
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Last Resort by Nemesis0fTime

Last Resort Part 2 - Return to the Library
Date: 29 February 2004, 5:12 AM

The Master Chief finished reloading his weapon and fired, the first shot missed a flood form as it moved with incredible speed. He fired again and the combat form fell to the floor, twitching slightly as it bled to death. Then suddenly a infection form tore out of its chest and tried to attach it self to the MC. Luckily for his shields it popped and died. As time ticked by shells were released from barrels of shotguns, as in the background green and blue shots boiled away the flood. Plasma rifles and pistols whinned as they were fired. Slowly the battle died down, and finally after the final flood form collapsed to the ground dead, the allied army took a break again before heading inside.

After the break whatever needed to moved or reloaded occured and then the army of 200 that had been reduced to somewhere around 175 split up into groupd of 25 and moved. Now a total of 7 groups headed for the Library. They went through mazes went around in circles and everywhere until for the final part of the journey they reached the Entrance to the Library. The Master Chief and the head Elite each asked two of their techs to hack into the system. As the techs went on with they work 343 Guilty Sparks appeared with an army of over 350 Sentinals. The Sentinals start to scout the area for flood to kill. Then GS opens the door that the techs were frantically unable to open.

A few Elites and MC turned around quickly and focused their attention to the opening door expecting the massive amount of activity they were detecting on the other side. Then suddenly as they was there it disappeared from their radar. The looked at each other in confusion, finally after rallying all their troops, together they moved on forward to the elevator of the level, and one step closer to the index. All the troops got on the elevator as it went up, and came to a halt at the next floor. The MC remembered HALO 04, and the samething he had went through alone. But this time he thought it would be different, but there was still something here that didn't feel right. Suddenly all the Elites, The MC and the marines with a radar within their helmet became seriously alert and scanned the elevator with their weapons. Momentarily there was a presence of over a few hundred flood right where they were standing and then it had dissapeared.

They moved through the next floor facing no resistance, not even a single flood ranger class form. They stopped in the middle of the passage way to the last area where the index would be, and there their radar turned into a block of solid circles, there were perhap somewhere around 250-300 Flood forms all gathered at the area near the index. The Master Chief borrowed a sniper rifle from a marine and zoomed in to see that the Flood were gathering for something, they were all lined up in a formation. There was something odd about this. Never in his life when he had faced the Flood had he seen such a thing. The flood are known to charge any life form that will suffice them for food. But lining up in a formation, not possible. The Chief stopped sniping on the enemy without firing. He then talked to all the Elites and Marines. "Alright listen up, here's the plan. As far as we know there are a lot of flood near the index, i think they are gathering for something big. So we are going to each of us launch two grenades doesn't matter what kind, into that crowd and kill as many of them as we can. GS's Sentinals will assist us with the flood at close and medium ranges. Remember, aim for the area's of the flood where they are mostly concentrated and nowhere near the index." "Alright?" said the master chief "Sir yes Sir!" said the marines, and then slowly the Elites nodded. All of them each gathered two grenades, putting their weapons to the ground without a sound. They pulled the pins and pressed the buttons on the grenades and launched them. about 300 grenades were seen flying through the air, half of them invisible for the Frag grenades and the other pulsating blue for the Plasma grenades. Black and blue hell rained upon the flood.

Explosions went of everywhere, flood were blown of the area and to their deaths 600 feet below. All the little tentacle things were vaporized. Carrier forms exploded and spewed more ranger class forms, but the resulting expolsions killed more and more flood. Then the brunt of the grunt and jackal force came into play, green plasma spewed forth from 45 plasma pistols and flood flesh metled away exposing bone, which soon disappeared also. Soon bullets joined the fire fight, and there were no more flood left. The master chief ran to the index picked it up, and then ran back to the troops.

To Be Continued....... - The Core
(Sorry that this was a short one, but i didn't have much time and had a huge writers block in front of me, otherwise enjoy and tell me what you think)
