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Halo The Battle for Reach by Juble
Halo The Battle for Reach
Date: 2 August 2006, 10:29 pm
The Battle For Reach
Sixth Cycle, 27 units (Covenant Battle Calender)/
Aboard Cruiser, Relentless Fury, in Slipspace en route to human planet, Reach.
Sub-Commander Onho 'Nibamee gazed around the interior of the command deck of the Relentless Fury. Relentless Fury, a fitting name for this starship. It was the second biggest ship in the Covenant, with an unimaginable amount of plasma weapons and troops. The ship was basically a moving armada.
Onho heard doors open and knew what it was. His assistant, Kayak, has finally returned. "Excellency, I have returned." the worn-out Grunt said, panting. "About time." Onho said. He had sent Kayak out eleven cycles ago. "I apoligize, Excellency. I got lost." Not a suprise. The ship was bigger than a city.
"The Prophet brings good tidings." Kayak said, still trying to catch his breath. "Did he agree?" Kayak finally stood up all the way. "Yes. He said the plan will go as you recommended." Onho faced the Grunt completley now, his spotless gold armor shining from the lights up above. "Excellent. Did Zeta say anything?"
"Yes. He approved your idea and persuaded the Prophet it would work." Zeta 'Zakuree. The Ship Master of the Relentless Fury. Zeta was a character. No one on board has seen him not in his hover-chair, which is strange for an Elite, the hover-chairs are usually only favored by Prophets. Zeta also always seemed calm, no matter the situation. Onho personally looked up to Zeta quite a bit. He was especially glad when Zeta gave him control of the Relenless Fury until he got back.
"Did Deception give any standards?" Kayak looked exhausted. "No Excellencey. Only to be sure it works." Onho looked the Grunt in the eyes. Something was wrong. The Prophet of Deception always had his own little thing to add to a plan. Something that made Onho utterly despise the Prophet. "Are you sure?" Kayak sounded like he was sobbing. "Y-yes, Excellency."
"Okay. Kayak." Kayak looked up with a worried look. "You may take a break. We'll be leaving slipspace soon, so rest up, eat up, and stock up on methane. That's an order." Kayak stood looking like he had just traversed the Great Journey. "May the Forerunners bless you excellency!" Kayak let out alittle squeek followed by laughing and took off running. "If only he were always that quick", Onho said to himself.
Task Manager Kayak was overzealous. He finally had a chance to sit down and rest after a long day of work. Kayak hated his job, he'd turn in his white armor for red again anytime. Not only did he have to do the usual Grunt work, but also the Grunt work for his master. Both were very tiring. All in all Kayak gets about half a cycle of sleep a day.
There were alot of Covenant in the halls on the way to the Grunt corridoors. He nearly bumped right into a scarlet Elite. The Elite sensed the motion and turned around."What are you doing, Grunt?" the Elite barked. Kayak quickly shot to the ground, "Forgive me, Excellency. I haven't had food, or rest in quite a while, I'm alittle off focus and-" The Elite raised his hand as a meaning of silence. "Enough." The Elite began walking away. "Your just wasting my break period." The Elite said, slightly looking over his soldier. Kayak stood and took off yet again.
Halfway there he was tripped by some Jackals, but Kayak didn't have time for this. He already had a run in with someone, he didn't want more time consumed. So he stood and ran past them, listening to their decisive laughs.
After a long time of running he was at the resting area at long last. As he stepped in a crew of Grunts came out past him. He sat in the airlock wondering whether to eat, or just go right to sleep. Once he got into the main area he discarded his armor and mask and took a seat next to a methane tube. No Grunt really cared much for the rations, they were awful, so Kayak decided to sleep first, eat later. It didn't take long for him to curl up into a ball and pass out.
Onho 'Nibamee was about to ask a question to one of the Elites at the controls when the doors opened yet again. Onho looked over and quickly dropped down and lowered his eyes. "Holy Prophet of Deception, I welcome you to the command deck.
The Prophet of Deception wore a maroon colored robe, with shining black outlines. His head piece stood out unlike any other Prophets, it had dark black crystals decorating the outside and black trims on the tips. Deception seemed to harbor everything evil. The High Prophets of Truth, Mercy, and Regret will refuse to even be in the same room as him.
Deception bothered everyone in the room. It could of been his dark red eyes, the cold rumors that go everywhere with him, or the way he talks of evils in the Covenant religion. He said that the Flood are an incredible species, that we should worship as much as the Holy Forerunners. Or the way he talks of the demons. He calls them noble, great warriors, worthy of joining the Covenant. Something he has no right to say infront of soldiers like Zeta, who carries a scar from the top of his eye to the end of his half-missing shoulder.
"What do I owe the honor this time, Holy Prophet?" Deception looked down at the Elite. "Rise, Onho 'Nibamee." a calm voice said behind the Prophet. Zeta floated out on his chair behind the Prophet. Onho got to his feet, wondering why both of them were here. The Prophet looked over his shoulder to Zeta, then to Onho. "Your Grunt came to the council room with a plan made by you, correct?"
"Yes, Holy One." The Prophet floated closer. "I liked the way it sounded. But I thought I'd come to you to talk about it." "I knew it." Onho thought to himself. "Very well. Where do you see fault in it?" Onho asked.
"Your boarding idea. Why board the human stations when we can just disable them?""Disable?" Onho was now enterested in the Prophets plan. "Yes. According to our reports, these, 'Orbital MAC Guns' have a fusion reactor on the planets surface. Instead of boarding these stations, we go on the surface and destroy the fusion cores. That will cause these MAC cannons to be nothing but floating debre."
Onho liked the idea, but it had one problem. "Holy Prophet, what if we are unable to destroy this, 'Fusion Core'. If I can recommend, we send a quarter of the men on boarding parties to the human stations, and the rest go groundside to disable the fusion generator. That way we are sure one will work." The Prophet sat back and rubbed his chin, obviously putting seriouse thought into it. "Very well. We split the soldiers. In five cycles I want the entire ship ready for combat." Deception replied.
"Prophet, I don't believe you're in control of this ship." Zeta said, in a calm voice. The Prophet glared at him, gritting his teeth in disgust. Then made his way out of the command deck. Zeta floated to the center of the room. "Onho, I suppose everything is going okay" Onho faced him, "Yes, Excellency. To my knowledge everything is in perfect running position." Zeta looked out the main view screen. Nothing but bent light. Onho personally hated slipspace jumps. Too much could go wrong. What if the coordinates were wrong? What if there is a reactor failing? What if they came out next to a black hole? Too much.
"As to be expected." Zeta announced. "You've done well, Onho. I'm sure you'll soon be in my position as Ship Master at any time." Onho respected the comment. "Thank you excellency, it's good to hear that from someone like you." Zeta reached over to his dismembered shoulder. "Have you heard about this planet?"
Onho was startled at the question. "Only that it is a heavily guarded one, and there is Forerunner evidence there, sir." Zeta's hand dropped, "According to reports, this is the planet where the Demons were forged into warriors." Onho raised his head in supprise. "I'm sure there will be many Demons here." Onho's heart suddenly skipped a beat in fear. "But don't fear. As you can see they are strong, but not invincible." he said as he felt the scar on his face. Zeta turned to face Onho.
"Sir, do you think we can do this. Finish the mission." Zeta's mandibles broke into a small smile."It took everything I had to kill the Demon I did. But that was before I was a Ship Master. I'm now more experienced, as is everyone else. We are ready for this assault. We will win." Onho looked Zeta dead in the eyes. "You must truely be blessed by the Gods." Onho announced. Zeta turned around. "You may leave. You'll need the rest. Get as much you can." Onho bowed and turned on his heels. On the way to the door, Zeta said one last thing."Do not believe this will be easy. As much as the rest of the Covenant won't openly admit it, I will. The humans are anything but weak. Prepare for the fight of your life. It could be your last."
Onho left and took it all into deep concideration. He went to sleep on the thought. His dream began noble. He was leading an attack on a human structure, destroying the entire human forces. Until a Demon arrived, and killed everyone, including Onho 'Nibamee.
Halo The Battle For Reach Prologue version 2
Date: 8 August 2006, 2:57 am
The Battle For Reach
Sixth Cycle, 27 units (Covenant Battle Calender)/
Aboard Cruiser, Relentless Fury, in Slipspace en route to human planet, Reach.
Sub-Commander Onho 'Nibamee gazed around the interior of the command deck of the Relentless Fury. Relentless Fury, a fitting name for this starship. It was the second biggest ship in the Covenant, with an unimaginable amount of plasma weapons and troops. The ship was basically a moving armada.
Onho heard doors open and knew what it was. His assistant, Kayak, has finally returned. "Excellency, I have returned." the worn-out Grunt said, panting.
"About time." Onho said. He had sent Kayak out eleven cycles ago.
"I apoligize, Excellency. I got lost." Not a suprise. The ship was bigger than a city. "The Prophet brings good tidings." Kayak said, still trying to catch his breath.
"Did he agree?" Onho asked.
Kayak finally stood up all the way. "Yes. He said the plan will go as you recommended." Onho faced the Grunt completley now, his spotless gold armor shining from the lights up above the Elite.
"Excellent. Did Zeta say anything?"
"Yes. He approved your idea and persuaded the Prophet it would work."
Zeta 'Zakuree. The Ship Master of the Relentless Fury. Zeta was a character; brilliant, cunning, and a great warrior. No one on board has seen him not in his gravity throne, which is strange for an Elite, the thrones are usually only favored by Prophets. Zeta also always seemed calm, no matter the situation. Onho personally looked up to Zeta quite a bit. He was especially glad when Zeta gave him control of the Relenless Fury until he got back.
"Did Deception give any standards?" Onho continued.
Kayak looked exhausted. "No Excellencey. Only to be sure it works."
Onho looked the Grunt in the eyes. Something was wrong. The Prophet of Deception always had his own little thing to add to a plan. Something that made Onho utterly despise the Prophet. "Are you sure?"
Kayak sounded like he was sobbing. "Y-yes, Excellency."
"Okay. Kayak."
Kayak looked up with a worried look.
"You may take a break. We'll be leaving slipspace soon, so rest up, eat up, and stock up on methane. That's an order."
Kayak stood looking like he had just traversed the Great Journey. "May the Forerunners bless you excellency!" Kayak let out alittle squeek followed by laughing and took off running.
"If only he were always that quick", Onho said to himself.
Task Manager Kayak was overzealous. He finally had a chance to sit down and rest after a long day of work. Kayak hated his job, he'd turn in his white armor for red again anytime. Not only did he have to do the usual Grunt work, but also the Grunt work for his master. Both were very tiring. All in all Kayak gets about half a cycle of sleep a day.
There were alot of Covenant in the halls on the way to the Grunt corridoors. He nearly bumped right into a scarlet Elite. The Elite sensed the motion and turned around.
"What are you doing, Grunt?" the Elite barked.
Kayak quickly shot to the ground, "Forgive me, Excellency. I haven't had food, or rest in quite a while, I'm alittle off focus and-"
The Elite raised his hand as a meaning of silence. "Enough." The Elite began walking away. "Your just wasting my break period." The Elite said, slightly looking over his shoulder. Kayak stood and took off yet again.
Halfway there he was tripped by some Jackals, but Kayak didn't have time for this. He already had a run in with someone, he didn't want more time consumed. So he stood and ran past them, listening to their decisive laughs.
After a long time of running he was at the resting area at long last. As he stepped in a crew of Grunts came out past him. He sat in the airlock wondering whether to eat, or just go right to sleep. Once he got into the main area he discarded his armor and mask and took a seat next to a methane tube.
No Grunt really cared much for the rations, they were awful, so Kayak decided to sleep first, eat later. It didn't take long for him to curl up into a ball and pass out.
Onho 'Nibamee was about to ask a question to one of the Elites at the controls when the doors opened yet again. Onho looked over and quickly dropped down and lowered his eyes.
"Holy Prophet of Deception, I welcome you to the command deck."
The Prophet of Deception wore a maroon colored robe, with shining black outlines. His head piece stood out unlike any other Prophets, it had dark black crystals decorating the outside and black trims on the tips. Deception seemed to harbor everything evil. The High Prophets of Truth, Mercy, and Regret will refuse to even be in the same room as him.
Deception bothered everyone on the Command Deck. It could of been his dark red eyes, the cold rumors that go everywhere with him, or the way he talks of evils in the Covenant religion.
He said that the Flood are an incredible species, that we should worship as much as the Holy Forerunners. Or the way he talks of the demons. He calls them noble, great warriors, worthy of joining the Covenant. Something he has no right to say infront of soldiers like Zeta, who carries a scar from the top of his eye to the end of his half-missing shoulder.
"What do I owe the honor this time, Holy Prophet?" Onho said, still averting his eyes.
Deception looked down at the Elite.
"Rise, Onho 'Nibamee." a calm voice said behind the Prophet. Zeta floated out on his throne behind the Prophet.
Onho got to his feet, wondering why both of them were here.
The Prophet looked over his shoulder to Zeta, then to Onho. "Your Grunt came to the council room with a plan made by you, correct?"
"Yes, Holy One." Onho answered.
The Prophet floated closer. "I liked the way it sounded. But I thought I'd come to you to talk about it."
"I knew it." Onho thought to himself. "Very well. Where do you see fault in it?" Onho asked.
"Your boarding idea. Why board the human stations when we can just disable them?" Deception said, raising a fist.
"Disable?" Onho was now enterested in the Prophets plan.
"Yes. According to our reports, these, 'Orbital MAC Guns' have a fusion reactor on the planets surface. Instead of boarding these stations, we go on the surface and destroy the fusion cores. That will cause these MAC cannons to be nothing but floating debre."
Onho liked the idea, but it had one problem. "Holy Prophet, what if we are unable to destroy this, 'Fusion Core'. If I can recommend, we send a quarter of the soldiers on boarding parties to the human stations, and the rest go groundside to disable the fusion generator. That way we are sure one will work."
The Prophet sat back and rubbed his chin, obviously putting seriouse thought into it. "Very well. We split the soldiers. In five cycles I want the entire ship ready for combat." Deception replied.
"Prophet, I don't believe you're in control of this ship." Zeta said, in a calm voice. The Prophet glared at him, gritting his teeth in disgust. Then made his way out of the command deck. Zeta floated to the center of the room.
"Onho, I suppose everything is going okay?"
Onho faced him, "Yes, Excellency. To my knowledge everything is in perfect running position."
Zeta looked out the main view screen. Nothing but bent light.
Onho personally hated slipspace jumps. Too much could go wrong. What if the coordinates were wrong? What if there is a reactor failing? What if they came out next to a black hole? Too much.
"As to be expected." Zeta announced. "You've done well, Onho. I'm sure you'll soon be in my position as Ship Master at any time."
Onho respected the comment. "Thank you Excellency, it's good to hear that from someone like you."
Zeta reached over to his dismembered shoulder. "Have you heard about this planet?"
Onho was startled at the question. "Only that it is a heavily guarded one, and there is Forerunner evidence there, sir."
Zeta's hand dropped, "According to reports, this is the planet where the Demons were forged into warriors."
Onho raised his head in supprise.
"I'm sure there will be many Demons here." Zeta announced.
Onho's heart suddenly skipped a beat.
"But don't fear. As you can see they are strong, but not invincible." he said as he felt the scar on his face. Zeta turned to face Onho.
"Sir, do you think we can do this. Finish the mission."
Zeta's mandibles broke into a small smile."It took everything I had to kill the Demon I did. But that was before I was a Ship Master. I'm now more experienced, as is everyone else. We are ready for this assault. We will win."
Onho looked Zeta dead in the eyes. "You must truely be blessed by the Gods." Onho announced.
Zeta turned around. "You may leave. You'll need the rest. Get as much you can."
Onho bowed and turned on his heels.
On the way to the door, Zeta said one last thing."Do not believe this will be easy. As much as the rest of the Covenant won't openly admit it, I will. The humans are anything but weak. Prepare for the fight of your life. It could be your last."
Onho left and took it all into deep concideration. He went to sleep on the thought. His dream began noble. He was leading an attack on a human structure, destroying the entire human forces. Until a Demon arrived, and killed everyone, including Onho 'Nibamee