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Journal of Suno Happer by Halo Fanatic 2005
Journal of Suno Happer (Days 1 and 2)
Date: 1 December 2005, 6:25 pm
Day 1
Attack on Earth
Everything is quiet as we travel through space onboard the Pious Inquisiter. Nobody moves. There is no sound apart from the quiet shuffling of weapons and armour and the silent breaths of my numerous comrades.
There was stilence still as the Phantom we were onboard left the capital ship and set off into space. We all had an unusual feeling as we passed through gassy atmosphere of Earth, the silence was immediately broken as the sound of bullets flying through the air filled my ears. I turned and peered into the pilots' cockpit then a horror met my eyes. Destroyed Phantoms were falling from the sky. Bullets and guided rockets were cleaving through Banshees like hot knifes through butter. Ranger Sangheili and Yanme'es were jumping out of moving dropships only to be caught in the hell of human projectiles that covered the sky. I dare not look anymore.
As I felt the bump that the Phantom made when it landed, the grav-lift opened and Kig-yars and Unggoys streamed out infront of ous. Then, legion 7KO began to drop down one by one. I waited my turn until last and eventually I stepped down. As i decended slowly I gazed at New Mombasa. What a sight, especially for a human city. Towering skyscrapers dominated the landscape. I felt unhappy to be a part in destroying it.
The battle was a field of carnage and mayhem. Enemy vehicles acopaning heavily armoured tanks. The skies filled with banshees and dropships of both kind. Hundreds of troops, Covenant and UNSC (United Nations Space Core- if I am not mistaken). Banshees swooping low suddenly to fire their Fuel Rod Cannons at the tanks and then pulling up to avoid the driver being able to shoot them. I lifted the Beam Rifle up to my face, put eyes on the scope and pressed the switch twice. The Scope magnified to 10x. I moved the heavy gun around searching for a suitibale target. There. Next to a tank. Almost behind it. I aimed the crosshair over the head of thw opponent. My finger pulled the trigger. CHEEOO! The human fell flat on his face. Limp. Dead. I thought about what it would feel like. I didn't want to shoot anyone else. "I must be loyal to ther Covenant," I was thinking in my head, "I took an oath to the them, I must take part in this battle."
I carry on shooting and each human falls like the last. Then I saw it. Flying higher than the skyscrpers in the city was the Prophet of Regret's Carrier. It flew sfiftly over the battlefield and stopped just outside the city behind where the human line of defence was. Slowy eeveryone, old and young, Covenant and human, watched. the bottom of the carrier opened and an immense gravity lift formed. Shortly afterwards a metal ball floated down and landed with a small bumb on African sands. Every single being on the battlefield stared at the ball as legs unfolded from the shell and a small plasma turret unfolded. The metal monster stood up on four legs and a massive energy cannon unfolded. The Scarab had arrived. Before anyone knew what was happening the gigantic weapon began to build up power. In one killing blow, a light as powerful as twenty suns shot from the main cannon and ripped through the human line of millitary defense. It tore through at least ten Scorpions, Warthogs and turrets before stopping to recharge. Drips off plasma-like energy fell from The Scarab landing on the buildings below. The energy anihilated the homes sending shards of stone soaring through the air. After the UNSC were sent into dissary by Scarab, they fled into the outskirts of Old Mombasa. This battle was won for now...
End of Day 1
Day 2
Spying on The Demon
I woke up the next morning, still tired from the desvastating battle yesterday. We were sleeping on the outskirts of Old Mombasa because there was little human resistance here. Tired and exhausted, I crawled out of my sleeping pod which I was sharing with Fagina Grap and looked around. It was so quiet you could here an ammo magazine drop. The young and enphusiastic Special Operations Unggoy Korli was already up (as ususual). I walked over to him but he was as still as stone. I soon found out why. With one small flick of the arm he was holding his plasma pistol in, he pointed to a half destroy human van. Behind the van however was an enemy marine, crouching. He was holding his sniper rifle in one hand, radio in the other. he noticed us. He pulled the trigger.
I ducked just in time to dodge the high-velocity bullet that shattered the sleeping pod Fagina Grap was unfortunately still in. Korli immediately sprung his back up against the wall as I did so. Legion 7KO began emerging from their own pods and followed suit. Then as suddenly as the bullet had been fired from it's case, the sound of a plasma turret firing behind me echoed through the streets. Three pelicans were cruising down the street with stones scattering everywhere because of the wind power used in the engines. We could see the short encounteer from behind the wall and saw two pelicans being shot down. One flew over to a place known as "Hotel Zanzaibar." The other gave me a nasty suprise. The Demon was in it! It flipped, landed upside dowm on a building, then fell and exploded. I prayed the Demon was dead. I ran through streets and arches, through Sniper Alley and out through two double doors which two Lekgolo were trying to close.
I climbed to the rooftops and overlooked the crash site of the pelican. Only Korliwas still with me, because he was the only one who could be bothered to keep up. A Kig-yar sniper was also here, possibly stationed ontop of the houses on purpose. All three of us looked over th ledge and stared at the Demon. He was acompanied by the one they call "Johnson" and a few marines. "What ya thimk they doin' huh?" Korli asked suddenly. Upon reaction I went "Shhh." The group moved through a doorway and I heard the sound of bullets being fired, the squel of an Unggoy and roars of angry comrades. I had to intercept the Demon somehow.
I called for a Phantom. When it came I was already where I said I'd be, hiding. It dropped of troops, then it came to pick me and Korli up, the Kig-yar was dead due to it being to heroic and then being sniped by Johnson. I climbed aboard nd told the driver to go where the Demon would go, we flew over the camp, past Sniper Alley again and over Hotel Zanzibar to where one of the crashed pelicans were. I landed on a rooftops and found a dead Kig-yar so I took his beam rifle.
I waited for wait seemed like a human year, gazing at the stunning carrier that floated in the sky. At last I saw the other Sanheili and Unggoy walking ito the hotel. Bullets flyed. Plasma burned. Covenant died. Unggoy fled. The scared snorts were ended soon by battle rifle fire. I zoomed on my beam rifle there he was. I fired at the head. I missed. All of a sudden my holopack started beeping. I lowered the gun and took the holopack off my back. I switched it to messages and played back the most recent. It was Regret. "All Covenan except those protecting New Mombasa return to the carrier." Shortly afterwards a Phantom came to pick me up so I climbed aboard.
Once I was on the carrier a Sanheili came up to me and said, "Did you hear, the Demon destroyed the Scarab!"
"Blasted Demon," I replied in disgust. "Indeed," he answered, and began to walk away when we were pulled into slipspace. I noticed through the window that the human ship had followed...
End of Day 2
Journal of Suno Happer (Days 3 and 4)
Date: 20 December 2005, 4:35 pm
Day 3
Installation 05
The holy ring of majestic power. Circling a gas giant is the host of The Great Journey. The Prophets will shall guide us through to salvation for all who are loyal to the Covenant cause. I watched it for what seemed like hours, until Fagina (Who had luckily survived the shattering sleeping pod) came up to me.
He stared for a moment and then said to me, "Beautiful, isn't it. Come, legion 7K0 is needed in the breifing hall. We have the hounor of Half-Jaw breifing us for this mission." I followed as he walked off in the direction for the breifing room. As I watched the window I saw human drop pods falling from the ship. "Fagina," I said quickly, "Look." We watched as they descended towrds the holy ring. "Somehow, I think our mission has something to do with that." Korli came running up from behind us shouting, "Come on, come on, you gonna be late!"
"He's right, we better get moving." I told Fagina, he agreed, and the three of us began walking slowly. Korli started muttering stuff like: "Stupid Sangheili, ..... .. bad as the Prophet .. Regret, holy this, holy that, .. Unggoy can't be ........ to listen .... the time y'know." I ignored him, half of his kind were the same.
We carried on until we reached the breifing room. Fagina typed the pass code and the door opened everyone was waiting, Half-Jaw was watching us with his eyes fixed. He spoke. "Ah, Korli, Suno, Fagina, take a seat, we've been waiting." We sat down in three neighbouring seats and watched as the SpecOps commader Half-jaw breifed us for the mission. "Your drop pods have been set to lock onto the Demon, you will land near him where a grop of Kig-yar snipers have taken thier posts and are awaiting your arival. You will be divided into three groups, The Holy Enlightment, The Divine Wind and the Justice of Truth. You will now be sorted." I was in The Holy Enlightment with Korli but Fagina was sepparated into The Justice of Truth. Then, one Sangheili from each group was chosen to be the group commander. I was suprised to learn that I would be leading The Holy Enlightment.
I stepped into my drop pod and sealed the doors, the voice of half-jaw shouted "The Divine Wind, drop!" Then he shouted Fagina's group name. "The Justice of Truth, drop!" Then my group. "The Holy Enlightment, drop!" I pulled the release lever but I did not move. I heard the rest of my group plummet towards the ring but I stayed stationary. The commander of The Divine Wind opened his CommLink and began shouting at me, "What are you doing Suno! Drop!" Korli opened a channel to me and called me in a worried tone, "What is going Suno, are alright?!" Then Half-jaw joined in amongst the chatter, "Okay, okay, quiet!" Silence fell. "Suno, can you tell me why you have not dropped with the rest of your group?!!"
"I er," I replied hesitating, "I pulled the release lever but nothing happened." I had opened my mouth too soon. The clamps on my pod opened but my pod started spinning out of control, flipping and turning, spinning and rolling. All I could hear was the voices of my comrades shouting "Suno!" echoing in my ears. I knocked my head, then again the third made me pass out.
I woke to find two Unggoy medics next to me. One saw me and said to the other, "He's awake! He's ok!" The other swiveled round immediately as if on a pivot and stared at me with night sky-black eyes. At that moment a Sangheili ran over and asked me if I was alright. I only said that I needed to find out where I was and what was going on. I got up and walked outside. No wonder the Unggoy were suprised to see me get up, I must have been out cold for a long time because it was evening already. An Unggoy ran after me saying, "You must get back into bed, you are too weak."
Then I saw it. The temple that the Prophet of Regret was in was devastated. "Erm, he's dead, along with all the honour gaurds." The Unggoy hesitated, speaking slowly. "No," I said this quietly. Now they shall pay. "The Holy Enlightment!" I shouted at the group members, "Grab a weapon and saddle up on a shadow. I'll take a ghost. Hotuv, banshee. Korli, you have a priveledge tonight, The only veichle we normally let an Unggoy use is a ghost, but, you can drive a spectre, Joner, Dogon, you go with him. GO! GO! GO!" I grabbed my ghost and lead the war convoy.
A human ran out in front. Splat! I wouldn't stop the kill a measly scout. There it was. A human camp was up ahead. "Holy Enlightment," I shouted behind me, "Attack formation!" Hotuv's banshee flew low over my head and the spectre that Korli was driving reared up behind me. Then the shadows formed a line behind us all as we charged. "Tonight we kill to honour those dead. A life for a life. To REGRET!!!!!!" The battle was easily won.
End of Day 3
Day 4
A Very Big Honour
"Suno Happer." The Arbiter paced up and down infront of me, stopping only briefly. "Half-jaw says you carried out an unouthorised attack on a human camp which, also, had nothing to do with your mission." Half-jaw smiled to himself the way Tarturas would. "But, I think you were right." Half-jaw's smile drooped as his jaw dropped. Seeing his face the Arbiter began to explain. "The humans deserve no more mercy than the heretics, or even the parasite. That Demon killed Regret! Are we to give the humans mercy when the Demon is slaying more of the holy Prophets? Soon we may have to elect new leadership. Truth and Mercy can't cope with the council by themselves. If this carries on, I do not beleive the Covenant will last much longer." "I agree." A Sanheili councillor had crept up behind the Arbiter half-way through his speech. The Arbiter continued, "I have a mission to find the Sacred Icon. Suno will be coming too."
"What? you can't Arbiter,"
"Yes I can and I am." I had to say something, "Excuse me but may I suggest a second companion?" The Arbiter replied, "Who is this Sanheili you speak of?" I heasitated then said, "Well, he's not exactly a Sanheili, he's an Unggoy, I let him pilot a spectre in battle and he saved the lives of the Sanheili who were riding with him numerous times."
"Very well. Meet me in hangar "Salvation" at MO39 Covenant time tomorrow."
I went to find Korli immediately. He was amazed at the news and was thankful of how I thought he had done last night. Then I had to tell Fagina, I couldn't take him because he wasn't in my group and Korli was my next choice because of his performance. Fagina understood. I lay down to sleep, I couldn't wait for tommorow.
End of Day 4
Journal of Suno Happer (Day 5 and 6: Civil War)
Date: 12 January 2006, 9:47 pm
Day 5
Sacred Icon
MO43 Covenant time
Covenant Carrier Installation of the Gods: I was late. I was running through the corridors towards hangar "Salvation" with Korli struggling to keep up behind me. "C'mon were almost there, pick those stubby legs up hurry up!" I shouted in desperation as Korli began to eventually fall behind, heavliy slumping to the floor. I pulled him up and sprinted. There was the door. I pulled on Korli's arm fiercely and dragged him in the hangar bay Salvation. The ship's chief engineer turned to me and adressed me. "Where are you taking him?" He asked me in deep suspicion. His face was filled with a frown like always. I tried to reply quickly as not to rouse his suspicions. "Er, we're here for the Arbiter."
"The Arbiter? You must be Suno Happer, and Korli Droppermac. The Arbiter told me you were going to be here, your a bit early though aren't you?"
"MO39 he said, it's MO31 now." I looked on my time-teller and indeed it was, I guess I must of read it wrong. We waited for 8 time units until the Arbiter entered through the door. I stood up and the Arbiter watched me. "Climb aboard the second Phantom and we will meet on the surface. He looks promising." He jestured towards Korli and I nodded cautiously and followed Korli onboard.
We were aproaching the second Holy ring. Everyone was quiet. Korli seemed scared of the hulking, meanacing and brutal Jiralhanae. All off a sudden the Phantom rocked and sawyed and a large Bang! filled my ears. The craft spun out of control, drifting towards the surface of the Qaurantine Zone. A Combat Form ripped a hole in the roof as we landed on the frosty snow. The Jiralhanae snarled at the uninvited guest. They jumped up to it, trying tear it limb from limb like they did to anyhting alse that they don't like. Reiforcements poured in and there was a battle in the inside of the Phantom. Before I could blink a mass explosion blocked my vision as the engine of the Phantom detonated. BANG! I was thrown back against the cliff. When I opened my eyes the derelict Phantom lay burning infront of me, Jiralhanae bodies had been layed out everywhere, presumably killed in the explosion. Korli lay moaning next to me as a Carrier Form ready to blow at any second waddled up. "Korli!" I whipered, "Quiet!"
"Huh?" He rolled over, looked up, gasped and froze. "Wait!" said a voice "It can sense you, run!"
"Korli, run, circle this mound and meet me at the back." Korli was so scared he could not refuse. I ran for my dear life. the Carrier Form was far too slow run after me, however the two Combat forms that were emerging behind it could. I guess I was in luck. The sacred rituals and processions of the Prophets had paid off. The Carrier Form still tried to get me. Luckily it tripped and exploded on impact with the floor. The Combat Forms werwe caught in a chain and were obliterated too. "Ahhh, no get off help!" "Korli!" I shouted in return. I turned and ran only to see Infection Forms nimbling at him seriously. A moment later he fell through a snow-covered hole in the floor. "Leave him now, you have to find the Arbiter," the voice said again. "Who are you to tell me what to do, show yourself!"
"Ha! have you not realized who I am?"
"No, I have not, but I would very much like too." I replied in kind. "We'll save that for later, shall we?" he said in an amused voice. "Now, find the Arbiter, and you can carry on with him."
"Very well, but you must reveal your identity soon," I bargined. "Where would he be?" I was thinking to myself. "Sacred Icon, hello!" Whoever this was they were beginning to be very annoying. "The Flood-Infested wall," it carried on. It seemed to be a Sangheili. How can I get the Flood-Infested wall? It's three-hundred length-units high!"
"You will not be able to climb it. However Tarturas will not be able pick the Arbiter up after he has lowered the containment shield. The sheer number of Flood and Enforcers will prevent him from doing just that. The Special Operations Commander Half-jaw has landed nearby with another SpecOps legion. Meet up with him. When the Arbiter exits the wall he will be just about there."
So, I set off, even though I was not keen on following the orders of some unusual stranger. Additionally I did not meet any Flood on the way. Only a couple of sentinels and unfortunately an Enforcer ran into me. I eventually made it to the Covenant Camp. Half-jaw turned to me immediately. "Suno, where is the Unggoy? Droppermac."
"Er, I."
"Tell him he perished to the Flood, we don't know do we? He might have."
"Will you be quiet!" I shouted back. "Excuse me Suno, did you just tell me to be quiet?!" All I could think of to say was: "No, Excellency. Can you not hear that voice?"
"No Suno, I can't."
"Suno!? I thought you were dead," came the Arbiter's voice. "No, Excellency, I am not."
"Obviously not, you are here, and you don't have to call me Excellency, I am not a Zealot anymore," he replied. "Of course, sorry." The Abiter smiled. Different types of Flood emerge and all drew weapons. "The last fight until the hunt for the Sacred Icon?" Half-jaw gestured the Arbiter, holding him an Energy Sword. "Lets see," he said as his smile widened...
The Arbiter tossed an armed plasma grenade into the flooding sea of creatures. Many chain reactions caused to leaving hardly any alive. The SpecOps Commander climbed a turret and joined fray as several hundred plasma bolts whizzed past my head with a silent hiss. Kill all those unworthy to live Suno!" The voice said yet again, I fired my dual plasma rifles into the Flood, talking. "Why do you keep butting in, and why can no-one else can hear you?" I was still talking loudly even though the noise was blocking me out. He still heard me though! "I told you, I will reveal everything later," he spoke back. "later is almost now!" I continued however my voice silenced as I absorbed a forceful melee to the head. With my jaw bulging with a searing pain, I turned slowly to the guilty Combat Form. "That.. is.. it!" I could not stand Flood anymore with their uninteligence, their force, their brutality, they reminded me of Jiralhanae which I did not like think about! I cannot even recall what happened next, all I remember is going mad.
Then we were all sumoned together as Half-jaw made a speech. The Arbiter walked up. "The Sentinels, this Sacred Icon critical to the Great Journey," he requested. "We shall cut into the heart of this infestation, retrive the Icon, and burn any Flood in our way!" Everyone cheered as Half-jaw finished. "The parasite is not to be trifiled with, I hope you know what your doing." He was obviously talking to the Arbiter.
The Phantom dropped off two ghosts and and spectre as the supreme commander climbed aboard and spoke over the radio. "Forward warriors, and fear not pain nor death, go Arbiter I will follow when reinforcements arrive."The Arbiter climbed behind the wheel of the spectre so I took the cannon. "Now you have met up, continue on your mission." The voice interrupted yet again. "Will you sto-" I was cut off by it, "Not now, your gonna die if you don't stay alert." I was about to ask him what he was talking about when I got the answer. Automatic fire burst past the Spectre and as I turned I saw the pitch-black shape of an Enforcer emerging from the sliding doors that filled the Quaratine Zone. I returned fire as several Sangheili tossed plasma grenades at the hulk of machinery. I watched it fall from hovering position as Sentinels arrived to reinforce it.
As we progressed through the Qaurantine Zone strange feelings were filling me, most were in the form of rage at the Flood for the deaths of my comrades and friends. The voice kept speaking to me even though no-one else could hear it. He was alerting me most of the time, incoming Flood, Enforcers that sort of thing. We finally reached the Libary with Half-jaw now along with us. He said he would hold the Flood back as the Arbiter found the Sacred Icon. We were transported along the Gondola trying to catch up with the Humans. Many waves of Flood attacked us and as we repelled them one by one their numbers rose. After many casulties and injuries (and one very unfortunate Sanheili had been knocked off the Gondola and presumably fell to his death, soon to become another Combat Form) we finally reached the location. The Arbiter left to retrive the Icon but no sooner had he left Tartarus dropped from the Phantom and he and a squad of Jiralhane followed. "What's going on?" gasped a second, young warrior moment before he dropped to ground because of a blow to the back of his head. Everything went black...
End of Day 5
Day 6
Civil War
I woke up slowly, eyes twitched then I sat bolt upright when I heard a familiar voice. "Suno, are you awake?" It was an Unggoy. Korli! "Where are you?" I groaned in question. "The one infront," he answered. "The one infront?" I questioned again. Another familiar voice spoke to me: "Hello, have fun with your hibernation? First on the mission to gaurd Regret, now this! How many times are you going to be knocked out?" I knew who it was immediately. "You again?" I spoke into nothing-ness. "Yes. By the way, he means cell." As soon as this word met my ears I knew something was wrong. As my vision became better I made out two sets of bars (presumably mine and Korli's) and an Unggoy watching me. The unusual thing was that this was no human space station. The colour scheme clearly showed I was on High Charity. It all became clear to quickly for me to handle.
To be continued
Journal of Suno Happer (Day 6: Civil War) continued
Date: 19 January 2006, 9:10 pm
Civil war had broken out just like before the Covenant-human war. The Jiralhane had betrayed us! I ran and shook at bars, trying to unhinge them. "Ok, Ok calm down!" I fell silent, "Holy Forunners, you sound like a Sharquoi!" This cheeky remark embarrased me slightly so I kept slient. "Ok, I guess it's time I told you." I had a feeling that I wasn't going to like this. "I am you." That was unexpected. "I am the part of you that is not corrupted." He carried on, worring me more with every word. "Corrupted?" I asked quickly, "One quetion at a time," I thought to myself. "Yes one at a time would help." He knew! "You can read my mind?" I asked again still thinking "One at a time" in my head. "Well yes I am you, I can read your thoughts. Also what you said about corrupted. Well, I don't know how and I don't know when, but you have become meaner and more agressive. You will continue to become more so unless I can help you. You have a dark future." He finished. "Ok, so your my inner-voice, and you can help me? Wait, How do I know your telling the truth?" I qustioned considrably. "Do you remember those bursts of rage on Halo? And one just now." He answered, seemingly pleased with himself. "Oh my god, what's happeneing to me?!" I shouted. "Look," he answered back, "Just listen to me, and me might be able to avoid you becoming the new Chieftain of the Jiralhane." I could tell he was amused by his own joke.
"Suno, ho are you talking too?" Came an Unggoy's voice. "Korli? Er, no-one. Just myself." Screams of pain echoed through the cell bay. It was coming from outside. Grenades exploded and I heard humans' voices. "This one Chief, this is the cell bay where the next squad of Marines are." I heard. The sound of a door opening and more battle sounds came next. "The humans are here well, well." The "inner voice" said. "So, can that help me?" I hoped. "No, they're gone anyway." He spoke back. "Someone else helpful is coming though." Before I caould answer, the door opened and Fagina Graprot emerged.
Korli was astonished, "Fagina, over here!" He called out. "Shhh!" Fagina whispered back. "Some of those Brutes are just unconsious. He deactivated the bars and they flew back. Several more Minors and Majors emerged and a Major female Unggoy that seemed to like Korli. "Take command, they will accept you as you are a higher rank," said that voice "OK." I announced to everyone, "Since I am highest rank, I will take command," I hoped that they would. Unfortanely a senior and cautious Major was suspicious. "This young Sanheili is the same rank as you," he said, pointing to Fagina, "Why shouldn't he be in charge?" My inner-voice was about to tell me waht to say but I was already infront. "Very well, both of us shall be in charge." The crown seemed to agree amongst themselves and the voice fianally spoke. "Very good, your getting the hang of this." Me and Fagina led the group out of the bay and up the Grav-lift.
When we reached the top I meleed a Jiralhane with his back to me before we worked out how to meet up with another group of Sanheili. The nearest was a group of Honour gauards fighting in a hall nearby, enemy targets were closing on them and they needed help. My feelings were amiss. A mixture of rage and courage confused me. I was in another world. Until Fagina spoke: "Let us go now, and sacrifice our lives for those of higher ranks."
My feet pushed me up slowly and I joined the crowd of charging Sanheili as we ran. Sliding doors opened infront of us and surprised Jiralhanae that were stalking fallen Honour Gaurds were caught and trampled by the charging Sangheili. Honur Gauards gained their feet and stood up tall. They brushed their vision upon their lower ranking saviours.
"We thank you for your asistance but we must progress. If we can catch up with Truth we can end this." The lead Honour Gaurd said. I strode up to him pulling Fagina with me. "Exellency, we take responsibility for this group, we now offer our leadership to you as a higher-rank." I proposed to him. He paused for a while before he spoke back. "The Honur Gaurds work alone. We only protect the Prophets, therefore no-one commands us except the Hierach. You may maintain control of this group. We will work with you. We must find Truth!" The crowd agreed in unision. He roared satisfingly. He then turned to me still towering over us. "I like you, I will tell you that I am Drava 'Yanrotee," He told me as Fagina gasped and spoke to. "Yanrotee," he emphasised. "I am Fagina Graprot." He burst out. 'Yanrotee thought for a while. "Hmm, it seems we are related somehow. Do me proud."
We progressed to another corridor fille to exploding point with Kig-yars. They fired up to the ceiling. All I could see was a blur of yellowish-green and blue. I then realized they were Yanme'es and Ranger Sangheili fighting eachother. The Kig-yars were trying to shoot the Sangheili. 'Yanrotee bellowed a war cry and the Honour Gaurds charged in neat lines like no other Sanheili could. Then Fagina creid his and the Minors and Majors charged at the few Kig-yars that had not been sliced in half by the Honour Gaurds' blades. 'Yanrotee was so tall he could reach the Yanme'es overhead when he jumped. He began to kill them. The were disracted and as they turned the Rangers finished them off.
We carried on, we received frequent reinforcements including a pair of Lekgolo. A brutal encounter with Jiralhanae reduced ouur numbers badly but we did not stop. The voice did not speak much. When we finally caught up with Truth he was boarding his ship(otherwise refered to as The Ark). On a far conduit I caught sight of the Demon running towards a nude, purple and cybernetic human. He juped into the cargo entrance ans the ship left. We lost so many, in vain that we did not stop Truth. "Unlucky Suno," my voice whispered to me, "but don't worry, you'll get him someday." Before I knew it the Supreme Seciaal Operations Commander pulled in on a Phantom. "We must leave Truth," he said, "Tarturas is going to activate Halo!" We climbed aboard.
End of Day 6
Journal of Suno Happer (Day 7:Disappearances and Vengance
Date: 7 February 2006, 9:13 pm
Day 7
Disappearances and Vengance
I sharpened the blade of my Energy Sword with a special plasma enhancer. My rifle shimmered, fresh from the amoury of the carrier Installation of the Gods. I glanced around the craft's interior. The Supreme Commander stood still, watching. He was looking across the Sangheili, I was trying to avoid his glare. He was not looking at me or pilots. Drava and Fagina were talking inconspicuously, probably trying to trace their ancestry back to eachother. Shuffling uneasily, my feet glued to the floor. Half-jaw's head stopped, his eyes stared into space. "Exellency?" 'Yanrotee questioned the Sangheili, obviously noticing what I had. The Commander drifted out of his day-dream suddenly, moving his head with suprisingly fast. "Yes?" he asked aruptly. 'Yanrotee jumped in suprise. "Oh, sorry Execllency, I believed something was wrong." 'Yanrotee tried to keep calm as Exellency was clearly annoyed. However he spoke perfectly calm. "Very well, try not to startle me again unless you are certain of danger." 'Yanrotee nodded and continued speaking to Fagina. I couldn't put my finger on it but something was wrong... The atmosphere was like that of the assault on Earth. Quiet, almost. Half-jaw spoke again, "We will now take vengance on the Jiralhanae for thier betrayal. Should I call them Brutes? That is what Humans call them. Even though we are enemies with them, we share what we think of the Jiral-" he stopped, "My mistake, Brutes. Charge!"
The Brute encapment stood infront of us. Half-jaw commandeered a Wraith. The battle began. It raged long and hard and many Zealots assisted us. I swung up and down with sword, slicing, crunching, stabbing, killing. Over and over in my head I thought of the five rules of close-combat engagements. Swing. Slice. Impale. Stab. Kill. Swing, slice, impale, stab. Kill. Swing, slice, impale, stab, kill. Swing slice impale stab kill! Black blood poured over my eyes when I hit a Jiralhanae's artery. Swarms sorrounded me. I turned and ducked, rolled and fought. Countless dead bodies lay beneath my feet. Pain seared from abdomen where I had been stabbed by a bayonet on the end of a Granade Launcher.
In the end only I and Half-jaw stood standing. However neither Fagina nor 'Yanrotee's bodies were among the dead. Where were they? No time. The Commander gestured for me to come so I took a Spectre and followed.
We rode up the edge of the Brute incapment as a figure in ancient armour walked up.
Half-jaw emerged from his Wraith. As he spoke I saw who the warrior was. "By the rings. Arbiter? the councilours are they-" The Arbiter answered on instict, "Murdered. By the Brutes." He spoke low and cold, as if he didn't want to speak of what had happened. "Vile disloyal beasts! The Prophets were fools to trust them." A Phantom flew past. It landed at a platform branching out of Halo's control centre were Jiralhane Captains were standing gaurd. Tarturas emerged with the Human commander. "What is that place?" The Arbiter asked in confusion, unsure of why Tarturas was there. "Where the Councilors were meant to watch the consecration of the Icon- the start of the Great Journey." The Arbiter looked up high, as if listening to a memory. He finally pivoted towards Half-jaw again. "I must get inside," he requested seriously. The Commander replied on instinct. "Then mount up Arbiter, I know a way to break those doors."
I drove up in a Spectre and Half-jaw climbed aboard as the Arbiter stumbled into the Wraith. We set off yet again, my mind was not on driving the Spectre. I crashed a couple of times and I was ashamed that the commander was not pleased. "Pay attention!" he bellowed furiously. We finally reached the Scarab. It towered over us meanicingly. "That cruiser is controlled by Brutes. I'll remain here; make sure no reinforcements get in behind you." The Commander requested. "Then, I'm going to take the cruiser back." I waited with the commander until the Arbiter had dissapeared. "Come Suno, we will commandeer that Phantom," he said as signaled to a craft flying low.
It began to fire and caught the Commander near his legs. He groaned viciously as he slumped the floor. I began to drag him behind cover. He was hit several more times as the Phantom was obviously aiming for him; the higher rank. I checked my weapons. A Rod Gun! "No," gasped Half-jaw, "We need the weapons on that Phantom!" I thought for a while before putting away the weapon. I pulled up my courage and charged before the driver knew it. I climbed up the Grav-lift and slaughtered the Jiralhane/Brutes inside. The Commander was impressed. I felt ambitious, confident and proud at the same time. I still didn't know where Fagina and Drava were though.
Journal of Suno Happer (Day 8: Side by Side)
Date: 11 February 2006, 11:40 pm
Day 8
Side by Side
I slowly walked alongside the Supreme Commander as we readied for battle. We knew how much of a suicide mission this was. To clear an entire cruiser full of ferocious Brutes. But, it would help the cause of our revenge. Anything, even our lives, for our brothers. I felt something inside me, it wasn't my inner voice who had been congratulating me a lot recently. It was a message. Telepathy? "All wars are civil wars, because all beings are brothers." A new motto. I didn't know how it would help but it gave me that little more courage in battle.
A Minor gaurd came towards us. He didn't know what he was in for. We closed the air-lock to conceal our ship. No sooner had we done so my voice hissed into my ear. "Behind you Suno. If you know he's there, swing your sword." I did. It worked, dicsecting the Brute immediately. Half-jaw and I moved towards the only onlocked door as he told me how to take the carrier. We would make our way to the communications and comandeer them. Use them to call for reinforcements. Then, we would sabotage the communications so the Brutes can't call for reinforcements.
A Major Kig-yar came running towards us, screaming into the air and holding up his cracked, yellow shield. It gave way to a burst of rifle fire but the Kig-yar's shrieks didn't go unoticed. More Brutes and Yanme'es moved round the corner too. We fought them long and hard slowly moving close to the communications as more and more reinforcements arived. Wave after wave. An everlasting tide.
As we aproached the Coms Relay the numbers in each wave were increasing. They were trying to stop us more and more. But that wasn't the problem. The actuall relay was in an immense room. There was a platform on one side about half-way up the wall. There was a holo-panel on it which must control the Coms. The roots of them were on the ceiling. An entire network of wires branched across like a human tree at its widest extent. They met in the middle where they went through a hole and presumably to the Relay. "Suno," the commander called to me while impaling a Kig-yar on his blade. "We have to get up there!" Bad news. How? There was a door up there, which meant that there was another way to get up there. Then I saw a Kig-yar with a Beam Rifle. It was too late. I was hit sqaure in the chest, forcing me to the floor and depleting my shields.
I opened my eyes to see the commander being brutaly beaten repeatedly. The Kig-yar was also still stalking me. I rolled across the floor as he fired. My hands gripped another Beam Rifle and returned fire. My second shot almost severed his neck in half, killing him instantly. I then helped my commnader by stabbing the Brute in the back. "If I remember the layout," he said as he regained his feet. "Me must go through tha door." He pointed to a door on the other side of the room gaurded by two Honour Gaurds. They were waiting for us for a change. We had to make the first move.
Without any other option I charged fearlessly. Half-jaw stayed where he was and my voice started talking staright away. "Suno stop! Think. You have a Beam Rifle. You do not have to charge." So I drew the weapon and killed them both. "You must be loyal and you must sacrifice yourself. But you do not have to let them kill you! Try and save your own life too." I guess he had point. The Supreme Commander was pleased. "I'm glad you reconcidered. Use your head." I nodded.
When my head lifted I saw for the first time, him smiling. His white commander's armour, now battered and bruised, somehow managed to shine still, using the light from the reflective holo-panels. "Let us go." he said after a while of eye-contact. I followed him as he marched up a slope leading back the way we came. As we were on a higher level now we should come out the door I was looking at.
We crept softly in case of Brutes. A sound reached my ears. Half-jaw heard it too. As we turned together on instinct, it happened again. This time it was behind us. "Be ready," he commanded me quietly.
"What he said," agreed my voice. We moved slowly, walking backwards. I then saw a faint red glow that looked like the end of a Brute Plasma.... Brute Plasma Rifle! It fired revealing a Brute with unusual black armour probably signalling SecOps. "Without us and the Unggoy they have had to make Kig-yars and Brutes their SecOps. They have replaced us. Just like the Homour Gaurds." Half-jaw explained while returning fire. Another Brute came up behind us and shot at us. I ducked and zoomed while the commander finished off the other. He began to disappear but I fired anyway. Luckily the accelarated particle beam hit the Brute between his eyes and he died becoming visible again.
We could hear the almost silent sound of Special Operative Kig-yars' feet galloping across the floo. We ran. If we could get round the corner before they came round then they might stop to examine the bodies and we could escape. If they saw us then they would catch-up easily as they were much faster. Using they're muscular legs they could pounce so far so fast creating a galloping technique which they used to run at incredible speeds. Luckily we rounded the corner before they saw us. This gave us a short while to get further away before they came looking for us again.
We came into the Comms room but we were on the wrong side. The holo-panel was oppisite us and we had no way to get over to the other side witout falling to our deaths. However there was a holo-panel on this side too. "This holo-panel will activate the lightbridge." he anounced after looking at it for a while. "Snipe those Brutes and sniper Kig-yars while I hack it." So I obeyed ans even though I killed some, most Brutes beserked and tried to jump across (not succeding).
The light-bridge finally activated and the two remaining Brutes charged. They were Minors and were certainly no match for two well aimed stabs in the chest. But the invisible Kig-yars came rushing round the corner not noticed until they fired. We rushed to other side to take cover. However Half-jaw waited until they were all on the light-bridge. He pressed a switch on another panel and it hissed away in blur of light, dropping the suprised Kig-yars to the floor.
The commander pressed a switch on the panel and electric buzzed up one wire and through the roof. "Job well done," he said, pleased with himself.
End of Day 8
Journal of Suno Happer (Day 9: An Alliance and a Parasite)
Date: 20 February 2006, 5:07 pm
"You must not fight with the same enemy for too long, or you will teach him the art of war." -Napolean Bonaparte
Day 9
An Alliance and a Parasite
"Okay," The Supreme Commander started, "Reinforcements will be here soon so we should get to the hangar." I agreed and we set off. However the most we encountered were only small groups, where was their army? They had been throwing it at us all along, but now, it had stopped. So, we moved on without haste, with fear of neither pain nor death. The hangar was not far so it would not be hard to reach it.
When we did arrive the room was empty, no guards, or was there? I scanned for any type of movement. None. So there weren't any troops in Active Camouflage, I couldn't see anyone hiding either. "Be cautious," commanded the voice quietly, "I sense something is wrong." I had a very bad feeling too. An
unusual sensation. A
tickling, grinding noise inside me. All of a sudden I heard a real sound. Something moving. Over our heads. A smell too. A hideous stench, of rotting bodies and skin. Something was terribly wrong. Something twitched and the noise sounded again. That was it! That sound was so familiar; it was the sound of something being infected by a horrific species. One known, as The Flood. A wounded ally came up to us. "We came to your call commander," he stuttered, spitting purple blood over the floor while coughing. "But The Flood attacked us. I do not believe," he stopped and coughed again, "I do not believe that anyone is left." The Sangheili collapsed before Half-jaw could say a word.
"The work of the Flood," I said to the commander.
"Indeed," he replied, a tone fright in his voice. "There is only one thing to do," he paused. "And if the Demon can do it, then so can we." I knew his intentions now.
The voice was quick to comment on his words, "Not too sure about this Suno," he seemed scared too, but in a different way. I jiggled my head which soon made him shut up."We're going to detonate the engines?" I asked, hoping Half-jaw would say no. But he didn't.
"Yes, I'm afraid so," he answered, "We cannot run the risk of letting the parasite escape." I guess that is all we could do. "Look on the bright side," comforted the commander, "I do not believe that all of the Sangheili here have been infected. We may find help on the way." I didn't like being patronized.
We had actually wasted time getting to the Comms and then the hangar. The Engines were back the way we came. However on our way back there were no sightings of The Flood. Just more Brutes. Just brutes. No Kig-yars or Yanme'es either. Had they been too weak and been destroyed by the Flood? No bodies, something wasn't right. We reached the engines and, with the help of the Fuel Rod Cannon I saved, detonated them.
Then we saw them. A huge mass of Flood. Just like their name suggests. A sea of yellowish-brown. A massacre. The Parasite. They were everywhere, all over the engines and the Fusion Core. Combats, Carriers and Infections. Every type all over the place. Behind us too. Everywhere. I don't know how many times I could repeat that word, but it certainly was a lot.
We ran. As fast as our hooves could carry us. I felt like I was moving at the speed of a Kig-yar. We probably were. Half-jaw and I ran straight into the ship and sat at the controls. "Initiating launch sequence." He was saying. A Combat Form ran towards us so quickly stabbed it. It burst. "3," they were breaking through the airlock. "2," I saw a hand poke through, or rather a tentacle. "1," The door wedged open as shrapnel flew through the air damaging the consoles. The Phantom took off almost immediately after and many Flood fell into the waters below as I finished off their companions.
The cruiser then exploded into a fiery ball of plasma. "What a sight," the Supreme Commander congratulated, "Wait, incoming message, from our fleet." Half-jaw pressed a button and a holographic Sangheili appeared on the view screen. "Excellency," he said, "The Arbiter has been helped by some human known as "Johnson." We have now been requested an alliance, from the Humans."
Journal of Suno Happer (Day 10: Father and Son)
Date: 24 February 2006, 9:59 pm
"In peace sons bury thier fathers, but in war fathers bury thier sons." -Croesus
Day 10
Father and Son
"You wanted to see me Excellency?" I called into the room.
"Yes Suno," Half-jaw replied, "Come in." I walked up to him, he was in his usual armour now clean and shining again. I walked over to him, very slowly. "Because of recent events, including the Flood attack and the alliance with the humans I wish to tell you something. Nobody else knows of this."
"Why me?" I interrupted rudely. He was calm. He didn't care. "Why?" He answered. "You'll find out why. Anyway, it is my sad duty to report that I am resigning."
"What?" I gasped, "Never, no you can't!"
"I can, and I'm afraid I am." Before I said another a word he spoke again."Think back to Halo. I would have been killed if you didn't save me from that Phantom, that Brute. I am old and unable to look after myself. Do you know Suno, that I have been granted a gift. One sent by the gods a long time ago. I have the power to contact anyone in my family, through my mind, a form of telepathy you might say. It's very useful. Just that they don't know it's you. They can just hear a voice inside their head.
Y'know I once had a son. Kind of like you. But I left him when he was only a baby. I had to fight in the war against the Brutes ten years ago. I fought alongside one called Eraa 'Gamsamee. He was different, to the others. His face could not be read. You had to get in some other way. His feelings were never expressed externally. At the time, Dona 'Vutbrugee was commander. Something happened on a Foreunner asteroid station. He died, a whole SpecOps team was with him but only 'Gamsamee survived. Most say 'Vutbrugee fell foul to the Flood. However I feel like 'Gamsamee was hiding something else, some other truth. I don't even think he told his brother, Orna 'Fulsamee. Y'know, those two were amazing. Two days after being admitted to the grand army of the Covenant as Minors, one was promoted to Zealot as Sub-shipmaster, the other was a special operative. They were the youngest of those ranks I ever knew. Two talented Sangheili indeed.
Pretty soon after that, I became Supreme Special Operations Commander. Now that civil war has broken out I guess I am the Commander of the entire Sangheili army. But one day, I saw him again, only he didn't know who I was. My own son had forgotten me. He knew all about me because his mother had told him. But he probably thought I died in the war. I didn't.
Then we saw each other more often until we fought alongside one another regularly. Then I never told him who I was until, until
well, now." My face crinkled in amazement. Was I thinking what he was thinking?
"Yes Suno," he continued. "My name is Hrakjon 'Gorhapee. My eyes were as wide as Halo's diameter. The voice started talking in my head. "Yes Suno, I'm 'Gorhapee, I'm your Father." I looked at the commander who claimed to be my Father. "The voice was me. You're not really corrupted. It was a necessary deception at that time. I was telling you how to do things. Helping you. Modeling you into the perfect son. To carry on where I left. I am now proud to call my son. As I am proud to call you Suno 'Happeree, Supreme Commander of the Sangheili.
End of Day 10
Author's note: This is my last chapter. There may be a Journal of Suno 'Happeree but not yet. This story has exactly 750 words! I am first going to write a few short stories. I hope you liked this series. My next one is called: The story of a man who survived Reach. Here is taster of it.
He ran into the dark, silent room. His weapon was gone! Then he saw, in the middle of the room, an immense figure. Almost twice as tall as him, dressed in shining blue armour, a plasma weapon in his two-fingered hand. An Elite. His long, slender finger tensed on the trigger. He was going to fire.
Happy reading!