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Rise of the Hellion by Sarge
Rise of the Hellion chapter 1
Date: 29 July 2003, 3:48 AM
Long ago before the days of Humans two great powers fought across the face of the galaxy. The first a highly diverse and religious group known as the Covenant, while the second the heathen, racist group known as the Dark Brotherhood. While the Covenant consisted of many diverse races this Dark Brotherhood consisted of only one, Hellion. The Hellions were far superior to any race belonging to the Covenant, their technology far more advanced however, there numbers were few. Drawing their name from a demon like appearances, including a black or red shaded skin tone, and claws sprouting from hand and foot. They charged out of their capitol city on the desert moon of Talhawk to fight this Covenant. The war was long many were lost on both sides the will of the Hellions was strong and they took the early advantage winning many a battle, however, soon there forces began to dwindle while the Covenant still had thousands. Only a single ship was spared in the entire Hellion fleet, they were banished back to Talhawk, never to be heard from again... Until now.
Javir Lord of the Hellion and Commander over the entire fleet had been waiting six hundred years for this day. His son upon reaching the age of sixteen was about to except the title of Lord and Commander of the Hellion. Javir had never been so proud his son his only son would now follow in his footsteps to lead his people. Javir now sat atop his golden thrown, on his balcony high on the fourth story of his grand palace, his people waiting anxiously below. "My Lord," Javir's aid whispered. "Yes, Lavint." Javir replied. "Your son had arrived."
Javir smiled finally he had waited so long for a son to inherit his thrown and his title, now he had one. His son stepped on the balcony and the people hushed, not a single whisper was murmured among them. He set eye upon his son, becoming a young man he was indeed. His son had recently completed the Pilgrimage of Kings, this was a ceremonial passage endured by all with the title of Lord and Commander of the Hellion to pay respect to the ancestors of old. His son's clothes hung around him in tatters showing his sons burly build and rippling muscles. Javir stood up removing his robe and placing it at his son's feet. His son picked it up pausing a moment before clothing himself in the robe of his father. Then he handed his son his sword and sheathe, this was as the ceremony required. His sword drew the sword and as required thrust into Javir's body.
Jatiz the son of Javir Lord and Commander of the Hellion stood over his father's limp body. The blood of his father draining into a golden goblet, when the goblet filled Jatiz took of it and drank, drinking it all. This was said to allow the wisdom, spirit, and power of the father to come within. Then he took a seat upon the throne sitting high atop the balcony on the fourth story of his grand palace. The people cheered, Jatiz was no longer Son of Javir Lord and Commander of the Hellion but Jatiz Lord and Commander of the Hellion. Jatiz stood, "For my first act as Commander of the Hellion fleet," he began in a booming voice. "I declare we shall once again declare vendetta upon the Covenant which have robbed us of our power, riches, glory, and most of all blood." Once again the people cheered, Jatiz strode back inside the palace he had much planning to do for this new war.
A month past the war between the Covenant and the Human race persisted. The Covenant had completely destroyed a planet known as Reach and they were all to distracted to notice a new danger looming in. ***
Captain Nort Valin of the UNSC Cruiser Crooked Claw stood on the bridge watching as five Covenant vessels swarmed towards him and his ship. Among his escorts were another Cruiser the Javelin and a Destroyer the Blackened Heart. The Covenant ships were slowly came in range, "Dorothy," Valin spoke to the ships AI. "Yes, Captain," She replied. "Get ready to fire all Mac rounds and Missiles pods as soon as possible." "Yes, Captain."
The lead Covenant ship turned hard port exposing its starboard plasma cannons. The cannons powered up and the space between the two groups was lit with overheated plasma. "Dorothy fire all weapons!" The Mac cannon fired off a huge shell towards the Covenant ship while the missile pods sprang into action shooting hundreds of missiles at the enemy. The other two UNSC ships opened fire similarly on the same Covenant ship. The Covenant ship took nearly every shoot from all three ships yet its shields never dwindled. The plasma that the Covenant ship had shot towards the Crooked Claw had just harmlessly bounced off the forward and starboard shields.
From above and below the lead Covenant ship appeared two more ships. All three enemy ships charged there plasma aimed at the Crooked Claw, the last two stayed back for some strange reason. Valin ignored them for now they weren't his problem for the moment. The two Covenant ships that had appeared next to the first began to launch their fighters. Valin had with him in total with the three ships about sixty Longswords. "Dorothy release the Longswords." Valin commanded. Within moments they had released the two Longswords from their ship and the other two UNSC ships followed suit. Valin saw the smaller of the two ships that was staying back charge up a forward cannon that he had not seen before. He watched in horror as the giant cannon shot from an insanely long range upon the Javelin, the ship tried to steer away but the cannon's shot moved extremely quickly. It impacted with the port side close to the bow as he watched the Javelin get hit he realized that the cannon had shot two shots, one to take out the shields the other to impact the hull. The Covenant had managed a new weapon, and it was plenty deadly. "Sir, incoming message from the Javelin." One of the Crew Chiefs said. "Alright put it on the screen."
"Hello Captain Valin," It was the Javelin's Captain Brad Nahum, the bridge had no lights and many crew were lying on the ground dead or badly wounded.
"I regrettably say we took much damage I barely have life support much less engines, it moved so swiftly upon me I just..." The image cut out...
*** Jatiz sat inside his newly constructed flagship Javir's Fury named after his father. He watched with four other ships at the battle at hand. It appeared as though their foe the hated Covenant were slaughtering an unknown group. "My lord," Javir's old aid Lavint spoke. "Yes, what is it you need." "The other Captain's request orders." Lavint responded. "Very well tell them on my lead, target only Covenant ships."
The Javir's Fury sped up it was a ship known as Class: Dagger the fastest destroyer in the Hellion fleet. Within seconds they were upon the unknowing Covenant of which they despised. They had gone in behind the two ships at the rear of the Covenant position. "Fire all plasma weapons upon the smaller ship, you saw what the cannon did." The main Hellion weapons consisted of Proximity Drill Missiles, which drilled into an enemy hull for a short period before exploding. They also had adapted Covenant technology of the plasma cannon and turret. Lastly and possibly most importantly was the EMP, which rendered all electronic functions useless. Of course there were other weapons also but these were the notable ones. The smaller Covenant vessel stood no chance it was caught by surprise and annihilated; its guard began to turn to meet the new threat.
Captain Valin watched as two Covenant ships were ripped to pieces by unknown ships. "Dorothy any ideas what kind of ships those are," Captain Valin asked. "My databases have nothing that matches those ships," Dorothy responded. Captain Valin watched as the obviously superior new ships began assaulting the remaining three ships.
Jatiz smiled the Covenant were still using there obsolete weapons told about in the stories of the old war. "Ready the boarding parties." Jatiz commanded. "Sir?" Lavint responded. "Yes, we will let them know who there dealing with." Jatiz clarified the reason for his decision. "Right away, sir."
He held two plasma rifles ready as the door opened of his boarding craft. Jatiz put four hunks of plasma into a grunt as the door opened. One of the men on his craft throw a grenade out into the hallway sending the pathetic Covenant fools flying in all directions. Within seconds is once full boarding craft was upon the last remaining Covenant on the last Covenant ship in the area. They moved down the Covenant corridors swiftly heading for their goal, the bridge.
Jatiz and his boarding party turned a corner and met a medium sized Covenant force. Grenades began to fly from behind boxes as hidden Covenant attempted to kill the new invaders. Jatiz ran forward quickly feeling the heat of the explosion behind him, his accelerated senses, and physical attributes clearly were far beyond the Covenant who had yet to evolve judging by the images of the last war. His dual plasma rifles ripped apart the Covenant ranks, he noticed other Covenant holding plasma rifles as well but they were obsolete compared to his, a sleek new design that actually clipped on to the users arm. It also boasted amazing firepower far surpassing their obsolete weaponry. One of the Hellion behind Jatiz held a flamethrower he hosed down the enemy Covenant with flames. The Covenant screamed as the flames ate away at their flesh turning the skin black leaving screaming burnt masses.
Jatiz and his boarding party made it to the bridge of the ship no problems upon stepping one foot on the bridge the Hellion next to Jatiz took a fuel rod cannon shot to the gut. The heavy plasma gunner fired around thirty rounds into the Elite holding the cannon. Jatiz leaned over his wounded comrade as the rest of the boarding party moved on to secure the bridge. "It looks pretty bad, I don't think you will make it," Jatiz began. "Yes, my lord." The wounded soldier responded. "You know I have but one thing to offer you, do you accept?"
The wounded Hellion nodded and Jatiz drew his father's sword. He thrust it into the wounded soldier's body, "An honorable death fit for any true warrior."
Jatiz stood in front of the captain of the so called warship. "Do you know who I am," Jatiz questioned. The Covenant captain shook his head. "You are to go back to your superiors and tell them that I Jatiz Lord and Commander of the Hellion and we will rise again and this time another will fail."
A chorus of Hoorahs sprang across the Hellion on the bridge. The Hellion released the Covenant Captain and he ran to a dropship to take him back to the Covenant forces. Meanwhile another Hellion boarding party had made their way down to the engine room and placed explosives. They had taken way more casualties than Jatiz's boarding party yet they still had made it on time.
Jatiz sat aboard the Javir's Fury and watched as the last Covenant ship exploded. ***
Captain Valin stood aboard the Crooked Claw he had jumped into slipstream as soon as the two Covenant ships had been destroyed. He had much to report to his superiors a new Covenant super weapon, and something much much worse. If the UNSC could ally with this new force they would be unstoppable and ultimately safe from the Covenant, however, if the Covenant were to ally with this new force it would mean certain death. Valin collapsed into his chair so many new problems would lie ahead, he could already sense it.