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Fan Fiction

Halo 3: War's End by Jonathan Laird

Halo 3:Unrelenting Fury
Date: 4 February 2005, 12:51 AM

D +53:26:37 (Spartan-117 Mission Clock) /
Forerunner Ship Ark, approaching Earth.

After relaying his last transmission to Lord hood, Master Chief realized he was weaponless in the ark with armed covenant. However, Master Chief's CPO Mendez had always said to "rely on your head, not your weapon. A soldier's mind is his most lethal weapon. Weapons cannot strategize, you can." This ship was unlike any John had seen, there were foreign glyphs covering every square inch. They reminded the Master Chief of the ancient Mayan glyphs Deja had shown him on Reach. John stopped a hairbreadth away from a Jackal who began smelling the air, shield activated and plasma pistol charged. As the jackal rounded the corner, John melded into the shadows, preparing to assassinate the vile bird. The Jackal shrieked in horror, as it's last image was the armored demon twisting off his head. John couldn't help remember Sam and their first encounter with a jackal's impenetrable shield. How John wished he could be fighting along his lost brother and the other Spartans. During boot on Reach, John and Sam became inseparable allies. After their augmentations, Sam had become the unit's strongest and toughest warrior. The chief quickly shook off the thought and realized this was no time to reminisce and picked up the fallen pistol. The Spartan used his covert training while traversing the darkened and noiseless corridors. John had no desire to attract every covenant on board just yet. The chief stopped dead in his tracks as an engineer scuttled past, ignoring the massive soldier. John had encountered these harmless, interesting creatures in the past. Covenant engineers had tentacles protruding from their bodies, which separated into fine cilia fibers capable of repair. One even repaired a needler for John while fighting a horde of grunts without his shields. "-ut what of the Demon and his wretched army? He seems immortal and almost equal to our great Arbiter." Donile Natumre said. "Ah brother, we elites posses the same strength and shields as that pathetic insect. He will be no match for us with our new weapons!" Haktunte Kilmannu bellowed. Master Chief realized he had been holding his breath and sighed. This fight would become more difficult with each step he took. The elites John had spied on were battle scarred and wore black spec op armor. John returned to the two grunts he ambushed and checked his inventory. The chief was disappointed with the small arsenal, 5 plasma grenades, 2 plasma pistols, 1 plasma rifle, and a new grunt rifle. The Grunt rifle fired large ballistic rounds like the fuel rod, yet when the rounds impacted they released a large volley of heat seeking-explosive needles. John chose a plasma pistol, plasma rifle, and grunt rifle, which had 3 rounds left. "Time to bring the fight to the covenant." John thought and cycled a needle in the chamber.

0943 Hours (Artificial Ring Halo) October 14, 2552
(Military Calendar) Miranda Keyes

After the ring's blast detonated in space, Miranda Keyes, Sergeant Johnson, and Arbiter ran through the blood stained halls to meet the elite commander. "You know, for a split lip you fight pretty good. Don't think that we're going to forget everything you ugly bastards did!" Sergeant Johnson said while exiting the structure. "I have seen the errors of my prophets and vow to never harm another human. This mark will be bared forever. If you won't forgive me, at least let us fight side by side like brothers." Said the Arbiter as he boarded the transport. Both Johnson and Keyes stood in awe at the architecture of the covenant vehicle. The transport's interior reminded them of a jellyfish's bioluminescence, but with a soft purple iridescence. "Ah Arbiter, I see you vanquished that brute and prevented the ring from firing! Well done. However, we have information that Truth is heading for the human world aboard a forerunner ship. Gather all available soldiers and meet me there." Commander Hatumme said. Miranda Keyes couldn't help notice every covenant soldier bearing into she and Johnson with confusion and contempt. She couldn't blame them. These two species were mortal enemies only days ago. Now they were fighting as allies. "I guess war makes for strange bedfellows" she thought. "Arbiter, we must return to High Charity and search for Master Chief!" Keyes exclaimed. "Ah you refer to the armored one. If the parasite consumed our holy city, he is most likely dead." The arbiter said. "Hold your lips ugly! I know Master Chief is there. Hell he's three times the soldier I am. And I'm God on the battlefield! Let me take some ODST's to search for him." Johnson said. "Alright. But hurry, I doubt you want to remain behind while we rescue Earth." The Arbiter said. Johnson couldn't help feel like the Arbiter and Master Chief were similar. He pushed the thought aside and greeted the group of ODST's.

D+ 13:46:08 Covenant Holy City High Charity Ninth Age of Reclamation October 14, 2552 (Military Calendar) Sergeant A.J. Johnson

"What the hell is this?! We're supposed to save earth with some windbag leading us?!" Specialist Andres Brunton said. "Stow the crap peckerwood! I am Lord here and we're going to get the Chief. Let's hit it!" Johnson shouted. Private Benjamin Wallace felt his insides turn cold as he looked out over the abandoned Covenant city. There was a light mist permeating the city, which had a palpable feeling of death and suffering about it. Reports of Flood infestation had reached every enlisted man's ears and scared them to the core. Many of Ben's friends had become those "things" feasting off the living. "Go! Go! Go! This isn't teatime ladies! Delta formation, follow me. Shoot anything that moves and isn't a hardcore killing Machine!" Johnson yelled. "Hoorah!" the ODST's said in unison. "Hello Sergeant. Glad you decided to keep a lady company." Cortana said. Johnson gaped at the shimmering A.I. Dumbfounded she survived on an infested structure. "Cortana?! Where the hell is Master Chief?! More importantly, what the hell are you doing here?!" Johnson exclaimed. "Spartan-117 is currently on board the Forerunner ship 'Ark' headed for Earth, attempting to impede the covenant's assault. I remained behind to destroy High Charity so the flood wouldn't spread. Using in Amber Clad's generators." Cortana coyly replied. "I'll be Goddamned! The MC is going to take all my kills! Alright, here's the plan. Cortana prepare the ships self destruct while we find a ride out of here." Johnson said. "Mere mortals cannot halt our cleansing. Long have I observed the humans' pitiful existence. You shall become witnesses to the great coming and end of life." Grave mind said. "Cortana what in the name of Eisenhower was that?!" Johnson questioned. "Ah. That would be Grave mind. Leader to the Flood parasite. He has the ability to interfere with electronics and prevent me from infiltrating some security routines. It will be a short ride out of here if he stays alive. I suggest an offensive against this leader. I can activate the plasma turrets through out the city, clearing out as many flood as possible. However, you must take care of Grave mind yourself. I am uploading a city map to you and areas with smallest amount of Flood. Good luck." Cortana said. "Alright Marines you heard the lady. Lets go kill us a giant booger!" Johnson yelled.

D+ 07:12:52 (Spartan-104 Mission clock) / New York City U.S.N.C. High Command outpost Unrelenting Fury, Earth

"Incoming covenant capital ships. Estimate ground force of 5,000 soldiers. Repeat ground force 5,000 strong. Sending reinforcements and armor to your position. Hold that area, will arrive soon. Leviticus 147 out." Fred observed the battle damaged city, marines occupied turrets, warthogs, ghosts, and a few banshees. Other marines ran around carrying weapons and supplies to keep the lines of fire open. Linda was posted in a position Fred could only imagine. Linda had been delivering incredible shots through out each engagement. Every shot seemed to defy physics and logic. Will operated heavy explosives. Using lotus anti-tank mines, Will had created a spider web of death and destruction within an 800-meter radius. Jackhammer launchers lay in strategic positions, so Will could provide a continuous volley of rocket shaped death. A few marines were provided with Jackhammers to destroy any covenant vehicles, which made it through their defenses. Fred used a BR55 battle rifle for long range and an SMG/Magnum combination for close quarters. So far, Fred had held the line and provided the city with an effective barrier. Fred could scarcely believe their luck, he knew the Master Chief had always been lucky but he never had luck like this. As marines ran and took position, Fred could not help feel an overwhelming sense of pride and honor for them. These men lacked the Spartans strength and training, yet time and again they had fought like Fred and his brothers "Would I be the same without my armor and augmentations?" Fred thought. Even though they had been fighting continuously and had little to eat, these marines fought like warrior poets. "They are worthy of being called Spartans and my brother." Fred thought. "Linda what's your status? How are you on ammo?" Fred asked. "Fred everything is fine up here. I have plenty of ammo. I provide some marines with SRS sniper rifles. So far they're doing a good job." Linda said. "Alright, if things get hot, regroup with me down here. That's an order." Fred clicked off his com. Suddenly, the late evening, blood colored clouds parted as hundreds of covenant capital ships appeared. Fred felt his blood turn cool and held his composure for the marines. Private Henry Wilkinson couldn't help shake uncontrollably at the fearful sight. His luck may have held, however he knew he would not see the day's end. "Alright Marines, I'm very proud of you all. Now just keep the lines of fire open. Do not engage until they are within shooting range. Okay, hog-one set the bait and lure them over here." Fred said as he slammed a fresh clip into his rifle.
