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Long time gone part 1
Date: 3 August 2003, 8:29 AM
Long time gone part one: the beginning
The weapon was a Fabrique Nationale Fusil Automatique Legère (FN FAL) rifle, it was remodelled of course. This rifle was first used in the 20th century and was reinstated into active service in 2500 and had changed very little since then, its only changes were of the magazine size from 20 to 30 and were held in a clear plastic magazine. It was shortened from 1053mm to 900mm by removing some of the overall barrel length, its effective range went from 800 metres to 650 metres. The last thing changed was the calibre from the 20th century 7.62 NATO to the 7.62 UNSC Marine CORPS round which is also used in the MA5B Assault rifle. The reason this rifle was reinstated were because of the need for a accurate rifle over open spaces and had incredible fire power up close and was easy to maintain unlike the S2 14.5mm sniper which jammed when exposed to dirt and it's scope would malfunction when the air was damp. Another rifle was made to suit this need, the S4 it was basically a S2 but in 12.7mm HMG (heavy machine gun) calibre, and it was more reliable but suffered from a small magazine of 10 rounds, despite these it is still used in the dense forests in the Congo along with the S2, MA5B, MA5A, the new FN FAL and many more firearms. Back to the point of the story.
The FN FAL was held lazily in the hands of a Coalition trooper as he walked along at the end of the patrol, the patrol was searching for the rebels who had started an uprising in the Republic of the Congo. The Trooper's name was Chris McAllen, an Australian who had left his easy posting at an Air Force base to see some action without going to fight the Covenant. Chris was at the end of the patrol, which he thought and knew was the safest place to be, as the Sergeant and the Lieutenant walk in the centre which meant snipers would shoot them and the point man would trigger any booby traps or mines. But every man knew that the safest place was behind an L62 LMG, and an American Marine named Alfred Barnes was the Squad's machine gunner. Chris was carrying 2 space belts of ammunition for the L62, he wore them crossed over each of his shoulders, the bullets weighed a far bit and every few steps Chris had to readjust the bandoliers as they dug into his shoulders despite his Spectra vest, this was an all purpose bullet proof vest with all the necessary pouches and pockets. By his side Chris, who the Squad nicknamed FAL-len as he always carried a FN FAL and seemed to trip a lot on the tree roots, carried a .45 ACP H&K USP (Universal Special Pistol) with a LAM (Laser Aiming Module) and had a 15 shot magazine it was a Marines dream, it was easy to operate, had minimal kick, could be silenced (and FAL-len had a silencer in his pack) and had plenty of stopping power. Chris was the newest and greenest troop in the Squad, he had a lot to prove and this was only his third patrol and with the other two patrols they hadn't spotted any Rebels. The Congo was vast and the Rebels had many strongholds, which had been discovered, and there were still more to be discovered. The Rebels weapons consisted of M16A5s, MP .357s (which are used by the Coalition forces as well), LAWs (extremely old but very efficient), RPG 12s, AK-74s (those things belong in a museum), M40 LMGS, H&K G36s and many more weapons which were no longer in use by the Armed forces of the human race. They were even using the old FN FALs with the 20 round clips.
Chris looked ahead of himself and saw Parker, Alison Parker, she was the second female and in the patrol and she was a designated sniper, she was carrying a S4 12.7mm Sniper rifle and wore a Gillie suit with different varieties of Congolese vegetation attack to it. All Chris knew about Parker was that she was hot! He liked when he first met her and he only met her 1 week ago when he first arrived in the Congo. She also had a great but Chris would always be staring at her but when they moved along through the jungle. Chris was planning to ask her out on his next spot of leave and take her to a fancy restaurant.
Chris' knuckles turned white as he gripped the synthetic pistol grip of his FAL, he took his mind off Parker and looked around the surrounding vegetation, and it was quiet, too quiet. He suddenly felt afraid and excited as it would be his first chance to kill someone and in danger of being shot, he looked at his vest and decided if he got shot the vest would stop the shot, he patted his vest.
"Alright squad quiet down!" the Captain's voice yelled over the earpiece in Chris' ear, "confirmed enemy presence 200 metres up, Parker your up!" Parker broke into a quick jog and ran out of Chris's view and she joined the Captain. "Captain?" Parker asked, "Ok, Parker, we got 3 skinnies (a nick named given to the Congolese Rebels as they were dangerously underfed and were dying of starvation which might be a good thing for the liberating forces) up ahead, so just put a bullet in 'em and take a Marine with you for support." Alison gazed down the trail, and there they were 3 Congolese Rebels armed with shotguns sitting around smoking cigarettes.
Chris sat up the end of the patrol as it had stopped and moved under cover as Alison was going to go kill them, he was facing the opposite way to the others he was looking behind the patrol if any Rebels had made this a planned ambush. Suddenly he felt a tap of his should he turned and saw Alison's Hazel-Blue eyes staring at him, "Captain wants some one to come with me for support and I thought you could use the experience so wanna come?" Chris looked at her stunned, he clear his throat, "Ah... yeah I'd be happy too Parker," "Please call me Alison, ok lets go!
Soon Chris was at the front of the patrol with Alison and he now had a pair of binoculars that he was to use to be Alison's spotter and give accurate wind and range adjustments while she snipped.
Alison was now lying down on her chest and had unfolded the rifle's bipod, closed the bolt and released the safety. She lined up the first Rebel. "Wind 2 knots" Chris' voice hard and determined, Alison applied the modifications. "Range 193 metres", Alison obeyed and compensated for the range. Alison held the rifle steady, she had the scope aimed perfectly on the furthermost Rebel's forehead. Chris had also set the range and wind adjustments into his FN FALs range finder and aimed the rifle at the closest Rebel's torso. BANG Alison fired the fire, a few milliseconds later BANG! Chris' gun went off as well, it was about 50 milliseconds before the first round hit the target and Alison had already let off another round at the Rebel in the centre of the group, the first round hit its mark, the Rebel's head disappeared in a mix of blood and sinew. Chris's target turned by instinct to his comrade, a bullet hole the size of a baseball appeared in his left breast and a fountain of blood rushed from in to met the cold ground, even before the first Rebel hit the ground the last Rebel fell over with a hole in his throat.
"The enemy is cold, move up!" Alison's voiced boomed over the headsets of the patrol. "That was weird!" Chris exclaimed as he raised to one knee, FN FAL smoking. "You did fine ah... what was your name? I forgot to ask" "Chris, Chris McAllen we met at the mess hall no my first day, but you probably forgot me though." "Now it's coming back, come on lets rejoin the squad." Chris pressed the magazine release button and the near full magazine fell towards the floor, Chris kicked it and play hackie sack with it and on his third kick he caught the clip and let his FAL rest on its sling as he opened a small pouch and put a fresh bullet into the magazine, he then put it in the gun and pulled the bolt back. "Nice trick" said Alison as she pulled the bolt back and caught the unfired bullet and put it in one of her many Gillie suit's pockets, and put three fresh bullets in the magazine by feeding them through the breach directly into the clip and closed the bolt. "Mine isn't as good" she continued, "Yours is better." "Those things take time Alison". Whilst they were doing this the squad were up at the corpses and were taking the weapons and any intelligence they found off them. When Chris and Alison got there they saw first hand what their weapons did to the Rebels who to them were just targets. It was a real mess blood was every where, on the fern trees, the grass, and the track also on the corpses.
The Captain pulled out his map and checked it with his compass, he pointed into the Forrest and informed the squad they had to go clear a small village of the Rebels before they can call in an evac.
That is the first part of my extremely LONG story but I won't post one every day probably once a week as I got other things to do besides posting and reading your stories on HBO. Well tell me what you think.
long Time Gone part 2
Date: 5 August 2003, 10:28 AM
Lone Time gone part two: hammer time
Chris walked at the second last position of the patrol as Alison was behind him, he wasn't holding his FAL he was fiddling around with his USP, and his rifle was on its sling across his back. The USP was small for a handgun of its calibre, it had a blue chrome finish and a light trigger for double tapping (a technique when you fire off two rounds in a quick succession and only suffer the recoil of one shot). It was empty as Chris held it and he cleaned it with his handkerchief, its slide was flung back showing anyone watching him that it was empty.
"Nice piece" Alison remark looking over Chris' shoulder, "Thanks I've only ever fired it at the shooting ranges and I was hoping I get a chance to use it here." Chris was looking around for any signs of the enemy, they had been walking for an hour and his boots were killing him, they were about one size to small but he hadn't complain when he got them, he was just happy to be in the Military.
Alison wasn't on the squad's channel, she had her Walkman playing through her head set and was listening to music, she wasn't looking around for un-friendlies, she was more concerned of getting out of this mess alive. She hadn't been drafted like many other Marines; she had volunteered but didn't think she'd get posted to the Congo. It was getting hot in the trees, it was all most dusk and it was still about 39 degrees Celsius, and Alison's Guillie suit wasn't helping to keep her cold, it kept in a lot of heat, she unzipped the front revealing her LBA (Light body armour, it was issued to snipers, as they wouldn't be found in the thick of it and wouldn't need armour like Chris and his fellow Troopers).
"Ok Squad, we'll be near the village in 5 minutes, prepare yourselves anyway you can", the Captain's voice called over the radio. Chris tapped Alison turned to look at Alison and gestured to his earpiece and pointed to her, she understood looking at her received messages over her HUD on her left arm. She read the message and turned off her Walkman. Chris put a magazine in the USP and flicked the slide release button and it snapped forward pulling a .45 177 grain jacketed round into the chamber. He placed it into its holster and got his FAL out and shouldered it and looked left to right to see if he was comfortable with the swing, he was. The lead Trooper, Micheal Chambers was changing magazines in his CAWS (Close Assault Weapon System) it was a 10 shot fully automatic 12 Gauge shotgun, Micheal changed the magazine from a BS (buckshot) clip to a Polycore slugs designed for use against LBA. Alison zipped her Guillie suit back up and checked her S4's clip and opened a few magazine pouches so she could reload quicker. It was gonna be tough there were only 8 Troops in the Squad including the Captain and the Sarge.
They made it to the village and looked around, NO ONE IN SIGHT. Chris looked around he saw five, old cement and thatched roofed houses, which consisted the village, it looked deserted. He prepared two of his grenades, a high explosive and a smoke grenade, other Marines did simular things with their grenades. The Captain took in a deep breath, he didn't like it, Intelligence hadn't been wrong before, but they said there was heavy enemy activity in the area. "Perhaps they shifted camp, sir?" One of the Marines asked, "Maybe Private, but still we gotta check it out. Davies," Private Michelle Davies stood up she was the other female in the group she had a MA5B and a USP. "Ok, Davies you and Chambers go and check out the village, give us a holler if it's clear, ok move out solider!" Davies hurried off with Chambers, Chambers was leading the way with his CAWS, and they approach the first hut, nothing.
They entered the second hut, still nothing, not even a sign of if anyone had been in there lately. "Maybe they don't live in the houses?" Chambers asked covering the door as Davies looked around, "they might you know, use it as a meeting point?" "Could be, but I won't feel safe until we check all the houses." "Agreed!" Exclaimed Chambers. Davies left the hut first, they entered the third hut still nothing, the fourth, you guessed it NOTHING! "Ah fuck this! They ain't been no one here for 3 years at least!" Chambers was getting tired of doing his entry moves into every hut. "Quiet down we still got one more to go!" Davies answered. They checked the last hut nothing. Davies waved to the rest of the Patrol signalling it was clear. They all moved as one and met at the centre of the village. "The whole place is clean sir not a trace" Davies said to the Captain. "Ok then we'll call in a Dropship for EVAC," The Captain walked over the Radio man called Miller Reeve, Miller handed him the Radio, " HQ this is Screaming Eagle we need EVAC, designated objective Shadow Watch, the bread is not in the basket I repeat, the bread is not in the basket! Check with Intel, we can see no signs of enemy activity here for a long, long time." The Captain waited for a reply... static and nothing more. "What the fuck are we to do now, SIR?!" Chambers asked, the Captain didn't look at him he just stood there rubbing his weathered face, many scars showed how he had gotten to his rank. His name tag was very hard to read, if you looked close enough it said 'Walters', Chris had heard the Sergeant call the Captain Jimmy, so he guessed the Captain's name was Jimmy Walters.
Alison wasn't with the main group she had already taken up a Sniper position and had her rifle ready. "Captain this is Parker I'm in position", Alison informed the Captain over the intercom. "Good, Parker, McAllen get up there and help Parker!" The Captain was making it clear if they were going to stay in the village they should do it the sensible way. Chris walked over to a bunch of trees, following his HUD's compass, pointing to where Alison was, there was a tracking beacon in every HUD and it contained data about the Solider who owned it. It contained blood type, hair and eye colour they were basically medical records, they also told the Medic of the Squad where the Solider was hit.
Harry Faulkner was the Squads Medic, he was still green and hadn't seen much bloodshed and liked to keep it that way. Chris by then had found Parker and was lying down next to her with his binoculars out and was watching to the South and South East. "Wonder why HQ didn't get the radio message?" Alison asked, she was cleaning her rifle and making sure the scope was securely fastened to the weapon. "Dunno," Chris said looking around, " Maybe the trees caused some interference?" "Possible" Alison Replied.
Walters was repeatedly sending the message but to no avail. This all went on for some hours, it was well and truly dark then, and everyone had they Night Vision goggles on, they had posted two sentries and Chris and Alison were still in the undergrowth. The rest of the squad was in the centre of the village trying to get some rest after a long days walk, some Marines were eating K BAR rations they were the chocolate bars and they were hard as rocks. Sometime around 2am a shot was fired, and this brought everyone to arms, the Marines that were in the village were already forming a defensive circle around the village, the two sentries rejoined the main group. The shot had been fired by Alison, her 10X powered scope illuminated by the NV setting on the scope was being aimed at Rebel troops as they came walking into the clearing where the Marines had come and the Sentries didn't think it was necessary to guard the rear as they thought it was clear but they were wrong. BANG! Alison's S4 barked again, another Rebel fell over in a pool of his own blood. Chris had his FN FAL out and was emptying clip after clip into the enemy mass. There must have been nearly a hundred Rebels walking up the track, they were pretty easy targets for the Sniper and spotter as they where holding fire torches above their heads. "The enemy is coming up the rear!" Chris yelled, he could barely be cleared by his fellow Marines has his FAL blocked his voice out but the direction of his tracer rounds showed them where the Rebels were. Chambers was the first to respond to this, he raised his CAWS and let go the full clip of polycore slugs into the masses a few fell to this, he reloaded in BS and tried again. Alison was having problems reloading her rifle all the time and reached for Chris' USP which was in easy reach of here, she took it from his thigh holster. Chris noticed this looked at her, shrugged and returned back to the fight. Alison raised the pistol, which fitted her hands very well and fired off a shot, a rebel fell over , she fired another shot and another rebel fell over, she liked this gun. Chris pulled the pin off one of his Frags and yelled, "FIRE IN THE HOLE" into his mouthpiece as he threw it into the group of rebels. Boom! There were around fifteen left. Chris reloaded his FAL and stood up to get a better shot, just then a rebel saw Chris, the rebel raised his M16A5 and fired off a single shot, Chris didn't feel a pain so he knew it must have missed, so Chris gave the Skinny a burst and he fell over dead.
The Captain led the final charge against the remaining rebels, everyone got stuck in, the rebels were all dead in a matter of minutes. The Marines did a sound off, everyone was there, only Chambers had been hit, a bullet had grazed his left hip, it was a lucky shot, it had had gone through the Spectra Vest and hit his hip. Soon Chambers was all bandaged up and had just taken a shot of morphine. He laid down near a hut and fell asleep. "Looks like a good idea," the Sargent said looking at Chambers, "Alright ladies and gents get some rest you'll need it, me and Davies will be on Sentry duty!" Davies swore at this. Chris gave Alison his USP, holster, spare clips and the silencer, he said she should keep it as she was a better shot than he was and she'd need it more. That done Chris walked over to the nearest Hut and fell asleep.
That is the end of the second chapter please tell me if you like it.
Long time gone part 3
Date: 20 August 2003, 10:49 AM
Long time gone part 3: rough ride
Chris slept well besides some awful dreams of someone poking him in his left kidney repeatedly. Chris awoke to the smell of 2 men rations being cooked, it was basically dried leaves and dirt, well that's what most Marines thought. Chris was about to jump to his feet but notice something on his right shoulder he looked. It was Alison resting her head on his shoulder as she slept, she was snoring softly on her exhales. Chris noticed she still had her finger on her trigger, but he couldn't see if she still had his USP he gave her. Probably in her Guillie suit he thought. Chris slowly got up holding Alison's head as he moved, he soon was up right, then he noticed a pain around his left kidney where he dreamed he was hurt. Chris looked closely where he had slept there was a small pool of dry blood with a few small fresh droplets, he look at his armour, HE HAD BEEN SHOT!
"AH FUCK! THAT SKINNY BASTARD SHOT ME!" Chris yelled rushing for a field dressing to put on the wound, everyone looked at him like he was crazy. "Faulkner! Get up and patch McAllen up!' The Sargent's voiced boomed over the intercom. Soon Harry Faulkner was applying a field bandage on Chris' wound, when he was finished Chris removed his Spectra Vest and examined the bullet hole, the bullet had just pierced the skin, and it must have ripped his skin while he slept. Everyone was awake now, Alison included she was looking at Chris' wound, "Those it hurt?" She asked, "Not really it's just that I got shot!" Chris replied. "Join the club!" Chambers said walking over to Chris and Alison with a slight limp, it was obvious that his wound was still sore. Chambers leaned on his CAWS as he spoke, "This ought to get me out of combat for a week or two McAllen yours will probably give you three to four days tops." "Doesn't really matter Chambers" Chris replied. The whole patrol was looking at the dead Congolese Rebels.
A few hundred kilometres away. "Get that dead fucker out of here now!" Yelled General Gütt Shutze at one of his Soldiers, his German accent strong. It was a mess dead Rebels and Coalition Troops lay dead everywhere, the Rebels had hit the Coalition hard, they wanted to crush all resistance and conquer the country but as long as they Coalition were here they couldn't. "Yes, sir!" Yelled the Trooper picking up the dead rebel and carrying him over to the heap, there must have been nearly 300 bodies piled up there. It had been a tough night, the Rebels had launched a full scale attack against the Coalition and it had cost both sides dearly, all the Rebel assaults had been dealt with in a true American way, 'shoot 'em all and let god sort 'em out'. No prisoners were taken, only around 300 of the Rebels who attacked survived to flee, all the wounded had 'mysteriously' died during the night and HQ didn't care, they were more concerned about patrols who had been unable to contact them during the skirmish Gütt looked around his command post, half of his staff were either dead or nearly dead, suicide bombers had attack the HQ at dusk and before and radio messages could be sent out they had destroyed the radio tents. It had been a small group of Rebels first but then another group came top help them and this went on most of the night a small group would join with another making a big group and then they would attack the HQ. They would then be beaten back (causing a few casualties each time) and then they would do it all again. Gütt was happy, he had stopped a Rebel attack will minimal loses to Coalition troops, now to see if he could save some troops in the field. Gütt called out to his remaining Radio Officer, "Walters! See if you see what happened too Screaming Eagle!" "Yes, Sir!" the Marine ran off with his rifle hung over his shoulder. He then came back, "Ah sir, they destroyed the radios..." Gütt looked at him, they had! "Well go use a radio in one of the Warthogs or trucks!" The Radioman ran off again.
Chris was now eating a ration for two by himself, bleeding was hungry work! Chris looked down to his side, the L62 LMG belts were still around his torso but the one of his left had blood smeared over it because of his wound. Chris looked back to the main group, they were crowded around the radio, and they were trying to call HQ. "This is Screaming Eagle, we have wounded and need EVAC!" Captain Walters screamed into the radio. SILENCE then suddenly a voice replied, "Ah, nice to hear you Screaming Eagle, we'll get a 'Whale' out to you in a half hour just stick by the LZ near Shadow Watch and you'll be fine, HQ out." "Well there you have it Marines, we're getting us a ride out of here!" the Captain said, he looked a little more happy now that he and his Marines will now get out here alive. Chris looked at the group they were cheering and patting each other on the shoulder, they must have gotten onto HQ Chris thought.
Flight Lieutenant Jerry Kaiser was the pilot of 'Whale' Hotel one-nine-five and was lifting the big dropship off the landing pad, "Looks like its gonna be a busy day!" Jerry said to his Co pilot Ricky Walsh, she was you average woman, mildly handsome and soft voice, she wasn't much for words. Ricky just nodded and checked the instruments, she gave Jerry the thumbs up. In the back of the Whale a group of Marines acted as the dropship's gunners and covered the ship as they landed in hostile territory, they would fan out and protect the ship and it's five-man crew, the Marines used a variety of weapons, but mostly had MA5Bs and MP .375s, one of them even had a RPG-12. The 3 other crew members were Machine gunners manning the L62s on the side and the LAAG mounted at the rear cargo door, in the cargo area the ship could hold 3 Scorpion tanks but only one tank could be transported at a time as it was too heavy to carry 3 of them. 5 Warthogs could fit in the also, the cargo bay was empty at the moment except for the Marines and 3 gunners, they were talking to each other. The Whale took 20 minutes to get to where Captain Walters and his patrol had radio HQ, the ship landed slow only the dusty outskirts of the old village, the ship's guards disembarked and spread out. Some of the guards helped the other Marines get onto the ship, Chambers was walking over to the ship with his arms around to Marines, they were basically dragging him towards the ship! Chris walked over to the ship with out any problems, he took a seat next to Chambers and Davies, and Alison was sitting next to the Sargent and Faulkner the medic. Soon they were all aboard and then the Marine guard's officer blew a whistle and all the spread out Marines ran to the ship, they all took appropriate seats and the gunners went to their guns, well the Cargo gun was left unmanned as the cargo door was closed.
Alfred Barnes, the Squad's machine gunner joined the gunner on the right side of the Whale and strapped himself in so he was standing on a rail outside the ship and had a safety harness hold him on the ship. His L62 was hanging on a sling this was so he could aim without the weight of the machine gun on his hands. The ship took off in a explosion of dust and a mighty roar. In 5 minutes of flying they had covered nearly 25Kilometres, but as they reached the 30 kilometre mark, the gunner on the left hand side gave a shout. "There's Skinnies down on the left," said the gunner as he gave the Rebels a squirt from his L62, he fired burst after burst, the Guard Marine with the RPG-12 came over to the door he yelled to the pilot. "Kaiser, bring us round so I can ram a rocket down these Skinny necks!" "Wilco" said the pilot, the big ship began to turn around, on the ground the Rebels yelled to each other, "Get a rocket the Capitalists are coming back!" they grabbed Anti-Air missiles and fired them towards the Whale, none of the rockets hit, the Guard with the RPG-12 primmed the Rocket Propelled Grenade by pulling the pin out of the head of the rocket, he shoulder the weapon and lined up the nearest Rebel group, the rocket launched with a slight hissing sound, it swirled towards it's target. BANG it exploded and killed nearly 5 Rebels in the blast, this also set off the Rebel's ammunition, the rest of the Rebels thought attacking this ship wasn't such a good idea, they rushed off into the jungle yelling at each.
"Nice shot Smith!" Yelled Kaiser from the pilot seat, "It was nothing really, I love this job!" replied Smith, his RPG-12 smoking, the gunner on the left hand side was still firing short controlled burst towards the Rebels. Soon the gunner stopped, as they were soon out of range of the Rebels, the Whale continued it's flight towards the HQ. About 12 minutes later the Whale came into view of the HQ and some of the base personal greeted them with waves and shouts, but no shouts could be heard, as the engines were too loud. The ship set down and several medics rushed over to the ship and removed Chris and Chambers from the ship, even though their wounds were not serious the may have gone into shock if they moved too fast. Chris and Chambers did not join the rest of the squad for a debriefing as they went to the nearest field hospital, Chris gave Alison the thumbs up as he was seated into civilian 4X4 with Chambers and they drove off. Alison waved as they drove off, she joined the rest of the squad in the debriefing, it was the usual stuff, how many did you kill? When did they attack? Ammunition usage (so technicians could issue them some ammo when they left the debriefing) and any recommendations for bravery, both Chris and Chambers would receive a Purple Heart for being wounded, Alison was commended for her sniping and received a Marksmanship medal. Chris and Chambers would both be in hospital for 1 week and the squad would receive a three day pass to the town on the same day as Chris and Chambers get out of hospital, but for now the squad had to help with around the base duties such as sentry work, manning machine gun posts, collecting the dead's weapons and helping clear the dead bodies from the perimeter.
Sorry this part is so late, a friend gave me Diablo 2 and I got caught up playing that, but I will try and manage 1 part a week, maybe 2 if I can spare some time from home work and house jobs! Please tell me what you think...
Long Time Gone Part 4
Date: 14 November 2003, 6:10 AM
Long Time Gone Part 4: The Choice
Alison turned the dead corpse over; the man's face was a mix of pain and anger, his gazed frozen in time as a grim reminder for all those who wished to look. Alison removed the MA5B assault rifle from his stiff fingers, the ammo counter read '00' showing he had gone down fighting, a true Marine, a tear ran down Alison face, men and women were dying and for what? A war on Earth that is slowly killing off its soldiers who should be fighting the Covenant, not fellow humans. Alison looked around the base, it was a mess, men lay dead or dying (meaning the medics couldn't do anything for them) even wounded Rebels were receiving treatment. Alison removed the rifles clip and threw the rifle and magazine to two different piles of weapons and ammo, Alison searched the dead man's pouches removing DP HE grenades and 7.62mm FMJ packets. She had been doing this for nearly an hour, it had been 4 days since McAllen and Chambers had been sent to the hospital for treatment, Alison and the other Marines had been doing this all the time in shifts, Alison only had another hour of this until her shift was over.
30 minutes passed until Alison came across the soldier, his eyes were closed, his mouth barred wide frozen in the middle of a cry, most probably for help, his rifle lay by his side, the ammo counter read '00' and he had a M6D 12.7mm x 99mm HEAP pistol in his hand, the slide flung back in the empty position, the magazine was missing, she checked his left had, it was curled up into a fist, she opened his hand reveling the empty magazine, he had died reloading in battle, the time when a soldier is most vulnerable and undefended. She removed the pistol and was about to throw it on the pile, but stopped, drew her new USP and compared it, the USP was smaller but held 3 more bullets but lacked the smart link scope of the M6D and the M6D had a bigger round. Alison put both weapons in under her Guillie Suit in separate pouches along with a 12.7mm x 99mm ammo packet. Hmm Chris might like this she thought.
Alison stood up and looked around again, men were loading the bodies onto the back of flat bed trucks and LAC (Light Attack Carrier) basically it was a normal Warthog but with a flatbed tray instead of the LAAG 12.7mm Machine gun. The trucks were heading for the local graveyard and non-Coalition personal corpses were being thrown in a mass grave whilst Coalition dead were being buried with the 21 gun salute. Soon Alison's shift was over and she could wash up along with the other troops, by the end of the day the compound was free of corpses and the Combat Engineers had finished rebuilding most barracks and the Command buildings including a new radio tower.
Chris sat back in his hospital bed, it was hard like a rock and the anesthetic smell made him nauseous, his left side was bandaged up, the bandage was soaked in blood, his wound was worse than they thought at first, as soon as they stopped the bleeding it began to heal the next day but split open again this time the stitches were stronger. But the cheap bastards didn't change his bandage, they said since the attack everything has begun to disappear and had to be rationed. Chris looked about the pure white recovery room, how dull, he thought looking at the bareness of the room, he looked to his right and there was Chambers, fast asleep with his hand over his hip were he had been shot. Chris and Chambers had become good friends in hospital, Chambers said he would take Chris to a night club and show him around town, and Chris liked that. Chris started to think about Alice, even though he had just met her a few weeks ago, it had felt like he had knew her his whole life. Just his luck he finally met the right woman and it was already 30 light years to late, that's when Chris referred to the piece of paper again.
Dear Private C. McAllen,
It has come to our attention that your recent actions under Commander James Walters you have been transferred to the 1st Shock Troop Brigade stationed at the planet Reach, you will report to your Commanding Officer as soon as you get back from leave, he will give you the information of where to go next and also your two Stripes, congratulations Corporal C. McAllen, we know you will serve your country, planet and race well.
Brigadier General Matthew Hue, Commander of Earth's Armed Forces (EAF)
Short, brief and straight to the point, just like the 'Hard Ass Brass', Chris sighed loudly, this could only mean that humanity was ready to attack the Covenant Home world. Chambers awoke to the sigh, "You still awake buddy?" asked Chambers not really asking for a reply as he could see Chris was still awake, Chris showed Chambers the orders, he quickly skimmed read it and begun to laugh, pulling a similar document from under his pillow the only difference was the name. Chris looked at Chambers who was chuckling softly, Chris started to laugh as well but then his sides started to ache, laughter is not always the best medicine!
The last 3 days passed without any more incidents Chris and Chambers were now in 'Civvie' clothing with military duffle bags over their shoulders, they walked out of the hospital with there 2 day pass papers in their pockets, when they heard a loud motor approaching, it went straight passed them, they couldn't see who it was then suddenly it stopped with a loud squelch. Then begun to bag up very fast, the vehicle was now clear to be seen, a LRV M12 'Warthog' assault jeep, the machine gun had been removed and instead of the green Military paint it was painted a slick red and black. Someone hopped out of the vehicle as soon as it stopped, it was Alison, dressed in 'Civvie' clothes and her light sandy brown hair was dangling loosely as she walked. But there were two strange shapes seen under her shirt behind her back, she stopped, and put her hand behind your back, "I have a surprise for you, Chris" she said slowly moving her hand back in view, Chris saw the silver glint first then he knew what it was, he tackled Chambers out of the way before grabbing Alison arm and removing the weapon form her grasp and he relieved her of her other gun. "What the fuck are you doing?" She said as Chris held her hand tightly, his eyes gripped with panic, "it's a gift for Christ sakes!" suddenly Chris face broke in a broad smile, "Ah sorry about that" he replied scratching the back of his head his smile became a grin, a cheeky grin. Chris let go of her arm and knelt down to pick up the two weapons, he handed them both over then Alison gave the M6D back, "Here have this" She said as he took hold of the pistol, "sorry but Sarge wouldn't let me get you any lead for it until your next action" "Thanks any way though" Chris replied "I really thought you were going to shoot me!" "She won't but I will if you do that again with my hip!" Yelled Chambers as he stood back up brushing the dirt off his clothes, Chris' face started to turn red, he really felt like a idiot, "Let's just leave this in the dark, huh?" he asked placing his new found pistol down the back of his pants. Alison and Chambers nodded their heads.
Suddenly laughter broke out, its source the back of the LRV, "You're a fucking hero McAllen!" Miller Reeve raised his head with a beer in his hand, "I can see the headlines now, 'Aussie Soldier almost kills sniper for offering him a gun!'" "Enough of that Miller" said Alison putting her arm around Chris' shoulders, "you should be congratulating him, good work Corporal!" Hmm it seems people know about my promotion, I wonder if they know about Chambers and my transfer Chris thought as he enjoyed Alison grasp around his shoulders. "Ah, yeah thanks, Alison" he said looking around, it was a Saturday night and the place was deserted, but Chris didn't really seem to notice, "Miller! Chuck us a brewskie!" Miller nodded, throwing Chris and Chambers a beer from the eskie. Chris and Chambers both skulled the drinks in under 4 gulps, then threw the bottles in the trash can a few metres away.
"How 'bout we go to the local pub?" insisted Miller, obviously drunk and needed some more booze to drown his sorrows. They all agreed and they all hoped in the slick looking M12 and went full pelt down the 'main drag' towards the nearest bar. They went inside the bar and it was packed full of off-duty marines and NCOs there was even a fair amount of locals in there. This must be where all the locals have gotten too, Chris thought as he looked around. The soldiers danced with local girls as Alison and a couple of her friends from other squads sat down and talked most o0f the night away, Chambers caught one Chris' glances at Alison. Chambers walked up behind the soldier he was downing another shot of local alcohol, Chambers had tasted it before it was the locals solution to tequila and vodka in one, shit taste but it could get you pretty darned hammered. Chambers sat down at the bar next to Chris, Chambers ordered himself a beer and what ever Chris wanted, Chris got the same. Chambers raised his glass, "a toast, to freedom!" Chris did the same and they both chanted at the same time, "May our days be long and lazy!" They drank fast but stopped half way leaving near empty glasses in their hands, Chambers put his arm over Chris' shoulder and whispered "I know ya' like Alison McAllen, so quick bitchin' and tell her!" Chris thought about it but then replied, "but we're both going to be leaving for Reach in a few days, why bother over spilt milk?" Chambers knew it was the alcohol talking, Chris' was enticed by Parker, just then Alison returned a glance at Chris and winked, Chambers' jaw dropped, Alison was flirting with McAllen! But then Alison raised her USP by the barrel and winked again, Chris drew his M6D and returned the wink. Alison raised her hand as she returned the USP to its holster, Alison hand waved at Chris to come over and sit down, Chris holstered his weapon, finished his beer and said softly to Chambers "I'm going in!"
And that's the end of that chapter! Sorry it took so long... again... Well anyway next part should be in next week, tell me what you think.
Long Time Gone Part 5
Date: 21 November 2003, 6:15 AM
Long Time Gone Part 5: Unexpected Party
Chris walked slowly towards Alison dodging several locals as they drunk cheap 'hooch' and sang into the night, as soon as he made it to Alison, he noticed that her 'friends' who looked like a pack of 'bimbos' to him were looking at him and whispering. One of the girls whispered something into Alison's ear, Alison face changed from a smile to shock 'playfully' slapping her friend. Obviously something about me thought Chris. "Come, sit down," insisted Alison's voice, her voice was like a choir spreading cheer in their peaceful voices. "Sure" came Chris' reply sitting down in the nearest seat to Alison.
From the other side of the room from Chambers' point of view, it all seem like some weird T.V show, Miller came over, drunk as usual. "What's the ladies' man doing over there?" insisted Millar taking a long drink from his half empty mug, "he's trying to get Alison to marry him!" came Chambers' sarcastic voice, "what the fuck do you think he's doing! He's talking to Alison." Miller just eyed Chambers suspiciously and took another swig, slamming his now empty mug on the bar, "bar keep! Another beer if you wouldn't mind" the bar tender didn't, he brought Miller a fresh beer.
Miller left the bar without another word walking, well more of less stumbling towards McAllen and Parker, soldiers around the room started to notice Miller walking, well it was pretty hard he was tripping over everything on the floor, even an empty cigarette packet! Alison looked up from Chris and saw Miller walking towards her and Chris, she turned her gaze to Chambers who as looking at back at her she mouthed the words 'what the fuck?' towards Chambers, he shrugged his shoulders and returned to talking to an old friend. "Don't look now but the comedian is coming over," said Alison hiding her face from Miller with a hand, Chris looked behind him and saw the problem, Miller kept coming towards them until he was standing behind Chris.
Chris turned again and said "well hello Frank, what you up to?" Miller replied, "uh, nothing just wondering if one of your lady friends," he stopped looking at Alison's 'friends', he continued "could show a soldier a good night out," before Chris could reply one of the women stood up wrap her arm around Miller and whispers some words in his ears. Miller smiled, "ok" he said interloping his arm with the women and they were off. Alison was the first too speak "well that went better than planned", Chris nodded, not bothering to talk.
Alison and Chris chatted the night away, even though they had 3 day passes Alison was planning to go shopping with her friends, so, thought Chris, this is my only chance to tell her, Chris took a deep breath and was about to talk when Alison just stood up, the light reflecting off her hair, Chris bit his lip, a face many people saw when he was nervous. "What are you doing?" he asked, "just follow me" came her reply. Chris followed Alison outside the bar; the street was deserted except for the odd drunk wandering around for money to by more alcohol. "So" Chris broke the silence, "So?" came Alison's reply riddled with curiosity, "I've seen how you look at me, and well Chambers told me before we went in the ba.." Chris' face blushed instantly, "he told you?" asked Chris. "Yeah he did, and well the point is I like you but just not in THAT way, you understand don't you?" Chris' face went blank of emotions, hmm shot down again, and didn't even get to take off... Chris shook out of it, "oh, well couldn't hurt to ask, I suppose you'll say 'we can still be friends?'" Alison face showed it all, it was what she was going to say, "How did you know?" she asked looking at her feet, "just a feeling, it always ends like this, let's be friends and stay in touch, but by next week your already found someone new and forgotten about your old 'friend' and the cycle starts again." Chris tried to look her in the eyes when he said this, but she was looking at her feet and was scraping her shows on the pavement. Alison raised her head, "sorry if this hurt you, but you're just not the type of man I'm looking for," man? Thought Chris, know one had ever called him a 'man' only his mother, but that's how mothers are.
Chris put out a hand of forgiveness, Alison stretched out her hand, they met and shook hands firmly, the way life longs friends would do, "Well I guess this is good bye then, I'll catch you later," Alison's head filled with thought, good bye? But we'll see each other back at base, won't we? Alison was just about to say what see thought, but Chris gave her that knowing look, so she kept quiet, "no, Alison, we won't good bye." Chris turned his back and walked back into the bar, he was waiting for the inevitable reply, but it never came. Alison just stood there, not bothering to reply as Chris' frame disappeared inside the bar, she was just about to go into the bar to say good bye, but decided against it, she started walking up the street, towards the local inn, she needed to sleep.
Chris sat back down next to Chambers, "so? Came Chambers voice, Chris made the vesture of a aeroplane crashing along with sound affects, "that bad heh?" Chris reply came quick and swift, "yep, crash and burned," "Pity, Alison was a real looker," said Cambers finishing off yet another beer. "Don't you think you've had enough Chambers? We got a 3 day pass and you're going to spend the rest of it in front of a toilet with a hang over." Chambers looked up, "yeah, your probably right, McAllen, let's go find somewhere to sleep, I don't intend of being thrown in the brig for public drunkenness!" Chris nodded; nothing was worse then loosing your Leave Pass for being thrown in the brig by MPs (Military Police).
Chambers and McAllen stood up and left the bar, Chambers was singing softly, Chris just lifted a invisible hat to on lookers as he steered his friend to the nearest inn, they checked in and got a room with 2 beds, as soon as they made it into the room they collapsed on their beds, and slept softly into the night.
For Jeremy Winton, sentry duty was pretty tame, no one ever came through the southern entrance to the city, and only thing that way was miles and miles of jungle fauna. Jeremy was leaning over the guard post's 7.62mm Light Machine Gun, staring into the night, Jeremy usually wasn't so bored, he would have had a guard mate, but nearly everyone was on leave, only essential personal were at their posts. Jeremy couldn't complain he had got the last leave when his guard mate got to guard the quietest road in the country. But if he had a guard mate tonight he might have spotted the man stalking up behind him with his FAIRBURN assault knife drawn for an easy kill, for Jeremy it was quick and god how painful, he hit the ground spluttering blood squirting all over the guard post walls. When the job was done, the assaulter waved at, what appeared to the normal eye a bunch of trees, but it was in fact a large group of Rebels preparing for one last offensive, if they didn't get the Country this time, they would destroy as much of it as possible.
Alison opened her eyes, looked at the clock, 3 am, she had only been asleep for 3 hours, so tired thought Alison pulling some more blanket over her, she opened her eyes again, looking at the clock again, then shifting her gaze towards the USP custom lying next to it. She found herself thinking about Chris again, maybe I should give him a chance, besides if it doesn't work out I'll be on Reach and he'll probably be on Earth still. Under the pistol was yesterdays mail, she had kept it in her pocket, she sighed, going to Earths pride and joy, a isolated Colony know as Reach. Strange name thought Alison.
Suddenly Alison jumped out of bed as she heard the unmistakeable sound of gun fire, her training took over, she grabbed the pistol and paper, she slid the slide of the pistol back, it snapped forward but then rapidly back "shit, no bullets!" screamed Alison placing the empty pistol under her shirt, she looked out the window, the gunfire was louder now. Alison saw men, women and children running away from un seen enemies, Alison ran out side, trying to ask the locals what was happening but they were to hysterical to get an answer from.
Chris heard the gunfire too, Chambers didn't he was sound asleep, Chris jumped out of his bed, rushing over to Chambers shaking him violently. "Wake up! Someone's attacking us!" Chambers open his eyes groggily, "what the fuck? No, its just exercises McAllen now go back t..." *PING* came the ricocheting sound as a bullet came flying threw the windows, sending smashed glass all over the room, with that the sleep snapped away from Chambers and he was up and about. Chambers dived behind the bed taking Chris with his, luckily he did this as a more well aimed burst of gun fire erupted and crashed through the window. The bullets missed, they both breathed a sigh of release, suddenly a slight howling sound could be heard, "he do you hear that McAllen?" Asked Chambers looking up at the roof as if he had X-Ray vision. "FUCK!" Came Chris response grabbing Chambers by the collar and throwing him out the window, Chris followed suit, jumping without a seconds hesitation. Chris landed on his feet, Chambers didn't Chris kept running picking, well dragging Chambers by the collar away from the hotel room. Not a second too soon as it was hit by a mortar bomb and exploded in toothpicks.
*** Alison heard it before she knew what it was, a mortar bomb, she checked the window before jumping out, she couldn't see anyone but that didn't mean there wasn't anyone around, thanks to this damn darkness you couldn't see twenty metres in front of you, let alone see someone else. But she it was either that or face the mortar, she jumped through the window, and ran towards the other side of the street, she took it all in, she did have enough time to go through the door, but oh well. Then Alison noticed someone jump, no, hurled through the window of the room next to hers, it looked like no it couldn't be, it was Chambers! Then following Chambers came someone else, it was Chris! Chris dragged Chambers to the other side of the street. Then the bomb hit, pure devastation wood went everywhere. Alison stood up and was just about to yell to Chris and Michael when something hard hit her over the head.
Chris looked up from the explosion, he had mud all other his 'civvie' clothes, Michael was no better, and he was actually covered in more mud than Chris. Chris drew his empty pistol and told Chambers to wait here until he came back.
Chris walked slowly and silently up the street, his empty pistol held out in front of his, Special-Forces style, hands held firmly with one hand making a cup shape under the one holding the fire arm. Even though it was empty it would be better to look armed instead of defenceless. Chris walked passed the alley where Alison had been sitting well Chris didn't know that, he kept walking until he heard a slight shifting sound, clothing against asphalt. Chris froze he looked back and then he saw it, a Rebel leaning over an unconscious women and he was undoing his belt, the women's knickers were already pulled down to her ankles and her skirt had been lifted up, he's going to rape her! Thought Chris not know who it was Chris was about to pounce when he notice the rebel was holding a FAIRBURN knife and it was resting lightly on the women's throat, this changed everything, if Chris tried to grabbed the rebel he might kill the women, but then Chris' mind filled with crazy ideas, it's just a girl and so what? It will be one less Rebel as well, so no loss, no gain. Chris surprisingly agreed with this new side of him, he walked up behind the rebel whop had now got his 'thing' out and was getting 'it' ready, Chris then saw the women's face, it was Alison, she had a slight head injury which was leaking blood over her face, Chris then filled with a absolute rage he just charge the Rebel grabbed his knife hand and whilst keeping up the momentum swung in underarmed into the Rebels rib cage, but he wasn't dead, Chris freed the knife, grabbed the Rebel in a strangle hold turned away from Alison and slit the man's throat from ear to ear. Blood sprinkler sprayed the surrounding walls of the alley, the man dropped to his knees, looking up at the sky, he could see his own blood, his life, draining from him. Chris savoured the moment, for some reason the blood seemed to calm him, it covered his clothes and hands but only a few droplets hit his head. Then he remember what the man was going to do so Chris gave him one last violent kick in the back, the body went flying into the main street.
Chambers saw the corpse, blood all over the place, but he couldn't make out who it was, but it defiantly was a man, oh shit I fucking hope it ain't Chris, Chambers stood up, and moved slowly up to the corpse, it wasn't Chris, a sigh of relief hit Chambers like a cool breeze. Chris pulled Alison knickers back up and put he dress down, no good telling her what might of happened, he tried to rouse her with a few childish slaps to each check, nothing happened. Chris looked next to her, the dead Rebels MP .357 SMG sat next to Alison, Chris took it, sliding the safety catch off and knocking the bolt backwards, loading the 1st round into the chamber. He put the weapon over his should with its sling, and picked Alison up, he held her in his arms like a husband carries his new wife after a wedding across the threshold. Chris walked slowly outside the alley, he saw someone kneeling next to the dead Rebel, then suddenly the figure saw them and stood up brandishing a pistol, and the Rebels webbing which held the magazine for the SMG slung over Chris' shoulder. "Chris!" came the voice, it was Chambers, "hey Chambers," came Chris' reply, "Chambers u take the MP and gives us that guy's pea shooter." Chris passed the MP over and took the pistol with its spare clips; the pistol looked new somehow, yet old. It was an old 9mm pistol, Chris had never seen one before, but a weapon is a weapon!
Chris and Chambers started walking back to the base, they should meet up with their fellow soldiers before more Rebels come, then they heard it, the unmistakable clatter of tank tracks, but they both knew, the Coalition had no tanks in the area...
That's the end of that chapter...
Long Time Gone Part 6
Date: 11 December 2003, 6:36 AM
Long Time Gone Part 6: Locked, Cocked and Ready To Rock...
The tank's track clatter got louder and louder, Chris stood there with Alison's unconscious body in his arms and Chamber stood next to him. Chambers had the MP .357 held awkwardly across his chest as he peered into the darkness; Chris had a 9MM in his pocket.
"What the fuck are we gonna do now?" ask Chambers, staring up the street, he could almost smell the exhaust fumes... "Must be an old tank, still uses combustion engine" replied Chris, he continued, "Well we should probably bunker down until it passes and keeps going." Chambers nodded in reply.
Then came the sound of boots scraping across a loose gravel road, Chambers turned, and there was the worst sight he ever saw, five fully armed Rebels right behind them with their mixed assortments of weapons. Chris just jumped to one side out of the way, Chambers jammed down on the trigger of his sub-machine gun, click the weapon didn't fire, either it was jammed or faulty ammunition was loaded, Chambers just stood there, the Rebels had big grins on their faces, an easy kill on their minds. Chris looked around the corner of the alleyway he was hiding in, "ah, FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!" Chris yelled drawing his pistol, BANG BANG BANG BANG, BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG!! Chris' pistol's emptied a whole clip into the five Rebels the first four shots were head shots killing the first four rebels and the last ELEVEN shots were in frustration at the last Rebel, ten rounds hit him in the chest, sending him sprawling with every shot, then the last bullet hit him in the head sending a spray of blood out the back of his head. Chambers just stood there, "for Christ sakes, did you have to do that to him?" Chris didn't answer, he hit the magazine release and the magazine dropped to the floor with a clang, he then placed one of the two spares into the gun and hit the slide release, it raced forward dragging a fresh round into the chamber.
If Chris had looked close enough at the magazine on the ground he would have saw a grey stripe around it, representing standard ball point 'Full Metal Jacket' rounds, but the magazine he put into his gun had ORANGE stripe around it, representing a very special kind of bullet as they would find out later.
Chambers threw the now useless sub-machine gun away, he half-crouched ran over to the dead rebels... avoiding the one full of holes, he grabbed one of the MA5Bs off the Rebels and went to throw Chris one when a shell exploded above their heads. Chris then saw what they had been trying to see before the Rebels had came behind them, it was the tank, and it was an extremely old one too. Its rusted armour didn't look like it could withstand a popgun attack, at each joint it was welded roughly; this thing had been held together with spit and prayers.
Chris sat there next to Alison, his only defence was a small 9 MM pistol, hmm not much to put up a fight with he thought just as Chambers landed next to him as another shell exploded right next to them. "Got to do something about that tank McAllen", cried Chambers leaning around the corner, a sharp TWANG made him think twice about that, "we got company!" He continued, "About 20 Rebels." "Shit!" Came Chris' reply, no where to run and only an assault rifle and a pistol, well three pistols but two were empty, to fight with. "Swap sides", said Chris moving up to the edge of the alley, he stuck his head around, he saw several Rebels coming towards them whilst others ran along side the tank that was SLOWLY moving towards them.
Might as well give it a shot thought Chris looking at his handgun, he then jumped out, he pulled the trigger once, only expecting the light recoil of FMJ 9mm x 19 rounds, Chris didn't have much of grip on the little firearm. The gun went off, it almost flew out of Chris hands but he managed to hold onto pistol, the orange cased round flew through the air at an impressive speed of 2,030 feet per second; the usual 9MM only has a speed of 1,132 feet per second. The super fast round crashed into a Rebels head, Chris watched as time begun to slow down, the bullet entered the Rebels head and a millisecond later it exploded! Chris stopped, what the fuck? thought Chris, he looked down at the empty casing, it had an orange band painted around the rim, he picked it up and went behind the corner, reading the inscription near the primer cap, it read, '9mm high explosive armour piercing round' "good god," he breathed. Chambers saw Chris wasn't shooting so he went to the corner and ducked out firing the whole 60 round magazine into the oncoming Rebels. "Michael check this out!" yelled Chris above the gun fire, holding the orange rimmed bullet casing between his fingers. Chambers squinted looking at the round, "hey!" he said, "those are the same type of rounds used in M6Ds, but of course they are a different calibre". "Ah, ok" came Chris' reply, who didn't really care about that, only the fact of how powerful ammunition had gotten.
Chris swapped sides with Michael again, taking the corner, he leant out and fired an extended burst; 4 maybe 5 rounds into the oncoming Rebels. Chris took one final shot, at the tank! His pistol belched flame and a 9mm x 19 HEAP round hit the tank's left track at it's weakest point, the metal joint joining the tracking together, its rusted exterior exploded under the explosive power of the HEAP round. The crew didn't seem to notice as they kept moving forward, but the left track was no longer attached to the vehicle, it simply heaped up and front of the left track's forward jockey wheel. Soon the entire length of track was in a straight line behind the vehicle, with no left track to drive on the big tank began to turn leftwards. BANG! Came the sound of the tank hit the side of one of the houses in the street. The left hand side of the tank was submerged in the near-by house and its bow machine-gun was now useless, only the turret mounted cannon was of any use.
Chris briefed a sigh of relief as the tank couldn't get any closer, but a bullet smacking into the wall next to his head made him think again, they still had the remaining Rebels to deal with. Chris ducked back around the corner, firing the remaining bullets in the clip at the Rebels. The gun clicked, slide slid back... empty, he struggled to put his last magazine into his gun. Chris leant back around the corner and quickly counted no less than 19 Rebels remained. "Chambers, I don't think we're gonna make it, buddy," Said Chris wiping the sweat from his forehead. Chambers didn't say anything, and then all of a sudden he looked up, "what is i..." Chris didn't finish his sentence as Michael went "SHHH!" very loudly. Chris listened, he could here a rumble of engines far away, Chambers gave Chris the thumbs up and a reassuring smile, "no, we are gonna make it buddy!"
Circling at 1000 feet was a lone Pelican Drop Ship, the insertion vehicle of the Marines, capable of carrying 12 fully armed Marines and one vehicle. Inside the drop ship were twelve Coalition troopers, in full kit and wearing night operation gear, jet black boots, jet black helmets, jet back vest, jet black everything! Even black camouflage paint over there faces; except the African-Americans soldiers of course.
The ship did a low pass over the area where Chris, Chambers, Alison and the Rebels were, the Rebels, spotting a bigger target quickly began firing small arms at the ship. In the ship, the groups Sargeant, gave one of his men a nod, the soldier nodded back, he reached to the floor and open one of the many samsonite containers in the back with the soldiers. The lid was opened and the Soldier began piecing some various components from the box together, in five seconds flat the Trooper had; lock, cocked and was ready to rock, a SPNKr (nick named the 'Spanker' by it's users). The SPNKr was a portable 103mm Shaped Charge firing missile launcher; whilst slow in flight it made up for its speed with a serious high-explosive blast.
The trooper hefted it onto his shoulder nodding again to the Sargeant, the Sargeant shouted something to the ships pilot, and it could not even be heard by the men next to him, the pilot said something back in response and the ship turned to the left. The Troopers grabbed the complementary hand rails for balance as everything took a sharp forty-five degree turn, coming back for another low run. The ship straightened out and the Troopers relaxed their grip, the ship thundered over the Rebel tank with a sonic boom, "NOW" screamed the Sargeant, the SPNKr carrying Trooper raised the weapon to his shoulder firing the two rockets at Various parts of the tank, even travelling at such speed the trooper had gotten off a good shot as the first rocket went high detonating above the tank sending lumps of cement and wood flying, a large room support beam landed on the Commander's and AA Machine gunner's exit hatches. Sealing the tank, most tanks would have a forward drivers hatch but this did not unfortunately. The Second rocket how ever finished the job, the projectile pierced the ancient armour detonating in the forward ammunition store, and the tanks turret flew into the air with an almighty BANG!
Flames erupted all over the disabled vehicle, engulfing the houses next to it and forming a barricade across the street blocking the Rebels behind the tank on the far side of the fire. Chris took a deep breath, "I'd like to shake that man's hand" he said aloud, "me too" came Chambers' voice. The Pelican came around for one last run this time instead of rockets being launched they shot MA5B assault rifles at the cut off Rebels, it was all over in a few seconds, bloody heaps of human flesh which had once represented a human beings stood, well lay where the Rebels had been only a few seconds ago. With it's job done the Pelican hovered, and then gracefully landed in the narrow street way, "Go, Go, GO!" were the only words the Black Clad Soldiers said as they moved out of their ship, guns up, eyes open and itchy trigger fingers, the teams Sargeant moved forward in his completely black battle gear, Chris saw the mans Insignia on his armour's shoulder plate, it was a picture of a Snake wrapped around a thorny tree representing it's toughness, under it though were the words "Shock Troop, 1st Brigade," Chris thought to himself, Well the Brigadier did say they were stationed on Reach, but they must have had more ex-Marines like him-self going to Reach in a few days as well . The Sargeant walked up, "welcome to hell boys!" Were the only things he said...
Long Time Gone Part 7
Date: 14 December 2003, 12:01 PM
Long Time Gone Part 7: The Problems and Solution
Anther shell landed close to the Command Post, the surviving staff had taken up arms and were protecting their bunker with the greatest bravery. There were only a handful of men left; everyone else was dead or dying. General Gütt Shutze, one of the survivors was taking cover behind his desk with some fellow survivors; every now and then a small group of armed Rebels would run into the room yelling at them in strange tongue. But every time the General and his staff would repulse the attacks with their various weapons but they were mostly their Nickel Plated M6D Ceremonial pistols and a couple of the General's bolt action hunting rifles which were on the mantle piece.
The ammunition was beginning to run low, they had to make every shot count, but one of the staff wasn't going to die because he didn't have any weapons to defend himself with, the man jumped to his feet and raced to the doorway, snatching up a couple of MP .375s and various 9mm pistols.
"Good work soldier!" said Gütt taking one of the 9mm pistols and a few spare clips, the staff member had even got a couple of grenades! With these new weapons the Gütt predicted that they could last maybe another half hour.
The Sargeant introduce himself as Hans Grebler, his German accent was strong, he told them that, yes he was part of the 1st Shock Troop Brigade that was departing for Reach in two days, but that he and his squad were going a day after the rest of the Brigade went. They had been called from their station in Munich, Germany to help secure the Congo front as German Intelligence had predicted the attack but the Coalition didn't listen, they sent almost 80% of their forces on leave.
At a closer look, the Sargeant under all his high-tech body armour was almost handsome in his own sort of way, as Chris' father always said women love a man in uniform , he was right, except the part that he wasn't a girl... The Sargeant was clean cut and shaven, unlike how Chris and Chambers were unshaven, Hans wore a neatly iron uniformed and spit shined boots but Chris and Michael were in grimy civvies clothes and mud covered runners.
The Shock Troopers carried high-tech MA5Bs modified to the extreme, laser sights, reflex sights, they all but one had sound suppressors as one had a heavy barrel (a Squad Automatic Weapon Version) acting as the Squads Machine Gunner, this configuration was ideal as the weapon still used the 60 round magazine that the original MA5B rifle used thus, if the machine gunner ran out of ammunition any normal rifleman could give his or hers ammunition to the machine gunner.
"Corporals Chris McAllen and Michael Chambers reporting for duty, SIR!" Said Chris in his firmest voice.
"Very good, gentleman," replied Hans, Chambers started to laugh,
"What the hell are you laughing at Corporal?" Demanded Hans. Chambers stopped laughing, cleared his voice and said,
"Its just no one has ever called me a gentleman before, sir" said Chambers.
"Is that so..." said Hans tossing McAllen and Chambers a high-tech armour vest each,
"Only problem is, we don't have any spare rifles," said Hans tapping his MA5B Custom.
"That's all right sir, the Rebels do", Chris walked off to the destroyed tank, fetching up a few rifles and magazines, he came back with a M61 Sub-machine gun, .40 calibre, 35 round clip, but was long for a submachine gun, just under a metre long. Chris also handed Chambers a few MA5B clip he had scavenged.
The Drop ship took off in the small street; its engines drowning out all other noise, the pilot gave Hans the thumbs up and a reassuring smile
With the sounds off the drop ship fading off, Chris heard the moan, the moan of someone hurt, oh shit Chris thought Alison! Chris ran back to the alleyway, and there slumped up against the wall was Alison, still unconscious, moaning badly with pain yet alive.
"MEDIC!" Chris yelled, a Black Clad Soldier came running over, a Red Cross painted on his helmet.
"What's wrong?" asked the soldier, "her, she got whacked in the back of the head" said Chris pointing at Alison.
"looks like a minor concussion, she should be fine in a few days, but I'll do what I can," the Soldier whistle over to two comrades, they came running over,
"Get her into that house!" Ordered the Medic.
Chris wanted to follow but an urged made him go back to the Sargeant,
"Anything we can do, sir?" Asked McAllen, the Hans took a deep breath,
"We need to link up with other forces to achieve an effective resistance, agree?"
"That's what we're paid to do," said one of the Black Clad Soldiers. "
Ok, then, my men will lead first, you two bring up the rear, and we'll have to send a medivac for the women, medic and two troopers" Hans took another deep breathe,
"Charles!" he yelled, a Trooper stood,
"YES, SIR!" said the Trooper,
"Get me battalion on the horn," another 'YES, SIR!' was said and then the Radio man started talking all Radio Code into his headset,
"This is, Dark Knight, over, requesting medivac at Grid Reference, Tango 26, Bravo 13, over..." the Trooper waited, then suddenly a burst of static,
"Roger that, Dark Knight, Hotel one-nine-five in bound, be advised, the drop ship contains, munitions and you are to take ALL you can carry, the enemy is advancing towards your position.
"They will be there in approximately 46 minutes,"
"And Hotel one-nine-five's ETA?" Said the Trooper named Charles,
"Ah, unknown, not long, possibly half-an-hour".
"Roger that base, Dark Knight out!"
"Sir, it doesn't look good," said Charles, placing the mouthpiece of his headset up to the top of his helmet.
Hans swore under his breath, his mind started to race, out numbered, out gunned, fifteen Soldiers, three were tacking care of a forth and I have two strangely dressed Coalition Troopers, out of which I only have nine Shock Troopers including my self fit for battle... shit not good, unknown hostiles, EVAC for the women on it's way . Hans begun to chuckle uncontrollably, Chris wondered what was so funny.
"Just another funking day in the Corp!" Said Hans, his laughter ceased, "well what the fuck are you guys standing around for? Get into defensive positions!
Chris only just noticed what the Shock Troopers had brought with them, six large samsonite containers lay scattered around the area where the Pelican had landed, Chris walked over to them they were all open and the first four had held the groups MA5B Assault Rifles, whilst the fifth carried the bullets and the last one had once contained a SPNKr 103mm Rocket Launcher, Chris looked around and then he saw the gunner, sitting against a wall, cigarette in his mouth, looking off into the distance. The thousand yard stare... Thought Chris.
The thousand yard stare was a habit, which had become a problem in the 30th Century Vietnam War in the 1960s and 70s with service men who had been in combat too long. The sufferer was known to stare into the abyss for hours on end, not knowing what was going on, it was basically sleeping awake, as if that is possible. Many soldiers were shipped home after they were unable to for fill there duty as it affect there awareness and usefulness as a soldier. Chris was brought back to the present by a rough pat on the back,
"Come on buddy we both said it, 'I'm gonna shake that man's hand' remember?" Chris roused,
"What? Oh yeah lets go," Chris and Chambers walked over to the gazing Trooper,
"Hey, Soldier" Chris stopped, noticed the two stripes, "I, ah, mean Corporal," Gazing Trooper stopped,
"You are blocking my view" was all he said, Chris moved and looked where the Trooper was, he was looking at the mayhem he had caused with his SPNKr.
"That's Geoff," said a voice, Chris and Chambers turned, an African-American Trooper stood there, hold his MA5B custom lazily by his side, he started to speak again, "hi I'm Frank Mohammad, everyone just calls me Gunny", indicating the Gunnery Sargeant Stripes on his Chest Plate. Hans was also a Gunnery Sargeant but Gunny had agreed to let Hans lead the Squad. Chambers was the first to reply.
"Ah, hi there, Gunny , I'm Corporal Michael Chambers and this here is my good friend Corporal Chris McAllen," Chambers stepped forward, shaking Gunny's hand, Chris shook Gunny's hand next.
"Nice to met you both," Gunny replied,
"Back at ya" replied Chambers and Chris as one. Chris was the next to speak.
"So, Geoff," Chris said in his friendliest voice, Geoff sat there, still staring,
"I'll fix him," said Gunny, walking over to Geoff, give his black Helmet a tap, the Corporal instantly stood up.
"Corporal Geoff Hughes reporting for duty, SIR!" He said as if he was on parade.
"Is that normal?" asked Chambers,
"Yeah, he gets distracted easily, he's got A.D.D" Replied Gunny, Chambers reply came quick and short.
"Ok then..." Chris took a deep breathe,
"Hey Corporal Hughes, you saved Chambers' and my bacon today and I'll try to repay you for it." Geoff cocked his head to one side, and offered a firm hand and a 100 watt smile.
"You're welcome...?" Geoff asked,
"Corporal Chris McAllen and Corporal Michael Chambers,"
"Ah ok, you are welcome McAllen." Chris put his rifle over his shoulder, said his good byes to Gunny and Geoff and he walked over to the building were Alison was.
And that's the end of that chapter... Please tell me what you think, I NEED compliments, as fellow writers you know how important even a SMALL compliment does for you, and tell mw do you like this set up or my other chapters' set ups? Also do you think this is long enough for one chapter?
Long Time Gone Part 8 plz read
Date: 17 December 2003, 10:58 AM
Long Time Gone Part 8: The Rebellion's Plot
Chris entered the makeshift aid station; it was basically deserted except for the Medic, two Black-clad soldiers and Alison. The house had seen better days; the floor was rotten and creaked with every footstep, the wall paper had come unglued and lay trampled on the floor and mould covered the ceiling.
Not really clean enough for an aid station thought looking around, soldiers had more chance of getting infections from the dirt and dust falling from the ceiling onto their open wounds than dieing of their wounds.
Chris walked over to the kitchen table Alison lay there with here hands over her sides and a moist rag over her forehead.
"How's it going doc?" Chris asked turning to the Medic,
"As I said before she is going to be fine, now you should get out there and help with the defensive preparations, we'll handle this" the Medic said turning away from Chris and said something to the two soldiers, Chris couldn't hear what he said. But when the two men began using a hammer and nails to nail boards across the windows he understood what he had told them; board up the windows.
Chris left the aid station and found Chambers helping the Shock Troopers hurl makeshift sand bags into the centre of the street making a two-way barricade covering both ends of the street. The Squads Machine Gunner set up his machine gun so it was covering the Northern end of the street Geoff Hughes; the SPNKr gunner, set up his SPNKr on a light weight tripod and his remaining shells.
Gütt Shutze and his remaining men were once again running low on ammunition, after the last attack, they had reluctantly used their two ancients hand grenades. The same man who had taken those grenades before had decided to do go on another weapons run, but the Rebels were waiting, his body exploded in fountains of blood, and then he hit the floor undoubtedly dead.
Gütt was shocked, then a group of Rebels came rushing into the door firing wildly, the two men on Gütt's right side ran out of ammunition first swearing that they couldn't defend themselves, then the man on Gütt's left ran out of ammunition also swearing then last of all Gütt fired their last shot the round killed a Rebel but there were still three left.
Gütt's mind started to race, and then he knew they had no hope, he started to yell over the Rebels gunfire who were now mercilessly pummelling the flimsy wooden desk with a barrage of bullets.
"CEASE FIRE! WE GIVE IN! WE SURRENDER!" the Gunfire instantly stopped.
"Is that so?" Came the cool voice of someone who knew they had the situation under control.
"Yes it is," came Gütt, his voice filled with disappointment, "we surrender, but under the code of the Geneva Convention we are to be treated kindly and you cannot execute us!" Gütt voice was filled with a new found rage. All the cool said was.
"Is that so?" Then he appeared dressed in a White Suit, and carrying an expensive pistol in a large fist, his black sweaty skin reflecting off the dim lighting in the office. Then without mercy he raised his pistol and fired twice, the two men to Gütt's right; who were now standing up like Gütt, they were killed instantly the bullets hit them squarely on the bridge of their noses, they were dead before they hit the ground.
"What can your so called, 'Geneva Convention' do about that?" The big black man asked.
"If your gonna kill us then make it quick, I hate waiting!" yelled Gütt he had known those two men for almost 6 years.
"Oh no, no, no. I am not going to kill you... YET, I like to watch the faces of people before they know they are going to die.
"Well make it quick you black fuck! Kill me but let Stevens live!" Gütt yelled again pointing to the man to his left. The Black man raised his gun again,
"I'd rather do both!" he fired again the man named Stevens fell back a bullet in his throat, he began coughing blood up all over his steam pressed sky blue Radio Operators uniform.
"You monster!" Gütt said as he lunged towards the big man who was now standing at the front of the group. Two of the Rebels immediately leaped forward holding Gütt at arms lengths.
"No, bad boy, no killing the man who will change Africa forever!" The man snuffed a laugh, "Also my brave General, you must always remember an angry Commander will always end up getting his men killed!" The white suited man pointed his gun at the three dead Radio Operators not saying a word.
"Who are you?!" Inquired Gütt.
"I told you!" Said the man, "I am the one who is going to Reunite Africa back into its powerful self as it was over five hundreds years ago."
"But why?" Gütt asked again trying to stall him so he might get rescued by his men; he even heard a group of Shock Troopers was in the area.
"Why, ah yes, the most annoying word in your pitiful English language. My answer reflects how your Washington Fat Cats have taken advantage of poor Africa, you grew fat, strong and rich whilst the majority of Africa starved, grew weaker and poorer day by day.
"I, how ever will change this," Gütt bit his lip what a fucking psycho then tried to speak.
"How? By reuniting Africa!" His voice boomed through the building the remaining Rebels cheered and fired their weapons into the air, only that there was no sky only a roof. The bullets hit the plaster ceiling and a thick white dust drifted down and covered everything and everyone. The white dust drifted over the man in the white suit covering his face and arms, he looked like a ghost!
"Fucking idiots!" yelled the man pistol whipping the third Rebel who was standing next to him as the other to had been holding the prisoner. The Rebel hit the ground with a soft trickle of blood flowing down his face.
Gütt was the first to break the awkward silence.
"But why start with the Congo?"
"My dear, General Gütt Shutze," the man noticed the confusion on Gütt's face, "yes I know who you are, now back to the point, if you know the Congo is one of the largest forested areas on Earth what better place to set up my Command Post, air strikes are practically useless and your so called 'Elite Forces' are not equipped for a war with no front lines, you have grown soft with this Alien enemy who attacks on fronts and not where they are not expected.
"Then once the Congo is under my control, I will send off forces to train Rebels in other countries to help with my invasion, think about it, your puny Coalition only sent 10,000 Soldiers and I have the whole continents lower-regime's support meaning I have almost unlimited reserves, as you see you cannot win, either way the country is mine!"
"Who the fuck are you is all I want to now!" Demanded the General,
"Tut, tut, you are in no position for demands now, you are lucky I have not killed you already, oh and if you are having hope that your precious Shock Troopers are going to save think about that as well, 12 men, how ever so well trained against nearly 300 Rebels that is a ratio 1:25 just for you to know,"
The man pulled out a large cigar lit it and took a few deep puffs,
"Tie him up! I will finish this later, I need some rest!" The Rebels quickly bound Gütt's arms and legs and gag his mouth and through him in a corner. They then quickly set about helping their bleeding comrade.
Only a few kilometres away....
Chris was in hell the Rebels had arrived 20 minutes early, the Shock Troopers guess almost 300 of the bastards, primitively armed yet if they got close enough no amount of firepower could stop them. But luckily they were all coming from the north meaning the Troopers could concentrate all the firepower they had on them. For now the Rebels just sat, 500 metres up the long street, listening to their elders words of victory.
Then the inevitable happened, they started their march forward...
In case you didn't get it that is the end of that chapter...
Long Time Gone Part 9
Date: 24 January 2004, 10:54 AM
Long Time Gone Part 8: We're outta' here
The Rebels moved slow but steady, guns up, eyes wide open for targets, classic military moves.
Chris knelt down next to the MA5B HB (Heavy Barrel) SAW (squad Automatic Weapon) Gunner; he had his weapon trained on the advancing Rebels.
"Why aren't you shooting?" Asked Chris who him self hadn't fired a shot along with the other Troopers.
"They're not shooting at us!" came his reply.
"How can you tell?"
"A hiss means it was close and a..." *PING* Came the ricocheting sound as a bullet hit their barricade of samsonite containers, "Now they're shooting at us!" Another shell flew over their heads. The Gunner turned to Hans.
"Sir, they're shooting at us, SIR!" Hans gave him an idiot's look.
"Well shoot back...!"
At the same time he raised his own rifle and gave off a short burst 2 Rebels fell over instantly. Having got his orders the SAW Gunner lowered himself down to the same level as his tripod mounted machine gun, cocked it, 'shouldered' it and gave a very LONG burst, almost 40 bullets, and the forward ranks of the Rebels fell over, but when one died another instantly took his place. They were still over 270 of them there, chanting their war cries firing their weapons into the air.
One of the elders spoke his slow and accented voice,
"Onward brave brothers! Today we spill Capitalist Pigs blood!" With that the Rebels chanting became almost screaming. Another bullet slammed overhead.
"Ah, fuck this!" Cried a Trooper hiding behind the barricade firing widely at the enemy who didn't seem to notice their friends dieing next to them. Chris raised his M61 SMG and let loose a shot, the round fell short ricocheting at the Rebels feet.
"PIECE OF SHIT!" He yelled raising the gun a little higher and fired another shot, finally a Rebel fell over, he whispered quietly to the weapon, "I still think you're a piece of shit!"
Gütt received a fierce jab in the ribs from his captors, gaining his attention. Gütt had been thinking about what the man said.
"I see you have a lot on your mind General, perhaps you want to ask me a question? I will allow you to ask ONE question but then we ill go and see what is left of your mighty Shock Troopers", said the White suited man sitting in Gütt's bullet riddened leather arm chair that was behind his overturned desk.
Gütt looked up at the ceiling, drew a breath and started to talk, "I don't understand how you can restore Africa back to its FORMER glory when it never had any to begin with? For Christ sakes Africa was a shit hole 500 years ago and still is! If it was up to me I'd let you have the fucking place but no these are my orders and I intend to accomplish them, so tell what former glory?"
The white suited man swivelled in the chair spinning around, "I love that... well anyway; as usual you and every other capitalist seem to forget what Africa had. Before the Democrats took over, Africa was one of the worlds leaders in biological weaponry, but its projects were handed over to the United States by the new leaders in a hope for peace between the two. It had one of the largest Military Forces in the world, it even had some of the most modern equipment, but the Democrats disbanded almost two-thirds of their military might as another sign of friendship."
"It is possibly the most resource richest country on Earth; do you know what a man or his country could do with the funds from those resources?" Gütt shook his head and said, "Probably one of those fucked up things, assholes like you do!"
The man gave the guard next to Gütt a look, he jabbed Gütt in the ribs again. "I said you could only have ONE question!" he yelled at the General, "well in lack of your thinking power in what I could do with the money from Africa's resources I could build an army capable of destroying you all and most importantly the enemy you call, 'the Covenant', I know your pitiful UNSC is trying everything to stop them, I even hear they are attempting to find their home world and attack it. I for see this as a defeat, what I can do different you ask? With Africa's greatest minds we can create a virus that can be spread by humans but not affect them and kill the Covenant with out lifting a finger. Yet I know what you are thinking Herr General, and the answer is yes, I have already created a specimen of this virus, we have made it so it can kill the average 'Grunt' in 2.6 seconds after exposure.
"The 'exposure' is either physical, by touch or airborne, like the flu. So even if your boys are locked away the airborne virus will float around the ship and kill all the Covenant, but we are yet to kill any other Covenant creature as we are finding it most difficult to find a test subject as the only way to capture a Covenant is to kill them, but the Grunts are chicken shits and surrender at the earliest point. Death is caused by liquidation of organs and bone tissue; after it is dead you basically have a bag of skin." Gütt held back his anger, this asshole has the weapon we dream about, he could save humanity against hopeless odds, yet he has no intention of helping the UNSC . Gütt let out a deep sigh, the sigh of someone who knows it is hopeless to resist.
"Now Herr General let us go and see your 'Elite' Soldiers in action, from what I have heard I believe they are right now, fighting for their lives". Gütt's Guard ushered him out of the room with a few jabs and pushes they pushed him into the backseat of a nearby car, the white suited man sat in the passenger seat, one guard drove and the other sat next to Gütt with his rifle's barrel touching the floor and the butt was leaning against the forward chair. The guard had his pistol drawn, and said in very slow and easy to understand English, "noooo funnnneeee stuff!" Gütt just nodded in agreement.
The car's tires squealed in protest as the driver gun the engine, they raced down the endless streets of the Congo's Capital, street after street went past Gütt's eyes, he almost felt car sick.
The fighting was getting worse now, the Rebels were only 200 metres away and were firing accurately, nearly every shock trooper had been hit even Chris and Chambers were, but the hits did no damage thanks to the advanced anti-ballistic armour they all wore. Chris' cheap M61 was running low on ammunition. Nearly all the men were out of ammunition. Chambers was shooting accurately with his MA5B and killing a Rebel every 7 or so shots sometimes more. When Chambers was reloading, a stray bullet ricocheted off the samsonite barrier and hit him on his right elbow pad, the pads weren't designed for defence against bullets and because of this the bullet struck the bone. Chambers screamed in pain as he did the only thing his body did with pain, 'open up' or in this case let go of his weapon and it fell to the ground.
He reached to pick it up as another shot, this time was not a ricochet hit him between the shoulder blades, but luckily there was armour plating here, he hit the ground from the impact and found it hard to breath, the shot had winded him badly.
Gunny looked over to see how the new comers were doing, he saw Chris firing one shot at a time at the Rebels who were now only 100 metres away, then he saw Chambers struggling to get up, Gunny ran over and help Chambers up and started to drag him by the shoulder straps on the vest over to the aid station. The medic saw this and ran over; he gave Chambers a quick check up and told Gunny he would be fine in a few minutes, Gunny, satisfied ran back over to the wall only in time to see the Rebels break from there determined march into a sprint.
Gütt and his tormenters had just arrived no the scene, they all went up to the roof of the nearest building to get a good view of the battle.
"See," said the man in white, "your mighty troopers are no match for shear numbers!" Gütt looked up to the heavens and hoped for a miracle to save his best men.
Every Trooper fried as one cutting down Rebel after Rebel, but then the inevitable happened, harsh clicks and twangs spelled that they were all dead, they were out of ammunition for their rifles. Everyone pulled out there pistols and started firing. Hans was just reloading his pistol for the third and last time, this was his last magazine, and he was noticing other troops opening their last magazine pouches and firing, some men had even started throwing grenades. Hans' pistol fired for the last time as the slide flung back into the empty position. Hans' hope vanished quicker than the echoing sound of the side clinging into the empty position. They were all going to die...
Just when all hope seemed lost, and the Rebels were only 90 feet away from the barricade, there came the most peculiar sound. Turbo jet engines roared over head, kicking up all sorts of mess, empty cases, dust, stones and various housing materials. Chris looked up to see Hotel One-Nine-Five was hovering over head, the Machine gunners were already firing, Chris looked to see the havoc they were inflicting and looked up again just to see a black bag land only a few feet away, Chris then notice it had been uncoiling rope down from the Drop Ship. Then before Chris even knew it there were a pair of black combat boots on the ground in front of him.
Chris looked up, and there was a man in the same uniform as the other Shock Troopers, he gave Chris a smile through his black balaclava, Chris returned the smile. The man then turned looking for someone, then he saw Gütt and ran over, Chris was a about to get up when another bag of rope landed near him, then two pairs of combat boots appeared in front of his eyes, more shock troopers. This happen five times and then the twelfth and last man landed, the eleven men ran over to the first Shock Trooper who was talking to Gütt, even know there are no markings on the their uniforms, Chris knew that the first man was their leader, he walked with the respect of group.
A few seconds passed and then a few bullets landed near the new troopers, they instantly raised there weapons, the same type of MA5Bs that Gütt and his squad were armed with. Spitting out 7.62mm Armour Piercing rounds at over 900 Rounds per minute, the average 60 round magazine was empty in 4 seconds. The Rebels charge faltered under the shear fire power of these new comers, they turned and began to run, dragging what ever wounded they could with them shaking their fists.
The white suited man's smile vanished as he saw the new group of black clad soldiers abseiling from the drop ship, he saw his precious Rebellion go down the drain, Gütt on the other hand had a broad smile on his face, "thank you" he said looking up at the heavens, the dark sky a welcoming sight for the battle wearing General.
But the white suited man wasn't done there, he yelled something to the two Rebels with him, but heard no reply he looked to see only two discard assault rifles lying on the ground. Gütt took his chance he dived to the ground picking up one of the rifles, and before the white suited man had a chance the barrel was pressed firmly against his head.
"Don't try anything," Gütt said tightening his grip on the synthetic stock of the weapon, the white suited man had no intention of surrendering, he reached for his pistol, Gütt pulled the trigger, *CLICK!*
"Oh fuck," said Gütt, discarding the rifle and rolling behind a couple of crates on top of the building. The whited suited man fired his gun rapidly, BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM, peppering the crates with a deadly hail of lead, Gütt keep his head low from the spray of splinters flying all over the place.
The man took his chance and ran down the stairs to the stairs to the parked car out front of the building. Gütt recovered from the shock, he picked up the other rifle, pulled its bolt half-way back to show a round down the pipe, he removed the magazine, about half a clip, maybe 30 rounds. Gütt heard the motor, and then he knew the man was trying to get away. Running to the edge of the roof, Gütt took a couple of pot shots at the speeding car.
Hans and his reinforcements heard the gunfire, and saw a lone figure on a roof firing down at the street, Chris took the SPNKr off Geoff Hughes without a seconds thought, initialising the scope feature to get a good view of the shooter.
"Oh shit, I know that old, mug anywhere!" Exclaimed Chris, "It's General Shutze and it looks like he is in trouble!"
"Soldier!" Hans said to the radioman, "get me a link to that bird" he said pointing at Hotel One-Nine-Five, "we need a lift!" The radioman started scanning frequencies until he gave Hans the thumbs up and passed him the hand piece.
"Hotel One-Nine-Five do you read me? This is Over Watch." Hans said into the radio piece.
"Yeah Rodger that, Over watch what do you need?" came the garbled reply.
"We need a lift to go and retrieve General Shutze, he is located at 11 O' Clock, please come back."
"Rodger that, we see him, clear the street, we're going to land. Hotel One-Nine-Five, out!"
And that's the end of that chapter...
Long Time Gone Part 10
Date: 26 January 2004, 10:51 AM
Long Time Gone Part 10: Car troubles
The massive drop ship lowered from almost 40 feet in the air to a mere 3 feet, the wings barely fitted in the small space, the rear door opened to allow the Shock Troopers to gain access to the ship. Hans gave a deep long high pitched whistle.
"All right, ladies, tis time to move, go, go, go!" He said running up and jumping in the back of the drop ship. The two medics came running out, a stretcher between them, Alison was still unconscious. Also the now patched up Chambers came running from the dilapidated house. Chris was the last one onto the ship, he looked backed, there was nothing but corpses and empty bullet casings everywhere, yet remarkably they had obtained no fatal casualties. He quickly took a seat, a seat which happened to be next to the second squad's leader.
"Hi," Chris broke the silence, "I'm Corporal Chris McAllen, I'd just like to express mine and everyone else's gratitude to you and your men, if it wasn't for you lot, we would have been pushing up daisies!"
"Oh, its ok" replied the leader, with this the smile wiped directly from Chris' face.
"Whoa, you're a woman..." Said Chris.
"You got a problem with that Corporal?"
"Ah, no sir! I ah mean, Ma'am!" Chris replied hastily. "I just thought you were a man by the way you walked..."
"The way I walk? Have you been eyeing me Corporal?" The whole drop ship exploded in laughter. Chambers slap his arm on Chris' shoulder and looked over too the female Sargeant.
"Hey, what do you know Chris? Two arguments with a girl in one night!"
The Sargeant removed her balaclava, her short auburn hair flailing loose, down to shoulder height. Some of the other Shock Troopers gave some whistles and the occasional 'hey foxy lady!" were said.
Chris looked about him self, the drop ship was slowing lifting into the air, and he had just been accused of liking the Sargeant, he admitted she was beautiful. But he only had eyes for Alison. Alison he thought, he looked to see where she was, she was still unconscious on the stretcher, God, that woman could sleep forever!
"Corporal?" a voice interrupted his thought. "Corporal?" He looked, it was the female Sargeant, and it appeared that everyone had sat back for a short trip to retrieve General Shutze.
"Yes, miss?" Chris replied.
"Corporal you still haven't answered my question,"
"And what question would that be miss?"
"Where you looking at my ass?"
"Ah..." he stammered, "NO! No, no ma'am I wasn't". His faced blushed red in embarrassment.
"Then what was wrong with the way I walked?"
"It was your rhythm".
"My rhythm?"
"Yeah your rhythm, the way your legs moved, they were very LONG, confident strides, when women tend to talk with in small strides, that's how I thought you were a man."
"OK, McAllen, I'll let you off, but next time I might have to punish you!" She said this in a interesting voice. Chambers jumped at the chance.
"You know I was looking too, are you going to punish me?" The Sargeant leant over Chris to reach Chambers, Chambers moved closer to her for the inevitable kiss, I closed his eyes and SLAP!
"OW!" Chambers screamed, more laughter from the troops,
"How's that for punishment?" Muttered Chris, snuffing a laugh.
The Sargeant didn't say anything she just checked her ammo.
The ship lifted off after a minute of preparations. The ship flew majestically towards General Gütt who, by now was waiting for the ship. They reached Gütt's position, the female Sargeant stood up walked to the rear of the drop ship, threw down a rope, they were about 30 feet above Gütt's position, as there was a chimney in the way of their decent. The Sargeant fastened her abseiling gear and went down the rope. Chris lost sight for a minute and a half. Then the Sargeant came back up the rope followed by Gütt, who was pretty fit for his age and made good time up the rope.
Gütt quickly walked over to Hans.
"Hans, we got to get this black bastard! Not for vengeance, but because he's their leader! And he has something we want, we HAVE to stop him."
"Ok, sir," he replied, "We'll get him."
Gütt gave some rough directions where he was heading. Hans relayed these to the pilot and they were off.
The man in the white suit was making good time along the rough city streets, the city was lifeless, his army repelled he had to get out of Africa, some of his men were still fighting, and their presence could be heard in the outer suburbs. He had been driving for five minutes more when he thought he heard something, he checked the mirrors, nothing behind him, nothing left, nothing right, he guessed it must have been nothing, then he turned his attention back to the front, only top see the Coalition drop ship right in front of him about 200 metres ahead.
Chris was sitting quietly in the drop ship next to Chambers and the unidentified Sargeant, when the pilot called back.
"General Shutze!" he said, "we have confirmation on your run away African!"
"Good work, son," he said walking up to the cockpit, "we need to get in front of him."
"I think we can manage that, sir!"
Gütt walked back to the troop area.
"Ok Sargeant, I need your best marksman," Hans thought for a second.
"Ah sir, we don't have a sniper in these squads". Chambers called out.
"What about McAllen, sir?" he asked, "He was Sargeant Parkers spotter,"
"And where is this, 'Sargeant Parker'?" He inquired.
"About 3 feet from your heel, sir" Gütt spun and there was an unconscious female on a stretcher. "That's no good," he muttered, "what about you McAllen? Are you any good with a rifle?" Chris looked, thought and said.
"Well I'm not exactly the best marksman in the world but, yeah, I'm alright with a rifle... why?"
"I need you to stop the car that's ahead of us", he said this by putting his hand out next to a Shock Trooper who in turn handed the General the fiercest and scariest rifle Chris had ever seen.
"Corporal, I want you to meet the MK III 'Excalibur' Experimental anti-material sniper rifle" said Hans pointing at the weapon Gütt was holding. Gütt handed Chris the weapon. "It's a semi-automatic, 20mm anti-material weapon, firing from a closed bolt, it holds six rounds, five in the clip and one down the spout." Chris was thunderstruck by the weight of the weapon; it was easily over a metre long but weighed little more than 3 kilograms. Chris opened the breach; there was the scariest, largest bullet he had ever seen.
"That's the C19 20mm High Explosive Armour Piercing, or HEAP, anti-aircraft round, it's usually fired by UNSC mounted AA guns. It is most likely the most powerful rifle round we use, it out does the S2 in range and power, the reason it is experimental is because the rifle seems to out shoot its barrel every 50 or so rounds but we are working on it, our materials are limited with the loss of most of our mines, so we are settling for 2nd grade materials."
"So how do I stop a speeding car WITHOUT killing the driver?" Asked Chris.
"Well," said Gütt, "you could go for the tired but he might crash and die, so most likely shoot the engine block or carburettor through the hood, it won't be easy but you have to try..."
Chris walked to open left hand side door of the Whale, being handed a pair of wind resistant goggles which he put on, the door gunner also attached an safety harness to Chris' armour and secured it to a safety cable. The cool night breeze assaulted his face, the light dim of the burning city glared into his eyes, and then he saw the car. It was speeding through streets at a phenomenal speed.
Chris hefted the rifle to his shoulder, he looked through the scope but it was black, then a hand reached over his shoulder and pressed a red light on the Smart-Link scope and then a light green glow assaulted Chris' eyes. He looked to see the face it was Hans,
"Sorry, forgot to tell you that the rifle's scope had to be powered to work." Right... thought Chris, How the hell did I get into this for Christ sakes! A night at a bar turns into a city wide combat zone, and here I am. Standing out in the freezing cold night, on the side of a drop ship, carrying a experimental rifle that has never been combat tested and I'm to stop a moving car for fuck sake!
Chris shook away his thoughts and looked down the scope, various range finders and compasses displayed range, wind resistance, target lead and other techno things Chris didn't really understand. The drop ship was now in front of the speeding car, with the front of the ship facing the car.
What are these fools doing? Thought the African, they cannot stop me! . With this he drove even faster.
"He's not going to stop, sir!" The pilot called back.
"I know," said Gütt with a hand rubbing his chin, "ok, when he gets with in one hundred metres, turn the whole ship so the left is facing that maniac!"
"Yes, Sir!"
Chris was given his instructions once more; he nodded, gripping his rifle more tightly. Chris watched the speeding car come towards them; he took a deep breath, held it and released it. He released the safety with some hesitation, hands shaking he raised the rifle to the ready position. The African was still advancing, 150 metres... 140... 130... 120... 110... don't do it fool! thought Chris... 100 metres...
"Now pilot!" yelled Gütt. The pilot swung the drop ship 90 degrees to the right, giving the sniper a clear shot. Chris was overwhelmed it was up to him now, he raised the rifle to his shoulder, held it tightly and took a deep breath.
"Now soldier! Now!" Screamed Gütt. Chris squeezed off a shot in haste, *PING* the round went wide of the left front tire by a metre, he took a little more time now *PING* the shot hit the left hand mud guard, only an inch off. *BANG BANG BANG* as simular results were made.
"You're missing him soldier!" Cried the General.
"It's harder than it looks, sir!" Came Chris' reply; bloody General if it's so important why doesn't he do it? and simular thoughts flooded Chris' mind. The car was barely 60 metres away and closing, fast. Chris took a deep breath, tightened his grip, aimed and said to himself "nothing is impossible." And with that he squeezed the trigger. *BOOM* was the almighty retort of the rifle followed immediately by a sharp twang as the bolt flung back with out a cartridge to grip. Chris was still looking down the scope at his intended target; the area where the engine is in the middle of the hood. Time slowed and Chris swore he could almost see the shiny tip of the bullet glint in the low light, it pierced the engine cover with out any resistance and hit the engine block, the explosive part of the bullet was triggered as it couldn't go any further through the engine.
The African saw the sniper and thought he couldn't hit him, he kept driving as bullets sliced through the air around his vehicle five shots went off then there was a delay. HA! He must be out of ammunition! he thought thinking of a quick getaway, then came the final, unexpected shot...
So tell me what you think guys
Long Time Gone Part 11
Date: 1 September 2004, 12:04 PM
Long Time Gone Part 11: Good Bye Rebellion
The C19 20 mm High Explosive Armour Piercing Anti-Aircraft round exploded in the engine block. The initial explosion was the tip going off and then the unused fuel went off causing the pistons to be shot out of their housings. The bonnet flew off into the wind.
The African lost control of the vehicle as the engine exploded, he swerved off to the left, hit a wall, causing the left hand side of the car to be catapulted onto its side. Sparks flew in all directions.
Chris was thunderstruck, he looked down from the ship at the damage he had done, oh my God he thought looking at the over turned car. Gütt was looking at the wreck, the African must be dead, but it wasn't the sniper's fault he swerved, hmmm, maybe he's still alive . He decided any way to acknowledge the soldiers work.
"Good work, son, you got him!" Encourage Gütt.
"Ah, thanks, sir, I guess" said Chris.
"Pilot!" Gütt turned to the cockpit, "Get us near that wreck!"
The African regain consciousness when the ship began its decent onto his position.
"Oh shit!" He exclaimed, "I have to get out of here!" He dragged his way from the wreck, he was pretty sure his left arm was broken, so he held his pistol in his right and ran into the nearest house.
Gütt was watching this, he admired the man's determination.
"Hans!" he called, Hans stood up and walked over, "I want you and a few men to accompany me to capture this mad man."
"Ok, sir," he replied, "And sir?" Gütt turned, "you might want to put this on." He handed Gütt an abseiling kit which he quickly donned.
The Ship hovered over the wreck; two Shock Troopers were on the ground almost before the ropes had even touched the ground. Hans and Gütt followed suit, the two men scanned their sectors with their rifles held high. Gütt looked around the wreck looking for clues, he then looked around for the house the African had taken...
"Ah, that one!" He said pointing to a door. No sooner had the words left Gütt's lips that a Military issue combat boot had kicked it in! Followed by two M6 Flash Bangs designed to stun rather than kill, ideal for hostage situations. The two grenades exploded and a brief high pitched wale assaulting their ears, numbing the senses, but if it was this bad out here then it was even worse inside. They rushed the door soon as they went off, flash lights on, searching for life. They found the African in a corner with his fingers in his ears and eyes closed, Gütt pointed silently to the man, the two Troopers walked over and used Quick-Ties to tie his arms and legs to together(taking little to none care for his broken arm). The man moaned in pain as they stood him up, Gütt searched the man's pockets for the vial. He found it in the mans left coat pocket in a small container, he optioned it and saw the vial of glowing blue liquid.
"The answer to our problems!" Gütt breathed, placing the container in Hans' back pack.
"Now" Gütt continued, "what is your name?" The man said his name, it meant nothing to Gütt or Hans, they had never heard of him.
"I am only another man trying to free his beloved country for the clutches of the likes of you!" He spat at Hans' boots, Hans went to swing, Gütt held his arm back.
"No, if you did that, we would be no better than he is, we'll let the Courts decide his fate," Hans nodded his head in agreement.
They led the man outside, he was the first to board the ship, they tied one of the ropes around his waist and hoisted him up, and then the others climbed the ropes.
Chris was still on the left side of the ship holding his now empty rifle, he saw the African be seated in a seat near the front of the craft, his hands and legs bound together. The ship lifted off as soon as the others were seated, they headed to the nearest MCP (Mobile Command Post) to let General Gütt Shutze get back in control of his forces. After a brief flight across the war torn city Kamind which had since become the Nation's capital city, well what was left of it...
Chris undid his safety harness and head aft to Hans and handed back the rifle.
"What did you think of it?" Hans enquired.
"A bit to complicated for my liking, I prefer the smaller calibres that hold a lot more bullets!"
"Don't we all! Anyway good work, if I don't see you again after we land I'll see you on Reach, put in a good word, get you in my squad, cause they are changing to 14 man squads instead of just 12, they want to add a snipper and spotter to each group."
"Ah, ok then Sarge," Chris sat down next to Hans, "I don't want to be a sniper though, its too hard, like its easy with an assault rifle as you don't have to see the targets face, but when sniping I choose when I want the guy to die, I just can't hack it, just put me down as a spotter or another assaulter, well better get back and see how Alison is doing." Chris gave Hans a sloppy salute and walked back to Chambers and the Sargeant.
"That your girlfriend?" asked the female Sargeant. That took Chris by surprise.
"No, no, she's my old squad's sniper, I was her spotter."
"Old squad? Where are you going?"
"To Reach, to become a Shock Trooper like you."
"How nice, maybe we can get a squad together..." Chambers was as usual listening in, he gave Chris the encouraging elbow.
"Yeah, maybe, say what's your name?"
"Oh sorry, I forgot," she gave him a look, mixed feelings in her eyes, "I'm Michelle Ripply, Sargeant, 14th Squad of the 1st Shock Troop Brigade but I suppose you knew that already though."
"Listen, I got to go check my sniper, be right back." Chris got up and walked over to Alison, he heard Chambers move into Chris' seat, and heard, "you know I'm going to Reach as well, maybe I could be in your squad..." But Chris stopped listening he phased out and asked the Medic how she was doing.
"She's fine man, I told you before, a few days and she will be fine", said the Medic checking Alison's pulse and temperature in front of Chris to show he wasn't kidding, she would be fine...
Gütt stood up from his seat next to the African who was unconscious, so he went to see Hans, he didn't say anything he just opened the Sargeant's pack and removed the precious vial, and went back to sit down. Gütt came with in 3 feet of his chair when the African snapped up and even though his hands were bound, he made an impressive hip and shoulder leap into Gütt's left hand which happened to hold the Vial. The vial fell onto the ground rolling a little bit towards the right hand door gunner, Gütt held the now 'grounded' African on the ground with his boot yelling at some men to hold him down, as soon as someone was holding him Gütt saw the vial, it was several metres away from the side gunner, Gütt started to move when the pilot's voice come over the system.
"Initiating approach, everyone please stay in your seats and fasten your seat belts".
All of a sudden the ship took a sharp 45 degree right hand turn, Gütt dived for the vile, his fingers out stretched, sweet dripping down his forehead. The vile began to roll towards the open door, Gütt was going to yell to the gunner but he wouldn't be able to hear over the roar of the engines in the screaming night wind, Gütt's dive end 30 centimetres short of the door, but the vile was moving to rapidly for the old man to keep up with. Gütt tried one last bit to reach for it but it ended in defeat as Gütt's hand grasped nothing but air. The vile finally rolled out into the clear night sky, falling rapidly to the hard surface of the streets below; the vile hit the ground and the vile shattered spilling its contents into a nearby storm drain. By the time a team could be dispatched there the liquid would have dried and have been impossible to recover... all was lost.
The ship settled into a slow decent into the MCP's helipad, Gütt walked over to the African, shaking his head, suddenly looking up, his eyes a fiery glaze in the dimly lit ship. "YOU BASTARD!" Yelled Gütt giving the African a sharp kick to the ribs, "DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU JUST DID!?" The African made the motion to talk but feigned he couldn't because the Shock Trooper who was holding him down's size nine combat boot was choking him. Gütt gave the trooper a nod and he sat the man up, the African said something barely audible, so Gütt moved closer trying to hear... JUST WHEN THE AFRICAN LUNGE AT GÜTT'S EAR! But luckily the trooper acted quickly and grabbed the man's collar, stoping the man's teeth centimetres from Gütt's left ear.
"You cannot stop us," said the man, "with war there will always be men like me, people who know the truth, the way the universe really is, how our race is really doing up against the Covenant." Gütt exchanged a look with the trooper.
"But don't you see," said Gütt, looking at his feet, looking at his clothes, everything tonight had done to him and his men, seeing a way for him, a lowly Officer in the Army to save the human race for the coming onslaught, "you may have just destroyed our only way to win this war..." "Better to die than suffer," was all the man said, thrusting his chest out, "you can do what you want to me but that will not changed what has been written..." A look of frustration crossed Gütt's eyes.
"I'm sick of this shit, knock him out, the brass can figure it out..." Gütt walked back and looked at the men and women who had saved his life, given their all for him, he couldn't help but feel proud that these were the elite of the elite, some of just the few who could hopefully help win the war... Give them hell, lads... When the ship finally set down the troops disembarked all walking towards the nearest barracks, hopefully for some rest, it had been a long night, several of the men took Alison over to the aid station Chris wanted to follow but he need to freshen up...
Long Time Gone Part 12
Date: 1 September 2004, 12:06 PM
Long Time Gone Part 12: Riding Out the Storm
Chris entered the barracks with the other troops near the Mobile Command Post where General Gütt Schutze was trying to make sense of the situation, sending in various groups of soldiers to exterminate the remaining Rebels.
Chris took the bunk near the shower block and stopped remembering he didn't have any spare clothes; they had been in the Inn before it got blasted...
"Shit," he breathed, he turned looking for Gunny, "oi, SAR..." no sooner had he turned to talk had he received a set of black fatigues thrown into his face!
"Put them McAllen," said Chambers who had thrown them, "Gunny just got us something to wear." Chris and Chambers walked into the shower block and had showers, removing the dirt, sweat and blood from their skin from tonight's little 'outing'.
It felt good to put on some clean clothes, the shock troopers fatigues were extremely comfortable, more comfortable than his Coalition fatigues, that was for sure. They walked out of the shower block only to see Michelle and another three women from the squad walk into the shower block, wearing nothing but their towels! Chambers gave McAllen a nudge with his elbow as Michelle gave him a wink as she walked into the shower block.
"She wants you, man" grunted Chambers, his eyes following the low lines of the women's towels...
"Have you no shame, Michael?" Snuffed Chris, looking for himself, he gave an approving nod.
"I got plenty, thank you very much!" Said Chambers who suddenly remembered his injured arm, looking at the wound, the bullet had hit the bone and fallen out. Now it wasn't bleeding but Chambers could now feel the throbbing pain as the pain killers wore off.
"Speaking of which," said Chris nodding towards the arm, himself just remember, "hurt much more than before?"
"Not really but I got to go get me some more happy pills, I'll see at the chow hall," pointing over to the an old dilapidated mess hall.
Chris waved to his friend as he headed for the aid station, he was going to check Alison but thought against it, he was acting like a mother with a child in hospital. Might as well go and see what's going on with my future squad mates thought Chris seeing the Shock Troopers (who were all the guys left) crowding around the shower block's entrance door, all trying to perve on their female squaddies.
Chris was surprised that soldiers this close acted this way, but decided he might as well join in.
"Hey guys watch y..." he asked.
"SHHHHH" motioned the 18 Troopers all trying to peer through the one key hole, three stooges style thought Chris. He also noted all of them had hung their webbing and weapons on the bunks they had commandeered. Chris didn't really want to look, well he did but what red blood male wouldn't want to look at four fit fine examples of women showering? Well I would... wouldn't you?
Chris just laid on his bunk, looking at his uniform, so this is what I am going to die in he thought bluntly, since he had joined up his life didn't seem worth living, only the thought that he could actually accomplish something with his life by serving his planet. Nothing seemed real anymore, it all seemed like a game, a game that which if he died he kept thinking he would respawn with full ammo and health, ready to fight and die again.
Chris sighed deeply, and then thought of Alison, he thought of her smile, no matter how bad he felt, he could always rely on that mental image to keep him going, keep him alive, for a chance to get to know her. But then he remembered the events of the night, remembered her rejecting him, rejecting him before she got to know him. It felt terrible, to be rejected, his chest ached.
A sudden scurry of movement made him sit up from his bunk, the troops scattered from the door and headed for their equipment trying to fool the ladies when they came out. Then Chris remembered that Michelle was the 2nd Squad's leader, all for of the women came out dressed in clean black fatigues, he noticed their ranks were slightly different to standard marines but it was easy to tell them from the others. Chris looked down at his right sleeve and saw to red bars in a steeple shape with a dark navy blue outline, hmmm, a corporal, feels just right he thought to himself touching the impressive symbol. He look looked at his left sleeve and saw the all to familiar snake wrapped around a thorny plant with the worlds 'Salve, moriturum es' I salute you, those who are about to die in latin.
Chris suddenly felt a wave of hunger wash over him quicker than the cool morning air as it seeped in under the old barrack doors. Chris jumped from his bunk and landed on his straight out of the box, black combat boots, which he noted where slightly thicker than his old UNSC issue, almost like they were used in airborne operations...
Chris shook off the thoughts of jumping out of perfectly good air craft at several thousand feet and walked for the door, several of the Shock Troopers joined him.
"How ya' going?" said the closest Trooper, extending a hand to McAllen, "we saw that shot you made on the whale, hell of a shot," the other men made similar comments.
"Oh, yeah, thanks, I think, it was a bit of a fluke though, it took me six shots to get him!" said Chris in a dull voice showing his lack in faith of his shooting skills.
"But the thing is you got him..." said the man expecting Chris' name.
"McAllen, Chris McAllen,"
"Pleasure to meet you, McAllen, I'm Jinx and this here is Trent and Sid," the tall heavily tanned man with his large brown eyes and bleached hair, it was impossible to tell what his original colour was, not like it made a difference. Chris shook Trent's hand, Trent looked a bit of tough one, his muscly arms protruded from his black fatigues, he had a PFC rank on his sleeve. Sid seemed the opposite of Trent but looked like he could still handle himself just as well, he was a little bit shorter than Trent and lacked the arms but he was still worthy of respect.
Chris reached the door first and held it open for the other three men then followed himself, not really trying to keep up with the men who wanted to talk to him.
"Hey McAllen, shake a leg, you think you could walk a bit faster than that!" smirked Jinx, Chris broke into a run, and passed the three men yelling back 'last one there gets the left overs!' The others broke into a run but Chris just proved too good of a sprinter and covered the two hundred metres in 30 seconds.
Chris walked into the hall and saw Chambers immediately sitting next to Gunny who must have left the barracks with out Chris noticing. Chambers gave Chris a smile and turned back to the trooper who he was talking too, Chris took a seat on the opposite side of the table than Chambers and Gunny. Jinx, Trent and Sid busted into the hall not a moment later and took seats around the others. Gunny was saying something to Chambers about the training they would have to do before they were officially Shock Troopers, Chris wanted to listen but Jinx asked another question.
"Your accent is weird McAllen, where you from?"
"Australia, Sydney, my dad owns a computer company, what about you, where you guys from?"
"Where're all from the Bronx, that's it the good ol' US of A, man."
"Yeah I could tell," Chris said under his breath at their impatient attitudes, but they all seemed like exceptional soldiers, the soldiers he wanted to fight with.
"Lets go get some food," said Gunny who had stoped talking and stood up, the others followed over to the food set out in various containers, the men mostly took to the meats and high carbohydrate food. The men settled down at the same table and ate peacefully, the rest of the men joined them and took up various positions around the mess hall, in different groups. The women sat together eating and talking in hush girlish giggles, Chris couldn't help but notice Michelle looking at him and whispering into the girl next to her's ear.
Chambers finished off his drink and looked around, a serious look of boredom on his face which Chris had become accustomed too after being in hospital with him for nearly a week. He stood up and checked his bandage, no blood could be seen seeping though so Chris guessed it wasn't very serious.
"Let's go see Alison, McAllen" he said stepping out from behind the bench like seat of the table, Chris followed suit with the Shock Troopers not paying any attention, they were exchanging how great all their shots were, but the second squad were saying that if they didn't come they first squad would have gotten owned, owned with a capital p one trooper snuffed. The first squad proclaimed that they would have survived because they could have thrown their empties at the bastards!
Chris walked out into the eerie silence of the early morning, small amounts of gun fire were still present but where heavily dominated by USNC MA5Bs than other fire arms. The attack was as good as over, the wind was still up, sending small amounts of dust sprawling into their eyes, also bringing with it the sicking aroma of dead flesh to their nostrils.
The aid station had several patients, mostly wounded Marines from earlier fighting, Chris spotted Alison straight away, she had a medic sitting on her bed with a torch testing her eyes asking her to follow the light. The medic stopped when they approached and said she was fine, a slight bump on the head but fine none the less.
"Hey Alison" they both said taking a seat on a seat each located near her bed.
"Hey guys," she said, her voice sounded just as Chris remembered, angelic almost, it was music to his ears. She noticed Chambers' arm, "hurt?"
"Like hell," he said examining it for about the ten millionth time, "what about you? They said you got a half decent blow to the noggin'!" Alison touched the lump on the back of her head, her hand recoiled slightly from the pain.
"Been better," she gave Chris a looking over, his Black Clad fatigues made him even more handsome, "what about? Any worries?"
"Not really, I cant complain," he said squaring away his shoulders and put his head in his arms.
"I know what you did for me, Chris and I'm grateful... thank you" Alison said extending her hand, Chris took it and she gestured for him to come to her, she kissed him gently on the lips, first seeing how he react and second because she had been waiting since 3 am in the morning to do so...
They broke away in a silence.
"I don't understand," said Chris, how does Alison know?
"Just because I was unconscious didn't mean I couldn't hear the shooting and you two yelling!" She gave Chambers a wry smile, he looked surprisingly handsome as well in some uniform she didn't know. To another note she didn't see the inscription under the division badge 'Shock Troops, 1st Brigade', her future unit, she had no idea Chris and Chambers were going to be in it.
"So what's going in the city?" she asked.
"We are in the city..." said Chris still half sitting/standing near her bed, he saw her face twist in confusion; another look he loved, "don't worry, the Rebellion has failed, from what we can hear they are all almost dead."
"So, we won?"
"Yes and no," said Chambers sitting, "we may have won a small battle and stopped a Rebellion during a major war but we may have actually lost the war, this waste of human resources killing other humans has cost almost 3 million lives, 3 million men and women who could have helped in war against the Covenant." The remark made them all think, of better times, comrades lost, people who they killed them selves, but most of all they all prayed that if there was a god, that they would survive the war and live the rest of their lives in peace...
Long Time Gone Part 13
Date: 3 September 2004, 11:03 AM
Long Time Gone Part 13: Are We There Yet?
The city was clean, well in military terms that is, there was no longer any rebel soldiers alive in the city but they dead ones didn't exactly leave a clean area... It was Saturday, if it were a normal day most people would be still in bed trying to get rid of their hang over from the previous night, but not this morning. Everyone had to chip in to clean up the tragedy that had besieged their fair city. Bodies were burnt or buried, weapons were collected and most were so old they were destroyed on the spot by several tanks driving over piles to crush the weapons beyond recognition.
For Chris McAllen and Michael Chambers it was a prick of a morning. They had just seen Alison and asked how she was and just left the Aide Station of the MCP (Mobile Command Post) when Gunny ran over from the Mess Hall, he was panting, he wasn't exactly the fittest Gunnery Sargeant in the Corps.
"Chambers, McAllen, better get your shit together, there's a small Frigate heading for Reach tonight, we got to leave now if we are to Reach Alexandria from where it's leaving." Gunny having said this took a deep breath, it was like taking a load of his chest as he successfully remember word for word for what Hans had told him to tell the troops. Chris could already see the Shock Troopers getting their gear and throwing it into the back of some trucks.
"But we only just got here," moaned Chambers, "we officially have another days leave."
"Well whatever you had just got revoked," remarked Gunny, taking another breath, "division has said for all Shock Troop platoons across Earth to board the nearest ship bound for Reach, we got some Covenant Sonsa' Bitches to kill, boys!"
Three minutes later the two platoons were piled into the trucks, well there were still several Shock Troop non-combatants mainly mechanics and the medics, Gunny said they will be leaving soon after them, but they will be boarding a different ship. Chris wondered about saying good bye to Alison but held it back, she would be alright, with this war she is better off not knowing another man who will most likely die...
The trucks rumbled off down the unsealed roads causing the men to jot around on their stiff wooden bench like seats. Corporal Geoff spoke up for second time in six hours.
"For Christ sakes, its 2549! Can't these bastards pave their roads!"
No one really commented back, they all sat their heads resting in their arms, thinking, thinking of where they would rather be. Their weapons had been stowed in containers ready for the next two flights. The truck rumbled up the main street of the city where Marines could be seen mopping up the last of the enemy, throwing grenades into possible hot spots, the group had taken fire once but it was a wide burst from a lousy machine gunner.
They reached the small airport on the other side of the city and boarded a large cargo plane inbound for Alexandria. They all hopped on board, their trucks were left on the tarmac. After a brief flight check they were airborne. For Alexandria. For Reach. For their new home...
Alison was woken by someone near her bed, it was the two medics with a stretcher.
"It's ok, Parker, we gotta' go," said the one who had treated her wounds.
"What?" she said groggily, "where?"
"We're going to Reach, miss!"
It was almost 5 pm when Alison's small plane landed at a hospital where marines who we once wounded and had healed up and were ready for combat. The men and women would be shipped back to Reach for a great offence that rumoured about the entire human race. Alison, the two medics and the other non-combatants had gotten them selves a spot on that flight tonight. The other troopers wouldn't have fitted.
Rain poured down at Alexandria, drenching everything, including the men arriving at the military air port in open flat bed trucks...
"This sucks!" Cried Chambers, "I thought Africa was meant to be a big dust bowel!"
"Not entirely," said Michelle, her hair wet under her cap, "Some regions of Africa are the wettest in the world with some of the highest rain counts as well!"
"So you're just saying its stiff shit that we got here and it started raining?" Said Chris looking at the faces of the men in his truck, some smiles and some laughs broke out at the comment.
"Yes, Corporal, precisely!"
Chris saw the ship's thrusters first, protruding out of an extremely big hanger that dwarfed the small combat vessel. We're going to Reach in that? Thought Chris, not really have seen any other space ships or what ever they called them.
They were waiting for the rain to lift first, to give the pilots a good view of the sky on their way up and out! The Shock Troopers were ushered inside the ship that was almost the as long as two football fields (AFL fields) and stoop almost 90 feet with out it's landing gear engaged. They went towards a guest 'room' as the crew called it. The so called 'room' was bigger than the last two barracks Chris and Chambers were in... COMBINED! One of the techs had said it was designed to feed and shelter almost 60 men and their equipment. A small cargo bay ensured that they would travel with either 18 Warthogs or 4 Scorpion class attack tanks. But for now all it held was provisions, ammunition and the squad's personal belongings.
Chris sat down near a table and felt the cold sensation of his wet pants touching the cold metal seats. The Captain's voice came over the intercom, his voice was young and energetic, he was a pretty young officer to be commanding a Leopard class Frigate.
"All hear this, all hear this. Foxtrot and Tango units of the Shock Troopers please head towards your bunks and hold on. Cyro will not be required as the journey will take only a few weeks. Anyone willing to be cyro'd please report to Sargeant Gilliland and you will be processed. Anyone who has just eaten... be prepared for your clothes to change the colour of the food you just ate... That is all."
The Troopers went to their bunks, most of them had experienced leaving the atmosphere before but in Chambers' and McAllen's case they hadn't. None of the troops wanted to be Cryo'd. What ever that was thought Chris sitting down on his bunk; he had lost to rock, paper, scissors with Chambers and gotten the bottom.
Half the continent away Alison was being strapped into Cryo by some techs, she hadn't been Cryo'd before and the techs just said that it was simple and there was a 99.9% success rate. Great she thought just my luck and I'll be the 0.01%... Alison had been given her Black uniform like Chambers' and Chris' but it was different to theirs a little bit. It seem not to be as thick as the other ones but she didn't know that her uniform was a snipers whilst McAllen's and Chambers' were Grenadiers/Rifleman uniforms. She had the same shoulder patch but didn't know that it was the same as the others.
She wanted to protest but the tech shut the lid and no sooner was she unconscious and ready for storage with the other soldiers.
Chris was unlucky though, he actually had to fell the ship launch. It was hell, his stomach felt like it had made friends with his toes. His blood also seemed to like his feet, making him feel dizzy and disorientated. He looked around the room, the other Troopers were in the same state, so it wasn't just him! Chris wished he could have seen the Earth for one last time, for he had the feeling he would never see it or his family again...
After what felt like an hour but was only 10 minutes the ship broke the atmosphere and headed for Reach, charging into hyperspace. Tearing a hole for everyone to see, the beauty of space travel....
Long Time Gone Part 14
Date: 9 September 2004, 12:18 PM
Long Time Gone Part 14: Any Hole is the Goal
The flight was extremely boring. All the troopers seemed to do was eat, sleep, talk and bitch about 'are we there yet?' The atmosphere was laid back, the Troopers enjoyed what little R n' R they could get. What the really needed was some target practice but being only Leopard class frigate. These vessels were designed for quick and brutal retaliation against who ever asked for it...
Chris awoke from an unusually long nap from his extremely hard bed. His head was full of thoughts, half of which didn't make sense. What was suddenly clear in a dream suddenly made no sense. Chris sat up in bed forgetting he was on the bottom and smacked his head into the metal frame holding Chambers' mattress aloft. He flopped back down in bed giving a loud curse and then getting out of bed.
The other Troopers were crowded around the TV set near some chairs listening to the latest updates on the War; many of the shots were of far away barren lands which names could never be revealed to anyone under Vice Admiral of the Office of Navy Intelligence.
Chris took a seat and watched an over payed over weight bald man talk about a war he knew nothing about; this went on for some hours. The troops just watched TV, eventually stopping at 1700 for a light dinner before a customary run around the ship's cargo hold and then a game of baseball as well.
Master-Sargeant Daemon Kelso drew his side arm and fired off an entire clip, scoring 95% accuracy on the target dummy, which is a pass for him to stay on active duty, and most of all, to keep him on Instructor duty.
Kelso was a Shock Trooper, one of the best on Reach. His tales of battle were told by all of the hardened recruits. For not any Marine could join the Shock Troopers. It took a special kind of Marine, a smart, well educated, quick thinker and most of all not afraid of heights kind of man or woman.
One of the main principles behind the Shock Troopers was for it to be able to deploy its soldiers from any hover capable bird with post hast. A special Squadron of Shock Troopers even trained to be parachutists. Their name being the same as the German World War 2 paratroopers; the Fallschirmjäger. Fallschirmjäger in English basically meant 'hunters from the sky,' a name that truly spoke of how they acted.
But the majority of the Shock Troopers learnt to abseil and repel from aerial assault vehicles (AAVs). Kelso holstered his weapon and filled out the log book for the use of the training quarters. He looked at the clock on the wall; in 36 hours he would have several hundred more Shock Troopers to take through basic, Shock Trooper basic is the equivalent of UNSC Marine advanced Combat Training skills level 3.
Kelso smiled to himself, thinking what he would do until then. The men and women who are about to join the ranks are going to be in for one hell of a surprise...
Chris walked around the mess hall; his side had lost at base ball and weren't feeling too happy. Chris had the same slop as he usually had, a so called Chicken Kiev which was more like a shit burger covered in a stale bread crumbs... Wait a minute, he thought, they always used stale bread crumbs for crumbed foods...
"Ah well," said Chris, "another day down, only a day and a half until we get to Reach."
"And then to Shock Trooper school," said Chambers finishing off what was supposed to be a chicken dinner.
"For you guys," said Michelle, "we are already qualified Shock Trooper training, we don't have to redo training." Chris was sitting opposite to Michelle, she was swirling some spaghetti on a fork on her plate, looking at it twirl, not looking up.
"Better go have a shower, these things stink like shit!" Said Chris sniffing his PT gear and feigning a really bad smell, He walked over to his foot locker and checked over the belonging which he had gotten from the ships store. He took a clean pair of fatigues from the box and a towel and headed for the shower block.
"You know, I might go have one too," said Michelle standing up and walking over to her foot locker and grabbing a towel and clean clothes and headed for the shower block as well.
Chris turned on the shower after removing his clothes and stepping into one of the stained plexi-glass showers. Steam filled the room immediately impairing vision. Chris was washing his legs when he felt someone come in and close the cubicle door.
"Ah, someone's in here, you know?" He said trying to sound as tough as possible.
"I know," said a voice that sounded all too familiar, Chris snapped around while still someone bent over and saw a pair of amply sized breast right in front of his eyes. He jumped back, running into the fossette switches.
"What the fuck are you doing in here?" he asked a hand reaching for his towel,
"Well, I was hoping I could be doing you..." she said with a wry smile and crash tackling Chris to the ground. He didn't resist, he just let the women caress his chest, they kissed on the warm floor. The war, duty and everything else went out the window, all they wanted was each other...
15 minutes had passed and Chambers was wondering what the hell McAllen was doing in the shower block. He knew Chris was a bit of a hygiene guy but no one spends 15 minutes in the shower anymore!
He stood up and went into the shower block, several other troopers followed, even two of the other females in the squad. They entered the misty block. Their eyes searching for their comrades. Chambers called out;
"HE'S DOING ME!" Cried back a high pitched, excited voice. The troopers rushed over to the cubicle and saw McAllen and Michelle hard at it.
"OI! BUGGAR OFF!" Cried McAllen, "When you're with your girlfriends I don't perve on you so go away!" The troopers did so.
"Nice, Chris, very nice," said Michelle, climbing off him and sitting on the floor next to him, "now the entire platoon knows."
"So?" said Chris, he needed a good 'servicing', and since he had no idea that Alison was heading to Reach he didn't really think about her. Michelle seemed like a nice girl.
"SO? Well yeah I suppose you are right; there isn't any law against us having relations as long as they don't interfere with our deployments." Chris turned off the shower and stood up, collecting the two towels, throwing one to Michelle, who instantly put hers on.
"What are you doing? I just saw you it's not like anyone else is in here!" Chris walked out of the cubicle where half the squad was huddled trying to listen in, they saw his 'equipment' the females started whispering between themselves, just as Michelle walked out; a towel on, straight into the female's toilets. Chris just wrapped a towel around his lower body, grabbed his clothes and walked to the male toilet. Chris got changed into his pressed uniform, walked out, dodged fellow troopers' questions and went to the mess hall.
To his surprise Chris saw Chambers sitting at a table by himself, staring at a wall, his face was deprived of emotion. Chris sat down in front of his view, and waved a hand in front of his eyes.
"Hey, Chambers!" he cried, "what's the matter?" Chambers snapped back to reality, his eyes blinking very fast, he shook his head and gave his friend a long look into his eyes, a hard serious look on his face, suddenly that look changed to a broad smile.
"So," he said in a low hushed voice, "how was it?" Chris started to blush.
"Well, in a word... great! Best I've ever had," Chris said rubbing his chin, feeling the stubble, he wanted to let it grow but regulations also prevented that.
"Oh," said Chambers, looks of disappointment flooded his face.
"What? What's wrong?" said Chris, his hand reaching over for Chamber's, Chambers pulled away, like a frightened animal, "tell me you inconsiderate, bastard!" Chambers eased at the mock comment.
"Well, you know how I said I had a girl friend back in the states?" Chris' mind reflected back to when he and Chambers were in hospital together.
"Yeah, so what? You getting horny or something?"
"NO, no, no, well, ah, yeah, sort of," Chambers' face changed to one of someone trying to do something they didn't want to but had too, "the thing is, I'm a virgin."
"That all?" Said Chris, he thought Chambers didn't seem laid back enough around women, well he didn't either but he wasn't a virgin, and he had the whole squad to back him up now! "Being a virgin isn't going to make you any less of a fighter, Michael, we were all virgins once and some of us may die a virgin, but so help me god, before we die, you're gonna get laid, even if I have to pay some chick to do it!"
"Gee, thanks" said Chambers, not sounding to enthusiastic.'
"Come on, it'll be fun,"
"Eh," said Chambers making a flicking gesture with his hand.
"Stop being a sulking prick!"
"Hey I wasn't the one fucking the Sargeant in the shower block!"
"I bet you wish it was you though, huh?"
"Yeah!" They both broke out into laughter.
"You're alright, Chambers, you're alright..."
"Yeah, you too, buddy!"
Long Time Gone Part 15
Date: 12 September 2004, 11:17 AM
Long Time Gone Part 15: So this is Reach then...
for the last 24 hours of trip to Reach, Chris had been talking to Michelle, getting to know the woman he had just had the pleasure of deflowering... They had a lot in common, mainly recreational activities like hunting and contact sports.
"Where'd you learn to tackle like that?" Chris asked rubbing his back where he received a fossette in his back in the shower from her crash tackle.
"At Uni," she said looking into the distance; they were sitting at a table by themselves closely monitored by their comrades a few tables over, "I was the Captain of the women's foot ball team." Chris had to remember Michelle came from New York, USA, not Australia, their idea of foot ball was his of Rugby.
"Well I guess if you were the captain it must have been a good team then, huh?"
"Yeah, we won our championship," she sighed, "that was the year I signed up too, come see the Universe! They said, what they didn't tell you was you could do that whilst running away with a relentless enemy on your heels."
"Yeah they have a knack for leaving out the fine print, don't they?"
They talked and talked, only stopping for food and drinks. The Captain's voice ran over the loud speaker.
"All hear this, all hear this, we have Reach on our scopes, we will make docking manoeuvres to the Roseville in 5 minutes."
"Roseville?" said Chambers, looking up from his cards, him and some of the troopers including the other three females were playing a round of poker, "I thought we were landing on Reach? Not a ship!"
"We are," said one of the females, "but we get to Reach by taking Pelicans down to the surface from the Roseville, that way all supplies and personal can be recorded and sent off to base straight away."
"Ah-huh" said Chambers looking back at his cards, he slammed his cards down, "four aces, read them and weep!"
"Straight flush!" cried Cynthia one of the females, spreading her cards along the table, a straight flush! She had won!
The Troopers all sat together at two of the big tables, chatting quietly, awaiting for the Captain to tell them they were starting to dock. Chris was sitting next to Chambers opposite Michelle; who was whispering into one of her friends ear, giving wry grins Chris' way.
"I can't believe we got to do basic all over again!" Said Chambers, head in his arms, looking at his watch, "I only hope we don't get the asshole Sergeants like I did back in the states." No one commented, they just looked at him and then at each other, Chambers put his head back in his arms and shook his head.
The ship crossed a slip stream from a bigger ship also approaching Reach causing the vessel to shake, several of the troopers were flung from their seats and meet the cold metal floor. Then the Captain came over the coms system.
"We're just experiencing a little slip stream interference, but everyone we are docking with the Roseville in tee minus 1 minute!" The troopers sat impatiently, enduring the rattling of the ship whilst looking at their watches counting for the minute to be up soon.
The frigate came along to rest in the Roseville's massive hanger, the airlock doors closed and the whole area pressurised. Marines and techs in space gear came running out to meet the new arrivals. Chris and the troopers were ushered out side by their ship's crew members who were dieing to get off their smaller vessel. Hans walked up to the Sargeant of the Marine squad, the Marine gave a salute which was returned in a laid back manner.
"Sargeant, Nikolei Torviche at your command comrade Gunnery Sargeant", said the marine in an heavily accented Russian voice. "Good, son, I'm..."
"We know who you are comrade Sargeant,"
"Ok, well any way how do we get to the surface?" The Sargeant pointed to a door to his left and said,
"Shuttle bay 2, Technician Thomas Henry, he'll give you and your squad its orders,"
"Thanks Sargeant!" said Hans patting the man on the shoulder and giving a low whistle to his troops, they went through the door. Chris walked past the Sargeant and saw his weapon; it wasn't a regular issue, at least not to his knowledge, it looked like an MA5B but was half as long. The rear of an MA5B from the trigger guard backwards was the same but the front differed dramatically, the barrel only protruded 4 inches further than the trigger guard which was exceptionally large and has thick with a grip wrapped around it. Michelle saw him looking at the weapon and told him,
"That's an MA5C, it's a carbine version, extremely short too, only problem is that it fires the full sized round from a weapon 2 kilos lighter and with no compensator, so it kicks like a mule!" Chris gave the weapon another look,
"It doesn't look like its common issue either,"
"Yeah because it's a SPEC OP weapon basically, but its heavily used by Marine boarding parties and of course, us, the Shock Troops as it is small and has a higher rate of fire than its big brother. The rate of fire has been quickened from 900 to 1100, so its pretty much a chain saw with out a chain." Chris looked at the weapon, he wanted one! It look truly fearsome...
They reached the Shuttle bay, well bay wasn't the best word, well if you mean a beach's bay... The bay was bigger than the ship they had just rode in on. The walls were littered with different decks, each having a Pelican drop ship suspended by a docking device. And this is docking bay number 2, Chris thought, so there is more than one!.
Hans found Henry the Tech and he lead the Troops up several decks too a row of Pelicans. The Troops piled into three pelicans, 8 to a bird with their equipment and personal belongings. Their weapons had been kept by the small Frigate and placed in its armoury. Hans had said something that they were all getting special weapons, Chris hoped he would get an MA5C!
The Pelican's disembarked from their umbilical cord like docking devices with a thump, fell 30 feet before the engines truly took the weight of the air craft and settled into slight hovers. They received the go ahead to leave and the pilots closed the rear compartment's air lock doors and flew to the nearest air lock out of the ship.
They shot out of the air lock like a bat out of hell, the ship moved further and further away, it was dramatically huge, but then Chris got a view of the planet Reach... Heavily colonised areas littered the surface but Chris saw several large forested and green areas, and then he saw the shield surrounding the planet. The Pelican sent its transponder signal to Reach control centre and they opened the shield and let them through.
The pilot gave them a heads up that they would be entering the atmosphere and to hold on tight. The ship rocked and shook as in descended. Chris wished he hadn't eaten that chicken dinner before they go here because he felt he would paint the walls of the rear compartment with it...
A minute which felt like an hour was finally over and the Pelicans settled into a controlled decent towards the ground. Chris could see various air craft flying around on the surface, mostly fixed wing aircraft from different ships.
The Pelicans landed in a cloud of dust, the engines were cut and the rear door opened, Chris eyes slammed shut under the bright natural light, his eyes were used to the florescent lights of the ship they were on.
Half the Shock Troopers instantly donned reflective lens wrap around sun glasses and sat their peeked caps on their heads. The troops from the three separate craft regrouped 50 metres away from the drop zone, Hans had them in formation.
"Ok guys," he said, "this is Reach, it may not look like much but it is now your new home, so treat it like it, fight for it, and if necessary die for it..." No one commented they stared at their Sargeant; Hans looked down at his feet, then shook his head looking back at his men. They looked fearsome in their Black Clad fatigues and armour. They seemed enthusiastic to get back to their old postings.
"McAllen, Chambers, FRONT AND CENTRE!"
Chris and Chambers broke formation from the back of the squad and ran to the Sargeant,
"SIR!" They said in unison.
"Ok, guys, I wish I could just let you join mine or Ripply's squad but you two got to go do some advanced infantry training, so I wish you two the best of luck, who knows we might be in a squad together!" Hans extended his hand and shook the two men's hands and got a driver to run them to training facility #6 18 clicks away. When Chris hopped in the Warthog he got a wave and a kiss blown from Michelle.
The driver wasn't wasting anytime, he must have had better places to be, Chris glanced at the speedo, they were doing over 90 kms an hour along rough dirt roads. Chris noticed as they got further away from the Colonised areas the more that Reach reminded him of Earth.
"Yep, she's a beauty!" Said the driver spitting out of the moving vehicle with a harsh throat noise.
"Yeah she sure is," Said Chambers from the modified back seat, the weapons had been removed and replaced with four more seats.
"Why did the Sarge want me to run you out to #6? Aren't you already Shock Troopers?"
"No we're candidates though,"
"OK, just remember if you fail, you get put straight back in the Corps, a few of my mates had that happen to them, poor bastards. They really wanted to be in the Shocks." Another blob of flem was hurled from his mouth onto the ground.
After some more dirt rally action they came into sight of the training camp, it was basic construction. About 10 barrack halls littered the grounds with several other buildings most likely comms centre, mess hall and command post.
The 'hog skidded to a stop outside out side of the HQ with a screech, the two men piled out and noticed the emptiness of the camp, despite several men on guard, the place seemed deserted.
"Oi!" Said the driver, another spit, "just go in there", he said pointing to the HQ, "and ask for Master Sargeant Kelso, he'll be your CO for the next 6 weeks, cyas round!" With that the warthog took of with a slight grind then it spluttered forward until the driver grinded the gear box once more, found his gear and took of out the gate, barely giving the guards time to open the draw bar.
Chris and Michael walked into the HQ; several techs were manning comms equipment and a Corporal was signing for something. They spotted Kelso easily enough, his rough looks stood out from the rest of the men in here, his golden ploomed Master Sargeant bars were another clue...
Kelso saw the two men walk into his HQ, duffel bags over there shoulders and that same arrogant look of all trainees on their faces. Just wait 'til I get you on the repelling course, ladies... he thought, taking a sip of some Irish 'coffee'.
"Master Sargeant Kelso?" Said the closest one, he seemed intelligent enough, sandy brown hair, blue eyes, half handsome figure, the other one was pretty good looking too, but not in 'THAT' way...
"Yes?" Said Kelso taking another sip.
"I'm Corporal Chris McAllen and this is Corporal Michael Chambers, we were told to report to you for training by Hans Grebler." The name Hans Grebler made his eyes widened, not many to be Shock troopers were sent to #6 unless they were extremely talented, and to have two men sent here by Kelso's best friend also made him think they must be good... Kelso stood up extended a hand and a bottle of whisky with some cups, they both refused...
"Good lads, you'll be surprised how many men I've failed because they forgot the rule 'no alcohol on duty even if ordered by your CO'", Chris and Chambers looked at each other, Chris knew what Chambers was thinking, I think we just got our selves a real rule follower .
"Thank you, sir," they said.
"OK, report to barracks #2 and choose a bunk, the others will be here in..." Kelso checked his ceremonial watch, "an hour or so, then after that we'll see what youse got in ya!" He gave them a salute which they returned, "dismissed!"
Long Time Gone Part 16
Date: 14 September 2004, 11:00 AM
Long Time Gone Part 16: back to school...
Chris had lost again and got the bottom bunk, he was surprised to see all the bunks were set out and already had the names of the troopers on them. Chris' and Chambers' bunk was right next to the shower block as usual.
"So?" Said Chambers.
"'So' what?"
"So what you reckon?"
"About all this, being a Shock Trooper and all?"
"We ain't Shock Troops yet, mate," said Chris walking into the shower block to wash up.
"I know," said Chambers following him in to wash up as well, "but like you think we'll get much action?"
"From what I heard I think we are going to be assaulting Covenant ships, Michael," said Chris using a towel to pat the dampness of his skin.
"Assault and Covenant ships should not be used in the same sentence when I'm around McAllen,"
"What's the matter? Chicken?"
"Of course I am, aren't you?" Chris took comfort from that knowing that he wasn't the only one scared out of his mind about meeting this 'super race' of different aliens.
"Well yeah, but don't let it show, we're all going to die, might as well go down fighting?"
"I suppose but still what a way to go, I here the 'Covenant'" Chambers did the two finger 'comment' motion as he said this, " as I heard someone call them use plasma weapons, you die of dehydration from serious wounds and when you're hit by plasma you are basically being cooked!"
"Yeah sucks to be us..." The two kept talking about various things, waiting for the other Shock Troopers to get there. It was 1300 when the first trucks pulled up. About 30 or more Troopers in Marine fatigues jumped down, standard Marine issue weaponry slung of their shoulders.
Kelso got the new arrivals to be in formation in front of him and told them that they are very lucky men and women to be here and only the best survive to be the stuff of legends. They would have the best weapons and armour available to them and some of the most experienced soldiers to guide them. He dismissed them saying for them to split up into men and women's barrack groups.
The Marines moved into the barracks Chris and Chambers were in and they took no notice of them. The marines just sat down on their bunks in their full gear, obviously expecting trouble in an instant, and trouble they got!
Master Sargeant Kelso came in straight after the final load of troops arrived and summoned them all outside for a general assembly. Chris and Chambers were the highest ranking Marines there. So they stood out the front, sticking out like a sore thumb with their black uniforms against Marine Khaki green.
"MEN!" Bellowed Kelso, "ATTEN-SHUN!" The men snapped to attention. "Welcome to Reach Troopers, I am Master Sargeant Kelso and this to my left is Senior Drill Instructor Fathoms and to my right is Staff Sargeant Jones, we will be your guides through all this, so I'll spare you the rah-rah rhubarb speech, you all know what inspiration is don't you?" Some chuckles from the men broke an eerie silence.
"Ok report to your barrack groups, and McAllen and Chambers go with Staff Sargeant Jones to the armoury and help him get the equipment!" The two men complied and left with the Staff Sargeant towards a large Armoury.
"For the rest of you guys drop your armour!" The Marines compiled releasing buckles allowing their armour to hit the ground with an exceptionally loud CLANG. Soon the entire 53 wannabe Shock Troopers were dressed only in Marine Green. "Ok men, whilst they get your new shit, go and get changed into the fatigues in your foot lockers! Move out, DOUBLE TIME!" With a scurry of excitement the men and women moved out to their respective barracks.
"No, no, No!" Yelled Jones, "grab the armour first, first, we'll come back for the weapons," they loaded the armour onto trolleys and sped them out to the assembly area which was nothing more than your average parade grounds, except on lush green grass. Chris saw all the Marine armour and webbing lying on the grass, but only Kelso and Fathoms were on the grounds.
"Here's the armour, sir" said Jones, Kelso gave an approving nod and yelled for the Troopers to hurry the heck up. Chris, Chambers and Jones went back to the armoury and grabbed weapons. "Just grab some MA5s for now, you'll be trained with specialist weapons later!" Chris instantly spotted the MA5C rack and put one over his shoulder on it's sling but Jones told him to put it on the trolley. He piled several more of them on the trolley, Jones said only NCO's would get them. Chambers dumped a load of MA5Bs on the trolley.
Soon they had the weapons back at the grounds. Kelso order all the Troopers come up and take a set of armour.
"This armour is the best man has to offer you with out you wearing a hull of a battle ship!" Kelso bellowed. Chris picked up his armour and felt how light it was, he hadn't noticed it being so light when he loaded it but it was EXTREMLY light. The Sergeants walked the Troopers through putting it on. Chris put his chest plate on first and noticed that it wasn't freezing cold like normal Marine issue metal plates.
"Master Sargeant Kelso?" Chris called out above the clatter of armour and chatter of excited men and women.
"What is it McAllen?"
"What exactly is this armour made of?"
"High impact plastics! It absorbs plasma and is strong enough to take needles and survive, that answer your questions?"
"Yes, sir, thank you sir!" After the chest plate, Chris put on his helmet, he also counted that the armour had ten separate parts, 14 if you included the elbow and knee pads also worn with them. Chris slipped on the leg covers and arm covers. Each piece was held on by two or three elastic straps that were comfortable and did not hindered movement. Chris was the first into his armour, he help Chambers into his and several other Marines. They checked each others straps. Chris moved around a bit getting a feel for the armour. It was lighter, the whole armour was lighter than the standard Marine breast plate alone!
Soon all the troopers were in their armour, the sun reflected of the plastics of their helmets. The insignia stood out among the rest. Kelso loved looking at them now and then what they would look like after six weeks!
"OK, Troopers, come to the front when your name is called for your weapons that will stay with you through your hopefully productive life!" Troopers names were called, Chris could see the MA5Cs on the bottom of the trolley, after about 15 minutes of standing in the sun in full combat attire; Chris and Chambers' names were called. Kelso handed Chambers a MA5C and ventured to get an MA5B for Chris but Jones whispered something in his ear like 'he's an NCO, sir' so Kelso handed him an MA5C also.
"YES!" Cried out Chris gripping his weapon, "thank you sir I will take good care of it!" Chris walked back to his spot and check over his empty weapon. No magazine was inserted so Chris was pulling the bolt back cocking it and dry firing it for a feel on the trigger. The trigger pull was about 0.25 kg, A little light but we got to be quick to nails those Covenant bastards! Thought Chris putting the sling around his neck and letting the weapon sit at his front.
Soon all the troops had their new weapons and were checking them over. Kelso got Jones to take the trolleys back to the armoury.
"OK, Troops, those things put out a heck of a lot of lead, so treat 'em with respect, they don't care what they kill, do I make myself clear?"
"SIR YES, SIR!" Came the reply from the Troopers.
"OK, now report to your barracks and you can have the rest of the day for pleasantries, dinner is at 1800 and then at 1930 report to your barracks and then at 2100 lights out."
Everyone was chatting like school girls in the barracks. Chris and Chambers weren't they just stared around the room, noting the laughter and happiness on the men's faces. Every now and then some would look over at them.
"Some of them don't even look old enough to shave," said Chambers dissembling his MA5C on his foot locker. Chris had already checked his over and it was hanging with his armour on the wall.
"Well, they're the best of the best, so they got to be good, Chambers,"
"Yeah, s'pose your right there, McAllen."
"The strange thing is though, do you see any Sargeant stripes besides the instructors?"
"No, why?"
"Ever think we're the highest ranking ones here?"
"That might explain why they keep looking at us, never know we might get promoted!" Chris snuffed a laugh.
"Doubt we'd ever make Sargeant, the only reason we got Corporal because I'm a spotter and you're a shot gunner," Chris laid down on his bed.
"Yeah, true", Chambers was just finishing putting the top cover over the weapon. "I wonder what the 'specialist' weapons Jones was talking about?" He said aloud not really wanting an answer but getting one.
"Probably shotties, mgs, jack hammers, what ever else puts a big hole in little things!'
"What the fuck is a jack hammer? The air powered hammer thing?"
"No its another name for a SPNKr, with a more military sound to it."
"OK then, not out department, probably one of those guys' job," said Chambers pointing over at their fellow trainees.
"But they sure pack a punch those SPNKrs, I'd hate to be on the receiving end!"
"Yeah, you remember how that old rebel tank got the shit blow out of it by one?" Chris' mind swept back to the night, the rebel tank at night, Chris, Chambers and... Alison...
"Alison..." Chris breathed, looking into the distance.
"McAllen? MCALLEN!?" Yelled Chambers. Chris shook his head and looked confused, his eyes scanning the room.
"Ah, yeah sorry, slipped into dream world there for a bit." Said Chris rubbing his chin, feeling the stubble, he'd decided he'd let it grow until someone notices.
"How about we go and check out the others?" Said Chambers standing up, he put on his cap. Chris did the same, they walked over to some men playing a game of cards.
"Some of these guys have terrible poker faces, McAllen..."
"They're playing asshole, Michael!"
"What's asshole?"
"It's an old game I used to play, never mind about it. It isn't that fun." Chris looked over the 15 or so men crowded around a table with only about 9 of them actually playing the game. The majority as far as Chris could see were Caucasians, he had seen two of three Black Marines get off the trucks but they didn't seem to be in this barracks.
"Let's go see if there's any lookers in the next barracks!" Said Chambers already scurrying out of the room, Chris trailed behind, after giving some acknowledged nods to several men.
"OI LOOK AT THAT!" Said Chambers pointing at three female Troopers in straight fatigues and their shirts half buttoned up sitting out side of the female barracks on crates playing cards.
"Man, try and at least think before you say something, you sound like an idiot!" Said Chris taking a look himself, "nice tits though!"
"Ha ha, yeah," said Chambers looking around, "you know I've been thinking..."
"What does your head hurt now?" Said Chris looking away from his friend, towards the setting sun.
"No, you asshole! I was just thinking, all of these Marines got hand picked right,"
"Right, your point is?"
"Well only about 120,000 Marines were involved in Africa, and I noticed nearly all these Marines had non-Earthed based Regimental badges when we were in parade with them."
"Well, I think we're the only ones who haven't actually fought the Covenant," Chambers was looking over his shoulder, back into their barracks, "I hate to say it but I don't feel too comfortable being a Corporal and never having fought the Covenant around these troops."
"Oh well, we got 6 weeks of training to prepare us for anything we have to face, and if all these troops have battled the Covenant then they'll just have to give us pointers!"
"I was thinking that, but what if they judge us?"
"For what?" Said Chris seeing the women who were playing cards retreat to their barracks for a jacket and coming back out. "I don't give a shit what they think, I'm just as much as a marine as any of these bastards!" Chris kicked the ground stirring up just and loose gravel, "we've both spilled blood to protect our, race Christ, even if it was human blood, we still did our bit and if they don't think we're worthy to fight besides them then they can go and get fucked!"
Chambers gave a chuckle.
"Yeah your right, lets make a pact!"
"For what?"
"To be the best darned Shock Troopers this camp has ever known!"
Long Time Gone Part 17
Date: 21 September 2004, 7:33 AM
Long Time Gone Part 17: Shooting for the sake of shooting
June 3rd, 2550, Day one of Training Facility #6, Reach, 0930 Hours Kelso stood over his men on their first day of training, they stood their in full Black Uniform, and they were all wearing the balaclavas and the gloves. The Troopers looked all the same, except for height. Some were tall some were short but they were fearsome none the less.
Kelso also noted that he couldn't tell the difference between the men and women unless he looked extremely close. The women would have their chests out more for extremely obvious reasons and if you don't get that then, eh...
"Alright, people, welcome to your first day of Shock Trooper camp, where you will learn the equivalent of the UNSC Marine Level 3 Advanced Infantry course, any questions?"
"Yes, sir, over here," said a man behind Chris, who was standing in the second row on the left side, his weapon slung by its sling over his left arm and under his right so it was strapped across his chest.
"What, son?"
"What if we have already done that course?" Mutters from other Marines thinking the same thing broke out.
"Well, but excuse my French but, stiff shit! You'll just have to do it again for the hell of it!" More mumbles broke out.
"Alright, alright, SHUT UP!" Yelled Kelso, "ok now, members of Barracks hall, 2 and 4, meet Sargeant Johnson at the advanced weapons area, you'll be getting your hands on your specialist weapons!" About half the group broke away, it was the two men's barracks hall, Chris and Chambers were in number one, so they stood at attention still.
"And barracks hall number one and four, I hope you like to fly because your on the abseiling station!"
Chris and Chambers were the first to reach the old rickety wall, it was about 60 feet high with a plat form at the top to abseil down.
"Alright, ladies," Said Kelso pushing through the men and women of halls one and four, "as soon as you can prove you can decent off this wall effectively we'll move onto Pelican's and then you can get your turn at the advanced weapons station, Alright you, you, you, get climbing!" Chris, Chambers and a female from the group were chosen and they started to climb the ladder up to the top in full combat attire.
"Alright, now McAllen you go first!" Chris hooked up his belt that was build into the armour to the rope and held one hand out front and one behind his back and jumped back wards off the wall, going somewhat fast down for the first 30 feet before settling into a still fast but more controlled decent, he hit the ground and released his hands from the rope.
"Not bad McAllen," said Kelso, "could have been a bit quicker but still good, but you have to do it two more times before we leave here!" The female trooper when next, somewhat slower than Chris but more professionally. Then came Chambers as the next three climbed the tower. Chambers barely put his hands on the rope before doing the jump and he fell 40 feet before he seemed to be in 'control' but Chambers knew what he was doing, he reached the ground in one and a half seconds.
"Damn fine Chambers!" This went on for another hour before a Pelican come and landed at the bases landing pad.
"Why couldn't they drop us off here yesterday?" Said Chambers but already knowing the answer that Hans and Michelle's squads were needed at the first landing zone and it would be better if a Pelican did other errands rather than take two men to training.
The first load piled in the back and the pelican took off. Chris watched from the ground with Chambers by his side. Chambers had put his balaclava up like a beanie to let some wind on his face. Chris just enjoyed the balaclava because if he sweated it would soak into the balaclava and when the wind blew cool him down even more.
Soon the Pelican was hovering over a pre-selected zone and the troopers began abseiling straight down and getting out of the way before another trooper landed on top of them! With in twenty seconds the 12 men were on the ground and already walking back to Chris and Chambers.
Chris and Chambers jumped in the Pelican and each took the two seats on each side of the ship closest to the door. The Pelican shuddered for a millisecond when it took off, getting a feel for the weight it was carrying. The Pelican settled into a hover at the same spot as the others and Senior Drill Instructor Fathoms made an appearance from the cock pit and gave them the safety talk and told them good luck.
Chris was the first to jump and then Chambers would. Chris stepped up to the rear of the pelican and threw the pre-loaded bag of rope down, uncoiling as it fell. Chris got into the same procedure as before with one hand in front and one behind and pushed off. The downward thrust of the Pelican made him go down quicker than planned but he made it safe and sound.
Chambers must have seen Chris' accelerated decent and decided to do it the safer way. Chambers landed on the ground and removed the rope from his belt and took a step back before a Trooper landed right in front of him.
"That was fun!" Said Chris taking his helmet off and lifting his balaclava up, Chambers style...
"Yeah!" Said Chambers looking back up and seeing the last trooper repel down.
"Where'd you learn to repel like that?" Said Chris, referring to the wall not just then.
"Well, we had a lot of old dilapidated buildings back in the states, tall ones too, we had jobs as window cleaners, well, I did anyhow and we practised being on the heights of some tall buildings by repelling down old ones!"
"Makes sense!" Said Chris looking at his watch, "must be almost smoko!"
"What the fuck is smoko?"
"Sorry, I keep forgetting I ain't in Aus anymore, smoko is morning tea or second breakfast really, something to tie you through until lunch!"
"Oh, well lets go and find some, its almost our turn at the weapon range!"
After a brief five minute breather they headed back to camp and met the other squad already there, most of whom we carrying a second long arm weapon but we'll get to those later!
First and second barrack hall sat down at the canteen closely followed by the third and forth for a breif morning lunch... or smoko...
"Man some of those guns look awesome!" Said Chris looking over a female troopers shoulder to some men from second hall, sitting there talking.
"Yeah, can't wait to see what we're given!" Said one of the women.
"Damn straight!" said another woman.
After smoko they were lead to the weapons station several hundred metres away from camp. Johnson was waiting for them.
"Alright, lads. What we are going to do here is introduce you too your second child!" The Sargeant took several steps back and whipped a tarp off two trolleys which were stacked with various weapons, mainly shotguns, machine guns and SPNKrs. "And with most families the youngest is usually the favourite!" Gesturing towards the heavy weapons.
Johnson called out the troopers names and read their basic training results with basic UNSC weaponry. Chambers was the third called up.
"Corporal Chambers?" Said Johnson.
"Yes, Sir!" Said Chambers standing at attention.
"At ease, at ease, everyone at ease!" All the troopers let out the breaths they had been holding. "Now Chambers it says here you were a CAWs gunner?"
"Yes, that's correct, sir."
"A CAWs is an automatic 12 gauge isn't it?"
"Yes, sir! It kicks like a mule!" The troopers chuckled at the remark.
"Then you should have no trouble with the M90, even though it's standard Marine issue we got a bag of tricks for everyone who gets one! So just wait 'til everyone's got their weapons and we'll go to the range, alright?"
"Yes, sir!" Said Chambers receiving the 8'5 gauge magnum pump action shot gun and slinging it over his shoulder. He retreated back to his position next to Chris.
"McAllen, Chris!" Said Johnson, Chris walked up to the man, "ok, what do we have here, hmm." Said the Sargeant looking over Chris' basic training results. "It says here Master Sargeant, Hugh, is it?"
"Yes, Master Sargeant Hugh, sir,"
"Well it says he recommended you for LAAG training, but I have no record of your results for a LAAG course."
"That's because I did spotter training instead, sir!"
"Well you seemed to have scored well on the old L69 mgs, so..." Johnson reached down and pulled up one of the machine guns, "this is a K48A2 Light assault, machine gun," Johnson handed it to Chris, "we'll go over its operation later soldier!"
Chris stood back in his position and looked over the weapon. It was strange for a machine gun, it was in bull pop configuration like the MA5 series of weapons. It had an integrated bipod in front of the forward grip. It was someone what short being only 990 mm, just under a metre and it was light too, just over 4 kilos. It's ammo counter was featured on the left side of the weapon near where the ammo drum connected.
The troopers received their weapons. Chris noticed only one other Trooper got an mg, another K48A2, several had M90s like Chambers, two had SPNKrs and each had a person or two trailing behind who would be trained as assistant gunners. Three had S2 AM sniper rifles. But the majority of the Troopers didn't received another weapon.
Johnson had the soldiers shooting at various targets grouped at 100, 200, 500 and 1000 metres respectively. He had his eye on McAllen and Chambers. Kelso had told them to keep an eye on them because they were sent here by Hans Grebler.
"McAllen!" Said Johnson coming over with several drums of ammo, "load up and we'll see what you can do! Chambers go loader!" Chambers laid down next to Chris and begun to rummage to open the 150 round 7.62 AP drum.
"Fucking, its got a Chambers proof lid!" Said Chris with the top of his mg opened up to receive the belt from the drum. After a few more seconds Chambers produced the start of the belt from the drum. Chris locked the drum onto his MG by a set of locks in the mag housing which part of the drum went into. Chambers placed the belt onto the receiver as Chris closed the top flap and pulled the bolt back.
"Deploy the bipod!" Said Johnson who was still watching. Chris did so and flicked the safety off. "Ok, go for the 100 metre grouping!" The target was some weird figure that Chris and Chambers hadn't seen before. Chris brought the weapon to his shoulder and looked down the sight and put the target in the crosshair.
"You can shoot when you're ready, McAllen!" Said Johnson, covering his ears. Chris depressed the trigger and a bright blast of tracers littered the air heading for the target, a deafening roar of gunshots, piles of brass and the material which was some form of plastic holding the bullets together was stripped off each round and flung into the air with the empties. The target split in two from the first 20 bullets. Chris stopped shooting and heard that no one else was shooting either. He looked around and saw all the Troopers had been shooting their various weapons on the range stop and look at them.
A pile of almost 90 bullets littered the ground from 3 seconds of firing.
"HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" Screamed Chambers, putting a finger in his ear trying to remove something that wasn't there.
"Yep," Said Johnson, "1800 rounds per minute on full auto, don't you just love it?" No one answered probably because they couldn't hear him, "ok now the two hundred metre one then the five, then the thou ok? Try some bursts too."
Chris turned his upper body over to the right more to get a view of the 200 metre target and depressed the trigger as soon as he saw it in his sights. A short burst of about 20 rounds hit the target as it shattered and keeled over, a clean line of holes shot through the centre. Onto the 500 metre target which was little more than a rectangle. Lots of bullets later, it now resembled kindling... The thousand metre target got the remaining rounds from the drum into. The K48A2's electronic ammo counter; near where the drum was inserted, beeped as it fired the last 30 rounds and then a harsh CLANK, as it hit empty.
Chris stood up, his hands felt like jelly after firing so many bullets in a short amount of time. Their position was littered with empties, black plastic from the belt and scuff marks from their movements on the grass.
"Fine work McAllen, you passed basic mg skills. We'll get you on a LAAG later." Said Johnson looking at the smoking K48, "now Chambers, remember how I said about the bag of tricks for your M90?" Chambers nodded, "follow me!" Johnson and Chambers left Chris with the mess to clean up, it wasn't much he swept the empties into a bucket along with the black plastic. Chris picked up his K48, closed the bipods, removed the empty drum and placed it on the rack. He then drew his MA5C, collected some ammo and got some target practice with it.
"Chambers," said Johnson, "load the orange shells; we'll have some fun first!" Chambers didn't read the shells casing he just loaded it and did the action, "have a shot at that old pelican over there," he said pointing over at a destroyed pelican which had been towed out onto the range for heavy weapons practise.
"But isn't that for heavy weapons, sir?" A smile from Johnson,
"Just shoot!" Chambers shouldered the shotgun and fired. The kick was enormous! Chambers had aimed for the left side engine port. The bottom part of the engine port exploded and fell to the ground in a heap. Johnson was laughing.
"Man, every new recruit has that same look their face, 'What the fuck was that!' Look." Johnson picked up the shell after Chambers ejected it, "HEAP shotgun rounds, they hit the target, put a small hole in them and then the fire works go off blowing them sky high!" Johnson handed Chambers a handful of blue shells.
Chambers had a shot at the pelican's rear side wall that was a good 3 inches thick and was surprised to see a small lone tree in the background keel over when it was hit!
"Yep, good ole tungsten tipped polymer carbon slugs! They'll go straight through hunter's armour at medium range, oh say, about 100-150 metres and closer of course!"
They inspected the damage to the pelican and Chambers found that he could stick his index finger into the hole and out the other side with enough room to wiggle it a little bit.
"Sir?" Said Chambers shouldering his shotgun after removing the loaded shells and placing them in the bag of shells.
"What, Chambers?" Said Johnson patting the bullet riddled pelican.
"Well, I don't know how to say it but McAllen and me have never seen a Covenant, and well, does that change much?" Chambers took a breath, he noticed the weird look on Johnson's face, "like we've both been under fire, killed almost 100 people between us and been shot for our planet, but we, well I don't feel worthy to be here with all of you guys..." Chambers looked at his feet for some kind of aggressive remark, but it never came.
Johnson had pulled out a smoke and had taken a drag.
"It doesn't matter who you've fought as long as you can fight the next enemy, we've had MPs, frickin' MPs for Christ sake! They'd never even seen Covenant on the news and I saw some of them last month and they had medals, I mean lots of medals, not pansy 'oh I got shot' medals," Chambers crossed his arms to cover his wounded in action medal, "real medals like outstanding bravery". Johnson took another puff and stared into the sky, hearing the echoes of shots from the other troopers at the range. "What I'm getting at is you can't be judged for who you've fought or haven't fought, just get stuck in and kill a few of the shits for good ole' Earth and try and enjoy yourself in the process!"
Chambers stood there, rubbing his chin, feeling for stubble which he had never felt before and still won't at least not today. Johnson lead the way back to the rest of the Troopers who were packing up weapons and ammo and getting ready for supper. It was going to be a long six weeks.
Long Time Gone Part 18
Date: 22 September 2004, 4:06 AM
Long Time Gone Part 18: Training, ain't it grand?
June 9th, 2550, Reach, Day 6 of Training, 6 kilometres from camp, night march 2139 hours "Alright ladies, move it!" Cried Kelso to his men and women who had the pleasure of a full equipment night march, 12 clicks, six out, six back. They had just made the turn around point and Kelso was giving them some 'inspiration'.
Chris was at the back with the other K48A2 gunner, both running slower than the rest of the group with the wait of their machine gun, ammo for mg and rifle, rifles, grenades, food, water and all the other crap they had to carry. The two SPNKr crews were fairing better, they had 6 people to spread the load of two M19 SSMs and about two dozen rounds of ammunition along with their other gear.
Chambers was at the front trying his best, to be as good as he could be. Chris was trying his hardest; but the pace was hard going. They reached the 9 km mark and Kelso felt like a run, easy for him as he only had his belt with M6D, some ammo and a canteen. The troopers settled into a nice jog. Kelso took a swig from his canteen, annoying his men who he had ordered, no drinking from their canteens.
"Come on! The Drill Instructor and I can do this all night!" The Troopers moaned in reply, concentrating on the man or woman in front of them.
Half an hour later the troopers struggled into their barracks. Feet heavy, heads bowed, arms barely holding onto their weapons. Chris was happy for once that he was on the bottom bunk. He didn't have the energy to climb that high anyhow! Neither did Chambers! Chambers got to the second rung of the bunks ladder before he fell to the floor and fell asleep.
Chris kicked his boots off, put his weapons on the rack under his name, took of his armour and decided to be a good Samaritan and place Chambers in the bottem bunk, take off his armour and weapons and then go to bed on the top bunk. Within minutes the entire camp was spitting out z's. Except Kelso, Jones, Fathoms and Johnson who were discussing tomorrow's classes.
"I reckon we give them the Warthog training, they need to get into the habit of being mobile infantry!" Said Fathoms wiping the sleep from his eyes.
"Well I say let the snipers have the full day at the range, they've been getting into me about McAllen and Xavier with the K48s always at the range blowing the shit out of stuff!" Said Johnson looking around the HQ.
"Well we can give the snipers the range, run the shotgunners through the close quarters range. Give McAllen, Xavier and the other heavy auto weapon specialists LAAG training." Said Kelso, not asking as it was his command.
"Yes, sir." Said the other three, they were dismissed and everyone went to sleep.
Chris held the trigger down and felt the heavy vibration of the Warthog mounted M41 LAAG's fire through the shoulder stocks under his armpits. Chris was aiming at a old L12 Warthog; which was around 250 metres away and was totally FUBAR, fucking useless beyond all repair, or fucked up beyond all recognition, the first one in this case.
The 12.7mm AP rounds drilled into the destroyed Warthog's lightly armour sides, leaving golf ball sized holes as it pierced the armour and hit the ground on the other side.
"Nice, McAllen," said Xavier, the other K48 gunner. Stepping up into the rear of the Warthog Chris had been shooting from and relieved Chris of the weapon, taking it over for himself. Xavier emptied several hundred rounds into the forward engine block. The rounds pierced the electronic motor housing and spat pieces of the engine out the other side.
Xavier stepped down, the LAAG's barrel was still spinning, slowing down slightly. Johnson walked out and examined the two spreads for McAllen and Xavier.
Johnson put his pen into one of the holes in the engine block and lowered himself to the same angle as the bullet had entered and could see out the other side!
"Damn fine, the both of you!" Said Johnson writing some notes in a book. They continued LAAG training all day including anti-air, anti-vehicle and anti-infantry.
Chambers passed the close combat training in a breeze, he had loaded the blue shells and put fist size holes in every target not even flinching as they popped up in nanoseconds.
That night the troops were happy, they had almost done a sixth of the training. The first two weeks were the actual training times, when the last four were training ops with the stun ammo and they versed other Shock Troopers from other camps! They were to fight in their training squads from the same camp and try and win the four week ordeal.
The overall mood was enthusiastic, Kelso couldn't be happier, his men had won every time and he was confident they could do it again. Johnson was reading a history of the battles, seeing if they could improve anywhere.
"Ah, sir, I found something we could incorporate into this batch's fight month," Said Johnson handing over the book, "I think we should train a heavy machine gun team. Sure the K48's put out some lead but they don't have the range or the power of the old M2HBA6s." Kelso looked at a picture of the weapon which was first introduced almost 550 years ago, but had undergone extreme modernisation over the centuries.
"Put McAllen and Chambers on it," he said taking a sip from his drink.
"But sir," protested Fathoms over hearing the conversation, "McAllen is a K48 gunner, we should pick someone else!"
"I said McAllen and Chambers, people!" Said Kelso thudding his cup down, the three men had seen their friend, boss and respected peer angry and knew not to continue this argument.
"We'll need a third, sir," said Jones, "some one to carry the 'fifty shells."
"Put someone who McAllen and Chambers know well enough," Said, Kelso thinking, "whose that girl from fifth platoon? You know the one with the M90? I saw her blow the shit through the targets today, she looks pretty good."
"Yeah I saw Chambers talking to her today, they seemed to get along well," Said Fathoms looking over at the girl. She was sitting with some other girls but she was looking over at Chambers' and McAllen's table; who he saw chatting to each other, Chambers was mimicking shooting a gun and blowing the smoke off the barrel. McAllen laughed in disbelief.
"Ok, then, give her a pair of stripes and we'll have the heavy team we need," announced Kelso, "and give 'er a '5C with those stripes!"
"Then what will we do with McAllen and his K48?"
"Leave it with him, he's a damn good shot with it, he's only going to be a gunner for the M2 and carry it but they're pretty light nowa' days."
"Yes, sir" Said Jones writing down what he had to do.
Sometimes Chambers hated being around McAllen, if he did something, Chambers was always dragged along somehow, and now he was carrying a tripod which weighed 5 kilos and two boxes of 100 12.7 x 99mm Armour Piercing rounds which weighed 2 kilos each; one in each hand, M90 over his left shoulder and his MA5C over his right. McAllen had the M2HBA3 over his left shoulder, K48A2 on it's sling over his back and MA5C held one handed in his right. Susan Foley wasn't fairing any better, she had a 12.7mm belt draped around her neck, MA5C over her shoulder, along with her M90 but she also had tow boxes of ammo in her hands like Chambers. But her two new sewn on Corporal bars made her stronger, on the inside and outside.
They were last, they were a good 10 metres behind Walker who was a further 10 metres behind the rest of the troopers who were also enjoying their 12 kilometre run.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," breathed McAllen as he run, the M2 digging into his armour, hurting his shoulder, "heavy fucking thing. LIGHT MY FUCKING ASS, KELSO!" He yelled over the din of shuffling feet and ratting ammunition belts.
"Well," said Susan, "at least when we get this baby set up," she nodded toward the M2, "we'll cause some serious shit!" Chambers chuckled. But he wasn't chuckling at the fact they hadn't even made the 6 km mark.
"This is bullshit!" He said, "why can't someone else carry the ammo?"
"Probably to the fact that everyone is carrying two 150 round drums for me or Xavier and I heard some will be carrying a 80mm mortar soon!"
Kelso stood above his exhausted men, noticing that his M2 team had sour looks on their faces, he announced that they had finished the 'basics' and will now be getting into the real Shock Trooper stuff. Notably light artillery; mortars and heat seekers, Warthog piloting and ship assaulting.
The MG threesome was summoned to target range while the people selected for mortars headed off and the others got a thirty minute rest.
"Well, we've seen you three can carry the prick of a thing, but can you use it?" Asked Kelso. The three nodded, Chambers put the tripod on the ground and flicked a release, deploying the two rear prongs. Chris hefted the weapon off his shoulder and onto it's mount, putting the lock in so it would not jolt out when firing. Susan opened the top and fed the start of a belt onto the receiver.
Chris gripped the spade handles of the weapon and pulled the bolt back, it flung forward with that good ole' 20th century TWANG. The targets were ranged at 100, 200, 500 and 1000 metres, all would be moving pop up targets. Johnson was at the controls of it all.
"Shooters," he said into the microphone, only talking to the mg team, "scan your sectors!" With that a target popped up at 500 metres and begun to move but Chris was on it immediately the weapon belched flame and Chris felt the weapon shake under its own power as it launched its heavy rounds into the target; which shattered unceremoniously. More targets popped up, 29 minutes and 500 rounds later they had proven to be an effective .50 cal team.
"You did good people," said Kelso looking through the binoculars at the peppered targets strewn around the range, "we'll give the others a hiding at 'fight month' and then you'll be assigned to actual squads."
"Yes, sir, thank you, sir," said the three in unison.
"Get your butts to the barracks, leave the M2 there along with your other secondary weapons," Kelso said this nodding towards the M90s and the K48, "and then we'll show you some AA gear!" The three walked off, struggling with the weight of their gear. They got about 50 metres before Susan fell; over a rock imbedded in the road. Chambers dropped his kit and helped her up, Chris was still walking but stopped and looked over his shoulder. Susan was up again but she was limping, Chambers took the belt of ammo around her neck and her M90 out of kindness. I'll have to look into that! thought Chris thinking about Chambers' earlier quoted virginity.
Fathoms paced up and down the entire group of 40 Black Clad Troopers. He had a strange missile launcher on a sling over his back and was looking at his watch, he was waiting for something.
Kelso's Warthog skidded to a stop as he hoped out with Johnson and Jones who unloaded some crates from the rear compartment and placed them at the front of the group. Fathoms walked over to the first crate, jimmied it open with his graduation knife and removed a small object, the size of a medium sized cellular phone. He walked up to the nearest Trooper and handed it too him.
"Ok, soldier," he said, "when I tell you, throw that bastard as far into the air you can!" He switched the device on in the Troopers hands and shoulder his missile launcher, taking a few steps away from the troopers, facing the rear of the weapon away from the so they didn't get hit by the back blast. "NOW!" He screamed. The trooper threw the device a good 60 feet in the air. WOOSH! Was the sound heard as the weapon on Fathoms shoulder was fired, a sleek 30cm rocket shot out the barrel and hit the target in a millisecond, literally.
"Clap, clap, bravo Sargeant," said Kelso, "men," the troops snapped to attention, "you have just seen the BTFU, it means something in military terms but it means 'blow the fucker up' to me, and I suspect to you now as well!" Fathoms had placed the weapon on a bench.
"A select few of you will be trained in the use of this heat seeker rocket, the rest will just have to watch and try and make some sense of what we tell them!" Fathoms handed out two of the cellular devices each to all the troops.
"What you have there is a 'hot box', sends out a tracking signal that the BTFU follows and destroys, don't worry, even if it's on and your still holding it the rocket won't fire do too the friendly fire chip inside it, the idea is for indirect fire, as you bounce this baby around the corner, fire the BTFU the otherer way and it will turn around and blow up the hot box, it also tracks heat sources, like Banshee engines, for one example."
Ten of the Troopers got BTFU training. The weapon was just a tube with a small computer in the middle with two handles for the user to grip it. When the weapon was not it use it compacted into itself and made a cylinder only 40 centre metres long. 12 Rockets were carried by each user in a small pack that strapped across their back or to their packs. The weapon was HUD controlled, even with the computer screen, the weapon's main control method was with the HUD of a UNSC Marines helmet or the HUD on the Shock Troopers helmet which swung around from the left when needed.
For the rest of the day they had rest, they were going to do some night training later with the NV goggles which attached to their helmets and the thermal imaging on their HUD.
Long Time Gone Part 19
Date: 26 September 2004, 1:17 PM
Long Time Gone Part 19: He shoots, he scores!
June 15th, 2550, Reach, 13th day of Training, Training Facility #6, Enemy Weapons training, 0736 hours
The glowing green weapon look fearsome, it discharged and the fiery green plasma shot towards the armour on the wall. It hit with a hiss and then the green plasma cooled and its colour faded.
Chris wiped his eyes and looked at Johnson who had fired the plasma pistol. He lowered the weapon and retrieved the armour. Walking along the Troopers assembled in front of him. The armour didn't have a mark on it! It was the same as the armour they all wore.
"Now we'll test it for multiple hits!" Said Johnson walking back over to the table of captured Covenant weapons, picking up a plasma rifle. "The term 'rifle' is miss-used in the description like our assault-RIFLE, which is more in fact a sub-machinegun, as is with this weapon." He raised the weapon and fired multiple shots at the same spot on another set of armour, he kept shooting until the weapon's cooling fins deployed and it failed to function.
Unlike the first, this armour had a sign of it being hit, where it had been hit almost twenty times there was a small melt mark.
"What about that?" Said a Trooper pointing to the armour when it was passed by him.
"That?" Said Johnson touching the damage himself, "oh I wouldn't worry about that! See, taken from reliable battle reports, it is now known that the user of this weapon", a nod to the cooling weapon on the table, "have little to none participation in open warfare to our knowledge." Johnson put the armour down and looked at his watch, he still had twenty minutes before they would be briefed on the known Covenant soldiers. "Our armour is vastly superior than the standard UNSC Marine armour and takes an average of 56 non-stop hits from high energy weapons to pierce it."
"But, sir," said Susan Foley, "what about that weapon over there?" She said pointing at the V shaped weapon with several rows of glistening purple crystals protruding from the top.
"Ah, the needler, that is a different weapon altogether, Foley." Johnson picked up the weapon along with several small objects which looked like diamonds but they were the same colour as the needles on top of the weapon. "Yes this weapon fires needles, hence the name, but don't be fooled, these aren't your mamma's sewing kit needles! These little pricks," he said this touching the point of one of the needles, "have a tendency to follow you and explode!"
Johnson brought up the weapon and fired off some needles which launched in a straight line as they had not been targeted to anything. They hit the walls; of the bunker they were taking this lesson from. The needles exploded with a sound of breaking glass.
"Oh, sure, your thinking, 'that didn't hurt'? Well try this for size!" Johnson targeted one of the vests and held down the trigger, the remaining 15 or so needles hit the armour and exploded as one after a second... BOOM!!! The bunker shook as the needles blew the armour apart! Chris swore he heard someone yell that they got hit by something!
"Yeah, that's the worst thing about these little shits," he threw the weapon at the table, "they have a habit of making one big explosion if ten or more needles are on the same target and don't think that because the ammo isn't in the gun it is stable!" Johnson lead the troopers out to the range and placed two of the 'clips' for the needler near the damaged Pelican and got everyone to step back. He drew his pistol and fired a shot at one of the clips...
BOOMMMMMM! As the Pelican shook and was engulfed in a purple flame. When it cleared the armour plating was charred beyond recognition, some of the thinner metals had melted...
"Remember that when you see one of those little Grunty fucks reloading one, people!" With that Johnson dismissed them to play with the weapons and get a feel for them if they should ever have to use one.
They were all confronted with virtual 3D images of known Covenant soldiers. The stupid but numerous, Grunt. The alert but weak, Jackal. The feared but slow Hunter and last but not least the superior soldiers, the smart, strong, well armoured and armed, Elite.
"Ha, ha, ha!" Laughed Chambers, "it looks like, you, McAllen on a bad hair day!" He was pointing at a Jackal with its beady eyes and a Mohawk protruding through its helmet.
"Haw, haw, extremely funny, man!" Said Chris faking a yawn. They had been learning about the Covenant for three hours and they were almost finished. Kelso dropped in and told Fathoms who would be needed at the Warthog bay and who could have the afternoon at the range.
Chris and Chambers were taken to the Warthog bay with about fifteen others. Kelso was waiting for them.
"Alright, we'll be covering LAAG gunnery skills and basic all terrain driving!" Kelso was looking over the Warthogs. "McAllen, you take the gun, Chambers behind the wheel!" Chambers jumped in and turned the ignition, the electronic motor whirred to life with a buzz and Chris' M41 LAAG was powered and was ready to shoot. They drove the vehicle around the course first letting Chambers get used to the controls.
"Come on, Chambers! My grandma drives faster than that!" Yelled Kelso across the intercom. Chris chuckled but stopped when Chambers hit a bump on purpose and caused Chris to jutted and was almost thrown out. The next lap they had targets popping up and moving around, Chris was barely looking down the sight, just using the tracers to aim.
It was Chris' turn to drive now. Chambers was in the rear, swivelling the weapon around getting a feel for its rotation and traverse. Chris put the LRV into gear and dropped the clutch, the wheels spun as he sped off onto the course in first, they reached the first straight, Chris pushed in the clutch, changed to second, gave it some more rev, onto third gear just as they hit the first corner. He dumped it down a gear, sacrificing some speed for more traction. The four way suspension/drive kept the vehicle stable on the muddy section, Chris found the Warthog slipping off to the left, he turn the wheel to the right, causing the rear to stabilise as they sped to the finish.
They ran it with the targets next, it all went smooth, Chambers proved to be a pretty good shot. They passed the course and it was 1603 when they were finished and ready to go to have dinner and then go to bed. BUT they got to sleep in on the 13th day of training, Kelso would run them through some refreshers on day 14 and then they'd begin their month war. Where the best soldiers would be posted to the best units, most likely boarding parties for UNSC ships.
June 16th, 2550, Reach, day 13 of Training, Shock Trooper training camp #6
Chris got up at 1300; he was still tired and wasn't surprised to see 50% of the camp still in bed! Chambers was missing though. Chris checked the showers, mess hall and the female barracks but he couldn't find him. He also noted on a lesser level that Susan Foley was also missing...
"Oi, Ericson!" bellowed Chris at a trooper playing cards with some other guys near the armoury.
"What?!" Yelled the Coloured private.
"You seen Chambers or Foley?"
"No, why?"
"I think they might be up to some hanky panky!"
Just then two Warthogs skidded into camp. Six familiar figures hoped out, all dressed in Black Clad fatigues. Chris had put his helmet on, but most Troopers wore it as it was extremely comfortable and because they had games on the helmet's computer!
Chris walked over to the jeep, sneaking up on the six Troopers looking towards the HQ.
"Well, well!" Said Chris smacking the nearest one on the shoulder, Hans turned around a mad look on his face which changed to a smile, "HANS!!" Cried Chris, shaking the man's hand, "Gunny! Jinx! Trent! Sid!" Chris remembered them all, he then saw someone he had been thinking about all the time here... Michelle Ripply. The sun reflected of her hair, she had a childish glint in her brown eyes.
"CHRIS!" She said hugging him.
"Yeah I missed you too, say can you let go, you're embarrassing me in front of the guys!"
"Oh sorry," she blushed, almost forgetting about the other troopers, "how's training?"
"Good, rest day today, then refreshers tomorrow followed by the month war or something."
"Yeah that month war is a damn fine experience McAllen," said Hans, Gunny and the others had said they're hellos and headed off to the HQ to see Kelso; with the usual, 'remember me' remarks graduates always made. "If you do really well you can get posted into some of the best units!"
"You saying you're not a good unit?" He chuckled.
"Well we're one of the top 10 units to be posted too so we get some of the best." Said Hans matter-of-factly, "so I'd hope to see you and Chambers in my squad someday, speaking of which, where is he?" Chris scratched his head.
"I don't honestly know!" He said looking around the camp, "you caught me just as I was going to go and look for him."
"We'll join you!" Said Michelle putting on her peaked cap.
They walked around the camp asking Troopers had they seen Chambers or Foley and every time they got a 'no' or a 'I saw them yesterday'.
"I think they're up to something," said Chris, he had taken a real liking to Chambers, he felt like a brother, not a favourite brother but still a brother he didn't want to lose, "something naughty!"
"Well I've heard the story of you two!" Said Hans, Michelle blushed and tried not to look at the Gunnery Sargeant, "all is fair in love and war, Ripply. I don't care what you too did or haven't done, as long as you are still good soldiers".
They looked around the base for a good hour before they called a stop and went back to where the Warthogs were.
"By the way," said Chris leaning on one of the Warthogs, "what brings you lot to this neck of the woods?"
"You'll know in two days, Corporal," Said Hans straightening his cap and motioning for Michelle to follow. Chris' eyes dropped to Michelle's posterior as she walked away. Chris bit his lips and shook his head, it was good to see her again, that part the most...
It was 1430 before Chris saw him. He came strutting into the mess hall; he had his fatigues on and his cap in his hand. A look of was pleasure on his face.
"Hey, Chambers!" said Chris, looking at him, "where you been all..." Just then a second figure walked into the mess hall, Susan Foley; whose blonde hair was somewhat messed up and had a cheery smile on her face. She walked up and pecked Chambers on the cheek and said hello to Chris. Then she went to get something to eat.
"Let me guess," Said Chris, "you and her?" Chambers nodded and sat down.
"Aw, that was awesome!" He said savouring the moment,
"Just leave it at that, man, I know how it feels!" Said Chris pushing his food forward, already not hungry from the image caused by the words Chambers had said, then pulling the plate back feeling the hunger come back.
"Ok, hey, who came in the 'hogs?" Said Chambers point out the window to the two Warthog's parked outside the HQ.
"Hans is here," Chambers' face turned to surprise, "so is Jinx, Trent, Sid, Gunny and of course, Michelle." Chris took a gulp from his cup, washing down some bad, what ever the hell the chief called it.
"What? Why? We still got that month battle thing still!" Chambers saw Susan sitting down with the other women at a table, talking quickly and enthusiastically, obviously talking about him. Chris changed the subject.
"So does this mean you got a girlfriend?" Said Chris looking at Susan, she wasn't that bad, she was sexier than most of the women here. Chambers has the eye already! He thought.
"Yeah! Never felt so good, Michelle said anything to you?"
"Yeah she's fine," Said Chris, he learnt over and whispered to Chambers, "I have a sinking feeling that she and the others are going to be involved in the last month of training..."
Long Time Gone Part 20
Date: 6 October 2004, 7:42 AM
Long Time Gone Part 20: There is no such thing as a 'friendly' unit today
June 17th, 2550, Reach, First day of the 'Thirty Day Proving Battle', outside Facility #6, 0730 hours.
Kelso had just briefed his men on the various simulated battles they would be fighting against other Shock Troopers from different Facilities. The best facilities' troops would be given the postings of highest importance. Hans, Gunny, Michelle, Jinx, Trent and Sid were all dressed in their full combat attire and all would be temporarily promoted to squad leaders if their ranks did not already support that.
The 40 troopers would be broken into four squads; Heavy weapons, Support, Mobile and Assault. Chris was part of Heavy weapons with the M2HBA2 and his K48, so were Chambers and Foley as they were the crew, the two Jack Hammer squads and the single mortar crew joined the ranks forming the second biggest squad of 12 Troopers and was commanded by Gunny and Trent. The three snipers that made up the support squad was commanded by Sid; who Chris had learnt was a qualified sniper. Six more troopers made up the mobile Section with two Warthogs commanded by Jinx and the remaining 19 Soldiers formed the assault group; lead by Hans and Michelle; would be the ones assaulting of course.
"Listen up people," said Kelso, "I'd like you to met my best friend and someone who taught me how to fight, Hans Grebler," Kelso motioned for Hans to come up to the front of the assembled troops, "Hans here will be in command of the assault squad but listen up he's going to explain the 'rules' and the ammo we will be using, Sargeant."
"Thank you Master Sargeant," Said Hans checking his helmet was on straight, "now listen soldiers, this may be training but you can still get hurt. The ammunition we will be using is standard UNSC training shock rounds, so if you get hit you will be rendered unconscious." Hans removed one of the bullets from his magazine, "armour will stop the shock but only the chest plate, anywhere else, even on the helmet you will be hurt."
Sid stepped up, a par of Sargeant bars on his sleeves; he seemed to sweating, uneasy in front of all the Troopers.
"Oh, with the rules, there aren't any! Oh and before I forget, one last thing," said Hans, "officially after doing the refreshers yesterday you officially became part of the 1st Shock Trooper Division, congratulations!" The Troopers exploded in a roar of rejoice. Sid stood there looking over the troopers, looking at their joyful faces, he unslung his S2 AM Sniper Rifle and removed the magazine
"Alright, Troopers," he begun removing a single round from the magazine and fiddled with it between to fingers, "you all heard Hans about the training rounds well here's another one." Sid stopped for a second, thinking ahead of what to say, "ah, yes. This is the 14.5 x 114mm training round," the bullet still seemed as fierce as the lethal round. "The training round is different to the lethal round because even rubber soft nosed training rounds with the normal speed and velocity would still pierce armour, flesh and bone, so the UNSC saw wise to make this training round, it fires at the same velocity as the normal training rounds; for pistols, rifles and mgs, around 1300 fps, or 400 metres per second compared to the 3000 fps of the normal round. What I am trying to do is show you that if you get hit by one of these it will only shock you, like the other training rounds. I remember being scared stiff by enemy snipers, thinking that the training rounds were the same speed as the lethal rounds." Sid adjusted his helmet, "I still got hit though, it hurt like hell, but I felt better seeing that the sniper got incapacitated grenade!" Chuckles from the men broke out.
"Alright, settle down," said Kelso stepping up next to Sid, "go and see Jones outside the armoury and receive your training equipment, move it out, go! Give them hell!" The Troopers broke into another frenzy, running to the Sargeant to get there ammo and training grenades that emitted a shock wave to incapacitate anyone within its three metre radius. They also received side arms. M6Ds with two times optical zoom which was used via the HUD on their helmets. Chris didn't take one because he showed Jones the one he brought with him from Earth; it had stayed in his foot locker since they got here.
The Pelican rocked suddenly as it hit some turbulence. In it was the Heavy Weapons team, three other Pelicans were packed with the other 28 members and two had Warthogs suspended from the rear. They reached the main camp for this little outing, which they would fly to every morning unless they were on overnight missions. The Troopers disembarked and told to wait at the assembly area for their camp. There were six other camps involved in this.
Chris noticed that none of the other Camps had trained even a light machine gun team. But they all seemed to have snipers and Jack hammers, only one other camp had a mortar, which was good news; for Chris' camp.
They were told that their camps first battle was against camp #3 and it was a search and rescue. Camp #3 would defend a site where a volunteer from the outside community was to be a hostage captured by the enemy. Camp #6 would have to rescue him and escape.
"Alright people," said Kelso dressed in full combat attire, "camp #3 is known to train some of the best defenders out there but we train the best assaulters, so I think we can do this." Kelso went over the plan with Hans, Kelso was to go with the Snipers to high ground to get a good over view of the enemy position. Gunny with the heavy weapons was to find some high ground also but to deliver a wave of lead down onto the camp; controlled off course, careful not to hit the hostage... The assault team would fake a frontal assault under the covering fire of the Heavy weapons team and then the Warthogs would circle round back and sneak off with the captive. It sounded easy... and it was...
Chris had the M2HBA6 set up on a small hill over looking a small camp where other black clad troopers wearing red arm bands to distinguished them between the blue arm bands of Camp #6. Kelso had the snipers, all the Sargeants for most of the platoons during this month were all graduates from what ever camp they were fighting for.
Hans and Michelle's assault team were about 200 metres from the gate, all lying down observing the 'enemy'. The Warthogs were two kilometres away from the camp to the rear, waiting for the first shots. Gunny had given command of his two SPNKr teams to Hans to help disrupt the enemy. Like the training the grenades the SPNKrs fired training rounds that exploded when they sensed an 'enemy' within 30cm, they didn't really explode, explode, they split opened and made a shock wave that lashed out several metres.
Hans looked over the enemy positions, making notes of where the enemy had positioned its reinforcements, as the snipers had only counted 23 Troopers in the base and this camp's roster said there should be 43.
"Psst, Chambers," said Chris, Chambers scurried over from his observation post.
"What?" He said trying not to let Gunny hear him.
"I got a feeling something isn't right, half of their people aren't there!"
"I know, its almost like it's a trap..."
Chris heard something, something far off, the sound of laughter. He snapped around and looked down behind their position to where the sound came from. "GUNNY! GUNNY!" Chris hissed, the coloured Sargeant scuttled over to the gunner.
"What, McAllen?" He said snooping back to see if Hans had done anything yet.
"I think they're coming round behind us, I heard laughter behind us!" Chambers looked back to see if he could see something and noticed something move in the shadows of a tree several hundred metres away. He pretended he didn't see the figure.
"Chris!" said Chambers through closed teeth, trying to not to look like he was talking, "they're down in that patch of trees, I think they're getting ready to rush us!" Gunny looked for himself and saw a camouflaged face staring back at him, they knew Gunny had seen him and opened fire!
Hans was just about to jump and charge until gunfire erupted near the heavy weapons position behind them. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!" He yelled into his mike, Gunny's voice greeted him.
"We got the rest of them on our ass! They're trying to assault our position, but we got a fifty so just go and assault their base, we'll use the mortar to help you!" Gunny yelled 'fire!' as a 'plum-PLINK' sound notified the users the 80mm training round was launched. It landed in the middle of the startled defenders' camps, hitting two of them in the blast, they shuddered as an electronic current rendered them unconscious.
Chris had Susan to feed the ammo to the fifty as Chambers used Chris' K48 to shoot at the enemy behind them. Gunny fired at them with his MA5B, trying desperately to stay away from the S2 AM training rounds flying over head! Chris fired another burst and caught a man in a trench around the camp, Kelso's snipers were picking off the Sargeants, but the leader of the Camp hadn't been seen. He must be leading that flanking party! He thought, bringing the crosshair of his sniper rifle onto the helmet of another unsuspecting trooper and firing, it took two-thirds of a second for the round to hit him and knock him out.
Hans jumped up and the mortar fire ceased immediately so not to cause friendly fire, the 80mm mortar had turned it's sights to the enemy trying to run up the hill behind them. Hans rushed the gate to the camp, his 19 troops behind him and Michelle behind him. They ran into the camp shooting at the red banded troopers.
"Chambers!" Said Chris who had stop firing into the camp, "give us a hand to move this over there!" Chambers helped Susan and McAllen lift the fifty and swap sides of the hill. Chris checked the ammo and started firing instantly, spraying the trees with a deadly hail of lead, well training shock rounds...
The Warthogs had arrived and their crews had already cleared the building the hostage was in and was speeding off as Hans gave the all clear to Kelso, just as a new voice came across their radio channel.
"GODDAMIT! Every single time Kelso! God a fifty cal! You'd never used one of them before! Stop shooting anyway! We lost! You one, 39 of my men are incapacitated, stop shooting!" Gunny got the message and told McAllen to stop. Chris let go off the weapon and sat down looking at the weapon, smoke coming from the barrel. Chambers had been in the middle of reloading the K48.
"I want to be gunner next time!" Said Chambers.
"Sure," said Chris, "you can be next after Chambers, Susan" Susan removed the remaining six rounds on the belt for the fifty and placed them in a spare belt box.
"Ok," was all she said standing up and going to see if anyone was hit. The Pelicans landed soon after, bringing medical staff to look after the Troopers who would be unconscious for a good hour. The score was good only one casualty, one of the mortar crew caught by a random shot over from the camp. The other team had done pretty crap and they knew it. The four remaining red troops and their commander had sour looks on their faces. It was obvious by the way he had talked previously that he and Kelso had battled against each other, and by the sound of it, Kelso had one every time!
"How did you know?" Said the Lieutenant, scratching his head, "how'd you know about the flanking?" Kelso looked over among his troops who were recounting to each other the awesome shots they had made.
"Well I didn't, they saw you though," said Kelso pointing over at the 50 cal team who were talking him some friends in the assault group.
"We were so close!" Said the Lieutenant, shaking a mock fist at Kelso.
"Yeah but even if you had taken that position you still had me and four other snipers to deal with over there," Kelso pointed over at a rather large hill that was over looking the Heavy Weapons position, "also we had the hostage before you started your rush to the position!" Kelso let out a deep breath, it wasn't bad for their first battle, not bad at all...
Camp #3 and #6 had the next day free to themselves; each would face their opposite for the next match, #3 to vs. the loser of the next day's battle and #6 to the victors. All they did was discuss different tactics and ways to set ambushes up. They were to be ambushing the enemy somewhere on ten miles of an old road, anywhere they pleased, the enemy had to march it to complete their objective.
The scores had come in and the entire mortar crew was first with 13 'kills' total, Chris, Chambers and Susan were second with 11 kills total, next came Gunny with 7 and then various snipers and then the assaulters. The only person with a death had a good ratio, 13:1, but it was better to have 11:0!
June 19th, 2550, Reach, third day of the 'Thirty Day Proving Battle', along road way #637, 137 kilometres from facility #6, in the dirt... 2033 hours
Kelso had chosen an area on the stretch of road in between the start and finish as, at the start they would be as alert as ever and at the end they would be getting more and more fidgety as they neared it, knowing that the ambush came sooner with every step.
The M2HBA6 had been set up in a hastily dug slit trench, Chambers was at the helm with Susan as belt feeder, and Chris; with his K48A2, was closer to the road with Xavier to give the enemy something to think about when they opened up. Michelle had volunteered to be assistant gunner for him.
Mines had been laid but not on the road, they had been laid around the edges of the road for when the enemy scattered to find cover. The SPNKr crews were station off to the left flank about 200 metres, intelligence had told them the 'enemy' had several vehicles. As the ambusher they weren't allowed to bring the Warthogs, they were only just aloud to bring the mortar but they didn't plan on using it to fire 'normal' rounds they brought it to launch flares up to disrupt the enemy if they tried to use night vision or thermal. As they ambushers they would wait for the flare to reveal the enemy and open fire.
Chris and Michelle dug a small foxhole, just enough to cover them both if the lead got really heavy, they had ripped up a small plant and placed it near the deployed K48 to break up it's outline should a scout decide to take a look.
"How many kills you got?" Said Chris, he had put a mark on his helmet for every kill he got the other day, well it was drawn onto with a pen and it wasn't onto the helmet itself. It was written on the 'cover-all' easy to fit camouflage that attached to their uniforms at certain points, it was worn under the webbing and armour, it also comes in a variety of schemes, and they were wearing the dark green camouflage with brown outlines. Every trooper had a pack of the camouflage back at base which they would take on any normal mission but this wasn't normal, it was training.
"Oh I didn't get anyone," said Michelle looking down at the ground, Chris and Michelle were both sitting in the fox hole, "never got the chance to too, I was going to shoot this guy but you nailed him with the fifty!"
"Ah, I see," said Chris, "well there should be some targets here for us to shoot!" Chris looked back toward the way the enemy would be coming, "they'll be here soon and we can't even see our noses!" Michelle chuckled at the over used phrase. Michelle reached for her pack and removed her NV gear from a black case, fitting it too her helmet.
"I still can't see my nose!" She said.
"That's because the actual goggles are covering it," Chris said in a not so happy voice.
"What's wrong?" She asked lifting the goggles up no they're mount.
"Nothing, nothing, just having a shit day, I got a lot on my mind, sorry." Chris recalled the metal image of the unit they were facing, the guys at Camp #1 were supposed to the best night ops there is, but Kelso claimed that he 'taught him everything he knows' at the Commander of this force. Chris also recalled the incident two days ago, with the M6D handout, the M6D he had got of Alison.
Chris hadn't thought much of Alison, she was as far as he cared, someone he would never see again, not like he cared, she didn't like him so it was a lost cause. Michelle was there for him though, she cared, she liked him, he liked her too! Michelle let out a sigh, disturbing Chris from his thoughts.
"What is it, Michelle?"
"See we're so much alike! You act sad and I ask the same thing, I'm sad and you ask it!"
"That isn't really a problem!" Said Chris almost too loudly.
"No this is," she sighed again, "after this my platoon will be shipping out, somewhere just outside Zeta Doradus, there seems to be excessive Covenant patrols around there."
"So, how long will you be gone?" Said Chris looking over at her, she was rubbing her hand against the body of her rifle.
"I don't know" she said bluntly. Turning her gaze to space, point somewhere above them, "I'm going there, somewhere," she said pointing to a solar system with a visible sun. "We shouldn't be there long; we're to be a boarding crew from some ship, 'the Pillar of Autumn', ever heard of it?" Chris shook his head.
The two talked for what seemed an hour which was only ten minutes before the first report came in.
"KELSO!" Came arough, voice.
"What? What is it, Fathoms?" Fathoms was with other Troopers, Fathoms had joined the group today; to say he played a part in this batch's Thirty Day Battle.
"THEY'RE HERE!" Said Fathoms in a hoarse whisper.
"What have they got?" Said Kelso, not sounding too serious, his men had beaten these guys numerous times. One thing about the troopers from Camp #1 they were all male. The base commander was a sexist and still didn't believe women were worthy to fight beside the males of the race, when he meets this batch's females he might change his mind...
"We've counted two snipers, three SPNKr teams, they have the mortar, about 30 assault troops by their equipment and they have NV on!" Fathoms tried to push himself lower to the ground, he was sure they had seen him but it was all his imagination.
"OK, we'll let them get within 80 metres and then I want you and your men to throw flares along with the mortar illumination rounds." Kelso had it all planned in his mind, it was going to be a good experience for his men.
Long Time Gone Part 21
Date: 11 October 2004, 7:56 AM
Long Time Gone Part 21: AMBUSH!
June 19th, 2550, Reach, third day of the 'Thirty Day Proving Battle', along road way #637, 137 kilometres from facility #6, in the dirt... 2044 hours, Camp #1 vs. Camp #6
Fathoms had his men make ready their flares and they were slowly crawling behind the 'enemy'; which was Troopers from Camp #1. #1 had a single warthog, it wasn't really worth two SPNKr teams but it would still be a target for the men.
The Troopers from number one were extremely alert, their commander; who was riding shotgun in the Warthog, was keeping a constant watch on his men, calling for radio checks every minute. He was edgy, too edgy.
Chambers and Susan were manning the M2HBA6 machine gun. Chris had his K48A2 set up on its bipod; it was shouldered and Michelle was standing buy with a drum ready to be loaded. All the troopers had one of their four, training grenades ready to be thrown when needed.
The troops were tense. Kelso knew it, but this would help them later in their military career. He only hoped none would fire a shot until he gave the order.
"There!" Exclaimed Michelle almost too loudly, NV goggles bobbing up and down on their mount. Chris couldn't see it because he didn't have his NV on.
"Michelle," he said, testing his grip on his weapon and making sure he was using the right sights to aim, "take those goggles off, when the flares go up their light will be magnified almost one hundred times and believe me, you won't want to have your goggles on then!" Michelle did what he said, not really because he said so; but because she didn't want to be blind...
Kelso could finally see the faint light from a far off moon reflecting off the 'enemy's' armour. Also faint light blue lights barely recognisable shone from the enemy's NV goggles.
"Ok people," said Kelso, watching the enemy advance, "when I give the order open up with all you got, machine gunners," several 'huh's came over the radio, "spray to high heaven! Also people use your grenades if you can throw them. Alright sit tight, here they come!"
Fathoms had the safety cap of his flare, ready to smack the end of the exposed flare against his chest plate to prime it; he and his men were hiding in some bushes 30 metres from the road edge, behind the layer of outward blowing mines, similar to the 21st century's 'Claymore' anti-personal mine.
The mortar crew had their target; well they only had to launch illumination rounds straight up every thirty seconds, they had the rounds laid out ready to be fired.
The enemy edge closer, looking over their backs, their commander called for another sit rep. They had just passed the 150 metre mark...
Michelle was watching their advance through a pair of binoculars with a range finder.
"140 metres... 130... 120... 110... 100..." Chris checked the bolt on his weapon; various clicks and flinks were heard as the Troops from Camp #6 removed their safeties, but the sounds were barely audible for the men of Camp #1 only 90 metres away now, their Warthog was drowning out the noise...
"Mortar team, GET READY!" Said Kelso over the comms, the mortar team had the round ready; holding the round half inside the top of the barrel. "95... 90..." said Michelle taking a deep breath, "80!"
"FIRE!!" Yell Kelso as the mortar launched the round into the air. For half a second no one could see anyone, the Troopers from #1 only heard 'fire' and a mortar going off but they couldn't see any of the enemies. Then brightness erupted...
"AHHH! MY EYES, MY EYES!" Cried the enemy troops as their NV goggles made them blind for somewhere between three to five hours, having magnified the light 100 times. Only the ten or so men at the front and six at the back had the goggles on, the rest had been walking in the dim light, that was until all of this happened.
Chambers opened up as soon as the flare had erupted, spraying the ranks of half blind soldiers. Dropping at least nine before they could shoot back, the rest of the Troopers from #6 opened fire, the mortar kept launching illumination rounds. MA5B/C fire filled the air, drowning out the fire from the other weapons.
Camp #6's SPNKr crews targeted the Warthog and hit it as one, the shock wave incapacitating the three man crew which included the enemy commander. Then the remaining thirty or so enemy troops scattered off the road as Kelso had predicted. They ran into the line of mines along side the road, they went off with a flash as the electricity stunned the victims.
Fathoms and his troops had started throwing their grenades at the enemies. The fire fight lasted for about 30 seconds longer before Fathoms gave the all clear. The entire group of Troopers from Camp #1 had been eliminated! Kelso hadn't suffered a single casualty.
The fact that they had won didn't mean they were all done; they had to sit around for a good hour before any Pelicans could arrive on the scene for EVAC. By then most of the Troopers from camp #1 had regained consciousness and were all sitting together around their Warthog.
They looked over at the men and women from Camp #6, most of them were whimpering because they had been beaten by a force with women soldiers. Their commander was even angrier. They had only three kilometres to go and then they would have won the mission. Just wait until I get my chance at ambush, Kelso, just you wait! Thought the man, using his NV goggles to look at the positions Kelso had chosen and was taking notes to set his up somewhat the same.
"Shouldn't we talk to them?" Said one of men sitting near Chris; who had stripped his K48A2 and was cleaning it the best of his ability in the darkness.
"No," said another, "they're sulking, the little bitches, never seen anyone so stuck up!" The Trooper looked over at them and yelled, "Sore losers!" Various grunts and 'fucking campers' were yelled back.
"We were supposed to camp, dip shit!" Yelled Chris, not looking up, Chris got hit by something and looked to see they had thrown an un-primed grenade at him. Chris picked it up and looked over at them, he saw one give him the bird, he threw it! Screamed Chris' mind. Chris stood up and piffed it back at him and struck the man square on the forehead; he toppled over, looking half stoned.
"NICE FUCKING SHOT, MATE!" Yelled back some of the guys from #1, they were laughing at the unconscious Trooper, he was clearly their camp's asshole.
The Pelicans came half an hour later, landing in a cloud of dust, the positions had been filled in with some help from the other camp. They had struck a cord between each other, they respected each other...
Kelso lead his men onto their Pelicans and settled in for a short journey back to base and then to another day spare to sit around and relax.
June 21st, 2550, Reach, fifth day of the 'Thirty Day Proving Battle', Camp #6 vs. Camp #2, 2203 hours, on the run. Chris held his MA5C single handed, signaling for Chambers, Foley and the two remaining mortar crew members too break cover and run for him. They had taken heavy casualties in an 'escape' scenario. Camp #6 was the escapees and had stopped for a five minute breather when they were ambushed by #2, they were the last five left, everyone else had been hit. The enemy had only suffered ten or less casualties.
Chris was the ranking Trooper left; they had nearly three kilometers to traverse before they were in position to call for EVAC. As long as at least two of them made it to the zone they could still win.
"Move your asses! Run like fuck!" Yelled Chris giving each of them a slight nudge as they ran past, Chris fired his weapon at the three enemy Troopers who had come running out of a small outcrop of trees; trying to keep up with the escapees, dropping them with a short burst, before running off behind his Troops. They had left the K48A2, M2HBA6 and the mortar back at the rest zone; Kelso and the rest of them men would look after the weapons when they came around. "Listen," said one of the mortar crewmen who were both male, "me and Quan," the other crewman, "can hold them off for you three to high tail it to the point!" Chris didn't feel like leaving them behind.
"No you're staying with us, if it comes to it, we'll all turn and face them!" Said Chambers in a heroic voice, he gave Susan a look, she smiled at him, he smiled back.
Chris felt a stitch coming on after another 1.5 kilometres, they were half way there and they hadn't seen or heard anyone behind them.
"Hey," said Chris, heaving for breath, "everyone, stop, I'm feeling a little weak," Chris raised his goggles and used a gloved finger to wipe away sweat and dirt that was forming, "you go on without me, just give me your grenades!"
"No time for fucking heroics, man" said Chambers handing over his grenades anyway.
"What the fuck are you doing Chambers?" said Chris, Chambers stopped, "you're supposed to say 'I'll stay with you' for fucks sake!" Chambers gave a chuckle.
"Yeah, alright," the others handed over their remaining grenades and some spare clips. Susan gave Chambers a kiss for good luck, then the three others ran off.
"Bastard..." said Chris taking cover behind a tree, Chambers did the same with a smile on his face, "better stop smiling or they might see your teeth!" Chambers gave another Chuckle over the comms, "I ain't joking, man, I fucking mean it!" Chambers' face faded to a frown, but he was smiling on the inside!
They didn't have to wait long before a lone scout came sneaking along, he or she kept to the outside of the trail, looking for signs of their passing. The scout had NV goggles on but he couldn't see McAllen or Chambers watching him from behind two trees.
Chris tapped the send key on his radio pad, causing a slight break in the static to get Chambers' attention; Chris drew his knife and did a motion for Chambers to throw something. Chambers gave a nod. The scout was almost 10 metres away from them looking in the general direction of their hiding positions behind the trees.
A rock landed several metres behind the scout, they turned and Chris charged the man, his training knife drawn; Chris only had to allow any part of the blade to remain in contact with the man for a second to render them unconscious. Chris grabbed the man in a choke hold and threw him to the ground. He held the blunt edge to his throat for one second. The man was instantly shocked and knocked out.
Chambers gave two taps on the send key to get Chris' attention, he pointed toward a group of trees; a slight curse as someone step on a twig got his attention, the enemy was coming...
Chris had hidden the body in a clump of bushes, not before registering the position on his GPS so the medics could find him if his helmet's locater didn't work.
The enemy group emerged from the trees, there were only 12 of them, and they were all wearing light green, 'cover all' easy fit camouflage. Chris looked at his uniform, he was wearing the standard black night ops uniform that was the default they had received and all wore under 'cover all'.
Chris held his MA5C tightly by the front grip that was built within the trigger guard with the forward hands' thumb in with the trigger finger. Chris removed the magazine seeing how many rounds were left; as the MA5C had the ammunition counter removed for more conventional iron sights, the magazine had almost two thirds still in it.
Chris press his back up against the hardness of the tree, trying to be as protected as possible; MA5C held tightly in front of his face. Chris protruded a grenade from his webbing, nodding to Chambers to do the same as he removed the pin with his teeth.
The twelve enemy Troopers were leap frogging each others movements, trying to stay together. Their weapons were ready; scanning in front of them, one of the men went to make a dash through a seemingly normal bush until he tripped over something.
"Fuck!" He yelled getting up.
"Can it, Wolski!" Said the squad's authority figure. 'Wolski' looked to see what he tripped on and saw a black combat boot sticking out from the plant.
"HOLY FUCK!" He cried, "Sarge look at this!" Chris could hear the foot steps and the snapping of twigs.
"Hmm, they can't far off!" Said the man. Chris gave Chambers another nod and mouth 'one, two three!'
"Not as far as you think, Sarge!" Said Chambers in his most dim witted voice, sounding like an uneducated South American. Chris threw the primed grenade left handed straight behind his tree, Chambers threw his as well but he threw his further behind the enemy force. They heard the 'oh fuck's and 'grenade!'s. But it was too late for the enemy...
The grenades went off; causing a slight shock wave through the trees and a small rumble felt through the ground. Chris leap out the right side of the tree, firing hard, going for leg shots to instantly incapacitate. Chambers did the same but he had swung out from the left of his tree. The constant buzzing whir of MA5Cs firing stopped and the clinging of empty casings; hitting each other as they hit the ground and rolled to meet each other once more, echoed through the small wooded area.
Chris hit the magazine release, it hit the ground with a hollow thud, smoke drifted into his nostrils, he breathed it out and looked at the tangled mess of unconscious bodies littered before him. Even though they were unconscious but I bet they could still felt the pain off being doubled over like that...
Chambers had been hit once and he plucked the stunning round of his vest, it didn't leave a mark as the stun round had hit the vest and expanded outwards, like hollow point ammunition.
"That didn't hurt as much as a real bullet!" Said Chambers; knowing from experience.
"But if they hit your eye your still going to go blind," Chris' voice was somewhat deprived of emotion, he just scanned the area.
"Take it easy," said Chambers, detecting the lack of emotion, "it's just a game!" Chambers gave a slight chuckle.
"No," said Chris, he flicked the safety off his MA5C, "it's not a game, it's survival of the fittest!" Chris whipped up his MA5C and gave a small out-crop of trees to the right a healthy dose of vitamin L; that is of course if it was actually lead...
An unprimed grenade rolled out from under the brush, Chambers' mouth was open in awe.
"Check them out," said Chris, "I'll cover." Chambers swallowed and searched the brush, he found one Trooper; his vest and lower body covered in shock rounds.
"There's no one els..." Chambers stopped as a sudden burst of a radio transmission came over the net work...
"SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!" Said a female voice over the radio.
"Susan..." exclaimed Chambers letting out a worried breath.
"Quan and the other guy are hit!" Gunfire could be heard over the radio and then several seconds later the sound would reach Chris' and Chambers' position.
"What?" Said Chambers over the comms, "what's happening!?"
"The enemy is what's happening!" Screamed Susan, "they were waiting for us! They're behind a small mound, it should be easy to find, Quan and that's' bodies are in front of it." Susan fired another burst, "you won't make it in time for me so go around, get behind them, for all they know you're dead, just g... AHHH" Susan screamed the transmission ended abruptly.
Chambers was sprinting, going as fast as he could, jumping over tree roots, trying to get to Susan.
"Chambers will you slow the fuck down!?" Said Chris from several metres behind him, "its too late for her!"
"I know, but I got to see if she's alright!" Yelled Chambers not looking back at his friend.
"At least take her advice! No kamikaze bullshit this time, lets go around, batty the shits where they least expect it!"
"We don't know how many are left though?" Chambers had a point.
"Well, together we've taken out thirteen in the past 10 minutes, they lost ten back at the stop, should be more than fifteen or twenty!" Exclaimed Chris gaining another step on Chambers; who suddenly stopped...
"Fifteen or twenty!?" He yelled, turning to face his comrade, "we don't stand a snow ball's chance in hell against that!" Chris looked at his watch, they had an hour before they had to be onboard a drop ship to win.
"Look, bitch!" Said Chris in a serious way, "we've confronted and bet more than that many Rebels back in the Congo, we actually got hit thought but so what? The other guys are Alien fighters, not human fighters, we have an edge in that!" Chambers was looking hard at him.
"I'll trust you on that but if I lose an eye or anything to a stun round, I'll take one of yours!" Chris laughed, "oh I'm serious!" Chris swallowed, sometimes Chambers' could be very intimidating! "And anyway you're the bitch!" They both laughed...
Long Time Gone Part 22
Date: 23 October 2004, 6:54 AM
Long Time Gone Part 22: Playing It Bogart
June 21st, 2550, Reach, fifth day of the 'Thirty Day Proving Battle', McAllen and Chambers vs. Camp #2, 2309 hours, pay back time
Another wet fern leaf splashed against Chris' face as he rushed through it.
"I thought it didn't rain in space!" Said Chambers, a soft gentle but consistent pouring had started, limiting vision and wetting equipment.
"It doesn't! We're on a planet, man; it's similar to Earth, so it rains like Earth!" Explained Chris spitting out some water that got in his mouth from those brief seconds of conversation.
"Wish we brought our wet weather gear along, NV is shit in this weather!" Chambers pushed his goggles up, looking at the world in real time; through his own eyes.
"We're almost there, Chambers, keep it down!" Chambers gave two taps on his radio. They both slowed down to a half crouch quickened pace; weapons up and covering each other's six.
Lt. Cromwell looked over at the three unconscious forms in the clearing, if it wasn't a baiting situation he would have brought them in; but he needed them out there to lure their comrades into his ambush.
The rain intensified, drenching everything not under rain coats; which scarcely anyone had brought along in the first place.
Chris stopped when he heard a voice; an annoyed and unhappy voice. Chris gave the hand up for halt; but Chambers wasn't looking forward and backed into Chris and sent them both to the ground in a loud thump.
Cromwell turned to see where the noise came from.
"You two!" He said pointing at the men who had been talking, "check it out."
"Yes, sir," was all they said as they moved off.
Chris pushed Chambers off him and said,
"We just lost surprise." Chambers shook his head with a grin.
"I got an idea," he proclaimed as he removed his red arm band and nodded for McAllen to do the same.
"Let me do the talking Einstein!" Said Chris standing up, hiding his red arm band in a thigh pocket of his uniform. They both looked like any other Shock Troopers from any other camp; even though they weren't wearing the cover-alls the rest of the enemy was, they could have been any of the ten Corporals that they had knocked off.
Cromwell watched as his two men came back with another two men who were in Black Fatigues; he failed to notice they didn't have any arm bands and the fact that they had no cover-all on was easy to explain.
"Lieutenant," said one of new arrivals; who was Chris, "we're from Wolski's platoon," Chris used the name of one of the men from the enemy scout group.
"And?" Said Cromwell returning the two men's salutes.
"We're happy to say the enemy has been eliminated!" Chris lowered his salute, "there would have been more of us but they got the jump on us, but we got them!" Cromwell rubbed his chin; thinking.
"Alright, good work, we can bring the three enemy troops in now, you two can help," behind his balaclava Chambers' face showed a broad smile, he could see if Susan was ok.
Chris and Chambers were just waiting for the opening, they both carried Susan; one at each end, back to their 'comrades' positions. She was the last one; Quan and the other Mortar crew man had been brought back by other 'comrades'.
Cromwell; with the enemy troops now eliminated he could send out men to recover his 'KIA's and he should report that they had won.
"What do you suppose he is doing?" Said Chambers after Cromwell sent ten of his men out to find the KIAs, Chris and Chambers had hidden from him when he had chose the men so Cromwell didn't choose them to go with the patrol.
"I don't know, probably report in?" Said Chris eyeing the back of Cromwell's head.
"Wait a tick, don't we have to escape? If they report they won we will lose!" Chambers motioned to stand up.
"No they have to have eliminated all of us, first." Said Chris just remembering something, he reached for the HUD on his helmet and swung it down over his left eye. Their entire platoon was marked 'KIA' except Chambers and him, "but if they know they had been hit, the Officials will know we haven't been!"
Cromwell had just gotten a hold of the Officials who scored the battle and claimed he had won.
"No, you haven't won," Cromwell could here typing on the other end, "there still is a, Corporals McAllen and Chambers on the enemy side still active, I suggest you take another look at the situation Lieutenant, HQ out!"
Cromwell checked his HUD for the first time since he had successfully ambushed Kelso's men at their rest stop. Everyone in the platoon Wolski had been in was KIA.
"But that means..." Cromwell stopped him self as he felt the barrel of the weapon pushed into his neck.
"We're McAllen and Chambers," said a voice before Cromwell felt a projectile hit him in the thigh, as he fell to the ground he spun around and saw the one who had shot him and the other one was finishing off his men who had stayed back with a knife.
"Christ!" Said Chris holstering his knife, "why didn't you just knife him! Now the rest of his men know we are here!"
"Well sorry!" Said Chambers taking some stun grenades from the enemy, "I thought you liked a challenge!"
"We've come to face to fuck up now, man," Chris took another grenade and some clips, "so if we fuck up, it's your ass on the barby!" Chris pulled the mouth piece down from inside his helmet and used his HUD to get the correct rescue channel.
"Black Shadow calling Whiskey, Black Shadow calling Whiskey, over, please respond!" Asked Chris hunkering behind a large rock, Chambers was shooting fanatically at the enemy troops who had heard the shot and came running back.
"Black Shadow this is Whiskey, over," came the reply from their drop ship.
"Roger, that!" Said Chris, watching Chambers throw a grenade, "we need immediate EVAC, over!"
"Roger that Shadow, what is your position, over?"
"Right where we're supposed to be!"
"We'll be there, what's your sitrep!?" Asked the pilot.
"We had two survivors including myself in immediate need of EVAC, remaining enemy personal are swarming our position!"
"Roger that, hold fast, Trooper, we're inbound, ETA one minute, out!" Chris looked over the rock and saw seven of the enemies on the ground, Chambers had done a good job and he was still firing at the three enemies who were running for the tree line.
"That's it, man, don't let up! Shoot the bastards!" Chris raised his weapon and fired a burst, catching the lead man in the legs, Chambers fired another burst and got both of them. They were as good as home...
Kelso's eyes snapped open; his first thought was 'fuck, we lost!' He sat up and wasn't surprised that he was the last one to wake up. Everyone else was sitting down eating or talking to each other even in the dense rain pouring down on them.
"Ah, well," said Kelso standing up, walking toward Hans who was sitting with Michelle, Jinx, Sid and several NCO's from the enemies group, "we lost one that ain't so bad!" Kelso was really hoping to be undefeated this year but he had always won the battle with at least one loss.
Hans gave him a sly grin and told Kelso to look at his HUD, McAllen and Chambers' status was 'active' then Hans passed the helmet of an enemy Sargeant's and told him to do the same. The entire enemy for had been eliminated...
"We won?" Said Kelso, first in a low shocked voice, "WE WON!" He cried at the top of his lungs, "WOOHOO, YEAH, IN YOUR FACE CROMWELL!" Then he stopped realising almost 50 pairs of eyes were watching him... "Yes!" he breathed as he sat down next to Hans and ate some rations.
Long Time Gone Part 23
Date: 23 October 2004, 7:04 AM
Long Time Gone Part 23: Who The Hell Is That?
June 22nd, 2550, Reach, sixth day of the 'Thirty Day Proving Battle', Debriefing at Base Camp, up shit creek...
Chris and Chambers sat in the command tent as Kelso and Hans argued with Cromwell from the other camp in front of the General who organizes this training every time.
"They cheated!" Cried Cromwell.
"I say they improvised!" Said Kelso
"But improvising doesn't include pretending to be in the enemy's ranks!" Exclaimed Cromwell turning toward the General, "Sir, do something! You can't let them win! This is a big deal!"
"What you think'll happen to us, man?" Asked Chambers sneaking a peek at the three men, then noticing the General's gaze.
"I don't know, slap on the wrists?" Chris was looking at his feet, he looked over at Kelso, he seemed to be biting his lip. Something the General had said had got him thinking.
The General rubbed his chin. "So are they this good all the time Kelso?"
"Better, sir," joked Kelso scratching his head, "why?"
"The ONI has been looking for good men," the General noticed the look on Kelso's face, "yes the Office of Naval Intelligence, Kelso."
"For what?"
"That is classified, son," the remark made Kelso boil, he hated being under-informed.
"Don't call me, son, sir, I'm older than you!" Came back Kelso, blowing off some steam. The General snuffed a laugh.
"You haven't changed Kelso, not one bit!" Kelso smiled, "that's a bad thing Sarge! Oh and we're done here, but leave your men's names Kelso, I'll talk to them after I see how they go the rest of the Battle, dismissed."
Shock Trooper Camp #6, 1300 hours
The attitude was optimal, the Troops were excited, they were winning the battle so far and eight of the top ten scorers for the battle were in their camp.
Chambers was off with his girlfriend and Chris was left with his K48 as Michelle was at the range teaching some Troops the tricks of the trade; mostly short range take down shots in under a second.
The next day they would battle Camp number five, they hadn't warred them before and Chris had the suspicion they would be the toughest yet.
June 23rd, 2550, Reach, seventh day of the 'Thirty Day Proving Battle', Camp #6 vs. Camp #5 1156 hours
Chris had been assigned to the assault squad along with Xavier; the other K48A2 gunner, to provide some close range fire power. Their Camp had to do a Search and Destroy mission against the other camp, it was going to be a 24/7 camp-a-thon. Chris was second from the front, behind a female Shock Trooper who was acting as lead scout.
"Hey, McAllen," said the woman.
"What, ma'am?" asked Chris sweeping the tree line on left, he swore he saw something move.
"Is it true?" She asked.
"Is what true?" Said Chris playing dumb he knew what it was about.
"About you and Ripply in the shower on the way to Reach?"
"Does a wild bear shit in the woods?" Snuffed Chris, he gave the woman a looking over as he switch to the right side. Nice butt , he thought.
"So yes, then?" There was a slight quiver in her voice.
"That's what I said, why you want to know?" Chris saw something in the tree move, he played stupid and kept walking.
"Ah, just me and some of the girls were wondering, you just looked to nice of a guy for something like that." The comment distracted him.
"Something like that? What was wrong about that?" The Trooper gave a sigh.
"You screwed someone you barely even know with no hesitation..."
"Well I tell you we met under fire back in Africa and that type of thing brings people closer togeth..." Definite movement! Chris mind screamed, Chris tried to talk through clenched teeth, "I saw one!"
"What does that have to do with anything?" She thought he was talking about Ripply's tits or something.
"All of this!" Said Chris, "oh shit, there's another one, stop, stop!"
"What the fuck are you talking abou..."
A bullet fired from a long way away hit the Trooper, Chris could tell it was far away because he heard the shot after the scout had hit the ground.
"AMBUSH!" Cried Chris, "I FUCKING HATE AMBUSHES!" The Camp spread out to find what little cover they could along the path. The enemy had good cover in the trees, Kelso's men had virtually nothing.
Chris ran away from the front of the column, firing from the hip as he ran; hearing several 'ARGHH's from the tree line.
"Platoon, covering fire!" Yelled Chris as he lead Xavier and another assault Trooper up to the trees on the right side of the clearing they were in. The Troopers responded with a heavy hail of bullets.
"Use your grenades, men!" Yelled Kelso from cover at Chris.
"You heard the Master-Sargeant!" Exclaimed Chris drawing a grenade, "Use them! FIRE IN THE HOLE!"
Several close together explosions drowned out the shot of another well placed sniper round from the enemy, this time the shot hit Xavier who had momentarily ran behind Chris; that was meant for me... He thought running harder for the trees.
"SNIPER!" Cried Chris diving into the tree line, bringing his K48A2 to his shoulder and firing hard at the enemies trying to fall back, "YOU CAN GIVE IT BUT YOU CAN'T FUCKING TAKE IT CAN YOU!?" Exclaimed Chris firing harder.
Chambers ran along the tight trail, the M2HBA6 HMG was over his shoulder with a belt draped over his other shoulder, Foley was close behind with the tripod and two boxes of shells.
"GO, GO, GO!" Cried Troopers as they ran past, they needed some more fire onto the tree line; only ten or so of Kelso's men had made it into the tree line. The rest were down in the clearing; pinned down by the combined fire of almost thirty MA5B/C weapons.
Chambers let lose thundering bursts at the trees. Feeling the whoomp through the spade handles as the weapon jolted on its hastily prepared tripod mount.
It was hell, nothing seemed to be organized; they were in the middle of a clearing, under heavy fire and their only hope is that if McAllen and the other trooper could back track and find a way into the left side of the trees.
"Follow me, Walters!" Cried Chris; he really was getting a kick off the whole, leader thing. The two men raced as fast as they could through the trees. They decided to go forward rather than backwards; to take out the sniper would be a lovely prize.
Walters had his M90 shotgun at the ready as he ran behind Chris; who had shouldered his K48A2 and drew his MA5C in his right hand and his M6D (the one Alison gave him) in his left.
They broke cover several hundred metres down the track where there was only six metres of open ground to cover. They both thought they had ran past the sniper any how; how wrong they were.
Walters followed McAllen into the open, then he noticed something to his right; sunlight reflecting somewhere in the distance.
"Hey, McAl..." *BANG, THUD, ERGH* Chris didn't stop running, he knew that Walters was hit.
"FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!" His mind screamed as he tried to assess the situation. Chris thought he should take the sniper out before proceeding.
Chris still had a weapon in each hand, then thinking against this after remember the sniper must still be several hundred metres up the track. He snuck a quick look not before feeling the wind of a shot whoosh past his ear.
"Fuck he's good!" Cried Chris, "now where are my smoke grenades?" Chris felt over his webbing, it seems the G49s were the only thing he forgot this morning; tough luck.
"McAllen?" Said a voice somewhat familiar, "Can you hear me, over?" He just noticed it was his radio; it was Michelle.
"Heh, yeah I'm here, only just though," Chris then yelled "FUCKING SNIPER" at the sniper whilst holding down the transmit button then releasing it.
"Yeah, we just heard yesterday that these guys had the best sniper in this bunch," Chris heard a sigh then some more gunshots, "don't worry about coming back here, we're almost done, only a few enemies left, we started using smoke grenades and we're fine now, I sent Sid up to help you, he should almost be there by now..."
A twig snap from behind made Chris spin. He was greeted by a walking bush; it was Sid with his Snipers Rifle at the ready and was wearing a decked out Guille suit.
"Ok," he said; he was never one for words, "where's the bitch?" Chris was taken back by the comment.
"Bitch?" Chris looked over at Walters, he was lying completely still but Chris could see he was still breathing.
"Yeah, it's a chick, from what I heard from some guys yesterday she's a stone cold fox!"
"You think you can take her, then?" Asked Chris checking his webbing, his ammo bandolier was digging into his shoulder.
"If they can shoot like that I must have taught them myself!" Snuffed Sid; cocking his S2 AM snipers rifle.
Sid crawled on his belly for fifty or so metres in the long grass, Chris was almost thirty, thirty five feet behind him but was still in the woods.
"Alright let's see how good you are, bitch!" Exclaimed Sid as he opened his bipod and checked his safety, "alright, McAllen on my signal I want you to break cover and run behind me and over to the other side of the path, alright, get ready!"
Chris was tense, his arms felt heavy and wobbled like jelly under the weight of his weapon.
Sid checked the area with his scope; Chris was looking at him as he did so. Sid checked possible areas from where a sniper could be hidden, he saw a clump of dead trees; nothing, a grassy knoll; nothing, a pile of small trees.... *BOOM* Sid just saw the muzzle flash at the pile of trees before he felt the burning sensation of the training round's impact.
"FOR FUCK'S SAKE!" Cried Chris into his mike, "they just got Sid.
"What?" It was Hans, "who just got him?"
"The fucking sniper!"
"Oh it must be P..." *Boom* another shell landed close to the tree Chris was hiding behind, making him drop his ear piece.
Five minutes passed before Chris decided on action; if he could get Sid's rifle he might stand a chance. Chris made a gesture to move from cover only to get a 14.5 x 114 mm training round imbed itself in the tree he was hiding behind.
"OK, bitch, you only got three shells in the clip now..." *BOOM* Another nervous shot was fired at him, "two." Chris did a quick look around, *BOOM*, "one left!" Chris broke cover and only went a foot before he went straight into a forward roll trying to become a harder target. *BOOM* The bullet hit the dirt at Chris' feet, he jumped from his roll and grabbed Sid's S2 AM and two magazines and a G49 Smoke grenade before he dashed back to his tree.
"Any chance on some back up, Kelso!?" Asked Chris removing his MA5C and K48A2 from his harness and placed them on the ground; it was time to be a lame sniper...
"Negative, McAllen, we have just been engage by several more men, most likely your friend's back up, so you might want to use that, we might be half an hour maybe an hour, they just don't want to move!" Kelso stopped receiving and pushed his men onwards. Good luck McAllen! He thought as he let another bad guy have it.
Chris took a deep brief, trying to remember what Alison had taught him back on earth. I wish I still had my FAL! He thought as he tested the scopes setting; he had hooked the weapon up to his HUD and enabled Thermal Imaging through the scope, hopefully this would help him.
"Now or never, bitch!" He exclaimed as removed his pilfered G49 Smoke grenade and removed the safety pin; sniper rifle in hand he threw it out into the open and waited for it to spew out its contents before dashing out into the open through the imitation cover.
Chris knelt in the centre of the mass of smoke and shoulder his rifle and aimed in the general direction of where the shots had come from and then he used thermal to see through the smoke.
I hope she hasn't got a clue to what I'm doing! His mind screamed as his thermal activated, he instantly saw a yellow/blue/red/orange/green; and many other colours in between, body lying down in some long grass which were just represented as dark blue twigs swaying in the breeze.
Chris could see the figure was doing something; something with her helmet...
For a split second a massive fireball of red engulfed at the front of the enemy sniper, then a large red object; the size of an index finger, shot towards him, then massive noise echoed through the trees toward Chris' ears, she had found him!
Chris didn't hesitate for another second he put the cross hair on his intended victim and took pressure on the trigger and then he fired...
So did the enemy sniper in the same millisecond...
Pain, then blackness engulfed Chris' senses as he hit the ground, hard and then he didn't know what was happening...
Long Time Gone Part 24
Date: 13 November 2004, 8:06 AM
Long Time Gone Part 24: And that's the end of that chapter
June 24th, 2550, Reach, seventh day of the 'Thirty Day Proving Battle', Camp #6 first aid tent, 0330 hours
"Hey, can you hear, me?" Asked an angelic voice, it sounded kind and caring.
Chris tried to open his eyes but bright lights hurt his eyes, instead he tried to smell where he was; anesthetics greeted his nostrils, it smelt like he was in a hospital of some kind.
"W-wha... what happened?" He moaned trying to remember what happened, he tried to think but his head hurt, he motioned to move his hand. It felt heavy and unused, he lifted it but it fell straight back down, he felt like shit...
"You got hit in the head," said the voice, who is that? He thought, "hit in the head by that sniper."
"D-d-did you get her?" He asked remembering trying to hit her with Sid's rifle.
"No," said the voice, "you got her." Chris' heart skipped a beat.
"I got her?" He said repeating the voice.
"Yes, but please rest, McAllen, you need your rest."
"Who are you?"
"Can't you tell? It's me, Michelle..." Chris drifted off into unconsciousness uncontrollably.
Chris' wound kept him off the battlefield for two weeks. He had received a concussion. In the last week of battle it seemed Camp #6 was going to win. They had won ten of their eleven battles and Chris was told he was doing the best in the camp.
It seemed on the battle when he had got hit he had killed almost twenty enemies including the sniper which brought his total kills to one hundred and nine to one death.
In the last week of the battle Chris rejoined the ranks of his comrades and continued to gain kills and didn't get 'killed' again.
July 22nd, 2550, Reach, last day of the 'Thirty Day Proving Battle', closing ceremony, 1150 hours
Chris stood in the first rank of his camp in full combat attire, the only thing missing was his long arm weapons, everyone was only allowed to bring their pistols.
"A. Parker!" Yelled the General in charge from the podium, "front and centre!"
"It can't be..." Chris breathed as he heard the name. A figure scuttled from the ranks of another camp and walked up to the General.
"Congratulations, soldier, you finished first in the battle with one hundred and forty eight confirmed 'kills', well done!" The trooper was handed a medal got a hand shake and was told to sit down.
Chris was dumbfounded; was that Alison? Chris thought it could just be a coincidence, there were thousands of Parkers and millions of names that started with the letter A., it couldn't be...
"C. McAllen," the General again, "front and centre!" Cheers from his comrades companied Chris as he walked up to the podium.
"Good on ya McAllen!"
"Go for it!"
Chris stood at attention to the General who gave him a wink.
"Congratulations, son, you came second with one hundred and forty seven kills, makes you wish you made some more shots count, doesn't it?" Chris snuffed a laugh.
"It sure does, sir, and thank you sir!" Chris took the medal and the hand shake.
"Oh and by the way, tonight Sargeants Chambers, Foley and you will be picked up by a driver, welcome to the Fallschirmjäger."
"But I'm a Corporal, sir." The General tapped his nose twice, Chris got the idea and gave a salute and walked back to his spot at the front.
An hour passed and the top fifteen of the contest got a medal; Chambers came ninth and was very happy.
Camp #6, 1509 Hours, party time
Everyone was celebrating. They had won the entire battle; they all now had individual decoration, stating their camp had won the battle. It was worn above the 1st Shock Trooper Division Insignia for all to see.
Chris and Michelle were talking loudly to each other about when she would be back from Zeta Doradus.
"I don't really know, maybe a month, maybe a year, who knows" Michelle took another sip of alcohol, she shifted on the bench they were sitting on and wiggled closer to him.
"Well I'll be here, I'm part of the Fallschirmjäger and we're permanently here until we're needed elsewhere," Chris couldn't stop wondering if that was Alison.
"Chris," it was that voice he had grown to love, "do you want to go and do something?" Usually he would be all over her but he sat there, thinking.
Michelle gave him the sad puppy dog look and laid over his lap, looking up at his face. Then Chris' mind snapped back to reality and he looked down. He begun to blush.
"Sorry, dream land," Chris scratched the back of his head, "how about we just sit and talk? That is more memorable than a root, Michelle." Michelle let out a fake sigh and crossed her arms over her chest.
1703 Hours
Chris, Chambers and Susan Foley stepped up into the back of the truck, all with new Sargeant bars on their uniforms, Kelso and everyone wished them the best of luck at their new posting.
Hans was somewhat annoyed that they weren't transferred into his unit but he glad that they were still Shock Troopers. Chris had kissed Michelle good bye, he promised to keep in touch. The driver didn't seem to waste anytime and hit the gas as soon as they were seated.
The driver's uniform was the same as theirs except for a strange bandolier but that wasn't in clear enough view to see how much.
July 22nd, 2550, Reach, 18 kilometres south of Camp Hathcock, Camp Julius, 1st Shock Trooper Division Fallschirmjäger Light Airborne Infantry Brigade home camp, the Eagle's Nest, 2301 hours
A bump in the road woke Chris up, he noticed Chambers and Foley were leaning on each other and sleeping, he had been leaning on one of the poles used to hold a tarp up which wasn't installed.
The truck skidded to a stop outside the actual 'Eagle's Nest' of the camp which was the Command Centre. Chris woke Chambers and Foley and stepped down, he just noticed he had slept with all his weapons slung around his shoulders.
A young looking General stood outside the Centre smoking a cigarette and gave the three a cold look. The low light had made the sentries on duty don night vision.
The General stomped out his cigarette and walked slowly over to the three wary individuals. All carried at least two long arm weapons, one even had a heavy machine gun over their shoulder, and in the low light it seemed like a woman holding it.
"Welcome to, Julius," the man outstretched a hand to the man on the left with K48A2 LMG, "I'm General Yuri Golcov," the man's English was a refined Oxford class, "I am the second in command of the Fallschirmjäger and you are?"
"Sargeant McAllen, Chris," Chris shook the man's hand, "this is Sargeant Michael Chambers" Chambers got the next shake, "and this lovely lady is Susan Foley" Susan got a kiss on her left hand.
"That'll be enough of that, man," said Chambers almost too seriously as he stood between the General and Susan.
"Oh, sorry old sport, didn't know you two were, err, together," Yuri took a step backwards, the three Troopers uniform combined with the balaclavas at night made even men on his side look threatening.
The three were introduced to their Commander, Brigadier General Alex Kruton, he explained tomorrow they would be organized into squads with other Troopers arriving from other camps, and then they would receive the specialized training of Airborne Infantry.
"Do you have a list of Troopers coming, sir?" Asked Chris, he wanted to see if that was Alison and if she was coming here, "there's an old friend I'd like to see again."
"Sorry, err, McAllen, but that's strictly confidential, you'll just have to wear it."
July 23rd, 2550, Reach, Camp Hathcock, Shock Trooper Squad # 113 aboard Pelican bound for Pillar of Autumn, 0630 Hours.
Michelle rested her head against the wall of the drop ship, she liked to fly, she just hated leaving the atmosphere.
Michelle's squad was fully decked out; they had all the weapons needed for close range boarding actions. They were the only Shock Trooper group aboard the Pillar of Autumn but they would be working in conjunction with Marine Special Forces.
Within several Hours the ship was prepped and ready and had left Reach, heading for Zeta Doradus. Parker's Squad had Jinx, Sid and Trent in it, it was a fourteen man squad, they were mostly armed with MA5Cs and M90 shotguns, Sid had his S2 AM rifle and they had a K48A2 gunner as well, it was Xavier from Camp #6.
They sat back for the week trip out there, then they would do recons.
July 24th, 2550, Reach, Camp Julius, Fallschirmjäger training, 0430 hours.
Fallschirmjäger training only involved advanced disembarking from air craft using parachutes and the new advanced A-12 'Jetpacks', not the videogame fly around jet pack; the type that you jump out of an air craft with and when you get with in thirty metres of the ground., it would self initiate and gently lower the Trooper to the ground.
Even though it was in use, it is still very experimental, it was fitted to the back of their armour in between the shoulder blades and only volunteers used them and you can guess McAllen and Chambers volunteered.
Another part of the Fallschirmjäger training was gathering weapons and supplies from special dropped containers. As with their World War Two brethren, they too only dropped with a 'Gravity knife' and a pistol; nothing else, everything else was taken from supply containers.
It would only take a week for them to be trained as Fallschirmjäger. The name 'Fallschirmjäger' means 'Hunters from the Sky', a name worthy of their World War Two brethren and themselves.
Upon completion of the Fallschirmjäger training they were award with their 'Gravity Knife', initially used by WW2 Fallschirmjäger to cut their harnesses should they be too untangled to get out of but in today's modern age they were purely a symbol of completing training and of being a Fallschirmjäger.
Chris and Chambers were also given their 'wings', it was a symbol of a swooping eagle diving down with the planet Earth in its clutches. Also they received 'Fleck tarn' Camouflage, it was another thing used by the old Fallschirmjäger but was extremely effective camo. August 4th, 2550, Reach, Camp Julius, new orders, 0900
Chris and Chambers had proven to be exception soldiers, even more so when fighting together, they were both transferred to training for several months for them to teach young and bright recruits from all services the skills they had learnt.
They were stationed at the training centre at Camp Hathcock and under United Nation Star Command authority. Chris had drawn the shit covered end of the stick and got advanced marksmanship whilst Chambers had gotten basic close range combat with a shotgun.
The next few weeks went like a breeze, they were exceptional leaders of men which did not go un-noticed, specially by the ONI Officials at Hathcock...
Long Time Gone Part 25
Date: 17 November 2004, 6:44 AM
Long time Gone Part 25: Lost Company
August 25th, 2550, Zeta Doradus, Pillar of Autumn, boarding party pod #3, 1702
Whilst on patrol in the Zeta Doradus system a fighter from the Pillar of Autumn; whilst on an advanced reece had discovered a semi destroyed Covenant ship, extremely small, somewhere big as an apartment building, big but not that big for a ship...
Michelle Ripply was to lead her platoon and a platoon of Marine Special Forces on a scouting mission of the ship. If anything useful was found they would radio back and the techies would then come aboard.
The two platoons were wearing extremely cheap but effective atmosphere suits over their uniform, IF the ship had oxygen they could remove the suits and be ready for combat.
Michelle had her men sit down and be ready for the launch and brace for the impact of hitting the Covenant ship. The AI's voice came over the intercom.
"Launch in tee minus ten seconds," the Troops locked in their safety harnesses and wore grim faces; this could get painful, "nine... eight... seven... six... five..." the engines begun to start up with a hypnotic purr, "four... three... two... one..."
The small craft sped toward the Covenant ship, it was just inside heavy weapon range on the PoA; just in case they were playing Possum...
Michelle had closed her eyes, she didn't want to see the big ship looming toward her.
THUD Was the sound as the ship attached itself to the Covenant vessel.
A Technician stepped up to the breaching device in the pod and started typing rapidly, a green light came on.
"We got Oxygen, sufficient levels for humans... Covenant as well so be on the look out, no visible of noticeable breaches in hull integrity, all clear, ready?" Michelle gave the techie the thumbs up, he hit the switch and then the lasers went into work; they cut through the side of the Covenant vessel allowing for the Boarding Party to actually board.
PING! Was heard as the door opened; almost like an elevator. A musky smell greeted the teams' noses.
"Cue Wee! What the hell died in here!?" Said one Marine as he led the way, the lights were off so they turned on their flash lights.
"This is Boarding Party, this vessel seems to be abandoned," started Michelle, she locked the magazine in her MA5C and stepped out of her suit; she folded it up and placed it in her pack, "proceeding to sweep and clear, out." Then too her team, "alright move out ladies, move out, keep the chatter minimum, Marines check the upper deck, we got the Cargo hold, alright move!" Michelle lead her platoon and the Marine Sargeant lead his.
"This is, Quinn," One of Michelle's troopers said, "we've got a slight life reading up ahead, only slight, I'd say some type of rodent."
"Alright, Quinn, take Malarkey and Yogi and check it out," whisper Michelle into her throat piece, "Xavier! Stay on my ass!"
"Yes ma'am," replied Xavier, he had drifted off to the left a little bit.
Quinn gave the go signal and Malarkey and Yogi broke cover from behind one of several purple containers and moved forward; stopping at the next pile of crates and covering Quinn's advance.
Quinn held the life detection device at arms length, his MA5C in the other. The soft droning 'beep beep' got slowly faster as he neared the area where the life was coming from.
"Quinn status?" Asked Michelle, she had stopped the rest of her men from moving ahead. Quinn looked away from the device and looked around with his torch.
"Two fifths of three eighths of fuck all here, ma'am" Replied Quinn. His device started to beep slightly faster. 'Beep beep beep...' Quinn didn't notice he was looking around himself.
Meanwhile on the upper level the Marine Special Forces weren't fairing any better.
"I got several life readings, minor; most likely Covenant pets or something," said the Marine in charge of the Life Scanner.
"No chances check it out..." Said the Sargeant, "everyone else hold up, fan out thirty metres!" The Marines complied as the one with the scanner wandered off into the darkness.
Charles Hoffman looked around himself, his scanner said he was right on top of the life source but he could only see blackness, even with his torch the area failed to be fully illuminated.
Then he felt it...
A small droplet of warm liquid hit the back of his unprotected neck.
"What the fuck?" He said over the system.
"What? What is it, Hoffman?" Asked the Sargeant.
"I dunno, where the fuck did it come from?" He looked left and right then he looked up...
His flashlight reflected off ten or so pairs of eyes watching him; they belonged to huge creatures. They were suspended off the roof; they had hand grips on the ventilation system on the roof of the ship.
One dropped down in front of Hoffman; it was big, at almost nine foot it almost doubled the man's height. The creature snorted a foul breath into the Marines face. The creature was wearing a helmet and armour similar to the type Elites wear.
Hoffman babbled to say something then he saw the blades on the creatures arm bands. They were sharp very sharp, they even had caked blood on them.
"S... S... SARG..." Cried Hoffman into his radio as the creature swung its blades at neck height slicing the mans throat from ear to ear, the remainder of his speech was a gargle as he dropped to the floor; blood spurting out of his wounds.
"Hoffman! Hoffman!" Cried the Marine Sargeant looking over his shoulder, "you two check it out!" He pointed at two Marines who reluctantly complied.
Michelle heard the commotion on the Marine channel and switch frequencies.
"What's the problem, Sargeant?" She asked making sure Xavier was still behind her.
"We got a man MIA, possibly KIA we don't know, ma'am." Xavier looked around himself, he had duck taped a flashlight to the barrel of his K48A2 and was using it to see into the shadows.
He felt a sudden gust of wind; no wind couldn't be warm in here he thought, there couldn't even be wind inside a ship! Then a drop of liquid hit his helmet he looked around himself then felt powerful hands clasp his head and wretch him off the ground silently and into the darkness.
"Alright stay frosty," Michelle cut the transmission and turned to ask Xavier something; but he wasn't there, "Xavier?" She enquired into the darkness, "where'd you go? This isn't the time to be a hero!" A clung got her attention, off to the left.
"Reece!" Michelle hissed into her mic, she needed back up, static met her ears, she switched frequencies, "Sargeant?"
"Yes, ma'am?" He answered, "something wrong?"
"Yes there's something wrong! My fucking platoon is missing!" Michelle heard someone, something, running off to right now.
"Just try again I'm sure it's on their end... Oh good lord!" Cried the Sargeant, gunfire broke out on his end of the radio, "kill it, kill it!" He cried, "there's another one! Winky, no!" More gunfire erupted, distracting Michelle.
Footsteps echoed behind Michelle. She turned and saw something; something big sulk off into the shadows. She pushed herself up against the containers she was hiding behind.
She peeked around the corner and heard something the other side, she swapped sides and looked again; nothing.
"Where the fuck are you..." She muttered to herself, she only just noticed the transmission from the Marines had ceased, "oh shit..." She thought checking her HUD, the Marines were all KIA, she checked her team's status and two of hers were still said to be alive.
Michelle gripped her MA5C tightly fumbling for her combat knife and fitting it to the base of the forward grip; it was effectively now a bayoneted assault rifle.
"R... Rip... Ripply!" Cried a voice in pain behind her, she saw one of her men in pain, bleeding from the gut, he was slouched over, leaning on a container.
"Hang on I'll help you!" She Cried moving over to him.
"No, stay back there's one holding me righ... ARGHH!" The man toppled forward a large gash in his armour's chest plate. Michelle could hear the heavy breathing of something. It was close.
The Creature took a step out of cover; a new coat of blood on its wrist blades.
"What the fuck are you..." She breathed slowly bringing her weapon up to fire.
Just as the creature charged her, it was a good ten metres away when Michelle started shooting, firing full auto at its head...
"Die! Die!" She screamed spraying the whole magazine into the creature; it didn't stop. Michelle took a desperate action and lunge at the beast with her bayonet just as it was upon her; just below the chin in the throat.
The creature stopped and toppled onto her as it fell to the ground; dead...
Michelle scrambled out from under the beast; reloading her weapon before looking at her dead comrade the one who had been the bait and saw his shotgun.
Blue shells! Her mind screamed as she rushed over to the corpse and took the man's M90 and his bandolier of ammunition. She pumped he shotgun rapidly emptying the buckshot and then loaded tungsten tipped polymer carbon shells.
Michelle didn't have much faith in her getting out of this alive but she'd go down fighting.
An uneasy wash of silence engulfed the ship. Michelle couldn't even hear her own footsteps she were so silent as she walked. Only the sound of her own breathing could be heard. All of a sudden a voice boomed in her ear piece she jumped for a second then realizing it was the radio.
"Recon team, check in," a voice asked with authority, "report, over." Michelle reached for her radio.
"This is Ripply, everyone else is dead, there's something bad on this ship," Michelle blubbered a little, "I... I don't know what to do!" Michelle suddenly felt crowded even in this vastness she felt something looming over her very existence.
"Calm down soldier we'll get help over there ASAP," said the radio operator," head back to the pod and wait for the next team, out." Michelle was left alone once more. She sulked back to the pod, constantly looking over her shoulder.
Footsteps... Running footsteps! From behind! Michelle turned and fired out of instinct and hit one of the massive creatures which had charged her in the head. Instant take down...
The echo of the beast hitting the ground echoed louder than the actual shot from the weapon. Michelle took a step towards the beast; it looked dead then it let out a rough snort. Michelle shot again blowing a large hole out of its throat and warm breath floated into the cold, dark air.
Michelle stood there looking at the creature, but then another broke cover from behind her...
Michelle spun and fired but she wasn't as lucky this time the creature came running at a half crouch run; the slug zoomed over head. The beast spear tackled her. Michelle lost her grip on her shotgun as it flung off into the darkness; out of reach...
The beast held her down with to powerful arms. Looking her up and down; it then swiped its wrist blade across her breast plate. The blade pierced but failed cut her skin.
Michelle started to panic as the creature raised its arm again, this time it was at head height.
Michelle drew a grenade; removed the pin and stuff it down the rear plate of armour on the beast. It stopped its swing immediately and knew what was down its back. The beast slackened its grip on Michelle who was loudly counting, 'one, on thousand, two, one thousand...' When the beast slackened its grip, Michelle jumped to her feet and dashed for cover, leaving the enemy to its fate...
Michelle dived as the explosion sent out a shock wave... She landed hard on something; the shotgun! She picked the weapon up and began to move as quickly as possible to the pod.
August 25th, 2550, Zeta Doradus, Pillar of Autumn, boarding party pod #3, 1739 hours
If I can make it me and the techie can get the hell out of here! She thought as she rounded the corner to where they breached the hull... A bad sight met her eyes.
One of the creatures stood inside the pod and was mauling the corpse of the techie
"Nooo!" She yelled raising the shotgun and firing rapidly. Boom, cha-ching, Boom, cha-ching... Each hit sent the creature sprawling backwards until it slumped against one of the walls.
Michelle rushed into the pod and checked the techie; half his face was gone, he was obviously dead...
Michelle heard unmistakable sound of movement, almost ten pairs of feet running towards her. She began to cry when she saw that several of the slugs had pierced the dead creature and destroyed the control panel... she was stuck here.
The footsteps grew louder and louder. It was a hopeless situation, Michelle didn't want to die by a blade; she preferred a bullet...
Not really thinking she drew her M6D with shivering hands, thought of Chris as she placed it under her chin...
"Goodbye, Chris..." She breathed as she closed her eyes.
These soldiers had the great pleasure of being some of the first to see and die by the Covenant beasts known as the Brutes...
Long Time Gone Part 26
Date: 21 November 2004, 2:29 AM
Long Time Gone Part 26: Depression
August 25th, 2550, Reach, Camp Hathcock, instructor quarters #3, 1745 hours
Chris' eyes snapped open and he sat up immediately in bed, his body awash in a cold sweat.
"Something terrible has happened..." He breathed trying to wonder what had caused him to rouse. Soon his thoughts clouded his mind so much he couldn't remember even putting his head back down on his damp pillow and was asleep in seconds.
August 26th, 2550, Reach, Camp Hathcock, Communications Centre, station #1 0001 Hours
Floyd Weine was sitting back at his console, it had been a late night and it wasn't over yet, the Pillar of Autumn was due in for a report The transmission started but it wasn't a happy one...
"... Pillar of Autumn personal log for the 25th of August, 2550. Twenty-nine casualties, all KIA, an un-known enemy had waited until they had boarded a stricken vessel before slaughtering them. The names will be read in order of rank..." Floyd grabbed a pen and paper and was ready to jot down the names. "Lieutenant Ripply, Michelle, Sargeant Dale, Ben, Sarge..."
Floyd was shocked. Fourteen of the KIAs were Shock Troopers, he was a Shock Trooper himself, stationed with the training division at Hathcock, but was doing the close combat course as well and also had been unlucky enough to pull radio watch tonight.
"Oi, Klein!" Bellowed Floyd at another Shock Trooper on another console half way up the room, they were the only ones here.
"Yo, what?" Replied Klein.
"Hey whose the Sarge at the rifle range? The funny bastard, you know McDonald or something?"
"You mean McAllen?" Said Klein with a lack of enthusiasm.
"Yeah him, well what was the Lieutenant he was screwing?" Floyd stared at the piece of paper.
"Ripply I think, why?"
"Then I got to go break the news to him..." Floyd put the entry into his PDA and sat back; thinking.
August 26th, 2550, Reach, Camp Hathcock, instructor quarters #3, 0633 hours
A soft droning 'beep beep' echoed out from Chris' alarm clock.
"Turn that fucking thing off," groaned Chambers face down on his bed; swinging blindly at the clock on its stand next to the bed, "bah, die already!"
Chris sat up on his cot and looked at Chambers swinging blindly at the clock. Chris pressed the button, the beeping and Chambers' swinging stopped.
"Come on," said Chris putting his pants on, it was going to be a good day, he only had three too be snipers to train, "wakey, wakey, hands of snakey!" Chris poked Chambers a couple of time.
"Piss off," said Chambers hugging his pillow, "wake me in an hour or so."
"I am not covering your ass again, Chambers, now get the hell out of bed! Don't make me go get the Lieutenant!"
With that Chambers jumped out of bed and put some clothes on; their new Lieutenant was an absolute hard ass.
Within ten minutes the two were seated in the mess hall; which was extremely empty; not many personal were around at this hour, they were either already up and had breakfast or were still in bed.
"Bah, I hate this fricking battery acid!" Spat Chambers pushing the cup of coffee away.
"Come on," said Chris taking the cup and about to take a drink, "it can't be tha... blah!" Chris spat the disgusting liquid out and pushed the cup further away from them.
August 26th, 2550, Reach, Camp Hathcock, Advanced Marksmanship, 1130 hours
The shot echoed along the range. The S2 AM sniper rifle had a monstrous sound to it and the echo only made it seem even more powerful.
"A bit low, Skip," said Chris looking at the mark the target crew had put over the bullet hole, "give me up two, left half."
"Aye, Aye, sir," said the young Marine Sniper adjusting his sights as Chris stated.
The Trooper fired again, a better result, Chris was about to give some more adjustments when he heard someone running behind him. A Black Clad Shock Trooper in 'casual'; he was only wearing his fatigues and breast plate, nothing else, ran up to him.
"Sargeant McAllen?" Asked the man after giving a salute.
"Yeah, hey your that guy from 1st aren't you? The guy Chambers was talking about yesterday, he said you did damn fine in the close range course, ah God, what was your name again?" Chris scratched his head, "f... Floyd! That was it, how you going?"
"Err, ok I guess, sir, but I'll feel somewhat better after I tell you this." The man took a step and turned gesturing for Chris to follow.
"What?" Said Chris following, he turned to the waiting sniper, "Skip just wait there, I'll be right back..."
"You'll want to sit down, Sarge," explained Floyd taking a seat on an ammo box, Chris pulled one up too.
Floyd put a hand on his forehead; it was difficult for him to say this.
"You, were, um, like dating a Lieutenant from Alpha Company weren't you?" Asked Floyd, he had a piece of paper in his hand.
"Ah, yeah," Said Chris, unsure at first, he thought Michelle was in Alpha he couldn't be sure.
"Michelle Ripply?" Finalized Floyd clenching his hand which had the piece of paper in.
"Yeah..." Said Chris again, what's happened?" He thought, and then he remembered earlier this morning, "oh shit..." Floyd didn't say anything, he knew what Chris was thinking just handed him the now crinkled piece of paper. Floyd got up to go but Chris grabbed his arm.
"When did it happen?" demanded Chris, he was breathing heavily looking at the big red letters of 'KIA' next to Michelle's name.
"Yesterday afternoon, Sarge," Floyd stepped back and sat back down, "look Sarge, there was nothing you could do, she was half the galaxy away."
"No, there is one thing I could have done," Chris put the paper in his breast pocket, "I could have told her how I really felt!" Chris stood up unexpectedly, turned on his heel and walked towards the Instructor quarters; only if you were looking closely could you have seen the tears swelling in his eyes.
"But Sarge!" Cried Floyd, "what about the sniper?" Skip had gotten impatient and came over to see what the problem was.
"Fuck him!" Yelled Chris storming off to his quarters...
August 27th, 2550, Reach, Camp Hathcock, instructor quarters #3, 0001 hours
Chambers stumbled into the room, drunk beyond belief. He's obviously upset that Susan isn't here thought Chris.
"... Good to see you again, baby," said Chambers leaning out of the door, "love you..."
"...Love you too, Michael!" Replied the voice, it sounded familiar.
Chris was curious to ask who it was but he was too busy looking up at the ceiling. Thinking why he wasn't there with her, to protect her...
"Yo, McAllen" Said Chambers sitting down on his cot, his voice was stuttered, "I h... hear... heard... about Ripply, man," Chris could tell how forced it was, even from a drunk it sounded as fake as a cure for cancer, "if y... you want to t... talk I'm here for you..."
"Actually" Said Chris breaking his train of thought, "who wa..." Chris stopped as soon as he heard the unmistakable sound of snoring, "night, man..."
August 27th, 2550, Reach, Camp Hathcock, instructor quarters #3, 0800 hours
Chambers opened his eyes finally, at first he was happy, he hadn't been woken up by that stupid alarm clock but then he felt worried, McAllen wasn't there.
Chambers stumbled out of bed; they didn't need to be at the range until 1030 hours so they had some time to muck around.
Chambers walked down the corridor asking passer bys had they seen McAllen. No one had seen him.
Eventually Chambers decided to check the range, McAllen was always a stiffler for being early.
A lone figure sat out in the middle of the deserted range, looking up at the sky.
"Better late than never," said McAllen not looking at Chambers.
"Man, if you're pissed about anything I did last night," Chambers sat down next to his friend, "I'm sorry..."
"It's not that man," Said Chris, he handed Chambers the piece of paper.
"Oh that..." Said Chambers almost too uninterested.
"Oh that?!" Chris restrained himself from slugging Chambers, "it's more than just that, it's this!" He pointed at the ground, "that!" Up at the armada of ships waiting to head off into space, "Christ even them!" A small group of recruits had come over and were standing back almost one hundred yards.
"What do you mean?" Asked Chambers seriously.
"I mean why the fuck am I stuck here!? I didn't ask to be here! I wanted to be with her; even if I died with her at least I would have been with her!" Chris started to cry, "I didn't even tell her how I really felt, man. I loved her..."
"Hush, hush," said Chambers in his most sensitive voice, "I'm sure she knew you did..."
"Why can't they just let me go and do my job? But no! I'm stuck here on this God forsaken shit hole teaching greasy haired little bastards who have seen more combat than both of us together how to shoot!" Chambers could tell by the way Chris' arguments began to be less about Michelle he was feeling better with it off his chest.
"Come on, Chris," Chambers forced Chris up, "you're going to have a sick day today..."
"I just want to die..." Said Chris. Chambers let Chris walked several steps ahead as he looked up at the sky...
"I bet she didn't, man, I bet she didn't..."
Long Time Gone Part 27
Date: 28 November 2004, 7:45 AM
Long Time Gone Part 27: Look What the Wind Blew In...
October 22nd, 2550, Reach, Camp Hathcock, Personal Processing, 1401 Hours
"Ma'am?" voice interrupted Alison's slumber. She opened her eyes and was met by a young man's face, "come on ma'am we're here..."
Alison sat up in her part of the bench type seat fitted in the back of the truck. She let out a yawn as she stepped down, grabbing her rifle and ruck sack.
Alison Parker had just been transferred from her posting at one of the M.A.C guns to Hathcock for Advanced Marksmanship; she heard the instructor was meant to be real good. Some of Alison's friends had done the course and said he was cute too, but they said he refused to go out with any of them.
"We'll see when he sees me..." Muttered Alison as she stepped up to the desk and gave the Marine there her details and was told to report to the female dormitories.
October 22nd, 2550, Reach, Camp Hathcock, Instructor Quarters #3, 1806 Hours
"Want to go to the bar?" Asked Chambers.
"No..." Was all Chris said, he was still upset.
"Well if your not gonna go I'll stay back too."
"No go man, I'll be fine..."
"Can't you understand sarcasm or something? You're meant to come along now!" Chambers snuffed a laugh, "what else are you going to do?"
"Reflect, wonder why I'm here, what's the meaning of life," Chris started to chuckle, "hippy shit basically!"
"What ever if you get bored me and Foley will be at the bar, well if we aren't at the bar we're in the closet but we probably won't be long..." Chris tapped his nose twice as Chambers grabbed his coat and left the room.
Chambers met Foley outside the bar.
"Stuff going to get drunk then doing it," started Foley, "let's just go straight to the closet..."
"Alright babe, straight to the point..." Chambers put his face close to hers as another female trooper walked past.
Hmm looks interesting thought Alison seeing the two love birds walking off. She walked into the bar and found a table by herself. Alison sat at the table and drank one beer over three hours.
Alison had seen McAllen at the Thirty Day Proving Battle closing ceremony. She had tried to find where he had been posted afterwards but it was classified.
"I finally met someone nice and I let them get away," muttered Alison, she finished her beer finally and looked closely at the Marines and Troopers at the bar; talking loudly and chatting each other up.
Alison was somewhat surprised no one had come to chat her up, I wonder what's wrong with me... I'm hot and sexy, well so I'm told,. She thought just as a Marine walked in the bar noticed her straight away and gave a salute and kept walking.
"Christ, it's because I'm an Officer..." She breathed, "Stuff them," she stood up and went to her Officer Quarters in the female dorms.
October 23rd, 2550, Reach, Camp Hathcock, Rifle Range, 1102 Hours
Chris McAllen sat back with his binoculars and observed the current sniper's pattern on the target at 1200 metres.
"Keep up the work, son," said Chris, "just take your time..."
An hour later Chris and Chambers had just finished lunch and were sitting around at the range; Chambers had no students left for the day but Chris had one more.
"Chris," said Chambers; examining one of the S2 AM rifles Chris trained snipers with, "you teach people how to use this weapon but why aren't you a sniper?"
"I think sniping is lame," Said Chris taking the rifle off Chambers, he put the safety on and removed the full magazine; Chambers didn't even know it was loaded...
"Well let me see how good you are anyhow," Chambers stood up and stretched, "I heard you did a good shot at that sniper with Sid's rifle..." Chambers stopped instantly; he saw the look on Chris face at the mention of Sid's name.
Sid was in Michelle's squad almost two months ago before they all got KIA.
"Yeah, it was," said Chris trying to move on.
"How about this then?" Chambers took the rifle off Chris, "you give me a quick lesson?" Chris stood up and grabbed some ammunition.
"You're on, man," exclaimed Chris grabbing the field radio, "yeah, Ruddy, McAllen here, yeah give us a target, 800 will do, gonna teach Chambers, alright, yeah thanks again man."
Chris got Chambers to lie down and set up the rifle. After a brief instruction on the loading, firing and sight adjustment of the rifle he was confident Chambers was ready.
"Alright, Ruddy, send it up..." Stated Chris, soon after a large bulls eye on a target at 800 metres sprung up, "get cracking, man..."
October 23rd, 2550, Reach, Camp Hathcock, Rifle Range, 1223 Hours
Alison Parker was wearing full combat attire except that her sleeves were rolled up and the forearm armour was missing; other than that she had everything else on including her balaclava.
A shot echoed from the range.
"What the hell," said Alison walking somewhat faster, "I'm the only one meant to be here now, don't tell me they're running behind."
Alison walked around the observation post and looked out to the firing position. Two Sargeants were there, one was lying down doing the shooting and the other one was standing behind the first; watching the shooting.
Alison dropped her gear and walked up to the Sargeants, she couldn't see their faces; they were facing away from her.
"Nah too low," said the observer in a familiar voice.
"I don't see you trying!" Replied the shooter in an equally familiar voice.
"It can't be..." Breathed Alison looking at the backs of the two men, she was suddenly filled with joy. She ran up to the standing Sargeant and grabbed his ass.
"What the fuck!?" He said turning around.
"Chris!" Said Alison, hugging him instantly.
"Who the fu..." started Chris then he saw the Lieutenant bars, "sorry, sir... ma'am!"
"Don't you recognize me?" Said Alison, looking straight into Chris' eyes; he was staring back at hers.
"Parker!" Said Chambers; he had stood up and hugged Alison without warning.
"Hello, Michael," she said pushing away from him. She removed her helmet and balaclava.
Her light sandy brown hair was tied back in a pony tail and her hazel blue eyes were just as Chris remembered them as. An awkward silence broke out between the three.
"Err..." Chris struggled to say something, he felt nervous, "what, um, brings you here, to, ah, our neck of the woods?" Chris scratched his head, he never felt nervous around Michelle but they had been lovers.
"You're going to train me according to these orders," Alison handed Chris the orders, "oh and Chambers, good to see you still can't shoot for shit!" Chambers chuckled at the remark but then realized what she really said.
"Hey..." Chris cut in.
"So, was it you at the Ceremony a few months ago?" He asked.
"Yeah, I saw you came second too, oh well," Alison walked back to the observation post, "you know what they say, second comes great after first..." Chris followed.
Chambers stood there not knowing what to do but then grabbing the rifle unloaded it and followed the two and sat down with them.
The three sat down and talked for hours it was 1501 hours when they got to the interesting parts.
"You know," said Alison, "if it was for that bastard who used a smoke grenade and his friends rifle to get me, I would have had a perfect score," Alison let out a sigh, "if I ever find that K48 totting prick I'll smack him..."
Chris suddenly felt more nervous and used his foot to slide his kit; including his K48A2 out of Alison's view.
"Hey I know wh..." Chris put a hand over Chambers' mouth when he started to speak.
"What?" Asked Alison
"Nothing, nothing," said Chris for Chambers as he lowered his hand.
"Yeah," Chambers gave Chris a look, "nothing..."
"How long you going to be with us?" Asked Chris.
"As long as it takes for me to do your training," Alison let her hair down, "I've been told your one of the best spotters." Chris blushed somewhat.
"Err, yeah, thanks," said Chris, "what else do you have to do here?"
"Nothing really, just this and then it's back to the Magnetic Accelerator Cannons or M.A.C guns..." Chris looked at Alison, "don't ask me what they are! All I know is that they'll destroy any Covenant Vessel in range in a single hit!"
"And what? You're part of the guard squad or something?" Said Chambers, he was looking over the range; nothing stirred.
"Yeah, my platoon is in charge of security for the gun, um," Alison stood up and walked out into the open and pointed at the sky, "that one, the Quail," they walked back inside and sat down.
"So how's that life?" Asked Chris, "surely it must be better than training idiots... no offence," said Chris remembering he had to train her yet.
"None taken," she said giving him a sly glance, "it's pretty tame, we get pretty low end gear, the armour is newer than most of our weapons, they even took away my MA5C!"
Chris pulled out his '5C and handed it to her.
"I'll just say it got lost," Chris handed Alison his bandolier, "they just hand the things to us instructors, one or two not coming back won't make a difference!" Chambers gave Chris a look, you're full of shit, the Armory Sargeant is gonna chew your ass for this, man...
"Thanks, Chris," she gave him a friendly hug, "I'll just have to hide it from the Captain, I swear he has it in for Specialist Troops. Just last week he sent one of my troops out into space to repair a small leak, he had never been out before, the poor fellow almost died of fright."
"What a cunt face!" Exclaimed Chambers, "If me or McAllen were there we'd tell him to go and get fucked!" Chris chuckled at the remark, but they would have done it!
"Someone has already done that," said Alison, she looked up at the roof, "me..." A grin broke out on Chris' face.
"You rebel!" He joked, "Nice example for your troops!" Alison looked at her watch.
"Shit, we ought to have done a lesson already!" She said.
"I'll just get Ruddy to set up the night fire, me and you can do the training then," Chris picked up the radio and said his idea to Ruddy; his voice boomed back.
"The fuck? Why! That means I'll miss tonight's piss up!" Chris put a hand over the mouth piece.
"Don't worry; he'll stop in a minute!" Chris took his hand off the mouth piece and spoke.
"Just set the prick of a thing to auto! God you're the master technician just do it! I'll even put you in for leave!" Chambers noted the last statement, he's up to something, he rarely tries to impress, but then again none of the recruits had been a woman he loved... You sly bastard!
Chris put the radio down and avoided Chambers' glance as he walked out of the post.
"Met me here at, say, 2030," he said looking at Alison.
"OK, nice seeing you guys, I'll see you tonight, Chris," she walked off humming to herself. Chambers walked over once she was out of earshot.
"You sly prick!" The words took Chris by surprise.
"What?" He asked, looking at Alison.
"Stop looking at her arse..." Muttered Chambers looking at the ground.
"So?" Defended Chris, "she's got a nice one!" Chambers would have usually chuckled at the comment but not now.
"Just think you moron," Chambers scuffed his feet on the cement, "you just lost Michelle a couple of months ago, think before you got into another relationship."
"Who said I wanted another relationship?" Chris looked away from Chambers, "from what she says it wouldn't make sense being together, she'll be half the planet away and we get transferred in four more months."
"You just had that look about you," explained Chambers, "I know you like her, but just let it go; you'll get over her... again, so just grin and bare it. Also I don't want have to pretend not to know you when another shower block incident happens!" Chris laughed.
"Strictly work related, honest to God and hope to die," exclaimed Chris grabbing his kit, "better hide the ole' K48 or she might deck me!" Chambers didn't laugh Chris wondered why and turned but Chambers was already walking across the field back to the barracks.
Chris sighed and started to walk back himself, he told himself he liked Alison but it was too late for anything between them, besides Chris didn't want to lose another woman to the Covenant.
Long Time Gone Part 28
Date: 16 December 2004, 11:19 AM
Long Time Gone Part 28: Better out than in...
October 23rd, 2550, Reach, Camp Hathcock, Rifle Range, 2001 Hours
Chris couldn't eat anything so he went to the range early; maybe Alison had the same idea.
"Why, oh why, oh why..." He muttered checking Ruddy had set the targets before going to the bar, "now I got to put a good word in for him to get some leave, Christ..."
"You shouldn't use the Lord's name in vain," said someone behind him.
Chris turned and Alison was there; she had her uniform on, a good sign thought Chris, she wasn't expecting any action, and she had brought her own rifle.
"Hi, Alison," Chris forced out, he felt nervous as hell around her.
"Hi," she said walking up to him, she took her helmet off and let her hair fall down, she edged closer to him, her eyes somewhat closed.
Oh shit does she want a kiss!? He thought, he had to act fast.
"Err, let's start shall we?" Chris turned away from her and avoided an annoyed look she bored into the back of his skull.
"Fine..." She sounded so disappointed.
"Take a spot and enable night vision," was all he said, trying to sound as professional as possible.
"Aye," she said laying down and deploying her bipod, "ready..."
Chris took a step back and held the auto target control.
"In three, two, one..." Chris pressed the button, nothing happened... "Nice job Ruddy, nice fucking job..."
"What?" Asked Alison, she had gotten up and left her rifle.
"Ruddy fucked up, give us a sec," Chris walked along following the cable back to the target engineer's post. He found the problem quickly, Ruddy had failed to attach the control device to the actual auto targets.
It was soon fixed and Chris made his way back to the range. Alison was sitting down looking down the range; rifle in hand; practicing a support position.
"Alight let's try again." He tried not to make eye contact, he loved her but he didn't want to hurt her feelings or himself.
Alison laid back down on the sniper's mat and set her rifle back up. She moved her legs so she wouldn't slip back and dug her elbows into the soft surface.
Chris' eyes uncontrollably shifted to her rear. He felt he couldn't look away; like a solar eclipse; you want to watch but you know it is bad for you.
"Don't stare at it," she said coldly, "and get me something to shoot." Chris was shocked he felt like he should have defended himself but he knew that he had upset her. He complied and raised the first target.
Alison dropped it with a straight headshot; the next three targets were met with similar outcomes. This went on for half an hour, Chris set the target, gave wind headings and appropriate adjustments while Alison blew the shit out of it.
"You're doing great," said Chris trying to break the awkward silences that followed between targets. Alison grunted a reply, "look, I don't know what you were expecting but..." Alison turned her head, he looked at her eyes, they were a mix between confusion and sadness, "nothing... nothing..." Said Chris, letting a breath out.
"What?" She asked seriously.
"Nothing, better off you don't know," Chris went to put the next target up but he stopped, he didn't know why, part of him wanted to tell her but the other didn't.
"But I really want to know," she said, she sat up and turned to face him. Chris looked down at her, "tell me..." she pleaded.
"Alison..." Chris stopped, his mouth was in awe, he forgot what he was going to say, "Err, I like you and all, I like you a lot in fact, but I just got off a bad relationship a few months ago and I don't feel like starting another..." Alison sat there and looked at him for second, "there I said it, I'm sure if it is enough but it is all I am saying."
Alison stared at him, not knowing what to say for a minute.
"I don't hate you for it, I didn't know about the other stuff though, what happened with her?" She asked.
"She, err, died..." Chris sat down, the memories came flooding back.
"How?" Alison scooped closer to him.
"The Covenant killed her," Chris had read the report and knew she had committed suicide against superior odds but decided to leave it out. He had even seen the video footage from her helmet, even the bit when she said good bye to him and shot herself...
"Well crying about it won't make it better," she said a bit hard but she was sitting right next to him now, "you need to be strong..." Chris wiped the tears forming under his eyes away with a hand.
"I was, it's just," Chris cradled his head in his arms, "you remind me of her but not of her, when I think of you I think of how I met her..."
"What did I have to do with it?" She asked, leaning onto his shoulder.
"You remember back on Earth, the Shock Troopers that I left with?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Remember the Sargeant of the second squad?" Chris suddenly realized Alison was leaning on him.
"Reilly or something?" Said Alison.
"No her name was Ripply, Michelle Ripply," Chris suddenly felt his stomach become smaller, trying not to embarrass himself around Alsion.
"I vaguely remember her," Alison stopped leaning on him and faced him, "did you, two, err," she whispered the next part, "do it? " Chris was somewhat taken aback by the questions.
"Ah, what does it matter?" He didn't really want to say anything.
"I'm just curious; we have so much to talk about..." Do we? They both thought as one.
"If it makes any difference yes we did and if you want to know the first time just ask anyone in her squ... wait they're dead and I don't know where Hans' Squad is... Just ask Chambers tomorrow."
"But I want to know now!" She playfully pushed him so he almost rolled over onto his side, Chris, not thinking did the same.
"You shouldn't push girls!" She said.
"You can take it!" He said, he felt happy, for what little reason there was.
They talked for a little bit more before Alison asked Chris how good he was with a sniper rifle.
"I'm ok with it but I don't like sniping I think it is, err lame," Alison gave him a slight look of annoyance after he said it.
"Let's see how good you are mister." She handed him her rifle and took the remote for the targets off him.
"Hey come on," Chris took the rifle reluctantly, "I'm the one meant to be judging your skills."
"Let's just say I want to evaluate if you're any good with anything bigger than a pistol..." Chris caught the idea of that phrase; it was a shot at his man hood.
"You'll see," Chris took up position and loaded the rifle, "you keep it well maintained, Christ even a custom non-HUD scope."
"Yeah, I dislike HUD configured scopes; it just makes it seem too much like a video game."
"I know what you mean," said Chris taking the safety off, "ready..." he concluded.
"I'll decide that," she said, "alright... go!" A target sprung up. Chris fired and it went down; a fist sized hole through the centre.
"Not bad," she said, "not bad at all..." Another target sprung up at extreme range, but it might as well been right in front of McAllen as the 14.5 x 114 mm traveled at monster velocities and took the target down in milliseconds.
"Can I stop now?" Chris looked back at Alison; she was staring at him; well more towards his legs, "hey stop looking at it! I couldn't look at yours!" Alison gave him a look and set the next target up without a word, but she had a wide smile on her face.
They spent ten minutes doing this, not saying a word. Then they finally stopped.
"So?" Said Chris relieving Alison of the controls and handing her back the rifle, "how'd I do?"
"Pretty darn good," Alison smiled for the first time in twenty minutes; but it was a forced friendly smile, "I wouldn't mind you with us on the Quail."
"Well it means a lot from you, being the pro sniper babe you are," Chris looked away from Alison after his comment, he felt like an idiot.
"Anytime," Alison slung her rifle, "how about we go back to the bar?" Chris wanted too go and enjoy her company but he didn't want to embarrass himself any further.
"Nah, I should go to bed, I got a few people to teach tomorrow, well you as well, see you around after lunch then, bye." Chris left without a further word. Alison stood there; she had something to say but held it back.
Chris walked into his room; Chambers was sitting on his own bed, waiting for McAllen.
"Hmmpf," he said at first, "so, where is she?" Chris looked at his friend; a worried look was on his face.
"I thought you didn't want me to get involved with her," Chris took a couple of steps into the room, the door hissed shut.
"Christ," exclaimed Chambers, "that is the second fucking time you haven't realized I was being sarcastic! Damn man, she's hot, don't let her get away from you, not again, so what if she is half the planet away, we might get posted closer to her eventually, who knows?"
Chris felt like a bigger idiot, he had fucked up.
"She wanted to as well..." Chris breathed sitting down on his bed, "but I told her I didn't want too, I even told her how I felt. I just don't know what to do anymore." Chris laid back on his bed, a million thoughts flooding his head, he closed his eyes but all he could see was Alison.
"Well you still have a chance," said Chambers after a few moments thought, "I'm going to sneak into Susan's quarters tomorrow after lights out so you and Alison could come here," Chambers tried to make eye contact with Chris but he was facing the wall, "its lucky because them two are room mates, just ask her, I want to be alone with Susan."
Chris agreed and tried to get some sleep...
October 24th, 2550, Reach, Camp Hathcock, Instructor Quarters, 2203 Hours
Chris clumsily tried to open the door one handed; the other was intent on opening Alison's bra, his face locked with hers.
They had spent most of the night getting drunk and talking eventually one thing lead to another and here they were, alone, getting naked in the same room... you do the math.
Long Time Gone Part 29
Date: 22 December 2004, 11:56 AM
Long Time Gone Part 29: Friends until the End
October 25th, 2550, Reach, Camp Hathcock, Instructor Quarters, 0733 Hours
Chris was woken by his alarm clock, he went to reach for it but something was in the way, he tried to move around it but then he felt that it was warm, he opened his eyes, first his eyes adjusted to the low light level in the room.
Then he noticed the clothes on the floor and then he looked to where his hand was trying to go and there lay Alison slumbering softly.
"Alright..." he spoke in a soft, rough voice. He didn't wake her, he wanted to remember this picture of her; so innocent and peaceful. But then he had to pee.
Chris crawled noiselessly out of bed; he waddled off to the toilet and went to take a piss. Chris stood there whistling for a few seconds, he could feel he might be here awhile; he must have drunk a bit last night.
Alison was woken by the whistling, she rubbed her eyes and rolled out of bed, not bothering to put anything on she walked to the bathroom.
"Hey handsome," she started, "have fun last night?" Chris turned to look at her, she look magnificent even with her hair all in a mess and over her face. Her hazel blue eyes stared into his soul.
"Hell yes!" He said, "I love you..." he said almost too rushed, he felt he had just hurt her feelings, she smiled.
"I love you too..." She moved closer and kissed him then turned to leave.
Chris suddenly felt a lot of weight on his penis. He looked and saw that the condom from last night was still there and had filled to the size of melon, he tried to stop and only to find it was too late.
The 'water' balloon busted. Urine splashed over his face. He could hear Alison chuckling uncontrollably.
"Well," he started wiping some of the liquid off his face, "I've had my shower, where's breakfast?"
October 25th, 2550, Reach, Camp Hathcock, Instructor Quarters, 0813 Hours
After they both had a shower and cleaned the room up they both thought it was an idea to go and have breakfast.
They took a seat with Chambers and Susan in the mess hall, they must have only gotten up and had showers as well. The mess hall was partially empty, although there was a large amount of Orbital Drop Shock Troopers or Helljumpers as they called them selves. They were respected as some of humanities finest.
"Hey you know those ODSTs are the same as us? They're only in the Orbital Drop section from normal Shock Troops but they are some of the best." Stated Chambers drinking some of the foul orange juice.
"So" started Susan, "did you two, 'connect'?" Susan did the bunny ears effect when she said connect.
"Yes, we did" said Alison looking at Chris, he just smiled.
"Good to hear you finally did her, man" remarked Chambers, raising his glass and drinking the remainder of it. Chris blushed somewhat.
"Better late than never," smirked Alison, "so, what's on the agenda for today Sargeant McAllen?"
"Well," Chris took out a piece of paper with his list of trainee's, "first of all I've got three ODSTs to train and then it is just you and me the rest of the day."
"Cool," she said, "I'll help you with the ODSTs if you want."
"That would be great, Alison, we'll go straight to the range after this."
Chambers and Susan were talking between themselves, something about where they would be posted next.
"Speaking of which," said Chambers, "how will you two keep in touch when you get posted back to Quail?"
"Probably just video messages until we can get some leave together, right?" Asked Alison.
"Yeah, that and might try and get you transferred to where ever Command sees fit to send our highly skilled asses."
"You saying you're better than me?" Mocked Alison.
"These don't lie!" He remarked pointing at his Fallschirmjäger Insignia and his ONI badge for being posted at the Camp.
"Well this kicks their asses," She said tapping her Lieutenant bars.
"Yeah, you're right, well we could get you transferred as a sniper easily, you might just have to take orders from someone else instead of giving them," Chris took his leave to empty his breakfast tray.
"Well, we better get going," said Chambers, "I got a shotgun session and I think you have to teach advanced evasion?" Susan nodded in approval.
"Yeah, listen, Alison, if you want some lessons just jump in line I could probably fit you in somewhere..."
"Thanks," said Alison looking at Chris yelling something at an ODST, "I'll think about it..."
"Yeah? Well I can still shoot better than you, asshole!" Said Chris with a flick of his hand at the ODST in question.
"We'll see, man!" He cried back.
Chris sat down just as Susan and Chambers got up and left.
"So," said Chris, "do you think this'll work?" Alison looked him in the eyes.
"For as long as you still love me..." she said.
October 25th, 2550, Reach, Camp Hathcock, Rifle Range, 1133 Hours
ODST were not the easiest infantry to train. They were excellent soldiers and they knew it, they thought they knew better than Chris and Alison's instructions. Various examples were not adjusting the sights for wind and range and just going by their gut feeling and shooting completely off target.
"Just listen to me for fucking once!" Cried Chris, he was on the last ODST for the day before it was just him and Alison, "you might think you're good but I'm better, now just fucking adjust the sights!"
The ODST, a touch looking Corporal gave Chris a threatening look, Chris' hand just washed past his holstered M6D pistol.
"No need for that, Sarge," started the ODST, "just trying to be self sufficient."
"Well when you learn how to compensate correctly I might consider letting you." Alison chuckled at the comment; she was sitting down watching the targets through binoculars, laughing hysterically at the skills of the ODST snipers, or rather lack of...
"Wilco," replied the smart arse ODST, "will, fucking co..."
October 25th, 2550, Reach, Camp Hathcock, Rifle Range, 1231 Hours
Chris and Alison sat down at the bunker and ate a pre-packed meal together. It tasted horrible but Chris was just happy to be around Alison.
"I hate this crap," he said spooling some 'noodles' on his fork, "tastes like polystyrene..."
"I know what you mean," said Alison, she was trying to eat the bread, it was disgusting, "next time we'll eat in!" Chris grunted in approval.
After 'lunch' as they called it on the packaging; the two settled in for some light target training. It was simple range, wind and compensation conversation between the two. They knew they would 'interact' more later at nigh
Long Time Gone Part 30
Date: 24 December 2004, 5:16 AM
B] Long Time Gone Part 30: Where to now?
November 8th, 2550, Reach, Camp Hathcock, the bar, 0023 Hours
It was Alison's last night at Hathcock and Chris wanted to make the most of it, they sat by themselves in the bar. Talking quietly between beers and laughs.
Chambers and Susan sat half way across the room; Chambers couldn't help but feel Chris' pain of leaving her again.
"Well maybe you could get transferred?" He said looking into her eyes but not trying to look like an idiot.
"They'd never allow it," she sighed.
"Ah, I know that," started Chris, "I just wished we had met some other time, some other place."
"Maybe we will..." Said Alison, resting her head in her arms.
"Well just remember I love you," said Chris, "I always will and if you need me, I'm just a call away, sure I won't be able to come and see you for awhile but we can still keep in touch..."
"Thanks," she said leaning over and kissing him, "feel like doing it again?" Chris didn't say anything for a second.
"No, no, this is better," he noted the look on her face, "I don't mean it that way, I meant just sitting and talking, it will be a better memory when I'm lonely..."
"As long as we have each other you'll never be lonely, Chris." Chris looked into her eyes, he believed her, he really did...
November 8th, 2550, Reach, Camp Hathcock, the bar, 0900 Hours
Chris held her tightly despite the pain of a sharp edge on her armour chaffing his chest.
"Goodbye, Alison," he said, "I love you..." Alison hugged him just as tightly back.
"I love you too," Alison kissed him on the lips, "good bye..." With that she climbed into the back of the lorry with other Troopers who had finished the training.
She waved all the way until Chris couldn't see her anymore. Part of him felt like it had just died, love has never been so painful... Then he remembered with Michelle, it had hurt but he knew there was nothing he could do with her now.
"You going to be alright, man?" Asked Chambers offering a cigarette.
"You never smoked..." Said Chris pushing away the carton.
"And I still haven't," Chambers put the pack away, "its just a good luck charm, that and because you can trade stuff for smokes in desperate times..."
"Always thinking, Michael, always thinking..." Chris walked back to his barracks, he had an image up on his HUD; it was of Alison and himself, both smiling and having a fun time out on the range.
Chambers stood back; watching his friend sulk off, if hurt him just as much as it hurt McAllen.
"The universe is against you, so good luck, buddy." Chambers started to whistle as he walked off to find Susan.
The next two months went by quick enough, recruits going in and out. Chambers and McAllen were also almost at the end of their training time.
January 5th, 2551, Reach, Camp Hathcock, ONI briefing centre, 1301 Hours
"We need to gather a Special Forces squad of ODSTs," said a voice from the shadows. Captain Wallis Newman stood at attention. He hated ONI briefings...
"You can relax, Captain," said a voice.
"Thank you, sir," said Newman, "permission to speak?"
"Granted" said a female.
"Aren't ODSTs Special Forces to begin with?"
"Yes and no," said another voice, "they are Elite Marines but they are certainly not the type we need."
"Yes," said a voice from the shadows, the bright light covering Newman was causing him to sweat even more, "that is where you come in Captain." Newman was wondering what they wanted a lowly Marine Captain for.
"We are aware of your previous actions and we congratulate you," whispers broke out for a second amongst the shadows.
"Thank you, sir" Newman felt a wash of pride run over him, the ONI rarely gave thanks or recognition.
"We need an experienced officer not afraid to be out numbered almost ten to one, who can keep secrets and will follow orders without question, we know you will do well to serve Human kind."
"You, from now are a Major, congratulations, a platoon of our best handpicked are waiting for you on the surface, you are also to organize another platoon, you can select any UNSC personal.... Oh but the Spartans are strictly off limits..."
"Spartans..." breathed Newman, he had seen Spartans but never interacted with one.
"That will be all, Major, contact us if you need anything..." The chamber fell silent and Newman felt the eyes watching him as he left.
"First stop, Personal..." Said Newman walking to the elevator, he had a long ride ahead of him.
January 6th, 2551, Reach, Camp Hathcock, Leaving Camp Hathcock by lorry, 0001 Hours
Chris sat up in bed; thinking. He couldn't sleep. He had been waiting for this day since he had left Shock Trooper training. At 0900 hours, Chambers and himself would be on a lorry bound for a combat posting. Chris couldn't hold back his excitement... or fear.
He was excited that he was going to be able to fight but scared of what awaited him.
January 6th, 2551, Reach, Camp Hathcock, ONI Personal, 0855 Hours
Chris and Chambers stood at attention in the presence of Major Newman.
"Well," started the Major, "I know you guys want a 'normal' combat posting but," Newman stopped, taking in a bewildered looks on the two men's faces, "I need to gather the best I can and you two fit the criteria for my assault options, of course if you accept you will have to face an ONI hearing to see if you are eligible to be part of such a highly skilled unit..."
"I'm in..." Said Chambers, Chris looked at his friend.
"Me too..." Chambers looked at Chris, he gave a smile with teeth showing.
"Good, good," said the Major, "here are your new orders, and I'll see you after the hearings... hopefully." Chris took his orders. He noted the ONI 'seal of approval' on the top. He felt honored to have a chance to be all he could.
January 6th, 2551, Reach, Camp Hathcock, ONI briefing centre, 1311 Hours
"You do know that withholding any information can be charged as treason, Sargeant McAllen?" Asked a voice from the shadows.
"Yes, sir" said Chris standing at attention, the light's heat was absorbed almost too well by the black materials on his uniform.
"Alright, let's begin shall we?" Chris knew it wasn't aimed at him. Whispers broke out from the shadows.
"Do you follow orders?" Said a voice, Chris felt like saying what an idiot they were, of course he followed orders, he was here wasn't he?
"Answer the question, Trooper," demanded another voice.
"Err, yes, sir, I do follow orders, sir," Chris' hand unconsciously drifted for his holster, he checked the action and hid it by pretending he was adjusting his belt.
"Are you certain?" Asked a sincere voice.
"As sure as I can possibly be, ma'am."
"Then why are you in a relationship with a one, Alison Parker? Are you not aware of the orders every UNSC personal is issued when they join up? No relationships between personal."
"But ma'am..." Started Chris.
"Silence!" Demanded another voice.
"Sir!" Snapped Chris.
"What is your excuse for this, this breaking of orders?"
"No excuse, sir, I'm only human..." Chris thought that might cut him some slack.
"Hmmpf," said another voice, "that is exactly why we are in this current situation!"
"Never say that again, or you will have hell to pay..." threatened a member of the board.
"Yes, sir..." apologized the voice.
Chris felt a little left out, standing there in the spot light, dressed in full Fallschirmjäger combat attire including Flecta camouflage fatigues and black armour.
"On with the point of this hearing," said the authority figure of the board, "Sargeant McAllen, are you prepared to carry out orders without question?"
Chris stood there, staring into the shadows; he wished he had worn his reflective lens jump goggles to hide his eyes from 'them'.
"Sir, I am confident that I can and will carry out my orders to the best of my ability to serve my country, race and planet well, so help me God." Chris let out a breath of relief having said the statement.
"Understandable, Sargeant," mummers began to spread amongst the board, "that will be all..."
"Am I in?" Asked Chris.
"We will get back to you, Sargeant" said someone. With that Chris turned on his heel and headed for the door, he was glad to get the hell out of there...
Long Time Gone Part 31
Date: 24 December 2004, 5:20 AM
Long Time Gone Part 31: The Berth of the Kill Team
January 7th, 2551, Reach, Camp Hathcock, "Visitor's" Quarters, 0301 Hours
Chris was woken by banging on the door. He sat up in his cot.
"Who the fuck..." he said under his breath getting up, "who is it?" He said in a louder voice.
"ONI, open up!" Replied a voice.
"Oh great," Chris muttered, "give me a second..."
"Now!" Demanded the voice, further bangs on the door followed...
Chris opened up the door; he was only dressed in his Flecta camouflage fatigues. Two men were outside the door; Chris couldn't make out their features, a light behind them blanked out their faces.
"Sargeant McAllen?" Asked one of them.
"Yes?" Said Chris, not knowing what to expect.
"You are coming with us; we need to leave, right now..."
"But where? And its 3 in the morning, come on!" Chris stamped his foot on the floor out of anger.
"Sorry, Sargeant we can't tell you, if you would just grab your gear and we'll get going..." One of the men stepped past Chris into his room and grabbed several of Chris' unpacked duffle bags.
"Alright, alright, I'm going..." Chris packed up the rest of his gear and followed the two men to their vehicle; a Warthog lorry; painted jet black with the big white letters 'ONI' under where doors would be if it had any.
"Nice ride..." Remarked Chris as the one with his bags tossed them in the back, "hey careful! My shit's in there you know..."
"Yeah... I know..." Said the man with a smirk on his face, "get in the back... bitch." Chris almost chuckled at the remark, these two seemed human... almost.
Chris sat back on seat, looking out at out the Hathcock base; it was very quiet and barely anyone was awake. The Warthog was stopped outside a barracks; the two ONI men said they had a few more people to round up.
Chris didn't mind, he sat in the back and looked at the stars, he saw the Quail in orbit, he let out a sigh and prayed he would see Alison again.
After five minutes the ONI men came back with three more hopefuls in tow, they made them carry their own stuff this time. They piled in the back with their gear. The three sat on the opposite side of Chris, he didn't care. He didn't know them and they didn't him so it was ok.
"Hi," said Chris to one of troopers extending his hand, they looked at him through balaclavas and grunted in reply; "assholes..." Chris breathed under his breath sitting back.
The Lorry bounced along the road around the camp. Chris and the other three soldiers looked around themselves. They were heading toward the main gate.
"Oi, mate," Said Chris sliding along the seat toward the driver/passenger area, "where we going? ODST headquarters are that way..."
"Yeah we know..." Said the passenger.
"And this isn't the quickest way there either, man," said Chris looking at the driver; he knew where he was going.
"Just sit back and relax, Sargeant..." Replied the passenger waving a hand.
Chris sat back as the Warthog entered the ONI briefing centre. Unlike the rest of the base there was a lot of activity here. Men and vehicles constantly moving around, spotlights illuminated the area along with the weapon mounted flash lights of men.
The jeep came to a stop near the main entrance to the underground network. The two ONI men stepped out of the Warthog and ushered the four troops out. Chris reluctantly stepped down after his gear had been taken by several other ONI personal to his new home from which he knew nothing about.
Chris was now standing on one side of the elevator with the two ONI men, the other three soldiers stood on the other side. They were clearly afraid of the two ONI men.
"You guys come here often?" Joked Chris.
"Nah..." replied the one who had been the driver, "we only come here for tea parties..." A couple of snuffed laughs came from three soldiers. The second ONI man looked at them and their laughter stopped immediately.
It took almost ten minutes to descend to the level of the ONI briefing centre.
January 7th, 2551, Reach, Camp Hathcock, ONI Briefing Centre, 0436 Hours
For the second time in 24 hours Chris was in front of the board. But this time he wasn't alone. Eleven other mixed troops were there. Including Shock Troopers, Marines, Marine Special Forces, existing ODST and Chris was happy to see another Fallschirmjäger; Chambers...
"Troops," said a voice from the darkness, "you twelve have been selected for a special purpose. If you choose to do so of course. But all we can say is that it will be very secretive but you can still have contact with old comrades if you were wondering."
A wash of relief went over Chris; he could still see Alison then.
The briefing went on for several more minutes of how lucky they were and that they could not falter in their duties. It was of the highest importance to the ONI and to Humanity, in that order too.
"Now all that remains is that will you men and women accept?" At that statement Chris looked over the other recruits, he couldn't notice if any were women! Everyone all looked the same with the armour and face masks.
No one said anything.
"If you don't want to say it, let's do it this way then," said a calm, cool voice, "everyone willing to carry out their duty, take one step forward, now..." There was a mighty echo in the room as 24 boots stepped forward and snapped to the ground to attention.
"Excellent," said another voice, "these will do nicely..." Whispers broke out; various agreements were made at the statement.
"Alright ladies and gentlemen," said the familiar voice of the authority figure, "welcome aboard, you all will receive further orders in the morning... Don't worry; you won't have to come to another one of these... for awhile, alright dismissed!"
"Sir!" Said All the Troops in rely as they existed the room.
"Do you think they will do as we order them too?" Asked a voice.
"Yes, they would do anything to help our cause... even what we need them too do..."
"Shall I prepare the target list?" Said another voice.
"Yes, and don't forget anyone, we cannot allow them to know what they shouldn't."
January 7th, 2551, Reach, Camp Hathcock, ONI Personal Quarters (Above Ground), 0630 Hours
Chris had a room all to himself. As did every other man and woman who had been at the meeting. Chris stuck his head out his door. Nearly everyone was sitting down in a lounge area just outside his door. They chatted quietly, Chambers wasn't there. Chris would have checked where he was but Chris needed to get changed.
After another hour of quiet time the quarters were raided by masked ONI men; armed ONI men. They stood at attention in the centre of the lounge. Another armed soldier walked in. Major bars on his ODST ONI Division uniform.
"Hello, ladies..." he stated.
"Good morning, Major Newman," said some of the troops near Chris.
"Yeah, good to see you twelve accepted, we are gonna have so much fun together now..." Newman walked up and back the lounge. He did a walk by of Chris; Chris noticed the man's weapon. It wasn't the 'normal' issue Chris was accustomed to seeing. It was truly amazing.
The weapon was just over 12 inches long. It had a telescopic stock that could extend to make the weapon more accurate and it had an external 60 round box magazine mounted on the left side of the weapon.
The twelve ONI dressed ODSTs weapons were just as good. Several had the small assault rifle whilst others had a weapon that looked similar to the MA5B issue rifle, with the magazine in a bullpop configuration, but this had a carry rail with a scope mounted on it.
"Don't worry about the training, we only have to go other the Orbital Drop stuff and of course new weapon training, also there will be several lessons on zero gravity combat." Some of troops near Chris moaned in disappointment. Zero gravity was one of the worst fighting conditions.
"When will we be starting, sir?" Asked a female trooper next to Chris.
"After breakfast which is," Newman looked at his watch, "about now, so get your shit together and report to the mess tent, it's, err, over there somewhere, just follow that putrid sewerage smell, and you'll find yourself at the front door..." Newman was the only one who chuckled at his joke.
The Troops piled out after they were dismissed and headed for the mess tent.
After a high energy breakfast the two platoons of troops reported to their quarters. The platoons were issued their Orbital Drop Shock Trooper uniforms.
A suit of greyish, blue armour was handed out to every Trooper, they fitted like gloves, they had been made specially for each Troop. Their helmets were even better. The helmet locked into the suit of armour to form an air tight suit and enabled combat in space with the appropriate life support gear.
The helmet's appearance was well liked by all the Troops. Even Chris agreed it was good. The helmet was the same colour as the armour and was similar to comparison of that of the Spartan helmet. It had a reflective visor that covered the faces of the ODSTs, they looked truly fearsome in the armour.
They wore no division insignias. Which seemed strange but the ONI was strange.
"Alright, now that we're all in our new gear let's go and get you guys some new guns..." Various grunts in approval followed as Newman lead them outside to the armoury. The twenty-five troops were quite an eye opener. Everyone who was outside stopped and looked at them as they crossed the open area between their quarters and the armoury.
The Majority of the troops received the new BR55 Battle Rifle, a 9.5mm assault rifle holding 36 rounds with a 2 times scope and only fired three round bursts. Where as troops with secondary weapons like SPNKr rocket launchers, sniper rifles and light machine guns were issued M7 submachine guns. They fried 5mm rounds at 1200 rounds a minute from 60 round magazines.
Troops like Chambers who had shotguns got a BR55 when Chris with his K48A2 LMG got a M7 SMG. Chris' K48A2 was replaced by a K50A1 LMG, it was of the same basic design except the bipod had been removed, the magazine was changed to 200 rounds and an optional 500 round drum was usable. The later choice was attached to either the soldier's back or to their belt instead of to the weapon; a belt cover fed the ammo between drum and weapon.
Chris took the standard 200 round magazines in preference to the 500 round drums.
The soldiers were also issued live rounds to train with, they were all given M6C pistols; these were the standard M6D but without the scope, this made for a far more effective side arm as it now had iron sights.
Chris' M6D was taken off him and the scope was removed by a tech who then added the iron sights in the scopes place. Chris thanked the tech and took his pistol back, it was lighter now and the iron sights made it extremely effective to just pull it out and shoot with out the normal HUD loading time required with an M6D.
Chris also took several additional things from the armoury to personal his uniform, as did Chambers. Chris took a holster for his M7 SMG that fitted to his right thigh and held 6 magazines as well.
On his belt he had grenades to the front, M6C straight behind him with magazine pouches on either side, K50A1 magazines were carried in pouches attached to his left thigh. Chris put his Fallschirmjäger Gravity Knife into a torch pouch as it fitted perfectly; he put the pouch up near his left shoulder.
After the troops had practiced a little with their new weapons Newman got them to stand attention and come forward to receive their new ranks. Chris noticed in his HUD every member except Major Newman only had a single Private Bar above their heads. He enjoyed the new targeting system as well. All he had to do was move his weapon and the HUD followed with pin point accuracy to where he was aiming.
Major Newman first hit a button on his left arm's PDA; every Trooper had a similar device attached to his or her left forearm. It was used in the art of communicating between each squad member in text communications and also acted has their own personal organiser. When Newman hit the button instantly Chris' HUD lit up as everyone was given their old ranks back, he noticed there were a lot of Sargeants.
"OK, everyone is familiar with their old ranks but here's some new ones for some of you," Newman pressed another button. The Soldier next to Chris' rank changed from a Corporal to a Sargeant. Newman did two more and two Sargeants to promoted to Gunnery Sargeants as they had the SPNKr rocket launchers. Chris was expecting the same thing as he had a LMG.
Newman pressed another button, Chris looked around, no one had changed, then he noticed in the bottom corner of his HUD there was a picture of a envelope; he had mail...
The message read:
Sargeant McAllen,
You have been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant,
Congratulations, Major Newman
A Lieutenant!
What the hell!
These were just some of thoughts in Chris' head, he looked over and saw Chambers, his rank had changed to Master Sargeant, but Chris could still feel he felt left out, even though his face was blanked out by the visor.
Several more promotions followed. The Lieutenant of the first platoon became a Captain and his Master Sargeant became the new Lieutenant.
They were soon dismissed but not after Newman asked all the Officers to stay. Newman just told them they would have to carry out every order to the word or there would be penalties, their race was depending on them.
January 13th, 2551, Reach Atmosphere, ODST training vessel, 1343 Hours
They were on their last proving jump before they were 100% Orbital Drop Shock Troopers, Chris was in the first pod to be launched from his Platoon, he held onto the rails on each side of his seat. His K50A1 LMG and M7 SMG were attached to each side of the pod so not to cause injury on impact.
The Captain of the vessel came over the speakers inside the pod.
"Alright, good luck, Troopers, do this and then you can go and kicked some Covenant ass..."
"Fucking A..." Said a Trooper over the network.
"Retain radio silence, Jeebs!" Yelled Chris to his sniper, William Jeebs; he was a damn fine shot but Chris had to say Alison was still better. As the green light came on; indicating ten seconds before the pods would launch, he found himself thinking of Alison; he hadn't talk to her since she left.
God he missed her.
"See you soon, Alison..." He said as his pod launched. It was like riding an express elevator that had become disconnected! All the way down... It took little longer than thirty seconds for the pod to pierce the atmosphere and hit the surface. Somewhere between 20,000 and 10,000 feet the boosters stopped and parachutes were deployed to control the decent but they didn't do much.
When the pod was thirty feet of the ground a last ditch thruster was fired that made the pod jump just that little bit more to lighten the impact.
Chris grabbed his kit and pressed the door released; with a hiss it launched itself a good ten metres away from the pod. He looked up instantly and saw the other eleven pods of his platoon smack down.
"Alright, let's go!" He instructed waving a hand and leading them to the waypoint, they were as good as home...
January 13th, 2551, Reach, Camp Hathcock, ONI Briefing Room, 1547 Hours
The briefing room was quiet. No one was in the spot light; it was a meeting between the board members. They had just received the good news that their two ODST platoons had completed their last jump and they were ready.
"What should we get them to do first, sir?" Said a voice.
"But are they really ready to do ANYTHING, sir?" Asked another.
"I have one last test in mind for them and yes I believe they are ready, readier than you or I to do what we ask..." The man stopped speaking, "victory to our Kill Team, God help those who stand in their way..."
Long Time Gone 32
Date: 4 January 2005, 6:53 AM
Long Time Gone Part 32: Death From Above
January 14th, 2551, Space surrounding Reach, Quail MAC gun platform, female officer quarters, 1036 Hours
Alison sat in front of the monitor; her face illuminated by it. Chris' face was on the monitor, he had just woken up; his hair was a mess and his eyes were droopy. Alison had sent the call to talk to him to see what was happening on Chris' end.
"Well, I'm an ODST now if that's any good news," he said pointing the camera at his uniform lying on his bed, "we got a training exercise tomorrow though, something to do with surprise drops, I don't know really, I'll tell you about it next time I suppose."
"I'm going with my Commander down to the planet today and staying a few days, maybe we could get together?" Asked Alison, she knew it probably wouldn't happen but it was worth a shot.
"Maybe, Alison, maybe," said Chris rubbing his chin; a small amount of stubble resisted his hand's motion then he turned around and yelled something at someone of screen.
"What was that about?" She asked generally concerned, her brow was wrinkled in a worried look.
"Oh, Jeebs was just wondering if I was talking to my girlfriend..." Chris' cheeks blushed as he tried to look away from the monitor but he soon stopped.
"What did you say?" Asked Alison looking into his pixelated eyes.
"Well, I said I didn't know if she was; are we even going out?" Chris leaned closer to the screen.
"Well I was under the impression that we were, weren't you?" Chris leant back and scratched the back of his head and smiled; one of innocence.
"Well I haven't been chasing anyone else if that's what you mean," his face broke into a wry grin, "you know I love you..."
"I love you to..." Chris turned around and was being talked to by someone, he said he had to go so he put a hand to the screen, Alison did the same.
"I'll see you soon, I hope..." He said as he cut the call. Alison sat back in her seat, arms behind her head, thinking.
"Yo, Parker..." A voice interrupted her before she could really start to think.
Alison turned and saw a Marine standing in the door way to her quarters, "the Captain wants to see you, ma'am..."
Alison gathered her uniform and put it on; the Captain was a real tight ass. She walked the corridors of the Quail, she knew where she was going, she said hello to nearly everyone she met, she knew almost everyone aboard or at least knew what they had to do.
Eventually she found the Captain's office. His aide or secretary what ever he preferred to be called told Alison to wait; the Captain was in the middle of a phone call now.
"... Don't threaten me!..." Was yelled from his office, "... I've got stuff on you and I'll go to Fleet COM with it if keep hounding me..." Alison was intrigued by the conversation. She had heard Captain Williams angry but never like this.
Five minutes later the phone was slammed down Captain Williams' aide went into his office and came out soon after, his eyes wide in terror and said Alison could go in.
"Ah, Parker..." Said Williams in a friendly voice as she came in, "please take a seat; I need to talk to you about tomorrow." Alison was going to ask him about the phone call but left it out.
"As you know, we're going down to the planet this afternoon," Williams looked extremely worried, "if I had a choice in the matter I would prefer to have stayed here and protect the station but ONI in all it's wisdom wants to talk to me."
"What do you need four platoons for then?" Asked Alison, she had seen the list of who was going down to Reach today; four Marine Special Forces platoons were going down to the planet and Alison was to command them, her platoon of Shock Troopers were to stay on the station.
"I don't feel safe at the moment to tell the truth, there are things going on that I don't want to talk too you about, if you knew they would probably be after you too," Williams wiped his brow. His eyes were very shifty; he looked from side to side very quickly, scanning his office for danger.
"I understand, sir," said Alison, she didn't really, but it seemed to comfort her Captain, "I'll make sure the men are on their best guard."
"Thanks, Parker," said Williams, "oh and I'll send down the lay out for the outpost we'll be staying at until the hearing, you need to be ready for anything..."
Alison left the office and went back to her quarters.
"What the fuck is going on..." she said to herself as she entered her quarters. Alison started to fill out a store room docket on what she and the Captain's detail would need. "We'll defiantly need some heavy defences if the shit hits the fan..."
January 15th, 2551, Reach, Drop ship bound for ONI drop pod vessel, 1131 Hours
Chris sat in his seat on the Pelican and looked at the men and women in his squad. They had been picked to do a training exercise scheduled for this afternoon. They were told that they'd be given stun rounds for the exercise. The outlines of the mission were to be told when they got aboard the ship they'd drop from.
Chris wasn't in charge of the squad; Major Newman had come along and in doing so, removed Chambers from the platoon for the time being.
"Don't worry, McAllen," said Newman, "this will be a breeze and then we can get into the serious stuff..."
Chris was soon aboard the ship but his men hadn't been briefed, Newman said they would be briefed in their pods before the jump; it would be a test of their resourcefulness.
January 15th, 2551, Reach, Outpost Bravo-Zulu-Foxtrot, 15 km south of Camp Hathcock, 1345 Hours
The ramp dropped and Alison was the first Trooper on the ground, soon all 48 men of the detail was on the ground; spreading out around the five Pelican drop ships that had landed in the Outpost. The place was practically deserted except for a small five man garrison that manned the nearby anti-air battery.
A large two story structure was in the centre of the base. Around the barb wire fencing around the inside buildings hugged the fence all the way round. But the area in front of the command centre was a good 80 metres square. It had been enough for the Pelicans to land.
The Pelicans took off one by one, heading back for the Quail.
"Parker," said Captain Williams looking around and shielding his eyes from the dust, "you know what to do, Parker. My office will be in there." Without another word he walked off with six men in tow to the Command centret.
"Alright guys let's get to it!" Said Alison, "I want interlocking fields of fire from all the em-gees, a roving patrol around the perimeter and the emergency fall back point is the two storied command centre, OK?"
"Yes, Lieutenant!" Her men barked and broke off into separate tasks. Alison watched them for awhile before heading off to the command centre and found herself a room and got some rest.
January 15th, 2551, Reach, ONI acquired Drop Vessel 'Hell-Fire', 1636 Hours
Chris lead his ten men to the pods, they had just visited the armory and got the training rounds for the exercise. They entered the pod bay where they were confronted by Major Newman.
"Hello, squad," Newman patted a pile of crates he was sitting on, "there's been a slight change of heart this exercise..."
Major Newman had gotten them to replace the training rounds with live ammunition.
"I'll brief you when you're in your pods, no turning back now people!" Chris kept several training magazines with him and put them in his belt near his M6C.
"Alright, people," said Newman when he saw everyone was in their pods. "Today is our first test for the ONI. They gave us our first target..." An image appeared on everyone's HUD, "this is our target, a Captain Todd Williams, and it seems Mr. Williams here has been threatening the ONI with something he shouldn't know."
Major Newman got in his own pod.
"We'll be dropping practically in their camp so expect some fire if they know we're coming but we should have the element of surprise, any questions so far?"
"Sir," said Chris, "are we using lethal force on everyone?"
"Yes," sighed Newman, "no one must be allowed to escape, no survivors, quick in and out, any of you get wounded try and head for the main gate to the complex, we'll pick you up when extraction comes, extraction is by Warthog lorries that will come in on my signal."
"How many 'enemies' are there, sir?" Asked another Trooper.
"Not many, according to the reports from yesterday he only travels with a platoon of Marine Spec Ops, so piece of piss for us..." The green light came on, "alright people this is it! Lock and load before we drop, you won't have a chance on the surface!"
Then the pods launched in order of rank, Newman, then McAllen, then the Gunnery Sargeant, etc.
Chris gripped the hand rails above his head in his pod. He flipped the reflective visor down over his face and closed his eyes, trying to not to think about the 8 or so gees going through his body.
"Impact in twenty seconds, 'chutes deployed!" Said Newman.
January 15th, 2551, Reach, Outpost Bravo-Zulu-Foxtrot, 15 km south of Camp Hathcock, 1659 Hours
Captain Williams yawned, he was bored yet he felt secure, protected by the men and women of his detail.
"Sir!" Said a Marine busting into his office, "we got incoming!"
"What, who!?" Said Williams jumping up and running out the door.
"ODSTs! Looks like a full platoon!" Cried the man pointing up at the 12 sets of parachutes with canisters attched, coming down to the surface.
"Everyone on alert!" Cried Williams retreating back to his office.
Alison was wakened by the noise of scrambling Troops. She jumped out of her cot in full dress and ran to a window... Just as the first pod fired its thruster and smacked into the ground.
Alison watched as a second, then a third, then a forth pod hit the ground. She couldn't look away; they had an aura about them she couldn't resist.
January 15th, 2551, Reach, Outpost Bravo-Zulu-Foxtrot, 15 km south of Camp Hathcock, Inside ODST POD #2, 1702 Hours
Chris secured his M7 SMG to his thigh holster and loaded his K50A1 in the small space.
"Sir," he stated, "do we go?"
"No," said Newman, "we don't have surprise anymore, wait for my go..." Just then a large mass of machine gun fire raked the pods, "don't worry, these were designed to be launched from space, that won't do shit to us, just wait..."
The mass of gunfire pounded the pods for thirty more seconds.
"Sounds like there are a few out there, McAllen," said Jeebs, loading his sniper rifle.
Chris heard the scuffing of boots on gravel approach his pod, "sir, they're right out the front of my pod! Request permission for go!"
"Wait McAllen, we'll have our fun..." Newman tightened his grip on the M7 SMG; he also heard noises outside his pod, "get ready..."
Long Time Gone 33
Date: 5 January 2005, 7:17 AM
Author's Note, even though I have done up to part 36, this will be the last I submit for a few weeks. The main source of my inspiration just blew me off so not feeling the greatest... -grylsy
Long Time Gone Part 33: Out Of The Frying Pan And Into The Fire
January 15th, 2551, Reach, Outpost Bravo-Zulu-Foxtrot, 15 km south of Camp Hathcock, Inside ODST POD #2, 1705 Hours
Newman had given the go. Chris smacked the pod 'open' switch. The door hissed before launching itself a good ten metres away, Chris heard some screams after the door opened, he noticed his door and had hit several Marines taking positions around his pod.
Then they opened fire on him... Chris ducked for cover at the soonest possibility, firing the K50A1 half shouldered, half from the hip at the Marines knocked around by the door, he killed them all with chest height hits.
"There's more than a platoon!" Yelled Chris into the radio.
"You don't have to yell McAllen!" Said Newman, "we can hear you just fine, and no one outside of your suit can hear you unless that switch is off..."
One of the slower Orbital Drop Shock Troopers out of the pods was Herman; he smacked the button for the door to open. As soon as it opened a hail of gunfire hit him. His blue-ish grey suit was instantly splattered with red flower shaped explosions.
Herman slumped to the ground, Chris got a warning over his HUD; Herman's vital signs were gone, a constant drone matched that he had no heart beat.
"Man down!" Cried Chris edging closer to another ODST who was taking cover behind his own pod.
"Keep your head down, sir!" Said the man; it was Jeebs.
"How many you got so far?" Asked Chris, he leant out from the left side of the pod, he moved the dot on his HUD that represented where he was aiming, over several Marines near the door to the Command Centre and let loose a short burst, cutting them down.
"Nice one, McAllen!" Stated Jeebs letting off a shot from his S2 AM, dropping a Marine who was running for a mounted weapon.
"Oi, Groener!" Said Chris, calling out to an ODST who had a BR55 battle rifle; he was letting loose burst after burst into the Marines scattered around the camp.
"What, sir?" He said not looking at Chris.
"Take cover you idiot! They're trying to get to the heavy weapons! Get over here!" Said Chris, "I'll cover you!"
"Roger that, Lieutenant!" Groener started to run to McAllen just as a sniper rifle barked.
Groener's face visor shattered at as a S2 AM sniper rifle round pieced it and killed him outright. But it didn't stop there; Groener's corpse did a full summersault before hitting the ground with a bone crunching snap, Groener's vitals were gone.
"Fuck, Groener is down, Major!" Said Chris.
"Just keep moving, soldier! Pop some smoke and cover me and the men..." Said Newman who was with the remaining 8 ODSTs, they were getting ready to rush the remaining Marines who were in the command centre.
"Did you see where that shot came from, Lieutenant?" Asked Jeebs looking at the multiple windowed building.
"No idea but when I find him, I'll kill him..." Said Chris, he reloaded his K50A1 then threw his two G49 smoke grenades to cover his comrades.
Newman led the initial rush towards the building. M7 SMG firing; he claimed many Marines that day.
"Go, go, go!" He said running through the door, crash tackling a Marine to the ground in the process, he mercilessly fired a burst at point blank into the man's face as soon as he was on his feet.
McAllen and Jeebs broke cover from behind their pod and went to join in the fighting. No Marines were left alive outside, the remaining ten or so were inside the HQ building; including their target...
A shot went over Chris' head; it was a sniper round, it had just missed.
"Up there!" Cried Chris pointing and shooting his K50A1 one handed, "the last top window! I'm gonna get the bastard."
Chris entered the HQ, he saw ODSTs checking the corpses of some Marines; shooting them to make sure they were dead. Newman had two men with him trying to break down the door to Williams' hiding place.
Alison cursed, she couldn't believe it, twelve Orbital Drop Shock Troops had beaten forty-eight Marine Special Forces with only two casualties; one of which Alison could claim for herself, a head shot too.
They were in the building; she knew she must be one of the last left alive. A crashing noise from below her on the lower level alarmed her. She put her ear to the floor to hear what was happening.
"... Please, don't kill me I'll do what ever you want..." It was Williams pleading for his life.
"The only thing WE want you to do is die like a good snitch," said a man.
"No, please... I can give you information! Come on, it's got to be worth something! Ple..."
*BANG* Then the sound of a body hitting the ground echoed inside the room.
"Yes, it was worth a bullet," the voice paused, "Harrison, check upstairs."
Alison had to find a hiding spot and fast.
Chris saw the man going up the stairs.
"No, Harrison, let me do it, I got to get revenge Groener if that sniper is still there..." Said McAllen, he put his K50A1 over his back and drew his M7 SMG.
"Alright, Lieutenant, give us a holler if you need some back up," said the ODST known as Harrison, he walked back down and joined the others checking the corpses.
Chris walked silently up the stairs. Checking his six on the upper floor as he moved. He sent 'sector clear's over the radio network. He checked each room.
Chris retracted the end of his stock on his M7 for close quarters. He made it to the fifth and last room on the floor.
"Searching the last room..." He said as he opened the door. Straight in front of him was an abandoned S2 AM Sniper rifle near an open window and several empty casings.
Chris instincts made him rush for the open window. He peered out seeing if the sniper had escaped; the compound was silent outside, bodies littered the yard, the drop pods stood tall surrounded by the destruction. Then he looked down at his feet and examined the abandoned sniper rifle.
Chris picked up the rifle; it looked dangerously familiar, then he noticed the scope on it; it was the same as Alison's, it was Alison's!
"She'd never abandon this..." He said.
Just as Chris turned back to face the rest of the room and he saw a figure rush him with a knife drawn.
Chris lunged out with the retracted butt of his M7 SMG and caught the figure in the chest; sending them sprawling back to the wall, knocking the wind out of them.
"What's happening, McAllen?" Asked Newman.
"Yeah I found someone," said Chris leaning down to the dazed figure. He removed their helmet and balaclava...
"You know the orders, McAllen, kill any survivors..." Said Newman just as Chris saw her face. It was Alison...
"Oh fuck..." He breathed, he clicked the switch that stopped his talking being block inside his helmet. He was just about to say something when Newman started talking again.
"McAllen, report..." Said Newman. Chris stepped away from Alison and stood up upright.
"Yeah, I'm here, sir" said Chris.
"Have you killed them yet?" Said Newman.
"Working on it, sir" he said looking Alison.
Alison managed to open her eyes. A lone figure was standing in front of her talking to himself, no talking to someone on their radio.
"Working on it, sir" he said. The familiar voice shocked Alison to the core, was that Chris?
Alison went to move when the clacking of a bolt stopped her cold.
Chris leaned close to Alison, his M7 SMG was hot. He looked her in the eyes, she couldn't see his though; the visor blocked out his face.
A noise from the corridor outside got Chris' attention. He walked to the doorway and peered out, a wounded Marine with an assault rifle was coming for him.
"Die, you ODST bastard!" Cried the Marine firing from the hip. Chris ducked back inside the door way and waited for the shooting to cease then jumped outside the door way himself.
Chris brought his M7 SMG to bear on the Marine who was fumbling to reload. And without a another though, opened fire with at least half the magazine.
For several seconds there was silence, Alison sat there in the corner not knowing what to do, the figure she thought was Chris exited the room and for a few more seconds silence engulfed the building.
Chris emptied the remainder of the clip into the Marine on the ground; he had no love for a man who was trying to kill him.
"Well, I suppose he didn't either..." Said Chris walking back to the room where Alison was. As he walked in the room he removed the magazine from his M7.
Alison's eyes stared into his soul; he thought she must know it was him. Chris reached behind his back; Alison put her hands in front of her face as in an attempt to shield herself from any incoming attacks.
Chris pulled his hand back out from behind his back with another magazine for his weapon. He loaded the magazine and pulled the bolt back.
Chris didn't know what to do. Should he shoot her? Could he shoot her? Or should he leave, just to let someone else shoot her and then most likely be punished by the ONI for dereliction of duty?
Chris took a step toward her, she scuffed back in fear.
He went to offer her a hand but checked the motion and brought his M7 up in one quick motion and let lose ten or so bullets into her chest. Chris turned his head to one side to avoid looking at her as he did so.
Chris turned his back to her and unloaded the semi full magazine; he threw the magazine over behind his shoulder and heard it hit her body.
Then he went to leave the room when he saw the object hanging on the door. It was her combat webbing and in the holster was his old USP.
"She'd understand," said Chris without emotion and took the weapon. He left the room without another word and reloaded his M7 from the magazines from his thigh holster.
"Top floor is clear," he said into the radio and turning the switch back on, so no one could hear him talking to himself.
"Good work, McAllen, we got that bastard too so report out the front for extraction..." Said Newman, he was starting to like McAllen's 'can-do' attitude.
January 15th, 2551, Reach, Outpost Bravo-Zulu-Foxtrot, 15 km south of Camp Hathcock, 1735 Hours
The entire squad was silent on the drive back. Everyone just stared at the corpses of Groener and Herman in the centre of the lorry's tray.
"Don't worry guys," said Newman, "we done our job today, ONI pays it's people well so what ever comes your way you've earned it..." Chris grunted in reply but his outside communications switch was still on so no one but himself heard the grunt.
"But they were people, sir..." Said one of other men.
"And so are me and you," said Newman, "your point is? We did that to protect the integrity of the ONI, if that integrity ever fails we will lose this war..." The rest of the trip was silent. Everyone was in deep thought. It was turning into one weird war...
Long Time Gone Part 34
Date: 11 January 2005, 1:41 PM
Authors note - Yeah, made a quick recovery and after a bit of a debate with myself I finally think this part has been polished to the best of my ability but some of the stuff still seems 'wrong' too me but its how I pictured it happened...
Long Time Gone Part 34: Can't Beat Them; Join Them
January 15th, 2551, Reach, Outpost Bravo-Zulu-Foxtrot, 15 km south of Camp Hathcock, 1903 Hours
It was only now that reports of the attack were coming in on the planet. The anti-air crew from the battery just down the road came back to find the scene of death and destruction.
The twelve Orbital Drop Shock Trooper pods were a tell tale sign of who was responsible or at least who command should question on what had happened here. But that would never happen as command was the ONI and they would just put this down as a training mission gone to hell.
The AA crew members searched the base whilst they waited for reinforcements, and a medical team to remove all the bodies, they had failed to find a single survivor. The attackers; who ever they were had done a good job finishing off any wounded and making sure that the dead were indeed dead.
Alison opened her eyes. She went to move her arms to wipe her eyes but it hurt to move, instead she waited for her eyes to naturally clear.
Eventually she got the view of the scene. She looked down at her breast plate; ten training rounds were imbedded in her armour. A partially full training magazine for a weapon she had no idea of, was placed next to her body.
Soon Alison had the energy to get up, just as several AA crew members stumbled upon her. She checked down her shirt and saw the burn marks the training rounds had left her with.
"Are you ok?" Asked one of the crew members, "Where are you hit?"
"Err," said Alison feeling confused, "I haven't been hit, hit ; I got shot with stun rounds..." Alison held the ten projectiles in her hand.
"That's weird," said one of the crew members, "who slaughters an entire detail but leaves one person; an Officer especially, alive?"
"I don't think they meant too..." She said trying to remember what had happened. All she could think about was Chris; somehow he fitted into this puzzle.
"Where's my gear?" She asked no one in particular, she found her rifle and webbing, it didn't take her long to notice that her, Chris', old USP was missing "So he was here..." she breathed.
"Who was here?" Asked one the crew members.
"No one, no one. Hey did you find any of their dead? I know two of them went down, I got one myself..." Said Alison shouldering her rifle, she gasped in pain and stumbled for a second as the sling dug into her shoulder.
"We got to get you some help, ma'am," said a Trooper taking her gear off her and the others helped her down to the first story.
"Wait, my Captain, where is he?" She asked. Then she remembered they had killed him, "I have to know where he is, or at least his body."
Alison directed the AA gunners to the main office, they opened the door and found Captain Todd William's corpse on the ground, a bullet hole in his forehead; his blood soaked the carpet.
"Now I wish I hadn't found him," she said. A small tear formed in the bottom of her eye. This was crazy, humans killing humans, again! How could they fight the Covenant when they had to worry wether they would be brutally assassinated by fellow humans...
"This was an assassination," she said in a calm voice, and then looked at the Sargeant, "what was so important he had to die for..."
"I have no idea ma'am," said the Sargeant, "but I do know you need to see a doctor and pronto."
January 16th, 2551, Reach, Camp Hathcock, ONI Debriefing, 0023 Hours
"... And that's when I called in the extraction, sir." Said Major Newman. He and the remaining members of the platoon that had done the mission were standing at attention in front of the board.
Chris stood somewhat more to the side than the rest of the men; he was their officer after all.
"Very good work, Major," said the one in charge from the shadows, "good work to all of you, and sorry to hear about the two casualties, but they have brought us more time; their deaths were not in vain."
"So, sir," asked Newman, "can we go now? I'm sure my men agree with me that we could use the rest..."
"Yes, yes of course, Major," said the man, "oh, but can Lieutenant McAllen stay back, please."
"Of course," said Newman turning to McAllen, "Lieutenant, stay here until ordered otherwise, I'll see you when you're finished, and I owe you a drink for a job bloody well done..."
"Good evening, Lieutenant," said the voice, "please take a seat." For the first time in his entirety of being here he had been offered a chair, well he wasn't really offered; they wanted him to be seated.
"You did very well today according to your Commanding Officer, Lieutenant," stated a voice.
"Thank you, sir" said Chris, he was glad he had his armour on with the visor down.
"Please, raise the visor, soldier" asked the authority figure.
"Yes, sir." Said Chris raising the visor.
"But this," said one of board members, an image appeared for the floors holographic projection system. It was of Alison being helped into an ambulance, "this is a great outrage."
"Yes, you disobeyed orders, son" said a voice, "What do you have to say for this?"
"But, I shot her!" Said Chris, "I really did! Point blank burst from one of those little M7 things." Chris' eyes started to welt at the thought of what he did.
"You're sure of this?" Asked another.
"I saw the look in her eyes, alright! I pulled the trigger to kill the person I loved, how can you not believe me?" Pleaded Chris, he smacked down on the table.
"We cannot believe you because of that image," said the authority figure, "we know you shot her with stun rounds on purpose so drop the act Lieutenant." The imaged changed to where Alison had been found; empty training rounds and the partially full magazine were at an area saying 'where Lt. Alison Parker was found, alive'.
"Yes, sir..." said Chris; he bowed his head, ashamed that he lied to the ONI, what would become of him...
"Just tell us why, why one woman is worth your career with the ONI, Lieutenant?" Asked a female voice.
"I love her, haven't you ever loved someone?" Asked Chris, his face was twisted; he didn't know how to feel.
"But love cannot save the Human Race, Lieutenant McAllen, you must surely see that, we will now have to have her killed or get her join the ONI..." The voice paused, "how does the later sound to you, Lieutenant?"
Chris' face changed to his first readable expression, happiness.
"It's music to my ears, sir" said Chris, "I was going to ask you about replacements for Herman and Groener anyhow..."
"Well, IF she decides to join us, we'll make sure she is in your squad, but do not lie to us again or there will be hell to pay, I hope the next time I see you, is under more forgiving circumstances." The scuffing of a chair being pushed back signaled that the hearing was over.
"Could I be the one to ask her to join?" Said Chris over the din of the chairs.
"Of course, Captain, what we need is more men like you," said the voice, "good luck."
"What!?" Said Chris surprised again, this was getting too much to handle. He disobeyed orders and he gets: forgiven, the girl and now he's a Captain... The ONI worked in mysterious ways...
Then Newman's quote on the way back from their mission entered his head, "the ONI pays its people well so what ever comes your way you've earned it..."
Chris walked out of the debriefing with a little more spring in his step than usual.
January 16th, 2551, Reach, Camp Hathcock medical centre, Officer's Ward, 1134 hours.
Chris wore his old Fallschirmjäger fatigues and new Captain's bars to see Alison. He asked an orderly and found out she was in the Officer's Ward.
Alison was in her own room and sitting on her bed. She was looking out a window; her face was blank of expression; she was in deep thought.
"Hey you," he said surprising her with a warm smile; he walked straight over to her bed.
"You," she said, her face was still blank for a moment then it turned into that of anger, "bastard!" Alison punched Chris in the jaw; he fell to the floor, getting up slowly, spitting some blood onto the cold, sterilized hospital floor.
"OK, I deserved that..." He said just as she hit him again, once again he hit the floor, "one day I'll hit back, so stop it!"
"You killed him, didn't you?" She said sitting back down on the bed when Chris stood back up to full height. He had a split lip in two places.
"Yeah it's great to see you too, you know," said Chris looking at Alison.
"Didn't you?" She repeated, her eyes stared into his.
"No, not me," said Chris sitting down on the bed next to her, "to tell the truth I'm here to offer you a job."
"What?" Exclaimed Alison, surprised.
"Offer you a job," he repeated standing up again; feeling uncomfortable sitting next to her.
"With those bastards you were with yesterday?"
"Yes," said Chris, "and I'm under instructions too."
"What instructions?" Alison shifted herself on the bed.
"If you don't join I have to shoot you, real bullets this time so please don't make this any harder..." Chris' hand washed past his newly reacquired H&K USP and crossed his arms across his chest, covering up the Fallschirmjäger Insignia.
"You'd shoot me?" Asked Alison looking deeply into his eyes.
"After yesterday I believe I could do it agaain," the glazed over, confused look in his eyes made it hard for Alison to know whether he was lying or telling the truth.
"I don't have much choice do I?" Alison stood up, she was only wearing a medical blouse; her gear was on the chair, "pass me my pants, please... Captain."
Chris passed Alison her clothes and turned his back to her.
"Why don't you just leave the room altogether?" She said getting changed.
"Because the guards outside are ordered to come in here and shoot you if you are not in my company when I leave," Chris sighed, "you are one of people ONI wants dead most if you don't join their ranks, they told us we wouldn't have to do what I did yesterday often, Alison. It's all for the greater good, if the ONI falls, Earth falls, simple as that..."
Chris turned back around to face her; she was just putting her shirt on. She looked at his eyes when her top was down; she couldn't see any love in them, she suddenly felt cold despite the hatred of him she felt.
"Come on, say it, I need to hear it, please..." She pleaded embracing him. He didn't comply; he kept his arms crossed over his chest.
"I've got nothing else to say until you've been debriefed, don't worry about your gear, someone will grab it when we leave..." Chris stood at the door and motioned for her to go.
The guards brought their weapons up as soon as she left the room, Chris then came into view and gave them a look; they lowered their weapons.
January 16th, 2551, Reach, Camp Hathcock, ONI Debriefing, 1203 Hours
Chris waited outside the briefing chamber waiting for Alison; Chambers was with him.
"So what happened yesterday?" Asked Chambers, he didn't get to go yesterday because Major Newman had taken his place.
"A lot of things, you're lucky you weren't there" said Chris taking a seat.
"Someone said you killed Marines?" Rumors of an ONI Death Squad had spread across the planet like wild fire.
"Yes, I killed my fair share," Chris hated himself for how he acted at the Medical Centre.
"You think Alison will join us?" Asked Chambers. Chris responded in a dazed, emotionless voice.
"She knows that if she doesn't, she dies..." Chris' voice didn't change, "she wanted to know whether I still loved her today," said Chris, he turned to face Chambers in his seat.
"What did you tell her?" Asked Chambers.
"I didn't say anything, I didn't want to say anything," Chris didn't understand why he felt this way.
"Well if we're in the same unit you better get your shit together, you have to lead us into battle, against who next, is anyone's guess but we have to be ready..." Chambers always knew what to say to get Chris thinking.
"Any word on the other replacement?" Chris changed the subject. Chambers was staring blankly at the wall in front of them.
"We're getting a grenadier from some existing ODST unit, they volunteered for it too. Maybe they have a grudge against Marines?" Chris snuffed at the comment.
"More likely it will end up one of the men or women I killed yesterday was his brother or sister..." Chambers turned to face Chris with a smirk on his face.
"Who said it was a he..." Chambers gave Chris a knowing look.
"What about Susan?" Asked Chris.
"She got posted off planet, I forgot to tell you before yesterday, she said don't bother having a long distance relationship, just find someone else, I think it will be hard to find someone better than her," Chambers didn't sound too upset about it.
"It'll be ok; tonight we'll go and scout the game around the camp, just you and me..." Just then the door slid open; Alison walked out, she had a smile on her face but it vanished as soon as she saw Chris.
They got on the elevator without a word and headed for the surface.
"What the fuck is your problem?" Chris demanded after Alison stood on the opposite side of the vast platform; looking in his general direction but not into his eyes.
"Isn't it obvious?" She snapped, "it s you!"
"What have I done?" Chris smacked himself in the back of head, remembering he had shot her and threatened to do it again.
"Why did you join these, these monsters?" She said walking slowly toward him.
"I wanted to fight for my race, I wanted to make a difference, and this is one of the few places where I can make a difference," Chris stayed back, he didn't move.
"You could have made a difference as a normal Shock Troop," Alison stopped her advance in the centre of the platform.
"Not as big a difference as I can make here," Chambers stood back from Chris.
"Oh yes, killing some of our finest Troops to protect some balding fat ass' job. That's a real big difference," she snapped.
"At least I'm making a fucking difference!" Chris hated her there and then; he couldn't help it, the look on her face, the tone of her voice, even the way she stood.
"And now I've been dragged into this mess thanks to you," Alison folded her arms over her chest in annoyance, "you can be such a cunt at times."
"I could have always shot you with real bullets, you fucking bitch," Chris could feel the tears coming from what he was saying in anger.
"Why don't you know then? You've got your gun, come on, shoot me, I dare you..." Alison put her arms out with her palms facing up and walked towards him, "come on 'mister I make a difference,' make another difference, kill the person you once loved..."
Chris froze for a second, chilled to the core by what she had said, he slumped against the wall of the elevator and dropped uncontrollably down to the deck, head bowed.
"I still love you," he stated as he started to cry.
Chambers went to his aid.
"Just stay back Alison," he said putting a hand up to her. The first thing Chambers did was remove the pistol, "I think this is yours," he said tossing it across the platform.
Alison checked the pistol; it wasn't loaded; it hadn't been loaded since it had been in her possession.
There was a moment of silence between the three; Chambers knelt next to Chris with a hand on his shoulder as Chris tried to stop crying. Alison stared blankly at the gun, recalling the events of the day.
"You weren't going to shoot me back at the Medical Centre, were you?" She said looking at Chris, his blubbering eyes finally showed the affection she had been looking for.
"No, it was all an act, I just didn't want them to hurt you," Chris didn't know what to do, "if I didn't get you to come with me the guys outside the door were going to come in and shoot you..."
"I really thought you were going to shoot me!" She exclaimed in a surprised voice, trying to lighten his spirit, she waved her hands at Chambers to play along.
"Yeah, you had me fooled..." Said Chambers going along with Alison.
"Just forget it," he said struggling to get up; Chambers gave him a hand up, Chris was starting to feel the pain from his jaw and split lips, "damn you hit hard..." Alison's smile became a wry grin.
"Good to know all those self defense drills paid off then," she gave him a wink and moved closer, her arms outstretched.
Chris walked slowly towards her and gripped her tightly as they embraced. And whispered into her ear;
"I won't let anything separate us again..." Alison started to cry as well, she believed him; she forgot what had just happened, she just loved him so much...
"So does this mean I got to take orders from you now?" She chuckled as the elevator reached the surface, "they told me you disobeyed direct orders by not killing me..." She looked at Chris, "thanks."
Chris didn't say anything, he gave her a knowing look and lead Chambers and her back to the quarters.
Long Time Gone Part 35
Date: 18 January 2005, 5:27 AM
Long Time Gone Part 35: No Rest For The Wicked
January 29th, 2551, Reach, Camp Hathcock, ONI Debriefing, 1203 Hours
Silence filled the room.
The Kill Team stood before the board once more. Both Squads stood at attention, weapons were held low and heads held high. The light reflected off their Combat Uniforms which were scarred with battle damage. Both Teams had seen a lot of action against their brothers in arms in the past two weeks.
Chris was in charge of his own platoon with Alison as his second in command. The two made a good team and were respected by the rest of the platoon; Chris for his cool headedness under fire and Alison for her quick thinking.
"Once again I congratulate you all for what you have done," said a voice, "I know it is hard to do what you do but our task is almost complete..." The worried looks on the faces of the Kill Team were hidden by their visors; the ONI wasn't known to leave loose ends, especially people who had done top secret operations.
Thoughts of suspicion filled Chris' senses. Would the ONI kill them when they outlived their usefulness? Before further thoughts could brew...
"That said," continued the voice, "we are assigning you to base security, you'll act as body guards and as such when required, Special Operations will still happen but not as often as now..." Sighs of relief went over the closed communications.
In the past thirteen days they had killed no less than three hundred UNSC personal, with only seven of them being targets. The ONI didn't seem to have as many enemies as Chris first assumed but that was good; they could finally get some rest.
"Major Newman would you and Bravo Team stay back, Alpha may go," Chris turned on his heel, he lead Alpha Team back to the surface.
The platoon had taken no more casualties since their fist mission. The other replacement; for Groener, was a female Orbital Drop Shock Trooper; Martha Ramirez; an elegant Spanish beauty, dark hair, dark skin and dark eyes. She had volunteered for this and was there for no longer than three days were she and Chambers together.
Chambers and Ramirez stood at one corner of the massive elevator heading for the surface with the rest of Alpha. The two were holding each other and their helmet visors were raised; they were talking as lovers do.
Chris turned to Alison; she was standing in front of him, she was looking at Chambers and Ramirez.
"Didn't take him long did it?" Said Chris over the Officer's channel.
"No it didn't," replied Alison; she turned to Chris, he saw his own helmeted face reflected in Alison visor, "so..." She said raising her visor as well as an eyebrow.
"So, what?" Said Chris, he removed his helmet entirely and placed it near his feet; one quick glance at the rest of the platoon saw that they were talking between themselves.
"So do you think we'll have to do much more of this?" She asked; her face was now set into a worried look. Chris stared off at the sparkling walls of the elevator shaft for a second, and then he replied.
"I have no idea, but I presume by what they said we can't have too many targets left before we're out of a job..." The words struck Alison.
"Yes, it's only a job isn't it?" She looked down and rotated her foot on the platform; like a smoker would do to a discarded cigarette.
"Don't start that killing fellow Marines crap again," Chris crossed his arms, "please just do what they ask of us, sooner or later we'll be in the thick of it against the Covenant." Chris picked up his helmet and put it under his arm.
"I sure hope so," said Alison surprising Chris, usually this would have burst into an argument, "the sooner the better, this is just depressing."
Chris looked at her; her eyes were sad but her face tried to smile, her posture showed it all though, the affect it was having on her; on his entire Squad as a matter of fact.
They all stood around somewhat slouched, their eyes were bloodshot and they had enormous sacks under their eyes; too many sleepless nights, the faces of the dead haunted their every thought.
"I don't like this any more than you do," Chris said fitting his helmet back on and opening the visor, "but this is what they want us too do and there is no arguing with it."
"I can't help but feel like a pawn though," said Alison, "like something bigger is happening that we can't see." Chris had been having the same feelings ever since their third mission, Chris' mind swept back to the event.
Their target had been a low ranking Fleet COM Official on the planet; his drop ship had been destroyed leaving the atmosphere by remote charges. Upon reaching the smoldering wreckage, technicians believed faulty fuel cells were the cause; the charges had been placed in with the fuel cells to make sure the technicians came to that conclusion.
But no less than thirty Marine security personal had been eliminated to gain access to the bird on the landing pad. The commander was left unopposed to leave as the small post had come under attack. Communications had been taken out so the rest of Reach had no idea what had happened. That was until the report that thirty-six UNSC personnel had died in training accident followed by a Pelican exploding as it left the atmosphere.
What had a Fleet COM Official done to the ONI? Or were they just eliminating the opposition?
The next four missions the targets had been medium ranking Officials around the planet. They all had pleaded too not say a word to anyone about what they knew but Newman shot them as ordered.
After the first mission they had learnt to never deploy with drop pods without existing ground support if it was available. Newman and his Bravo Team were always the first on the scene by fast rope descents from Pelicans into the target compounds.
Chris and his Alpha Team usually landed somewhere between thirty seconds to a minute later and gave the much needed strength to the attacks, they also dropped extra pods loaded with nothing but ammunition.
After the mission had been 'completed' and they were going to extraction, Newman got members of Bravo Team to use their SPNKr and demo charges to destroy the pods.
It was becoming difficult for the ONI to put 'Training Exercise Gone To Far'.
But it seemed the up coming mission had no need for his men. Not that Chris cared; they could all use the rest.
The elevator hit the surface and they Squad broke up; heading for their personal quarters.
August 14th, 2551, Space, Undisclosed Location, 1203 Hours
After three months of relative peace and quiet, and after Bravo Team's last mission; which they had done flawlessly. The Kill Team was back in action.
It was to be their first anti-Pirate operation. This band it seemed, had picked up the wreckage of an ONI Spook's Prowler; the pilot; who was alive, as well.
They threatened to kill the man if they weren't allowed safe passage through a naval blockade in the sector. Of course they wouldn't get it but the ONI had bought some time by saying they would take it too Fleet COM; but they were only stalling as the Kill Team was sent it.
Chris' platoon was inside a concealed Pelican drop ship. Their orders were to attack the lower sections of the pirates' vessel, taking pressure off Major Newman's assault from the upper decks and from where the Spook was being held, this was a rescue mission.
Chris sat with his buckle done up, game face on. The platoon was ready to move on Newman's orders.
"How many of them are there s'posed to be?" Asked one of Chris' men.
"Not, sure," Chris checked his 'emails', he had one from ONI Central Intelligence. It had basic details. Rough estimates of strength and a set of schematics which Chris forwarded to his engineer. "ONI, believes somewhere between fifty to one hundred."
"Jeez, a hundred! That all? A ship that size could house at least five hundred..."
The Pirate's ship, christened the 'Geiger' had once been a UNSC frigate but now served their dark deeds. The vessels in the naval blockade watched the Geiger sit several thousand kilometres away; its weapons systems were reported armed and ready.
The Kill Team's two Pelican drop-ships were inside a debris field that experts claimed would wash past the Geiger.
Chris had everyone enable life support systems on their newly acquired Sealed Atmosphere suits incase something went wrong. They had 15 minutes of oxygen inside their suits once separated from the Pelican's life support.
The new suits replaced the old uniform. The helmet looked the same except for the fact it was now air tight and had a breathing apparatus attached to the area around the chin.
The suits were also equipped with the A-12 Jetpack Jump Units. The small upside down 'V' shaped device is placed between the wearer's shoulder blades and was flush with the armored vest it was built into.
The females of the group were disgusted that their new uniforms were figure hugging and the males weren't.
The debris field neared the Geiger, a warning siren sounded inside the Pelicans.
"Reports of enemy weapons charging!" Screamed one of the Co-Pilots, "Incoming!"
A massive barrage of Archer Missiles rained down on the debris which consisted of large sections of a destroyed UNSC ship.
The Archer missiles impacted on the remains of Titanium Battle Plate; leaving only scorch marks where they exploded. But the explosions rocked the whole field. Some explosions sent smaller sections drifting out of the field.
Chris regained his senses after the initial shock waves. His Pelican had been badly shaken by the explosions. Chris called for a sound off of his men. They were fine despite some bruises and bloody noses.
Red warning lights and sirens were still wavering in the small troop area of the Pelican.
"Turn that shit off!" Barked Chris at the pilot, he complied.
"Ah, Captain?" Said the pilot; he was a youngish man, his young face turned back and store at Chris' visor, he didn't look happy.
"What!" Snapped Chris, he was trying to get into contact with Newman.
"We're drifting out of the debris field..." Chris stopped and turned to face the pilot completely.
"What, we're off course?" Said Chris.
"That's about it, sir." Chris was in the cockpit now, he store out of the windshield and saw the section Newman's Team was in still on course.
"OK we'll have to break the cover of the debris sooner," Chris had to think, "tell the blockade we'll need a small distraction, some Long Sword fighters should do the trick."
"Roger that," said the Pilot consulting with his radio.
As Alpha team drifted more off course, Newman and his Pelican were only five hundred kilometres off the targets starboard side and drifting rapidly.
"Major Newman, come in," said a voice.
"Newman here, talk to me," Newman checked on his Troops, gave them a smile and a pat on the shoulder, no one was going to die today if he could help it.
"Alpha Team has drifted off course," Newman cursed, "they can't break cover of the debris that far out, they'll be too easy of a target, so we've sent a task force of Long Swords to distract their systems whilst both Teams make their approach."
"Aw, you shouldn't have," joked Newman looking out of a port hole; he could see the light reflecting off twenty or so inbound Long Sword fighters.
They powered past the debris field effortlessly and made strafing runs over the Geiger, letting loose hell with their auto cannons and Archer missiles. Minimum damage resulted but the ship's weapons targeted the sleek nimble fighters harassing its flanks.
The small Long Swords were like flies on a dead carcass. Exploiting every weak spot and pummeling the ship from top to bottom.
"Heard you could use some support," said a voice over Newman's network, he checked the incoming signal, "look aft, sir."
Newman looked out behind his Pelican and saw Chris' Pelican. He could even make out McAllen in the cockpit of the drop-ship.
"OK, Teams, we're closing in on the Geiger," Newman switched too his close support channel, "thanks flyboys but its time for the grunts to get to work." The Long Swords broke off contact, drawing with them a stream of fire.
The Pirates didn't see the two Pelicans break from the nearing debris field and split up, one heading to the top of the Geiger whilst the other went low.
The enemy opened fire on them but it was too late, they had both set down at their locations; which were carefully chosen to put them where weapons couldn't reach. The Techs had been right, enemy fire couldn't touch them at the landing zones.
Chris disengaged himself from the Pelican's life support and opened the rear door. Chris led his troops out into space; they engaged magnetic soles on their boots and made contact with the hull.
"Major, this is McAllen," Chris directed his men too a pre-selected area on where to initiate the hull cutting, "we're in position and ready to engage hull breaching."
"Roger that, McAllen," said Newman, "start cutting as soon as possible, we're just about to start ourselves. Remember; make a lot of racket to keep them off us!"
"Not a problem, sir," said Chris turning to his squad, "Alison, get a move on, we need to get in there!" Alison was huddled down near the control panel to their hull breaching laser.
"Give us a second, will you?" She waved a hand in protest.
Alison initiated cutting and got everyone to run back with her.
"Holiday!" Said Chris to their pilot, "Get your ass out of here!"
"Roger, Captain, good luck, guys!"
"We were born lucky, man!" Said Chambers.
The instant the laser finished cutting the last millionth of a millimeter, the piece of cut away armour plate and the laser were blown away from the vessel with such force, that God must have done it himself.
They say you can't hear anything in space, well they are right, but Alpha Team could feel the vibrations through the battle plate. The massive amount of air being overcome by the atmosphere shook the lower sections of the ship.
Large objects pummeled out of the hole at the speed of light, large machines, small machines and the Pirates unlucky enough too be in there.
Soon the vibrations stopped as the atmosphere took control of the breached area.
"Alright, ladies, let's move!" Chris led his Squad through the hole into a large office type area. It had once contained a computer lab but the machines had been ripped from the walls and thrown into space.
Chris moved towards the massive door that sealed the atmosphere from the rest of the ship, luckily it acted as a two way air lock.
"Henderson, you're up," said Chris standing back from the door. Corporal Karl Henderson approached the door with a silver small briefcase, M7 in hand. He knelt down next to the console for the door and placed his case down too but then paused.
"Ah, if anything starts to float away can you grab it?" He asked. The question puzzled everyone until he opened the case and several items floated out and headed for the hole. Some of the items included a pencil, screwdrivers, connector cables, an eraser and an old issue of Galactic Girls.
Several of the ODSTs grabbed the items. Chambers grabbed the pornography magazine much to Martha's disgust.
"Thanks," said Henderson, he snatched the magazine off Chambers and turned back to try and hack the door. He pulled out his knife and used it to wedge off the panel covering the electronics for the door and started to work his magic.
Chris checked in on Major Newman, his team was at the same stage but they would wait inside the airlock until McAllen's team had caused sufficient confusion.
"There we go," said Henderson standing up with his brief case, lights flashed green on the air lock as it begun to cycle. A few seconds later a barely audible groan echoed through the bulkheads as the door opened.
"Sounds like this things going to fall apart if it gets anymore shit kicked through it," stated the Engineer of the Squad, Tom Veil.
"What ever, Veil, let's just do what we came here to do," said Alison.
"Yeah," said Chambers as he pumped his shotgun; but it could not be heard in the atmosphere, "kick some ass!"
After they piled into the somewhat large airlock they closed the rear door. A counter on the wall started to click over during the cycling, venting the atmosphere from the airlock and then pressurizing to have the same pressure as inside the ship.
"Lock and load, they know we're here now," Chris drew his SMG and made sure it was loaded up before replacing it back in the holster.
A ping noise similar to that of an elevator or microwave sounded as the pressure equalized.
"You can disengage self contained oxygen, now," said Alison reading the oxygen level in the airlock.
The artificially enhanced air had never been so good. They all took deep breaths before continuing.
"Opening the door in 5," Henderson stood near the control panel on the inside of the air lock, "4, 3, 2, 1..." The door hissed apart and they were in...
Long Time Gone Part 36
Date: 27 January 2005, 7:29 AM
Long Time Gone Part 36: Hostile Negotiations
August 14th, 2551, Space, Undisclosed Location, Aboard Pirate Vessel 'Geiger', 1305 Hours
The airlock opened with hiss. Karl Henderson stood back from the control panel and moved back towards the rest of the squad, he purposefully stood behind Chambers, trying to stay out of sight incase enemies were on the other side. .
"Alright," said Chris, looking behind at his Squad, "this it people, time for us to have some fun!"
The airlock door made a hollow thud as it finished opening. Alpha Team rushed out of the airlock, their weapons up and searching for targets.
They rushed through the ship and then they turned a corner and entered a long corridor. Bulkheads were at ever thirty of so feet, it was possible for the Team to leap frog each other up to the end.
"Schematics place the cargo hold at the end," said Tom Veil; the engineer, "crew quarters are all along this corridor..." Chris cut him off and started to issue orders.
"Alright, Ramirez, Chambers," Chambers and Ramirez spun to Chris, "you two take the left side, Jeebs and Flemings take the right side, everyone else form behind."
The first door in the corridor was on the left, Chambers edged closer to it; covered by Martha who was standing four feet behind him whilst everyone else covered the area in front and behind the squad. Chambers moved his left hand over a frag grenade on his webbing; he reached the doors controls and noted the names on the door.
They would be dead in a few seconds, Chambers pulled a grenade from his webbing; the special design on their uniforms had a piece of string attached to the pins of every grenade so when they removed the grenade it was primed and ready to go.
Chambers looked back to Chris; he nodded and everyone else was out of the way from the outward explosion to follow. Chambers released his thumb and the spoon on the grenade was released.
"Fire in the hole!" Said Chambers as he threw it in the room and heard startled cries from the occupants.
Chambers pushed himself flat against the wall, counting loudly over the Squad's communications. "...One, one thousand, two, one thousand, three, one thou-" A wash of materials was flung out of the door; pieces of walls, furniture... And body parts. Chambers brought up his rifle and moved into the room before the dust even cleared.
There had been three men in here, two were well and truly dead, missing limbs and all of their exposed skin was riddled with fragments. The third however was a different story; he sat slouched backwards over a chair, his head was tilted, looking at the roof.
The man moaned; he was barely alive, as blood seeped through a large hole in his throat, he noticed Chambers standing in the doorway and tried to move.
"Hey buddy..." Said Chambers as he fired two quick bursts with his Battle Rifle from the hip and caught the man in the chest, finishing him off, "...were you alright?"
The explosion followed by the bursts from Chambers had made so much noise in the confines of the corridor that countless Pirates emerged from their quarters all along the corridor, wearing what ever they had been; underwear for the majority.
"There's a fucking army of them, sir!" Said Ramirez aiming her rifle and dropping one of the farthest ones with a burst. Chambers leant out of the door and joined in with Ramirez.
"Let them have it!" Cried Chris diving to the ground to get better control of his weapon. Even though it lacked a bipod, Chris balanced the weapon on the drum and maintained a solid stream of fire down the corridor.
The walls vibrated with the constant firing of Alpha Team's weapons, in several seconds of firing, the Pirates in the open had been cut down and the light machine gun made others think twice about leaving their rooms.
"Sweep and clear!" Cried Chris firing hard as he stood up and made for the left side of the next bulkhead. He switched arms and held his weapon in his left hand, whilst resting his right arm on the bulkhead for a makeshift shooting platform.
"Go, go, go!" Said Alison leading the men up after Chris.
The ODSTs leap frogged each others movements up the corridor covered by the machine gun. They used grenades and cleared every room whilst under fire from the far end.
"Argh!" Cried Henderson, "I'm hit!" A bullet had just skimmed his left hand; he dropped to a knee and clutched the wound, his dropped sub-machine gun rattled on the ground from the vibrations.
"Shut up you big baby!" Said Jess Flemings, she was the designated Medic and begun to treat him under fire.
"Everyone take cover positions, I got to move up!" Said Chris, he had been left several bulkheads back and it was getting hard to get shots off at the enemy with his men in front of him.
"Flemings, check that..." "Argh, Henderson, check that..." "Veil, check that... "Jeebs, roger, dodger..." "Stick to radio procedure! Elliot, check that..." "Ramirez, check that..." "Chambers here, check..." Alison cut in to speed things up. "Parker, check that... We got you. You're covered to move, go!"
Chris broke cover and ran up to his men from behind. Bullets whizzed over head and pinged as they collided with walls and hit the ground. A large amount of brass was flung into the air by the assault rifles only; as the sub machine guns fired case-less ammunition.
"Some cover fire, sheesh!" A bullet still managed to hit Chris in the left leg but the armour held and Chris made it to his new position.
They let off some more lead at the Pirates as a radio message came in.
"Good work McAllen, too all your men! It's working like a charm," Newman stopped talking and fired a burst, "but try and draw a few more, make you seem like the bigger threat; you'll just need to get creative! Newman out."
Chris smiled at his men through his visor; they were truly beginning to act as a team.
"I'm out!" Cried Becker, taking cover to reload, Chambers took his position and continued to pummel the Pirates.
"I'm out! Anyone got a spare bandoleer?" Cried Veil, "this one was half empty!"
Chris pulled out several spare magazines from his thigh holster and handed them over.
"Check your ammo next time," was all he said.
"Thanks, sir!" Said Veil reloading his weapon and let loose a short burst, dropping a Pirate with a head shot.
They had made it half way up the long corridor; they had almost eighty metres left.
"Jeebs, Parker, give us some sniper support already!" Ordered Chris, reloading his machine gun. Chris pushed himself against a bulkhead, trying to stay out of sight and looking back down the corridor from which they had came from as he fumbled for a fresh drum.
A door to a room supposedly cleared with a grenade, a metre away from Chris opened. Chris saw the stubby barrel of a MA5B sneak out, ready to shoot his men from behind.
"Motherfucker..." said Chris dropping his machine gun with a clash as whipped out his pistol from behind his back.
Chris reacted quickly and sent a kick at the extended weapon; it flew out of the man's hands as he fired. The burst hit the roof and sent lead pinging to the floor.
Chris swung into the room; his pistol held low by his side, Chris had surprised the man; he was heavily wounded from a grenade blast.
They both didn't move, Chris just stared at the man.
"Well, well," started Chris, "looks like we got ourselves a Mexican stand off... With no Mexicans."
"I'll kill you!" Said the Pirate. He went to draw an F-5 pistol from his belt. Chris raised his previously lowered pistol and fired two shots from less than a foot away. The large calibre rounds ripped through the man with ease, splattering star shaped explosions of blood on the wall behind him.
"See you in hell," said Chris firing several more cartridges into the corpse. Chris quickly grabbed the man's bandoleer of ammo and the discarded MA5B.
Chris rejoined his men and gave the gear to Veil.
"Aww, come on! This is shit compared to the M7s..."
"Well next time check your ammo!" Said Chris. He retrieved his machine gun and finished reloading it.
A deafening noise filled the short corridor, Chris ears begun to ring just as he saw the cause. Alison had her sniper rifle out and Jeebs was spotting targets with a set of binoculars.
The noise was worth the result though. A Pirate who had been plaguing them with a light machine gun received a large hole in his forehead; and out the other side for a matter of fact, just for his troubles.
"Shot, Alison!" Said Chambers giving a low whistle, "getting better every time..."
Chris took up a similar position to before and used his right arm as a makeshift shooting platform with the help of the bulkhead.
Chris fired short bursts of twenty or so rounds at a time. The Pirates started to fall back under withering fire from Alpha Team.
"Don't follow them!" Cried Veil looking at the Schematics on his HUD, "they just ran back around the corner to the Cargo Bay, an ambush most likely."
"Alright, ready some light demo charges, Elliot." Said Chris; Sargeant James Elliot was the demolitions expert.
"Sir?" Elliot usually didn't question orders but this time he just had to ask.
"To throw at the Pirates... What else? Not like we could blow up the ship or anything," said Chris.
"Alright, sir, I'm on it!" Alpha Team advanced up the corridor cautiously; collecting grenades and anything of value from the corpses.
Taking from the dead didn't seem right to Chris but he didn't do anything to stop the few of his men who did it. They sometimes found good things. They found a few thousand credits one mission on a dead Marine Officer. That had paid for a few nights at the bar for both Squads.
Elliot fumbled with two light demo charges as they run, he armed one and handed it to Chambers.
Light Demolition Charges used by Chris and his Team are the size of average paper back novel. A small counter indicated the status of the weapon; usually 'SAFE' when carried, but once armed it would beep until it exploded.
"This stuff puts my home made pipe bombs to shame!" Said Chambers holding the charge.
"You were always a Rebel as a kid," said Chris, "or so you told me."
They stopped thirty feet from the corner that led to the Cargo Bay.
"Alright, I want some flash bangs around the corner followed by the charges," Chris looked at Chambers and Elliot, "think you can throw them far enough?"
"It's only thirty feet from the door to the corner, sir," said Veil consulting the schematics again.
"Alright, on my go..." Chris gestured to Ramirez and the now bandaged Henderson. They moved closer to the corner and readied two flash bang concussion grenades each.
Ramirez and Henderson bounced the grenades around the corner and ran away from the corner hands over their helmeted ears, waiting for the deafening explosion.
As the name suggested the Flash-Bang grenade; flashes then goes bang.
An explosion of light illuminated the area followed closely by the bang. Chris' ears rung once again and he was around a corner, it must have been truly painful to experience it face to face.
Chris pushed Chambers and Elliot to go to the corner. Unlike Ramirez and Henderson, they ran around the corner and threw the charges before jumping back.
The two caught a glimpse of twenty or so disorientated Pirates taking cover behind mobile defences commonly used on UNSC Ships.
A low series of beeps were emitted by the charges. The beeps got quicker and quicker as the timer of five seconds came to an end. By the fifth second there was no gap between the beeps and it sounded like the charges had flat lined.
Men and equipment were hurled away from the door which itself, was blown up, leaving a somewhat, clear path into the Cargo Hold.
Chris led his men into the Cargo Hold, through the smoke and debris; they walked thirty feet into the Hold before they stopped. The smoke had begun to lift and they were in clear view, but no one shot.
There were almost one hundred Pirates in the massive Cargo hold in various positions but they held their fire.
The Cargo hold was easily as long as two foot ball fields and at least one wide. Not to mention the high ceiling; almost fifty metres and covered with large glass, flood lights.
"Don't shoot guys," said Chris over the comms.
A voice sprang out, followed by its owner. "Ah, welcome" said the man, he was of average height with a pug nose and dark hair.
"Hi," said Chris turning the outside comms switch off so the man could hear him.
"Enjoying your visit?" Asked the man genuinely, he had an MA5B Assault rifle resting down by his side.
"You in charge of this rabble?" Asked Alison stepping up next to Chris.
"No, I am not, and you are?" Asked the man. Alison raised her visor.
"Your worst nightmare..." She said and closed the visor again.
"Well anyhow, too the point" started the man; after giving Alison a good looking over in her figure hugging suit, "my commander would like to discuss the surrender."
Chris thought for a second, snuffed a laugh and said, "Sorry but we don't have the facilities to take you all prisoner!" The squad chuckled at the comment. The man's face went sour as his men begun to whisper and ready their weapons.
"Who told you, that you could speak?" Yelled Chris at them, he fired a burst up at the roof and continued, "don't move and no one else gets hurt..."
Just as one of the large overhead lights from the roof collided with the ground... It had been detached by a random bullet from the burst and killed several Pirates on impact and sent out hundreds of glass fragments that wounded others.
"OK..." said Chris taking a step back, "how about no one gets hurt from now on?" then over the comms equipment, "everyone take cover!"
"Kil..." started the man but never finish what he was saying as Chambers hit him in the chest with a blast from his shotgun.
Alpha Team took cover behind various crates and forklifts. The Squad was scattered around the crates, worse still the enemy was putting out a lot of lead and kept them pinned down.
Chris looked around the Cargo Hold, he was trying to think. They were out gunned for once; the enemy had the edge no matter how untrained they were. Quantity would win over quality.
Then he looked down at his boots. The magnetic soles were still enabled, he had totally forgotten about them. He hadn't even notice them during his manoeuvres.
"Who's got the spanker!?" He asked over the comms.
"We couldn't bring it," said Alison, "they didn't want to take the chance of us compromising the ship before the objective was complete!"
"Oh just fucking great!" Said Chris looking at the closed airlocks used by Pelicans or other craft to enter and exit the Hold from space. Light Demolition Charges wouldn't be sufficient to breach the air lock and even if they could get close enough, they wouldn't be able to reseal the Hold. If they have airlocks then there must be airlock controls...
"Veil," said Chris, "where's the controls for the airlocks?"
"Uh-oh, what has he got on his mind?" Asked Alison firing at the Pirates.
"Um, according to this they're directly above us, an access ladder is over near, Parker," stated Veil.
Chris looked up and saw the 'sky-box' that was the control centre for the Cargo Hold. The ladder up wasn't a good story. It was a ninety foot climb and the concentrated fire of the Pirates didn't make it any easier.
"Ok," said Chris as a bullet hit his helmet, "we got ourselves into this mess, and by damn we'll out of this," Chris fired a burst in frustration, "ok, here's what we're gonna do." Chris took another look at the ladder.
"On my command, I want everyone to fire as fast as you can, try and get some grenades over at them if you can manage, I need cover to get up there and open the airlocks," Chris snuck a peak at the Pirates, several of them were trying to flank his Team's position. "Everyone make sure your magnetic soles are engaged and find something secure, this is gonna be close..."
"But, sir" said someone; it was Henderson.
"What?" Chris was getting ready for his dash.
"If anyone should go it should be me, what if you can't operate the machinery," Henderson stopped, and showed Chris his bandaged hand, "my, err, suit, isn't as atmosphere resistant as it could be..."
"Fuck," was all Chris said to begin with, "sure you could make it though?" Henderson looked at Chris, "well I s'pose you ain't got much choice do you?"
Henderson cocked his head to the side. "Glad you see it my way, sir!"
Henderson readied himself for the run; he had his head low behind cover; waiting for Chris' signal.
"Why don't we flash them?" Said Alison. Chris shook his head.
"No, no, the blast wouldn't blind all of them, some of them are almost a hundred metres away, they won't be affected... Much."
"So what, we're just gonna try and pin them down?" She said looking at Chris; he tapped where his temple was on the outside of his helmet.
"Sometimes I wonder why I signed up for this..." Sighed Alison removing the partially empty magazine from her M7, reloading with a full magazine.
"That makes two of us, Alison," said Chris, even though she couldn't see his face; Alison was positive that he was smiling, she smiled back.
Chris slowly edge upwards towards the end of his cover upwards. "Everyone get ready..." Scuffling of boots and barely audible whirr noise the magnetic soles made when they attached to the floor, filled the small area around the squad.
Chris rose up first, brought up his gun in a millisecond and jammed down on the trigger as he yelled, "Henderson, GO!" Alpha opened fire...
Instantly the area around Alpha Team lit up under the light of muzzle flashes. Vast shadows were cast in the light, adding to terror they all felt.
Henderson broke cover...
Long Time Gone Part 37
Date: 10 February 2005, 6:36 AM
Long Time Gone Part 37: Taking Out The Trash
August 14th, 2551, Space, Undisclosed Location, Aboard Pirate Vessel 'Geiger', Cargo Hold, 1348 Hours
Henderson hit the deck immediately; a bullet had just missed his head.
"Fuck this!" He screamed over the comms; barely audible over the deafening gunfire echoing around the Cargo Hold.
Chris noticed Henderson's plummet from behind the forklift he was using as cover. "Get the hell back up, Henderson! You wanted to go, so move!" Henderson laid there for a moment; then he pushed off the floor and stood straight up but went back down to a crouch when another near miss flew over head.
"I'm going, I'm going..." Henderson started his sprint again with renewed vigour.
Chris hammered down on his machine gun's trigger; a steady vibration assaulted his shoulder. Chris just changed his firing vector every thirty or so bullets - so his weapon suppressed the enemy effectively.
Henderson had a little less than three metres to run to the ladder, he had been on the opposite side of the door and had to break cover to reach the same side as Alison - who was next to the access ladder.
Henderson dived the last little bit and slid across the plated floor. He skidded to an abrupt stop when Alison grabbed his webbing when he had over shot her by a good half of a metre.
Henderson got up slowly. "Thanks," he said brushing off his front, a thick layer of dust and grime now covered him. Henderson looked up at the ladder.
"It didn't look this big from over there," Henderson turned to Chris across the floor, "sure you don't wanna just swap suits?"
"Get going already," cried Chris reloading his weapon, "don't make me come over there!"
"Roger, sir," said Henderson taking a grip on the ladder, "one small step for man, one giant leap for man kind?" He joked taking a step onto the first rung of the ladder.
Alison turned and gave him a smack on the rear, "move it!"
Henderson wasn't usually the one to joke but being counted on must have brought out his funny side, which no one else thought was funny...
The Pirates' rate of fire slackened under the withering hail of fire coming from the experienced Orbital Drop Shock Troopers.
Despite all of the firing going on, barely anyone had been hit on either side; several ODSTs - including Chris and Alison - had been hit but their suits' integrity held.
Henderson scurried up the ladder, two rungs at a time, powering as fast as he could - under heavy fire from the Pirates.
Henderson was half way up the ladder when it happened. A sharp burning sensation ripped its way into his right shoulder - leaving a rugged, gapping hole through it.
Henderson swore loudly. "Fuck! I'm hit again, bad this time." Chris didn't take notice; he was busy trying to prevent further incidents for Henderson.
Alison saw his difficulties; she turned and yelled up to him despite using her comms equipment. "Just keep going Henderson, you're half way there, don't give up, we're depending on you..."
That's right isn't it? I die, we all die? Or will someone else have to try and do this...
Henderson kept going; his newly wounded shoulder made him have to take the rungs one at a time, slowing him down considerably. Bullets zipped, pinged and bit at his limbs.
Bright bullet impact sparks filled his vision and combined with the steady stream of blood pouring out of his shoulder, Henderson swore he was starting to see things...
Henderson gripped each rung as if it were his last, knuckles turning white inside his suit's gloves and heaving desperately trying to stay focussed.
"I don't think he's gonna make it," said Chambers - firing hard - to Elliot who was next to him.
"Just keep shooting, Chambers and he'll make it, alright?" Elliot bit down hard as he fired, trying stay as focussed as Henderson, "don't die on me, buddy."
Chris snapped a look at Henderson, he was almost at the top, the ladder and the wall around it was littered with hundreds of inward facing dimples from bullet impacts - the wall was showing a resemblance to the ducks at the shooting galleries. Henderson himself was in a bad way, his uniform's back was covered in blood and a large pool of blood had formed at the base of the ladder - being slowly filled by the waterfall which was the wound in Henderson's shoulder.
Henderson reached the ledge and like a rock climber did what they did when they reached the top of the wall.
"Fuck, yeah!" Henderson exclaimed smacking down on the cat walk that led to the 'Sky Box' and the controls to the air lock.
His accomplishment was short lived as another bullet found its mark, sending Henderson into the wall side of the cat walk - a hideous red splash covered a good metre square on the wall. This time he had been hit in the throat...
Henderson tried to scream but all he could do was gurgle, blood filled his throat, his vision begun to get fuzzy, he was on the very edge of consciousness.
Henderson tried to take a step but his leg buckled, feeling like it was made of lead. He fell down unto the mesh material which was the floor of the cat walk. Henderson looked in front of himself, he had blood speckles on the inside of his visor and he could feel the nauseating feeling of warm liquid swishing around in his helmet - his own blood...
The 'Sky Box' was only a stone's throw away.
Why me? Why did I volunteer? Because if you hadn't McAllen would have blown the locks and you would have died of decompression, fuck head... But why this? God I just want to die...
"Go, Henderson!" Cried a voice, Henderson tilted his head downwards with a great effort and saw some of the team cheering him on, Chris included, "come on, man!" It was Elliot talking, "show these mother fuckers who they're dealing with!" The words started take affect on Henderson, "we ain't no ordinary Marine fuckers, we're ODSTs! ONI, ODSTs! The best of the best, go hard, son!"
Henderson raised a knee, and sat up; a bullet pinged close to his head. Henderson - feeling almost suicidal do too his wounds - whipped out his holstered sub machine gun and emptied the contents of its magazine across the vast cargo hold - pushing the weapon's short range beyond extremes..
Because he was up higher than most, his bullets rained quick and nimble death upon the Pirates unlucky enough to be seen by the hallucinating Henderson.
The weapon ticked dry and Henderson discarded it with a weak grunt. His throat was on fire, every breath was a battle of its own.
Henderson fell back down onto the mesh and kicked and clawed his way towards the door to the 'Sky Box'. It was only thirty feet away but it might as well have been one thousand, it would seem like forever for Henderson.
Chris reloaded his K50A1, discarding the drum with an unusual amount of frustration - he then removed a grenade from his webbing and threw it as far as he could; it exploded with a mighty explosion and sent several Pirates to the wild blue yonder.
Alison however, kept her anger under control but only enough so she was thinking straight when she shot her sniper rifle. Mighty retorts had been sounding through the entire endeavour; Jeebs had reluctantly given Alison his ammunition when she had used all of hers.
Chambers was truly enjoying himself. Not bothered by the massive amounts of lead flying over head as he emptied another magazine from his BR-55. He reached for another... But he found he that had been his last.
"Whoa, how the fuck did I go through eighteen clips already?" He asked no one in particular as he swapped it for his shotgun. As the buck shot would be good as throwing pebbles at the Pirates at this range he switched to the blue, poly core slugs. Chambers mumbled as he loaded the shells. "Mother fucking, lame ass bastards, I'll fuck you all up, just wait 'til I'm locked and loaded!"
With in a millisecond of Chambers using his thumb to push the last light blue shell with a bright brass base that would fit into the shotgun, he did the action and brought the weapon up to his shoulder. Chambers had the classic 'V' aiming device with a Pirate in the centre - their HUDs do not support shotguns due to the buck shot accuracy, which is why Chambers was using the sights.
With a squeeze of the trigger, Chambers felt the mighty retort of the shotgun going off unto his shoulder. The solid, poly core, tungsten coated, armour piercing slug sped towards its victim at an impressive 2,423 feet per second. Upon impact the initial wound was a hole the size of the projectile appeared - roughly the size of a golf ball - on the Pirates chest - above the left breast - but the slug continued straight through the man, taking with it, a large chunk of his flesh the size of a tennis ball, the man got slammed backwards to an almost standing position from his previous kneeling position.
But Chambers hadn't finished, it that same moment he done the shotgun's action again and had fired, this time the slug impacted high on the man's forehead, the man did a full back flip, ass over end. The body hit the floor and started to convulse rapidly, the missing half of his head splattered on a wall ten metres away.
"Whoa, see him?" Asked Chambers, "ass over fuckin' tit he went!" Chambers ducked behind cover and loaded up two more slugs just in case he didn't have time later.
Henderson had reached the door. He swung his hand wildly and hit the door open switch and left a bloody hand print on it.
Henderson crawled into the room; a long, wide blood stain followed him into the structure. Got to keep going, almost there. Henderson noticed the control panel as soon as he entered the Sky Box.
The welcome screen vanished as Henderson dragged himself into the control seat and it replaced itself with a screen displaying the status of the cargo hold. Henderson noticed the option, 'Open Cargo Hold' and let out a chuckle but it caused blood to surge from his wound, he rushed a hand to the hole to cover it up and begun to type feverously with one hand.
The door refused to open whilst the computer detected human life unprotected from the atmosphere in the hold. Henderson continued you type rapidly with one hand, the constant noise of battle in his ears, blood was trickling between his fingers and Henderson begun to feel sleepy.
No! I've got to fight it, they're depending on me, can't let them down... Henderson finished the last prompt line in the console and paused, sending two taps across the communication system as he was unable to speak.
Even though super heated lead was pulsing over head, Chris still heard the double pause in the static. "Henderson, is that you?" He asked. Another pause came in the static. "If you're ready to blow the Hold give me three more breaks," Chris turned and looked up at the Sky Box, its viewing windows were out of Chris' view. Static... *break*... Static... *break*... Static... *break* "Great, Henderson!" Said Chris, "Blow it in ten seconds, over!" Chris sent an 'Attention Wanted' beacon over his Squad's HUD.
The Squad turned as one; they had stopped shooting and saw Chris running for the cover of some sturdy containers lay so that they formed a wall parallel to the Cargo Hold doors; they were ten metres in front of Alpha's position. Chris waved his hand for them to follow which they did without question.
Chris pushed hard up against the container; it was locked into the Cargo Hold's floor by the means of eight gigantic clamps. Chris checked his boots and motioned for his people to do the same.
...8 seconds... 9 seconds... 10...
Henderson's thumb came down on 'enter,' the response was instantaneous.
Before the door had opened a bare millimetre the air inside the Cargo Hold turned a gale, a constant, soundless, screaming wind that bit at Alpha Team and the Pirates.
Finally the Atmosphere started to pull the air out of the Cargo Hold and the long corridor Alpha had run through to get here as the air lock had been destroyed. Chris knelt down defiantly, clasping onto Alison and Chambers' shoulders, desperate not to let them go. Everyone else dropped to their knees, keeping their feet in contact with the metallic floor at all times.
Along with the air, men, were being pulled from where they stood. The majority of the Pirates begun to scream as they were pulled towards the open Cargo Hold Airlocks. Many tried to get a grip on what ever they could. They would hold on until the force became so strong they would get their arms ripped off...
Everything that wasn't bolted down - but not even that saved many, the means of attachment were snapped like twigs - and all kinds of debris was flung out the Cargo Hold; containers, lifting equipment, an old, past prime, unhooked Pelican drop ship and of course, people... The entire endeavour lasted for a gruelling, 36 seconds, every moment was hell for Alpha, being pulled flat back against the container they sought refuge behind.
Henderson typed another command and pressed enter hastily, the doors begun to close and the atmosphere released them from its grip. Chambers slumped to the ground as the room re-pressurised. "Now that was fun!" Chambers stood up straight away, he did his shotgun's action and the empty cartridge pinged to the ground, the small noise echoed through the vast space.
The unmistakable sound of silence echoed through the hold, Chris emerged from cover followed by his team.
The hold was practically empty , not a single thing stirred. The area which had been one of the most brutal fire fights Alpha Team had been through was finally over yet not a single sign of the battle remained. Despite the bullet scarring, even the blood spilled had been sucked off the floor and crystallized in space.
Only several large containers - bolted down in a similar fashion to the one Alpha had hid behind - remained on the floor.
"Henderson!" Exclaimed Elliot, he ran as fast as he could for the access ladder to the Sky Box.
Chris just stood there, watching Elliot take the ladder two rungs at a time.
"What the fuck are you all doing!?" Yelled Elliot over the comms, "Henderson is hit, he needs help!"
"Flemings help him out," Chris turned and faced the other members of his Team. They raised their visors, revealing sweat laden faces and worried looks for Henderson. "You done good, people," Chris felt weight on his left shoulder and turned, Alison was leaning on him, looking down at the ground, "damn good today, but as you know, we aren't done yet..."
Chris posted Chambers and several Troops at the Airlock to the next corridor into the ship. Everyone else was up in the skybox, standing around Henderson.
Chris looked at the man, his helmet had been removed - and it was sitting upside down on the floor, a largish pool of crimson blood filled it - Henderson had his eyes closed, his face was covering in caking blood and his head jolted up and down slightly as Jess Flemings finished putting the pressure bandage over the hole in his throat.
Flemings then opened her suit and brought out a tube of bio-foam - it had to be carried inside the atmosphere suits because if unprotected when in space the can of foam would expand rapidly and explode, most likely killing the carrier - she shook the aerosol can the foam came in up and down, she removed the cap and placed it in the wound in Henderson's shoulder.
"This is going to sting, Henderson but I have to do it, ok?" Jess placed a gloved hand on Henderson's forehead, he smiled at her touch but his eyes were still closed.
Flemings depressed the dispenser and yellowish foam injected itself in the open shoulder wound. Henderson convulsed shortly as the foam quickly turned from being freezing cold to roughly the same temperature as his body.
"It's ok, Henderson," said Flemings, "you're going to make it, just hold on." Flemings removed her helmet and leant in and kissed him roughly on the cheek
Chris watched this bewildered, his Team's Technician had almost died climbing the ladder to open the Cargo Hold to save the Team.
"Nice work Henderson, nice work," Chris turned to leave when he got the drone over his Team Monitor, "oh fuck, no..." Chris turned and Jess Flemings was pounding repeatedly on Henderson's chest doing CPR, stopping momentarily to inject a Cardiac injection through Henderson's suit into his heart.
Elliot jumped down next to Flemings. "Anything I can do?" Jess stopped for a second and thought.
"Come here and every fifteen compressions, give him two quick breaths ok?" Elliot nodded, moving up to Henderson's head and started CPR.
Chris turned away, not wanting to watch, a hand touched his shoulder, he turned, Alison greeted him with a slight smile, it faded as soon as she begun to talk. "Henderson didn't have a choice, Chris, if he didn't go, someone else would have and he would have died from decompression," Alison stopped as a harsh yell came over from Elliot.
"Stop talking that way! He's not dead! He just needs some help," Elliot looked at Henderson and started to blubber, "aren't you buddy?" Elliot stopped CPR and put his arms over Henderson's face, leaning down on them and cried at a steady rate.
Flemings stopped, her hands still in the CPR position, she felt tears swell in her eyes, she had been dating Henderson since the Team's formation, it hurt her more than Elliot.
Chris turned away in disgust, not at the actions of his men, but at the actions of everyone BUT his men. Another man had just lost his life under Chris' command.
"Fuck this!" He yelled over the network, he run somewhat to the ladder and slid down it. Landing on the ground with a thud he rushed over to Chambers.
"What happened?" Asked Chambers, knowing the answer but having to hear it from his friend and commander to know it was true.
"Henderson is dead," was all Chris said, he dropped his K50A1 - he only had a half a belt left anyhow - and whipped out his M7 sub machine gun. "Team prepare to move..."
"What about Henderson?" Asked Elliot over the network, his voice was in tatters, "we can't just leave him here."
"That is exactly what we are going to do," Chris heard the mutters over the comms, "listen, I don't fucking like this anymore than you but we have a job to do! We've all known Henderson since the Team's formation but we need to let go. It's bad for all you but it's worse for me, I have to live with the conscious that he died fulfilling my order."
There was silence over the network, the remaining part of the Team still in the Sky Box filled out, down the ladder and across the hold to Chambers and Chris.
Jess Flemings walked slowly up to Chris, her visor was still raised and her lush green eyes were full of sorrow. She held out a clench fist, Chris put an open hand under it and Flemings dropped Henderson's dog tags into his hand.
Chris looked at her, he moved a hand and she flinched with fear at first, but he used a gloved finger and thumb to wipe away the swelling tears on her face and closed her visor.
"Be strong for him, Jess," was all Chris said, clenching the dog tags before putting them into his left breast pocket, "let's go..."
Long Time Gone Part 38
Date: 20 February 2005, 6:31 AM
Long Time Gone Part 38: Time For Us To End This
August 14th, 2551, Space, Undisclosed Location, Aboard Pirate Vessel 'Geiger', 1403 Hours
Newman dropped to a knee, taking cover behind one of the many over turned tables strewn around the room. Newman discarded the empty magazine from his sub-machine gun, replaced the magazine and raised himself above the table and let rip a short burst at some of the remaining Pirates.
Bravo swept over the small area like Death itself.
Unlike Alpha, Bravo Team was the team made up of men and women chosen by the ONI. Whereas Alpha was made up of Newman's choices, Bravo were true blue, Black Ops personnel.
All of Bravo were extremely well trained, more so than that of Alpha. The ONI had Bravo handle more pressing matters. But without Alpha on the majority of the missions, Bravo would be pretty useless; it was a relationship that met in the middle.
Bravo's professionalism showed one of its better forms in close combat. Newman watched one of his Sargeants in a struggle with a Pirate. The Sargeant had his knife drawn and had the Pirate pinned down on a table, edging the knife closer to the Pirate's throat. With one final plea for mercy from the Pirate, the Sargeant sunk the knife into the man's throat, threw the convulsing body to one side like a rag doll, drew his handgun and dropped another Pirate several feet away with a headshot.
Newman finished off another magazine, killing the last Pirate in the process; a deadly silence filled the room as the members of Bravo emerged from cover.
With the room clear, Newman got the team to regroup. They were only one room away from the captured Spook.
"Ok, guys" said Newman, "as much as I hate to say it, we'll need Alpha's help on this one." Newman saw the posture changed on Bravo as one, somewhat annoyed having to bring Alpha into another battle they could handle on their own. But they knew they better not failing the objective. Newman changed frequencies.
"McAllen come in," he started, the gentle static of the channel soothing him only for it to be interrupted by McAllen's response.
"McAllen here, sir."
"What's your SIT-REP, over?" Newman asked genuinely. Chris' reply was hardly happy.
"We lost Henderson," was all he said at first, "we're moving up another bastard of a corridor but no resistance, over"
"I need you up here on B Deck, we're about to breach the Prisoner holding cells but I want to make sure we don't lose the objective, so I want you to breach on the other side of the room, ask your engineer, should be marked clearly on the schematics, we're at the southern door, out."
Chris had stopped his Team. Looking at them take positions, he didn't want to put them into battle again if he could help it but he owed it to Henderson to kill as many of those Pirate bastards as he could...
"We'll be there, Major..." Chris led them forward with a wave of the hand, it wouldn't take long.
Chris and Alpha rounded the corner to the elevator, weapons up, half expecting the entire ship's crew to be there to defy them but a vast empty platform greeted them; similar to the one down to the ONI briefing area at Hathcock.
"Hender..." Chris stopped, "Veil, get us up there." Everyone piled onto the elevator and took positions around the edge looking upwards towards the top of the ship.
Veil fiddled with the controls for a second and hit the 'UP' button, with a slow rumbling, it begun to rise, slowly but surely.
Chris held his M7 tight to his shoulder, changing his firing vector rapidly, searching for threats, trying not to let his men down... again... Alison noted Chris' actions, wanting to say something encouraging but that little voice told her to just let him be.
Chambers was kneeling next to Elliot who was still crying; he had his visor open and was wiping his eyes every now and then when the tears were too much.
"It'll be ok, Elliot," said Chambers putting an arm around him, "we'll get through this, like Karl would have wanted us too." Elliot didn't stop crying he looked at Chambers and went to say something but lost it in all the blubbering. "Oh for fuck sakes," exclaimed Chambers, dropping the voice of sympathy, "he's dead! Alright? Dead, dead, dead, fucking dead! Nothing you or I can do about it so suck it up you gutless fuck, we got a job to do."
Elliot's face twisted as he took in what Chambers had said. Chambers slid away from Elliot, not wanting to be close incase of a physical rebut.
"You're right..." said a low voice, Chambers didn't notice it at first but it had been Elliot, the usually loud and lively man that had known was now a quiet mouse of a man. "He is dead and there is nothing I can do about it, but..."
"Just move on, Elliot," said Chris from the other side of the platform, "it will be hard but you can do it, you'll only die slowly thinking of what if, or what could have been, ok?" Chris retracted the stock of his M7 and holstered it, drawing his M6C from its holster and cocking it.
Elliot started to stare, not at any one in particular; he was trying to find the truth in what they had said. "Ok, Captain, I'm ready..." said Elliot standing up, re-cocking his BR-55, a full casing ejected from the weapon and fell to the floor, with a echoing ping .
Chris saw the change in Elliot's eyes, from the bright intelligent sparkle to a dull glazed over look. "Elliot is on leave as soon as we get back, Alison, ok?" Said Chris over the Officer's channel. She turned and just nodded in reply but she too noticed the change in Elliot, if it was for the good or bad, time would tell.
The elevator came to a halt on B Deck, half of Alpha fanned out to the left side of the first room and the other half went right and met near a container not far from the shaft.
It was a largish room, almost a small cargo area but it looked deserted, containers littered the room of various sizes, it was a low ceiling room, lots of ambush positions. The roof was covered in florescent lights; everything was painted in an unnatural white glow. They were not far away from where Newman wanted them. But first they had to get there.
Chris stepped forward, staying low and took a position behind a container; he motioned for everyone else to move up. "Parker," Chris turned to Alison, "I want you take Elliot, Chambers, Jeebs, Veil and Ramirez, go around that way," Chris pointed at the wall and then towards the opposite end of the room, "I'll take everyone else and go the other way, go now."
Alison's Team broke from cover and moved silently, Chris led his Team the other way, the idea was to clear the room whilst moving for the exit and met at the door out of there.
Jess Flemings held her M7 tightly, she was right behind Chris. Jess was still crying as they moved, her visor was closed and her moans could only be heard by herself. "Jess," stated Chris, he put his left arm out and signaled for her to go around one side of a suspicious container.
Jess sucked up the tears and clicked her mic, moving slowly towards the container. Chris led everyone else to the other side of the container.
Jess Flemings rounded the corner of the container with a deep breath and fired by instinct at the most obvious hiding position there. The bullets impacted high on the Pirates who had been hiding there, no they had not been hiding... they had been waiting...
"Ambush!" Cried Jess jumping into the downed Pirates' position, they wouldn't be needing it anymore.
"Down!" Cried Chris as the room suddenly filled with the sound of gunfire, most notably MA5Bs and the slight drone of M7s could also be heard but only just. Chris crash tackled one of his men into cover as a wild stream of fire raked the wall above them.
Chris scurried up against a crate, signaling for his three other men to take cover with him. The three men clambered to the floor next to Chris; they started returning fire as soon possible. Sargeants Rick Hornster, Pat Lincoln and Staff Sargeant Tom Floyd returned fire with their BR-55s with extreme accuracy, killing several of the Pirates and wounding more. Normally this Trio would have the Team's SPNKr and BTFUs, but since they were not allowed to bring them, the three just brought extra grenades and ammunition.
"Where's Flemings?" Asked Chris noticing her absence.
"Right here, sir!" She said over the comms, Chris noticed her waving an arm from cover getting his attention.
"I see you, are you ok?" Chris noticed they were only under fire from the end of the room, from the door, the only way out for them. If they tried to run back to the elevator the Pirates would have little trouble gunning them down and they would have easy shots of the descending team from the edge of the shaft.
"Just dandy, sir," Jess tried to stray as little from cover as she could, "looks like there is about a dozen or so of them, 5B's and F-5s, nothing serious."
Chris snuck a peek at the enemies' position; it was of basic structure, containers of various make and size, stacked into a makeshift barricade. It won't last against a well thrown explosive, but a grenade wouldn't be big enough, I'll need Elliot.
On the other side of the room Alison was already on it. "Hurry up, Elliot!" She cried, "We need to take out that position! Now!"
Elliot fumbled with a light demolitions charge, checking the wires and powering up the detonator. He entered a five second timer and hit enter. Elliot then hot potatoed the charge to Chambers.
"Fire in the hole!" Yell Chambers as he threw the brick of explosive towards the barricade of crates.
"Fire in the hole?" Repeated Chris, "what's going on?"
"Everyone, down!" Ordered Alison over the comms. Chris and his Team put their heads down as a deafening roar filled the room followed by a shockwave and then by the debris.
Chris jumped up soon as he could and pulled Hornster along with him, leaving Floyd and Lincoln to lay down suppressing fire. They wouldn't need to though; the Pirates were all dead or good as dead.
Chris and Hornster checked over the dead, turning over bodies and scrounging grenades and munitions. Chris relieved one of the Pirates of an MA5B. Hornster laughed at Chris. "God you got some guts using one of those things, I'll never go back to the 5B's after these," Hornster motioned to his BR-55.
"They're still good weapons, you just need to know how to use them," Chris pulled the cocking handle back and pushed it up into the receiver lip. Removed the empty magazine, scrounged a fresh clip and several spares and inserted it into the rear of the weapon and with a slap he released the cocking handle. "This will do, Hornster, don't worry."
Something stirred behind them, Chris turned with his rifle up and his fingers were tensed but relaxed when Alison and her team emerged from the shadows.
"Don't scare me like that, woman!" Exclaimed Chris lowering the rifle and opening his visor, he offered a wry grin and turned back to where Floyd and Lincoln were. "Lincoln, Floyd, its all clear, move up!"
The Figures of Floyd and Lincoln emerged slowly, moving up to the rest of the Squad with their weapons up, not letting their guard down for a second. The two came to a stop and finally lowered their weapons, giving acknowledging nods to Elliot for the help with the explosives.
Chris' ear exploded with static for a second as he received a message, over the Officer's channel, he closed his visor so no one could hear him. "Hey," said the voice, it was Alison, "I was looking at Elliot under fire, he seems normal to me, maybe he just had the shakes?"
"Possibly, but I would feel safer after he had some serious time off, I know what it is like to lose someone so clo..." Chris cut himself off, "but he is on leave as soon as we get back, ok?"
"Roger that," said Alison, turning for the door, "we should get going." Chris nodded in approval and led the way.
"Major Newman, this is McAllen," stated Chris as he opened the door into the next room, Tom Veil stood by his side with the schematics in hand; well they were pictured on his HUD anyhow.
"The northern entrance to the holding cells is just there," he pointed to a heavy set door at one end of the room, "it should be open, I hope."
Newman and Bravo Team had been painstakingly waiting for Alpha to get into position; the sound of McAllen's voice on the closed circuit got their hearts racing... It was go time.
"Roger McAllen, get ready to breach the room, well you breach first, be the distraction for who ever is in there. We'll get them with their backs turned; give me the message when you're ready..."
Chris walked over to the door cautiously, looking at its construction and scanning the room at the same time. It was a large room but had nothing in it at all, it was blank. Probably an old extension of the Prison cells but by the scuffing of metal on metal marks on the floor, Chris guessed it was sometimes used to store cargo and loot.
Elliot stood next to Chris, silently he pondered how to put breaching charges on the door.
"Better off just throwing eff-bees as we open the bastard of a thing," said Elliot.
"Which reminds me," said Chris, "Floyd, how many stun grenades do we have left?" Floyd fumbled around with his back pack and protruded six dark cylinders with pins attached. "Only six? What about everyone else? Frags too, people."
There was a slight clutter of noise as Alpha checked their ammunition and grenades. Floyd made a list and sent it too Chris' HUD's inbox, it read.
8 x M7 SMGs 32 x 60 Rnd Magazines for M7 10 x BR-55 ARs 5 x 36 Rnd BR-55 Magazines 2 x S2 AM Sniper Rifles 1 x 4 Rnd S2 AM Magazine 13 Flash Bang Concussion Grenades 5 Fragmentation Grenades 2 Light Demolition Charges
"And everyone has a side arm with 3 mags, minimum, unless anyone has used them?" Said Floyd looking over the squad.
"I used mine before, only used a couple of shells," said Chris checking the list, "not much too work with but redistribute the ammunition as best as you can, marksmen get dibs on the BR-55 ammo, ok?"
Floyd grunted in reply as he took the remaining BR-55 magazines off Lincoln, Hornster, Elliot and himself and handed it to Ramirez and Chambers.
"Don't spend it all in the one place, kids," said Floyd putting his now useless BR-55 against the wall and drew his M7.
Chris held his MA5B lazily and grunted at Hornster. "Well BR-55s may be better but at least I have ammunition, Hornster!"
"Ah, shuddup you," said Hornster putting his rifle down next to Floyd's and he drew his M6C.
"Here have this you big bitch," said Chris tossing Hornster his M7 and remaining magazines.
With the remaining grenades and ammunition distributed among the Troops Chris finalized his plan. "OK, on my go, you," Chris pointed at Floyd, Lincoln and Hornster, "throw those eff-bees and get down, after they go off we'll let loose some lead and hopefully Newman will do his part and drop anyone who is in there."
Newman and Bravo waited patiently, they had stun grenades ready themselves and were just waiting for McAllen's go.
"Anytime soon, McAllen," said Newman, "I'd like to be home before it gets dark, alright?"
"Ha, ha, very funny, sir," said Chris, "alright we're good to go, any second now, get ready Team."
Chris and Alpha were position around the door; he nodded at Lincoln who was near the controls. With a hiss the door opened and before it had even reached half way up; which took less then 12 milliseconds, the Flash Bang stun grenades were already thrown into the room. "Everyone, get down!" Said Chris just before the combined explosion of six Flash Bangs sounded. Ramirez and Chambers ducked out from behind the door way and fired off bursts simultaneously at the Pirates in the room.
As soon as they heard Alpha's Flash bangs go off and the distinct firing of BR-55s, Bravo opened their door and threw six Flash Bangs of their own.
"Alpha, get down!" Said Newman. Alpha Team jumped behind cover as the Flash Bangs bounced to a halt then detonated. "We'll take it from here..."
Bravo Team now entered the room with the help of the distraction caused by Alpha Team. They shot everything that wasn't in an ONI uniform in that room.
The actual room itself was small for an area of such importance, it was like the room Bravo had just been in except along the eastern wall were six small, wrought iron bar cells and noticeable in the middle cell was the Spook...
Retaliatory fire zoomed back across the room at Bravo Team, they used what probably was some of their last ammunition on the remaining Pirates.
"Alpha, move in, we need some back up!" Said Newman, they didn't really but it would be quicker if Alpha joined in.
The last group of Pirates were caught in the cross fire of Bravo and Alpha Team's. They were stuck in the middle of room behind a makeshift barricade of overturned desks.
"Get the hostage!" They cried as a final act, they retreated into the Spook's cell. One of the Pirates grabbed the Spook and shoved an F-5 semi-automatic pistol into his face.
"Don't move or the spy gets it, ok?" Said the rough man holding the Spook.
Alpha and Bravo converged on the Cell, surrounding it but not shooting.
"Get back!" Cried the Pirate, "I'll do it! I swear to God I will!" The other three Pirates stood with their weapons trained on the twenty-three armoured soldiers outside of the cell.
"I don't think he will," said Chris over the Officer's Channel to Newman, Alison and Newman's second in command.
"We'll see," said Newman coldly.
"Get back God damn you!" Said the Pirate with the hostage, his hands were shaking and his eyes were on fire with rage. "Let us get to a ship and you can have your spy... Deal?"
Over the closed circuit for Bravo Team to hear only. "Take out the other three Pirates on my command." Newman opened his visor, "no deal scum bag, drop them!" The three other Pirates were bombarded by the combined fire of M7 submachine guns, BR-55s and M6Cs, large splashes of blood were projected onto the rear of the cell..
The forth Pirate with the F-5 stared at the corpses of his comrades, blood from his comrades was speckled on his face, his eyes were no longer full of anger but fear, cold, hard, uncontrollable fear.
He sucked up his fear for a second and said defiantly. "Shoot me and he dies..."
The Spook took this time to talk. "Hey thanks, guys, what took you so long?" He offered the Kill Team a warm smile, "mind taking care of this?" He motioned his head back at the Pirate still holding him at gun point.
"Not at all," said Newman raising his M7 and let loose a burst at the Spook. The Spook's face exploded red and grey as his entire head was blown off his shoulders.
The rest of Bravo Team, following their Leader's example, opened fire on the Pirate who was now holding the headless body of the Spook and wore a face of disbelief.
After a long second of firing Bravo Team ceased fire.
Newman smiled and turned to Chris. "Mission Complete, McAllen," said Newman, he removed his helmet.
Chris continued to stare at the body of the Spook. "Why the fuck did you do that? I lost a good man to rescue that guy and now he is dead, what the fuck?" Chris turned and faced Newman, his face was still full of the excitement of battle.
"He was captured," said Newman, "he knew we could never let him go out and try to collect information on the Covenant or what ever, not after this gets blown across the six o'clock News, and yes the press got wind of an ONI Intelligence Officer being captured by these Pirate's, better for him to be dead then lying to the press for a year."
"What was this really about Newman?" Chris didn't believe Newman's response.
"Ok, these Pirate fags captured the Spook because his Prowler had been damaged and he had been drifting in space, he had been doing recons on Pirate activities around here and all that data is stored in the Prowler which I guess is still in the Cargo hold. "Otherwise the Navy is going to be busy searching through all that debris your team flung into space for it."
Chris still didn't understand why they had to kill the Spook, he could have done another job.
"I know what you're thinking," said Newman catching another one of Chris' gazes at the dead Spook, "technically, Spooks do not exist ok? Like you're in the ONI and a Captain, what's that gives you, hmm, about the power of a Colonel if you had to command any UNSC personal, but anyhow, it should be OK for you to know." Newman closed his visor and talked over a direct link to Chris' comms. "We, the ONI, can't just have people who have families and known relatives wandering around gathering the most crucial information of the war, there is always that possibility that they will tell their folks. So by staging the deaths of the Spooks before they join, the ONI just got themselves a fully fledge member who cannot go back to the real world without causing a mess. And obviously the ONI would not let them do that. I don't know if that made sense but in time it will, I hope."
Newman turned on his heel and walked into the cell and made sure the Spook was defiantly dead, even though he was missing his head, Newman put several more bullets into the torso.
August 14th, 2551, Space, Undisclosed Location, Drop ship bound for UNSC Vessel Familiar, 1513 Hours
Chris looked at the body bag again, in big white letters it had 'ONI' written on it.
Everyone in Alpha was beat, they had taken off their helmets despite that they were still in danger inside the Pelican.
Chris could not look around and not see someone crying or someone with the tell tale signs of crying around their eyes. Even Chris had wept when they were finally going 'home' as Newman had joked earlier.
Chris reached into his left breast pocket and looked at Henderson's Dog Tags, they were caked in blood, A+ blood according to the Dog Tags.
"It's all over, people," said Chris, "we made it. God. Three months off, come back, first mission and bam! I lost another one." Chris was about to throw the Dog Tags in frustration but something leant onto his throwing arm then onto his leg.
Alison lay sprawled out on Chris' lap; he scuffed a bit so he was more comfortable and sighed. A resounding explosion traveled through space. Chris looked back out the rear of the Pelican and saw the Geiger explode into a ball of flames, snake trails from Archer missiles launched from ships at the blockade.
"All for nothing..." Breathed Chris clenching the Dog Tags in his hand and putting them back in his breast pocket.
Soon they would be speeding back to Reach with the hard drive from the Spook's Prowler and all the information on it. With luck they would find something to justify Henderson's death...
Long Time Gone Part 39
Date: 25 February 2005, 7:29 AM
Long Time Gone Part 39: Tools Of The Trade
August 22nd, 2551, Reach, Camp Hathcock, ONI Personal Quarters (Above Ground), 2353 Hours
Chris stumbled into his room and fell into bed exhausted; the entire Kill Team had just done a five hour debriefing of the mission. After having just getting off the ship they were already dead tired but they had to sit through the meeting none the less, it was procedure. They outlined the methods and tactics the team had used to accomplish their objective. The one thing they didn't talk about was Henderson; everyone had shut that image out long ago.
The hard drive from the Prowler was a different story though. Important information FleetCOM had been seeking was on it, mainly Pirate strongholds that wouldn't exist in about two hours after the Shiva nuclear warhead tipped missiles that would be fired on them were through.
Chris crawled under the covers after unenergetically stripping down to his fatigues. He was just about asleep when someone else into bed, it was Alison, they had shared their bed since they were in the same unit. Everyone had been assigned separate rooms but Chris and Alison used Alison's designated room for storage. She threw off her boots and went to sleep on top of the covers still in her armour without a word spoken, normally she would have talked him to sleep but tonight was different.
"Good night," he whispered to her, closing his eyes again and allowing his mind to drift off into Never Land.
August 23rd, 2551, Reach, Camp Hathcock, ONI Personal Quarters (Above Ground), 1133 Hours
Chris rolled out of bed, first noticing that it was 11.30 in the morning and he had just gotten out of bed. He looked back at his bed and saw Alison - still dressed in her combat gear (minus the helmet) - lying snuggled up against the spare pillow on the bed.
"Lucky bastard of a pillow," he muttered walking off to the shower block.
He collected a towel and walked through the main area of the Quarters assigned to Alpha Team, everyone else was still in bed. Chris snuck a peek into Chambers' quarters but stopped when his eyes came across a brassier and some other underwear on the floor.
Chris continued his sleepy march, shaking his head, another room saw a similar event, a lot of his Troops had relationships with one another or had their boy or girl friends with them, and the only person alone it seemed, was Flemings.
Jess Flemings came unexpectedly out of her room just before Chris passed, taking him by surprise, she wore a long face, her eyes were bloodshot and traces of tears could be seen around her eyes but she didn't seem as upset as she was a few days ago on the trip 'home'.
"Hey Jess," said Chris keeping his eyes above her neck, she was only wearing her underwear, "is it cold in here or is it just me?"
"Sorry about that, sir" said Jess walking back into her room and putting only a shirt on and walked back out, "hi, by the way."
"Sleep well?" Asked Chris, he continued his march, Jess followed.
"Yes I surprisingly did, but the dreams are getting more consistent," she paused for a second and then recovered the lost step in a longer stride.
"What were they about? I don't think I heard," Chris stopped and turned, intent to see whether Jess was coping with Henderson's death.
"It's one of those dreams where you're falling," her green eyes shifted around Chris' face, desperate to find an emotion to relate to, but his face was closed up, he was too tired to be emotional, "I wake up just before I hit the ground but here's the weird part. At the start of it, Henderson is the one who pushed me. Out of what, is anyone's guess, I can't remember it, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense."
"Uh-huh," said Chris, "I never put much thought into dreams so; damned if I know what it means, you probably should go and see a shrink?" Chris offered a warm smile, "Not saying you're crazy or anything, just don't want my star Medic in a bad way."
Jess' face blushed at the praise. "Thanks, sir, I'll go find one soon as I get dressed, bye." Jess turned around and walked back to her room, Chris was tempted to turn and look at her but he fought it with the knowledge that he loved someone and they felt the same way towards him.
Finally Chris had his shower, feeling better and dressed in a cleanly pressed Black ONI set of fatigues he walked out into the compound.
The first thing that greeted him was Newman sitting down out the front of Bravo Team's quarters, a beer in hand and a cigarette hanging limply out of his mouth, he offered a smile and greetings. "Hey, McAllen! Come join me for a beer?" Chris walked over to Newman and sat down on an old folding chair that had seen better days and took the beer he was offered.
"So how's it going, sir?" Asked Chris popping the top of the beer, it foamed a little spilled onto the dry ground next too one of his spit shined boots.
"You can drop the formal crap, McAllen, Newman will do," Newman finished his beer and put the empty bottle down by the side of his chair; there where a few empties there and he then took a long drag of his cigarette.
The absence of the rest of Bravo Team got Chris wondering. "Where is everyone?"
"The slackers are still in bed; most of them got hoes and shit with them, what about yours?"
"About the same, why the hell is it almost midday and we're like, not doing anything?" Newman sat up in his seat.
"We're waiting on some new gear," Chris' eyes lit up.
"New gear? But we still haven't figured out to use some of the last stuff," some of the electronics they had received had been a little complex for the understandings of even people like Henderson.
"I don't know really, it's due in sometime around lunch, fresh of the production line, meant to be some sort of combination rifle but I don't have the slightest clue other than that." Chris nodded, taking it all in.
"Should be good then, what, give the men training after lunch?" Newman nodded.
"When they decide to get out of bed that is, but if they don't get out by lunch time we'll go get some flash bangs and wake them up, you with me?" Newman's face broke into one of mischief, Chris smiled, this could be fun.
"Sure, I wouldn't mind giving Parker a good fright!"
August 23rd, 2551, Reach, Camp Hathcock, ONI Armory (Underground), 1435 Hours
Unfortunately for Chris and Newman the Team had gotten out of bed well before 1300 and they were all dressed in Black ONI fatigues in the underground armoury.
They waited patiently around the doors of the armoury. Chris went to stand next to Alison but she moved away, he didn't bother trying again, didn't seem too interested to be there. Then a Technician opened the door with a smile.
"Ha, I thought you guys couldn't wait to get your hands on these babies!" The Techie walked over to a row newly installed wall roller lockers, the roller covers were locked down, concealing the weapons.
The Team converged on the new lockers, like cats to the prey, waiting for the Technician to open them.
"Now I should warn you, after your last gear these might seem a little..." The Technician opened the roller doors, racks of MA5Bs greeted them, "... primitive."
"What the fuck?" Said Newman, "they said we were getting new gear, not regular issue weapons that have been in service for years."
Chris picked up the MA5B weapon and checked it over. "The '5Bs aren't a bad weapon, guys, I like them."
The Techie cleared his throat and took the weapon off Chris. "Ahem, this isn't a '5B , it's a '5D . The 'D' stands for 'Defender.'"
"What the hell you been smoking?" Asked Hornster, "they're '5Bs alright, not what ever you said they are."
"Can a '5B do this?" The Technician moved both his hands to the forward grip and held in four circular buttons placed at the front, back and sides of the grip. With a click, the grip separated from the weapon.
Hornster did a slow clap, refraining from seeing the importance of removing the forward grip. "Bravo, what else is different?"
The Techie passed the weapon back to Chris; he held it one handed as the forward grip was still in the Techie's hands. "I got a big surprise for you!"
"How big of a surprise?" Asked Alison, she leant over Chris and examined the weapon in his hands but didn't return his gaze into her eyes, she backed away to the edge of the group, after looking at the weapon.
"Oh, say, somewhere between 8"5 Gauge and ten millimetre slugs?" The Techie opened up more roller locked doors and pulled out something from the first one. "Pass me that '5D, please." Chris handed the weapon over and the Techie brought the 'something' into the light.
The 'something' seemed to be a M90 shotgun, but only the forward proportion of the weapon, everything that should have been behind the front of the trigger guard wasn't there anymore. With a click, the M90 attached itself to the bottom of MA5D.
"Don't say anything yet," said the Technician, he put the modified MA5D against the wall and took another one from the rack. He removed the grip and walked to the remaining roller locked rack. He came back over to the group with something that looked like a regular MA5B's forward grip but with a barrel protruding several inches from where the flash light would usually sit. He clicked it into place and passed it to Newman.
"Hmm, looks dangerous, I like it," stated Newman as turned the weapon over in his hands, looking at the attachment.
"You guys just follow me to the target range next door and we'll go over the two, ok?" Everyone nodded at the Techie who picked up the under slung M90/MA5D and walked through a connecting door.
The Techie finally introduced himself. "It will be easier if you know my name I suppose, in case something goes wrong you know who to blame right?" He looked over the battle hardened troops. "I'm not saying something will go wrong but in any case, I'm Richard Fable." Chambers extended his hand.
"Shake my hand, Fable," he joked as Fable took his hand and shook it vigorously. Some of the men laughed at the comment but stopped when Fable turned back to the range.
"Time to have some fun," he walked over to a table covered in magazines and grabbed an ordinary MA5B magazine and loaded it up. "They take the same magazines as the '5Bs so ammunition shouldn't be a problem, nearly the whole universe uses '5Bs." Fable turned to a target and let loose a burst, it sounded the same as a MA5B and looked the same except for the under slung shotgun.
Fable grabbed several shotgun shells and turned the rifle onto its left side and just in front of the trigger guard he inserted four shells into the right side of the weapon, and then he did the pump action. "It only holds four, five if you already got one down the spout, and it's limited to four because the overall length of the barrel is shorter than the base model so the same goes with the tube magazine." He moved closer to the group and pointed to where the safety would be on an ordinary MA5B.
"This is the weapon switch, ok? Right now it is set on Assault Rifle mode, you can see it here," he pointed at the ammunition counter, "it has the letters 'AR' and I doubt the shotgun would hold forty-seven rounds, don't you? Anyhow, flick that and..." he flicked the catch, "...presto," the Ammunition Counter changed from 'AR' to 'SG' and the amount of ammo dropped to four. "You can see it still displays, somewhat small, the ammunition still in the assault rifle, see, forty-seven rounds, right there..." he pointed to a small number in the bottom left hand corner of the display.
Fable turned and fired the shotgun, ejected the empty cartridge with a hefty clunk and fired again. He then placed the shotgun down on the bench and walked over to Newman and took the Defender he was holding.
"Now this is a ten times one-oh-one millimetre automatic rifle under slung on your '5D. It holds five rounds in a special magazine; it's easier to see it in action than to explain, so let's move up to the next table."
They moved up to the next table and they watched Fable pick up a cluster of five shells held together by a thin strip of metal. He rotated the gun onto its left side and inserted the clip in the same spot as the shotgun shells on the M90 shotgun variant. With a cling the breech closed automatically with the clip inside.
Fable took aim at a solid sheet of steel cut out in the shape of a Covenant Grunt, complete with orange armour and purple skin. With a loud bang the rifle went off and an inch wide hole appeared in the steel sheet, through the fake Grunt's forehead, the bullet continued through the target and dug itself deep into the solid cement walls of the armoury. The cartridge ejected out of the left side of the weapon and hit the ground. Fable then shot off three more rounds and hit the grunt in various places then stopped. "Alright, pay attention to this part, guys," said Fable he raised the weapon again and fired the last shot. Instantly after the fifth and last shot - which still hit the target - the now empty magazine self ejected itself with a harsh ping - easily heard over the echo of the gun shot - it hit the ground limply as Fable produced another clip and rammed it home with his thumb.
"Locked cocked and ready to rock again guys, simple really," with the safety on, Fable put the weapon down on the bench. "Any questions? Oh and all the Defenders come with two times ACOG Scopes so come see me when you get them and I'll put them on."
No one wanted to waste anymore time, they wanted to have some fun...
Everyone got a new MA5D 'Defender' 7.62mm Assault Rifle with M90 U/S Shotgun and ten millimetre U/S Auto-Rifle attachments. But a few of the Kill Team, mostly members of Bravo Team and Hornster, would keep their BR-55s but they would get the option of having a 40mm grenade launcher attached.
The MA5Ds with the new ACOGs made for an extremely efficient infantry weapon. This gave the user an option for close range fire power with the shotgun or medium range, heavy penetration with the automatic rifle attachment.
Chris practiced with one with an under slung shotgun firing rapidly, getting a feel for the modified weapon. Chris stopped and put the weapon down, deciding on the shotgun over the automatic rifle, the majority of the users chose this as well, but the automatic rifle attachment would be in their Barrack Armouries if they decided to change their minds.
Fable walked back into the other room leaving the ODSTs with their new weapons.
"You'll never get me back on a '5B, not in a million years," said Hornster examining one of the rifles.
"How many times do they have to say it? These are '5Ds!" Said Alison, obviously annoyed and slinging her new rifle as she walked for the door.
"What ever, Lieutenant, same shit, different bucket." Alison grunted in frustration as she left the room. Chris left the room with several others, but the majority - including Newman - stayed back and tried to get a feel for their new weapons.
Chris caught up to Alison's frustrated strides, they made a bee line for the door but Fable stopped them. "What gives?" Asked Alison, clearly wanting to get to the surface.
"What's your problem?" Asked Chris, "don't tell me it's that time of the month ag..." A firm smack from Alison's left hand hit Chris' cheek, "... ow!"
Fable chuckled at the two. "You're the lead sniper aren't you?" He asked ignoring Chris' attempts to get an answer for why she was angry.
"Yes, I am, why?" Said Alison sharply.
"I got some thing that should interest you and any other snipers in Alpha and Bravo," Fable motion for her to follow him into another room branching off.
"What, should I come with...?" Said Chris to no one in particular, then noticing Jeebs had left the Defender range, "Jeebs, that guy has some new sniper stuff, better check it out I reckon."
Chris and Jeebs walked into the room Alison and Fable went in. They entered a large underground complex, the size of a large air field hanger. Sand bags and mats littered the end same part of the room as the door. Another set of roller locked lockers lined half of the wall on the door end.
Fable had been in the process of opening a locker when Chris and Jeebs walked in. Alison stared at Chris, but not the kind he was used to, this type was angry...
"Sup?" Asked Jeebs innocently.
"Just showing the Lieutenant here, a new sniper rifle, its an advanced issue, not meant to be out until after Christmas, so I think you lot are pretty lucky," Jeebs' eyes lit up - he had little love for the heavy S2 AM despite it was his preferred sniper rifle - the opportunity of getting a better rifle had him hooked on every word Fable said.
Chris stood back as Jeebs walked over to Fable and Alison, trying to get a good look at the new weapon.
"Whoa, that's pretty snazzy, Cap'n, come have a look," said Jeebs waving a hand.
Reluctantly Chris wandered over and stood next to Alison who ignored him, he felt like saying something but held it back, knowing he would only lose a battle of words with Alison.
The rifle in question was strange . The first thing Chris noticed was that it was bolt action, strange for a weapon of this age. A large scope of fifteen times magnification with the large letters 'TZ' inscribed on the adjustment knobs. The second thing he noticed that it had no rear stock; Fable reached in the locker and pulled out one of the rifles. He then opened a folding stock with an adjustable cheek pad from the left side that was hidden from view by the way it had been hung in the locker with the right side facing outwards. The folding stock seemed awfully flimsy but the strong metal alloys of the time were the strongest available to the UNSC.
"Meet the TZ-52, fifty-two as in the year it is meant to be issued in. Sixteen by one-five-five millimetre, bolt action snipers rifle," Said Fable.
"Well someone has been rehearsing for this, haven't they?" Joked Jeebs looking at the rifle, "what's the specs ?
Fable's face changed to one of thought, "um, 4,307 feet per second, max range of 1500 metres, SABOT rounds give it the ability to pierce, God, what was it, seven and a half inches of standard UNSC Marine armour up to a quarter mile." Jeebs gave a low whistle, "sounds alright to me, anything else we should know?" "Yeah," said Fable handing the rifle to Jeebs, "the bastard kicks like a mule..."
Chris looked at the barrel of the weapon; it was extremely short for something to claim 1500 metre accuracy. Chris grabbed two of the rifles, and handed one to Alison, she took it but said. "I can get one myself, you know."
Chris shook his head as Alison turned and followed Jeebs and Fable to a shooting point. "What the fuck is her problem?" He muttered giving chase to the trio.
Jeebs stood at a mat, waiting for Fable to fetch some ammunition for them to use. Chris stood short of the rest of them, feeling like the loner, the black sheep of the group... again.
Fable fumbled with a small sealed box of ammunition, he ended up prying the lid off with Jeebs' knife. With one hand, Fable reached in the box and pulled out a handful, well he only got three bullets out, but they were huge... Fable took Jeebs' rifle and pulled the bolt back, placing one cartridge at a time in under the scope and pushing it down into the internal magazine.
"They only hold three in the clip, but they will put what ever you shoot it at down on their ass, maybe even you too if you're not properly prepared for the shot. If you want to unload it for some obscene reason do this." Fable pushed a button on the inside of the trigger guard in and the bottom of the internal magazine fell away on a hinge and the three cartridges fell onto the ground. Fable closed the magazine and reloaded the weapon.
Jeebs' took the rifle back and lay down; he extended a sturdy bipod positioned in front of the forward stock and under the barrel. The targets in the massive space were 800 metres down the 'range', hundreds of large bullet holes poker dotted the wall. Jeebs made sure the safety was off and adjusted the cheek pad so his eye was inline with the optical scope.
"Fingers in ears, please," said Fable putting his hands over his ears.
Jeebs fired, the loudest gunshot Chris had ever heard echoed through the enormous space, it seemed to go on forever until his ears were numb. The target in question got absolutely hammered... The sixteen millimetre round ripped through the steel target in the shape of a Grunt and blew the whole head section off before lodging itself in the wall with a crater the size of a basketball.
Jeebs' eyes were wide, he slowly moved his arm and did the bolt and put his head back down for another shot.
"Ah, not again, Jeebs..." Moaned Chris pushing his hands tight against his ears.
Another shot rang out, this time hitting the first Grunt target low on the stomach section, the upper body of the target flew away and clanged as it hit the wall several metres away and leaving another bullet impact.
Chris watched Jeebs do the bolt a second time, the action was noiseless, or was that because Chris was temporarily deaf from the previous shots?
Chris turned back towards the door and saw a glass cabinet full of.... ear muffs!
Chris moved to the cabinet and retrieved four sets; rushing back to everyone, he threw one set to Fable and threw another to Jeebs. Chris placed his own pair over his ears and threw the last pair at Alison's feet. She turned and looked at him, not saying a word as she bent down and picked up the ear muffs and put them on.
Chris continually shook his head walking for the ammunition; he grabbed fifteen bullets, as they were so big he had to put them into five separate pockets. These bullets will be hard to store in standard issue pouches, I'll need to arrange some custom ones , thought Chris noticing the tips of the bullets protruding from his pants' pockets as he walked to the opposite side of the range, getting away from the other three.
Chris took up a position on a mat and loaded the rifle, one bullet at a time and closed the bolt, not deploying the bipod as he wrapped the sling tightly around his arm. Chris put his head down to look through the scope; the factory settings on the cheek pad were perfect.
Chris leant heavily down on the mat, breathing deeply as he looked down the range, bringing one of the Grunt targets into his field of vision. It was only a purple and orange dot through the scope. The scope's current setting was two times magnification, Chris flicked through the different magnifications until he reached fifteen. Now the Grunt was in full view, Chris could make out the beady eyes panted roughly on the metal. Chris' crosshair swayed by metres with the slightest motion in his breathing. Chris flicked the safety off, and took first pressure on the trigger.
Chris recalled his training, it was so long ago but it was still fresh in his mind as if it was yesterday. He had taught people for six months how to do this; it would be a piece of cake.
He remembered that when he breathed in, the weapon would rise and when he let the breath out it would lower. It was half way between letting the breath in and out that the crosshair crossed the Grunts forehead; exactly where he wanted to plant his shot. Chris inhaled, his crosshair raised over the Grunt's head, he slowly let it out, the crosshair edged downwards towards the target. It crossed the forehead...
Chris held his breath and the crosshair stopped momentarily over the Grunt's forehead. It was all Chris needed; he squeezed the trigger and felt the most monstrous weapon recoil in his life and he had used nearly every weapon in the UNSC arsenal. It pushed him back on the mat by a good half a foot.
Slowly Chris repositioned himself and used the weapon's scope to check the target. The Grunt's head was missing; jagged metal remained on the lowest point of the bullet's impact. Chris gave himself a low whistle. "Not bad at all," he said, taking note of his voice, the ear muffs making it sound so far off.
Chris did the action and ejected the smoking cartridge; he pushed the bolt forward just as another shot went off. It must have taken Jeebs' awhile to convince himself to shoot the weapon again.
Chris kneeled up, curious to see if he could hit a target kneeling. The surrounding area phased out as he took aim for another shot. He brought the crosshair to bare on another target, keeping the magnification low until he had zeroed in on his chosen target.
With a determined grunt, Chris zoomed in on the target and started his breathing; his hands were shaking uncontrollably, nothing he couldn't compensate for though. The scope swayed all over the place, jolting with Chris' shakes, he held is breath roughly as the target entered the crosshair and tested his ability to hold it. He kept the crosshair on the target but his shakes made the shot placement erratic, near impossible to hit the Grunt in the head.
Chris' mind leapt back to when he took the shot at the African Rebel leader, the bitter cold wind assaulting his face, the disorienting glow of light from the city below, the experimental sniper in his hands, the car speeding towards him. Then he remembered what he said to himself...
"Nothing is impossible," he repeated, firing the TZ-52 at the target. He had been prepared for the recoil this time and didn't move an inch on the mat. Chris kept his eye inline with the scope and brought the weapon back down after the recoil and looked at the target, the upper forehead of the Grunt had been blown clean off. Still a headshot, still a kill shot though, phew...
Chris did the bolt and ejected the empty cartridge, suddenly becoming aware of the spare ones in his pockets, he removed them and placed them on the ground next to the mat, they rolled back and forwards on the slightly uneven cement floor. Chris sighed heavily closed the bolt and went back to a lying position, he deployed the bipod much to his own disgust and took aim at the foreheadless Grunt, intent on finishing that target off.
But he stopped, feeling the urge to check what everyone else was doing, he looked and saw Jeebs and Fable joking as they left the room, Jeebs had the rifle slung over his shoulder happily. He had a clear view of all the firing mats down to the door; strangely no one else was shooting. Where did Alison go then, God, what the hell is her problem?
Just then, someone kicked the back of his boot gently, Chris turned his head back and saw Alison standing behind him. She was looking down at the ground and scuffed her left boot back and forwards on the cement.
"How long have you been watching?" He asked, remembering he hadn't looked back once.
Alison, looked up at him, but looked back down at her feet after she made eye contact briefly. "After you shot the first target I came over..." Her voice was a quiver, barely audible, even in the silence, this side of her baffled Chris.
"Well did you get a good look?" Chris offered her a smile but she didn't see it. But she did snuff a laugh, though it didn't make Chris feel any better for her, it lacked energy and her sad features were killing him softly inside.
Alison finally found the strength to look up and look into his eyes. "We need to talk..."
Long Time Gone Part 40
Date: 3 March 2005, 11:46 AM
Long Time Gone Part 40: It Hurts To Be Honest With Those You Love
August 23rd, 2551, Reach, Camp Hathcock, ONI Armoury (Underground), Long Range Weapon Target Range, 1547 Hours
Chris looked into Alison's eyes; he saw her confusion and frustration. She took a step back, as if afraid of him. "Go ahead," said Chris slowly standing up and folding the rifle's bipod and stock back then slung the weapon over his shoulder, taking note that they were all alone.
Alison bit her lip, trying hard to find the words she had rehearsed to herself so many times but had lost when she saw Chris. "I want to apologize for how I've been acting," she paused for a second, looking Chris up and down before continuing, "I want to apologize for hitting you." She motioned at the red mark on his cheek where she had slapped him.
"Err, no harm done I suppose, just don't do it again?" Chris ran a hand over his face in annoyance at his lack of confidence around her. Why the hell am I nervous! It doesn't make any God damned sense!
"Don't you want to know why?" She asked. Chris was pulled from his thoughts and shrugged, not sure if he did.
"Might as well," he commented, noting the look on her face. Alison shook her head as she looked him squarely in the eye.
"You could at least sound interested, Chris." Chris felt his blood boil for a second.
"Well interest has a funny habit of going out window when you're ignored for a fucking day, doesn't it?" Alison just continued to shake her head. "Yeah, you wouldn't know would you...?"
"God, just settle down, take a breath," Alison stopped shaking her head.
"I am settled, don't say that, it shits me up the wall," Chris felt untold annoyance towards her.
"Calm down, now you're the one doing all the harm," Alison took a step closer to him.
Chris shook his head, breathing deeply and clenching his fists open and closed. "I'm sorry," he said in a low voice.
"Pardon?" Alison's face had a wide smile on it, Chris noticed her smile.
"I said sorry, sheesh, you make it seem like the first time I've said it... Hey! You're the one meant to be apologizing..." All signs of frustration vanished from his face at the sight of her smile and he smiled himself.
Alison's smile vanished when she knew she had to face it. "Alright, do you remember when you met me for the first time?"
"Ah, it'd be like what, almost one and half years ago, two years tops. When I got off the plane at the base back in the Congo, you were outside the Officers' mess."
"Really?" Asked Alison, "I don't remember that, I thought it was before our first patrol?"
"God, that's rich, you ask if I remember when we first met and you didn't know. But sure I remember before that patrol, it was my first patrol ever, you know, I was scared shitless but we didn't see anything."
"Oh be quiet!" Joked Alison, "well I really don't remember the Officer mess, sure we talked?"
"Oh you mean met and talked...." Chris offered a sly smile.
"Of course I mean met as in talked and introduced ourselves," Alison smiled at Chris' bad judgement.
"Well then it was on our third patrol, then."
"What? But we talked before the first patrol, I'm sure of it."
"If you call, 'hold my rifle while I go to the bathroom' introducing ourselves." Chris snuffed a laugh.
"Oh well that's not important, I just wanted you to use that as an example for how long I've been in the military." Alison looked down at her feet; she was getting to the point of her story.
"Uh-huh, I see, go ahead." Chris brushed dirt and various things from the floor off his fatigues.
"I have been in the Military eight years coming up next month, ok?" Chris' eyes widened.
"Eight years! But you're only twenty-six, what the hell?" exclaimed Chris.
"Soon as school was finished I didn't know what to do so I just joined the Corps, went to Military College state side for two years. I am not missing that I assure you, that bastard commandant. Do you know how hard it was for me to get into that place?" Inquired Alison.
Chris shook his head. "No I don't, how hard was it?"
"Hard enough, that commandant, oh what a sexist bastard he was, there were only three other women there, three! He hated me the most; he had something against women who were good shots, ones that were better than him were the ones he picked on the most. I bet him with a sniper rifle, which got me into Sniper Command. It was published in the College's news paper, so he couldn't deny it, over three thousand cadets had a copy each, I graduated as a Lieutenant, Junior Grade and Sniper Command offered me a chance to be a sniper and I took it, anything to get away from that bastard commandant." Chris stood there and looked her in the eye; he didn't say anything but his look assured Alison he was listening. "Sniper Command wasn't much better, they weren't sexist but I was the only woman in my class of thirty and they had little respect for women. Even the fact that I ended up finish second in my class after two years, didn't give me any more respect from my peers. But I did it didn't I? Then I was posted to sniper training in Europe for a year where I taught cadets over there how to shoot. So yes, I know the feeling of teaching idiots how to shoot like you were doing it at Hathcock last year. But they still thought I could use training from you, don't know why, I'm the better shot..."
Chris ignored the last statement. "But that still doesn't explain why you acted the way you did," said Chris moving over to the wall and leaning against it.
"Because I haven't finished yet, have some patience," implied Alison, "then after Europe, the fighting in the Congo broke out and I got transferred, ending up in a mixed squad of Marines and Coalition soldiers like you."
"Hey, I was a Marine they just had me under Coalition personnel, or I used to be before all of this," said Chris tugging at his ONI fatigues.
"Then you know the rest, except the Shock Trooper training I suppose but that isn't important now."
"It isn't?" Asked Chris, Alison shook her head. "Well then, I suppose I can tell you this now that it doesn't matter then," Alison tilted her head to the side, slightly confused. "Remember you saying about that guy with the K48 el-em-gee? "
"The one who used the guy I hit's sniper rifle and a smoke grenade to get me?" She asked.
"Yeah him, well..." Chris paused, then deciding it was too late to go back, "...that was me."
"You!?" She cried, " you shot me... again! Jesus, you wouldn't want to make a habit out of it would you?" Alison's face full of surprise with a hint of anger.
"No, that was only the first time and you shot me too!" Chris put his hands up in innocence.
"Well," Alison's voice was calm, "it seems fitting we only got killed by each other and in same moment, hmmm, I must owe you a good stunning then, you've got me twice and I only got you once."
Chris pointed at himself sheepishly. "Not if I can help it, Alison!"
"Just you wait, you ruined a perfect score for me," Alison cursed under her breath, "I ruined yours too didn't I? Guess we're even for that then."
"Yes I say we are, anyhow, back to the story?"
"Alright, you know the back ground now so let it be known, I am not very happy..." Chris grinned, she had been rarely happy since she joined the unit and they usually blew off some steam in the bedroom. "...With you..." his grin faded instantly.
"What have I done now?" He asked annoyed.
"Like come on, you've been in the Service how long?" She put her hands on her hips; her facial expression was also of annoyance.
"I dunno, coming up two years, I had only just completed basic three weeks before I put in for transfer to the Congo."
"Wait, slow down, you put in to be transferred there?" Alison moved her hands from her hips and crossed them over her chest.
"Well it seemed a good idea at the time; it was either that or get posted here even sooner and with no combat experience at all. It wasn't that bad. Besides I met you..." Alison blushed slightly at the remark.
"If you didn't, we might not have met?" Asked Alison.
"Yes, I suppose so but you'd be happy if I didn't. You wouldn't have gotten dragged into this mess, probably none of us would have, who knows. It is a bit late for could haves and what ifs, I'll just say destiny brought us together."
"I'm glad we are together," she paused, "but destiny also seems to be on your side for promotions," remarked Alison in an unexpected angry tone.
"What?" Asked Chris, puzzled by her tone.
"After your first combat experience you got promoted to Corporal and posted off planet to Reach, that's pretty lucky." Alison had dropped the tone.
"What, wasn't that your first combat mission too?" Asked Chris puzzled.
"No, I had seen action before that numerous times, I got my transfer papers the day before we went out on that patrol, I didn't say anything to anyone except the Captain who had put in for my transfer; he said it was a waste of my talents to be holed up on Earth."
"Well I'll agree it was just luck then," said Chris, turning to leave the room, he needed to organise the ammunition pouches for the new sniper rifle.
"Hey I'm not finished," she barked at him.
"Well what then?" He answered back with a look that could kill.
"When I last saw you on earth, you had Corporal bars on, and then at the Ceremony for Proving Battle you had Sergeant Stripes."
Chris raised an eyebrow. "So you did take notice..." Alison ignored him.
"Then, after I met you during training, I went back to the Quail. Then I saw you down at that Outpost incident, at least I thought it was you, I heard your voice when you talked on the radio. You had Lieutenant bars then and then you got promoted to a Captain for Christ's sake. A Captain because you got me to join and you had to be in command..."
"Well I could have always demoted you to a Sergeant. What's wrong with all that?" Asked Chris.
"I spent two years at Military College, working my ass off to become a Lieutenant, Junior Grade no less and you get become a Captain in less than that and in command of a highly skilled group of assassins. It's not fair!" Alison's face was full of anger.
"What do you want me to do? Give you my Captain's bars, step down and let you lead? Sorry but that won't work, ONI put me in charge because I could be trusted. You're only here because I didn't want you to be killed and they let you join because we were two men down after our first mission."
"I never asked to join." Said Alison coldly.
"Never asked? For fuck's sake, it was that or die and you don't seem to be one who is big on dieing."
"Maybe I would have preferred to die rather than dieing slowly inside from doing this line of work."
Chris closed his eyes in frustration, not wanting to look at her. "So, you're mad because I get promoted and you don't?" He said summing up her story.
"To put it bluntly, yes I am."
"Doesn't seem much of a reason to ignore me all day."
"Well, God, it's just like Military College all over again, the men getting all the attention and promotions whilst the women are ignored and rarely get acknowledge for anything we do."
"Well sorry to rain on your parade but I say you'll just have to live with it. Like if it was like that on Earth, of course it's gonna be like that here, we all came from Earth sometime, maybe not ourselves directly but our ancestors. For as long as there are men and women, there will always be sexists and assholes like your commandant." Chris let out the breath he had been holding in since he started that sentence.
Alison stood with one of her hips higher than the other, her arms still across her chest. "I am just getting so damn tired of sexist bastards though, it's just not fair..."
"Life ain't fair." Said Chris at first then he smiled, "but hey, where else can you shoot guys and not get in the shit for it?"
Alison smiled, lightened by the comment. "You're right about that, thanks." Alison calmed down and she gave him a brief hug.
"You're welcome, come on let's go find something else to do and that is an order young lady." Joke Chris as he led them out to the elevator and hit the call button. He turned to face Alison.
"What is it?" She asked genuinely.
"Come on, it is that time of the month isn't it?" He said with a laugh.
"I could tell you, but it's more fun to make you wonder..." She replied getting on the elevator.
August 25th, 2551, Reach, Camp Hathcock, ONI Barracks (above ground), 1634 Hours
With the issues of command finally behind them, Chris and Alison decided to share the command even more rather than Chris being the main force behind the decisions.
The Kill Team had been told to report to the Briefing Centre by 1700 hours for a new mission.
Chris walked around the barracks for Alpha, checking up on his troops, he was annoyed somewhat that they still hadn't gotten word on a replacement for Henderson.
"Everyone good to go?" He asked the squad as a whole, they sat around on couches and seats in the living area of the barracks.
"Yes, Captain," they replied as one, they were disciplined when they needed to be.
"Alright then we'll get going I suppose then?" He said. Just as Newman walked into the barracks.
"Not so fast guys," said Newman coming up and standing next to Chris. "The boss' only want McAllen and Parker for this one, rest of you guys can come over and join my team for some entertainment, some of the boys found a keg..." No sooner had Newman said the word 'keg' had Alpha team piled out of the barracks, both men and women.
"Why only us?" Asked Alison coming out of shower wearing only a towel and drying her hair with another.
"Yeah, what have we done?" Said Chris.
"Fucked if I know," grunted Newman, "they only wanted you two, so must be some serious shit then, good luck to the both of ya'," Newman turned on his heel and left the barracks.
"I really wonder what they're going to say today..." said Chris walking into their room and throwing Alison a clean set of fatigues.
"Maybe they only want us for a mission?" She asked.
"Hmm, two people, sounds suicidal..." Chris rubbed his chin and stop when he noticed Alison changing in front of him...
August 25th, 2551, Reach, Camp Hathcock, ONI Briefing Centre (Underground), 1659 Hours
Chris and Alison walked into the room together and came to a stop in the centre of the spot light.
"Makes me feel like dancing," joked Alison looking at her arms under the bright light.
"You would," said Chris as the committee begun.
"Good evening Captain McAllen, Lieutenant Parker, or should we say Captains McAllen and Parker now?" Alison's eyes lit up and she turned to Chris.
"I slipped in a good word yesterday morning before you got out of bed..." Chris gave her a wink and motioned for her to turn back to the front.
"You're probably wondering why only you two have been summoned here. Believe us we wanted to have a full team for this mission but it is too high profile. We need a sniper for an assassination."
Alison felt all eyes in the room fall onto her; she swallowed heavily and felt a light trickle of sweat run down her forehead and off her nose onto the floor.
"What say you Captain Parker?" Asked the head of the board from the shadows, "Will you be that sniper?"
Alison turned her gaze to Chris, he smiled at her and nodded and said "I won't let anything happen to you as long as I am with you..."
"I'll do it," said Alison.
"Good, you and Captain McAllen here will be your spotter and you two will form a two man sniper unit. It is going to be hard for you two to get into position by yourselves, two squads would have been impossible."
"To where, sir?" Asked Alison.
"A Marine Divisional Headquarters, two hundred kilometres north of here..."
"Who is the target, sir?" Asked Chris.
"This man," said the voice, a picture of an overweight man in his late fifties with grey hair and deep brown eyes appeared on the holo-projector. "Major-General Francis Walt of the 999th Marine division."
"Do we get to know why we have to kill him?" Asked Alison, she really needed reasons to be killing people she knew nothing about.
"We cannot reveal that to you, but it is a worthy cause I assure you, your drop ship will leave at twenty-one hundred hours at the landing pads behind your barracks."
"Yes, sir, thankyou sir," said Alison.
"That will be all, remember to travel light, dismissed." Chris and Alison saluted sharply before turning leaving the room.
On the elevator Alison grunted. "Worthy cause my ass!"
"Oh I wouldn't bet something that good..." he joked putting an arm over her shoulder, "just think about it, me, you, alone up the boonies and all we got to do is put a bullet into some guy's head..."
"Yeah, it could be nice..." said Alison, "except for the fact after the shot a whole division will be down on us! Maybe you were right, maybe this is a suicide mission?"
"I hate being right... sometimes!" Chris leant close and whispered into her ear, "might be why they agreed on your promotion so easily but hey, we'll just have to prove them wrong..."
August 25th, 2551, Reach, Camp Hathcock, ONI Barracks (above ground), 2033 Hours
Chris and Alison were just about ready to leave. Chris chose the proper armament for a spotter, a BR-55 with 40mm grenade launcher, silenced M7 submachine gun, his M6C service pistol with a silencer, grenades, night vision equipment, extra sniper rifle ammunition and all the required optics for range finding. Alison had one of the new TZ-52 sniper rifles with thirty spare rounds, a silenced M7 submachine gun, her H&K USP with silencer attached and normal issue equipment such as grenades and night vision gear.
Both were dressed in normal ODST BDU (Battle Dress Uniform) except their helmets were replaced by balaclavas and they wore hoods which in turn were connected to the guile suits they both wore over their armour and other equipment.
Chris felt stupid in the guile suit, its bulk affecting his movement but he would learn to live with it, when he got on the ground he would remove the vegetation he retrieved around Hathcock and replace it with more natural foliage from around their target. Alison tightened the last strap on Chris' guile suit, turned and he did hers.
"Oh before I forget," said Chris reaching through his guile suit and into his pocket, "here are your Captain's bars..." Alison bowed her head somewhat as Chris removed her Lieutenant bar and replaced it with Captain's bars.
"Thanks!" She said hugging him tightly, but the combined bulk of their guile suits and equipment made it hard for them to put arms around each other.
"Alright, let's go kick some ass!" Said Chris walking out of their barracks' 'ready room' - also known as the armoury, it is where the team got ready before heading off to the drop ships - and into the main living area, the entire Kill Team was there waiting for them.
"Good luck, guys..." said Newman then noting Alison's look, "...and girls."
"Good luck Captains" said all of Alpha and Bravo as Chris and Alison walked out of the barracks and around to the back then they saw their drop ship...
It was a drop ship like no other, it was completely black, it was the same size of a Pelican but this one was black and the somewhat smooth edges of the Pelican gave wave to sleek pointed edges. Under the stubby wings on each side sat four air to ground missiles and was equipped with a forward mounted thirty millimetre cannon. It looked dangerous... It was one of the ONI's new drop ships, a P-96 Dark Avenger.
Chris and Alison walked up to it and had to state their name and serial number to the two edgy ONI guards waiting for them. Also in the drop ship was an ONI Major, he was to complete their briefing in flight.
August 25th, 2551, Reach, in transit to 999th Marine Divisional Head Quarters via Dark Avenger P-96 Drop ship 2123 Hours
Chris locked a magazine into his BR-55 and released the bolt. He then pushed the underslung grenade launcher's grip forward whilst holding in the release clasp and loaded a grenade and slammed the grip back into position.
Alison sat next to the ONI Major; he was explaining their evasion plan after the target was down.
"We'll be watching from over head by satellite and we'll confirm the target is down, you'll then need to make it back ten kilometres so you'll be out of range of any artillery they might bring to bear on you two." The Major wiped the sweat from his brow and continued, "it won't be easy, we'll be dropping you five clicks from the base, watch out for patrols too, they will be in force as they are training for night operations tonight. I know, we should have chosen another night but General Waltz is leaving the planet tomorrow morning."
"Any idea when he'll appear?" Asked Alison, handing her rifle to Chris after he tapped her shoulder a few times. Chris loaded the TZ-52, folded the stock and shouldered it for himself.
"He'll have to leave his tent for a toilet break sometime; you might have to wait until the morning when he goes for breakfast. But remember, as soon as we confirm the target is down you need to get the hell out of there, ok Captain?"
Alison nodded. "Consider it done, sir."
Touch down in three minutes!" Called back the ONI pilot.
Chris gave Alison the thumbs up and passed her rifle back. The red lights turned on inside the Dark Avenger, giving everyone an angry appearance.
"Just stay on my ass, I'll lead..." Said Alison much to Chris' surprise.
"Aye, aye, Captain!" Joked Chris, making sure the safety on his weapon was on.
Slowly the Avenger lowered to the ground in a small clearing on a grassy knoll surrounded by pine trees.
"Good luck," said the Major as Alison leapt from the rear of the craft and landed on the grass. Chris turned and smiled through his balaclava and jumped himself.
Chris was alone in the darkness, he quickly felt around his webbing and found his night vision goggles and fitted them to his head, tightening the band around his head and flicked his head forward, sending the goggles down over his eyes. Finally with his free left hand he turned them on. A grey wash image of Alison waving her arms to him from the tree line assaulted his eyes. She already had her goggles on and was ready to get to the job at hand.
"Get over here!" Cried her voice in his ear.
"I'm coming," he said limply as he ran over to her.
"According to the map, the pine tree forest stops just over a kilometre from the camp..." Chris put his hand over the map.
"What the fuck? They built the base in a gully!?"
"It looks that way, and this forest surrounds the base on three sides except that side," Alison pointed off to the east.
"Should be pretty easy to get into position, ONI is just being assholes and not giving us any back up." Chris shook his head and tested that his goggles were still firmly in place.
"We better change the foliage on the guile suits," said Alison.
"Just use the pine needles," said Chris grabbing a handful of dead needles from the ground, they were several layers thick.
Chris and Alison worked together and changed the vegetation and foliage off each other's guile suits and replaced them with the dried pine needles that littered the forest.
Alison led the way with her submachine gun as Chris followed behind and looked behind them every few steps.
They walked quietly for an hour before Alison declared a rest and they sat down.
"Should only be a little bit further until the camp," said Chris fumbling for his canteen, taking a drink and looking around the forest. It all looked the same, long rough shafts stretching up into the sky which couldn't be seen through the combined leaves of the pine trees.
Chris raised his goggles and motioned for Alison to do the same, he felt the strain lift from his eyes immediately but his vision fell into darkness.
"Ah, that's better," said Alison rubbing her eyes and smiling, "I hate using these for ages."
"Yeah, they can make you feel pretty bad after awhile." Said Chris to the area of darkness he knew Alison was sitting.
"I hope this all goes smoothly," started Alison, "think they will come to get us after the target is down?"
"I know why they want us ten clicks out when they pick us up, so we'll be outside of any sensors. They dropped us off at five because they must have had clearance to fly over."
"So they'll com..." Chris put his hand to Alison face, or he thought it was her face in the darkness.
Chris slipped his night vision gear back on and Alison did the same, he put a hand to his ear and pointed off to the left. Alison nodded and did the bolt on her rifle, a slight noise echoed through the forest.
Chris slung his rifle, with the butt facing upwards and the barrel pointing to the ground and drew his silenced submachine gun and released the bolt slowly.
Chris and Alison took positions lying on the ground and tried to bury themselves in the pine needles on the forest floor.
Chris saw them first; it was half a Marine squad on night manoeuvres, they all were wearing night vision and his were heading their way...
Long Time Gone Part 41
Date: 11 March 2005, 12:56 PM
Long Time Gone Part 41: The Price You Pay For Loss Of Control
August 25th, 2551, Reach, less than one kilometre from the 999th Marine Divisional Head Quarters, 2246 Hours
Chris was lying down next to Alison on the forest floor covered in pine needles and looked towards the incoming Marine patrol; they were in a loose formation with their Sergeant out front.
Chris spoke softly into his mouthpiece, "let them pass, do not engage unless discovered..." Alison clicked her mic in reply and slowly pulled her rifle out of view under her guile suit.
The patrol was barely thirty feet away and closing fast, they moved silently with a purpose, quietly, as if they were looking for someone... But they didn't take notice of the two slightly large mounds of pine needles as they stepped over them and kept moving off to the east.
Chris waited for twenty seconds before moving; he knelt up and turned to look at the six man patrol, they were now forty metres away and still moving silently. Alison appeared next to Chris then moved up to the next pine tree in front of her and used it as a support to train her rifle on the rear Marine.
"Don't even think about shooting, Alison," said Chris still watching the patrol.
"You agreed to let me lead..." She said firmly, not shifting her sights from the Marine.
"Yes but I know you won't shoot so quit playing around..." Chris' jaw dropped as the pine needles all around the Marine patrol exploded and the night was filled with the sound of gunshots and the blasts of muzzle flashes.
"Argh!" Chris screamed as his goggles flared from the muzzle flashes as the goggles magnified the light one hundred times. "What the fuck?" He said recovering his vision.
Chris saw that the Marine patrol had been cut down, but in their place stood five more Marines but instead of being dressed in standard Marine green these guys were dressed in guile suits as well, only their MA5Bs betraying their identity. They had used the same tactic Chris and Alison had used to avoid detection by using guile suits covered in pine needles and buried themselves in the needles already on the ground.
"They're using training ammunition," said Alison monitoring them through her scope, "I don't think they'd notice a few extra gunshots, do you?"
Chris chuckled softly, "I wish we could but we can't risk being detected..."
"What the fuck!?" Yelled someone behind Chris and Alison...
Chris turned with his submachine at the ready, a walking bush of pine needles had appeared out of no where, behind them, no it wasn't a bush, it was a Marine in a guile suit, the sixth member of the second group of Marines.
Chris let loose a short burst, resulting in minimum flash and noise as the burst of fifteen bullets impacted high on the Marine's chest and pierced his armour, a dark, almost black liquid squirted from his wounds as seen through the night vision goggles Chris and Alison wore. The Marine went down without any further resistance but the damage was already done.
"They're onto us..." Said Alison, the other five Marines turned to where they had heard the yell and begun to rush toward it.
"Drop 'em," said Chris holstering his submachine gun and unslinging his assault rifle. Chris' goggles flared from the massive explosion of light from Alison's rifle as she fired. One of the Marines' head disappeared as it was hit by a 16mm x 155mm anti-material round. Chris heard Alison doing the bolt as he brought his rifle to bear on a Marine.
Chris fired a burst and saw the running bush stumble over; the remaining three Marines dived for cover and started to rake the tree line with some of the worse cover fire Alison and Chris had ever seen.
Chris flicked out the grenade sight from the left side of his weapon as bullets zoomed wildly over head and tore bark off the trees which was falling all around them. Chris adjusted his arc accurately as Alison took another shot and took down the Sergeant of the group.
"Fire in the hole!" Screamed Chris pulling the second trigger in front of his assault rifle's trigger guard. Chris felt the recoil similar to a shotgun, hammer his shoulder as the forty millimetre grenade sped towards the Marines.
A semi loud explosion echoed through the forest as the grenade exploded and sent thousands of fragments outwards and into the two remaining Marines, killing them instantly.
Chris reloaded his grenade launcher, the large, smoking canister fell to the ground and he reached for another from the bandoleer around his torso.
Alison reloaded her TZ and slammed the bolt home rapidly. She slowly rose to her feet and moved towards the bodies.
Chris gave chase and checked his assault rifle; it still had thirty-three rounds left in the clip after he only shot a single burst in the fire fight. Alison roughly turned one of the Marines in a guile suit over with her boot, and looked at the body closely.
"They don't look like regular Marines, you know," said Chris leaning down towards the Sergeant, the upper proportion of his head was missing, "nice shot..." Chris opened the man's guile suit and rummaged through his breast pockets. Chris found the man's wallet and inside that was his identity card. "Sergeant Eric Dole, UNSC..." Chris paused, "...Rangers." Chris let out a loud breath, "I hate Rangers, I fucking hate Rangers!"
"You're not the only one but they'll be push overs, right?" Asked Alison moving towards the group of incapacitated Marines.
"Not really, they're real good night ops and theirs only two of us, who knows how many Rangers are in the 999th Division." Chris examined the out cold Marines.
"But they're only armed with stun rounds..."
"Well if they stun us what then? They'll only kill us when we're unconscious or what have you." Chris turned the leader of the first group over, he was out cold and his sniper rifle hung limply in his hands.
"What about these guys? Leave them?" Asked Alison.
"'Fraid not," said Chris slinging his rifle, "they'll come too and find their buddies and raise the alarm."
"How about we tie them up?" She asked, Chris didn't answer at first, staring off into the distance for a moment.
"I don't like this any more than you but we're wasting time, if you don't want to watch get moving, I'll join you in a second..." Alison turned her back as Chris drew his bowie knife, "sorry fellas but its either you or me and I ain't the one unconscious..."
Alison moved away from them as she heard the nauseating sound of flesh being torn by the super sharp combat knife.
Chris closed his eyes as his blade sunk into the last man's throat then again as he ripped the front of their throat open from the inside. Chris wiped his knife clean on the dead man's sleeve and sheathed it. He removed the man's canteen and used it to wash the blood from his gloved hands.
Chris motioned to move but stopped when his eyes glanced across the Sergeant again and his sniper rifle...
Alison heard the footsteps and turned, Chris appeared from the darkness with another weapon slung over his shoulder, an S2 AM sniper rifle.
"Why you got one of those? They only had training rounds." Said Alison.
"Well if we come across another group we can use this to drop them somewhat less conspicuously, we can finish them off if we need too." Alison's look showed her disapproval with his recent acts.
"I never want to see you try anything like that again," she said, "that was just plain barbaric..."
"That was survival ..." He said slamming home a fresh clip for his pilfered S2 AM.
"Those other Marines never had a chance, you just killed them in cold blood..." She turned her back on him but didn't move.
Chris sighed. "What have you been blind on our past how ever the many missions we've been on together? All the targets always ended up getting killed in cold blood. The Spook on the Pirate vessel was killed in cold blood and so was your commander. It's how it has to be..."
"But we could have tied them up..." Said Alison turning away and continuing towards the camp.
"We could have except that we have to come back this way so I don't want any opposition on the way back, it will be hard enough as it is."
"I call the shots from now on, Chris, now let's keep going, we'll talk about it later..."
August 25th, 2551, Reach, outskirts of the 999th Marine Divisional Head Quarters, 2321 Hours
Chris crawled the last few metres towards the end of the forest, Alison joined him soon after. They hadn't encountered any more patrols or training exercises so they had made good time getting to outskirts of the base.
Chris saw the lights only at first as they flared his goggles severely; he removed his goggles and looked down at the base. It was big; it was the head quarters for an entire division, it wasn't meant to be small. The base's area was easily over one hundred metres squared and surrounded by chain link fences and a trench system. The command centre was in the centre of the base, within its own defences inside the camp in case the rest of the base got over run by the enemy.
The perimeter was crawling with guards, they were all on alert because of the training exercises; the base was an objective for one team that was just about to leave the base for insertion.
Alison deployed her rifle's bipod and awaited Chris to set up his spotter's equipment. Chris fumbled with his pack and retrieved his optics from prepacked cases; he also handed over his remaining twenty-seven rounds for Alison's rifle which he carried in reserve.
Chris got out his binoculars and used the laser function to get the average of the range to the base; it was just over thirteen hundred metres...
"Thirteen hundred metres..." said Alison, "I've had confirmed take downs further away than that but that was with an S2 AM, not one of these."
Chris just grunted a reply as he slowly backed away from the edge of the forest and ripped a small tree from the ground and bought it back to use as some cover and to break up their outline from prying eyes. .
"It's not like they'll see us from here, Chris," said Alison looking over to him, he smiled.
"Better to be safe than sorry, besides, I'm in the mood for some destruction." Chris put his assault rifle down by his side and unslung his S2 AM.
"If you had some live rounds I would use that instead of this thing for that range," said Alison looking at her TZ-52.
"The TZ is supposably a better rifle though?" Questioned Chris.
"Yes it is but I have more experience with a S2."
Chris checked his clip for the millionth time. "Well this will be good experience for you then." Chris ran his thumb over a loose training round in his pocket's blunt tip.
Alison pushed up against her rifle more and looked over the camp for where Major-General Francis Walt could be staying in the camp.
Marines roamed the massive base and one patrol actually walked half way between the forest and the camp on a massive loop around the whole valley. Chris followed this patrol with his rifle, testing himself to keep the lead man's head in the crosshair but soon got bored. Chris put the rifle down and grabbed his binoculars and searched the surrounding tree line.
Hours passed this way, nothing stirred and they still had no idea where the target was within the camp.
Chris had unloaded his sniper rifle and was dry firing on targets, testing himself not to flinch as he slowly pulled the trigger. After his hundredth dry shot at one Marine - looking right at their position but unable to spot them in the dark and at such extreme range - Chris got out his binoculars again and examined the tree line again.
"There's nothing going on here, Alison," said Chris, "can't be stuffed waiting much longer..."
"Patience, Chris, patience, seek and ye shall find..." Alison's rifle snapped to a position in the camp, her voice had changed somewhat but he didn't notice "contact..." He looked at the area in question with his binoculars, three men walked stiffly from the command centre towards a set of tents; one of the men was walking slower than the others, it was Major-General Francis Walt. "Confirm target as the straggler..."
Alison checked her sights to the man at the rear; the trio had a forty metre walk ahead of them to the tents.
"Wind speed is nonexistent, green light, good to go..." Said Chris gripping his binoculars tightly.
Alison took first pressure on the trigger, keeping Major-General Walt's head in the crosshair. Chris glanced sideways towards Alison, her hands were shaking violently and the visible features of her face through the slits in her balaclava were covered in sweat.
"You ok?" Asked Chris.
"F...Fine..." Stuttered Alison closing her eyes for a long second.
"Sure?" Alison nodded, "ok but take the shot, or who knows how long we will be waiting..."
They trio reached the half way mark and Alison still hadn't shot, Chris looked again, the shaking had died down but she was still sweating furiously.
"When ever you are ready..." Said Chris, he noted the deepness of Alison's exhale after he said that.
The target got within ten metres of his door when Chris got nervous. "Alison, take the damn shot!"
"I... I can't... Not again..." Alison's breathing rate doubled, she started to panic and Chris knew she wouldn't be able to hit the target in her condition.
"Give me the damn rifle!" Said Chris snatching the weapon from Alison, she just watched bewildered as Chris took the rifle and shouldered it roughly.
Chris found the target instantly and put the crosshair high on the man's chest as he motioned to open the door. Chris snapped off the shot...
The bullet sped towards the target and covered the thirteen hundred metres in under a second; it entered just above Walt's heart and below his left shoulder but upon exiting, the bullet took all of the flesh with it and splattered it across the ground due to the entry angle from Chris' elevated position.
Chris did the bolt rapidly and brought the weapon back up to his shoulder but froze for a second remember how many times he preached to his students to never fire twice at a single target in fear of having their position discovered.
"Fuck it, we've already been discovered..." Chris fired a second shot and hit the motionless Walt on the ground in the head and did the bolt again but this time shoving the rifle in Alison face. He looked at the scurrying of movement around the camp and the massive amounts of startled Marines running from their Barracks. "This is between just you and me, Alison, now run!"
Chris snatched his assault rifle up and gave Alison a nudge to move her along and his eyes shifted to her belt line, but not looking at her butt, looking at the pouch that held her Claymore mines...
"Alison, keep going! I'll be with you in a tick!" Chris turned and reached behind his back and came out with his two Claymores and knelt down next to his pilfered S2 AM which he had abandoned.
Chris then snuck a look at the camp close up with his binoculars briefly, Marines were piling into Warthogs and starting to barge out of the camp, intent on hunting down their commander's killers but they would have to abandon the vehicles at the tree line to continue after them.
His deed done, Chris turned and ran into the tree line, his ear exploded in static for a moment. "McAllen what the hell are you doing!? We haven't confirmed the target is down yet..."
Chris yelled as he sprinted, "half his fucking head is gone! He is dead! Get us the hell out of here!"
"Ok, ok, now the reports are now showing Walt is dead and that the division is super pissed! Get back to the evac point on the double! The whole division is mobilising!"
Chris ran hard, legs pumping and his heart pounding in his ears, his breathing was hoarse as he raced for where Alison had moved too, his footsteps barely audible over the crunching of dried pine needles.
Chris run into a small enclosure tightly grouped pine trees and found himself staring down the barrel of Alison's rifle. It was shaking all over the place, Chris changed his focus from the barrel to Alison's face, she had a thick layer of sweat over her face and her eyes were closed...
"Alison!" Cried Chris, she lowered the weapon instantly and opened her eyes, which were surprised to see him. "We got to keep moving, the whole division is onto us!"
Alison stood up without a word and followed him like a lamb to the slaughter. "I don't know what happened back there... I just couldn't kill him, I couldn't kill another target for them ."
"Forget it, ok? We can talk about it when we get out of here, I won't say anything if you won't ok? We'll say you took the shots... If you can stand saying you had to shoot him twice!" Chris' joke failed to lighten her spirits this time.
Chris heard the double explosions and chuckled to himself.
"What is so funny!" Screamed Alison, "we're being chased by a whole damn division and you're laughing!"
"I rigged that S2 AM with a couple of claymores, damn nosey Marines; curiosity killed the cat fellas..."
They ran together, just darkness and the rustling of leaves to the naked eye, but to the night vision goggles of a group of Marines - who had been on an exercise and called to help the tracking down of the assassins - they saw the two feeling snipers and were giving chase.
Chris felt the weird sixth sense that someone was watching him; he snapped a look back behind him but saw nothing but endless black and grey. Chris fumbled with the pouch on his left hip as he ran, pulling out another set of goggles that replaced his night vision goggles briefly, they were thermal goggles. Chris powered them on and saw Alison's figure in front of him, her body heat represented by a mix of greens, yellows, blues, oranges and reds, he looked back again and saw twelve coloured blobs rushing towards them, about fifty metres behind them.
"We've got company!" Said Chris looking back in front of himself only to run into a tree, it had no body heat and neither did the ground so everything except bodies were a hazy purple colour. Chris flopped to the ground briefly and changed his goggles as he got up; he once again saw the world on a grey scale. Chris felt the warmth of blood trickle from his nose and was being absorbed by the balaclava; he tasted the warm salty liquid on his lips as he ran, trying to catch up with Alison.
"We've got a whole platoon on our ass!" He cried as he matched her stride, "we can't run for ten clicks, we got to face them."
Alison nodded and skidded to a halt on the pine needles, taking Chris by surprise and she spun around with her rifle up and fired a shot at the lead Marine through the thermal mode on her scope.
The man went down and the platoon dived for cover and begun to fire back, Alison hit the deck as bullets sizzled over head. Chris wasn't as fast and felt a bullet impact his body armour, he was winded for a second and fell to the ground limply, he felt for the bullet with a hand and removed it from his armour, it was a training round.
"They got training ammo, watchout, Alison!" He cried slowly getting up and bringing his assault rifle's scope over a hazy grey blob in the distance and fired, it ceased to move.
Alison fired her rifle two more times and killed two more of the Marines, she opened the bolt but only put one round in the cavity and closed the bolt, she was only loading one round at a time.
Chris squeezed the trigger rapidly; each time a trio of empty casings would spurt from the breach on the right side of the weapon and was matched by a triple gunshot and three jolts of recoil. The Marines were taking heavy losses from the combined sniper fire and almost machine gun rhythm of the assault rifle.
The Marines' fire was sporadic, they had suffered heavy losses and one of the seven men dead or incapacitated was their Sergeant and they didn't actually know exactly where the enemy was now.
"Chris, use the grenade launcher..." Ordered Alison just as she heard the familiar sound of it going off. The grenade sped towards the Marines but fell short and exploded harmlessly in front of them.
Chris reloaded his assault rifle first, then reloaded the grenade launcher and used his previous shot as a sighter and adjusted accordingly. "Fire in the hole!" He cried this time before he fired.
"Get down!" Yelled the Marines seeing the muzzle flash of the weapon in the distance. The grenade exploded in the exact centre of the survivors and they were all killed by the fragments.
"Shot..." Said Alison fully reloading her rifle this time and already starting to continue their escape.
Chris reloaded and followed Alison as he counted his remaining grenades. He had started the mission with twelve and had used three to date, he only had nine left but he still had four fragmentation grenades on his belt, something told him he would be needing every single one before the night was over.
"Keep moving! There are sure to be more on the way now after that business!" Yelled Chris to Alison just as he felt the air around him become warm with the sizzling of lead over head. "Shit they're already on us!"
Chris and Alison continued their escape for a kilometre and passed the corpses of the Marines they had killed earlier. Chris spotted a K48A2 light machine gun slung limply around the neck of one of the dead men. He grabbed the weapon and three spare drums just as the ground at his feet became torn and riddled with the large amount of bullets impacting upon it.
"Get moving Chris!" Cried Alison, Chris didn't need to be told twice as he slung his assault rifle and ran along checking the light machine gun.
"Fuck, training ammunition!" He said noticing the blunt tips of the ammunition being fed into the receiver; he had forgotten about the training exercises, "damn, it will have to do..."
Chris and Alison ran for a little bit before Chris found the courage to propose his next plan.
"We'll try and slow them down, soon as the em-gee is out we keep moving, ok?" Alison was in front of him and clicked her mic in reply, she turned instantly and knelt down and fired a shot straight past Chris, only inches off his left arm and it impacted on a Lieutenant leading the Marines onward.
Chris made it to Alison and dived to the ground and deployed the weapon's bipod but had to change to his thermal goggles to see the incoming Marines. As soon as they were on, Chris saw over one hundred coloured blobs at various ranges spread along a wide fifty metre front, some could even be seen through the trees; they were easy to tell apart from the others because their heat signatures seemed a tad darker than the rest.
Chris brought the weapon to bear on them and held down the trigger, spraying the line from left to right and then back again, sparing no expense on ammunition usage. Marines went down in a frenzy of training rounds; it didn't really matter where they got hit as they still went down; but some of them would be lucky like Chris and get hit on their armour. Only on just starting his return swing the weapon clicked dry and Chris reloaded the weapon.
Alison continued to fire her rifle as fast as she could acquire a target, shoot, do the bolt and acquire a new target. She seemed to be back to her self since the Walt incident but Chris felt they would have to have a long talk when, or if they got back to base.
Chris continued to pummel the Marines with his weapon; the amount of bullets it churned out kept their heads down and inflicted severe casualties on the tightly grouped men.
Chris was soon on his last drum of ammunition and was finding it hard to tell the Marines already hit and those who were cowering. Chris continued to fire, wishing he had lethal ammunition. Finally, as if expecting a standing ovation for its efforts, the weapon clanged dry for the final time; Chris popped the top and ripped out the return spring for the action, effectively ruining the weapon.
"Alright, Alison, let's go," said Chris changing back to night vision goggles and standing to move.
"I think we got them all, Chris..." Said Alison bluntly, Chris turned back towards the enemy, nothing stirred but the moans of several wounded could be heard.
"Well there is meant to be a whole division, we've only taken out two or three platoons so we got to keep moving." Alison grunted as she got up and started to move again, Chris continued to follow.
They ran for another two kilometres without any signs of anyone behind them, Alison was starting to feel extremely fatigued and needed a rest soon.
"Just another half a click and we'll rest, Alison," said Chris taking charge.
"You said I was in charge, I say we rest now!" Said Alison.
"Please, just do this then you can lead all you want, lead me to the ends of the universe if you have to but don't rest here," pleaded Chris.
Alison mumbled what seemed to be an agreement and they continued moving.
They made the last half a kilometre without issue and took a break behind a group of dead pine trees which made excellent cover.
Chris yanked off his blood soaked balaclava and used his spare hand to feel around his nose, his face lower face was caked in drying blood and his nose was blocked from the blood clots which prevented further bleeding.
"You ok?" Asked Alison moving over him with her first aid kit out, she gently wipe the blood away with a sterilized pad.
"I've hard worse, that damn tree came out of no where!" Alison laughed and found it comforting that he could be joking in a situation like this.
"I really think we'll make it back," said Alison putting a hand on his shoulder, "I really do..."
Chris cupped a hand over Alison's hand on his shoulder and looked to where he thought her face was in the darkness. "We will, Alison, I bet my life on it."
They sat for ten minutes not saying anything, just checking ammunition and weapons, getting ready to make the final push towards the evacuation point which was still just under five kilometres away.
Chris put his balaclava in one of his pant's deep pockets which he carried spare magazines in. Alison motion for them to keep moving, Chris quietly stood up and followed without a word.
Somewhat refreshed, the duo continued their evasion of the enemy at a steady jogging pace. They ran for several kilometres unnoticed, or so they thought.
"... I got contact, two hostiles, they're moving towards your position, Echo Team, over..." Said the concealed Marine Scout under his guile suit into his throat mic, alerting his comrades.
Chris and Alison continued their run, past a countless trees and mounds of innocent looking pine leaves.
Chris got the feeling he was being watched again and switched from his night vision goggles to his thermal goggles and looked back...
Chris saw what seemed platoon size, fifty multicoloured blobs lying down on the ground and they had run right past them, obviously waiting the command to spring from cover to ambush them. Chris clicked his mic repeatedly, a danger signal for Alison to hear.
Chris slung his rifle whilst still moving, trying not to let the hidden enemies know he had seen them and drew his silenced M7. Chris skidded to a halt on the slippery needles and trained his weapon on one of the closest concealed enemies, by chance it was commander of Echo Team.
A barely audible series of coughs shot from the weapon's silenced muzzle and hit the brightly coloured blob as he appeared through thermal. The bullets impacted and a stream of brightly coloured liquid shot from the Marine Commander's body but he died silently, no one knew he was dead. Chris continued to fire silently killed the closest Marines; the silencer worked wonders and with no empty cartridges to eject the M7 was an effective silenced weapon. Alison joined him and put on her thermal goggles and they both begun to pick the Marines off like flies.
"... Echo Team, you're taking fire! They're using silenced submachine guns!" Cried the scout watching from a distance. The covers Echo had been hiding over exploded with motion and pine needles filled the air for a brief moment.
Chris reached behind his back with surprise lost and drew his silenced handgun and begun blasting away at the now revealed Echo Team, barely giving time to aim his weapon, he just wanted to put as much lead into the air as possible to make them keep their heads down.
Alison expended her magazine and holstered the weapon and drew her USP, she held it in cupped hands and fired it off rapidly with rough, hoarse coughs. Before Echo knew what had happened they had already lost nineteen of their number to the stealth tactics of Chris and Alison.
"Go, go!" Said Chris standing up and dragging Alison along, as one they both reloaded their hand guns and spun and continued to shoot as they retreated toward the evacuation point and changed back to night vision goggles.
Alison reloaded again and drew her submachine gun, reloaded it then she holstered it and got out her sniper rifle. Chris did the same but had his assault rifle out in the end and fired one of his precious grenades and took out three Marines with a fiery explosion.
Echo Team seemed to be a mix of Marines from the camp who just been ahead of Chris and Alison at the time of the attack; their uniforms were mixed and so was their armament, they were not the same unit. They returned fire with their mixed weapons, shotguns, pistols, rifles and the odd sniper rifle.
The bullets flew wildly overhead, Chris pushed Alison ahead. "Keep going! I'll give them something to think about, I'll join you shortly don't worry!"
Alison turned and edged to kiss but Chris pushed her to keep moving. "It'll give me something worth coming back for, now go!"
Chris knelt down and begun to fire burst after burst back at Echo, Marine after Marine hit the ground with a trio of nine point five millimetre cartridges imbedded into their body.
Echo begun to give chase when they realised only Chris was shooting, Alison was shooting as she moved backwards slowly but not enough to keep Echo at bay, some were only tens of metres away from Chris.
Chris fired a burst and his weapon clicked dry, he removed the magazine just as a Marine come running out of the darkness. Chris threw the empty magazine back handed at an incoming Marine, the magazine hit him squarely on the forehead and sent him to the ground stunned; Chris reached for his pistol and hammered several bullets into the man's forehead and then reloaded his assault rifle but kept his eyes on the enemy at all times.
Chris with his weapon now loaded turned to kill a Marine on the left, dropping him with a burst to the head he turned back to the centre of the enemy mass and shot several times. Chris felt the searing pain of bullets impacting against his armour but they failed to pierce.
Chris knew it was now the time to fall back, he rose to his feet and began to back slowly away and continued firing rapidly, dropping another Marine who had thought it was a good idea to get close.
Chris' weapon ran dry again and he drew his handgun and finished off the weapon's magazine and holstered it before reloading his assault rifle, then he noticed the Marine ten metres off to his right.
Chris spun and fired... The man's head exploded and snapped backwards from the impacting bullets but the jolt caused him to fire his shotgun.
Chris saw the muzzle flash then felt searing hot pain in his right arm; he looked at his arm and saw that he had been hit by the bare edge of the shotgun's spread. Five raged holes had appeared in his uniform, spaced evenly from his wrist to his right shoulder and the wounds seeped blood. The pain made Chris stagger a little but he kept moving.
Chris swapped gun hands, from right to left and begun to fire again. Due to the fact the weapon was designed for right handed shooters, the ejection port was on the right and that was a problem now because the empty casings were being ejected right into the side of his face as he shot, a small but bearable distraction.
Chris turned around briefly and saw Alison only metres behind him with her rifle trained on a target, with a massive retort it went off and killed another Marine. Chris turned back to the front but yelled back. "Get moving, God damn it, I'll be fine!"
Alison stood up and ran back twenty metres as Chris continued to move backwards slowly, trying to kill as many of the fifteen remaining members of Echo as he could. Chris reloaded with his wounded arm, taking his eyes off the enemy as he did so; it took him just over five seconds to reload and his vision snapped back upwards just to see five of the remaining members of Echo running towards him. They were less than twenty metres away, Chris brought his rifle up and fired instantly, dropping the closest one who fell down in a mix of curses and squirting blood but the other four dived to ground and returned fire with their mixed weapons...
Chris felt a complete burst riddle upwards on his armour from his stomach upwards... Chris knew what was going to happen instantly... So did Alison...
"No!" She screamed from her position when she saw the combined fire of the four men, she brought her rifle up but it was already too late.
Alison watched helplessly as Captain Chris McAllen of the Office of Naval Intelligence's head snap backwards from a direct hit and fall lifeless to the ground...
Long Time Gone Part 42
Date: 4 May 2005, 11:34 AM
Long Time Gone Part 42: This Is The Closest Of Calls
August 25th, 2551, Reach, one point three kilometres from the evacuation point, 0038 Hours
An empty silence engulfed the vast forest; Alison stared in disbelief at the mound of pine needles that represented Chris' lifeless frame. Suddenly the four Marines responsible for the shooting rose from the ground and ran forward to confirm their kill.
"Oh no you don't..." Muttered Alison taking aim and firing at the lead Marine, a fist size chunk disappeared from his stomach and he toppled over dead. The other three dived into a slight depression in the ground for cover out of Alison's line of fire.
Alison moved towards Chris slowly and stopped when she could see the three cowering Marines again; they were looking all around themselves, not sure where the shot had came from as the TZ-52 did not leave a vapour trail like the common S2 AM.
Alison fired again; killing another Marine, one of the remaining two Marines jumped in fright and ran away from his comrade who shouted curses at him as he fled. Alison reloaded and fired again, killing the coward. She reloaded or so she thought and went to fire but there had been no round in the chamber; the loud ting of the rifle's dry fire in the night echoed for longer than the previous shots; giving the remaining Marine the slightest clue to where she was; he opened fire with his assault rifle and sprayed the immediate area with a full magazine before reloading.
Alison drew her USP in frustration and took the longish shot for a pistol. Three silenced rounds hit the ground around the remaining Marine; he flinched with each impact and was clearly angrier after each one.
"Mother fucker!" He screamed letting loose another extended burst of twenty rounds. The weapon clicked unusually; the Marine stared blankly at it and smacked the receiver several times. "Stinking piece of shit! Work God damn it! "
"First rule to remember with any weapon..." said Alison remembering she had a Laser Aiming Module on the pistol and turned it on; a red dot appeared on the Marine's head, "...treat it with respect and clean it everyday, asshole!" Alison fired and the subsonic round pierced the Marine's helmet and killed him outright; his entire left arm frozen in the motion of swinging to hit the weapon again.
Alison popped the semi-full magazine and replaced it with a full one. She was just about to run and check Chris when her night vision goggles flared from an excess of light. Alison flipped the goggles up on their mount and saw the cones of light from flashlights in the distant forest and heard the yelling of men hounding for blood.
Alison took a step forward but stopped, went to take a step back but stopped, unsure what to do and all the while continually staring at Chris; he was twenty metres from her and even if she could make it too him, she wouldn't be able to carry him by herself.
Outside Alison didn't know what to do, try and see if he was dead and most likely be killed herself by the incoming Marines. But inside she had already made her decision; she turned and ran...
August 25th, 2551, Reach, one point three kilometres from the evacuation point, 0049 Hours
Alison ran for all she was worth, which she didn't believe was very much now; abandoning Chris, even if he was dead she knew he wouldn't have left her out there if the tables were turned.
The pursuers seemed to continue chasing her, not bothering to check Chris' corpse or any of their wounded. Smart thinking, get us both before celebrating... Bastards
She turned around briefly and snatching a glance at the incoming Marines. There were at least twenty flashlights but she wondered how many were really behind her, thirty, fifty, one hundred, a thousand? What does it matter, I've got no reason to live, I left the only person I have ever cared about to rot in the middle of some stinking forest...
Alison had only a fifty metre lead on them and she wasn't about to give it up if she would help it. She drew a fragmentation grenade from her webbing as she ran and skilfully removed the top and took the fuse from the hole and changed the detonation time from three seconds to somewhere around ten. Alison skipped on her feet and turned so she was running backwards facing the incoming Marines, rolled the grenade several metres behind her with the pin removed, faced the front again and sprinted as hard as she could, hearing the spoon fly from the grenade she ran even harder.
The Marines were gaining on Alison; her lead was beginning to falter as the Marines now had a visual on her and were beginning to open fire. Sporadic bullets flew over head and bit at her heels, she fired her submachine gun back hand as she ran, not caring to much on the accuracy of her shots, more for the 'duck and cover' effect it had on the incoming Marines.
Alison felt the tremendous impact of bullet into the rear of her armour; she stumbled to the ground and clumsily got back up again knowing that if she was caught, she would be killed. She heard the grenade explode and she smiled, "that one was for Chris..."
Alison ran and continued to run, not knowing how far she was from the evacuation point, how far she was away from safety, how far she was away from a world without Chris... The forest seemed to continue on for ever, but she knew it was only an illusion, she knew that it would only go on for another kilometre from the evacuation zone before giving way to wide open spaces.
Alison suddenly broke into open ground... a fifty metre wide clearing in the pine trees; it had obviously been used to land drop ships before.
"Thank God..." Breathed Alison running for the centre of the clearing, she turned and faced back towards the enemy. She knelt down in the thick Africanised grass brought from Earth and realised she would have to wait for the EVAC bird to get there; she readied her rifle.
Alison fired at the first Marine to come running out of the forest, he was hit high and from the force of impact; he spun ass over end before hitting the ground. Alison pulled the pin from one of her remaining grenades and threw it into the tree line; the bright explosion flared her goggles as she did the bolt for her rifle and brought it up to shoot another incoming Marine.
Alison fired and realised she had had to reload; reaching for one of the pouches on her belt that Chris had organised to house the bullets for the TZ-52s. Alison's hand came out empty and she swore; she was ammunition for her rifle...
Alison slung her rifle and brought up her submachine gun, spraying left and right, she took down three Marines before the weapon clicked empty. She reached for a spare clip and her hand came back into view with her last magazine for the submachine gun.
"Next time I am bringing a lot more ammo," she said gloomily to no one but herself and fired short bursts at the incoming Marines. Five more Marines went down in a hail of sub sonic fire but then the weapon clicked dry, things were looking grim.
Alison drew her USP and emptied a full clip taking down two Marines and reloaded, counting her spare clips and the total came to four remaining...
Alison breathed out heavily, she was starting to get scared; well more scared then previously as the drop ship seemed to be a no show and that she only had less than sixty bullets remaining...
Alison started to conserve her ammunition as much as possible, a Marine came out from the left and she fired instantly hitting him low in the throat. Three came out almost one after the other and went down in a flury of point forty-five ACP slugs. The USP's slide flung back to the empty position and Alison reloaded the weapon as quick as she could.
Alison turned her attention away from the forest when she had difficulty inserting the magazine by touch alone and had to observe what she was doing; she reloaded it and released the slide only to hear a hollow thud land off to her right. She turned and less than a foot away from her right knee sat a primed lethal fragmentation grenade. Without giving it another thought she spun on her crouched feet to the left with her right arm extended out; she picked up the grenade and in one swift motion concluded her spin and threw the grenade back towards the Marines that had thrown it.
Alison continued to fire rapidly, expending the whole magazine before the grenade exploded; she ducked as a wash of stray fragments whistled over head; once she reloaded, she found it strange that the explosion seemed to echo on forever...
But it wasn't the grenade; its explosion had died off long ago... The roar belonged to the P-96 Dark Avenger that came soaring over the trees and into the clearing, hovering just above the trees, the thirty millimetre nose cannon opened up on the tree line, a solid stream of tracer rounds and bullets as thicker than a man's index finger crashed into the shocked Marines.
Alison ducked below the cover of the grass and waited as the Dark Avenger pummelled the Marines into mince meat. Brass casings fell to the ground in a torrent; over five hundred rounds were fired and the casings littered the clearing. In less than three seconds of firing the Marines ceased to exist. Alison raised her head above the grass and looked into the forest; smoking masses of blood and tissue that had once represented human beings greeted her.
"What a waste..." Said Alison shaking her head and getting up cautiously; being down to only one spare clip for her pistol, she wasn't about to let her guard down, she waited for the drop ship to land.
The Dark Avenger fitted into the clearing easily, its sleek features were difficult to make out in the darkness, the only thing that gave away its presence was the dim red light coming from the forward and aft compartments which the crew worked under during cautious situations and the roar of its engines weren't exactly stealthy.
Alison raced around the roaring engines - which sent a storm of grass and dust into the air - to the rear compartment as the ramp dropped. The ONI Major stood on the ramp; his face was blank of expression, changing slightly to confusion when he noticed she was alone.
"Where's McAllen?" He asked. Alison shook her head in sorrow.
"He's dead..." Then she saw the four black clad ONI soldiers sitting in the troop compartment; they all wore black balaclavas and black fatigues with black body armour with big white letters ONI on the front and back.
"Oi, where's McAllen?!" Asked the one wearing Sergeant Stripes and standing up; it was Master Sergeant Erwin Russel from Bravo Team with three other members of Bravo; including their master medic and were acting as protection for the ship if it came under fire on the ground. Alison didn't say anything, her spirits rising with the means to go back and get Chris.
"We're just about to go and get him, Sergeant..." Russel nodded in approval, licked his lips in anticipation, he thrived on combat, it was his element.
"At your command, Captain..." Russel gave her a sloppy salute only close comrades would do to each other.
"What!?" Snapped the ONI Major, "we're getting out of here now, you said he was dead, he knew the risks, we're leaving, end of discussion..."
"We can't just leave his body out there, sir..." Said Alison opening a weapon rack, taking a BR-55 and ammunition for her TZ-52 and USP.
"It will turn up after the Marines have their reven..." Before the Major could finish Russel was on him and pinned him up against a wall with his huge hands; the Major's feet were dangling several inches off the deck.
"Listen!" Said Erwin through clenched teeth, "we've never left a man in the field, dead or alive and I do not intend to start now, not ever. So, the Captain here and my boys are gonna go and get 'im..."
Suddenly the cockpit door opened and the co-pilot came out; dressed in similar Uniform to Russel and his men but minus the body armour and he had his pistol drawn... Alison snapped her weapon up as did the members of Bravo.
"Hey, easy, tiger, I'm on your side..." said the man releasing his grip on the weapon, it swung limply off his index finger by its trigger guard; the man exchanged a look with the pinned Major, "I want to come help get the Captain..." The engines died and the pilot came out of the cockpit with his pistol drawn as well. "I want come too..." The Pilot walked over and grabbed a rifle from the rack and tossed one to his co-pilot.
"Sorry," said Alison, "we could use all the help we could get but one of you needs to stay and guard the ship..." The Major piped up despite Russel's hands gripping his throat tightly.
"I could guard the ship..."
"No way, mate," barked Russel, "you wouldn't think twice about leaving a few stupid grunts out here to rot..."
Alison finished restocking her ammunition and motioned it was time for them go and get Chris.
Russel let the Major go; he fell to the deck short of breath, Russel turned to the pilot and co-pilot; they were doing rock, paper scissors to decide who would go.
"Aw, that's bullshit, sir, but have fun I suppose," said the co-pilot, disappointed that his scissors got smashed by his superior's rock.
Russel patted the pilot on the back as he walked past and said to the co-pilot whilst pointing at the dazed Major. "If he moves... shoot 'im..." Russel grabbed his weapon off the rack and exited the drop ship.
"If we're not back or don't hear from us within an hour... Leave without us." Said Alison; she still felt guilty for leaving Chris out there; she only hoped she wasn't too late to save what was left of him and her what remained of her dignity.
Alison led the way; all six of them had night vision gear equipped and they rushed through the forest, they passed numerous signs of Alison's passing. Dead Marines and the occasional wounded one - who Russel's men inhumanly cut down - littered the ground.
"Looks like you had some fun here, Captain!" Remarked one Russel's men.
"I don't want to talk about..." Said Alison sharply not bothering to look back at the zealous Commando.
August 25th, 2551, Reach, Captain McAllen's last known position, 0124 Hours
They had not run into any resistance until now, an entire platoon of Army Rangers station at the 999th Divisional Head Quarters held a rough perimeter around a team of Marine medics tending to the wounded and semi-high ranking Officers looking over the dead.
Alison let out a breath she that could have been held since she had left Chris out there. Chris was still there but two Officers were looking over his body, not touching it in fear of contaminating the scene for the FleetCOM Investigators who would be sure to be here soon.
The enemy had only arrived at the scene ten minutes ago and it was going to be a long night waiting for FleetCOM to confirm who had attacked and killed their Commanding Officer.
Alison and Russel's squad were hiding behind a crop of trees, fifty metres from the nearest Ranger.
"Alright, Russel," said Alison, Russel turned and faced her, "take your men and circle around behind them, standard slit and advanced..." Russel nodded and palmed his combat knife, a sly smile appearing on his face - but it was hidden by his balaclava - as he lead his men off into the darkness.
Alison turned to the pilot, he held his rifle tightly in his gloved hands and his Pilot's helmet gave the necessary readings for combat. "Now when the shooting starts don't be a hero," said Alison to the pilot, "you haven't got any armour so just stay low and keep shooting." He nodded in agreement.
"Yes, Captain," replied the pilot in a cool, calm voice, "I'll be ready..."
Time passed slowly as Alison levelled her rifle on the two Officers - they were standing together, smoking and talking loudly - the way they were standing, from Alison's view put them one behind the other, it would be possible for her to kill both in one shot...
"We've coming into position, Parker," said Russel from the other side of the perimeter. "I sent a man out for the closest guard shouldn't be long n... Got him! Ooh, it was a good stab too, should have seen it, sir... I mean Ma'am."
"I'll pass Russ, seen enough blood and guts to last me for a long time and it isn't even over yet..." A brief burst of gunfire erupted on the other side of the perimeter from Alison, a Ranger fell down in a hail of bullets.
"Whoa, shit, they seen us, my boy had to shoot, sorry, Captain, oh shit, here they come!" Russel stopped communicating and joined the fire fight.
Alison fired her rifle at the two Officers who had just stood there, startled by the brief burst of fire. They both fell down dead, the second Officer was bathed in his comrade's blood as well as his own.
"Open fire!" Cried Alison to the pilot, he was lying there not shooting, just staring at the mass of Rangers, Medics and Officers scurrying for cover. Bringing the weapon up he trained it on a lone Ranger and fired, the man fell down dead. "Not bad for your first time..."
"Who said it was my first time..." Said the pilot, causing Alison to chuckle at the remark. "Two years in the Marines myself, before coming to work for the ONI."
The Rangers had rough ideas on where the shooting was coming from and had already split into two teams and were beginning to assault the suspected positions.
Alison fired her rifle rapidly, desperately trying to put a dint into the masses, while the pilot fired burst after burst as quick as he could, spraying from left to right to good affect.
Russel and his men were far more experienced than the Rangers and they used it to their advantage as all of the members of the Kill Team had undergone the training of the various armed forces and knew how the Rangers would think. The Rangers would try an assault on where they thought the enemy was, they already have a good idea on where we are... We've got to be prepared! Screamed Russel's mind as he contemplated on how to greet the gung-ho Rangers.
"Put the claymores over there!" Barked Russel dropping one of the few enemy medics to be firing into the darkness. One of the Bravo Team's number ran forward fifteen metres and dived to the ground, placing his two claymore mines, plus another one he had taken from a comrade, in a sloppy convex shape and covered them with dried pine needles as rough camouflage then ran back to Russel's position.
"We're set, Sarge," said the Commando, just as massive amounts of lead flew overhead, the Rangers were coming... Alison reloaded as the Rangers advanced ever closer with their guns up and firing blindly into the night at the two sets of muzzle flashes, making the pilot and herself duck for cover as the enemy fire was getting dangerously accurate.
"Ah, Russ... We could use some help over here about now, if you're not too busy!" Said Alison as bullets impacted the ground inches away from her and hurled debris into the air; the dust clouded Alison's night vision and she batted at the air trying to make the debris disperse quicker.
"That is a negative, Captain; we're in a pickle ourselves so you're on your own for now!"
Alison swore as she levelled her rifle on a soldier who had strayed too far from the pack of the advancing Rangers and she took him down.
The pilot begun to throw his supply of eight grenades into the ranks of incoming men, the explosions were so numerous it sounded like a New Year Eve's party with fireworks and party poppers.
Russel's men hammered down on their triggers, sparing no thoughts for ammunition, only intent on turning the tide of Rangers that threatened to overwhelm them. The Rangers had advanced to thirty metres from Bravo's position.
"Slacken fire, lads! Let them think we're running low on ammo or reloading so they get close and we can blow the Claymores..." So Russel and his men deliberately slackened their fire and fired in sporadic unison; the Rangers saw this, decided to take advantage of it and pushed forward with their final charge...
Alison cranked off burst after burst into the Rangers with her assault rifle, they were so close she could almost smell their bad breath and body odour. They uttered curses as Alison shot them without remorse and lashed out with her rifle butt at the ones right in her face, the Rangers were trying to capture them!
The pilot had drawn his pistol and was shoving it into the chests of the Rangers who were right upon them before firing. "Back to the Pavilion, with ya!" He cried in almost a comical manner, "get the fuck back damn it!"
The Rangers were under orders to take prisoners despite the heavy casualties but it didn't stop them from wounding their targets...
The pilot screamed in pain as his leg caught a burst from an MA5B at close range, he fell to the ground cursing but still firing, there weren't many Rangers left but still enough to overwhelm the wounded pilot and Alison.
"Now!" Cried Russel signalling the man next to him with the Claymore 'clacker' to detonate the mines, the lead Rangers were less than a metre away from the convex Claymores.
With a flash of white and an ear splitting explosion the three Claymores went off and sent thousands of tiny ball bearings into the Rangers; ripping them to shreds, every unarmoured section of flesh was covered in ragged, bloody holes and seeped blood, there were to be no survivors...
"Alright, time to help the Captain!" Said Russel getting to his feet and leading his men towards Alison, his men letting off some lead into the Rangers killed by the Claymores just to make sure they were well and truly dead.
Alison drove the combat knife up to the hilt into the Rangers chest, just above the heart and into the ribs; she held onto the knife's handle with both hands and gave the man one tremendous kick, sending him backwards of her and freeing the knife. Alison jumped back to her feet, the Ranger had charged and pinned her to the ground, removed her weapons but he hadn't counted on Alison finding the combat knife sheathed in his boot.
Dropping the Ranger's knife and palming her own combat knife, Alison engaged the enemy in a vicious close range melee, just because she was a woman didn't mean she was any worse with melee combat than any of the Rnagers. The Rangers were intent on taking her as a prisoner; they fought with their knives and rifle butts. She targeted the Rangers' Master Sergeant first, hoaxing him into a one on one type of duel, the man lunged with his bayoneted assault rifle; Alison jumped to the left to avoid the lunge and lodged her knife through his right forearm...
The Sergeant screamed in pain and dropped his weapon; Alison scooped the MA5B up without another thought and held the trigger down as soon as she had both hands on the weapon... A solid line of tracers spewed forth from the weapon's barrel as Alison moved it in an arc around herself, cutting down six of the remaining eight Rangers including the wounded Sergeant but the weapon clicked dry and the horrified looks vanished from the two survivors' faces.
Alison hurled the weapon barrel first towards the Ranger on the left, the weapon's bayonet imbedded itself in the man's chest and he fell to the ground. "Ah, fuck orders!" Cried the remaining Ranger bringing out his slung rifle, "should have just shot you to begin with, time to die, missy..." With the Ranger over five metres away it was two far for Alison to lunge at the man and she had no weapon on her, her knife was in the dead Sergeant's arm, her pistol, sniper rifle and assault rifle were under several bodies also to far away to get to in time...
Alison sighed as the man brought his weapon up, a devilish smile on his face. "Oh, fuck you too!" Cried Alison...
The Ranger's face suddenly grimaced with pain, but Alison couldn't see why, suddenly he toppled to the ground, head first, he had a familiar looking knife lodged into the back of his neck...
"It was about time, Russel!" She said retrieving her knife and weapons, she nodded as Russel and his men walked into view, she instantly remembered the pilot. "Hey, pilot... What ever your name is... Where are you?" A moan from under a Ranger got her attention, then several gunshots confirmed it.
"Get it off me!" Cried the pilot smacking the body with his now empty pistol, Alison and Russel both rushed over and lifted the corpse up and freed the pilot.
"You ok?" Asked Russel giving a whistle to his men, one came rushing over with the medical kit and Russel said to the other two, "You two go search for any survivors, any wounded... You know the drill."
Alison smiled at the pilot as he received a healthy dose of painkillers and a pressure bandage. "You'll be fine, just go easy on the painkillers, we still need you to fly us out of here," she said turning, she had one last matter to attend too.
Alison found the familiar pile of needles lying in the same spot as she had left it, next to the two Officers she had killed at the start of the attack. Alison walked around the body, starting at the feet and moving around, she looked at his chest plate and saw bullets imbedded in it, several more wounds had appeared on his arms and a random bullet recently had found his left leg and it seeped blood slowly.
"Hey Captain!" Cried someone behind her, Alison spun and saw the two Bravo members with two Marine Medics wearing night vision gear, as prisoners, "looky what we found..."
The prisoners were forced in front of Alison, she looked at the two men, they were scarred stiffless; the Rangers clearly had not anticipated the assassins would be back.
Alison checked the holsters on their belts but found them to be already empty then she shifted her sights to the Bravo members, they each had an extra pistol stuffed down their belts. She looked back at the two medics, neither was looking at her, they were whispering to each other and looking at something on the ground behind her.
"What are you two looking at?" One of the medics risked putting his hand down and pointing at the ground.
"That man, he isn't dead, if he was the blood from the leg wound would be leaking a lot slower..." Alison's eyes went wide as she spun and knelt down next to Chris' frame. She put a gloved hand to his mouth and nose, a small amount of warm breath met her hand, she turned his face to one side. His face was covered in blood and there was a bloody circle from where the bullet had impacted.
"But he got shot in the head..." Started Alison, one of the Medics appeared by her side under the watchful eyes of the Bravo men, the Medic took readings of Chris' pulse and respiration readings.
The Medic then searched around in a section of pine needles on the Guile suit around Chris' throat with his fingers and brought something into the open and dropped it into Alison's open palm, she looked at the object... It was a zero penetration standard seven point six-two by fifty-one millimetre training round...
"God, I thought he was dead..." Said Alison, she felt the tears coming. One of the Bravo members pushed the second medic down onto his knees and forced him to tend to the wounded Captain.
"Well he almost is dead, ma'am, he needs a hospital ASAP," said the first Medic as Alison turned and gazed at the medic with a look of sadness, "but I'll try everything I can... If..." Alison's looked changed at the if , "...you won't kill us."
Alison nodded and stood slowly, "you have my word..." It was enough and the medics got to work.
Alison walked up to Russel with a smile. "Why are you so happy?" Russel didn't know the good news...
"Chris isn't dead! He's alive, thank God." She started to cry in joy.
"Well being alive is usually the opposite of dead!" Joked Russel, but then he noticed her tears, "no need for the water works, Parker, he'll be fine."
Alison sucked the tears back, "we might be here a little while, you've got the radio frequency, contact the drop ship and tell them we've got the objective and we'll be back as soon as we can so cancel the one hour window."
Russel nodded, "you got it, Cap'n." Alison then checked on the pilot, the Bravo medic was still tending to his wounds, mainly taking pulse and respiration readings.
"Howdy, Captain," said the pilot seeing her coming over.
"Chris' alive!" Alison almost skipped in joy coming to the pilot's side, "we captured some medics from the nine hundred and ninety-ninth and they're treating Chris now."
"So he's going to live then?" The pilot rubbed his injured leg.
Alison turned to the now idle Bravo medic, "go see if the prisoners need a hand and keep an eye on them, if they put a foot wrong, shoot them..."
"Aye, aye, ma'am," said the man, he walked over to Chris and the enemy medics and watched them like a hawk.
Alison finally answered the pilot's question, "yes, they said he will live, lost a lot of blood though," Alison worked an object over in her left hand, occasionally shifting her sights from the pilot to it.
"What's that?" Inquired the pilot as if Alison wanted him to ask.
"Well, it's why I thought Chris was dead," she handed over the object, the pilot looked at it.
"A stun round?" Said the pilot puzzled, not understanding what she meant.
"The stun round impacted like a real bullet, so hence I saw his head fly back and the shock capabilities was what made him seem so inanimate."
"But why was a training round used?" Asked the pilot.
Alison shrugged, "the group that attacked us when Chris got shot was made up of various Marines and Rangers that just happened to get in front of us. So I guess the guy who got the head shot had been on a training exercise at the time, bit of luck there I believe." Alison sighed, "I feel worse that I left him and he was actually alive, but better that I came back to get the body, I hope he can forgive me."
The pilot looked off into the distance thinking of something inspirational to say but found nothing and just said the first thing that came to mind. "If he truly loves you then he will forgive you."
Alison smiled warmly and looked down at the pilot. "Thanks, I mean it," and she went to see Russel again.
"Wait, Captain," said the pilot, Alison turned as the pilot threw the training round. "Better not forget that souvenir!"
"Thanks again..."
"Russel," said Alison catching the burly man off guard, causing him to flinch, he turned around with an innocent look on his covered face, "did you get onto the drop ship?"
"Yes, ma'am, the co-pilot said everything was good, the Major is co-operating but I told the co-pilot not to take his eyes off him." Russel nodded to himself as he concluded speaking.
"Good, because it is about time to get the hell out of dodge." Alison took her leave and went to watch the medics in action, leaving Russel to keep the pilot comfortable.
"Any problems?" Asked Alison, directing the question at the Bravo medic.
"No, these two are very good medics, the one on the left I have to admit is better than me," the more cooperative medic smiled as he applied the bandage around Chris' head.
"Good, really good, we have to get moving as soon as we can," Alison faced the enemy medics, "can we move him?"
The least cooperative medic nodded. "He's stable enough to move, but I guess you're going to say me and Steve here have to carry him?"
Alison smiled and nodded. "Yes you do so I hope you don't mind, it is not like you have a choice in the matter..."
"Yep, the joys of being a prisoner..." Commented the medic named Steve.
The medics finished doing everything they could do for Chris in the field and set about rigging two of the collapsible stretchers they brought with them, one for McAllen and the other for the pilot.
"Ok, you two," Alison pointed to the two armed members of Bravo, "take the pilot's stretcher, it's time to go, let's move people," said Alison taking point, it was finally time to go home .
August 25th, 2551, Reach, One kilometre to extraction, 0203 Hours
Dark, unforgiving trees stood proudly in the gloom, sending a shiver down Alison's spine as she looked at the ancient pines warily, not letting her guard down for a second. She would not fail again; she would not rest until they were all safe on the drop ship home.
They moved hastily through the dark, not daring to make any more sound than necessary; they were constantly looking over their shoulders, each time expecting the remains of an entire division to be hot on their heels.
Alison slackened her pace and motioned for Russel to take point; she fell in line next to the Marine Medics and Chris on the stretcher. Alison looked Chris up and down, well side to side; he was lying horizontally on the stretcher, his eyes were closed and his left right fist was tightly clenched on nothing but air. Chris' BR55 hung limply off his left arm by the sling; Alison grabbed the weapon and draped it over his chest so it wouldn't fall to the ground, but then realizing one of the Medics might try to be a hero, she immediately took the weapon for herself.
It took them no less than eighteen minutes moving as fast as the stretchers would allow to finally make out the dark shape of the drop ship in the clearing ahead, they had made it...
The whistling was heard first then the scream in pain as one of the Medics received a bullet to the back of his skull. Alison turned to the Medic just in time to see the vapour trail materialize through a gapping hole in the man's head as he fell onto Chris' frame and all three people toppled to the ground.
Everyone else dived to the ground. "God damn it where'd that come from!?" Cried Alison.
"How the fuck should I know!" Cried Russel, "it's a sniper so they're your problem, Parker!"
"Everyone's got a damn problem..." Moaned Alison readying her rifle just as another shot echoed over head, missing Russel's head by a bare inch.
"Fuck! Do something Parker; I don't plan to be going home in a body bag looking like Swiss cheese!"
Alison quickly brought up her rifle before the vapour trail vanished completely and had a rough idea where the sniper was; they were at least two hundred metres away, extremely unfortunate for Alison's party that the sniper was lucky enough to get a field of fire that long through the trees.
The third shot followed soon after but soon as she saw the flash Alison returned the enemy's round in an instant. A ghostly silence permeated the forest, Alison let out a breath; she had got the enemy sniper...
"I got him Russ!" Said Alison, a low wheezing noise got her attention.
Russel coughed up blood with each wheezing breath. "Good shot lass, but I think I'm about fucked..." Alison rushed to the Sergeant's aide.
"Medic!" She called, it was not necessary as the Bravo Medic was already on the move. A large hole had appeared over the left lung and straight out the other side. "You'll be ok, I know you will..."
Russel coughed once more, wiping the blood off his lips with a trembling hand. "Yeah, McAllen could use the company in hospital..." The Bravo medic started pouring Bio-Foam into the open wound. "...SON OF A BITCH!" Screamed Russel in pain from the freezing liquid, but soon calmed as the pain killers worked into the mixture took affect.
"He'll live, Parker," said the Medic, "he might lighten up on the boys after this but I doubt it, hey you old bugger?!" Russel smiled at the comment, his men just loved his training drills...
"OK you two Medics..." Alison paused, noticing the second Marine Medic was feeling for a pulse on the other Medic, Steve's neck, shaking his head side to side slowly after several seconds.
The Medic turned to Alison. "Steve's dead, ma'am..."
"Leave him; we've got to go..." Something snapped inside the Medic and he snatched something up out of Alison view... Chris' previously holstered pistol and pointed it at the unconscious Chris.
"No! Fuck you! I want out, let me go or I'll shoot him! I swear to God I will!" Alison smirked at the comment.
"Tell me something before you shoot him, did you receive any training with an M6 series pistol or any type of semi-automatic handgun?"
The Medic looked puzzled at first and answered. "Yes, it was compulsory..."
Alison pointed at the weapon. "Then you must know what the slide being flung to the rear represents?"
"What are you talking..." The Medic noticed that the slide on this pistol was indeed flung to the rear, it was empty...
The Medic pulled the trigger anyway, hoping by some miracle it would go off but it didn't. Alison levelled her assault rifle on the man's forehead.
"This is for threatening to kill him ..." Alison squeezed the trigger and a trio of nine point five millimetre slugs blew the Medic's head clean off his shoulders.
Russel chuckled a laugh. "Well you didn't plan that too well, now you have to carry either me, the pilot or McAllen to the drop ship!" Alison smiled despite the guilt she felt for killing a man of mercy.
"We'll be fine, you," Alison pointed to the Bravo Team Medic, "go and get the co-pilot and tell him to bring the Major, he can help..."
"Yes, ma'am," said the man running off towards the drop ship.
Alison hauled the lifeless frame of Steve of Chris' legs and discarded the corpse off to the left. She knelt down at his side and put a hand on his shoulder, even though he probably couldn't feel it, it comforted Alison knowing he was alive.
"Not long now, sweetie," she said standing up and saw the Medic was already coming back with the co-pilot and Major in tow.
The co-pilot wasn't seriously guarding the Major, he had his rifle slung and he talked to the Major as if they were good friends.
The Major walked up to Alison. "Parker," he started, "I am willing to forget that little incident before, I can see the Captain means a lot to you and your team."
Alison didn't say anything at first, accepting the man who she thought was a total asshole to be a respectable human being.
"Thanks Major, you're alright..."
The Major smiled, put a hand on Alison's shoulder plate and gave a knowing nod then went over to Russel. "Well Sergeant I must say you have some hands on you! God my neck still hurts."
"Thanks, sir," Russel noticed the red marks his hands had caused from the brief moments of contact, "no hard feelings, sir?"
"Not at all, I see you took a couple for the Captain, you've been through a lot together, haven't you?"
Russel sat up despite the pressure it put on his deep wound. "Well we've been together in the same unit since its formation. I never had much to do with him initially, he was in command of the other squad and well there was some healthy competition between us over missions. But I must say he and his team have gotten me and my lads out of some hairy situations, my Major really likes him too and so did I, he's good lad."
"Hmm, what about the woman? Why was she so determined to go out and get him?" The Major helped the Bravo medic unpack another stretcher, this one for Russel.
"Oh don't you know?" Russel winced as he was lifted onto the stretcher, "the Captains are... how to say it, well intimate with each other, battle field shenanigans and all that."
"Don't you care at all about it?" Said the Major puzzled, he and the Bravo medic lifted Russel as one and head off to the drop ship.
"What about him bonking 'er?" The Major nodded unsure of what the term meant, "well you've got to see that most of the lads have got relations with the womens of the two squads its alright I suppose, as long as they aren't doing it when we're in the shit its fine by me."
"Intriguing, well I've seen your unit's combat records, very impressive so long as you're doing your job I've got nothing against it; I just wanted to know if you or any of your men did."
"Not at all, now mind the bumps you two, I need a nap..."
The party moved quickly to the drop ship and was soon ready for take off. The pilot, despite his wounded leg skilfully piloted the black drop ship out of the clearing and back towards Hathcock.
Alison let her head fall back against the side of rear compartment, a low thump echoed momentarily, catching the attention of the battle strained men. The Major sat next to Russel as they exchanged experiences they had encountered against Covenant before becoming part of the ONI. The other members of Bravo were playing cards with their weapons lazily by their sides. Alison on the other had just wanted to sleep, her muscles ached and her head spun from sleep deprivation, even though the mission had lasted less than six hours, the odds had been against her the whole time but she had prevailed. No, she and her spotter had prevailed.
"You sure picked a good time for a nap..." Alison snuffed a laugh at her own comment and put her feet up, she gave Chris a last look and dozed off, but the story is far from over...
A.N Sorry this is so late but it is not like many of you actually read it. I've been working on a Counter Strike Source model and it still isn't finished but I thought I should finish this chapter but the prospect of another chapter will be a while away, after I've posted this I am to start a History assignment... FallschirmjŠger aka grylsy
Long Time Gone Part 43
Date: 9 November 2006, 12:11 pm
Long Time Gone Part 43: Back On Your High Horse!
August 31st, 2551, Reach, Hathcock Medical Centre, 1937 hours
Chris opened his eyes slowly, taking in the all too familiar sterile smell of the hospital.
"Bloody hell, not again," he moaned; putting his hands in front of his face to block out the all too bright hospital light above his bed. Chris could see the bandages on his body and as if on que, the pain assaulted his senses. Only for it to fade as quickly as it came thanks to the automated anaesthetic dispenser connected to Chris' arm via a needle.
"Sleep well?" Asked a strangely familiar female voice off to Chris' left side.
"Michelle!?" Cried Chris without thinking - the incident from the last time he had awoken in hospital came flooding back, filling his mind with images of Michelle's face and the times they had shared.
"Hmmpf," exhaled the now irritated voice, "you're way off
"Oh, shit
Sorry, Alison
" Said Chris peeking through his fingers at her comically before putting his hands down; a cheeky smile on his face. Alison had been sitting on a seat next to the bed in the otherwise empty lilywhite hospital room, but she now sat against the wall with her arms crossed over her chest with slightly angry face showing. "Oh come on, don't be like that."
"Well that was a good way to say thank you to someone who saved your life." Said Alison shaking her head as Chris would commonly do to her.
"Say what?" Said Chris confused, his head throbbed with pain when he tried to reflect on the events of that night. "What happened out there?"
"You used your head to catch another stun round; I swear to God you must have a magnet or something for them in there because the doctor says you have a minor concussion and according to your growing medical records, this isn't the first time either."
"No thanks to you," smirked Chris, the thirty day proving battle incident involving Alison washed passed Chris' eyes. "And it probably won't be the last time either," joked Chris as he felt his around his head, a thin bandage was wrapped around the upper portion of his head and he could also feel the gauze bandages wrapped tightly around his left leg and torso. "So what then, does this mean we finished the mission?"
"I finished the mission," said Alison matter-of-factly, "and then I had to carry your wounded arse back to the bird."
Chris's pale face broke into a grin, "you carry me? That's a good laugh, so what was Russel doing there?"
"What!?" Said Alison unexpectedly, "how did you know he was there
"Ah ha! So he was! I was just guessing, as he's the strongest guy I know
" Chris laughed; he had called Alison's bluff.
"Ooh, you sneaky bastard," said Alison smiling, the past incident forgotten, "just wait until you get out of hospital."
"What you want to fuck me or something?" Said Chris still laughing.
"Oh I could find a few undercover jobs for you to do," said Alison with a smirk as she stood up and went to leave the room.
"What, you just gonna leave me here?" Replied Chris disappointed.
"I've been waiting six days for you to wake up, Chris, I have to go to the bathroom, that's all." With that Alison walked out of room slowly, looking back on Chris as she left, leaving Chris alone to collect his thoughts.
"Oh God, Alison, what happened to you out there?" He asked himself recalling Alison's inability to assassinate Major-General Francis Walt. The weight of disappointment fell upon his shoulders pushing his dwindling spirits even lower; Alison was one of the most mentally strong members of his team and if she cracked, who could be next? "I won't let it happen again, to her, or anybody, not ever
" Chris vowed to himself as he saw a shadow looming at the doorway.
"Let what happen?" Asked another memorable voice, Chambers walked into the room in full combat kit including the classical grin.
"What? No it's nothing, mate, nothing, you wouldn't understand," said Chris looking away from his best friend towards the window - a signal he didn't want to talk about it.
"I've heard that before so try me
"No Mike, I'm serious. I don't want to talk about it right now, I'll tell you another time, until then it doesn't concern you." Chris said firmly with a wave of his hand.
"You know," said Chambers leaning against the doorframe, "in all the time I've known you, you've never called me 'Mike' before." Chris didn't say anything, waiting for Chambers to continue. "Well a lot of things do not concern me but that does not mean I don't want to know, as a somewhat valuable asset of this team, and as you're best friend I demand to know anything that concerns this team!" Put Chambers strongly.
Alison walked into the room suddenly and caught the look of determination on Chambers' face and the look of stubbornness she had learnt to love on Chris' face.
"What's going on here?" She asked puzzled.
"Nothing that concerns me apparently," said Chambers sharply, "fuck this, I'm off, if it was anything important well, I guess Alison would have told me, eh?" Chambers nudged Alison in support.
Alison looked at Chambers and was about to agree when she saw the concerned look in Chris' eyes, she knew what he wanted to talk about. "Yes, yes of course I would, Michael."
"Thanks, Alison, knew I could count on you, now I'll leave you two alone. Maybe if you fuck him, he'll lighten up." With a final grunt Chambers left and thuds of his foot steps echoed down the corridor until finally the door slammed shut behind him.
Alison just looked at Chris for a long second; she was really beginning to dislike their little chats. "Chris, about that night and me
"What got into you Alison!?" Snapped Chris, "You! Of all the people I know, I just cannot believe that you would be one to chicken out, it's unimaginable. How the hell can I trust you to lead our troops if you can't even shoot some bloody General?"
"Well if you'd managed to shut the hell up and not interrupt, I would have gotten to it already. The answer is I am just sick of it, ok? Plain sick to death of all the senseless killing, too many of us have died needlessly. Henderson, Groener, Herman and not to mention the men and women who make up the tally of our exceptional combat record. It's not right!."
"Well how many times do I have to say it?" Questioned Chris, "We've had this discussion so many times I just can't emphasise to you enough that what we're doing is for the greater good of humankind. It may take a million Generals, a thousand Hendersons, heck, even you and me might die before we as a race can win this war but you must remember we are in a war of survival. There will be no occupation, no second chances; we have to do all that we can to ensure the future of Earth and human race and the only way I know I can do that is here. The Covenant want to eliminate every single human in existence, man, woman and child, they will not take prisoners. I urge you to fight on, do it for Earth and the Human race, if not just do it for your commanding officer, your lover and your friend."
Alison didn't say anything; she just stood inside the doorway looking at the man who had almost died six nights ago just so she could get away safely. Regardless of the cowardice she had displayed and the fact that he didn't think any less of her made her want to cry. Alison left the room without another word and Chris didn't say anything, deep inside he could feel what she was thinking.
September 11th, 2551, Reach, Hathcock, ONI Barracks, 1645 hours
Chris walked into the Barracks with a slight limp, his crutches long since thrown away on the diminutive walk to the Barracks from the Medial Centre. The men and women of teams Alpha and Bravo turned as one as he entered the room without warning.
"Welcome back Captain!" Said Russel getting up with some of the other men who had been there that fateful night. "Good to see your walking again, put 'er there
Chris shook Russel's hand firmly and nodded at the Sergeant, "it's good to see you too, Russel. Can you believe that I almost missed your sorry arse?"
"Ha-ha, not at all, sir." Russel gave Chris a slight punch to the shoulder humorously, "good to have you back, sir."
"It's great to be back, Russ, say, how are your injuries healing up?" Chris pointed at Russel's chest where he had heard Russel had been shot with a S2 AM.
"It's not without their moments I suppose, the sniper round went straight through my lung and out the other side, it's a bloody miracle the doctors managed to saved it. Especially after old butter fingers here," the Bravo Team Medic's head spun, "with all the bio-foam he put in there, the lunch was almost too far gone to save."
"Ah shut up," said the Medic with a grin, "I could always have just left you bleeding and coughing on the trip back but you would have given me the shits!"
Russel turned slightly towards the medic, "boy, one morning you'll wake up and you'll find a surprise in your bed and it won't be a lady I've paid to give you a fuck!"
"Well it's good to see you're on your feet, Russ," Said Chris before the medic could say anything in rebuttal and gave Russ a pat on the shoulder, "good to see you again, all of you." Chris hobbled into the main area of the Barracks, taking a seat next to Chambers; the event at the hospital had long since thawed between them.
The men and women of Alpha and Bravo listened intently to Chris' recollection of what happened that night, happy to learn of the story from another viewpoint other than that of Russ and his men as well as Alison's story.
"Where is Alison?" Questioned Chris after noting her absence from the room; to think of it, Chris had not seen her since several days earlier. "Has anyone seen her?"
"Sometimes I don't know what is up with her, man," said Chambers, "and you too, neither of you ever go into any detail about the shot, usually that is the thing most boasted from a successful mission, what gives?"
"Being in command does give me certain privileges in what I want and do not want my men to hear," said Chris smirking as he looked over the now somewhat annoyed faces.
"Well I order you to tell me, McAllen," said the last voice Chris could have possibly wanted to hear at that moment, Major Wallis Newman.
"Sir, not here
" Said Chris slowly in a low voice.
Chris and Newman left the main area of the Barracks and withdrew into Newman's office. "What the hell is going on here, McAllen?" Said Newman immediately after the door was closed. Newman sat down behind his expensive walnut desk inviting McAllen to one of deep leather seats in front of the desk.
"With?" Asked Chris innocently taking a seat.
"You know what!" Exclaimed Newman, "what the fuck happened out there?"
"We snuck into position as ordered, the target was killed as ordered, and we moved towards extraction... as ordered." Said Chris, "oh and I got shot, not part of the plan, honestly."
"Don't give me that smart arse shit, what really happened out there?" Questioned Newman; banging down on the desk firmly with a slight glint of anger showing across his normally calm face. Chris didn't respond so slowly Newman hit play on his computer and an aerial feed from what appeared to be the 999th Marine Divisional Head Quarters slowly came into view from the holopanel in the middle of the desk. Newman zoomed into an exact area and it was easy to see two bush wrought figures, one of which with a long arm weapon, following a target, after several long seconds the weapon had not fired and a second bush grabbed the weapon from the first, raised the rifle and fired twice in quick succession. The weapon was passed back to the first bush clad commando who then ran off into the thick forest. Whilst the second remained at the position and the position of the bush, this matched Chris' own memory of checking over the camp for enemy activity before running off into the trees.
Chris looked at Newman, "Now, sir, I know what you're thinking."
"And what would that be, McAllen?" Asked Newman slowly as he rewound the footage and replaying it.
"I swear on my mother's grave that Alison did not chicken out, she, ah," Chris struggled to find the words with Major Newman staring back at him, "wanted me to take the shot," Chris tried to look as calm as possible, he could feel his heart leaping about in his chest in panic, God only knew what awaited Alison if she was convicted with cowardice.
"McAllen," started Newman slowly dropping the voice of anger, "I've known you a long time now and during that time I've learnt to tell when you're lying, besides," paused Newman, "I've read your file, your mother isn't at all dead, not even close."
"Well what do you expect!?" Snapped Chris unpredictably waving his arms in frustration at his commander, "If you convict her of cowardice in face of the enemy she'll be fucking shot!"
A long silence consumed the office as Chris and Newman just looked at each other across the desk, neither showing any sign of anger towards one another.
"She has a lot of respect for you, you know?" Said Newman out of the blue with a smile as he got up from his chair took a seat on the edge of his walnut desk close to Chris.
"What?" Replied Chris as he stood up and took several uneasy steps around the office before Newman continued.
"You heard me. I was talking to her the night after you were shot," Newman bowed his head in thought before continuing, "I guess maybe that you were seriously injured and almost died, got to her. She confessed to me what happened with the upmost regret. She said she respected you and you know what, so do I and I understand what you're saying.
"Alison wants to be punished but I know you wouldn't like it and well, I don't either. Our troops are perfect; they're human beings and I can tell several of them are showing signs of cracking soon. I'm just, well not really glad but relieved somewhat that Alison didn't fizzle out on a mission where we all would be counting on her to do something extremely important."
"Well what can we do about it?" Said Chris intently.
"I'm putting forward that the unit be disbanded
"Now, sir, let's not jump the gun here," Chris put his hands up in protest, "merely another break for us away from Reach this time or maybe even just that the unit be transferred to other duties, a change of scenery could do us all good. As really, do you believe the ONI would just let us all go back to our regular duties?"
"No," said Newman uneasily, "but it is worth a shot, as second in command, I want you to accompany me to a meeting with the council; we have to get away from this death squad posting." Chris nodded his head in agreement, he hated this line of 'work', no matter what the ONI force fed them to believe, they were all nothing but murderers carrying out deceitful assassinations on key UNCS military personal at the ONI's will. But he knew it would be harder for every one of them to come back to the regular services if it would even be possible and not to mention the likelihood of the ONI disposing of them once they outlived their usefulness.
"You have my support, sir." Said Chris turning to leave.
"Excellent," said Newman, "as Parker is the next in the chain of command I think you should bring her along as well."
Chris turned back around slowly, "and what of what happened on the mission?"
"It never happened
September 11th, 2551, Reach, Hathcock, ONI Briefing Centre, The Council, 2131 hours
"It is good to see you both alive and well, Captains," Said the mysterious voice of the lead member of the Council from the shadows, "for a moment there we thought Captain McAllen was done for."
Chris' face changed to a scowl, the sudden suspicion that the ONI had watched the whole incident in real time sent chills down his spine.
Newman cleared his throat. "Honourable members of the Council, it has come to my attention through field reports that several of the members of team are becoming burnt out and starting to show pressure of cracking under these harsh conditions and below the belt assassinations."
"And?" Questioned the voice, in a more aroused tone after the last remark.
"I believe they need to be put on extended leave, a very long break from duties at Hathcock and Reach all together or what I would prefer, the unit being disbanded allowing the men and women to return to regular duties
A long silence echoed through the chamber, Chris looked about himself in the chamber as whispers broke out from the shadows; hoarse, barely audible whispers that seemed to be full of suspicion and ill thoughts. Chris looked to his left noticing the worried look on Alison's face, looking right Chris noticed the same look on Newman's face. After several minutes of discussion the Council came to its decision.
"The unit shall not be disbanded," said the authority figure. Newman's heart sank. "Nor shall there be any leave for the team members; they've become too far involved in the duties of the ONI to be allowed to go home now."
"But please," said Chris stepping forward out of turn, "surely we could send several of the men home on leave, the bad cases at least and keep the rest on active duty?"
"No one shall go home," said the voice strongly. Chris shook his head in disbelief at the council's selfishness, "prepare your men for mobilization, Major."
"Where to?" Asked Newman, a perplexed look on his face.
"Sigmas Octanus IV
October 9th, 2551, Sigmas Octanus IV, one hundred and forty-three kilometres south of Côte ď Azur, 1734 hours
Chris looked about the freshly cleared and now barren area within the heavily forest area where they were to construct an advance camp for the newly designated, 'Office of Naval Intelligence, Fifth Orbital Drop Shock Troop Group', with only two squads, it was far off the makings of even a platoon.
The signs of the engineer battalion who had cleared the land's passing were not hard to find, bulldozer caterpillar track paths, sawdust from chainsaws used to fell the trees and litter left by the lazy Marines were all tell tale signs. Major Newman was attending a briefing abroad a UNSC frigate concerning future operations. As such it was now up to Chris to organize the team into putting together a combat base to envy the UNSC Special Forces.
The exact outlines of why the unit had been posted to Sigmas Octanus were unknown to anyone but Newman. The only bit of information the other troops knew was that they were to establish an advanced Special Forces camp on the normally peaceful planet. Chris didn't care why they were here but he knew the work on building a camp would do them all good after too many days spent lounging around a Barracks back on Reach.
The layout of the camp was standard UNSC procedure. The area cleared was some nine hundred metres squared with a perimeter of three hundred by three hundred metres, the bases perimeter however would start another fifty metres inside the cleared zone. A command tent would sit in the middle of the camp; on each corner prefabricated bunkers would be brought in and positioned in an elaborate trench system that was to connect to most major buildings.
The three barrack halls were to be located in the north, east and south corners of the camp, one for officers and two for everyone else below the rank of Lieutenant.
With time, the short term tent structures would be replaced with prefabricated structures when they were shipped planet side.
Chris watched Russel hounding several men of Bravo Team to work harder; as they pushed up the first of six large tent poles for the command and mess tents. Looking back over his Alpha Team, Chris watched Chambers and Ramirez uncoiling razer wire fifty metres from the edge of the clearing at Newman's order.
"Why the hell do we need to prepare defences such as these on such friendly planet like this!?" Bellowed Chambers after he had clenched the razor wire too hard whilst he had been uncoiling the wire; causing the razor-sharp blades to sink into his gloveless hands. "This God damned wire is cutting my hands to shreds!"
"Oh shut up, Mike," remarked Ramirez next to him, "wear some gloves next time if you can't handle a little pain you big baby
" No sooner had the words left her mouth; Ramirez recoiled in pain as a long gash appeared down the palm of her right hand much to Chambers' delight. But Ramirez was more man than him; she calmly licked the wound clean with her tongue and proceeded to rub the red and salty blood laden saliva from her hand and onto her once clean khaki brown fatigue shirt.
Several metres off to Chris' right, Jess, Alison and Elliot were slowly digging the start of a slit trench with folding shovels; later that night the engineers were scheduled to return and help finish digging the trench system with heavy machinery. The engineers would also bring with them the first of the prefabricated structures and enough cement to be used as a lining for the trench system.
"I don't see why we have to dig a trench by hand when the engineers will just dig it for us with an excavator or something," moaned Elliot standing up fully and stretching his back after a long time shovelling.
"Because your marshmallow ass needs a good work out, Elliot," commented Jess shovelling a small amount of dirt onto Elliot's shoes with a giggle. Elliot merely smiled as he wiped his dirt covered hands onto Jess' shirt before continuing to dig.
"Why don't you get your arse in the dirt, dear?" Said Alison to Chris with a slight tone of annoyance in her voice.
"Now, now, I'm not paid enough for that; you should know that by now, Alison, you don't get to the top by digging a lot of holes!" Chris snuffed himself a laugh and turned away, looking towards the sky and noticing the sun's rapid decent towards the horizon.
"I never really stopped to watch sunsets," he said marvelling at the splendid array of colours dancing in the sky, "yet I can say that these sunsets are far more beautiful then those on earth."
"That is all fine and dandy but it doesn't help us dig our trench system," said Elliot throwing his shovel to Chris, "you want to watch the sunset, you can dig at the same time, I've got to go take a leak."
"If you're going to go to the toilet you might want to make one first. So you can go ahead and dig a long drop to fill in the time until the Engineers arrive with the pre-fab structures." With that Chris took of his combat vest and jumped into the now expanding trench system.
October 12th, 2551, Sigmas Octanus IV, Office of Naval Intelligence, Fifth Orbital Drop Shock Troop Group, Advanced Camp, 1353 Hours
Chris put an arm up to cover his face from the whirlwind of dust thrown up by the landing D77-TC Pelican Drop Ship. Slowly the massive machine touched down on the ground on the landing pad located to the north side of the camp. Major Newman exited the craft via the rear door; Chris gave a sloppy salute to Newman who returned it even less formally.
"Welcome back, sir," said Chris lowering his salute.
"Thanks, McAllen," replied Newman taking off his sunglasses and looking about the camp.
"As you can see, we've been pretty busy while you've been away."
"I can see that, McAllen," said Newman walking up to the North side bunker and giving it a reassuring whack. "How thick is this concrete?"
"I overheard one of the engineers saying a foot, why?" Asked Chris walking over and examining the bunker for himself; inside a pintle mounted M2HB-A6 fifty calibre machinegun stood menacingly and had a belt of ammunition hanging out the left side of the receiver from a standard issue ammunition can.
"Hmm, doesn't seem that thick, does it?" Chris shrugged his shoulders at the comment, "they could be an easy target for a well place rocket or some explosives."
Chris looked at the bunker, it was seated low into the grounded with only two feet of the structure visible above ground, just high enough for the firing slit. "I doubt it, sir; if anyone does attack with the fifty cals we have enough fire power to stop the most determined assault."
Newman looked at Chris acknowledging his remark, "I sure hope you're right."
Chris led Newman around the camp, showing the commander the progress of the camp.
"How long until it is full operational?" Asked Newman who minded his step as they jumped the slit trench leading to the bunker they had just visited.
"Still a week until the last of the pre-fabs arrive, Major, as soon as they are in place we're only waiting on something to do while we're in this quiet neck of the woods." Chris turned away from Newman, observing his surroundings. A satellite scan had established that the camp was some fifteen kilometres from the nearest settlement and the nearest military presence was a UNSC garrison located in Côte ď Azur, the closest large populace centre to the base.
"Well what about the pre-fabs that have already arrived?"
"The three barrack halls are complete; power was established the first day of construction via a link to the planet's power matrix. The locals were told this was a training centre for UNSC personnel to avoid any questions." Said Chris pointing over towards the power lines that led to the base, "only problem is that if someone knew we were around here, they only have to follow those damn things straight to us!"
"We can't have everything in our favour, McAllen, what about the command centre?"
"The tent will have to do until the pre-fab command centre arrives but otherwise it is ready to go at the moment, we have a satellite feed of the planet and an encrypted connection to both FleetCOM and ONI data channels."
"So the base is pretty much done except for the remaining pre-fabs?" Responded Newman in an assessing tone.
"Pretty much, sir," responded Chris not liking the Major's tone.
"Great," stated Newman giving Chris a pat on the shoulder, "then the expansion of the force can go ahead as planned..."
Long Time Gone Part 44: Growing Pains (Series final)
Date: 17 August 2007, 2:05 pm
OK this is the last part of this version of the series. I've recently restarted rewriting the series. I just thought I'd post what I had done just to not leave a gap from the last Chapter in Chris and Newman's conversation.
The new series will be titled something along the lines of "Long Time Gone Reveille", anyway I hope it will be more successful and hopefully be written better.
***END BS***
Long Time Gone Part 44: Growing Pains
October 12th, 2551, Sigmas Octanus IV, Office of Naval Intelligence, Fifth Orbital Drop Shock Troop Group, Advanced Camp, 1409 Hours
"Wait, what did you say?" Said Chris taken aback by Newman's remark.
Newman had taken several steps away from Chris before he stop and turned around to face Chris, "well it's like this," started Newman in an annoyed tone as if he didn't need to tell Chris of the plan, "instead of disbanding the unit like you and I wanted, the ONI wants to expand it."
"Expanded?" Replied Chris somewhat shocked, then scratched his head in thought for a moment, "well we couldn't possibly expand by much, it's not like we can house anything more than three or maybe four smaller sized squads here," replied Chris looking over at the barracks; with the current arrangement of two squads of twelve, the barracks in all, only had sixteen beds free.
"Well that was exactly what I told them, McAllen!" Responded Newman throwing his arms up in annoyance but then he laughed, "as such, we're only expanding to incorporate another squad of twelve."
"So I presume they'll be sending us those twelve souls to make this new unit or should I go out and start handing out, help wanted flyers for a good squad leader and loyal troops?" Asked Chris sarcastically with a grin.
"No that won't be necessary, yet
" Replied Newman slowly in an abrasive tone that caught Chris' suspicion.
"What are you playing at?" Questioned Chris sharply.
"Rather than have a completely new team with some squad leader unfamiliar with our dealings I thought I'd
well, I thought I'd split you and Parker up
" Newman saw Chris' jaw drop at the comment.
"Split us up!?" Cried Chris uncontrollably, "of all the stupid decisions I've seen you make this has to be the worst, why would you split us up!?" Newman looked around where he and McAllen were in dispute, a number of the soldiers had been attracted to the exchanging of words between Chris and himself.
"Well think about it," replied Newman in a now low, calm and collected voice, "you're both seasoned commanders and such, as so there is no point in having two Captains in the same squad, it just doesn't make sense in any Military hierarchy." Newman watched Chris nod in agreement. "I also happen to know how much you'd like to be in full command of your own squad again."
Chris slowly nodded his head again in agreement then gave a chuckle and smiled, "that's true, sir, but tell me, who is going to command the new squad?"
"Well," started Newman thinking, "you're both great leaders but I believe you are the better squad leader over Parker, so, I want you to head the third team, Team Charlie."
Chris ran a hand over his face in thought then said in a somewhat angered voice, "just tell me, I'm not going to be stuck with a bunch of damn rookies, am I?"
Newman laughed, "of course not, McAllen, come on, we'll talk about it further in the Command Centre away from the rest of the men."
October 12th, 2551, Sigmas Octanus IV, Office of Naval Intelligence, Fifth Orbital Drop Shock Troop Group, Advanced Camp, Major Newman's office, 1415 Hours
"Thanks for joining us, Parker, please, take a seat" said Newman having summoned Alison to his 'office' in the Command Centre. The 'office' was little more than a sectioned off area of the command tent with several folding chairs, a cheap metal table and only a simple fabric curtain to maintain privacy from the outside world.
"What is this all about, sir?" Asked Alison sitting down on the chair next to Chris; who smiled warmly at her.
"We're expanding the unit," said Chris out of the blue, noting the look on her face that reminded him of his own reaction to the news.
"We're what?" Asked Alison stunned.
"Expanding the unit," replied Newman repeating Chris.
"I heard you the first time, why are we expanding the unit?" Asked Alison somewhat aggravated to have been kept out of the loop.
"Ok," said Newman cupping his hands in front of his face and leaning onto his desk, "ONI wants the unit expanded for a broader scope of operations; they even mentioned possible anti-Covenant activity if that is any relief."
"Did you ask them why we are stationed here?" Said Alison.
"Supposedly we can train in peace around here, ONI was afraid after the whole 'General Walt' incident; Reach was not suitable for the training of another squad of assassins. The rumours of our activities have become fables to the UNSC forces."
Chris chuckled and expanded on the comment, "we're the thing that goes bump in the night for the Marines on Reach."
Alison didn't say anything for a few seconds, just taking it all in. "So we're just getting a whole squad of existing ODST volunteers to make this third squad?"
"Nope," stated Newman, "that's why I called you here, McAllen and I think it would be good if we divide what troops we have now into the basis of the three squads and use the new men to plug the holes."
"Who will be in charge of the third squad?" She asked.
"He will," said Newman nodding towards Chris who noted Alison's response was hardly like that of Chris'.
"So I get my own unit again?" Questioned Alison enthusiastically.
"In those terms
" stated Newman, "yes, yes you do."
"Great!" She cried smiling ignoring the fake hurt look Chris gave her.
"Well it's time to get down to business, you two need to go and organize who you want in your squad. Parker," Alison faced Newman intently, "I need you to make a list of which troopers you'd like to retain or remove from your squad and anyone you'd like to see in it and I'll see what I can do, you can go now."
Alison stood up and motioned to leave only pausing to raise her right arm and give Newman a salute which he returned roughly and dismissed her.
"What about you?" Asked Newman looking towards Chris as Alison slid the curtain closed as she left.
"What about me?"
"Who do you want in your squad, since you have no one to keep or get rid of, so who do you want?" Questioned Newman in a laid back manner.
"Well," started Chris rapping his fingers on Newman's metal table in thought until Newman narrowed his eyes as a sign for Chris to stop, "I'll definitely need a good Sergeant to keep it all together, how's me taking Russel off your hands sound?"
"It's fine, just look after him, you hear?"
"Don't worry, us Aussies look out for each other," Newman smiled at the comment, "as for any others, I'd take Jeebs, Elliot, maybe Ramirez and probably Veil, that is if they are willing of course."
"That's fine by me but have you and Chambers had a falling out or something?"
"Not at all, sir, I have my reasons for keeping him with Parker," Said Chris
"Well it may just seem a bit suspicious for him if you've got his mistress in your squad but not him."
"Ha!" Cried Chris in laughter, "no way in hell, sir, Ramirez is as loyal as an old dog with it comes to her and Chambers' relationship."
Newman let out a laugh at the comment as well. "Well as long as they agree, anyone else?"
"I don't really have any other concerns for who else goes into the squad." Responded Chris.
"What about Flemings?" Asked Newman.
"What about her?"
"Well, ever since Henderson upped and died on her she hasn't quite been the same," Chris grunted in reply, he too had noticed this, "the only time she seems normal is around you."
"What?" said Chris puzzled.
"Come on, haven't you seen her at night, alone in her bed, she's still crying herself to sleep, the only time she seems on top of it all is around you."
"Not sure that will go down well with Alison somehow, sir," responded Chris shaking his head in sadness at the thought of Jess crying herself to sleep.
"Nothing like that, come on, you think you're God's gift to women sometimes," said Newman humorously, "I bet it's purely professional, I say she just responds best under your leadership, that's all."
"I sure hope so," said Chris, "so when do the new troops arrive?"
"In around a month, evaluations are still in progress, seems this is a tough job to get into, they're even combat testing the volunteers now!"
Chris snuffed a laugh at the comment. "Must be popular too if evaluations are still underway?"
"Indeed it must have been, although quite strange but at least we get the cream of the crop then if so many applied for Covert Ops." Said Newman smiling at the prospect of prize, hand picked soldiers joining his unit.
"Yep," said Chris leaning back, "it should be good, anyhow I should probably get going, I'll have a word or two with Chambers about Ramirez then get back to you on the squad list."
"Alright, I'll see you later," replied Newman as Chris got up and left.
Chris found Chambers on guard duty at the main gate; as the Kill Team was not on mission, instead of wearing ODST drop suits, they wore standard ONI battle gear jet black helmet, jet black anti-projectile body armour including arm and leg armour over dark grey fatigues.
"Hey, McAllen," said Chambers as Chris approached the main gate, "I, err mean, sir!" Chambers gave a stiff salute which he held for about half a second before he started laughing. "Friend or foe?" He asked ridiculously with a smirk before lowering his rifle, "what's cracking?"
"Well," said Chris batting the rifle's lowered barrel away from him, "don't know if you've heard, but there's going to be some changes around here."
"Changes?" Grumbled Chambers, "but we haven't even gotten used to this hole as it is and we're changing it already?"
"No, not like that," said Chris, "orders from up top, we're expanding to three squads of twelve."
"Where're we getting the extra meat from?" Chambers asked.
"Well it will still be a month or so before they arrive, in the mean time Newman wants to split the existing two teams into three teams and use the new arrivals to fill the gaps."
"We keeping the group together?" Asked Chambers, Chris knew all too well who was in the 'group', Chambers, Ramirez, Alison and himself.
The smile vanished from Chris' face giving Chambers a quiver down his spine, "well, Mike that is why I'm here, Newman is splitting me and Alison up, we each have our own unit again
"Shame really," said Chambers butting in, "you two made such a good team, well at least you still got me to kick around, eh?"
something I came here to talk to you about, Mike, I took Russel as my Sergeant, I need you to stay with Alison," Chambers' face went blank for a second as if he had just had the wind taken out of him.
"What?" He said initially in shock, "you're splitting us up? After all we've been through?" Chris nodded solemnly.
"I want you to stay with Alison, look after her for me, but that isn't the half truth, mate, I also want Ramirez in my squad
Chambers' eyes narrowed in what seemed to be anger but it faded momentarily, "well, I really wish we could have stayed together but if that is what you want then ok, it is ok by me, but you should probably ask her. If she says yes, take her, but you look after her for me, and I'll watch Alison for you, alright?"
"Deal," said Chris extending a hand towards Chambers who promptly extended one of his own and they both shook on it under the diminishing sun..