
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Marines and Grunts by Roo

Private Johnson
Date: 22 August 2003, 10:52 PM

Earth-5: 00 am-base camp-Private Johnson

Every morning it's the same old same old. My best friend Private First Class Robert always wakes me up. Normally I have a hang over from the night before, you see us marines have nothing to do during the evening, so we drink, smoke, and have a good time. I'm still a crappy private because of all that drinking. I got in trouble with the CO a few times. Anyway, after figuring out where I am I normally go out for a run, take a shower, and eat breakfast. Oh no not today though I have to go on a recon run with the platoon. I look over at my clock, damn; it's 5 o'clock already. Sarge will be here any moment. Man that guys a tight ass. I got up threw on my uniform and head for the bathroom to take a piss. Of course sarge comes out of no ware to stop me (like he always does on these morning patrols). "Soldier get your ass back to your bunk on the double, or am I gonna have to escort you." exclaims the dick wad. Of course, I can't argue with him he has the higher rank. I run back to my barracks and stand ready for sarge to inspect our living quarters. "Attention on the deck" yells Robert. Everyone immediately stands up with their hands at their side. "Alright maggots you know the drill get weapons, ammo grenades, and armor. Were ready to go in 15 min. and oh yes, Johnson get me my equipment while your at the armory. As for everyone else get your shit and get going NOW!" I immediately start my long run to the armory; it's about .5 miles from our bunk. This wouldn't be to bad except that I have to do it twice there and back. That's 2 miles of running, well, to look at the bright side, at least I'm going to get my running in today.
After grabbing sarges and mine gear I have like 2 min. left before we leave. I threw on the armor and pop 12 shells into my shotgun, cock it and I'm ready to go. I have 30 sec. to get to the pelican (about 250 yards). I got there, but I was the last one. Everyone else was already waiting for me. Sarge saved me a seat right next to the entrance. The door seats are the worst ones, because if you land in a "hot LZ" then you'll be the first to go. The person across from me is Robert, which is a little reassuring. Rob and I make a great team. He's a sniper; I use the shotgun. What else is there to say? I get the enemy's who are close to us as Rob picks off the ones far away. I hear in my ear the pilot of the pelican, "ETA 1 min." I look out all I see is a jungle of tree's no place where we could possibly land. I look at Rob as he looks at me. We both here it. The sound of plasma burning away at our hull, hooves hitting the soil. Grunts. We know them well they travel in packs and are rather hard to take out... with normal weapons. "God damn it, this was supposed to be cleared, looks like were going into hell. Get those rockets and lets kill those little bastards!" yells sarge. The pilot says, " ETA 10 seconds... Hit it boys!" the sounds of encouragement goes out to us guys in the front to move. the last people come out of the pelican (they had the rockets). One of them stood up and fired into the massive force of grunts. About 10 grunts died. The other marine stood up and fired. It took about 4 rockets to get the grunts down to a manageable size the grunts were within 50 yards. I chuck a frag and take out 3. Rob fires his gun and takes out 2. Sarge and the rest of the marines stood up and fired their assault rifles all at once. A barrage of gunfire fell upon the grunts as about 25 of those little bastards hit the ground. The rest scattered in all directions fleeing for their lives and screaming at the same time. Rob picked off 2 of the grunts who where fleeing. Thankfully none of us were killed. The rocket launchers had 2 shots left so they loaded them into a single launcher and left the other one. The guy who left his launcher was Robs friend George. He went over and picked up a plasma weapon from the nearest dead grunt. We have to hold out where we are for 5 min. before we were aloud to go out. We had to get the com link established with base camp. I prop my gun against a tree and sit down next to it with Rob and George. We all just talked about our previous engagement with the covenant and going home. This was the best part of going into battle, the time after where we get to sit and relax.

Private Johnson part 2
Date: 25 August 2003, 11:39 PM

Earth-5: 30 am-Wooded area-Private Johnson-section 2

Right now it's about 5:30 and sarge is bitching at us to get ready to leave. I pick up my shotgun and wake up Rob, who had fallen asleep. He was a little pissed, because he was dreaming about his girl at home. George on the other hand was up and ready to go 2 min. before sarge even thought about leaving. Rob grabbed his sniper rifle and turned off the safety. "Who need safety's in a war zone," he always said.
Everyone was scrambling to get into formation. Sarge's rule was, last in gets point position (front). Luckily Rob and I where the fourth ones in, some new guy straight from boot camp was the last in. sarge gave the order to move out, and we did. We walked about 3 miles, and then sarge gave the order to stop. He motioned to us to get on the ground. While we where on the ground sarge gave the order for Rob to go up front. I followed him. Sarge pointed to two big ugly guys who had blue armor and skin that seemed to be orange. We've heard reports about them, but never actually seen one in real life. They said that these "hunters" where mean. These big guys carried a gun equal to the force of our rockets, and they could shoot twice as fast, making these guys heavy marine killers. Rob pulled up his sniper rifle and looked for a weak spot in their armor as sarge signaled for the person with the rocket launcher to come forward. turned and began charging his plasma weapon Rob shot two rounds into an orange spot on the hunter' s back. He fell to the ground. The other instantly. The green glow was kind of eerie. He shot just as a rocket was shot at him. The green bolt of plasma flew and hit the guy who shot the rocket with a loud bang. He flew back at least 50 feet and smashed into a tree. He was dead. A group of things with these glowing shields where now in our sights. Rob immediately picked off one of them. I ran and grabbed the rocket launcher and shot it at the other three. Sounds where coming from ever direction, but nothing could be seen. Some marines where shooting ever where they heard a sound. It was chaos, utter chaos. Finally I caught sight of one of them. It was a covenant elite. These guys where real bad assess. They had shields, which protect them from most of our bullets. I got up and ran over to where I had seen him and sure enough there he was running around making noises try to confuse us. I slowly crept up behind him hoping to god none of those marines' bullets would hit. I slowly raised my shotgun and pointed it at his back. I slowly pulled my finger back, and BANG. He was gone purple blood oozed out of the four-inch hole I just blew in his ass; I gave a new meaning to ripping a new asshole. I ran back to where my platoon was. Turns out they where having troubles of their own. There was a large group of grunts firing their green burning hot plasma at them. Some marines began to fire back. The grunts then immediately got up and ran behind a log. Rob turned his sniper rifle towards where they had just run and waited. On of the grunts slowly poked his head up and it immediately fell from Rob's sniper fire. A marine threw a frag behind the log and took care of the rest. It was over. We took a body count, 5 where left. Rob, George, two other marines, and I where left. Sarge was dead, which left Rob in charge. We where debating whether or not to call a med. evac ship. None where injured from that onslaught those who where hit are just dead, so we didn't. We salvaged ammo, weapons, and grenades. Rob took a pistol and I slung an assault rifle over my shoulder. We left the bodies. We couldn't take them all. We still heard the sound of covenant in the distance. We had to get out.
As I look back at the jumble of dead bodies all I can think is, "thank god it wasn't me." Blood oozed from them, it was a river, a river of blood. The guy next to me couldn't hold it in any longer. He looked at me, then at the bodies. Then he pulled his pistol out pointed it to his head and screamed, "Never forget those who died to keep this fucking planet alive!" He pulled the trigger... his brains were scattered on the rock next to him; it was over, for him at least. There are only four of us left now. Four against the entire covenant fleet. Noises were still heard. We all just ran. Ran from the noises. Ran from the blood. Ran for our lives. We had to get back to base camp to warn them of this threat. It was theirs and ours only hope.
