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Reconciled Brother by Dachande663
Reconciled Brother - 1 - Shunned, Scorned & Scared
Date: 8 July 2010, 7:26 am
Chapter 1: Shunned, Scorned & Scared
The elegant Covenant ship glided swiftly through the cosmos towards its next target. Ship Master Ruis Basamme stood in the centre of the bridge looking over the expanse of holo-screens showing him the stars beyond the purple walls. The small planet they were headed for now filled the centre expanse of monitors. It was
unique, the prophets had said. The mighty Forerunner had given specific co-ordinates to this holy land, and Ruis had been given the honourable task of locating anything of importance. He was excited, for not only was this his chance to shine in the eyes of the mighty Gods and Prophets, but his third son was to accompany the warriors sent in. His son had failed combat school, something that deeply annoyed Ruis. He had been ridiculed by others, but now he had a chance to help his son reclaim some honour.
Deep below in the belly of the ship Trak Basamme was resting on his hard mat cleaning his new blue armour. Trak deeply resented his father, but even worse he resented the society he was born into. He did not like the way of the Covenant, he wanted his own destiny, his own choices in life. He did not want to be like his father, a mindless slave to the Prophets. But to speak his views out loud meant certain death, the volume determining the pain he would be put through before the final slice.
He was an anomaly, born with defects at birth and shunned ever since. His arms were much shorter than any of his brothers, yet considering his whole body was smaller than usual this did not matter. He was already approaching the age of becoming a true warrior and yet he was only six feet tall. The most shocking 'defect' though was his mind. He did not carry the violent, senseless psyche of his kind. Trak was a careful thinker, more closely related to the scribes of Aribus than the Warriors of Sangheili. He did not care though; he knew his Great Journey lay outside of that of his brothers.
The orders came. The drop would be in twenty units. Trak followed his contingent into one of the many phantoms and awaited the battles to come. He held his plasma rifle in hand, his long fingers gently running over the smooth lines. His pistol was safely secured to his armour, next to a small box that held personal items. His team members gave him scornful faces as they secured themselves in next to him. Trak knew why they hated him so; they were a close nit team and he had been forced on them by his father.
The phantom rose from the deck. The others looked excited, Baj Lhib looked out over his troops. His eyes lingered for a moment on Trak and the lower mandibles twitched in annoyance. But he let his gaze continue and took a seat up on the opposite side to Trak.
The small vessel suddenly became weightless as it left the artificial gravity of the main craft, but soon the sheer velocity took over the strain. Trak felt his body being pushed against the cold metal suit. He did not like drops, even the training ones had resulted in him expelling his intestinal content. The ship became warm, then hot. The atmosphere of the planet whistled past, the sound violent, almost like a hundred souls screaming at death. Trak clutched at his stomach, the move jerky in the tight confines of the transport. The elite next to him turned his head and snarled at Trak.
After what seemed like an eternity the phantom levelled out and normal gravity returned. Trak breathed a sigh of relief, but he knew the battle had not even begun yet.
Authors Note: This was the first Halo fan fiction I wrote, over 5 years ago now. It was an idea that had been burning in my mind for a long time before that, ever since playing the first Halo game and reading the subsequent books (only the original three had been published at this point in time). I spent most of a Summer writing it, meaning the ending felt rushed as I raced to complete it before school term began again. That always left a bad taste in my mouth but I never came back to revisit it. Hopefully this time around I'll be able to tweak the story and release something others can enjoy reading. As this is more an edit than a rewrite expect nice, timely instalments (one would hope).
Reconciled Brother - 2 - Deserter
Date: 8 July 2010, 7:41 am
Chapter 2: Deserter
Trak Basamme looked out over the city. It was nothing like home. No glittering skylines, beautiful structures and crystal lakes. No, this was a desolate place. The citizens had fled, all that remained was fear and those brave or foolish enough to stand and fight. The place was called Cote d' Azur by the humans, but Trak couldn't think it further from the truth looking over the wreckage.
Lhib moved forwards silently along the street. Each of his team taking up defensive positions around him. The goal was a large building in the centre of the city. Trak didn't even know why it was so important, he doubted if even his commander knew. Trak was pulled from his thoughts when a shot flew past his skull. A lone human fighter was holed up in a small building, firing wildly at the approaching enemies. Lhib turned to face Trak and motioned for him to move up, he wanted Trak to prove himself. Or die trying. Either would be acceptable.
Trak cautiously began his approach, keeping to the side, out of the humans' field of fire. Bending his knees Trak moved below the small opening the human was using, he made a soft chirping sound. The human quickly stuck his head out to see what had made the sound, it was all Trak needed. Grabbing the human's throat and pulling with all his might, Trak wrenched the human from the window and threw him to the floor. The alien looked up at his assailant and for one fleeting second looked like he was about to beg for mercy. Instead he screamed at Trak and was quickly silenced. The young elite looked down at what he had done, the others coming forwards to secure the area. Lhib stepped up to Trak and laid one clawed hand on his shoulder. He had gained respect, but at the cost of any honour for himself. Trak felt something stir deep within himself, he had never killed before and even though these humans were classed as infidels he still didn't feel right cleansing the galaxy of them.
The pale stone building was up ahead. The wide empty plaza created the perfect kill zone for enemy soldiers to fire upon advancing forces. Trak watched as the spotter came back, his report filled with details concerning possible cover, enemy placements and anything else of note. It sounded as if the humans were using this place as their base of operations. They held it tight and everyone in the party knew they would not give it up without a fight. Lhib was thinking the same thing, a change of tactics was in order. The orders came quickly and for once Trak had confidence in his leader, this could work.
The unit powered up their invisibility cloaks and made their way across the plaza. They spread out and quickly entered the shadow of the huge structure. The humans were clearly visible through the windows. Loc Na and Turok made it to the wall first and silently began to ascend towards one of the numerous windows. The rest of the unit followed behind, almost all of them eager to let the human blood flow freely.
The hallway they entered was small compared to covenant standards, barely reaching ten feet. The camouflage suits began to fade and eventually the team flickered back into existence. Faint voices could be heard, alien dialects, they sounded agitated, stressed, fearful. Lhib took point and proceeded carefully down the narrow path. Plasma rifles were put away, stealth would keep them alive much longer than reckless heroics. Lhib looked curiously at the large wooden door, it did not open automatically for him and there was no control panel nearby, but then he remembered how primitive these humans were and looked at the crude metal disc bolted to the chunk of wood. He flicked his hand up motioned left, then right. The team took up flanking positions either side of the hallway using whatever lay around for cover. Lhib clicked his mandibles once, then silently turned the handle and slid open the door. Two humans stood inside, conversing in harsh tones, they had not even noticed the elite watching them from the side. Lhib gestured to Trak and Loc Na then drew one clawed finger across his neck, the meaning was simple. Loc Na moved up to the door first and withdrew a small metal blade, Trak doing the same behind. With a simple nod they both activated their recharged invisibility suits and crept into the room. Trak moved to the right side of the room, Loc Na took the other flank and tripped on the ornate rug. The human facing that direction looked up, a slight movement detected behind his colleague. It was now or never. Trak moved forwards simultaneously moving his blade across the curious man's throat, the warm red blood spraying free of its vessels. He crumpled to the ground in a heap at the feet of his started companion. Loc Na was still on the ground, so Trak jumped forwards and embedded the knife in the remaining man's throat, burying it up to the hilt. He felt the man gurgle in pain before pulling the blade free and allowing him to slump to the ground next to his compatriot. Loc Na came up in front of him surveying his work, expressions playing across his face, embarrassment, shame and then finally gratitude. "You do the work of the Gods well for an anomaly," Loc Na finally said. Trak hung his head looking at his kill with his own eyes. He had killed three humans so far, more than any other member of his team. He had killed three, all in cold blood.
Lhib entered and smiled at Loc Na, "Good work Loc Na" he said in his cold voice. Loc Na simply bowed his head before looking up towards Trak.
"The honour was not mine Sir."
Trak, you have shown true skill this day. I commend you Brother," replied the commander. He leaned forwards and knocked his helmet against Traks, a sign of friendship. Loc Na too came up and gave the gesture. Trak felt distraught. For so many years he had thought of been a Warrior as barbaric, but now he had made three kills without even thinking. And the people who had rejected him since birth were beginning to accept him with open arms. He had become what he hated most.
They proceeded through the rest of the upper story without any casualties. Trak held back and followed the rest of the group. He had been treated like an outsider since he was born and yet now, when he was treated like a brother, he felt the most alien. Lhib returned from the next door, it lead to the main hall below. The humans were numerous and spread out below. And it was not only military figures. Families inhabited the room. Lhib could not hold back his glee, there was much blood to be shed today. Trak glanced at his hands, they were dry, devoid of the usual slick lining. He was scared, not of the humans or his team, but of what he would have to do to stay alive.
The unit moved forwards, the camouflage once again concealing their movements. Trak hung back behind the main party once more, he just could not bring himself to do this. The humans below started to fall, shouts and screams filling the air along with the trails of plasma and crackle of energy blades. Trak stared down over the railings at the carnage below. It was mayhem, soldiers didn't know which way to fire, innocent civilians ran to protect their children and the laughter of the elites reigned over it all. Trak had finally had enough, his heart forcing his body into action. With a strength he didn't know he had he launched himself over the metal bars and fell the full twelve feet onto one of his team members. Their cry was stifled as Traks hoofed foot punctured their skull, driving through their helmet with a sickening crack. Lhib turned to face Trak, his mandibles twitching wildly. Trak flicked his short blade into his hand and threw it as hard as he could towards his commander. The blade ripped through Lhibs' lower mandibles and severed the spinal column at the base of the head. He was dead before he hit the ground, his blood flowing freely from both the front and back of his skull.
Loc Na turned, stunned at what his new brother had done. Swinging his rifle around he opened up a barrage of super heated plasma. Trak dived towards cover but the plasma lashed against his side, searing away at metal and skin alike. He rolled on the ground, turned and unloaded his charged pistol at Loc Na in one fluid motion. The impact burned straight through Loc Na's chest plate, effectively vaporizing him in a heartbeat. By now the other elites had stopped their fighting to watch, but this gave the marines a chance to open fire. Armour piercing rounds tore through the elites, their bodies pummelled by the metallic hail fire. They slumped to the ground, bodies still coming under fire even as deep pools of purple blood blossomed beneath each. Eventually only Trak was left, standing alone amongst the carnage. He did a slow 360 degree turn and took in the situation. Over thirty humans still remained, each with their weapon trained on him, fingers itching to unleash death. Trak fell down to his knees and put his face in his hands.
He had committed treason. He had murdered his entire squad and brought shame to his family name. He would be captured, tortured and eventually executed to make an example of him to any others who might falter from the Great Journey. He was doomed. He had no future with the Covenant.
He was finally free.
Reconciled Brother - 2 - A New Hope
Date: 15 July 2010, 11:40 am
Trak raised his head slightly. The approaching humans had formed a loose circle around him, their weapons still pointed at his chest as he knelt before them. One man stepped forward from the group, his waist stretching outward showing he was obviously past his peak combat years. He looked around at the dead, Covenant and Human alike. He began to speak, Trak looked up taking in his face. He had studied the human tongue since he could read his own language. Their dialect was easier to learn than even the Jackal form.
"I suppose we have you to thank for saving us?" the man asked.
Trak dropped his gaze once again to the floor and answered in a low voice "I am ashamed at what I have done. Make my death quick and painless."
The humans stirred, they had never heard an elite speak their language before. "Stand up," the human commanded. Trak glanced nervously from side to side, then raised himself slowly to his full height. He wasn't even taller than some of the largest humans, snickers coming from around him at the sight.
"You're different," the leader continued. "I'm not going to ask you why you did what you did. I'm just going to say this, thank you." Trak felt his lower mandibles drop, he had never expected this. He felt death was as sure as the suns rising in the morning.
"You are both merciful and honourable, but why would you allow me to survive when so many of your kin has not?" Trak asked.
The man looked around again at the fallen when Trak had finished speaking, but quickly looked back to the elite standing before him.
"What you did saved everyone left standing here, even though it could have cost you your life. I feel the least we can do is let you keep that."
A murmur of agreement ran around the circle at these words. A woman stepped forward, a small child held in her arms, "Thank you" she said quietly, "Thank you for saving my baby." Others began to step forwards and soon Trak was been applauded from every angle. His skin blossomed a darker purple and he fought to keep his astonishment hidden.
The first man stepped forward again though and the sounds died out, "But you cannot stay here. It is too dangerous for both of us. Your kind will surely come looking for you, and if you stay with us then you will have spared us one time, only to condemn us another." He faltered, his gaze looking over the dead elites, "I'm sorry" he finally murmured.
Trak looked up and finally let a smile appear upon his face, "It is all right. You have given me something much more important than a home, you have given me hope. May we one day meet upon better circumstances. Farewell." Trak turned to face the main doors and slowly proceeded towards them. The crowd parted to let him pass, silent cheers and wishes following in his wake. The doors opened up before him and Trak stepped out into the glorious sunlight.
The city was just as he had left it before. Deserted, quiet, only this time Trak was on his own. Free from his team, the Covenant and his worries.
Beyond the city limits lay the vast expanses of woodland forests. It was a cool relief for Trak from the burning heat. He followed a large human road, always sticking to the trees, but not a single vehicle passed him. After several hours walking he lay down in a small clearing, his side aching from where the plasma had burned him. He had only basic medical equipment and proceeded to patch himself up as best he could. He lay back on the crisp grass and gazed up at the glorious blue sky. Trak pulled out one of his ration bars, the small bar glinting in the sunlight. It was made of a nutrient rich core surrounded by a layer of tasty skin. A thin layer. The whole thing reminded Trak of a sk'lip he had once eaten as a dare. The taste was bitter and lasted for a long time in his mouth.
Suddenly the sky blossomed a deep red. A cloud of dirty smoke rose high into the atmosphere and fell back upon itself creating a mushroom effect. Trak was hit by a shockwave that blew him back against one of the mighty trees. As the sounds of thunder dissipated Trak stepped out from the trees and his eyes fell upon the ruins of Cote d' Azur. It had been levelled, all life lost. But it had not been a Covenant weapon, no, it was of human design, one of their 'nukes'. Why would they destroy their own city?
But the answer came to Trak as quickly as it had arisen. The wrecked command ship lying across the human rubble showed why. The humans had sacrificed one city for one ship. Possible civilian losses for known enemy deaths. A smart, but desperate move Trak thought.
Trak knew he had to move on, the humans would surely come looking for any survivors. Gathering up his few items Trak went on his way again, always staying in sight of the road though now more hidden as regular patrols passed. Eventually he reached an intersection. The road was at least six lanes wide and the banks were half as wide again, clear of any cover. Trak checked his active camouflage system. It had been fried by the plasma, the inner workings fused into a mass of metal and fibre.
Trak checked both ways then began sprinting across the gap. Almost immediately a small four wheeled vehicle pulled out from one of the side roads. The humans inside were laughing jovially, obviously pleased with the destruction that had taken place.
They stopped dead, the marine driving slamming on the brakes. Trak stood motionless in the middle of the road. The gunner of the small vehicle flexed his fingers on the grips of the mounted weapon. Trak looked down at what weapons he had. The small blade was in Lhib's skull, his pistol was depleted and the single rifle he held had barely got enough charge to light, let alone the amount of damage it had sustained. Slowly Trak lowered himself to his knees and set the rifle down, the men's eyes following his every move.
Trak stood back up and stepped backwards. In as loud a voice as he could muster he shouted "I am not your enemy any more. Please let me pass and I will never disturb any human ever again."
The marines looked at each other and conversed in harsh whispers. The one manning the gun looked like he would like nothing better than to blast Traks flesh out of his armour. The passenger though stared wonderingly at Trak. Trak kept his gaze neutral, for the next few moments these humans would decide his fate. Slowly the passenger got out of the vehicle and advanced towards the lone elite, carefully checking the forest sides for any sign of an ambush.
"Are you alone?" he finally asked when within range.
Trak nodded solemnly.
"What happened to you?" the man enquired.
Trak took a deep sigh and explained just how he had come to be here, the marine in the drivers seat looking up when he heard the story, for he had heard it before from some civilians retrieved from the old museum. The passenger looked at Trak after hearing this new information.
Finally he asked, "If we let you go, what will you do? Where will you go?"
Trak looked at the man graciously and replied, "I will begin a new life, far from any human. You will never hear of me again. You have my word."
The passenger returned to the vehicle and spoke once more to the marines. After a long time he came back.
"You can go free. We never saw you here all right. But if one civilian gets hurt or God help you is killed we will come down on you so hard you will wish your team killed you."
Trak lowered his head in respect then strode into the forest. The humans were reasonable Trak thought. They did not accept him fully, but at least they did not persecute him.
The rest of Traks journey was uneventful. He saw no more patrols and reached no more intersections. By now the dual suns were setting over a mountain range far in the distance. He would have to find shelter for the night, a place that was both safe from the elements and the humans for he could not explain himself when asleep. Eventually Trak selected a tall tree and nestled himself snugly in the branches, just like home he mused remembering times when he would hide out in the dense forests on his home planet.
The morning slowly awakened, but for Trak it felt like an entirely new world was beginning today. Suddenly a small cry echoed from the woods. Trak sat bolt upright trying to discern where the sound had come from. He cautiously peered over the edge of the large branch he was on. A human was sitting on a rock below, its head in its hands. Trak moved slowly to get a better look at it, it had not heard him yet and Trak wanted to keep it that way. As he reached for a branch Trak lost his footing and fell down through the branches, all attempt at stealth lost in a heartbeat. He hit the ground hard, but the soft grass cushioned any serious damage. Trak rolled over onto his back and stared up at the sky.
The cries had gone, leaving only silence and Trak was nervous of where the human had gone. Warily Trak stood up and looked for the human. He was standing on the other side of the clearing looking at Trak. His expression changed slowly as they stood staring at each other, first he was scared, then shocked, finally his face hit on anger and he charged at Trak for all he was worth. Trak was not expecting this, this human couldn't have been older than he was and yet he was trying to charge Trak. Dodging to the right Trak avoided the initial blow easily, the boy spun around and began another blind assault without hesitation. This time though Trak moved and tripped the boy at the same time. He went sprawling onto the grass and Trak was on him in a flash.
"Please, listen to me," Trak pleaded, trying to make the boy understand just like the marines.
"I will not harm you. Please understand, I am not with the Covenant."
The boy simply spat at Traks face and squirmed as hard as he could to escape. Trak let the boy go and jumped backwards to escape the boys grasp, "There, you are free, you can leave, I will not hurt you." The boy stood, dazed at the elite before him. Trak stepped back slowly, eventually consumed by the thick forest, leaving the boy alone to wonder what the hell had just happened.
Trak fell back against a tree trunk. He had sprinted away from they boy. There were three possible outcomes he thought to himself. The boy could simply forget about meeting the elite, he could pretend it was a dream and simply deny it to himself. Number two, he could come back alone to try and see the elite again. And last but not least he could bring soldiers. If he said he had been attacked they would come and kill Trak faster than he could spread his mandibles. He hoped to his ancient Gods that the boy did not choose the third option.
The rest of the day was spent hidden away in another tree that had a good view of the clearing. Trak mused over what could happen in the next few days. But then a new thought came into Traks mind. Why had the boy been crying, then attacked an elite? He should have been scared at least, but the anger was not born of desperation or fear, but raw hatred. For what Trak did not know.
The sound of approaching feet woke Trak from his restless sleep. It sounded like only one person but he was not about to find out the hard way. The boy appeared on the edge of the clearing looking around carefully, sure that the elite would be watching. He walked to the centre of the clearing and placed a small object on the rock he had been sitting on earlier.
As he walked away the boy said a single word to the night air, "Thank you."