So get ready."
The compound was exploding with activity. Marines and Helljumpers carrying chain guns up to the wall, pilots preparing landing zones for pelicans, Doctors preparing medical posts, Artillery Squads loading and readying their huge artillery pieces, Marines on the wall loading Anaconda Missile-pods. Diego was preparing himself in one of the protruding sniper towers located around the compound. He lined up ten extended clips of eight 7.2 mm armor-piercing rounds beside him. He checked his new sleek black 45x tactical scope, and flicked it infa-red and watched over the compound. He looked over at all of the other pairs of snipers in the other fourteen towers. He was the only one without a spotter; he had gotten his request to go solo granted by Lieutenant Colonel Steele; the Compound's commander, two months ago. Diego hated having to perform with people closely watching him. He was glad he was a Staff Sergeant; otherwise his request would probably have been hopelessly ignored. All of the other snipers were finishing up checking their rifles and scopes. Diego set out his MA6B Battle Rifle next to him just in case, and loaded his sidearm, the trusty ME6 Pistol. Something about its chrome and titanium frame just made him feel safe when it was sitting in his hand. He than proceeded to climb down the smooth metal ladder to the compound 20 feet below. He slid down the last five feet of ladder and jogged over to a Marine. "How long until the reinforcements arrive?" The Marine saluted and replied "Sir, in about ten minutes!" He returned the salute and decided to quickly jog over to the Med-Station to see Pvt. Macco.
He went in to find Dr. Halton checking over Macco's records. Dr. Halton mumbled something about tissue damage and than saw Diego walk in. "Hello Corporal, let me guess, you're here to see how Private Macco is doing." "Well let me see, he is in stable condition, I expect a full recovery in two months." Diego flinched at the thought of being out of the action for two months. "Well at least he'll survive, assuming we all live through this battle." He said 'encouragingly' "Whatever that thing was Steve was sure lucky that the plasma discharge hit the wall and not him, god that would have been a closed casket funeral." Doc Halton shuddered at the grim thought. He bid Diego goodbye and told him to shoot some Covies for him, or has he put it 'for these old bones' Diego agreed and jogged over to the landing pads. He climbed up on an empty pad and watched the 40 DC-17s hover over the compound like hummingbirds. They slowly descended in groups of 5 and dropped the valuable reinforcements. After they were all dropped he heard the cold, steady voice of Lieutenant Colonel Steele over the camp MASS COMM system. "Welcome to the party people, as you already know the Covenant will be attacking due north of here so we are going to give them an ass whoopin' they won't soon forget!" "You also know you are going to be divided into six companies with four squads each." "A-D Company will make up our main defensive force; E company will serve as scouts on the south, east, and west walls." "As for F Company you will sit outside the wall and will operate our vehicles you so kindly brought along with you." "Also if the 20 sharpshooters and spotters in A and C Company will so kindly join our snipers in the various sniper towers positioned along the compound, sorry Sanchez!" The COMM system clicked off. Shit, Diego thought, he would at least have one other person with him. His thought was cut short, and his next question was answered. "Sir Corporal Michael Moore reporting for duty!" "Uh I'm a spotter and got assigned to you okay?" Diego nodded and studied the Corporal; he had a M-90 Combat shotgun slung over his shoulder, an ME6 pistol on his belt and four Frag-grenades hanging from his shirt. He pointed the grenades out. "What are those for?" "You're a spotter." "Well sir I always carry these with me, I don't like feeling not fully-armed." Diego liked his response; maybe he might even end up liking this kid. Diego and Moore climbed up to the tower. Moore set up his scope and laid out elbow pads. He got an excited look on his face and pulled out a thick black rod about 18 inches long, he handed it to Diego and explained "Check it out sir, it's a new silenced barrel, we just got a shipment of them on the Freedom of Liberty." Michael handed it to Diego. Diego turned it over and passing inspection, unscrewed his 16 inch ported barrel. He fitted it and examined it; he had never used a silencer before. "Thanks." "No problem." replied the Corporal. An announcement boomed over the MASS COMM. "All hands to posts, the Covies will be here within ten minutes." "Every one load up this is it." "We will cripple them beyond repair, they will all die cold miserable deaths like they deserve." "Let no alien scum set foot in this compound alive, we will emerge victorious!" At that cheers went up around the compound.
Scope (Chapter 2, All Hell is Released)
Date: 21 February 2004, 6:59 PM
Chapter 2, All Hell is Released
0142 Hours, September 26, 2552 (Military Calendar) / UNSC Base / (Compound 022) Off. Des. (Alpha 2), Located / (Inner Colony 18), (Planet Tylon)
An electric blue plasma bolt whizzed over Diego's head, singing his hair. It continued on through the early morning dimness and struck the back of his sniper tower, melting and distorting an oval shaped hole right through the once cold metal. The Covenant were here at last.
Staff Sergeant Diego Sanchez and Corporal Michael Moore watched from their tower as Covenant ground forces advanced on the wall. They were gaining ground fast, but taking heavy casualties as they advanced. There were sounds of Battle rifles emitting their sharp crack, Rockets and missiles jetting from their tubes and pods, Assault Rifles ticking off rounds three at a time, and then there was the piercing snap of Diego's S3-AM rifle. "Gold Elite, Gold Elite! Goin' left over near the second ridge!" Diego looked where Corporal Moore had instructed, just to catch a glimpse of the glistening warrior jump behind a tree. "Son of a bitch!" Diego thought, he put a round through the middle of the tree, mainly out of frustration. The bullet pierced the tree with ease and missed the Elite's Needler by inches. The Covenant realized the threat and jumped out behind a pack of Jackals, who had formed their infamous 'shield barrier.' Diego pinched off a shot and missed the Elite by inches. The Jackals advanced forward slowly toward the wall. Diego could see through their semi-transparent shields, and he could just make out at least two or three more Elites and a pair of Hunters.
"Oh no!" If those hunters get to the wall they'll blast right through it!" Mike announced. "I know I'm looking at them now." "Wait I think I know what to do." Just than Diego got an idea. "Here take this." Diego dug through an emergency med-kit and found a Flare gun used to signal where wounded people lay. Diego explained how to use it and handed to the Corporal. "When I tell you to, fire it just to the left of the side of the Jackal's formation, lets see if we can't make some of those bastards flinch."
The flare erupted from the gun and sped to its target, it hit and flashed three blood red flashes, it hit right on target, just to the left of the formation. One Jackal turned just a slight bit...
Snap!!! Diego's shot hit the Jackal in the side it exposed when it had turned. It fell and was shot again by Deigo this time in the head; it fell to the ground lifeless. This left the Jackal with its shield above the dead one vulnerable. By now everyone had seen the flare and started had shooting at the Jackals. The upper one fell and left the left side wide-open; needless to say the sharp shooters in Alpha 2 had a field day. The Jackals fell one by one until the Elites and Hunters scattered. The Hunters made the bad choice of turning left in attempt to get in range to use their Fuel-Rod guns, they were blasted in their fleshy orange body that was exposed at their waist. The Elites managed to get cover on the right side, except for their Gold armored field-commander, who stumbled when a SPNKr rocket exploded to close to him. He took three shots from various snipers, which all but depleted his shield. Diego shot a half-assed shot which hit the Elite in the left wrist, that overloaded his shield-generator and took is left hand completely off. The Covenant dove behind a burning Ghost that lay flipped up against a splintered tree stump. "Shit!" Diego thought out loud and hit the floor with his fist. A MK 2708 'Anaconda' missile launched from its tube and smashed into the Elite's position. A weapons pod and what was left of the Elite's left arm flew into the air, high above the orange-red explosion. Just than at that second, everyone's worst fears became a reality. Ten purple gobs of plasma appeared over the horizon, the Wraiths were here.
Diego saw the plasma arc lazily in the sky and wiz down toward the wall the first ball of plasma hit thirty feet from the wall, blowing a Jackal to a happier place. Five more landed in the woods to the left and incinerated the trees. Three more found their way to the middle of the field, and the last well-placed shot missed the wall by ten feet, and landed inside the compound. It landed on top of a medical post and left a crater two and a-half feet deep. Marines flew everywhere and the back of the wall cracked.
"Oh shit! We're gonna get torn apart." "They better get those vehicles out there!" "Don't worry corporal, Steele will launch an assault, now would you please start spotting for me!" "Yes sir!"
The next wave of plasma reined down from the sky. Four more exploded in the compound and killed a handful of ODST's that were trying to get a Pod of missiles to function again. A stray ball of plasma wandered over to their position.
"Sir that one is headed over to our position!" "Shit! We better bail out!"
Diego threw his rifle down the hatch to the ground and slid to the bottom followed by Michael. They hit the ground and ran just as the plasma hit their tower. The tower exploded and the supports started to fall. They both ran for their lives and dove out of the way as the melted tower crashed to the ground. Debris flew everywhere as the pair ran to the ladder on the wall. Before they got there Fist Lieutenant Juanbell intercepted them. Neither of them saluted per the rules of engagement, lest they give away whom an Officer was.
"Alright look, I'm going to be frank with you, three of those plasma bombs just took out most of F Company and about half of their vehicles, so we volunteers to be drivers and gunners in their place." "I'm in!" They both said at the same time. "All right than now haul ass up to the gate!"
They started to run over to the gate; on the way Michael scooped up a SPNKr rocket launcher, and some extra rockets and shouldered it. They both were knocked off their feet as a pod of Anaconda missiles flew off the wall and detonated ten feet behind them.
"Are you all right?" Diego asked. "Yea, stop screaming! You're hurting my ears! Diego saw Michael mouth. "Whaaat!" Diego yelled. Somewhere he could hear bells ringing in his head. Michael pulled him to his feet, and gestured him to keep moving. They started running again and this time made it all of the way to the vehicles.
They found a Hog with a gunner in it, an ODST and Diego hopped up in the front seat while Michael got in the side seat.
"Good to see you sir!" The gunner exclaimed. "Nice to see you to. How long before we leave?" "When we get a full load I think, Steele went to go get some volunteers, so probably not to long." "All right load up and get ready!" Michael reloaded his rocket launcher and set the extra tubes off to the side, he also set his Shotgun on the floor of the jeep and taped the spoons of his HE-DP Frag Grenades and removed their pins.
Lieutenant Juanbell burst into the section and announced, "Get ready we leave in two minutes!" Diego flipped the switch and the LRV roared to life. He did a systems check and saw the Health-Monitor in the corner. Michael's health bar was full, but then he noticed Helljumpers status bar, it read: Sgt. Radisson, Joseph E. [][][][]-----] which meant his health was at half.
"Hey Radisson you sure you're ok, your status doesn't look that good." "Sir screw those machines, I'm ready to go as ever!" "Typical Helljumper," Diego thought.
Lieutenant Juanbell announced, "All right people this is it! If you are riding shotgun and have a Rocket launcher, go for the Wraiths, if you get close enough they won't shoot at you, make sure you aim for the back or the mechanisms on the side that they use to hover. If you have an Assault Rifle, Battle Rifle, Shotgun, or any Covie weapon, go for the Ghosts, and if you have a Sniper Rifle, well you're screwed!"
The gates started to open, and all hell was released.
Scope (Chapter 3, The Day Hell Froze Over)
Date: 27 March 2004, 3:46 PM
Chapter 3, The Day Hell Froze Over
0824 Hours, September 26, 2552 (Military Calendar) / Location Unknown/[Fatal System Error 13] Scanning... New Approx. Loctn. 28.3 km west UNSC Base / (Compound 022) Off. Des. (Alpha 2), Located / (Inner Colony 18), (Planet Tylon)
Diego struggled in and out of consciousness, he sensed Corporal Moore lying of to his left in a clump of brush. Diego lifted his head and tried to clear his mind; it was hard to think straight. He felt a white-hot, stabbing pain surge through his temple; his head hit the ground like a rock. He realized that he had to get to some cover or the Covenant would find him and annihilate him. He tried to think... Some lush, green, prickly bushes directly in front of him looked like an appetizing hiding spot. He tried to crawl to the bushes but collapsed several times. When he made it there he rolled underneath them and almost lost conciseness. He played over today's events in his mind...
He remembered the vehicle assault he had taken part in but tried to think were it went wrong... He remembered rushing out of the front gate, eager to kill some Covies...
"Lets roll!!" Moore and the Radisson shouted in unison. The gates opened and the Warthogs rushed out into the early morning, a wave of retribution crashing against the shoreline of fury of the Covenant.
Diego's 'Hog was among the first to react the Covenant. Eager for the kill, Radisson unleashed a hail of 12.5mm bullets into a Grunt that was standing not more than 15 feet away; it was holding a plasma grenade high in the air, ready to throw it right onto the windshield of the LRV, when the bullets hit it. The midsection of the Grunt disintegrated into a swirling mass of bone, armor, and blue gore. Diego swung the 'Hog to the left and headed to his objective, the Wraith mortar-tanks.
Ikto 'Lectoramee watched contentedly from his ship, The Clarity of Perfection, as the human fools started to crest the hill in their primitive vessels. They had taken the bait and went to destroy the 'Wraiths' he had ordered there as a lure. What the human scum did not know was that a wave of what would later become known as Phantoms, Shadows, and Brutes was descending upon them. The Clarity of Perfection was a Super-Carrier, the largest in the Imperial Fleet; it was seven-and-a-half units long (nine 'human' kilometers). The ship had eighteen plasma-turrets and an extremely strong energy shield. The ship was a prime example of the Covenant's superiority to the human's big 'hunks of metal.' As for the Imperial Fleet, it was the Covenant's newly assembled fleet of six hundred of the best spatial tacticians commanding the newest and most effective ships. It was created to destroy 'Reech,' after they captured the holy light of the Forunners. The fleet was also to destroy the rest of the human 'inner'-colonies and find the location of Earth. Now that Earth's location was discovered, thanks to Master 'Zammamee, the fleet only had to retrieve the artifacts of the holy ones from this planet and than go and invade earth.
"Exulted, commander 'Kilomulamee wishes to give you his field report." His assistant Rupu, a silver armored 'Grunt' announced after striding into the room and bowing.
"Very well, send him in."
Rupu waddled off and notified the two 'Red Elite' door-guards to let him in.
Jaspa 'Kilomulamee strode into the room and bowed before the great tactician Ikto Lectoramee.
"Noble one, there are reports that field Commander 'Youglometee was slain by a human 'Misshull.' However they have taken the bait and will soon meet their filthy repugnant ends." Kilomulamee said softly in 'High Prophet' tongue, out of respect for 'Youglometee. "The Brutes, Phantoms, and Shadows are now in place and will be in contact with the humans in 1 and-a-half units. The human scum will soon taste the fear Master-Brute Tartarus and his regiment."
"Very well Kilomulamee, continue the good work." Ikto 'Lectoramee waved the Golden-Armored Elite out the door with his left arm.
Ikto noticed that Kilomulamee had a slight limp as he left the control room. He wondered how well they were really doing, the Covenant had air superiority but sometimes lost ground invasions, that is, if they were outnumbered. Ikto checked the holo-displays to see how the other ships in the Great Imperial Fleet were doing. He heard reports that a Frigate had just been destroyed; so maybe the human filth still had a fleet after all. This was of no consequence to Ikto, as half of the Imperial Fleet had just destroyed the human fortress of 'Reech.' Nothing could stop them on their murderous crusade to... Earth. His super-carrier glided away in the vacuum, a hungry shark with the scent of human blood.
Diego's LRV crested the hill with several others. Diego hit the breaks as fast as he could, just beyond the hill top there was several hundred of what looked like Warthog/Ghost mix vehicles with Shades on the top. In front of those their were about 150 of what appeared to be the creature he had killed earlier, to make matters worse there was about twenty-five purple craft hovering overhead that had warming plasma cannons on the sides. Diego saw one of the huge mystery Covenant in front raise a chrome grenade-launcher and wave forward. The creatures bellowed and the vehicles charged forward. Only a mile and sparse trees separated them from this new enemy.
They sat there frozen...
"Shit! Move, move, move!! Radisson yelled. Even a tough ODST like Radisson didn't like these odds.
"Get me Lieutenant Steele NOW!" Diego yelled as he gunned the 'Hog off to the side.
"Yes sir!" Mike yelled back. He reached over to the COM panel and called Steele. He handed the COM mike to Diego, and got out his shotgun, he put a shell into a Grunt that jumped out from behind a tree and got to close to the idle vehicle. It did a back-flip and landed in an ocean of its own organs.
"This in Alpha 2 go ahead..." Steele's voice broadcast over the COM channel.
"Sir there is at least three hundred vehicles out there about a mile away and clos-"
"Hold on mountaineer, the ships indicate that..." "Oh my fucking god!!! The ships, they're gone! Lieutenant Steele hissed in panicky voice that was unnatural for him.
"What? Gone? Sir with all due respect, we need more reinforcements and we need them NOW! How can they just diss-"
"It's hopeless sergeant, the Marriott, the Yellowstone the California, all gone..."
A huge shadow enveloped the battlefield. Diego looked upward, and what he saw shocked him. A Covenant ship about ten kilos in length glided and stopped, in the atmosphere!
Everyone stopped and looked up. Plasma gathered along the great purple lateral line of the ship...
Ikto 'Lectoramee had an idea. What if he were to shoot a plasma torpedo right into the middle of the human base? It was about twenty units in length so his plan just might work. If he shot it he would do no damage to the ground troops, while destroying the only thing that protected the holy ones artifacts. He told one of his assistants to radio his Master-Command Prophet, Porteous. He got an uplink to him opened it.
"Master Porteous, my humble apologies for interrupting you-"
"What may I assist you with Ikto?" The Prophet said in almost nasal, irritated voice.
"Well exulted, I have a plan and if it would be of no consequence to you I would wish to commence as soon as possible." He outlined his plan and very concisely and asked the high prophet what he thought.
"Normally I would have said no, however... I think that you could continue, as long as you use nothing larger than a Plasma Torpedo. We most certainly do not want to destroy the Fire of The Ancients, which is located in the temple not a hundred-and-fifty units from the base. You may commence this time. The irratation in his voice had grown a lot more. Ikto could tell he did not want his plan to work; Porteous hated it when people under his command, especially Elites, were right or had the best strategy. It was of no matter to him now. He instructed his AI, Détente, to plot a course one unit up and ½ across from the base. The AI replied in a humanlike tone, "Coordinates plotted for vector 293 by 168." Ikto was still getting used to the shock of having an AI help him, do most of the work for him that is. It was Porteous that had ordered him to have the Artificial Intelligence installed in his ship, his ship! He almost wished that the Discoveries and Adaptation branch hadn't captured a human AI, almost. His ship arrived on target.
"Détente, fire pulse lasers from turrets one and two in the middle of the base, on my command. NOW!" The Pulse Lasers jumped from the turret and raced towards the base...
Lieutenant Colonel James Steele was busy ordering a small group of ODST's to fix the Com Sat on A DC-17 when someone pinged him on the COMAND freq. He wondered what the hell someone would want of him now.
"This in Alpha 2 go ahead..." Steele said into the COMM mike.
"Sir there is at least three hundred vehicles out there about a mile away and clos-" He recognized the voice to belong to Diego Sanchez, in his opinion the best sniper in Alpha 2. He thought about the mention of the enemy vehicles and pulled up the Ship Scan on his personal vid-screen. These letters scrolled across the screen. ......LOADING.......
"Hold on mountaineer, the ships indicate that..." ......NO DATA AVAILABLE...... scrolled across the vid-screen. Steele lost his calm. "Oh my fucking god!!! The ships, they're gone!
"What? Gone? Sir with all due respect, we need more reinforcements and we need them NOW! How can the just diss-" The Lieutenant cut him off.
He checked the data again and again, than he scanned with the Vid Sat all that remained of the once mighty UNSC ships has just ionized and charred metal, barely recognizable.
"It's hopeless sergeant, the Marriott, the Yellowstone the California, all gone..." He said, panic creeping into his tone.
He shut the channel, he knew that the Covenant would either bomb the base or send in thousands more troops. It was only a matter time before they were all dead. He shook the negative thoughts out of his head and heard a great rumbling noise. He looked overhead and saw a titanic Covenant ship sail in, not more that two clicks overhead. The plasma turrets warmed and realized he had to get the hell out of here. He clicked on the Main 2 freq and announced, "Abandon base, Abandon base! Plasma bombardment imminent!" He felt ashamed to say it, as would any good leader but he valued the people under his command. "Repeat! Fall back to the woods, Plasma Bombardment imminent." Than he realized, why would the Covenant bomb the base with the alien structures nearby? And why would they do it with ground troops deployed? Oh, well I better get the hell out of here. Steele thought to himself. He looked at the Helljumpers who were now in shock watching the huge ship ready its guns. He yelled,
"Well, get the hell in you idiots, lets get the hell out of here." He waved the four that had been working on the ship and two others that were standing in the middle of the room, to get into the Pelican. The Lieutenant ran to the front of the Pelican and got in the pilot's seat; he had been a flyer before he was appointed his high up position as a Lieutenant Colonel last year. He just hoped he still remembered how to fly this bird. He slammed the yoke forward and the Pelican rocketed out of the base at nearly Mach 2. The poor ODST's in the back were slammed around, hanging on for dear life through their deadlines. He knew them as troops from his base, they were all good soldiers. They had a good chance for survival provided the Covenant didn't get to them first.
"Sir Kevin almost fell out could you please the back, I think he may have shit his pants, Oh... never mind he just threw up." He heard muffled laughter from the back and shut the door. He recognized the voice of who had been talking to him and wasn't surprised; it was Troy Detzel, the base's ODST 'joker.' Kevin Williams was a large redhead with his hair cut short in a 'buzz,' he was very strong and good in hand-to-hand combat and knife fighting, but he was no marksman, some ODSTs, especially Troy, liked to joke that he couldn't hit the Trafalgar with an S3-AM from ten feet away. He decelerated and headed for the woods. Explosions rippled behind him and then eventually faded.
AUTHORS NOTE: Master 'Zammamee does NOT refer to Zuka 'Zammamee but another character in one of my other stories (Not yet published).
Chapter 4, Hell’s Bells
Date: 5 April 2004, 9:15 PM
Chapter 4, Hell's Bells
Author's Note: This chapter will NOT make any sense unless you read Chapter 3, The Day Hell Froze Over, because it ends while Diego is still playing over the day's events in his mind.
0840 Hours, September 26, 2552 (Military Calendar) / Approx. Loctn. 28.3 km west UNSC Base / (Compound 022) Off. Des. (Alpha 2), Located / (Inner Colony 18), (Planet Tylon)
Staff Sergeant D. Sanchez snapped out of his flashback and came to reality; he heard motors thrumming in the distance. Shit, they've got Ghosts on patrol, if they have thermal scanners we're fucked. His grim thought was interrupted by a low groan from a certain clump of shrubs that contained Corporal Michael Moore. He gathered his strength and turned his head to his nine O'clock and saw the Corporal's leg hanging out, it plain sight to passerby. He's as good as dead if he doesn't move, he thought. Diego struggled to his feet and recovered Moore's M-90 shotgun; lying just a few feet away. He limped over to Moore and started to push his leg into the shrubs. The cold barrel of an M6E pistol, pointed right at his forehead, met his efforts.
"F-f-riendly." He stammered, and saw Mike poke his head out of the bushes,
"Uh sorry, it wasn't loaded anyway."
"Yah, no problem," Diego said and shook his head sarcastically.
"Oh, right thanks." Mike said a grin on his face. He got himself up with the help of Diego and heard the distant thrumming of engines. "If those are what I think they are than we better get the hell out of here."
"Glad you agree with me, if they see this 'Hog than they'll know we're here," Diego said as he gestured towards the battered LRV, "so we should initiate its failsafe and remote pilot it to a different area and detonate it."
Moore grimaced at the idea of loosing a perfectly good vehicle but nodded anyway.
The failsafe and remote piloting option was unusual for such a small vehicle, however nothing about Alpha 2 was "usual" by UNSC standards. The failsafe delivered a 1/1000 of a megaton blast, to the Marines this translated to a "big boom."
Diego typed in the authorization codes and the RPD, or Remote Piloting Device popped out of the side panel of the 'Hog. Diego picked it off of the two chrome levers and pocketed it. He climbed in the driver's seat and taped the failsafe into the Command panel. He set the time for "On Zulu" and hopped out. He glanced at Mike, nodded and activated the RPD. The Warthog roared to life, than sputtered and died.
"Shit, shit, shit!" Diego kicked the side of the hog and than stared at the RPD, it read, ......BLOWN FUSES: F1-U7-C14-U-21...... He looked at Moore and asked, "You wouldn't happen to have some fuses would you?"
"No, but we might be able to use a round from this," he hefted his pistol in the air, "I heard a story about some guys that went hunting and--"
"Just give me the damn clip already."
"Yes sir, here you go," he tossed a clip form his belt to Diego, who caught it with his left hand. Diego climbed into the driver's seat and tried to open the fuse box. It was jammed in place, and he doubted if even Pvt. Williams could open it. He whipped out his knife and jammed it into a spot that was open. He pushed his whole body against the knife, the door of the box creaked... and the knife broke in half. Diego surged forward and a piece of the knife jetted out and stuck Diego in the ribs. "Ahhh!" he kicked the fuse box and the lid fell off and clattered to the floor. "Just my luck." He mumbled while he searched for the places for the F1, U7, C14, and U21 fuses. He heard the distant noise of engines grow not so distant. He cursed and instructed Moore to take off the M-41 LAAG. Mike scrambled to the back of the LRV; Diego saw that he was visibly shaking. He popped out a bullet and inserted it into the correct slot; he tossed the blown fuse off to the side, while mumbling "Seven hundred years and they still can't get it right." He did the same for two more and went to pop out another when his thumb struck air. His eyes widened and he looked down. There were no more bullets left in the clip. "Hey mike, you don't have anymore clips do you?"
"Uh no, do you?" Mike responded cheerfully.
Diego checked his pistol and saw the clips for the holster sheered off. He looked up and the sky and whispered, "Why, why, why?" He informed Mike of the situation and nearly lost his cool.
"Well than why don't we just go detonate it from up there when the Covenant get here?" He motioned to a ridge a half click away.
"Good plan lets go!" They took off and scrambled up to the top of the ridge in two minutes, they were carrying the LAAG and its ground-mount supports. They crested the ridge panting.
"So how much ammo is there left?"
"I don't know Radisson shot--" They looked at each other and said, "Radisson." "Where the hell is he?"
Scope (Chapter 5, An Ice Cube's Chance in Hell)
Date: 27 April 2004, 5:13 PM
Chapter 5, An Ice Cube's Chance in Hell
Author's Note: Please post some titles I could use for my chapters with the word 'hell' in them in the comments section. And next chapter there will be more action, I promise!
0900 Hours, September 26, 2552 (Military Calendar) / Loctn: Atop a ridge, 28.3 km west UNSC Base / (Compound 022) Off. Des. (Alpha 2, Located / (Inner Colony 18), (Planet Tylon)
Staff Sergeant Diego Sanchez and Corporal Michael Moore lay silently atop a large ridge overlooking a valley, their weapons at the ready. Off to the side of this valley was a battered Warthog armed with enough C-12 High Explosive to level a small army. The trap was set; the bait was ready, now all they needed was the patrol of Ghosts to seal the deal. The Ghosts started to crest the hill...
Lieutenant Colonel Steele and six ODSTs crested the hill on four M-14 Warbow ATVs that they had salvaged from what was left of their base camp, Alpha 2. Lieutenant Steele spotted a battered old Warthog in the middle of a valley.
"Hey, look sharp there's an abandoned 'Hog over there!" Steele yelled over the noise of the All-Terrain-Vehicles.
"Oh yah! I see it sir! Lets go check it out!" One of the ODSTs, Shawn Deptula, said excitedly. "Maybe there are some more people that survived!" Shawn was the Base's best scout and very good at tracking people.
"No shit Sherlock they were probably from the assault wave of vehicles that were sent out!" Quipped Josh Detzel, Josh was Troy's brother; they were deployed together because they were brothers as the UNSC put siblings together.
Shawn punched Josh in the side and yelled a curse that was lost in the noise. "Dude when we get back home..." Shawn muttered.
"What you gonna do rape me?" Josh said in a mocking tone. "I can't wait—"
"Boys! Knock it off!" Steele said, a hint of danger in his voice. They arrived at the LRV a couple of seconds later and skidded to a halt a few of meters away. "Careful! It could be a trap." Steele motioned Matt Schalcom Jack Whaling to check it out. Matt reached it first.
"Its clear!" he replied proudly.
"NO! Stop!" Jack yelled as they started to approach. "Its rigged to blow! Someone set the fail-safe for On Zulu!"
"That means they're probably watching us, and judging by the way were not all fried I think they're friendly! Matt added in.
"Wow! Are you related to Einstein?" Troy said sarcastically as he whacked him in the back of the head.
"Stop it, I'm warning you two!" Steele said in his cold voice.
"Sorry sir!" They said at the same time.
"Alright we need some way to contact them, the COMM is out, because the Covenant will be monitering the bands for surviving humans.
Meanwhile Shawn was looking at the ground intently. "Hmm it looks like two people went this way." He pointed at a fresh set of tracks. "One was a lefty and one was a—"
"Who cares? There are survivors!" Pvt. Williams yelled and took off up a hill.
"No! Stop!"
"WAIT! Don't blow it up! The Corporal yelled at Diego, who was clutching the detonator tightly. "Hold on, they're friendlies, oh my god! It's Steele, he lived!"
"What! Give me that!" Diego took the scope from Moore and looked through it. There was Steele! He was still alive! Beside him here six troops, they appeared to be ODSTs by their armor. Oh there was Pvt. Williams! And the Detzel Brothers! He thought. He didn't recognize the others but they must have been from the Freedom of Liberty
"We got to meet up with them!" Mike said excitedly.
"Diego saw them again and saw a brown haired kid reach into the Warthog. "NO DON'T TOUCH IT" Diego yelled as loud as he could. The kid stopped and got a puzzled look on his face. He looked around for him but couldn't see him on top of the ridge. "Over here!" Diego yelled again. They all looked in their general direction. Mike and Diego started down the hill.
Matt Schalcom started to reach inside the Hog. Every one looked up as someone yelled for him to stop. Puzzled he backed away from the Warthog. They looked for were the voice had come from but couldn't see. "Over here!" The mysterious person yelled. They all looked up and saw two people run down a ridge toward them.
Troy snapped his shotgun up at them along with everyone else.
"I don't like this..." Josh said under his breath.
Once the two figures got closer the Lieutenant recognized them as Staff Sergeant Sanchez and his new spotter.
"Well if it isn't my man S-Dog and his friend!" Troy announced loudly.
Diego looked at him and shook his head pretending to be disappointed. "Oh man its only you guys... Sir! He added the honorific at the end.
Steele nodded appreciatively and added, "I don't think everyone here has met, introduce your selves boys."
"Private First Class Shawn Deptula, A company!"
"Private Kevin Williams, B company!"
"PFC. Jack Whaling, D company!"
"Private Matt Schalcom, A company!"
"Corporal Josh Detzel, B company!"
"Troy Detzel, the best mother fuckin shotgun slinger in B company. Oh yah that's right I'm a Sergeant." He shot a mocking look over at his brother. Josh punched him.
"Screw you, Sir!" Josh said. He hated addressing his younger brother as sir.
"Boy do I have to court marshal you?" Troy said in a mock of Lieutenant Colonel Steele's voice.
"Both of you knock it off!" Steele interrupted them. "And no, I don't sound like that." He laughed. "I believe you all know me by now."
"Corporal Michael Moore, C company!"
"Staff Sergeant Diego Sanchez, B company!"
"Alright now that we know each other, lets think of a plan. First of all the Ships are gone as you all know, and our Pelican has no Shaw-Fujikawa Translight Engines, so we need to get to a ship that does." He checked his Scanner and replied. "Ah! There's a science ship with Slipspace Drives good, Oh wait, bad they are not fully functional, are any of you good at mechanics?"
"I am a mechanic, sir!" Replied PFC Whaling. "How far away is it?" "It is docked in the atmosphere about 25 clicks away."
"Hah!" I can get us there in ten minutes replied Troy, motioning to the vehicles. Troy was known for speeding back on Earth, more like going 120 on the highway systems.
"Uhh, we have a problem, the Warthog is busted it's missing the F1, U7, C14, and U21 fuses. We could take them from the ATVs."
Matt ran off to get the fuses from the Warbows, eager to help. He took them and on the way back tripped. "Ahhh!" He yelled as he crashed to the dirt. He picked up his hand and saw blood dripping from it. Three of the fuses had broken.
"Nice job dumbass! You broke 'em! Troy said in disgust. "Now we have to use the ones from another one! What a waste!"
"I'm sorry I didn't see the root there. We can just get m—"
"No, the fuses weren't a waste you are!"
Matt got pissed. "What? You want to go pretty boy?" Matt yelled.
"Both of you shut the fuck up!" Diego yelled. "Do you want them to find us?" He jerked his thumb back towards where Alpha 2 once stood. Everyone looked down at the ground; over 1,000 people had been lost in the plasma bombardment.
"Wait hold on! What's that noise?" Shawn said in a low voice. Everyone heard it; it was the sound of Covenant vehicles getting closer.
"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! Matt lost it. "We have about an ice cube's chance in hell of getting out of here!"
Just than a plasma bomb from a Wraith flew over the treetops, it was headed right for them...
Scope (Chapter 6, When it All Went to Hell)
Date: 6 December 2004, 10:55 PM
Chapter 6, When it All Went to Hell
Author's Note: I am NOT new to FanFic, I just haven't posted in like 6 months so If you haven't read the other chapters of Scope I strongly suggest you do so, as this story will make a LOT more sense. And yes I did change a few things from previous chapters so don't yell at me lol. I recognize a bunch of Authors from the 'Old Days' Like Nick Kang, Mind_Affecting_Parasite, c0ld Blooded, Jillybean, etc. Glad you are still posting. Any of you remember me?
0900 Hours, September 26, 2552 (Military Calendar) / Loctn: In a Valley, 28.4 km west UNSC Base / (Compound 022) Off. Des. (Alpha 2, Located / (Inner Colony 18), (Planet Tylon)
The remaining survivors from the demolished Headquarters of Alpha 2 stood helplessly as a large purple-blue plasma bomb drifted closer to their position. Their trance was broken when Staff Sergeant Diego Sanchez yelled: "Don't just stand there, fucking move!" They all scrambled out of the way, they had just enough time, as the mortar incinerated a large tree and all of their recently acquired vehicles.
Diego ran blindly away from the big ball of death as it descended on their precious vehicles they had just found, he had almost jumped in the 'Hog and tried to save it, but common sense got the better of him. He got about fifty feet away when he was knocked off his feet; he flew through the air and landed on his stomach a few meters further up. "Uff!" Diego snorted as he hit the ground, he picked up his head and gasped for air a few seconds later, but got nothing. Damn, I can't breathe! was what was running through his head when Troy roughly hauled him up. Troy yelled something at him that was lost in the noise of the fires left by the Wraith. Diego tried to yell "What?" but instead he gagged and fell over trying to get air. Troy got an understanding look on his face and Motioned for PFC Deptula to help him; they scooped him up and ran towards the hill where Diego and Corporal Moore were earlier. Oh shit! Where's Moore?" Diego thought, he was starting to panic. "Wh- s- Mre?" Diego stuttered. Shawn figured out what Diego said and nodded.
"Josh and Whaling are helping him up, he got tagged by some shrapnel when he was running. Oh and, Josh, Schalcom, and Whaling are fine, but Kevin didn't make it." Shean always put things bluntly, and this was a prime example. They got to the top of the ridge a few seconds after the others. Troy and Shean dropped Diego next to the Corporal and ran off to the edge to see where the surprise attack had come from. Diego turned and looked at Mike, he had gotten his voice back.
"Are you okay?" Diego said between gasps. Mike nodded and motioned to his throat, apparently he couldn't talk. Diego nodded understandingly. "How does it look?" Mike signaled using standard military hand signals. "Well we lost Kevin and I think our vehicles got fried. So in other words we are FUBAR if the Covies find us." Diego pointed at Mike and said, "At least you still have your shotgun." Diego checked his back and his suspicions were confirmed, his rifle was gone. "Damn! My S3 is gone!" he muttered. Mike shrugged and motioned Diego forward. Diego staggered to his feet with Mike and went over to see what was going on. The group of Marines were kneeling and lying in a semi circle around the LAAG that was positioned at the crest of the ridge while PFC Williams and Corporal Detzel were near the base of the ridge moving silently from shrub to shrub and using their binoculars to see if they could spot the wraith. They gave the all clear and continued across the valley and suddenly hit the dirt. They rolled over back into cover and made their way back up the hill. They were being very careful not to alert the Covenant of their presence so they took a full three minutes to get safely back. Detzel was the first to reach the group.
"The wraith is in the clearing about 500 meters from here, it must have seen the 'Hog and fired on it." Said Josh in a shaky voice. "It's not looking for us anymore though." "Alright, what do you think we should do Colonel?" Asked Schalcom. "We should haul ass out of here, that Wraith sure as hell isn't going to wait until we make our escape to start chasing us. We should leave the LAAG, unless one of you wants to carry it he said in a sarcastic tone. We'll have to head for Armory B4 because we can't make it to those science ships without a Pelican. So we'll head out, have two scouts go 50 meters ahead and keep complete radio silence until we're sure we're out of their range." He said with a hint of uncertainty in his voice. A general murmur of approval went through the group as Steele finished speaking. The group got up and headed due east of Alpha 2. They had barely walked 800 meters along the ridge when they entered a dark grove of dense, moss-covered trees. They plodded on through the darkness slowly, when suddenly a bush sprang to life, revealing three figures with long guns pointed right at them. Everyone hit the dirt before they could open up. "UNSC forces!" said one of the figures in a deep voice. "Friendly!" Yelled Sanchez before anyone made a move. Every one lowered their weapons in sheer relief. He stood up and looked at the mysterious figures. "Perhacs, is that you?" He said in a surprised voice. "Ya its me! You are one lucky bastard, I almost shot you!" he replied and then motioned at the other two people, "This is Corporal Banda and PFC Butler, they are from the Freedom of Liberty. Sergeant Doug Perhacs was also a sniper from alpha 2, and definitely one of the most eccentric people Diego knew. He used to be a first lieutenant until he got in an altercation with the old commander of Alpha 2, Captain Timpson, which resulted in the Captain's pinky finger being bitten off. He wasn't removed from the service because of his abilities with a sniper rifle and the fact that the fight wasn't entirely his fault. Nonetheless he was a very strange and deadly person and would make an excellent addition to the group. Lieutenant Colonel Steele filled the three newcomers in on the plan to escape in the science ship. He was in the middle of a sentence when an extremely loud explosion shook the ground. Everyone looked into the air at once and saw a the Freedom of Liberty explode into a huge rolling cloud of thunder, fire, and shrapnel...
Ikto Lectoramee was laughing to himself. He had just destroyed the human base and would soon lead the other ships in the Imperial Fleet under the joint command of the Unyielding Hierophant to Earth. Nothing would stop the Covenant on their glorious march to salvation. What he hadn't counted on was a very small group of unlikely marine heroes that he had just stranded on planet Tylon. Rupu interrupted his thoughts. "Master, Jaspa Kilomulamee wishes to retrieve the Holy Light and the Fire of the Ancients from the Temple." "Tell him to proceed with utmost caution." Responded Ikto in an irritated voice. Jaspa had obviously picked up on it, as he scurried off to his COMM station. He continued his deep thoughts when Rolla Rugomee shouted, "Human vessel heading towards the rest of the fleet!" Ikto looked at his display at once and saw a ship tagged the "Freedom of Liberty" Rapidly approaching the other ships. They must be suicidal! He thought. They surely know they can't destroy the fleet! Well I might as well fulfill their wish He sighed. This is becoming too easy. "Sir! They have three nuclear warheads armed and ready for detonation!" Screamed Rupu from his display screen. This was not good, three warheads could split any ship in two without a shield, and it was already too late to recharge his. " Get us out of the atmosphere, thrusters full reverse and five turrets one and two NOW!" Yelled Ikto.
Captain Wesson was at his wits end. His ship, the Freedom of Liberty, was one of 21 ships and 8 orbital MAC clusters guarding Planet Tylon, when out of nowhere the Covenant show up with two hundred ships, two hundred. The UNSC had put up a good fight but they never had really stood a chance. All of the other ships had been lost and Alpha 2 had been glassed. Now he and his crew were the only ones with a chance of warning Earth about the gigantic fleet. But his ship had taken a hit in its Slipspace Capacitor and had lost its ability to jump. His COMM SAT had been long fried. He had only 40 Marines left onboard so he had no hope of boarding a Covenant ship. He still had one option that he had been playing over and over in his head, and it was finally starting to set in. He would fly into the middle of the Covenant fleet and take some of them to hell with him. This might shake up the chain of command at least a little, or it might not, either way he was dead and there was no more options. "Sir, the crew wants to know about your decision, they are getting restless." Said Lieutenant Campion. Campion was considered to be the Captain's most valuable asset and his best friend, which was unusual for two offices to be friends in the UNSC. "I'm going to give it to you straight. We have no chance of escaping or winning against the Fleet as you probably know. So this is why you and Lieutenant Kallgren are going to take the last remaining Longsword fighter along with three Marines and jump back to Earth." "But sir, what about you?" "I'm going to go down with the ship and detonate the Shiva's and try to destroy some of their ships. Anyone else in the crew is welcome to try and fly to the surface and survive there." "Sir, may I suggest that I stay and detonate the Shiva's." Put in Hadrian, the ship's AI." "Yes you may but I am going to stay here and you are going to go with Campion and Kallgren. There will be no other way." Both Campion and Hadrian nodded grimly and saluted.
Within five minutes the entire ship's crew had made up its mind about staying or leaving. All of the Marines were to go groundside and try and make it to an armory and escape along with eleven or twelve crewmembers. Everything after this point was a blur for Wesson as he thought about his Wife and child back on Earth and prayed the Covenant would never find them. Two minutes before the Marines and the Longsword departed the Captain opened a COMM channel to Campion. "If you make it back to Earth, tell Alyssa and Charles I love them." He said with all of the strength he could muster. "Of course I will." Came the reply. "Now you take some of those bastards to hell for me." Wesson shut the channel and strapped himself to his station. The rest of the crew had departed so Wesson addressed the remaining officers. "This is it. I thank everyone who decided to stay and greatly owe you all a great deal. Now would be a very good time to become at peace with your maker, were rolling in thirty seconds. Were going to level the playing field a little, and give those alien bastards some thing to remember humanity by!" Cheers went up around the cabin and the Freedom of Liberty accelerated out of hiding and toward the fleet at a blinding pace. When they were in the middle of the highest concentration of ships Wesson hit the detonator. A blinding flash was the last thing they saw. Somewhere harps were playing.
Hope you liked it! :)