
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Project Sidewinder-File Chillout by shinbone

Project Sidewinder-File Chillout-1
Date: 30 August 2008, 11:45 pm

UNSC secrets revealed...
scientists, soldiers, and contractors at research facility killed by unknown creatures...
reporters killed during an exclusive tour through the facility...
reason why Voi was glassed...
in other news actor James Parker was raped by a obsessive fan...

4 days ago...

MBS headquarters/24th floor

"Jenkins! You're late! Next time I'll fire you but for now come to my office!"

Sandy Jenkins walked into her bosses office with a face that would've made a zombie go back to its grave. She had been through too much the past couple months. Card debts, a bedridden mother, and her husband had divorced her for another male.

Tim Walter had never in his life seen Sandy in such a terrible shape. He had been her senior in college and when she came to work for him ,he gladly took her in. Sandy was the most reliable person he knew. She always gave a 110 percent and never missed a due date. She used to be so energetic but all she was now was dead.

"Sandy sit down. Not on the floor on the chair."

Tim walked over to the window and gazed at the setting sun.

"Sandy, I've known you for a long time so that's why I'm giving this job to you," said Tim as he walked back to his desk, "The UNSC are giving MBS and Channel 5 a chance to see some classified stuff. The civilans have been asking alot of questions about Voi lately and it seens like ONI grew some balls and are going to show us the real deal. I want you to take the job. Interview some important people and make it look nice, I know you won't let me down."

Sandy reached over and grabbed Tim's mug. After emptying the cup, she threw the cup in the trash can and left the office.

"I'm taking that as a yes Sandy!" Tim called out after her.

UNSC Base Avalanche-Cold Storage Facility

"General Perlman, I strongly disagree with the decision of letting reporters into Cold Storage."

Perlman turned to see who was addressing him. It was Doctor Wheeler. Wheeler was the number 2 scientist in the facility. At 6'6 280 pounds he towered over the old general.

"Not my call Doc. Hood and the spooks think that if we don't tell civies the truth, then a major rebellion might occur. And if that happens, we would lose standing with the Elites, which would lead to a gaggle fuck of things. If you'll move aside I have to prep the boys about the next couple days."

Wheeler sighed as he let the general pass.

"The people won't understand," he thought "They'll just rally and get this facility closed down."

Cold Storage was a underground research facility. Created by a facist leader who hid out in Antartica, once he was defeated it was repurposed by the UNSC. Here, aliens were opened up and studied. From Grunts to new specimen, everything was brought here and experimented upon. It was a small facility but the base above was massive. Avalanche was actually made up of two sided, Side-A and Side-B. Army personnel were responsible or the safety of the scientists.

The most recent project was on a flood specimen and two flood spores. Captured by the courtesy of Terry Long, a scavenger who was at Voi after the glassing. He was rewarded by ONI and later died in an unfortunate car accident. In three months, lead scientist Peter Kelly found out two things about "Loki", that it was brain dead and that over time it healed itself. Kelly thought that if the host was in control of the spore, then it would give the host a longer, more beneficial life.

General Perlman walked into the briefing room. All the soldiers were veterans. No one was ranked lower than a sergeant.

"I am too motherfuckin old to be in this cold environment." the general started his briefing with the usual joke,
"As you all know, we got reporters coming in here. Three actually, one from MBS and two from Channel 5. I don't need to tell you to behave but watch out for the contractors that are coming eith them. They're a cocky bunch.Dismissed."

Pelican-456/in the air

"Hey, excuse me, lady... arghh... Auntie she won't wake up."
"Boy when we're on the job call me boss."
"Sorry... hey dude are can I try shooting your gun?"
"Paul, shut up!"
"Okay, calm down it's not like I- hey she woke up!"

Sandy was never asleep. When she first saw the Channel 5 reporter and her crew, she knew it would be a unpleasant ride.

"Channel 5 reporter Kim Forney, nice to meet you."

Sandy looked at the outstretched hand and said nothing. Her cameraman answered for her instead.

"Dave Diaz, she's Sandy Jenkins, nice to meet you." he said as he shook her hand.

"Same here. This is my intern nephew Paul and our camerawoman Jen Love." Kim said as she pointed them out respectively, "I wonder what they're cutting up this time. Last time they were messing with the dino bird found on Mars."

"This is your pilot Syne speaking. Please fasten all seatbelts as we are about to land. Thank you for not shitting on my plane and I hope you have a nice weekend here at Avalanche. Thank you."

Pelican-456 landed in front of Side-A and General Perlman was waiting for them with a squad of soldiers and Peter Kelly.

"Welcome to the bottom of the world."

Project Sidewinder-File Chillout-2
Date: 22 September 2008, 3:08 am

UNSC Base Avalanche Side-B - Barracks
Day 1

The guests were escorted to the spare rooms in the barracks. The tour would start in four hours. While the reporters went to bed, the contractors, who were used to long rides, went to the cafeteria. After getting a nice assortment of food the contractors went to a table in the corner and sat down. There were five contractors in total. Harry Raufman, James Edwards, and Gary Goldman from Peacemaker Company were hired for MBS. Lance and Penny were hired from the Shinsengumi for Channel 5.

The two companies were similar, but different in every way. Both companies were around for a long time, since the eary 2509s. Both companies had very skilled fighters, but that's were the similarities ended. While the Shinsengumi was a professional group, full of rules and regulations, the Peacemaker Company was a hurricane. They were known to be the most destructive mercenary force ever to be formed. The Shinsengumi was a smaller group. They had a little more than four hundred combat personnel and around a thousand support units. The Peacemaker Company started with roughly the same amount ,but they started to buy out other smaller companies until their combat numbers alone reached to three thousand. The only reason the UNSC didn't force the Peacemaker Company to disband is because the Company did a lot of the UNSC's dirty work and because relatives of HIGHCOM were the Company's executive officers.

MBS cameraman Dave Diaz woke up in a cold sweat. He was an ex-cop and his instincts were telling him that something was wrong. He had this feeling ever since entering the Pelican. Seeing an criminal turned merc wasn't reassuring either. He was sure that James Edwards was an assassin from the streets of Colombia. He was told that Edwards, who had a bounty of a hundred thousand, went to a private military company for amnesty. Seeing Edwards armed with an assault rifle made Diaz's stomach turn. Diaz walked over to the cafeteria to see if he could get a cup of coffee. As he entered, the three from Peacemaker started to leave. After getting a coffee from a dispenser, he sat down in front of the Shinsengumi contractors.

"MBS made a mistake hiring contractors from Peacemaker."

Diaz looked up at the speaker. It was one called Penny. A older woman, she looked like she was in her forties.

"You should introduce yourself before asking questions." Diaz replied

"It wasn't a question. It was a fucking fact."

Diaz wanted to laugh out loud but he knew she was right.

"You don't seem to be the safe type either." he replied.

"You don't hire safe people for a dangerous job."
"What the hell is dangerous about guarding people in a military facility. If the soldiers here decide to kill us, I doubt that you can do anything about it ."

Penny got up with a grunt and headed for the door.

"Sorry about my partner. She's old enough to be your wife but she has the temper of a five year old."
"And you are?"
"We don't reveal our family names."
"I see. No problem. Can I ask why the Peacemakers are bad?"
"It's not that they're bad, they just like to blow stuff up for a really cheap price."
"I gotcha." Diaz said.

Diaz looked over at Lance's katana.

"What's that for?"

"This?" Lance said as he picked it up, "It's a sign to show that we're in the Shinsengumi."

"You guys make those yourselves?"
"Oh, it's not like that. We're actually work with the RKD. They supply us with experimental gear, like our shoulder pads. They made these katana as a anniversary gift. We don't use them in fights."
"They supply weapons?"
"No, we buy our weapons from the same companies that the UNSC buys from. We're big on customizing so our weapons might look a little different."

They chatted for a while longer before Lance got up and left. Diaz finished his coffee, got one for Sandy, and headed back to their room.

UNSC Base Avalanche Side-B - Entrance
Day 1

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to UNSC Base Avalanche. You have been given the opportunity of touring our Cold Storage Facility. What you will see today is a specimen we like to call the Flood. If you would kindly get into the transports provided we will take off in a moments notice."

"What exactly is a Flood?" Kim asked.

Kelly flashed her an award-winning smile

"You'll soon find out!"

The Peacemaker guys started to load MBS's gear into a warthog. After they were done with that they picked up a large metal case and put it in the back of the hog.

"What's in there?" Diaz asked warily.

"Things that help make peace hombre." answered Goldman.

"Gary, just because you're the VP's son doesn't mean you can harass our clients." Edwards said as he secured the case, "Kind sir it's a shitload of weapons that we like to carry around. We like to call it Pandora's Box. Got it amigo?"

Diaz looked over at Sandy and just sat in his seat without saying a word. He knew better than to fight on the job. Sandy just sighed as she maneuvered in her seat to get comfortable.

Lance looked over and was ashamed. Those to assholes were the ones that were giving contractors a bad name.

"Hey! What's that called? I know it's not a battle rifle"

Lance looked up to see Paul Forney staring at his rifle.

"It's a BR55HB SR Battle Rifle or I should say it used to be. I took away the bullpup design. I'm a southpaw and the casings would hit my face, so I got our armorer to pretty much change the gun. I like to call it Striker."
"Can I test it?"
"Paul, concentrate." Kim said while she took down notes, "If you don't do a good job here you might not pass your journalism class."
"I know when to get serious. Don't worry."

And with that Paul sat back and pretended to sleep. Lance put the remaining items in the warthog and got on himself. Penny was already on. She was in the passengers seat with a cap and shades on. The way she was sitting and the way she cradled her MA5K Carbine made it look like she was sleeping on the job, but in reality, she was poised and ready to react to any problem that might arise during the one minute trip to Side-A. Lance looked over at the MBS warthog and had to admit that the Peacemakers looked more like mercenaries than he did. While Harry Raufman dressed like a ODST, the other two, James Edwards and Gary Goldman, were vividly dressed. Under his body armor, James Edwards had on a sleeveless shirt and on his arms were tattoos of snakes coiling down his arms. The snakes heads were located at the end of his fingers. He also had on short safari pants, despite the cold weather. Goldman dressed up similarly but with long pants and a bright red headband, and it was obvious that Gary looked up to or was being taught by Edwards. Compared to Lance and Penny, who were wearing solid gray outfits, the Peacemakers looked like they were ready for action.

The ride to Side-A was uneventful. It was a short ride and once they got there, Kelly led the group to a elevator that would lead them down to the facility.

"This is the only elevator." Kelly explained, "There is no other way down so please be patient. It takes a while for the elevator to get up and down."

Penny turned on her headset and hissed into the mic. Lance replied back with a click and got ready for the tour into Cold Storage.

UNSC Base Avalanche-Cold Storage facility- Lobby
Day 1

Paul Forney practically jumped out of the elevator. It was an older one so the aircon was weak. It took about four minutes to get down to the Facility and it was a uncomfortable ride. The elevator was slightly roomy, but it was nowhere big enough to fit mercs, reporters, a scientist, and an old general with five soldiers. Cold Storage was cold. Paul found himself rubbing his arms to get his blood running. The lobby was a let down. A U-shaped empty lobby. Besides a couple of chairs and a security desk, there was nothing spectacular about the lobby.

"People, people. Your attention please. Our tour will start in five minutes. I repeat, five minutes. General Perlman, I would appreciate it if you would keep your men out of the way behind the cameras."
"Don't worry Pete, the viewers will never know we were here."

"Jen are we good?"
"Yes ma'am, just a sec."

Jen Love was a new camerawoman. Normally, for a project this big, a elite cameraman would have been chosen, but Channel 5 had gotten the invitation last minute and Jen was the only person available at the time.

"Push that button young lady." Diaz advised.

"Ohh. I knew that." Jen said as she got the camera rolling, "Thanks."
"No problem."

"Alrighty then. Let us begin!" Kelly exclaimed.

The reporters started their interviews with Kelly and Paul knew it was going to be a long one. He wasn't stupid, it was just that his interests were in other things. Five minutes into the interview and he was already bored. He started to wander off when a soldier stopped him.

"Stay with the group please."
"I need the bathroom."
"I don't believe you. Turn around and get back with the group."
"Hey! Are you saying no to my client. My client needs the restroom. Lead the way."

Edwards had been watching Paul the whole time. He knew young guys like Paul would be able to find trouble, and Edwards wanted to be there when he did.

"Show us the way to the bathrooms."

The soldier looked over at Perlman.

"Go ahead."
"Yes sir. Please follow me."
"Gary, come with us."

Edwards wanted to be in the VP's son's good side. He wanted to live the extravagant life, and keeping Gary happy was the fastest way for him to attain that life.

The soldier led them to a hallway in the right. They came to a warm yellow room that had a toilet in the right. It had no walls or any other object to cover Paul.

"Err, hey guys, can you wait outside? I need to crap and it's kind of uncomfortable when you guys are watching me."
"No sir, I cannot."
"Hey, my client wants some alone time, alright. Just give him five minutes."
"Yeah, five minutes." Gary copied.
"Five minutes. No more starting now." the soldier consented.

While they were leaving, Edwards knocked the soldier out and popped some pills into his mouth.

"What the fuck man!" Paul shouted in surprise.

"Shh. Quiet, we just have to get back when he wakes up. That pill goes for five minutes. C'mon, let's go on an adventure!"
"Yeah, an adventure!"
"But you don't even work for us."
"What's that got to do with anything?", Gary asked, "Let's go have fun."

Paul didn't say anything as the two mercs went on their way. He knew better than to fool around in a military facility. He opted to do his business and wait for the soldier to wake up.

Edwards and Gary carefully snuck into a room that looked like the general lab. There were about ten scientists working on their computers. Edwards pointed at the ramp and Gary nodded. They went up to the second floor to see another toilet. They entered the another room that was full of beds and massage chairs. This was obviously the rest area for the scientists. They walked over to the balcony and peaked over to see the interview still in process. Gary looked across to see another balcony.

"James, let's jump."

James Edwards estimated the distance between the two balconies. It would be slightly difficult but not impossible.

"Lets me go first. Hold onto my weapon and toss'em back to me when I reach the other side."

Edwards took a step back and started to run towards the balcony. He took a mighty leap and landed safely on the other side. Gary tossed both Edwards and his weapon across. He also jumped across with ease.
The AI had seen the two make the jump and sent a video to the security desk.

Sergeant Jane saw the video and walked over to General Perlman. Kim saw the to whispering and looked around for her nephew.

Idiot, I told him to stay with me.

The two mercs proceeded down the ramp and came into a room were there was a cyro-container. A large scientist was madly working on the hologram next to the container. The beast inside the container was one of the ugliest things Gary had seen in his life. Just then, General Perlman and three soldiers burst into the room. Wheeler looked up in surprise.

"What are you doing in here General?"
"Two of our guests are wandering around this room. Have you seen them?"
"N…no, I haven't seen any of that kind."
"You alright doctor? Maybe you're spending too much time with that thing. You should take a break or you'll look awful on the camera."
"No. I have to finish this."
"Wait. Finish what? Everyone's supposed to be in the lab. You're supposed to come in here together with the others."
"No. The press can't see this. No one can. I'm gonna erase this demon."

General Perlman whipped out his pistol and aimed it at Wheeler. The soldiers did the same.

"Step away from Loki or I'll blow your brains out."
"I'm afraid general, that this is the end." Wheeler said as he pulled out a pistol of his own, "Goodbye."

Wheeler and the Army personnel exchanged fire. General Perlman never had a chance to fire his pistol. The Doctor had good aim despite his time behind a desk. The General took a mouthful of lead. The soldiers opened fire with their M6J Carbines. Wheeler was dead before Perlman hit the floor. A soldier went over to the Doctor while the other two checked up on the General.

The gunfire attracted everyone into the cryo room. Edwards and Gary ran back to the group and whispered what they saw to everyone else. The scientists and soldiers tried to clean up the situation.

"How is Loki! Make sure he's okay!"

Kelly rushed in and looked at Loki. He rushed over to the control console and looked at what Wheeler had done.

"Oh no. We have to get Loki out of the container! Wheeler you bastard! All my work will go to waste if we don't get Loki out!
"Sir, what about the General and the Doctor?"
"We can deal with the bodies later. Loki takes first priority!"
"But sir-"

Kelly turned around to give the speaker a piece of his mind. Before he could take a step towards the soldier, a infection form jumped onto his face. The firefight had broken the containers that held the infection forms. Another soldier had a infection form on his face also. They were soon taken over and died. The bystanders were shocked. Not knowing what to do the remaining three soldiers, excluding Sergeant Jane, took the bodies to the resting area. The remaining scientists started to defreeze Loki. They pulled Loki out of his container and started to carry him to the lab area.

"Jen! Get a shot of that!"

Kim had been carefully watching the entrance for her nephew when she saw Loki. Jen and Diaz were taping the combat form when it suddenly woke up. The scientists dropped Loki and stepped away from it. Loki seemed to be observing his surroundings.

"What the fuck is that Penny?"
"Hell if I know Lance. Miss Forney, please enter the elevator."
"What a bout Paul?"
"We'll find him. Get in the elevator now. You to Jen. Jen!"

Jen had stepped closer to get a better shot of the flood. An avid horror movie fan, Loki was practically a turn on. The scientists inched their way towards Loki. They had to get it secured. That's when Loki attacked. He ripped apart four scientists in less then five seconds. The rest ran away towards the elevator.


The guests and Sergeant Jane stepped into the elevator. Edwards punched the close button before the scientists got there. The scientists spread out as Loki charged them. Jen froze in terror as the scientists were ripped apart. It then came at her. Kim and the survivors watched hopelessly as Jen was ripped apart. Kim threw up when she remembered that Paul was still in there.

"We have to go back. Please, Paul's in there."
"After we get you to a secure spot." Penny replied.

"How many soldiers are topside?" Diaz asked Jane.
"Well, there were five down there excluding me… so… seven more, eight including me."
"Fuck. We have to go back and kill that thing."
"I don't know about that. They'll probably try to capture it again."
"Fuck that shit. It ripped people apart. We gotta kill that thing!"
"Please, this isn't my call. Calm down and leave it to us."

UNSC Base Avalanche Side-A
Day 3

Its been a two day since Wheeler's actions. All contact with the facility had been cut off. The remaining soldiers had contacted the higher ups and received orders to secure the facility and Loki. Sandy was told by Tim Walter to document everything possible.

"Easier said than done", she thought.

The Peacemakers and Diaz would accompany her down to the facility. Lance and Penny would search for Paul while Kim stayed up in the base. Dave Diaz thought it would be a good idea for him to arm himself so he went to the armory. He equipped himself with a M6D, something he used during his cop years. The soldiers decided to leave two men on the base with Kim and the rest would go down. Arming themselves with M6J Carbines, they prepared to go down. Lt. Escobar decided to let the nonmilitary personnel in on the plan.

"Okay, reporters and mercs, follow Sarge and his team to the left into the lab. My team will go right and clear that area."
"We'll go right also sir." Lance said, "We got a kid to rescue in that area."
"Fine. We can use the extra guns. Okay everyone, we leave at midnight."
"Fuck you. My nephew is dying. You leave now or I kill you."
"Lady, we don't know what were heading into. I want my men to be alert when we go down there. We haven't slept for 24 hours. We rest up, then head down."
"Go now! Go now or I'll kill you!"

Escobar brought up his pistol.

"Calm down, or I'll be forced to shoot you."
"Let us go down then." Penny asked.
"You sure you don't want to wait for us?"
"Alright. I won't hold you back as long as you promise me that you won't kill the specimen."
"We'll do our best but no promises."
"Good luck."

UNSC Base Avalanche Side-Cold Storage Facility
Day 3

The elevator doors opened slower than Lance remembered. He took a step forward and sweeped the lobby from right to left. There was blood everywhere. He looked at Penny who indicated for him to go to the right. He acknowledged her order and went forward. This side was the were Paul was according to the Peacemakers. He carefully inched his way inside the room.

It was empty. No sleeping soldier, no Paul. He proceeded into the lab area. Empty again. He started to walk up the ramp and work his way to the resting area when he heard a loud clang.

"Sorry, my bad." Penny commed

He carefully peaked into the room. There was a monster looking the other way, probably because of Penny. This is the one the ell-tee wanted him to save. He decided to wait for it to leave. It did. It left towards Penny's area. A second later, he heard gunfire. The staccato of the MA5K Carbine pierced the eerie silence.

"Fuck. I'm in the cryo room. Took a whole mag to take that thing out. Let's find the kid and get out of here."

Lance walked over to the ledge. He looked down as he reported in.

"Paul's not in the right side Penny. He must be on your side. Get up to the ledge."

"Lance. There's a monster here. It looks like a fuckin cross between a cow and a sheep. It's coming at me! I'm taking it out!"

Lance heard more gunfire as Penny shot at whatever was attacking her. He heard a pop and Penny say incoherent words over the comm.

"Penny! You okay? Penny."

Penny was walking up the ramp backwards shooting at what looked like shrunken heads.

"Penny! Stop! You're at the edge."

She continued to shoot until she was out of ammo. She pulled out her pistol once she ran out of ammo for the rifle.

"Penny. Jump over. No way that dude survived."
"No. I'm sure I saw him. Except he was one of those things. I didn't shoot him. You come across."

Lance tossed Striker over. Penny recoiled because of the weight of the weapon. Lance had attached an high capacity magazine.

"Can't you carry something lighter?"
"Can't you work out more?"
"Shut up and jump over."

Lance was about to jump when a combat form appeared behind Penny.

"Penny! Six!"

Penny started to turn when the flood hit her. She flew across the lobby and hit the wall. Lance jumped down and rolled but got the wind knocked out of him. The flood jumped down next to him. It looked like Paul but disfigured.

"Kim's heart would break if she saw him like this." he thought.

Paul, or what used to be him, was about to strike Lance when he heard the high staccato of his rifle. Paul was ripped apart by the rifle he was so intrigued by.
Lance got up and ran over to Penny. She was in bad shape. The left side of her body was broken. There was a pool of blood rapidly accumulating by her body.

"I'm fucked up good Lance."
"You killed Paul. We're probably not gonna be paid the full price. Let's get you out of here."
"No. This wall's keeping my back together. Don't move me. Here's your rifle. The recoils a bitch. That's why normal BR's only go up to three round bursts."
"Don't be such a pussy. You're coming with me."
"No. Be professional. Leave now. Take your rifle."

Lance walked over to the elevator. Inside was two carrier types. Lance was about to shoot when Penny stopped him.

"Don't. Little bastards will pop out and get you. Take them up with you. Army guys'll be happy for that.:

Lance got in the elevator and turned around. He pointed at Penny and said, "I'll be back." with the Arnold voice.

"Stop fucking with me and leave you bastard."

Lance saluted her as the door closed. Even though they weren't military, it seemed like the right thing to do. The ride up reeked. The people up on the base smelled the elevator before it reached the top. Lt. Escobar got his men in a semi circle around the elevator doors with the camera behind them. The Peacemakers joined them, with a brute shot and a flamethrower that was in Pandora's Box. The doors opened and Lance stepped out.
"Don't shoot. I got some things behind me."

That's when the carrier forms started their banzai run out of the elevator. The went to the flanks and blew up. The infection forms started to stick to the remaining survivors. The soldiers tried to choose their targets, but the Peacmakers blazed away. Edwards flamed Sandy when a flood landed on her back. She screamed for two seconds before she hit the floor. She was instantly killed. Diaz brought his pistol up and put a round in Edwards' chest. Once a killer, always a killer. He knew Edwards couldn't be trusted. The heavy round twisted Edwards around. He sat up and saw a hole in his shoulder. Diaz cursed his aim and prepared to pump another round in Edwards when Gary shot Diaz. Gary had the brute shot. He had bought it in the black market and loved to use it. Diaz blew apart as Gary shot four rounds into his stomach. Edwards picked up an SMG from the box and started to spray the area, hitting Raufman in the head. Raufman's ODST helmet saved his head from blowing up. All things had gone to hell. Lt. Escobar and five of his men were dead. The MBS crew was dead. The Peacemakers, Lance, Kim, and Sergeant Jane and one other solider were the only ones remaining. Lance had jumped back into the elevator when the shooting started. He stepped out to see Jane giving aid to a fellow soldier. He had been shot in the chest. Edwards was patching himself up too. Raufman was looking at his helmet. He was just staring at it before he started laughing. He fell on the floor and rolled around.

"Fuckers on drugs." Lance said to himself.

"Yup. Best ones from Mars. Red Dust." Gary answered.

Lance looked over and shook his head. He saw Jane get up and load her carbine.

"You bastards!" she yelled at the Peacemakers.

"What you want bitch!" Gary countered.

They started arguing when Kim walked in with Lance's katana.

"Where's Paul? Where's my nephew?"

Lance walked over and took the sword away from her.

"Kim, calm down. I found him. Go wait in your room."
"No! Bring him out! Now!"

She pushed him to the floor and ran at the elevator. She tripped over Raufman and fell to the ground. Before she could get up, Edwards walked over shot her.

"What the fuck man!" Lance said in surprise as he walked over.

Edwards didn't say a word as he brought the pistol up to Lance. He fired a round into Lances stomach. The body armor didn't help. The heavy round penetrated and burst in Lance's stomach slamming him on the floor. Lance looked up to see Edwards head missing and the Peacemaker's and Jane in a firefight. Lance crawled over to the elevator and used the katana as a crutch. He saw Jane get killed by Raufman, who then put his shotgun in his mouth and pull the trigger. Gary was cradling Edwards' body. He was crying and seemed to be oblivious to his own wound in his stomach and leg. The elevator door closed.
UNSC Base Avalanche Side-A- Cold Storage Facility
Day 4

The elevator doors opened. Lance leaned on the katana as he limped his way out. He stopped in the middle of the lobby and looked down at his wound. His vision was blurred and his pants were soaked with blood. He looked up to see Penny staring at him.

"I'm back."
