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Jinkaiden-XI.InLightofDestiny.Part1.Chapter1 by Jinkaiden-XI
In Light of Destiny Part I, Chapter I: And so it begins...
Date: 3 August 2003, 12:37 AM
Fate only takes us so far down the road of life; where we go from there is up to us.
He remembers the words now. They replay softly in his mind, as if to tell him something. He knows there is truth in the words, but what of it?
A rock skips over the stream.
Those words…they were spoken to him years ago by his mother. He does not recall the reason or the cause, but he begins to believe that maybe it as a warning. Truth, and a warning?
With a splash, the rock hits the water a final time and sinks.
Why is it returning to him now? For some reason the words have suddenly entered his mind, as if a reminder. They have come to him as if to inform him of a deadline; a time to meet which he has forgotten.
Sieg watches the waters, almost waiting for an answer. Again, the words.
Fate only takes us so far down the road of life; where we go from there is up to us.
Nothing comes to him. All is silent except for the flow of the stream.
Sieg stands. Rays of sunlight filter through the towering trees surrounding the stream, casting a peaceful glow on everything. It is truly serene, despite the troubles elsewhere.
Sieg receives an image of Earth, the way it was when he left it. Still a grand planet, but the victim of over-population. Erusia is his new home now, and it is where he has lived since then.
Still no answer. What of these words, what is it they speak? Something, someone tells Sieg that the answer is obvious…but what? Silence now.
"I don't understand…"
No matter. Sieg drops the rock he is holding and turns away, intent on heading home. He ponders the thought as he slowly walks away, hoping to find what he is searching for. He turns once more and gazes, almost forlornly, at the stream. A breeze rustles the trees, shifting the rays of light that cast warmth on the waters. The last peaceful place.
He continues now, trying to push the images of the Covenant and all else of little importance from his mind.
Take what you care little for seriously, for danger lurks behind betrayal.
There it was. His mind goes blank for a split second and all that he can think of was those words. It is as if he is possessed; he has little control over what he thinks or says.
Sieg grimaces and clasps his head with his hands.
"Stop…make it stop…"
Sieg opens his eyes and lowers his hands. It has stopped, the words. No longer do they haunt him.
Quickly, he leaves the area and returns to the colony.
Awakening. The air is suddenly bitter cold, something that is not common in the colony at this time of the year. Has the climate control system been downed? Upon opening his eyes, Sieg notices that the air is dark as well. An eclipse, maybe?
No. This is nothing natural. Something isn't right.
Sieg rises from bed. His bare feet hit the floor, which is also biting cold. Even with these conditions, he leaves his quarters. He is about to walk outside when he senses something. Has the time finally come?
The words…perhaps this is what they explain. Is it destiny they speak of?
It lands some hundred meters away from Sieg, somewhere in the town square. Even at such a distance, the explosion knocks Sieg off balance, sending him to the floor.
The torpedo obliterates everything within a fifty-meter radius, flattening a small portion of the colony in seconds. Sieg shelters his head with his arms as the shockwave, a force like none other, rips by, blowing his quarters to pieces and scattering debris everywhere. The dust from the streets is kicked up and shot outwards, away from the colony. The strength of the blast forces them at Sieg and whatever else at intense speed, resulting in deep cuts and scratches all over Sieg's unprotected body. His clothes are torn at and shredded. Gashes are formed where the cuts have been made.
A second torpedo lands closer than the first to Sieg, further obliterating his quarters and anything else within range. The ground ripples like a pond, grabbing Sieg and hurling him through the air towards the barren landscape beyond the city. He glances back, which immediately proves to be a mistake.
A piece of debris, never mind what it is or what it is from, tears through the air and strikes Sieg across the face with tremendous force. Sieg hurtles to the ground, falling unconscious just before he impacts with the deserted land.
All is quiet now. Breathing is quick and short. There is no sight, only mind. There is no connection between body and mind. There is mere blackness; emptiness.
For a moment, an ominous figure glowing in white light appears. It is female, as far as can be told. Golden flowing robes intertwine with light blue ones. They drag along the floor, barely illuminated by the light. Long, thick braids and strands of hair hang down to her waist, bound with silver locks.
Then she vanishes, and Sieg blacks out entirely.
In Light of Destiny Part I, Chapter II: Truth
Date: 6 August 2003, 12:45 AM
Was it all a dream?
As Sieg feels the gentle dirt he lay on, he knows all is real. There is no denying the reality, even as he tries.
With a grunt of pain, Sieg slowly rises to his knees, agony in each weakened movement. His vest is torn and wind battered. His hair is now messy and hangs down over his face, drenched and dripping with rainwater. His clothes are like that of his vest; worn, ripped, and wet. Before him, out away from the colony, is the bitter cold. However, there is great warmth behind him.
He turns, curiosity pressing him to know what lies in wait. His eyes rest on the answer.
An enormous fire rages over the colony now. The once glistening skyscrapers now burn in ruin. There are no screams of pain; there is no life. Sieg stares in utter disbelief at what he surveys.
He speaks, not at his own will, but at the mercy of another being. "The Fates have been merciless once more."
Sieg is silent now. He can only watch as the fires devour the lifeless colony.
From nowhere, all thoughts leave him and musical voices chime in:
I will believe in the Fates, The ones I can't deny. I won't rely on my strength. I will believe in the Fates, The ones I can't deny. And now I shall close the Gates.
Sieg's eyes are wide open now. No longer are his thoughts clouded with question. These voices…he has never heard them before, nor does he know where they come from. But then again, are they the voices of those who have been telling him everything that has haunted him so far?
It is of little importance now. Sieg begins to feel lightheaded, dizzy, and fairly faint. His vision blurs as his eyes roll back and he falls unconscious. His limp body collapses to the barren ground in a heap.
There is light.
The blinding light engulfs Sieg entirely, soaking his body in white, gentle warmth. He comes to at that very moment, awakened by the activity being born around him. For once there is life, there are voices. They speak, but their words are distant and hardly understandable.
"He's breathing. Take him and report one survivor."
Another, this one closer, replies, "Right. Do it quickly. We must get him out of here immediately."
One survivor. Sieg deliriously ponders the words. Is that what I am? A survivor? But...what is it I have survived? Sieg questions. Maybe he merely questions himself, for nobody has the answers. No voices this time. All is quiet.
[Fade to black.]
Sieg awakens once more, this time far from the desolate landscape he was previously familiar with. However, it is all he remembers. There is an empty space in his memory now, a void of blind darkness.
"You're awake."
Sieg turns to greet a newcomer to his world, another person. A life form he doubted he would ever see again.
"Where am I?" A typical question.
The figure steps closer to Sieg's bed, revealing his appearance. He seems to be around the age of thirty and in condition to be a soldier. He wears a simple Marine uniform and carries a pistol on his belt.
"You are currently a patient aboard the renegade patrol cruiser Vaskana. We found you..."
Sieg interjects, "A renegade patrol cruiser?"
"I'll explain that later."
Sieg doesn't continue. Instead he waits for the figure to say more, if it is among his intentions. There seems to be a strange connection between him and Sieg, for Sieg himself can feel it. Who is this person who denies the truth and hides the reality? Keeper of the realms, behold thy grace.
The figure continues, "You are our latest discovery. We rescued you before they destroyed you as well."
Sieg glances up at the figure. "Before...they destroyed me as well?"
"The Covenant. Had we not showed up, you'd be history."
Sieg shakes his head. "But I do not remember anything..."
The figure turns away and heads for the door. Just prior to exiting, the figure looks back over his shoulder and adds, "Don't dwell on it. You will know in due time."
The figure turns, then adds, "By the way, I'm John-117. You can just call me John; I prefer it that way."
And then he leaves, delivering Sieg to the silence once more.
The chamber is lonely now. Sieg has spent too much time in his quarters, slowly recovering. His space is limited and his soul is being held captive.
He knows he cannot leave, but deep below the surface there is the urge to release his spirit and move freely about the ship, the worlds, the universe itself.
But he hides this side to his spirit, containing his purest energy to unleash it when necessary.
"Now is not that time..."
The figure has spoken the most inevitable truth: That he will know in due time all he questions.
Now is the time for rest. Sieg lies down on his cot and quickly falls asleep.
Sieg's eyes open as the figure steps into the chamber. He seems worried about something, but is reluctant to express it. "We've had a small change in plans," he says. "We are headed to Harvest Moon. Something out there isn't right."
The figure remains as Sieg ponders the statement. Something is right...now he can understand what it is that he has been through; he will discover the reality of all this. The first question is about to be answered...
In Light of Destiny Part I, Chapter III: Truth (continued)
Date: 9 August 2003, 1:38 AM
No more early sunlight. The vessel is dark and cold, unlike the warm morning sun of Erusia. Sieg awakens, bringing life into his darkened world. He would have remained asleep, if it had not been for the fact that they would land on Harvest Moon in a matter of time.
Sieg speaks, "Why does this always bother me?"
Beware the open red carpet, for it is lined with the teeth of fate.
There it was again. Not the words, but the voices of the demon spirits that speak them. They are bound by the chains of holy light, never to be freed.
Sieg remains on the edge of his bed. All he wants is to be home at the colony, but there is no home for Sieg anymore. The colony is no more, but is that the truth? Is what John means to say the reality of it?
He is surprised when John himself enters the chamber. He stops a few feet away from Sieg and simply stands there, as if waiting for something unexpected. Sieg looks up at his weary face and asks, "John, is it true, what you meant to say about my home colony?"
"I never told you anything about it. Why do you question it?"
Sieg replies softly, "I could hear it in your voice. You didn't want to tell me because you knew it would be hard to understand."
John looks down at the floor, then at all sides of the chamber. It would appear he is trying to look at anything but Sieg's face. He is quiet for a moment.
In the end, he avoids the immediate truth once more. "I cannot simply tell you; I can't just describe it in words. You must see it with your own eyes. Only then will you fully understand what has led you here."
Sieg nods, hoping that perhaps he will understand. No hope enters his body. John approaches the cot and sits down. Sieg gazes at the floor as John looks skyward. "I know this is hard for you. I wish there was something more I could do, but..."
Sieg interjects, "I want to know what has happened to Erusia. I want the truth."
John sighs. " I can only take you there. You must realize the truth. Nobody can do it for you."
"Then take me there."
John senses impatience in Sieg's words. "When all this is over, I will take you to see what it is you are destined to understand."
Sieg says nothing. John, having said enough for the time being, rises and walks towards the door. He opens it and is about to exit when Sieg whispers, "When this is over...I will understand. But what sacrifice must I make?"
Perhaps he knows too much. There is little he must understand, but simply much he must know. So many questions...all he needs are the answers. Then he will realize he understands.
John pretends he does not hear Sieg and continues out the door, worry on his mind.
The door to the bridge slides open as John approaches it. With a faint hiss, it closes gently behind him. An officer salutes him as he takes his position, then says, "Sir, we are awaiting your order, sir."
John stands at the control panel, then replies, "Set course for Harvest Moon."
"Harvest Moon, confirmed."
Then he adds in a soft, quiet voice, "Time is short."
Sieg opens his eyes to be greeted by the ominous figure he has seen before. Once more, he embraces the circumstances he has time and time again. There is no sight, only mind. Actions are generated by the thoughts and nothing more. The body is in stasis, vital signs failing.
The figure now wears a jeweled crown over her long, braided hair. The crown bears another translucent cloth and flows down her backside and goes beyond her bare feet. "You...why do I see you every time I close my eyes?"
The figure replies, "You are a curious one. Could it be that perhaps we have a connection?"
Sieg is quick to reply, "A connection? I believe you are merely a dream. You resemble nothing more."
The figure glares at him. She sits upon a great and majestic throne, covered in blooming vines and translucent cloths of glowing, vibrant colors. "A dream, you say? I am insulted."
"Are you the one behind all this? The one who is constantly within my thoughts and dreams, sending me these messages?"
The figure laughs heartily, her laugh is almost musical. It seems to echo in the emptiness beyond. "No, curious one." She raises her left hand elegantly and gestures towards the floor. Sieg glances down, then again. "It is they, the demons, who are speaking to you."
On the floor is an aged gate, sealed by the holy metals that form it. Below the gate is a vast, seemingly endless chamber filled with the demon spirits of the Ancient times. Up to now, their existence in our time has been considered a myth; merely a fairytale or bedtime story. They moan continuously, as one or in large numbers.
One clawed hand, transparent but bearing a red color, grasps the gate and shouts in agony, "High Priestess, stop this at once! Spare us our savagery, and release us not. We wish not to be a plague upon these new worlds."
The figure turns to Sieg with a smug look on her face. "These demons preceded the Covenant, even the Forerunners. They were of the Ancient times, and now their civilization is ended and their spirits are bound to eternal confinement."
Sieg glares at the figure. "High priestess Ilainos...it is you after all."
The High Priestess continues. "The demons are soon to be under my rule. Before all is done with, they shall be freed again."
The emptiness grows and the blackness consumes Sieg entirely, swallowing him and delivering him to reality.
Sieg sits bolt upright. His breathing is fast and short, and his heart pounds. Beads of sweat run down his face.
"Was that...was that all real?"
Sieg realizes it was a dream, it had to be, but in truth, was it really all that false? Something about it seemed so true, so undeniably real. The High Priestess of the Covenant? Even she, like the demons of the Ancient times, was considered a myth. Nobody had ever known her to truly exist, for her majestic grace was thought to have vanished with the Covenant seven years earlier.
And what of the demon spirits? Although they had indeed existed at one time, their spirits were to have been given to the Fates.
Once more, the mystery behind the Fates was uncovered. Sieg remembers hearing of them, but never anything else. Nobody had explained to him that maybe they were real, but merely another story to keep him entertained.
The Fates were, supposedly, to have arisen the demon spirits quite some time ago. Upon doing this, the demons were supposed to dwell for eternity in the kingdom of the Fates. But surely an endless chamber bound with holy chains and gates was not the kingdom of the Fates.
Sieg lies back down on his cot and greets the night openly, pushing away everything else. For once he understands...
In Light of Destiny Part IV: The Art of War
Date: 16 August 2003, 12:39 AM
Still no light. There remains a vast emptiness that is growing larger. The questions keep coming, whereas the answers stay hidden. He wakes early today, before the ship's power is restored and the vessel is born again.
While it seems pointless, Sieg has chosen to stay awake and simply wait until all comes to life. He checks a clock separate from the main power system that reads four thirty a.m., Harvest Sky time. Military calendar.
Sieg recognizes the name. They must have been passing by planet Harvest Sky, or have been at least fairly close to it. John had explained before that the clocks would change their settings to that of whichever planet they were in closest range with. In this case, that planet is Harvest Sky, one of the sixteen Harvest planets in the Ruin Sector IV galaxy.
Sieg fears sleep now, for contact with the High Priestess is something he would never want again.
This simple thought forms another question: How will the sacred demon spirits, souls of the eternal crypt, be freed? Surely the High Priestess speaks the truth; it is uncommon for the royalty of the Covenant to lie about something of such seriousness and importance. Even so, what in the universe could unlock the gates created by none other than the Fates?
The door slides open, and John walks in. He carries something in his hand, but is apparently waiting to expose it.
Sieg watches John as he sits next to him, facing the outer wall. A large bay window is the door to another world, and Sieg embraces it. John does the same. They gaze out at the black void, in search of something more. "Something on your mind?"
Sieg is slow to reply. "I had this dream," he answers at last. "But it seemed all too real."
John nods. "I think I know what you mean," he says in a gently tone. "Do you want to tell me about it?"
"No, it's nothing. But I do have a question," Sieg answers. "Do you know what the Fates are?"
John seems caught off-guard by the question. His voice gets caught in his throat, and he is forced to clear it before he can say anything. "The Fates...they were once a mighty race. They were what our God would have wanted us, as humans, to be. Intelligent, civilized, and the most wide-spread."
"What became of them?" Sieg asks.
"The demons came and wiped them out. Although they were truly the superior race, the Fates had never been in war. They had no defenses and no knowledge of weaponry. Therefore, they were particularly easy to eliminate."
Sieg ponders this for a moment. Could this explain why the Covenant are intent on releasing the spirits upon humanity? Simply because they were violent and highly advanced? "Why would the demons destroy such a race?"
John stared out the window. The stars cast gentle light upon the floor, giving off a white glow. "Religious belief. The demons were unsatisfied with the Fates' way of life."
"And now what have they become?"
John continues, "The Fates became what they are today. They are the center our universe, our gods under God himself. They are something all races have a belief in. Once the demons all perished in a great civil war, their spirits were captured by the Fates and were sentenced to eternal confinement in the depths of the Underworld. Even with such a cruel punishment, the demons were never all that ruthless like we believe. They were something of a more imperfect prediction of how humanity would be eons later.
Sieg stares at the floor. He is quiet, with thoughts flowing into his mind.
He sees it now. The Covenant wish to destroy humanity, and it is the demons that will do it for them. That is what they seek. By unleashing the demons, the Covenant will have given birth to a weapons of unstoppable power. But, how would they free the spirits from the depths? No mortal could do such a thing as to defy a race of the Ancient times and free what they have guarded for so long.
And what was it I didn't say? Truth be denied, lies be upheld. See that light, it holds your destiny. Your fate has chosen this path for you, but now you must choose how much further you go from here. A sound...where are you?
The truth...where are you?
We are among those of the Ancient times, and our blood flows through your veins. You, a human, are the last of our mortal existence. The future of our reign is in your hands, as we have no more control over the Covenant. They, as a rebellious race, have no purpose. They seek to write their own lives, and push fate aside. Such an action can put life itself off-balance. Not to say that we have no control over our lives, but that sooner or later, our story meets the end we have subconsciously desired all our lives.
Whether the demons are freed or not, only a descendant of the Fates can hope to defy their plague. The wielder of the Holy Blade, a Keeper of the Realms.
Sieg's eyes snap wide open. He sputters, then regains composure.
John questions, a hint of worry in his voice, "Is something wrong?"
"No...no, I'm fine."
Sieg then turned away from John, pondering the message. Another set of words, these containing more truth than the last. A message from the Fates, prayers be heard.
The demons seem desperate, and the Fates appear in need. In a dream, Sieg recalls a single demon protesting in agony. The demons don't wish to be freed, for if they are they know that they will fall under the control of someone who desires the extinction of humanity.
Soon, they will all understand the true art of war. As human resistance cripples, the inevitable final assault will ultimately reveal the weaker side. Casualties will be great, and losses will mount.
This war would end differently. In many ways it would end the same, but still differently. In most human wars, the final battle leaves the greatest amount dead, while delivering the greatest amount of destruction. World War II, for example, left hundreds of thousands dead, annihilated two Japanese cities, and left hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians dead as well. Women, children, workers, soldiers, artists, scientists, nurses, mothers, and fathers. All of them, each a tribute to humanity in their own way, murdered. Of course, war is a necessary evil. According to our ability to look back and make a better decision, flattening two cities and falsely blaming an entire religion for a previous loss isn't the best way to solve a problem.
We didn't have much of a choice. War leaves one option: Kill or be killed. Destroy the enemy, and destroy their followers. Sacrifice them to save your own. Get it done, no matter the cost.
So much truth in it. The art of war beholds so much of the reality, generally because the history behind humanity is riddled with wars and conflict, protests and activists acts. A race of imperfection, but what out there is perfect? Perfection is actually a quaint idea; a myth of the ages. For centuries, people and races alike have tried to be perfect. Even the Fates, the ultimate race, were not perfect. And it is this impossible state of being that has led to the Covenant's biggest mistake. In their quest to be the greatest known race, they have taken a wrong turn down the road.
John walks away and heads to the bridge, leaving Sieg by himself. They seem to be humanity's only hope; a legendary Spartan and one who descends from the Fates. One who is destined to become the savior of the demons, the one who frees the souls of the Ancient times.
In a short, yet simple statement, the purpose of Sieg can be defined as follows, "A soul warrior of Ancient blood; a descendant of the Fates. Behold thy grace, and bow to thy presence.
And so the final assault draws near. Humanity's future rests on final victory, and our fate depends on the outcome.
Sieg realizes this. He knows what it will take, and sees what he must do to fulfill his purpose.
In Light of Destiny Part V: Reine
Date: 19 August 2003, 1:54 AM
The breeze is rough. Reine's hair is lifted from her shoulders and blown to one side, strands of it crossing her face. She sits atop a large, grassy cliff, her favorite place to be when times are bad.
A waterfall roars nearby, sending mist in all directions. The water is soothing, for it takes her mind off everything else. Her eyes are closed.
Time draws short. She stands up and gazes out over the small lake one last time, taking in the tranquility of the moment. Then she turns.
A trail of smoke rockets towards the ground off in the distance, close to where the colonies are. A blinding flash of light, an angry fireball, and the deafening sound of an explosion.
The force rips past Reine and knocks her off the cliff. She falls, off balance, and strikes the water. She watches, just before hitting the surface, as the cliff she once sat on is blown apart. Rocks fall from the sky, pounding the surface of the lake.
Reine, however, manages to reach the shore. Without glancing backwards, she rushes back towards the city.
Another bomb lands in the middle of a skyscraper. In seconds, the center portion of the tower erupts in flames. The structure collapses on itself, resulting in a billowing cloud of smoke that consumes the streets.
Bursts of gunfire fill the air. Despite the best efforts to defend the city, torpedo after torpedo lands on the surface of the planet, destroying everything that stands. Screams of agony begin to replace the gunfire as buildings and living quarters are obliterated.
Reine reaches the city, just as a distant object falls from the sky. It disappears beyond the horizon for a split second.
Yes. The time has finally come. Destiny is at hand.
The explosion starts out small and grows to become something greater than any force known to exist. All remaining structures are ripped from the ground and instantly vaporized, disintegrating into dust. The ground is force downward, forming an enormous crater in place of the city. Whatever remains collapses into the expanding crater and is swallowed.
The light expands outward and soaks everything in white...
Silence now. The world is dark and cold. There is no sound, only the distant screams of the souls lost.
The wind begins to kick up. Sand and dirt rush past her, growing thinner as it drifts through the air. The fantasy is real.
There needs not be logic in everything. Some questions are better left unanswered. There is no vision anymore. Sight ceases to present itself.
Reine slowly rises to her knees. Her hair, once long and well kept, hangs over her dirty face. Her clothes are brutally shredded and torn. Her legs are scarred from rocks that have been tossed through the air. And then there is sound.
A sound...where are you?
The wind increases. Small pebbles are easily picked up and tossed away. Reine opens her eyes once more, but sees nothing. All is black around her. At first she gasps, confusion clouds her mind. And then there is a gentle warmth pressing against her back.
She turns and is instantly blinded by numerous lights. The white intensity fills her eyes; her mind screams in throbbing agony. From her knees she drops to the ground, desperately shielding her face. The wind grows stronger, her hair and clothes whipping against the air. The lights lower to the ground, as if a part of a larger craft of some kind. The lights come to a stop just above the landscape.
And then there are figures. They seem ominous at first, but as they move in and out of the light, their shadows seem more kind. All at once they grab hold of her and lift her away from the desolate grounds.
Her first instinct is to fight, to fight against them and free herself, but her lack of energy has greatly weakened her movements. She allows them to take her away, up a noisy ramp and within the craft. There, she is delivered to a chamber, a chamber just as dark as the world outside. They quickly lay her down on something soft, a bed of sorts, and quickly begin to attend to whatever needs she has. Bandages are supplied to protect her leg wounds and her clothes are replaced with new, clean garments.
Small mechanical arms, each wrapped in multi-colored wires, lower from the ceiling and open up to expose small lasers on the tips of each arm. The lasers activate and begin scanning her face and hair.
"What...what are you doing?"
One of the nurses turns and dismisses the other officers, who in turn rush out of the room and head out for more survivors. Then she replies in a soft voice, "The lasers are scanning your face for deeper, smaller scars that we can't find on our own. They're also destroying the fibers in your hair that are keeping it tangled."
Reine tries to lift her arm, but seems entirely unable to do so. Her soul seems confined to deeper regions of her own body.
"My arm..."
"We injected a fluid into your bloodstream that will check for viruses and diseases and will let us know after a while. Once we know what is inside you, we can easily get rid of it."
Reine would have continued on, if the nurse insisted, "Please. Rest now. All answers will come in due time."
Reine stays silent now. But within her thoughts she senses a strange connection with someone else, someone closer than she could have known otherwise. It would seem that it would have been someone in the same area, maybe in the same room. But she is quick to dismiss this idea as she almost immediately drifts into sleep.
Sieg wakes. For some reason, an odd feeling inside him has grown larger and more intense. He recognizes this feeling as what he believed to be his inner spirit, the side of his soul that yearned to escape and be unleashed. It was this feeling, this force, that would lead to Sieg's full potential being unveiled.
Something, someone, has been brought close to Sieg, which has fueled his spirit to a new height. He feels more energized than earlier before, but still somewhat dazed and tired. It will now require more strength than ever before to contain his inner mystery.
Again, the window. It possesses a doorway to another world, a world of mysterious qualities while at the same time having features of a world too familiar. But the place is like nothing Sieg has seen before. Another strange connection, perhaps?
And this person, who might he or she be? What tie do they have with Sieg? It is another survivor, clearly, but they seem to be the answer to all his questions.
A sound...where are you?
There. A small sign of connection. This person has heard the words before, but obviously dismisses them without thought. So many words...how does one not ask of their meaning?
Sleep now. Tomorrow is another day. Sieg drops the subject and gently greets the night.
"You have been a fool, curious one."
A voice...where are you?
"I stand before you. You have done nothing to avoid this."
There is mere darkness, and a voice. One of a familiar sort, as if one he has heard before. Yes, he recognizes this voice. It is that of High Priestess Ilainos, her majestic grace. But there is someone else here too, another figure. Another ominous voice.
This new voice speaks, "You are of an ignorant race, human. What is it you seek?"
Sieg manages to reply after struggling with his own voice for a period of time. "I seek the truth. Who are you and what is it you want with me?"
High Priestess Ilainos responds, "You have spoken your will before the High Priest himself. Have you no respect?"
Sieg looks up and stares at the void that stretches beyond his reach. The High Priest of the Covenant, another mythical figure. He too was believed to have died with the entire race itself seven years before.
Now that Sieg is looking ahead rather than down, the High Priest is able to get a look at his face. A grunt of surprise echoes.
"This human...something about him isn't normal..."
After a few moments of silence, the High Priest states, "He is no ordinary human. There is an undeniable strength in his eyes, in his words themselves. He speaks with such confidence and power, and seems defiant to all who oppose him. Only once have I encountered something like him, for his spirit is that of the Ancient times, and his soul flows purely through his body. His veins run deep with the blood of knowledge, and he contains a strength like nothing else."
Sieg seems confused now, his befuddlement mounting. Surely this figure, thought to have been a lie for years, does not speak the truth. A spirit of the Ancient times? A human was not suited for such an honor.
Ilainos questions, "A spirit of the Ancient times? But a mere human could not have been gifted with such grace. Only a perfected being is worthy of a title as grand as that."
"I am sure of it. There is something about him that resembles an archaic soldier, one who is destined to come through to full victory in the end. I assure you, we must be careful. Someone like him could be the answer to all questions in the universe, and if I am correct, he will be the one who ends our dynasty."
Sieg persists. "What is it you want with me?"
The High Priest replies, "We want nothing with you. It is the combined prayers of the demon spirits and those of the Fates that have come to you. They seek your strength, for there is something about you that they are certain will set them free."
"Then why do you continue to come to me?"
"We desire to know if their prayers have been answered. If so, then your head will be wanted by many alike."
And with these words, they turn away.
In Light of Destiny Part VI: Within Range
Date: 30 August 2003, 6:02 PM
Another day.
Eyes open, light is brought in. Warmth, life, awakening. John is there, waiting for Sieg to wake. As he does, the dreams end and reality creeps in. As Sieg sits up, John speaks, "It's about time."
The door to the bridge hisses open. John, with Sieg behind him, walks through and quickly takes his position at the control panel.
"Sir, awaiting your order, sir."
John activates the hologram panel as he replies softly, "We set course for Titan III. Alert all resistance forces, and have them ready for deployment in six hours. All preparations locked."
"Preparations confirmed. All transports are loaded and ready for launch. Titan III, confirmed."
Sieg watches several officers rush around the bridge, monitoring hologram panels and data screens. He turns to John and asks, "Where are we going?"
John continues to watch the control panel. Flashes of information appear and then disappear as quickly as they came. "We're going to launch a rescue squad once we get to Titan III."
"Another conflict?"
John nods. "We got a few reports of gunfire within some of the cities on the surface. We're supposed to investigate."
From nowhere, there is suddenly a great silence. The bridge, John, and all the officers vanish for a moment, and time slows to a standstill. Sieg is taken aback as a glowing light takes the shape of a mysterious figure. The figure bears the image of a woman, a woman of the Ancient royalty. Long, translucent robes, each of them shifting into an array of color, flow from her headdress and grace her feet. She wears a golden crown, one decorated with jewels and stones. Her eyes glow a vibrant blue, and dark blue hair rests gently on her shoulders as well as hangs to her waist. At her side is a sheathed sword, the hilt bearing beautiful stones with archaic symbols.
Behind her is a vast body of water with a grand tree, a tree centuries in age, rising from the center. Large rocks, rocks that appear to be glass, lay on the bottom and give off warmth and gentle color.
"The Ancient descendant of Siegfried of Baoshan Sky, we meet at last." Her voice is kind and welcoming, but Sieg keeps his distance.
"I don't understand..."
"You," the woman continues, "are the beholder of life, the elite warrior of the Fates, and ancient tale. What is it you do not understand?"
Sieg shakes his head as he glances at the ground beneath his feet. "I just...don't..."
The woman steps forward. "I imagine that your truth is hard to find. Only when you fight for what you believe in will the reality present itself. Your spirit within must wake."
"But how?"
"The ones dearest to you are what feed your purest energy. Having them nearby or in your thoughts is what causes that energy to grow. Surely you knew this."
No answer. Sieg tries to wake up, but as he already knew, this was all real. "Why me? Why not John? Or anybody else?"
The woman replies immediately, "John-117, your human soldier of the next generation, has had his fate fulfilled. His purpose was to defend humankind and resist the Covenant climb towards domination. And he succeeded in this quest because he knew what it would take. He understood his destiny and he accepted it, took it in and used it to become what he once was. Now he has grown weaker and his spirit is fading. Once the energy he used to possess vanishes, the great soul he contained years ago will escape, leaving him a shell of his former self. And, unfortunately, when this happens, the vanishing of his spirit will drain his life force. Thus, he will die."
Sieg's eyes open wide. A sharp pain of terror jolts his body, then quickly fades. His heart rate increases. "No...that can't happen."
"I dislike being the bearer of bad news, but it is an unstoppable fact. There is no mortal way to overcome what cannot be resisted."
"You're lying...I don't believe it."
"Whether or not you believe in what I say is what will determine the outcome of your own life. Accepting what is the truth will give you the strength to vanquish your enemy. But to deny it will only result in your own death..."
And then she was gone.
Sieg blinks. John stares attentively at the control panel, making small corrections in data patterns. The other officers are there as well, going about their business as usual. Sieg's breathing is short and quick, and beads of sweat run down his face. The woman is gone now, her image no longer present. The waters, and the great tree that grew from the center are also gone, only present in his memory.
"We're here. Find a good area to take her down, then make sure we haven't been found. Keep all security forces on alert, and make sure they're ready for deployment."
"Yes, sir."
John watches the control panel for a few more moments, then turns and walks away. He glances at Sieg, then continues on his way. It is as if he knows what Sieg has come to understand, and does not want the fact of the matter to discourage him. Now is the time to prove his potential.
The vessel rocks gently as it lands on the desolate landscape. Titan III was a rough planet, much like that of Mars. Water was scarce and crops easily perished. There was but one city on the planet, Libertania. The city was the center of trade in the area, thus making it an economically alive place. Something, however, had decided that it was the perfect target for an attack, not to mention a great place to disguise an entire fleet of warships.
The loading ramp slams onto the ground, kicking up clouds of dirt. Five surface transports are deployed, each holding twenty soldiers. Sieg was among them, now clad in battle armor with an assault rifle across his lap. The weapon gleams with lethality; slick and deadly. The transports speed away from the vessel and towards the city, prepared to take on whatever may await them.
An alarm suddenly bursts to life, blaring a continuous wail that shattered the tranquility of the control center. A hologram panel appeared in a flash of static, revealing five clouds of dust rising from the ground, just outside the city. The clouds grew closer and closer to the outer perimeter, giving off hints that a small invasion was in progress.
A single figure atop a throne glares at the hologram panel, then called out, "The humans haven't learned yet. Kill them all."
Upon this order, several ground weapons rise from under the surface. They line the outer perimeter, the first in the city's new line of defense. Cannon barrels extend from below large, armored caps. They lock on to the targets, then remain still. Smaller pieces of armor rise up from the base of the weapons, further protecting the guns from attack. Then, with the last preparations complete, the cannons wait for their victims.
Sieg clutches his weapon nervously as they neared the city limits. In the distance, there was the quiet sound of a weapon, possibly heavy artillery, firing a projectile. Sieg quickly catches on, but it is too late.
The shell rips through the air without the slightest warning. The ten-ton weapon easily tears into the framework of the closest transport to Sieg's. The transport is instantly obliterated, a rising fireball triumphantly claiming the vehicle.
The call goes out: "We got one down! Repeat, one transport is down! Requesting backup immediately!"
The urgency in those words flows through Sieg like his own blood. His hand grips his weapon with growing intensity, nervousness getting the better of him. He glances over at John, who calls into the cockpit, "Separate! I want everyone to separate!"
The order goes out and gradually all the transports break formation and grow further and further away. The defense weapons continue firing, unloading shell after shell into the distance. Another transport goes up in flames just in front of Sieg's own vehicle. The impact rocked the frame of the transport, throwing several soldiers into the middle aisle.
"Keep going! Don't slow down!"
The pilot turns, revealing his masked face. He calls out, "Sir, we won't make it to the outer perimeter. Requesting to pull back."
A look of frustration crosses John's face. It was easy to tell that he had not planned for any defenses to line the city's perimeter. "Denied. Push forward. We don't stop until we're there."
The pilot sighs, then turns around. Shells continued to pound landscape around them, tossing the transport about like a toy. "We have a visual on the target. Sixteen surface cannons along the outer perimeter, confirmed."
The pilot relayed this through the radio, allowing the Vaskana to respond. As the remaining vehicles continue towards the city, the vessel slowly comes to life. The loading ramp closes and the cruiser lifts off the ground, dust rising from beneath the engine thrust. In seconds, the vessel rose from the barren landscape and roared east, towards the city.
Another shell rocks the frame of the transport, rattling the windows and pounding Sieg's senses like a toy drum. He grimaces, his head throbbing in agony. The transport throws Sieg into the middle of a rough ride as it strike the crater formed by the detonating shell.
Now that we're within range, what have we gotten ourselves into?
Time is the essence. The pilot knows that they will not reach the desperate soldiers in time. No, it wasn't possible. Even at full throttle, the vessel wasn't fast enough to arrive at the city perimeter before the men were mercilessly slaughtered. Still, they pressed on, pushing the engines to new heights. But they knew, in one too many ways, that it was already too late.
In Light of Destiny Part VII: The Savior Within
Date: 4 September 2003, 1:51 AM
No, it is never too late. Time holds its own, and a human must learn to take advantage of it. The passing hand of time must be stopped. For a soldier, every second is more than precious. Each minute may hold a hidden truth, a new fate. A new destiny.
Human soldiers pay no or little attention to this fact. They are trained in hardcore situations and taught to never slow down, to take that step backward, to glance over their own shoulder at what they may be leaving behind before they press forward into the fray of war.
Sieg, as a newly discovered soldier, still must understand this. As a descendant of the Fates, his destiny will stay hidden and clouded in trouble until that one second he desires comes. And, within that second, a new warrior will be born. A new savior. The inner spirit will be awakened, and it will flow through his veins like his own blood. The answer to all questions will be provided, and the task of all time will be handed down. Whether or not the soldier accepts this depends on the soul. Those around him place their trust in his heart and their lives in his hands because of what they believe.
The truth...where are you?
Who was this woman, this figure, that takes Sieg seriously and warns him of the distant future? A spirit...someone new. Ancient royalty, placing their belief in a human?
It seems foolish, really. So much depends on Sieg, and yet he feels no connection with the Fates. An enigma arises. And so he presses onward, hoping to one day unlock the secrets he holds inside.
Another transport goes up in flames. With every passing second Sieg grows more and more anxious, his heart rate increasing rapidly. A sound...where are you?
The truth...where are you?
No time for questions. The moment of needing action is now. And when the savior is awakened again, nothing will oppose it. The spirit is a mighty force, and no human should contain it. Unleash the energy, and it will reveal your destiny. The savior within must be reborn.
"Ten seconds!"
The voice makes no contact with Sieg. He is lost, bewildered in his own world. His eyes capture the moment, but he hears nothing. The other soldiers seem to move in slow motion, as if caught in a time warp.
Only in desperation for the lives of those you love is the human heart at its strongest.
There it was. The words...so much earlier had the words even made their mark on Sieg's inner soul. Now they have returned, perhaps because Sieg has forgotten the desperation of the demon's fates, of the universe itself. In his own blindness he has let go of everything important and only considered the fate of himself, a lowly human, dragged into this because of origin.
Sieg looks at John, who is trying to make sense of everything. He shouts orders to his men and to the pilots, hoping for some miracle. John...so much of his spirit has been lost, and yet he does not tell anyone. But Sieg knows, and he feels mixed emotions about the problem.
Anger...for John's denial.
Sorrow...for John's coming fate.
Pity...for John's inability to speak of his destiny.
So much rests on Sieg now. Save humanity, save John, save the men who are about to perish, and save those that could not be saved before. And then it all comes together.
"Get down!"
This time, the shout connects. A shell tears through the frontal portion of the transport and explodes, a burst of angry, roaring flames ripping through the cockpit. The shouts of the pilots drain with their lives as the intensity of the weapon claims them. The weight of the shell has forced the transport into the ground, headfirst. It strikes a ridge and flips, tossed through the air like a toy. And then it lands hard on the ground, crushing the frame and whatever else that wasn't protected by the rollcage. Every window bursts, glass fragments flying in every direction. Sieg feels nothing.
The soldiers that were not held by the restraints are thrown forward and down into the frame. The ones who were held by the restraints are thrown down as well; the harnesses are ripped to shreds at the pressure points. Dust billows into the vehicle through the window openings, covering everything in dirt.
And then, with a final groan, the transport comes to a rough stop. One by one, the soldiers who survived the wreck rise to their knees. Sieg, still conscious, rises as well. He feels a sharp sting of pain in his arm, and notices that he has a deep gash almost the length of his hand. Quickly, he removes a shred of cloth from his clothing and wraps the wound in would-be gauze bandaging. He then picks up his weapon and looks for the nearest exit. The rear hatch is jammed, which proves to be a problem. The only other way out would be to crawl through the foot-wide opening near the cockpit. Long, thin metal bars protrude from all directions, making the choice even more difficult.
Sieg glances through the opening, checking for any enemies that may lie in wait. There seems to be nothing, but then one particular shape catches Sieg's eye. He finds himself staring at the distant form of a cannon barrel. It seems to glare down at him, ready to unleash death upon him and everyone else at any second. Suddenly, he is grabbed by a hand and dragged from the vehicle just as the cannon goes off and ends the transport and the soldiers inside.
The hand throws Sieg to the ground as another shell screams overhead, missing Sieg by inches. An explosion follows, and then a rush of wind and dust covers Sieg's unprotected body.
And then there was a greater rush of air, this time from a large craft. Sieg glances upward as the Vaskana glides overhead. It seems impossible, even at the last and most desperate moments these warriors risk everything for one another. Time slows and all else around Sieg begins to rapidly decrease in speed. The Vaskana gently drifts by and gradually takes out the defenses, as Marines charge the perimeter and open fire on everything. Sieg feels strange all at once, a new emotion running through his body.
These men...they don't care what it takes to get it done. Even for the smallest of reasons they fight to protect, and furthermore they are willing to die for its safety. There is nothing that they wish for, other than to serve their nation, their people, and hope to build a greater future for them all.
Tears well up in Sieg's eyes. He rises and leaps forward, as if to reach out to the others. Looks of raw emotion are carved into their faces, and they seem undaunted by the inevitable. At this point, Sieg throws aside all else and calls out to them, no longer able to bear the sight.
"Stop it...just stop. Make it all end. I can't stand it anymore...no, I can't bear the sight of it..."
But nothing bars their path. This is what they have chosen to do, and it is what they will die for if necessary, if destiny calls for it. And so they continue to fight in a rage, letting their soul take over and force them onward. Sieg, tears streaming down his face, watches them as they fall, one after the other. Their piercing screams fill the air, and yet the others surge forward. Explosions begin taking form along the perimeter. All of this is happening because of Sieg. Simply because he exists, and at the same time because they believe in something that he cannot understand.
It was all too much. Something about it drove through Sieg's heart, piercing his soul and finally pushing him over the edge. His knees buckle and he falls to the ground, his gentle and silent cries being all he can hear. Everything else fades away, images taking over. Countless lives are sacrificed, and here stands Sieg, the bearer of witness.
If he could he would stop it, stop everything and just end the story here. But he knows he cannot do such a thing, for it is fate that has chosen this story for him. To end it now would be letting everyone down, and denying the prisoners their deserved freedoms. In this state of mind he realizes what life is like when you are willing to give it up. He sees so much more clearly now, and understands that he can never just end the story when he so desires.
Cry of the soldier, tears of eternal pains. Truth, death, and reality. Lies and hidden realms. Rise, for you hold the key to life itself.
Sieg cannot hold it back anymore. In the center of all chaos he cries, and holds nothing back. Even as he pleads for the protection of all those he has come to respect, he can only watch as the prayers are faint and never heard, and the soldiers perish one by one.
John approaches. A hand, one that belongs to a creature of being and contains so much grief, lands on his shoulder. "I know what you see out there. I'm sorry...I'm sorry that it's so hard to understand, so difficult to witness. I felt the same thing so long ago. And now to see someone who cannot let it go...it's strange."
Sieg accepts the embrace. To know that someone else outside his own world can understand what he feels is a welcoming thought. Yet, at the same time, he feels oddly responsible.
"Your men...they're dying out there. Aren't you going to protect them?"
John gazes ahead, his face bearing a confident appearance. "I wish I could, but they are the ones who are protecting you. This is what they are willing to die for."
Sieg, too, looks ahead. The soldiers continue to battle the opposition, each of them praying that their sacrifice will help make a difference in Sieg's future.
"But...what about you? Won't you..."
John doesn't reply. Sieg instantly realizes what he has questioned, and even John himself sees that Sieg understands. It is just as the lone figure had told him: John is a once legendary spirit that has now begun to fade away. And now he too will die. John smiles weakly and steps forward, his rifle lifted and ready.
"Come on now. It is that time."
John leaves Sieg behind, knowing that it will take time for him to begin the journey to full understanding. It is a journey that he alone will have to make. John knows he can only take him so far, and from there Sieg will be on his own.
Gaze back, back to where you once knew. That light grows brighter now, just as your soul does. Feel that warmth, feel that energy? Your spirit grows, and it will not stop until it is freed.
Sieg rises. Through the radio he hears a static call, probably from the vessel.
"Sir, we're just outside the uptown ruins. We'll hold position here until you arrive. Copy? Over."
And then there is no response at first, but gradually the silence is broken as John's voice comes to life. "Copy. Uptown ruins, confirmed. We'll meet you there. Over."
"Yes, sir. Let us know if you need backup. Over."
And so the transmission between forces is lost. The radio signal cuts out just as the final reply comes through. Sieg, now ready to continue, lets his rifle hang down his side as he trudges forward towards the city perimeter.
Blackness. Emptiness abroad. A figure stands before her, a gentle light glowing from within its body. Long, flowing robes of translucent cloths grace the figure's body and eventually drift to the floor. The robes constantly change colors as they seem to burst with energy. The eyes burn a flawless white, an icy gaze of the beholder. This figure, unlike most Sieg has seen, carries a jeweled staff with grand metals forming the high point. They twist within one another and eventually join at the tip where the part once more, just enough to bear a beautiful, carved stone of emerald.
This figure is no ominous, for her eyes are the welcoming look of peace and gentleness, and her presence strikes fear in the hearts of the heartless. She gazes down upon the weakened body of Reine, the human girl who appears fascinated by the embrace.
"I sense something in you, Reine. Another human soul, filled with grief but formed of light."
Reine seems emotionless, even as the figure speaks her name. She feels as if this person has known her all along, and that they have been close before. The truth...where are you?
"Do not speak, Reine. I know what you're thinking. Save words for later, for now you must listen."
Reine does as she is so calmly instructed. She rises to her feet and waits, patiently, for the woman to continue.
"You don't know why you're here. And that, for the moment, is how things should remain. Why you are here and what has happened to you is not important. The present is of little worth at this small point in time. What matters now is what lies ahead of you. Your destiny is at hand, and now is the time for you to accept what is yours and to fulfill your purpose."
And now the truth shows itself. The way it is brought forward reminds Reine of a small child, one that is shy and cannot show himself whenever he desires to do so. Only when his mother takes him by the hand and introduces his face does he feel recognized.
The figure steps forward. "I cannot tell you enough now," she whispers as she raises a hand and gracefully places it on Reine's face. "Our time here draws short. It will be better if you see things for yourself. But bear in mind that you have a purpose, a destiny to fulfill. A savior to become..."
"She's awake."
A voice...where are you?
"Yes. She's recovered. But how?"
Reine listens but does not reply. By the sound of their tone, she guesses that her life was on the line before now. She knows she is not strong enough to pull out of something serious. She is not a warrior, nor is she strong. Little does she know, however, that this small piece of her life will change very soon.
The sun, holding a precious warmth, gently lowers beyond the horizon. The skies turn red along the distance and the stars can be seen directly above. A cool breeze breathes against Reine as she watches the peaceful day surrender to the night. Her hair is gently cast into the wind, as is her loose clothing. Below the rising hill there is the city ruins, remnants of old glory and past sacrifice.
Nearby, there is the faint and soothing sound of the ocean as her waves break against the shore. The sound instantly reminds Reine of home, and tears begin to stream down her face. She closes her eyes, but yet the tears continue to escape and roll down her cheeks. And she stands there, her memories flowing through her mind.
Gentle is the sound of peace. The savior within is born...