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Fan Fiction

Halo Heaven: The Story of the Surviving Spartan IIs by Justin Harrison, Halo Heaven

Halo Heaven: Chapter 1: The Story of the Surviving Spartan IIs
Date: 20 March 2004, 4:26 PM

Halo Heaven RPG

The Story of the Surviving Spartan II's


1630 Hours (Standard Military Time)
Sidewinder Base in the Azura Mountain Range
Sir Cloud, Spartan II of the base

Name: Sir Cloud
Age: 21
Weapons: Laser sword, Battle rifle, and a S-10 Sniper rifle
Birth date: 18/9/1981
Armor color: Black
Base: Sidewinder
A.I name: Cortana

      Sir Cloud was standing on his lone base in the lonely Azura mountain range of Sidewinder. He was one of the few Spartan II's, that hadn't been cryo-genetically frozen after the war. It had been approximately one year since the destruction of Halo. It had only been mere months since the Earth had conquered the Covenant from taking Earth, the human's home world. Sir Cloud had been assigned to this base after Earth had rebuilt and didn't need the Spartan II's anymore.

      Sir Cloud was one of the strongest Spartan-II'S but he stayed in his base, mainly relaxing. There hadn't been a Covenant attack in almost 2 months, which Sir Cloud was happy for the rest.

      Sir Cloud was standing at the opening smoking a cigar. His helmet lie beside him and the armory weapon station on the back wall. He looked out the massive opening, seeing snow falling and a dark miserable background.

      Sir Cloud was happy that he had made it through this war. UNSC and Earth had lost half of its population from continuous battles and UNSC had lost more than two thirds of all its ships.
      He had been daydreaming about past battles and the people that had dies in the war when suddenly a Spartan-II from his team ran up to him.

"Sir Cloud we're under attack! Our air patrols are being attacked by Covenant Seraphs. Four Covenant cruisers have just dropped out of slip space and are preparing drop ships!"

      Sir Cloud walked over to the stand-up armory and took a modified S-12 sniper off the rack. He scoped to 10x and saw the tones of purple alien hull of Covenant drop ships unloading. Sir Cloud started shouting out orders.
"Staff Sergeant Smith I want the bases marines in tactical position 4. Get the Warthogs and Scorpion Battle Tanks. COM's I want you to call UNSC High Command, tell them we are under Attack. He went to the armory and grabbed a battle rifle and 10 extra clips of ammunition. He loaded a clip and pulled one into the chamber with a satisfying 'Click'. He grabbed 4 fragmentation grenades and looked over his base.

Chapter 1
2050 Hours
Sidewinder Base in the Azura Mountain Range
Base Under Attack by the Covenant
"What the hell is the Covenant doing here, at SIDEWINDER BASE of all places?" Sir Cloud said.
"I'm not sure. I just hope that they're not going to strike earth." Cortana replied.
"Well let's hope not. Get into positions!" He yelled.
      One of the other Spartans ran up to the top floor of the base and sniped. Barrat and me got into the warthog, I had the 50 mm chain gun with Barrat driving and the other Spartan II, Red, in the passenger seat. He accelerated next to the drop ships, while Sir Cloud blasted the drop ships with the LAAG gun on the back of the warthog.
      The drop ships started coming faster and harder with more experienced troops. Red sniped out of the large window in the base, overlooking the battle site at the oncoming Covenant. He needed to stay hidden so Barrat and me were trying out best to keep the Covenant away from his position. He got a head shot on an Elite that was about to take Sir Clouds head off. Blood sprayed across the white snow and on top of Sir Cloud.
      The once white snow had now become purple and runny with bodies strewn over it. The Spartan II's had just taken them down and no one was injured yet, but maybe the covenant will succeed next time!
"Haven't had a battle in ages." Said Barrat as he loaded a clip of shredder rounds into the gun. "I'm just getting warmed up!"
      Sidewinder base was under serious Covenant fire. Twenty more drop ships unloaded 20 Covenant Elites and Jackals with Vehicles dropping from the drop ships under side.
      The Warthog had Sir Cloud and Barrat in it with a marine in the passenger seat getting the Covenant too close for the LAAG gun. Barrat fired off 500 rounds per minute ripping the Elites and Jackals in a spray of blood. Red sniped out the elites in ghosts at the top opening of the base. Four Hunters that had just been unloaded caught site of him in the base. They fired up towards his position. Red saw and gave 1 final shot at a hunter. It harmlessly bounced off his armor. Red dove toward the back of the base but was hit with the fuel rod guns. Red was blown backwards into the wall. His position had a puddle of blood that splattered down the side of the base.

"SHIT!" Red grabbed his side in pain. He was bleeding badly. He filled his wound with bio-foam and past out.

"Take the front Elites out marines!" Sir Cloud shouted as he blasted the back line of Elites with the LAAG gun. He could see more and more drop ships on the horizon it didn't look good.
      Barrat had been replaced in the Warthog with a marine driving Sir Cloud. He replaced a bloody marine from another Warthog's LAAG gun and reloaded its ammunition. He locked back the bolt and pushed a round into its chamber. He let loose rounds per second ripping the Elites with its armor piercing rounds. The Elites shields flared and dropped as the rounds penetrated the shields and took the creatures down.

      Ten-drop ships unloaded grunts. The Elites commonly used Grunts as cannon fodder, running them into a battle to weaken the enemy's position, by the thousands.

"Shields low!" Barrat said. He was hit by glass shards from a needler and fell from the passenger seat and dropped his AR.

"Take him in Smith." Cloud shouted over roaring plasma fire. Staff Sergeant Smith grabbed him and ran towards the base. He got their with mild plasma damage to himself and was patching Barrat up just as a UNSC Pelican came and unloaded six marines fresh marines. One was a Sergeant named Johnson. He gave orders to his men and ran to the top of the base. He took out his S-12 Sniper rifle and scanned the battlefield. He started shooting from there.

"Marines hustle!" Johnson yelled out. His marines got aboard 2 Warthogs and started pummeling the Grunts and Elites. The remaining marines gave supporting fire with Sir Cloud's remaining marines.
      Sir Cloud's driver swerved into a group of Grunts taking the unfortunate few out by the vehicles large wheels. AR fire ripped through the weak grunts armor leaving bloody purple smears where they fell. Barrat was badly hurt. He was lying against the wall on the top of the base with Sergeant Johnson. He had his Battle rifle lying next to him and was using a Sniper rifle to take out targets on the ground. Sir Cloud had got out of the Warthog and was engaged with the Covenant on the ground. He was backing up the marines taking the Elites down and letting the marines get the smaller targets. Then 5-drop ships came and unloaded Spec-ops on the battlefield. Red had came to by then and was standing next to Sir Cloud.

"Shit, Red use your sniper. I will take these Spec-Ops" Sir Cloud jumped down bringing his shotgun to bear. He pumped a 3.5" shell into the chamber of the gun. He blasted a spec-op in the face, blowing his face apart. A marine was hit by plasma fire, which burnt though his armor, which started smoking.

"I'm frying!!" Said the helpless marine. He burnt alive in his suit to death. The other marines saw this and didn't want to come to that fait. They tried harder controlling their fire and working together to bring down bigger opponents.

"One down Sergeant, couple hundred to go!" The gunner cheered as he ripped through grunts and elites, bringing them to a blue bloody death. The Jackals started using their shields to cover the Brutes and Elites. Marines fire helplessly at them. The bullets just ricocheted off the advanced shield system the Covenant had.

"Brutes!! AHH!" A marine shouted as a Brute charged through his using the spikes on the end of his gun to gore the marine through the stomach.
      Red set up a LAAG gun turret at the top of the base. Barrat climbed into the seat. He couldn't do much now that he was wounded. He started firing from the base taking down the front line and anything that got in the guns way.
      The Spec-ops made a bloody mess out of two marines. They where turned to mangled corpses. Sir Cloud saw this and gave an order to pull his men back.
"Marines, pull back to the base. On the double!" Sir Cloud started working backwards blowing 12 brutes with his shotgun. He left a trail of dead bodies and purple blood back to the base. A drop ship dropped off a M808B Scorpion MBT Tank. The drop ship lifted off again, using its 50mm chin gun to blanket the battlefield with fire.
      The drop ship pilot radioed in, "Kick some ass with that tank, Sir!" Sir Cloud intended to do just as the pilot said. He got in the tank and targeted the far away Wraiths. He let off two shots leaving 2 Wraiths burning. He turned to see a Brute force tearing up some marines with their large spike blade on their arms and on the end of their fuel rod cannon. He blasted away the brutes in two shots leaving a smoldering ground where they were.
      Sir cloud blew them away with the 90mm HV rocket from the Scorpion. Blood covered the front of the sidewinder base, both purple and red. Cortana gave out instructions for a decent battle plan. The warthog's gunner aimed at the Elites as they tried to advance forward and shoot plasma but the gun was way to powerful for them. Red sniped the grunts with Needlers and the Jackals with their powerful shields.
      Barrat with the LAAG gun took out down a few hunters and made a runny mush out of the elites. One of the Hunters that were left saw his Blood brother die. He yelled something in his own language and charged. He reached its top speed and hit the warthog in its side. Sir Cloud couldn't risk a shot. The warthog did several flips and landed upside down. Barrat was thrown from it and lost his weapon. A marine was crushed under the Warthog. The remaining marine stood firing at it. Barrat tried to tell him to get out of the way but it wasn't enough. The Hunter hit him with its massive shield and probably broke every bone in the marine's body. Red took his sniper and fired 3 shots at it. One of the shots went through its orange flesh in its lower back where the armor plates gapped. It fell down screaming in Covenant language.
      A wraith sent a plasma bomb aimed up into the top of the base.
"RED MOVE!" Yelled Sir Cloud
      Red couldn't go backwards so he jumped from the top of the base. The plasma bomb impacted the base and sent him flying through the air. He landed on the ground and rolled. His shield gave a pulse and was gone. He had blood around him and had plasma burns on his suite. Red got up slightly dazed. He was bleeding badly and his armor was black from plasma burns.
"Shit Sir Cloud I'm pretty screwed up now." He mumbled at Sir Cloud.
"Shit! I'm sending someone to get you." Sir Cloud muttered.
      Red was hit by plasma from a Spec Op down below him and was knocked out. Sir Cloud finished off the drop ships with the LAAG gun. The Warthogs rammed over the Elites. Infantry fired at the grunts. They bled all over the ground and their methane suites shot out methane.
"MMRRRRGGGGWWWWWW!!" Screamed the grunts
      They where pummeled by AR fire. Only the Spec-ops where left with a hunter. The hunter blew up the warthog. It flipped over, but Sir Cloud landed on his feet and pulled his rocket launcher out. He sent a rocket-flying square at the Hunter and blew it up in an array of orange blood spraying across the white sky. The ground was multi-colored blood stained. They had lost many marines on the first battle and were going to loose much more. They had to do something before the Covenant struck again.
"You've done well men." Sir Cloud replied. "UNSC High Command thinks that this was just a recon mission by the Covenant. They think that the Covenant is coming back this way intent on the destruction of Earth."

Halo Heaven: Chapter 2: The Story of the Surviving Spartan IIs
Date: 30 March 2004, 2:08 AM

Chapter 2

500 Hours
Sidewinder Base in the Azura Mountain Range
Briefing for the Next Mission

"We have been called upon to take a small rebellious covenant base that ONI recently found. They where the ones who assaulted us." Cortana explained.
      Sir Cloud and Red have taken 20 marines and 4 pelicans to a Covenant base north of the planet. Marines were guarding the newly enforced sidewinder base with warthogs and scorpion tanks. The Spartan-II'S had three warthogs and one scorpion connected to the pelicans underbelly. They flew through space to the short journey to a neighboring Star System. To a planet called Arid.
      In the far horizon they landed their Pelicans and unloaded the marines and vehicles. The Covenant base was a mile away and Master Chief 29 had joined the SPARTAN-II'S and marines for a battle with the covenant. Master Chief 29 had been awoken from being frozen after the battle at Sidewinder.
"Master chief 29, sir! Welcome to the party!" A marine shook his hand
"I'm ready for some damn action!" He replied.
"Let's go!" Sir Cloud said as they geared up on their vehicles and on foot to go to the Covenant fortress. As they got closer they could see the thousands of Covenant that lied ahead of them. The base was the biggest anyone had seen with their own eyes. Usually the UNSC marines were completely destroyed before they set eyes on the base.
      There battle drew closer. The base grew bigger and taller as they got nearer. The base had to be 2 miles across and 3 miles in length, surrounded by a 20-foot shield wall around the base. It had a purple illumination to it like Covenant ships. Their was hundreds of building inside the base, some had to be 5000 feet into the air. There was troop movement everywhere. The base had plasma turrets everywhere overlooking the surrounding area. They where near now. The covenant base was had covenant drop ships and banshees hovering over the base.
      They had 20 Sergeants and marines to stay back with Sniper rifles to help with supporting fire. Red stayed with the snipers. Sir Cloud got into a warthog's gunner seat. He geared up the LAAG gun. Marines took the other seats in the Warthog. They took the lead with 4 Warthogs behind them and 2 M808B Scorpion MBT tank behind that group. Those two tanks held 4 marines each with Rocket Launcher's since the Scorpion tank was susceptible to air-craft fire and fire from right next to it.
      A banshee group spotted them rolling towards the base. Sir Cloud fired at the Banshees that were making an attack run at them.
"SCORPIONS FIRE AT THE BASE!" Yelled Sir Cloud. The scorpions aimed at the defense turrets and fired. Covenant grunts and Elites ran from the falling towers that once held the turrets. One of the defense turrets was hit and did 4 flips before hitting a grunt and smashing it. The turrets opened fire at the incoming Warthogs and Scorpions. A marine was hit and burned alive. Snipers targeted the leader Elites in gold and black and started firing. Skulls crushed to the ground spilling out guts and gore over the battlefield. Marines tackled the weaker forces, Grunts and Jackals. The Scorpion tanks blew at the defenses leaving them defenseless and the SPARTAN-II'S taking out Elites, Hunters, and Brutes. Master Chief 29 with his Battle Rifle ripped through a brute and landed a grenade onto a grunt.
"HELP ME!" Squeaked the Grunt before it blew up.
      Sir Cloud was hit by plasma fire, but just gripped the LAAG gun harder and blew open an Elites stomach sending guts and gore flying. Cloud jumped off the Warthog and swiped his laser sword, tearing a Brute through his chest splitting him in half. A few marines had grouped up and where blown up by a plasma grenade. They went flying up on fire by the super-heated plasma. Red sniped like a true assassin. He was taking out the higher priority targets. He took down a Brute that was giving orders and had 5 bodyguards around him. Jackals at the top floors of the main base were guarding the elites with their shields.
      M.c29 ran into the front of the base with his head up in hail of bullets into the Covenants fleshy skulls. It was a blood stained battlefield of Covenant and Marine bodies.
"Sir Cloud, I suggest that you help the tanks." Cortana said.
"Why Cortana?" Sir Cloud asked.
"Because the Covenant is hitting them hard with hunters."
      Sir Cloud looked back from his position and saw that she was right. The tanks were getting bombarded with green plasma from the Hunters. He grabbed his modified S2 AM Sniper Rifle and spotted 4 Hunters that were on the ground. He scoped in 10x, aiming in one of the bastards back. He fired once with the satisfying sight or orange blood spaying out its back before the huge beast fell. The Hunters blood brother wailed at the site of him falling. Sir Cloud put him down in the same manor. The Scorpion tanks had time to regroup and fired into the last two sending them flying 5 feet and hitting the ground leaving a small crater.
      M.C29 was helping the marines battle on foot. The Warthogs were doing there best against the larger Covenant. One Warthog was over turned, rusted, and burning, with its 3 man crew all crippled beside it. Blood was splattered on the ground and dripping of the warthog, which also had a long, black streak of a plasma impact deep in the vehicles structure. M.c29 and sir Cloud had their pistol and sniper rifle out killing more hunters.
      Everything was going good. The battle in front of the place had moved forward, almost all the way to the plasma wall around it. M.c29 was sure that they would be inside the base within no time at all. All of a sudden doors in the plasma wall parted revealing 50 Brutes that ran into the battle with one intention: the destruction of the humans.
      M.c29 got aboard a Ghost and dodged their plasma fire. He returned the favor to them using the Ghosts main cannon to send plasma at them, which made them scatter around. Sir Cloud with his modified laser sword charged in swiping and slashing at the Brutes leaving a purple blood trail in his wake. A bloody mess was everywhere;
bodies were mangled and chopped up by his gallant sword. M.c29 was fighting with a Brute when the spike of another Brutes gun hit him from behind and made his shields flare. He fell forwards and was knocked backwards by the Brute he was fighting. His shields were down now and he was vulnerable. The Brute that was behind him shot him with his arm mounted cannon. He was blown forwards and landed 10 meters from where he once was. Sir Cloud saw M.c29 land in a bloody heap. He felt something he didn't usually feel: HATRED for the Brutes.
      Sir Cloud gripped his laser-sword harder and plunged it through a Brutes chest. It stuck out the back of the Brute, which wailed in aguish. He spun around to face the two Brutes, which had double-teamed M.c29. He came towards them with his laser-sword at the ready. They likewise came towards him. He broke into a run and slashed at ones throat. He gored the nearest one in the heart and twisted his laser-sword into its face. He then turned to the last Brute. He held his gun ready. In two quick strides he tackled the elite to the ground. He pulled his a SMG out and stuck it into its head and pulled the trigger.
      He ran over to M.c29 and lifted his limp body up. He ran back to the Pelican and had a medic treat him for plasma burns. Sir cloud stood in the front medic room with him.
"You alright?" He asked.
"Umm, I think so. It's turning into a bloody battle out there." Cloud nodded to what he said. He took out his laser sword and activated it. He walked around the room swiping it around.
      Red had killed the Jackals, their bodies falling from a great height off the base's high pillars. The marines where winning until a drop ship unloaded more Covenant. It was going to be a busy day for everyone, thought Red.
      Forty-five minutes later M.c29 was ready for battle. Sir Cloud and Master chief 29 got aboard a warthog. The tanks had taken out many wraiths and ghosts but they had lost 5 tanks and only 3 were left. The banshees were taking out vulnerable warthogs and other vehicles with their main fuel rod cannon. Sir Cloud blew a Banshee's front hatch open with his rocket launcher. Its elite body was showing for a second before a sniper shot it and it fell with its banshee crashing to the ground.
      It was a 50/50 chance of winning. The Covenant had lost nearly all their vehicles but the humans had lost a load of marines. The defenses where destroyed and Red was shooting Covenant making runs to plasma turrets. M.c29 and Sir Cloud doubled teamed some Spec-op elites and M.c29 was smashing there spines with the but of his assault rifle while Cloud was fighting them; shooting then mauling them with his gun.
      The Scorpion tanks blew off chunks of the base and debris that crashed around the base, every now and then taking a couple of Covenant with them, while flames came from inside the base.
      Sir cloud drove into the base through a hole that one of the tanks had made, while M.c29 was firing the LAAG on the warthog taking out most of the covenant around them. Blood covered the area splattering in multi-colored patterns. It was beginning to be a bloody war!
"Shit, we need more land troops." Shouted Sir Cloud.
"Hit the base, marines!!" M.c29 shouted.
Cloud pulled out a rocket launcher and blew a wraith to
wreckage. The elite inside blasted out in a purple bloody ray. There was only 13 snipers left, which were blasting at the spec-op Elites in their last fight. Blood splattered across the spec-ops position from the deadly snipers with 30x scope.
      Sir Cloud and M.c29 were taking out the bigger threats; The Elites and Hunters. The marines took the Grunts and Jackals down.
"We need to take out the main force if we're going to succeed!" Cloud said.
"Ok, I will get a squad of marines together!" M.c29 shouted over the roaring gunfire. Sir Cloud and M.c29 moved closer in a Warthog. Three more Warthogs moved in behind them filled with marines. They were going to bring this fortress down or die trying. The marines were the best things they had, down from the Spartans. They moved in through the base heading for the main force.
The grunts were attacking the marines from all around. They were being attacked heavily by the Covenant's plasma fire. M.c29 was sniping the laser sword Elites. Sir Cloud was making quick work of the grunts, while Red was blowing the shit out of the Hunters with his Rocket Launcher. After the Spartan IIs cleared the area they jumped back into the Warthogs and moved on towards the base's interior.
      They checked their ammo as Covenant drop ships landed dropping off more and more Covenant. They were proceeding in the battle with the new threat of Covenant nicely. They had the Scorpion Tanks firing at the oncoming Banshees and 5 Warthogs set up with each of their LAAG guns expending 500 bullets a minute. They all of the sudden, BOOM!
      A massive explosion came from one of the Covenant drop ships and little spores flew through the air towards the marines and Covenant. The Flood dropped down and more Covenant ships exploded showering the area with shrapnel and debris along with the deadly infectious Food spores and the deadly Flood combat forms. The flood started to attack everything that got within range to be hit. Little spores, just bigger than a spider, crawled and jumped around onto Covenant and Humans. Their little legs going fast along the ground trying to get to a host so that they could use their needle-sharp penetrator and plunge it into the hosts cerebrum and turn them into a Flood form. Sir Cloud started firing his Battle Rifle at the oncoming Flood.
"What the hell? It's Flood. How did they get aboard the Covenant ship?" Sir Cloud pointed at the large explosions where flood forms were jumping out of high ships slapping with their long tentacle whips. M.c29 had two combat forms in front of him. They hit him, one after the other, making him fall backwards. He quickly regained his footing and shot the combat forms that had hit him.
"You're all going to die!" He shouted, firing his Battle Rifle, blowing one back. Its mangled body fell into a heap along with another 3 Flood forms. The Covenants base was smoldering and on fire with Flood forms everywhere fighting both, the Humans and the Covenant. The Flood doesn't take prisoners and they don't take sides. It was a huge brawl with no sides and no winners.

Halo Heaven: Chapters 3 & 4: The Story of the Surviving Spartan IIs
Date: 21 April 2004, 12:42 AM

Chapter 3

1050 Hours (Standard Military Time)
Covenant Base
Flood forms, Covenant, and Humans fighting

      The huge vessel poured out with millions of spores and flood.
"Wasn't the flood killed back on the battle of Halo?" Said M.c29
"Maybe 343 Guilty Spark gave the disease again?" Replied Cortana. But at the moment all forces were attacked; the Covenant, Marines, and the SPARTAN-II'S.
      M.c29, Sir Cloud, and Red blew the Flood back with their Battle Rifles and shot the Flood spores. A couple of spores got onto a Marine and shot their penetrators down his spinal cord. He fell to the ground clutching at his throat. A fellow Marine went to him and shot the spores then shot him. There was no saving the infected from the disease.
      They got back into a Warthog with M.c29 as the passenger, Sir Cloud manning the LAAG gun, and Red as driver. Red swung the Warthog into the Flood taking them to a green mush and leaving their mangled bodies behind them. Sir Cloud used his LAAG gun to mow down a few Elites. Their shields quickly blazing in a white flash, until the guns powerful bullets punched through the Elites armor taking it to a bloody, messy death. Flood spores got onto a group of Covenant Grunts leaving them running in circles shooting at each other. Methane came from their suites where the spores penetrated them.
"Get it off me! Get it off me!" Yelled a Grunt.
      It was a twist in the battle; the Covenant couldn't handle both enemies much longer.
"I know this base had more Covenant than this! Why are their no more reinforcements?" Yelled Barrat over the COM channel.
"Sir! Earth is being attacked by the Covenant!" A Marine shouted down
the COM-link.
"Shit!" Sir Cloud shouted. "Marines, we'll finish this base off and then go back to save Earth! The Flood has been released again so it won't be long before they want a piece of OUR base. Lets go!"
Sir Cloud had realized this wasn't the Covenant's main base. The
Covenant where fighting Earth and in some way the flood where helping
kill of the Covenant bastards, but after the SPARTAN-II'S had finished off the Covenant the flood would come for them.
The flood attacked the Covenant base and the Covenant was losing horribly. The Marines fired at the Covenant as the Flood distracted them. The snipers lined up blowing the elites a foot backwards with blood splattering the dead bodies and the Flood bleeding green bloody paste.
"We can't hold on much longer. The Covenant is overpowering us!" Yelled a Marine from Earth.
"We'll be there soon." Sir Cloud replied.

"M.c29 you snipe them while I go up front." Sir Cloud ordered and
got out his Assault Rifle He blew the Flood spores apart as marines were dying from them.
"Arrrgg! The burn!" A marine fell dead. The covenant base was on flames as it was blowing up and debris and rubble were falling around through the air. Loads of dead lumps of guts and gore from the Covenant lie about. The Covenant had lost and now the Flood turned on the Marines and SPARTAN-II'S.
      Marines were being wiped out. Longswords bombed the ground where the Flood was. They were crushed to a runny green pulp. The SPARTAN-II'S and the rest of the Marines mopped up the last of the Flood around the base with Battle Rifle fire and then headed back to the Pelican Drop ships for the ride back to Earth. They planned to save it from the Covenant. They flew in the drop ships to Earth as the marines there were waiting for them in dire need of help.

Chapter 4

1500 hours (Military Standard Time)
Covenant at Earth and Spartan IIs coming in

      On Earth M.c29, Sir Cloud, and Red were trying to save earth.
"Sir Cloud they're dropping off more Covenant troops!" Shouted red.
"Shit!" Shouted Sir Cloud.
"Do we have any more ammo, we better have. We have a long battle ahead of us and I would like to be as prepared as possible." Said Red.
"MARINES, Get over here! How many we got, only 10?............ O, well get over here!"
"Spartans, Marines, check your weapons and get more grenades. Sergeant Johnson if you have to take 3 marines and take as much ammo as you need and blow the shit out of any Covenant that comes within 50 foot of you and your men." Sir Cloud said.
"Sir, yes sir!"
"We WILL save earth from the Covenant! Do this for Earth, do this for yourself!" Sir Cloud shouted.
"SIR, YES SIR!!" The Marines shouted! The Sergeant ran off with his
marines to the top of a building.
      A Pelican dropped a few off for Sir Cloud, M.c29 and Red. They also got more ammo from the pelican that would last them for a while.
"Right; Red and M.c29, you get in a warthog with one Marine and go
around the city securing the outer parameter, killing every Covenant bastard that you see. A few Marines and I will take out the ones that don't feel like coming out from the building to play!" Sir Cloud ordered.
"Sir, yes sir," Red replied. A Warthog pulled up with a Marine as the driver. Red reloaded and checked his rifle and hopped into the passenger seat with M.c29 manning the LAAG gun on the back. Sir Cloud ran off while Red and M.c29 drove off in the Warthog, with dirt kicking up behind the wheels, getting ready to kick some Covenant ass.
      Sir cloud ran past an infirmary with tents propped up and dying marines being treated. The surgery tent was the biggest tent of them all, standing at 20 feet tall and 70 feet wide. It had 4 big red crosses on it with openings in the front, rear, and sides. There were people running in and out of it, Marines being carried on stretchers bleeding everywhere, doctors screaming orders, and shouts of dying victims. Sir Cloud found the scene depressing in a way. He had seen more Marines die on the battlefield than he could remember. It hadn't hardened him over the year, it had hardened them all.
"Come on Marines!" A doctor shouted. A group of 10 Marines ran past them carrying 2 wounded officers. He heard screaming and cries for reinforcements with firing in the background when the groups radio COM Marine ran past.
"Sir Cloud up there, Sergeant Banks is."
"I'll help." Sir Cloud's Marines stayed down on the ground and helped secure the area. Sir Cloud ran up and saw the Sergeant. The area was swarming with Covenant and plasma fire. The Sergeant and his men were pinned down under crates.
"I asked for reinforcements but I didn't expect a SPARTAN-II! Watch out, COVER ME!" He yelled. A strange looking Covenant came out of the lines of Covenant. The Covenant was much smaller with an ornamental crown on his head, which was 2 feet tall, with what looked like strange crystals that emitted a faint glow. It was also suspended in the air by, what appeared to Sir Cloud, to be a floating device. The Covenant took a defensive position and fired a plasma missile towards the Marines position. The missile impacted on the balcony causing a part of it to collapse along with the 2 unfortunate Marines that were ducked behind it.
      The Sergeant ran across the balcony and ducked down as Sir Cloud took up the LAAG gun connected to the side and blasted the retreating Jackals and Grunts. He blew down a wall making it blow into dust as 4 Grunts got pinned under it. They were smashed under the debris and their blood seeped out from under the rubble. The Covenant Prophet came towards him after seeing an Elite get pummeled with lead. He came flying towards Sir Cloud. He moved the gun and fired at the new threat. The bullets chinked off the Prophets armor as it kept coming. A Marine stepped out from his cover and started unloading rounds from his Assault Rifle in the Prophet. The Prophet slashed into his chest making him fall off the balcony. Sir Cloud threw a grenade that blew up under the Covenant. He was sent tumbling into the wall, his hover seat was wrecked and smoldering. Sir Cloud shot the Prophet in the head leaving the Prophet there bleeding. Just before he died, the Prophet said something in their language.
"I believe that the Prophet just said, from my Covenant language database, 'we shall Conqueror the Forerunner brothers. None shall live under Hierophant,' Said Cortana.
"That was weird. That didn't make much sense. The Forerunner are the Ring world builders that the original Master Chief and you discovered after the fall of Reach. How could they be our 'brothers'"?
"I am not sure, maybe the Covenant know more about them than we think!"
      Sir Cloud was ripping up the covenant, but most of his marines were dead. The remaining force had been scattered. Four Elites emerged from their cover and ran at the base,
"Feed through more ammo Sergeant Banks!" He shouted over the roaring gun fire.
"There's no more, ARRGH!!" He jumped back behind the chief, bleeding from his shoulder.
"Damn!" Sir Cloud was pummeled with plasma fire. He ducked down and took the Sergeant's two SMG's. He charged into battle with the Elites. The 3 remaining marines took point behind him with Battle rifles.
"CHARGE!" He pushed forward and fired, blasting down the Covenant shield's making them glow white then blink out. Grunts exploded from the powerful Battle Rifle rounds showering blood and gore over the ground and their bodies landing in mangled positions. Purple blood splattered the floor. M.c29 drove up and Sir Cloud got in.
      M.c29 was in the driver seat of the warthog and had picked up Sir
Cloud. Sir Cloud got into the gunner stand on the back of the Warthog with a marine in the passenger seat with two SMG's.
"Lets run the bastards over! Come on!" Yelled the Private in the passenger seat. M.c29 drove around the streets immediately around the base parameter, shooting the Covenant that was running towards the base. Sir Cloud blasted the shit out of all Covenant until they got to where Red was.
"Let em' have it marines!" Yelled Red as a Covenant drop ship landed 500 meters from the base and unloaded 50 spec-op laser-sword Elites and a squad of 20 Grunts.
"We're trapped, man. We're screwed," Yelled a crewman.
"Get a hold of yourself, Crewman. We will make it though this!" Said Sir Cloud, reassuring the frightened Crewman.
Sir M.c29, Sir Cloud, and Red jumped into the warthog and made a run for hills behind their position.
"Lets get to those hills and get sniping!" Shouted Sir Cloud.
"Aye, aye Sir." Red and Master chief 29 took positions at the end of the town on top of a hill. They could see the Covenant miles away as they grouped up into a tight formation. The Covenant had phantoms unloading brutes and Covenant buses that hovered along with jackals on the sides.
      Sir Cloud and M.c29 skidded to a halt left of Red's and M.c29's positions. They unloaded a LAAG support cannon and Sir Cloud sat on it and gripped the handles.
"COME ON YOU COVIE BASTARDS!" He fired into the open spec-op
Elites. The LAAG chain gun was rattling, with thousands of empty shells falling to the floor every minute. The Covenant was mowed down one-by-one with blood spraying the street ground. M.c29 fired casually with his BR while the remaining grunts fled.
"ARRR, THE BRUTES ARE HERE!" M.c29 ran into one and meleed its back pushing the armored spikes into the Brutes chest. Blood was dripping from the spikes when it fell into the ground, breaking the pavement into pieces under it. After M.C29 killed the Brute he, Sir Cloud, Red and Master Chief 29 moved closer to the Covenant's position. The Covenant spotted them and sent Reinforcements their direction. They slowly killed the Covenant with a bombardment of grenades and rifle fire. The big problem lie ahead of them all that would decide the fate of the battle. They had reports from orbital satellite imagery showing a mass of Covenant slowly making its way toward their position. The problem was that it was a desert between them and the Covenant that was open. The other problem was that the there was at least 2000 Covenant in the group with 20 Ghost's and a back line of 15 Wraiths.
"The Covenant are at the other side of town, deploying troops.
I'll call for marine reinforcements. Let's set up camp, then head there with the reinforcements in the early morning." Sir Cloud explained to the SPARTAN-II'S.
A scout ran up to them.
"SIR!" He saluted, "Covenant forces are proceeding further to our position."
"Shit!" He said!
