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Fan Fiction

Halo:Combat In School by INDUSTRIAL_aVATAR

Halo:Combat in School: Chapter 1
Date: 13 June 2004, 6:00 PM

Note: this may seem boring, but it explains a lot that will follow in the later chapters. Criticism is appreciated, as it helps me to figure out what to put in the next chapter.

Chapter 1; the beginning
It seemed like just another day at Jr. High, but that day was one to remember. 6th Grader Mac Waters was your average nerd, complete with geeky looks and glasses to boot. But today he was almost like the Master Chief in Halo. (Odd, isn't it?)
It started out as another normal day. Mac arrived at school at approximately 0830 hours, Zulu time. He was walking down the yard when he noticed a purple fleck in the distance. "Hey kev, did you see that purple dot in the sky at first?" Mac asked his cousin. "What dot?" "That dot that seemed like a Covenant dropship." "Man, you are obsessed with Halo."
So, after a grueling 1° with Mr. Hank, Mac headed down to gym with Kevin and his other friend Sam. In the Locker room, however, when Mac opened his locker, a MJOLNIR battle suit tumbled out. "Whoa, I must be dreaming!" Mac thought "otherwise I could have sworn that was a suit of MJOLNIR Mark VI armor." Sure enough, it was, and everybody in the locker room came over to check out the commotion.
"Hey Mac, come and check this out!" yelled Kevin! Mac quickly put his suit on-in about 5 minutes, because it came with instructions, and of course a battle rifle with 5 clips and 10 grenades, 5 frags and 5 plasmas-and hurried over. Kevin apparently also had a suit on, and they stared out of the window into 30 Covie dropships, each with a complement of 3 elites, 2 jackals and 5 grunts! "Quick, we have to assemble all of the people who have battle armor and prepare for an attack! Evac all of the people who don't have armor and send them into the cruiser that's-whoa, a cruiser?"
Mac stammered. "Man, life is getting so bizarre."
After he had done a scan of both his lockers to check if he missed anything, Mac quickly slid the data chip from one of his belt pockets of his armor into the data slot in the back of his head. "I can see there is a whole lot of room in here" the AI muttered "By the way, I'm Martin, your AI, and please stand by while I do a full cybernetic implant of al the mechanisms needed for you to function efficiently in the battle armor." "Wait not ye-ahhh!" Mac screamed as the implants were planted into his body. After 3 seconds of intense pain, Mac stood up. He felt the implants doing their jobs-he could just think of doing a back flip, and then he did it!
After a while, Kevin got back with about 5 dozen people behind him. "Status Mac asked?" "We have approximately 65 people in MJOLNIR armor here-about 300 are getting the rest from their lockers right now." "Good. Weapons?" "We have mostly battle rifles-Sam was lucky, he had a sniper rifle and a pistol-and we found 10 SMGs and 50 shotguns in some of the empty lockers, more are being scrounged now. Tom, Alex, Anthony, Danny, Jesse, Edward, and Amy got rocket launchers, and Henry got a chaingun." "Were going to need the chaingun for stationary defense" Mac said "and is everyone evacuated?" "Yes, all civilians are evacuated. "Perfect-round up all of the troops, were going to have a fight on our hands."
30 minutes later, all of the troops (400) were assembled and organized into groups. The 1st Heavy Infantry-"Big Bangs"-consisted of all the people (10) who got Rocket Launchers or chainguns. The Snipers, a.k.a. "Hot Shots" numbered at 5 snipers and 5 spotters, who also helped to guard the snipers. The 6th Scouts, a.k.a. "Assassins" numbered at 20, and the people were armed with pistols and combat knives. The 281st and the 376th airborne divisions, a.k.a. "Backstabbers" and "Diving Hawks" were all-volunteer units, consisting of 4 pilots each for some Pelicans found in the cruiser, and 73 paratroopers each. The Longsword pilots, a.k.a. "Birds of Prey" had 60 pilots, and the last 2 groups, the 2nd infantry and 7th crew consisted of all of the rest. The 2nd were the "Stormtroopers", while the 7th "Vulcans" protected the civilians and flew the cruiser.
As the Covie dropships drew near, everyone grew nervous. Seeing them blast the areas they pass to molten glass was frightening, and kept chipping away at morale. Mac knew that if they were to survive he would have to do something no one has ever done before-lead 400 boys and girls in saving an entire race against the coming onslaught.

To be continued....

Halo:CIS(it was not my idea!) Ch.2
Date: 17 June 2004, 1:54 AM

Note: this series was ENTIRELY my 9 year old cousin's idea. I had no part in creating this (I never should have let him borrow First Strike-it gave him too many ideas)

Chapter 2: the battle of the school
Mac was stressed. He had to lead 400 SPARTAN kids against 3 Covie cruisers and their crews. On top of that, there were 30 dropships inbound from Martin's last scan of the area. "Kevin, do we have any vehicles?" "No Sir, except for a few motorbikes and a warthog, we got nothing." "Aw shit!" yelled Sam, sitting in the ops seat in the cruiser "WE GOT 75 DROPSHIPS INBOUND!!!!"
"GET UP YOU GREEN HORNS, THE COVIES ARE BRINGING YOU YOUR MORNING POP-TART!!!" hollered Danny over the COM. Throughout the cruiser, everybody was getting ready. The 'Birds got into their cockpits and waited for the signal to launch and try and take out as many dropships as possible, while the rest of the kids prepared defenses with textbooks (hey, its better than nothing) and they just waited.
* * *
"GRENADE!!" screamed Mac into his COM as a plasma grenade flew over the fence and blew, creating a 2 foot deep crater in the weak concrete. Then he sprinted toward the jackal that pinned him and his teammates down and smacked him with the butt of his shotgun. Then he tossed a plasma grenade into a pack of golden elites that were charging at him, plasma swords at the ready. It was love at first sight as the blue ball stuck to the lead elite's breastplate, causing him to stop in confusion while the others circled around him. The grenade blew, and bits of golden armor, depleted plasma swords and elite flesh hurled at Mac, who was already drenched in jackal blood. He watched as Kevin hijacked a Ghost piloted by a Brute. He jumped at just the right time, and stuck frag grenade into the brute's mouth, then kicked him off into a pack of grunts hiding behind a piece of armor from a downed dropship. The brute's head exploded, but the shards also impacted into the grunts methane breathers, causing them to blow and burn everything in a 1 foot radius.
* * *
Inside the school building, it wasn't pretty. Sam was leading the Backstabbers in room clearing, and the tight space meant that every square inch was covered in covenant and/or human blood. "Goddammit, toss a freakin' grenade into that room" screamed Sam. A moment later, after the frag grenade had detonated, Sam swept the room with a pair of SMGs. When the dust cleared, Sam's visor was smudged with residue from the grunts' methane breathers and purple blood from a red elite.
* * *
In the air, the Birds were busy taking out the Seraphs that were trying to blast all of the ground troops to hell. Kelly did a double barrel roll and fired 15 110mm rounds into the cockpit of a Seraph shooting at another Longsword. The first 10 rounds punctured the cockpit's strange transparent metal covering and the rest were all essentially headshots into the silver- armored elite. The Seraph almost crashed into a pair of SPARTANs pinning down 5 elites. "Sorry." Kelly pinged over the COM. 2 blue acknowledgement lights winked on, while Kelly fired 1 Shiva nuclear missiles into an incoming phantom. It as a brilliant display of plasma and dead bodies, but Kelly didn't stay to watch the fireworks.
* * *
Back at ground level, the kids were mopping up the rest of the covies. Kevin and Mac captured 2 grunts, an elite, and a jackal. "Report" Mac said to Kevin "We have 30 wounded, nothing serious. No deaths ("Whew" Mac replied) and we have, fortunately, no lost pilots, but 4 fighters were shot down. We managed to take a dropship, and Tom's repaired 2 Seraphs. A couple of Ghosts were hijacked, and that's it." "Send the wounded into the cruiser for treatment-and pull 30 from the 7th to the 2nd."
* * *
Group Master Ika' Nouromee was perplexed-he was engaging an Infidel battle group with his own. Apparently, the disturbance caused buy the Holy Light remains must have tore the fabric of space time, and sent them back to the past, near what he perceived as the Infidels' homeworld. "Send in all the troops we have" he ordered his first officer "and destroy all that is on that world-I want to kill them all before we destroy their planet altogether. And bring me my weapons-I want to have a little fun." As his First Officer left, Ika ordered the engineers to find a way back to the proper time, so that he could be promoted to the High Prophet's bodyguard.

To be continued if my nerdy cousin comes up with any more stupid ideas! !
