Lost in Hell by Black Titan
Deep Into Hell
Date: 7 July 2004, 3:35 PM
January 5, 2553 Aboard Captured Covenant Carrier Hellfire
It was all over. Mission failed, game over, whatever. The battle for earth was over and the covenant won. The brave deffenders of hmanity put up a magnificent last stand, but the covenant kept coming. The ailiens sent thousands of ships, and hundreds of millions of soldiers. In the end, the covenant just had more numbers. The humans pulled every trick they could think of, but it did not stop the sad ending. For all practical means, the war was lost. The covenant had won. Billions of humans were slaughtered including the spartan supersoldiers. In the last hours of humanity, a band of marines launched one last stand. They invaded and successfully captured a covenant carrier in orbit over earth. They were able to escape the massacre as the last cities of man fell. Now the only hope for mankind was one ship, and it wasn't even a human one. Out of Billions of people, there were only 5,000 lucky marines left. They are the last hope. A faint pulse compared to what man used to be. Corporal James Lewis walked through the sliding doors and into the ailien docking bay. There were dozens of human pelicans and covenant dropships scattered about. Pilots ran around making repairs on pelicans, and outfitting the covenant dropships with "human friendly" control panels. He and had spent the last twelve hours searching the halls for enemy remnants, but now the ship was 93% cleared. James walked over to the a corner of the bay and took a seat on an overturned, covenant crate, took off his helment, and laid back. Scince the hard fighting for earth started, and sadly ended he had not gotten a minute of rest or reflect. James was still taking it all in. In the last weeks, he had seen everything he fought for and hoped for burn befoe his eyes. His home, his freinds, and family were all gone because of the damn covenant. And soon, he would probrably die. They were on their way to the covenant homeworld. This mission was suicide, and everyone knew it. But they had nothing else to fight for but pride. James and the marines with him did not want to die any other way than fighting the covenant on thier own turf. When the time came, James woul be ready to fight, and die. He stopped thinking about the fight ahead and began to get some much needed rest.
Captain Peter Cornwail stood on the center platform of the ailien bridge with his hands behind his back. The bridge personel were also quiet, still trying to understand the ship's controls. He looked calm, but inside he was going crazy. He was in charge of the last human owned ship, the last human hope. The upcoming mission would end with his death, but he would not go out without a bang. When he was in training as a UNSC pilot, he was taught about placing the enemy in the forest of mirrors. This bassically meant that if you loose a battle, the least you cando is place as much fear in the enemy. This ws a perfect time for the forest of mirrors. If they launch a signifigant attack on the covenant homeworld, they will never forget the humans. They will never know if the human race is gone for good. "Captain, we'll be exiting slipspace in ten minutes sir", a nervous pilot announced. The captain buzzed the comm. system. "Okay get you game faces on. We'll be engaging the enemy in ten! I want every dropship and fighter ready!" Cornwail screamed. The quiet ship quickly changed settings. Everyone ran about trying to get ready for what was ahead.
James woke up after five minutes of rest and got ready. His heart beat faster with every minute. The entire bay had come alive. Hundreds of marines and pilots loaded vehicles and supplies onto the the dropships. Some marines shouted war cries, others prayed in small groups. James picked up his assault rifle and gathered every weapon he could find. This was it. There was no time for fear. They were deep into hell. Back on the brigde, the captain was putting together the last peices of the plan. "Okay! Bring out the slave." Cornwail screamed. Moments later, the brigde doors slid open. A covenant prophet escorted by six marines hovered over to the bridge platform. The captain reluctantly stepped away from the controls and let the ailien take the healm. He knew the access codes for the covenant security system. He was the key to a safe entry into covenant territory. Kazzamee was nervous. He had been capture by the humans and forced to cooporate. He followed thier orders well. He didn't play dumb. Like all prophets, he had mastered the top five human languages, so he knew what they wanted him to do. His hands glided accross the holographic keyboard like poetry. All of the bridge lights snapped off except for the one focused on the prophet. A large holographic image of a covenant elite snapped on. "Hello your majesty. Congradulations on winning the human war. I wish I could have been there." the elite looked away for a moment and looked back to the screen."Uh,everything looks okay, come on in." The image snapped off, and the lights came back on.
"Okay, we're in"