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Fan Fiction

Marine battles by Grunty thirst

In the end [short but good]
Date: 19 April 2003, 3:22 AM

The pelican's engines roared to a halt, as the drop ship lowered itself to the ground. Pvt. William Sage or "Bandit" as the other marines called him, jumped out as the other marines did. Bandit held his MA5B Assault rifle with a death-grip and keeping a close eye out for covenant. He looked up on a top of a steep hill, what he saw on top of the hill was a green armored figure. It looked like a covenant elite fitted with green hunter armor, but the motion tracker showed that he was friendly. Bandit decided to trust the figure, for now.

The group moved along, until the marine point man at the front was hit by a blast from a plasma pistol in the neck. The point man started coughing up blood and foam and fell to the ground in a crumple. Bandit and the rest of the marines hid for cover. "Hold position"! hollered the lieutenant. Bandit looked over to Heckler, he yelled to him, "Heckler, grenade"! Heckler tossed him a grenade. He bit the pin off and yelled, "Fire in the hole"! The grenade sent two elites flying over head. Bandit looked over and saw the armored figure again, aiming with a S2 AM Sniper rifle. Now he new the green armored troop was human, covenant never use and human weapons. Bandit ran ahead with the rest of the marines, until a elite came out from behind him and flipped him onto the ground. The elite raised it's arm ready to strike, but before he could, the green armored soldier came charging at the elite with a plasma sword, the weapon of choice of a golden elite. The green armored soldier pushed his arm forward, the elite clenched it's stomach, purple-blue blood poured from the wound. The elite fell forward, practically drowning in it's own blood. The green soldier helped Bandit to his feet. Bandit then read "Master Chief" on his helmet.

"Sir"! said Bandit saluting the Master Chief. "At ease, Pvt." ,said the Master Chief.
Bandit looked at the elite's body and turned to look at the Chief, but when he looked, he was gone. Bandit caught up with the group. By the time he caught up, at least twenty of the soldiers that were in it were now gone. He then started following Heckler and Stocker. Stocker to Bandit was a idiot for wearing a bandana instead of a helmet. Over head were banshee flyers, pelicans, and longsword fighters. All filled the sky. A pelican over head exploded, dropping a warthog and landing on top of the group ahead of Bandit. All appeared to be dead. In the back of the warthog was a ANVILLE M19 STINGER missile launcher that replaced the common M41 LAAG chain gun. Stocker hopped in the back, yelling, "Come on, lets move"! Bandit jumped into the passenger side and pulled a M60 from under the seat and loaded her up with chains of ammunition and turned to Heckler and said, "What are you waiting, drive"!

Bandit fired the M60 away at elites. Elites seamed to be the only covenant here.
Stocker was in the back cheering. "Hell yah"! ,He would cheer after hitting banshees out of the sky. Over the next hill was a elite camp set up with a huge structure in the center. Ghosts were parked in rows along the side and a new vehicle the covenant use called the shadow was parked by the ghosts. A wraith tank was on patrol searching for enemies. This was a elite fortress. Bandit turned to heckler and said, "If you and me position ourselves on that small hill closest to them, the tank won't fire that close and if you", he continued turning to Stocker, "stay back here we can take a few out and then turn around and lead the tank here where Stocker here can fire a missile and destroy the tank. Then we will plant a explosive on one of the ghosts, commandeer some ghost and escape and then call for a drop ship to come and bring us home." They all agreed.

Bandit and Heckler ran up the hillside. Heckler with a assault rifle, Bandit with a M90 shotgun. They opened fired. Plasma rifles, Plasma pistols, and Needlers fired in salvos at the two marines. "Good, the tank is heading this way", said Bandit. They both threw two grenades, both under the Shadow. The shadow exploded into twisted metal and shrapnel. They turned to run. But Heckler was pinned in the back by needles and plasma bolts! He screamed and fell to the ground. Bandit turned and ran backwards, firing away at the wraith tank as it hovered over Heckler's body. But right when the tank was in Stockers sights, Stocker let out a laugh and fired. The tank erupted into flames, smoke filled the sky! Bandit went over the calm channels and said to Stock, "Man down, you have to fill in for him." Stocker ran to Bandit and looked at him grimly and said quietly, "The explosives we got are messed, they'll only work a meter away from the damn thing."

"So whose it gonna be, me or you"? asked Stocker. "Who am I kiddin, I'll stay", said Stocker. Bandit thought a minute, he didn't want to fight who going to die.
Bandit nodded his head. They both snuck in quietly, the elites didn't see them...Yet.
Bandit turned on his channel to the drop ship ,it would pick him up 100 meters away at the extraction point. The explosives were good to go. Bandit hopped on the ghost and sped off, elites firing their weapons until Stocker slid in and looked up at the elite looking down at him and said grinning, "Smile, your dead asshole!"

The ghost lined up exploded, blowing up the center structure, the whole camp turned into a mushroom cloud! Bandit saw the pelican ahead. Almost their he thought. Right when he was at the pelican's tail, a blast of plasma nailed Bandit right in the throat... Blood sprayed and gushed from the burnt wound... His last thoughts were, "I'm gonna make it."

The three men who destroyed the camp who all perished in the process, saved that very human colony.

Grunt thirst
Date: 19 April 2003, 8:47 AM

Grunt Thirst
Chain the grunt held onto his plasma pistol tightly as he could as Bandit drop ship came to a stop. He felt it lowering slowly. "Fifty seconds" ,the pilot of the drop ship said from the cockpit. As the time grew near, Chain held onto his gun even tighter. The doors fell open, he jumped out firing at marines. He charged his pistol up and let go of the trigger. The blast from the pistol exploded in the marines side ,making him die slowly on the ground. Elites, Jackals, and Grunts like him ran by. Two "Shade" plasma cannons fired away at incoming enemies. Chain recharged and fired another round. This time it burnt up a human's hand. The human dropped the weapon and Chain flipped out his combat plasma knife and stabbed it into the handless human's chest. He went around the body and holstered the plasma pistol. He then pulled out his fuel rod plasma rifle, strong like a hunter's fuel rod cannon. He fired it at a group of marine. Chain heard screaming and when the smoke cleared, there was a huge crater where the marines had been standing.
Chain jumped behind the carcass of a hunter and hunkered down, another grunt was hiding behind the dead hulk too. Cain turned and barked, "Grenade". He handed Chain a grenade. Chain activated the grenade and chucked the grenade at a passing marine. The explosive stuck to a marine's leg! Next thing he Knew, there was a marine flying over head! The grunt beside him stood up and caught a bullet in the throat! Blood squirted all over the place! Chain ran to a Shadow and hopped in the plasma cannon in the back. Two elites hopped in too. The shadow accelerated, running over marines as it sped. Chain fired the cannon at all enemy in sight. Chain looked ahead, a marine launched a missile at them! Chain jumped out and rolled on the soft wet ground. As for the elites in the Shadow never saw the rocket coming. The Shadow exploded! The torso of one of the elites landed in front him! Chain couldn't help, but laugh at lucky he was to jump out in time. He pulled up his plasma rifle and fired a bolt of plasma at a warthog! The warthog erupted into flames! Nothing was left but a flaming chassis. He started to scope the area, but the rain was to thick to see in. He put the rifle in slung over his arm and pulled out the plasma pistol. He charged it and fired at marines face as he was running, making it look like someone close lined him.

As the area cleared of rain, Chain found it easy to once again see incoming enemies. Banshees roared over head, lobbing the enemy with plasma bolts. One shot even blew off a marines arm, so he pulled out his pistol and fired away at Chain. Chain jumped out side ways with two plasma pistols, firing at the marine and frying him. Chain rolled to his feet and started firing with both guns in his hands. Firing red hot shots of glowing green orbs at incoming enemies. Each shot wasn't accurate, but they hit the right targets. Chain ran on all four and jumped on a marine and started punching the marine in the face and then snapped his neck. He fell with the marine's body. He got up and ran and jumped on another marine and lifted his mouth piece up and bit the marine's ear off and spit it away! "Get this damn thing off me!" hollered the marine. A marine fired his pistol at Chain! Chain kicked off the marine and all the shots fired from the pistol hit the marine in the forehead! Chain let out a devilish laugh and jumped the marine with the pistol and grabbed the pistol and shot the marine in the stomach! Chain dropped the pistol and let out another twisted laugh.

Chain ran to a marine's body. He stopped and thought if he used the marine's helmet to fool the motion tracker system. He slipped on the helmet. He kept firing his plasma pistol at marines, attacking from behind! He even tried to mimic the sound of the human voice. The helmet was now useless. He dropped it and kept running through the battle field. There was a loud cheer after Chain could not find any more hostiles! They had won the battle!

They all were extracted from the battle field. Chain received a to a new military class for his bravery and hand-to hand combat skills. He became a black armored veteran Grunt, but died two months later in the Battle on Halo sources of the casualty told of a very tall green armored soldier killed him.
