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Fan Fiction

Origin of the Mark V by ShotgunGoBOOM

Origin of the Mark V
Date: 11 August 2004, 12:44 AM

Authors Note: Okay considering all the nasty comments from my last story, I decided not to write something lousy like being inside Halo. At least you guys were truthfull. The people inside this story are NOT real players. If your Xbox live username happens to be one of these characters, then I'm sorry. This particular story is at an outpost for training 21 year-old Spartans close to Reach where a certain piece of technology is being developed...

"Duck!" ShotgunGoBOOM screamed at Jster and dived for cover. The Rocket screamed over both their heads and detonated on a warthog, sending it flying into the air. Small pieces of metal pelted Jake and Shotgun. Jakes shields flared but held. Slowly Shotgun raised his head. W-man stood not 50 yards away, his Rocket Launcher still smoking. Jster coughed and slowly reached for the pistol at his side. W-man fired a warning shot with his other weapon, a shotgun. Jster's hand stopped halfway to the pistol as it was blown off. Shotgun could see Jster's pain beneath his helmet. Shotgun activated his helmet mike. "CMC, you might want to hurry up with that Sniper Rifle." he said. W-man turned around and looked around. What he hadn't thought about in his haste was that Shotgun had deliberately sent the message to W-man. Shogun leapt up and shot W-man in the head with a burst from his Assault Rifle. The Spartan hit the ground with a pulpy smack. "Come on, we need to get you back to base before infection sets in." he said and hoisted Jster up.

"Did everything go according to plan?" The Covenant Prophet asked. "Yes, m'lord. The Human we swayed under our command was defeated. The tracker on the human's vehicle landed on one of the devils." The Brute replied, bowing to the ground. "Excellent. The Green Devils will soon be defeated." The prophet said and curled its hands into fists. "Now, be gone. I must look at our current situation." The Brute left and wiped its brow. Dealing with the blessed ones always left him exhausted.

"You're going to be okay, but I'm afraid we can't do anything for you're hand, Jster." LagKiller said. "That's okay Lag, is wasn't my shooting hand anyway." Jster said. Shotgun knew he was really still in shock and trying to make the best of things, but tried not to show it. He patted him on the back. "W-man did everyone else a favor. They were all scared of you anyway." Shotgun said and smiled. "I wonder why W-man would betray us though? In allot of ways he was the most loyal of us." Lag said thoughtfully. Just then Xjawed ran in. "Theirs a breach in Sector 7 sir!" "Damnit. How could they have known about the location of our base?" Shotgun said. "I think I know." Jster said grimly and plucked something off his armor. "This must be a tracker that W-man got onto me before you killed him, Shotgun." "S***. "We'll have to repel them." Lag said. "Xjawed, what kind of attacker are they?" "Covenant, sir." Xjawed replied. "Okay then. Jster, you alert the other Spartans. Shotgun, you go help the Spartans defending the front. And Xjawed, you come with me to the security station. We'll try to shut them out." Lag said. Shotgun and Jster nodded and ran to their areas. Xjawed and Lag ran to the security station. Xjawed sat down at the Defense systems seat and Lag sat down at the lockdown systems seat. "Xjawed, turn control for the front defense turrets to the Computer. We'll blow them to hell before they even get in." Lag said. "Xjawed nodded. "So, you finally gave me a chance for some action?" An A.I.'s voice said in the Security station room. "Not now Crater. The covenant have found our base." Lag said. "Now please close off sections D-3, G-7, and Restricted Area Alpha. We can't let the Covenant find out about the new MJOLNIR Mark V armor we're making." "You mean the armor ONI has trusted us to make better then they ever could?" Xjawed asked. "Yes. They knew the only way to make the MJOLNIR armor better was to make it's wearers improve it themselves." Lag said. "Closing area now. Wait. Section D-3's lockdown halted from explosion. Trying to close off area now." Crater. "Crater! Close off section D-8! NOW!" Lag yelled.

Things were considerably calmer for Shotgun. So far he and his fire team had held off the surprisingly small covenant assault off with little casualties. "Send the wounded to the med bay." Shotgun barked and pumped a grunt full of bullets with his SMGs. Suddenly and explosion rocked a door near him. Quickly he fired at the opening door. 3 camouflaged elites quickly fell dead. An elite managed to survive the bullets, and ran through the door. "Darkbullet, you take command while I go after that elite!" Shotgun said and ran through the door after the elite.

Origin of the Mark V: Part 2
Date: 22 August 2004, 10:08 PM

Authors Note: Sorry it took so long for me to post this, but I was on vacation in Idaho for a week. Also, thank you for the comments. It made me feel much better about writing fan fiction.

SGB looked around. "Where could that elite be? I just saw it go through the door a minute ago!" he said to himself. Slowly he looked around a corner. Nothing. "Damn." he cursed. "No single tr-" he suddenly looked down a thing he just stepped in. "Elite blood. Good. I'm on his trail." he started to follow the trail, noting that there was more and more blood as he walked on.
Elite Omenge 'Omosenne slowly limped on. Ever since the green devil had shot him, the room had been harder and harder to see. 'Omosenne looked around, trying to find a fitting area where to hide. He spotted a slightly hidden corner between a wall and an ammo crate. Slowly and painfully. He went over to the corner and sat down. Making sure no one was around, he started to bandage himself.
"SGB...come in SGB." A voice said in SGB helmet. "DarkBullet? What is it!?" he said into his radio. ".... We need help at the front...new...covenant...please come qui-" Dark Bullet said before the line dissolved into static. SGB began to worry. DarkBullet sounded like he was wounded. Or close to death. That meant that the new covenant had to be tough to take down 10 Spartans in their MJOLNIR armor. DarkBullet himself had been wearing a Mark V prototype. That meant something big had entered the base. That's when the power failed. But suddenly SGB smiled. Turning on his night vision, he noticed the elite he had been chasing hiding in a corner. He stealthy sneaked over to the corner and took something out of his pocket
'Omosenne had just finished bandaging himself and drunken some water out of his canteen. He started to feel much better and managed to stand up. It may be interesting to note that the moment SGB tossed the grenade, 'Omosenne had ducked to retrieve his weapon. Instead of the fragmentation grenade bouncing off the elite and stopping, the grenade bounced on the wall, which sent it straight back to SGB. The elite looked up just as the Green Devil ran off and the grenade exploded. 'Omosenne only received a few cuts from the shards of the grenade hitting him. The elite took off down a corridor that read on the top: D-9.
SGB cursed when he stopped running. Not only had he almost been killed, he had lost the elite. He started to head to the front in hopes of making up for it by helping with the fronts defense. He had run only 50 yards when he saw multiple enemy contacts on his radar. He stopped dead and hid behind a corner just as a grunt walked by. The grunt turned but before he saw the Spartan, SGB had hit him in the back with his AR.
Meanwhile LagKiller and Xjawed were working feverishly to stop the covenant. Jster ran in. "I've got everyone ready Lag. We found a few of them already dead though. I counted them and we have 30 Spartans ready to go, all in their armor." he reported. "Good. Send 10 to the left, 10 to the right wing, and 10 more to the middle. You and Xjawed go help. I'll do what I can for the security measures. It looks like we got a new kind of covenant to deal with." he replied. "Sir, yes sir!" They saluted and ran off. LagKiller started to close sections A-1, A-2, A-3, and D-9. "Crater, Vent oxygen from all the rooms that I've blocked off. Then activated the bombs in those sections just to make sure."
'Omosenne had just reached a door that had been locked down when a strange feeling came over him. It was like the time he had visited the Grunt home world, where there was Methane, but not much air. Suddenly he realized the humans were venting the chamber he was in. He pounded on the door, becoming weaker and weaker every second. Then 'Omosenne was about to take his last breath when the chamber exploded and blew him to hell.
SGB had just gotten halfway to the front when he heard a sound behind him. He turned and aimed his AR at the sound. "It's just us, sir. We came to defend the base." A voice said. Then a Spartan in MJOLNIR armor stepped out of the shadows. SGB relaxed. Finally, he had gotten a break. "I'll come with you, soldier. It looks like you'll need some help." he said. They all headed for the front when suddenly a covenant monster stepped out of the shadows.

The battle for the Mark V had begun.

Origin of the Mark V: Part 3
Date: 31 August 2004, 3:57 PM

Authors Note: Once again, thank you for the suggestions. I'm trying to use all the suggestions you sent me

SGB opened fire on the beast, half in surprise because it jumped right in front of him, and half in anger because he had let it almost blind sight him. The beast roared in pain but otherwise kept coming. Another Spartan had just started to fire when the beast whacked him hard. The Spartan had just enough time to fire one more shot before he crashed into the wall with a sickening Crack. The visor on the Spartans helmet cracked. He lay there, motionless. Another Spartan ran over and kneeled next to him. "Josh! Don't die man!" The Spartan cried. During that all of the Spartans opened fire. Finally the beast screamed in agony and fell to the ground with Smack. "What the hell was that, Chief?" A Spartan asked SGB. "Your guess is as good as mine, Spartan. We should continue on though." He replied. He suddenly noticed that all the other Spartans were carrying what looked like an improved Assault Rifle. "Where'd you get one of those?" he asked a Spartan. "These are the new Battle Rifles, sir." The recruit he was talking to held out the new Rifle for SGB to inspect. The Rifle had a scope (With Auto-Zoom), a cut down muzzle, and a clip with 40 rounds. "Nice weapons." He said. "Here sir, we have a few spares and some ammo we were carrying just in case." A Spartan replied and handed him the new rifle with 6 clips of ammo. "Thanks." He said. He jogged over to the wounded Spartan. "Take him to the infirmary. Will three Spartans please escort them and guard the entrance?" He asked out loud. Immediately 3 Spartans stepped out of the crowd and volunteered. "And what are your names, Spartans?" SGB asked. "Spartan #706, JakeBull, sir!" The first one said. This Spartan was tall, so tall he could brush the ceiling with his fingertips. "Spartan #354, NT, sir!" The Spartan next to the man said. This Spartan was a woman, close to her golden years. "Spartan #217, DON'T SHOOT, sir!" "What was that, Spartan?" SGB asked. "That's my name sir, DON'T SHOOT. Quite entertaining when some got a targeting reticule on me." DS said with a grin. "Whatever. Go protect that Spartan." SGB said. "Okay, let's move to the front!" He barked and they all took off for the front of the base, their boots make hollow thumping noises on the ground.

Meanwhile Lag was still working on Security measures when A Spartan suddenly ran into the room. It was Jster. "Lag, the Covenant forces are coming this way! You have to get out of here!" Jster said. It was clear that Jster was worried. "No. Go on. I'll do whatever I can." Lag said with a grim determination in his voice. "Are you crazy?! Come on!" Jster yelled and tried to drag Lag away. Lag grabbed Jster, got up, and then threw him out of the room. "Goodbye Jster. I'll never forget you." Lag said sadly and hit the button to lockdown the security room. Immediately 3 layers of Titanium-A Armor covered the door to the Security room and the walls around the door. Jster beat at the door until he heard Covenant Forces coming around the corner. Quickly he ran down the corridor and hid in the shadows. The Covenant forces slowly went down the corridor, checking every nook and cranny. When they saw that the way into the security room was blocked, they all took out Plasma weapons and pointed them at the door. Eagerly they all opened fire, hoping to be the one they took out the defense that had blocked them from a human. When the barrage of gunfire stopped, only 1 sheet of the Armor stood in front of them. The other 2 sheets were molten slag. Suddenly a Gold Elite raised an Energy sword and hacked at the Sheet. The white-hot sword burned it to pieces in seconds. On the other side of the door stood Lag, a SMG in each hand. He opened fire and 5 grunts fell dead. For 5 seconds everyone was quiet. Then the covenant charged into the room, eager for a kill. That's when Lag hit a button and the room's fail-safe activated. The room exploded and 400 covenant soldiers were sent to hell. There was no chance Lag made it. "You always gave the enemy hell, Lag." Jster whispered. "Now I'm going to do the same thing." He sprinted to the front.

Origin of the Mark V Part 4: Finale
Date: 12 September 2004, 12:52 AM

Authors Note: Sorry it took so long for this, but I found out that the Fan fic server was working again the hard way. So enjoy the Finale!

SGB gaped. All around him were the bodies of his fallen comrades. All that remained of what had been the door was a hole. But the team guarding the front had taken down a good 200 Covenant. All around them were their bodies. "Holy S***. To think the Covenant would do this! Something must have happened. We have to follow them before they get the...well, you know." A Spartan said as he looked around the room.
"Stow it Spartan. We have to get those Covenant. Okay, half of you come with me to the left. The other half, take the right. We're going to make sure the Mark V is still intact. Come on!" SGB yelled. Half the Spartans took the left, doubling back, and SGB and his half took right, Xjawed's previous path when he had been sent there.
Field Master Asdsa 'Holamee had just tuned into the battle net and knew that the Assault on the filth's base was going well, except for the setback when a human had detonated a sector and killed over 400 covenant soldiers. But that was war. Soon, 'Holamee thought, the armor the humans have been developing, would be theirs! Holamee, of course, was behind his troops, rallying them on, with threats and promises of glory or death. Just then something jumped out of the darkness and attacked all of them. 5 minutes later, 'Holamme and his force were dead.
SGB cursed silently as the lights went out. All around him were the body parts of Xjawed's team. They had been completely slaughtered by the covenant. To make things worse, a dull thumping sound was coming from the walls and ceiling. Everyone in awhile a small, liquid-like sound was heard and stopped after a few moments. Finally, they reached a terminal for a locked door. "S***. Feels like something is waiting for us to open this door." A Spartan murmured. "Stow it." his friend whispered to him. SGB hit the door open button and entered his 6-digit password. Suddenly the infamous and never ending Blue Screen hit the terminal. "You would've thought Windows would've fixed this!" SGB yelled. Just then the liquid-like sound was heard again. But louder and it seemed bigger. A side passage blew open and creatures SGB knew all to well about jumped toward them.
Jster stopped and sat down, still weak with grief over LagKiller. Jster had been listening over the battle net and knew that the armor was close to being captured. "SGB, come in SGB." He said over the COM. "Yes?" SGB's terse voice said over the COM. "I'm heading to the Mark V chamber. I have to do something about it. Call for an EVAC in the communication center. I'll rendezvous with you in a Pelican." He replied. "Roger that." SGB said and clicked off. He now had one option: send to armor to the ONI scientists and hope they could build the rest themselves. Slowly he stood up, feeling dull. He started head to restricted area Alpha. About halfway there, the monsters that had been dormant for over 1000 years finally struck. Jster opened fire, popping the pod-like ones and taking down a big one. He lobbed a grenade and sent the Flood monsters to Hell. The Flood had probably been here a long time. The Humans who built this place had found strange buildings. Most likely the Forerunners had lived here. That must have been a reason the Covenant attacked. But there was no time to think about those things. Jster started to sprint to the Mark V chamber.
About 2 Spartans had been wounded by the Flood's attack. SGB's team was still pushing through what was left of the base to their objective: The communications area. Still struggling on, they finally reached it. "Spartan training complex 77 to UNSC, come in UNSC." He asked into the radio. He repeated this a few times, but nothing worked. "Damn. Someone must've cut the wires in the tunnels. 5 of you go secure and fix it. We'll stay topside and keep trying." SGB said and pointed to 5 Spartans. They nodded and headed to the tunnels. Although the 5 Spartans didn't show it, they were very much afraid. Monsters were down there, monsters that could kill every one of them.
Jster had finally reached the Mark V chamber with little incident, just a few locked doors and security measures. Each separated piece was encased in a metal box, also surrounded by a shield roughly the same as the Spartan's armor's shield. The only was to open it was by voice command. "Open, Mark V." Jster said clearly and the force field deactivated. He took each piece and put them in a duffel bag he had found on a body awhile back. Now he just had to make it to the Pelicans.
SGB was still trying the radio when a dull banging noise started to sound at the door. "It's them. The Flood." SGB said grimly. He could see fear in the face of all of the Spartans. They all knew that would inevitably be killed. "We only have one choice. We can't let the Flood get a ship. Are only choice is to detonate the base." SGB said. Suddenly all the Spartans in the room froze. They had realized that as well. It was their duty. "It has been an honor to fight with you, Spartans." SGB said. Just before he gave the order to Crater, he thought about his friends and what they had done. Xjawed. Darkbullet. Jster. Lag. "Begin operation Fail-Safe, Crater. Give us 3 minutes." SGB said. At that split second the door burst open and the flood poured in, hungry. Every single Spartan opened fire and SGB sent one last transmission to Jster before he died.
Two minutes later, Jster had taken off in the pelican when the message came in. "Jster, we have been overrun. I have always been your friend, and will never forget you. Take the Mark V armor to Earth and tell them what happened. Goodbye." Then the transmission cut. Jster just stood there. Then he sat down quickly, input the coordinates, hit autopilot, and started to cry.

The base later blew and destroyed the last of the Flood on that planet. The Covenant forces inside the base were wiped out. SGB and his comrades died heroically. There is a tablet commemorating them in the lobby of the UNSC command building on Earth. Jster later went on to help develope the Mark V armor that would eventually help the MC save Earth from the Covenant invasion. As for the planet itself, well, that is a story for another day.

