
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Hidden Index by Travis Knight

Index of Acsension part 1
Date: 26 February 2005, 4:13 PM

As i walked to the base that held new Lieutenant, I noticed for the first time how dirty the air around looked. The Arch to the left and right had taknen on a look of the garbage dumps on earth.
And hold, far out younder in what seemed like an infinite of space between the Arch and I, i saw a puple strobing light. I saw it, and I condemmed it. Yelling for it, I called to arms for my find, my company readying their fire arms. As the luminous object loomed closer, it was made known that it was a failing banshee, and we were to hold our fire. To me, it was an amazement that such a thing could fly, having only one antigrav pod, a capapace smashed to one side, and no tail fins. Whoever had flewn this far with out stopping to repair had been desprate. It began to fall out of the air at a deadly speed. At the rate of its decent, it would have missed the landing strip entirely. But, at the last minute, thelone antigrav pod that boosted, and sent it into a barrel roll thatjust cleared the cliff.
The Lieutenant sent a squad of us, I included, to go check it out. We slowly and cautiously approach, not knowing what to expect. As we crept up, and out staggered a Spartan, but hisarmor was ruined, gone in some places.
Spartans had been known for their determination, but this was far beyond theyre dicipline, I thought. He was bleeding, burned, cut and his armor was basicly blown off. in his hand, he clutched a single green T. I knew what it was. It was the index. He fell, and i tried to catch him, but i was crushed under the weight of him. it took nearly all of the squad to lift him. I picked up the Index as an after thought,and was surprised. For the size of it, it was unnaturally heavy, and warm. It vibrated and clicked and hummed in my hand. As I turned to walk away, I thought I saw a large ripple in the clouds, but upon second look, I didnt catch glimpse of it. I didnt think of it again until it was nealy on top of us.
The ripple in the air shimmered, and a whole squadron of fully 10 banshees screamed over us, shooting their plasma. I saw a friend take up his Launcher to defend us, but only got one shot off as the plasma slithered a deadly trail over him, boiling him inside his armor. The newly arrived spartan couldnt help us, but we out numbered them 2 to one. I screamed in the rage of watcing a squad mate be scorched to death. I desparation, I leapt up, and grasped on of the stubby "wings" that protruded off the banshee. I climed up on it, and tore the carapace open. I threw the inhabitant out and into the void, and settled in. I pulled up, and quickly learned the controls. I quickly took out the three unsespecting banshees that were pestering the base. The others took heed, and landed their banshees before a devastating plasma mortar could end theyre precious lives. They formed at the other end. A few Spartans broke formation, but were halted by the keen organization of the Elites. They had one problem. They were bunched. Amistake they would never make again, when Private Feelies rocket hit the group. Wen it did, only one survived. And on further interrigation, he hoped off the side of the island.
We knew what this meant. We were in trouble, and in the fight, our company had been nearly decimated, only 5 of us remained. We had a Spartan who could help-ifhewasnt dead already, and no way of reaching Command becaues a crashing Kamikaze banshee had taken out our Satlink.
But the real problem lay in the knowlege that they would be back- and in larger numbers.
As we cleaned up the dead and broken, The arch seemed to glow, almost like a slipspace rupture, but that would be impossibe. The gravity repulsion from the rupture would tear the ring to peices. I dismssed the thought. We had to repair the station and commit our dead to the grave. The only upside to this was, although sick, we could use parts from our fallen commrades armour to replace broken peices of our own and the new comers.

To Be Continued
Next Part 2- Library Card

Please tell me what you think via email or AIM (Assassin Trav)
