Reveil: First Mission.
Date: 28 February 2005, 7:41 PM
Before i submit this i wanna tell you this is a what if story. This is a story about a spartan named Prime a special project of spartan going through a special augmentation.
So, Here it is. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Dropship roared over the planes of earth in auto pilot. He sat in the passenger seat. Coming close to the rebel base any minute. He slammed the last few rounds into his Shotgun. His sniper was slung over his back. He Had slightly modified and more powerfull MJOLNIR than the average spartan. (Authors Note) **Keep in mind he dosent know anything about the other spartans** His parents died by a rebel. But he was lucky enough to be saved by a group of Marines. The Dr told him that all the spartans would be as powerfull as he. But the special augmentation he got is very rare to survive. Not one of the other subjects survived. But he was thankfull to be alive. He Picked up his helmet and walked to the cockpit. He Could see the rebel base coming up. He Snapped on his helmet, And Snapped off Auto pilot. He Lowered it to the ground. And Hit it back in auto pilot. The rebel turrets where ready to fire. He Quickly turned around and peered down to the ground. He COuldnt survive that. He Looked around desperatley for a answer. A Chain was laying in the corner. Prime Picked it up and tugged at it to see if it was sturdy. He tied one end to a bar and grabbed the other end. Bullets where starting to ping off the dropship. The Base was on a hill the only hill in the plains. He hoped his training in long range was good enough. He lowered the chain through this belt latch and threw the other end down. He Turned around and held the sniper rifle in his left and and held the top of the chain above the latch in his right. He Lowered himself down. prime couldnt hit anything in this condition. He let go and the chain went through the latch faster than before. His back hit the ground in such force he could almost feel it. He Jumped to his feet and got into position. The Pelican crashed through the huge turrets and Murder holes. He scanned the area with his sniper rifle. His 20 ft radar showed nothing. Aware and ready to kill anything he was about to go up the hill. Suddenly he remembered One of the tips that he got in training. Check for land mines. He took a un-used sniper bullet and tossed it on the top of the hill. It rolled and bounced over rocks. Soon a series of explosions filled the air. He activated his 1 minute camo. His sheild bar blinked off his HUD. He walked up to the huge metal door. Seconds later a lurch startled him. His chest was pounding. He Put his back up against the wall and slung his sniper rifle and grabbed his combat knife.
A Few average looking men in helmets came walking out. One holding a shotgun and the other a Assault rifle. Prime thought those where Recalled awhile ago. Prime Dashed into the huge open door. His Light Bending generator failed. he let his sheild charge up. He looked up on the catwalk to see someone standing at the controls. It was dark and the only light was coming from the panel. He walked over to the ladder and Hoisted himself up it. Still holding his knife. He tried not to make any noise as he crept up behind him. He reached infront of him and pressed his hand against his mouth with his right hand. And used his left hand to drive the knife into his back. All he could hear was a few muffled screams. The Limp Body fell to the floor with a loud thump. "Like The teacher said...The first kill is always the hardest". prime said to himself.
He Swung himself over the catwalk. He Hoisted his Sniper rifle and Aimed at 5X. Right in the back of the first ones head scanning the area. "Hey!". Prime Yelled.
The first one turned around. The Small round circle was aimed right to his skull. Prime pulled the trigger, Blood Spilled up to the air as the rebels face was Split clean open. His brains spilled to the ground. He dropped his rifle and picked up his knife again. The rebel searching down the bank was coming up the hill. Prime put the knife in his right hand and crouched to the ground. Soon the blip on his radar got closer. He Stood straight up with his lightning fast reflexes. He pushed the knife into the rebels belly. prime didnt want to watch him die. He turned around and walked into the open door. At the end of the hallf a small door with a keypad was there. He Sat down his shotgun and threw himself into the door. It easily fell open. He quickly picked up his shotgun. His detination was the control room to shut down the base. He ran Down the hall. Trying to not let his feet make much noise. He Quickly turned around and corner. Prime slammed right into a rebel. The Man was in a red jump suit. The Force killed him in a heart beat Prime could already tell he wasnt alive.
To Be Continued.