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Fan Fiction

Pax, the Redemtion. by Boa

Pax-The begaining Part 1
Date: 30 April 2003, 2:04 AM

With a roar the Covenant dropship speed across the midnight black sky of Halo. Pax could not help but tremble with excitement. His dropship carrying three blue elites (including himself) and a shadow, was heading to a weapons depot. He would not screw over this assignment, his first assignment! Pax had lost count of the number of times he checked if his plasma rifle battery was at full power, the number of times he had checked to see if his three plasma grenades were properly attached to the bandoleer during the half an hour ride. "The drop zone is coming up!" The elite driver bellowed in his thunderous voice over the intercom startling them all awake, "in five, four, three, two, one! Ride ends here boys, everybody out!"
The doors opened in the drop ship opened and Pax leapt out with the rest of his squad. The squad patiently waited until the shadow fell free from the dropship, then they clamored aboard the shadow. Pax was seated in the side seat watching the snow fly from the path of the shadow. "Commander…" Pax began cautiously, "What exactly is our objective?" The commander glared at Pax for a moment before answering, "We are to guard the southern entrance of the complex." "But sir…" "That is all you need to know solider, now stow the gab, our objective is approaching." Pax looked at the objective, it was a small hill at the entrance to a large complex with red warding simples on its side. At the top of the hill another Shadow laid parked, as well as a shade. Three other blue elites were already at the objective; one of witch was manning the shade. The other two were posting energy shields around the area. Pax's shadow sped up over the hill and landed on the ground next to the other shadow, they all piled out. "Praise is to the gods!" The commander bellowed to the tropes in the area. "Praise is to the gods!" The tropes sang back. Gods indeed Pax thought privately to himself. All they were was just a scam. Pax dared not utter these thoughts aloud; the prophets would flay him alive if they heard him.
Pax settled down to get comfortable next to one of the shadows, and slowly drifted off to meditation. "Wake up inferior!" Pax's eyes popped open to see the glaring face of his commander. Aww shit he thought to himself looking at the sky, it was bright, a few hours must have past. "You dare meditate on duty! I will be sure to report you to the gold Patherans!" Pax slowly stood up "Sorry sir…" he humbly began, but the commander would have none of it. " I will be sure that you will suffer greatly for this!" Suddenly Pax did shut up; he heard a faint sloshing sound coming from in the complex. "Sir, what is in this complex?" Pax asked quickly. The commander stopped his ranting for a moment. "A expedition team went in earlier today chasing a few humans. Ten black spec ops elites, and twenty black spec ops grunts. Why?" The sloshing sound was now hearable easily. Pax and the commander's faces both turned to look at the tunnel leading into the weapons complex. Hundreds of small squid like bugs were scrambling out of the complex, and towering over them were the tall forms of zombie elites and dead humans. The elites and humans were all horribly mutated. It looked as if the squids had taken over their bodies. As the elite in the shade opened up plasma bolts ripped through the enemy forces. Pax felt horror bubbling up in his throat as he gazed upon an infected flood warrior barring down on him. Then remembering who he was he started to vent his plasma rifle on the thing. It stumbled back a few steps, and then collapsed to the ground. Another battle hungry elite unhooked a plasma grenade and stuck it to an infected marine with a roar. That was the first and last mistake the elite made. The grenade bearing infected marine jumped in to the air and slashed at the commander with its tentecled hand, and then the grenade went off. The blast killed the commander, the elite who threw the grenade, the shade gunner and his buddy. The blue flash also flipped the shade over. The other remaining elite other than Pax let out a vicious
Roar and charged into the mass of enemies. He let his plasma rifle go on full auto. The blue bolts of death tore apart the smaller forms of the enemy. The smaller forms also popped against his shield when they attacked him. Then his shield went down. The smaller infection forms latched onto him and quickly devoured him. Pax panicking as the last of the elites went down ran to the nearest shadow and hopped into the drivers seat. Looking back he saw the enemy swarming out, like a flood of death. The shadow started up and then raced away from the dreadful scene of death. Tears poured down Pax's face. He was a coward. He could not return to the covenant ever again.

Hope you some what enjoyed the story. If some people liked it I will post the next one.

Pax-the begaining Part 2
Date: 4 May 2003, 11:37 PM

Several miles away from the carnage Pax's shadow slowly moved to a halt. Tears relentlessly poured down Pax's face as he climbed out of his vehicle. Hesitantly the blue armored elite sat down with his back to a large boulder.
"Cowered." He muttered to him self, "That's all I am and that's all I'll ever be."
Pax unhooked a plasma grenade from his belt and held it in his hand. Suicide was not forbidden among the Covenant, indeed if you failed or disgraced your leadership you are encouraged to suicide. He had committed a high crime. He had fled from a battle. Pax almost pushed the button that would detonate the grenade when a pair of Covenant dropships flew by overhead. They slowly came to a halt a good 50 meters from Pax. Twelve orange and red grunts hopped out of the troop compartments, as well as four blue elites. The ships also dropped off four shades. Pax continued to watch the Covenant tropes set up a camp, then rising up he began to walk over to the camp. It only took a few moments for one of the blue elites in the camp to spot Pax. "Identify your self!" the elite roared.
"I am Pax Umlees, One of the warriors of the Sixtieth Elite Platoon." Pax roared back.
"Where is the rest of your platoon?"
"You are the lone survivor of the victorious battle then?"
Pax gulped knowing that his answer would sign his death warrant, "lone survivor: yes, victorious battle: no. I fled from the battle." Pax calmly told the elite. The entire camp grew quite; the blue elite he was talking to eyes went wide. "You fled from the battle," the blue elite repeated. Pax nodded his head. The elite commander of the camp nodded to another elite standing behind Pax. Before Pax could do anything he felt a burning pain on the back of his head, then all went dark.

Pax awoke a few hours later lying on the cold hard ground of a Covenant vessel. "Ouch," he muttered to him self as he stood up. He was inside a large purple cell; a large green energy field hummed in front of him. Across the hall he could see a few other cells like his, except the other cells held no prisoners. A pair of red elites were patrolling the prison holding area. Pax grimaced as he felt a pain on the back of his head. Lightly he touched the back of his head with his hand, when he withdrew his hand it was covered with wet blue blood. The doors leading in to the prison area flickered briefly then opened. A gold armored elite marched into the prison area with half a dozen black spec ops elites. The gold elite walked up to the red elites in the area. "Praise is to the gods!" they proclaimed. The gold Patheran acknowledged the greeting with a nod, and then turned to face Pax. "Pax Umlees you are in the prison cells of the Truth and Reconciliation," the elite boomed, "and you have committed one of the highest treasons a soldier in the Covenant could have done, you have deserted. Your execution will take place one day fr…" The gold elites speech was cut short as a voice cackled on the radio, "Sir, a large mass of flood are heading towards the ship, their numbers are incalculable." The gold Patheran calmly assessed the situation. "Get the ship onto combat alert, and get the ship into space." The elite tossed a glare at Pax, "I shall deal with your death later." Then the gold elite and his command left the detention cellblocks. A whirlwind of thoughts tormented Pax's head. Flood, what the hell were the goddamn flood! Pax did not get to dwindle on the thought because out of the sides of the cell tubes opened up and light green gas poured down upon him. He was unconscious in an instant.

Pax awoke a small while later to see that the green barricade of plasma was gone. Sparks leapt out from all over the room. In one cell a small fire had started. On the ground laid splayed the two red elites, along with half-a-dozen dead mutated elites. Flood, Pax thought to himself. That was the name of the squid like alien things, and their mutate slaves. Pax stood up and ran out of the detention area, scooping up two plasma grenades and a plasma rifle as he went.
When he left the detention area he saw two infected flood marines dragging the body of an elite along. Not hesitating Pax threw a plasma grenade on the floor next to them. Before either of the things could register the fact that there was an enemy near by the grenade exploded. Grinning to him self he started to move down the corridor. But he stopped dead in his tracks and thought to himself, where will I go? The Covenant wants him dead, and the humans will kill me on sight. I will live a hermit's life he decided. I will steal a ship and go back to my home world. Determined to do this he continued on. Around the next corner a firefight was occurring. Four spec ops elites and six spec ops grunts were fighting a hoard of flood. It did not last long. The flood quickly swarmed the Covenant. Then spying him six large flood warriors charged towards him. Back peddling Pax let his plasma rifle take down three of the infected things. As one of them came near him he bashed it, stunning it. Then his plasma rifle decimated the thing. He drooped his last grenade right in front of the last two flood. They quickly learned to fly. Growing more confident he moved forward past the corner, and ran right into a green armored human.

PS How do you indent? It would not let me. It pressed tab so many times I lost count! Someone pleace help me!

Pax the beginning part 3
Date: 27 May 2003, 12:10 PM

       Without hesitating Pax opened up with his plasma rifle on the green armored human, but to his astonishment the blue bolts were absorbed into a gold shield that sprang up around the man. Unfortunately for Pax he didn't have time to marvel at this, for a wad of shotgun buckshot slammed into his midriff.
"Uff!" Pax gasped and fell to his knees with his hands clutching his stomach in gut wrenching agony. Blue blood gushed out from in-between his fingers and spilled messily onto the ground.
"Can you stand?" the human warrior surprisingly spoke the gruff question. Pax glanced up at the human to see him offering his hand in assistance.
"Why do you want to know?" Pax answered.
"I saw you, you did not fight with the rest of your kin, and you have the black mark of the renegade imprinted on your armor."
Pax looked down on his armor to see a black shield branded on it, that was the mark of a coward. Pax looked back the warrior and thought about his offer for a moment, he had already broken a few covenant laws and was sentence to death, one more wrong would not hurt.
"I accept your proposition, I'm Pax Umlees."
" John 117, Spartan." John added of handedly," Sorry about the wound, it can be patched easily enough thou, there's a med kit back the way I came."

       Two flood combat elite forms circled around mindlessly at the end of a hallway on the truth and reconciliation. Without warning a brown blinking ball landed in between them both with a soft clinking sound. The two flood looked at their end for a moment before the grenade went off in a fiery explosion.
"That's two for me." The Master Chief exclaimed in a superior tone to Pax.
"Your keeping count?"
"Of course!"
"Then duck human."
John dropped to one knee as plasma rounds whizzed over his to scorch a flood human infection form.
"Thanks." John mumbled as he looked at the body behind him.
"The kill count is now one-two, your lead human."
With that Pax turned around and continued down the hallway.
"Damn Covie." John muttered as he followed Pax.
Seeing Pax stop, pause, and then run backwards as soon as he peeked round the corner John sprinted forward.
"What did you see?" Those were the first words out of John's mouth when he got near to the blue warrior.
" My kin." Pax replied.
" Did they see you?"
Pax shook his head back and forth. Knowing that the element of surprise was still on his side John stealthily moved towards the corner. Peaking his head round the corner he saw that he was on the third floor of a docking bay. About five spec ops elites and ten black grunts were patrolling the area. Beneath John's helmet a smile stained his lips. Leveling his shotgun in one hand and a plasma grenade in the other the Master Chief burst into action.
       Seeing the human burst into action Pax charged right behind him. The human chucked the grenade onto the head of the nearest grunt. With a shriek the grunt turned and ran, strait for his comrades. Three elites went down with four grunts with screams of pain. Not missing a beat Spartan continued running bringing down one, two, three grunts in a row. Stepping into the docking bay Pax witnessed the human fire a shell into another black Elite and the hardly pausing feed him the butt of his shotgun. The remaining three grunts began to run off in a frantic race for life, with the specter of death behind them. Noticing something stir near him Pax saw the last spec ops elite stand up. The black warrior's eyes looked at Pax's leveled gun, then at the damming mark on Pax's armor. Pax (still not firing a shot) watched his brother in arms stand up. With a roar the now up right black warrior ignited his plasma sword and charged Pax. Taken by surprise Pax crutched low and tackled the elite warrior. With a grunt the two elites fell to the floor in a wrestling watch over the plasma sword. Grabbing his enemy's wrist Pax tried to force the blade down to the spec ops neck. As the blade neared the black elites neck Pax's enemy gave up. The plasma weapon severed a clean hole in the spec op's neck. "May…" The dieing elite crocked, "the gods…take you trai…ter." The black warrior toke one last breath, then died. Pax crawled away from the body in horror, tears once more poured down his face.

      Walking back from grunt hunting John spied Pax staring calm faced at the body of an elite. Fearing he might be hurt the Master Chief ran over to Pax.
"You all right?" He cried to the elite.
" I killed him, one of my own kind."
Pax leapt up and turned to the John.
" We Covenant do not fight and kill each other like you humans do! We live in peace with each other!"
John looked at Pax and then pointed at the body of the dead elite, "It was your life or his Pax. Do you think he would have had any second thoughts about killing you?"
When Pax didn't answer immediately John answered his own question
"Hell no! That ugly bastard would have cut you in two with out a second though. All the people I killed would have jumped at the chance to kill me! Now get yourself together, our rides here." Two banshees flew into the docking bay and landed.
"Ride?" Pax asked.
"Just follow me." John replied.
Leaping off the edge of the platform John landed next in a banshee and flew out of the bay with gunfire riding his tail.
Not hesitating Pax leapt down into the other banshee and flew away right behind his human comrade.
