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Halo: The Final Fight by Daniel Luiken
Halo: The Final Fight Chapter 1
Date: 10 October 2002, 11:45 pm
1637 September 7, 2552 (Military Calendar) / UNSC Longsword 37, In Flight Around Halo
"Did anybody else make it?" The Master Chief asked as he walked over to a window to look at the destruction. "Scanning." Came Cortana's response. The Master Chief shook his head thinking that there was no way a Marine, or anything else for that matter, could have survived an explosion of that magnitude. He had barely survived and he was a Spartan. "Nothing." Cortana replied. "Nothing survived except dust and echoes. An entire Covenant armada obliterated and the Flood. We did what we had to, for Earth. It's over." "No." The Master Chief corrected. "I think it's just beginning." With that he sat in the pilots seat and removed his helmet to lean back in his seat and take a nap. But before he could close his eyes Cortana asked him. "What should we do now?" "Well," he answered obliviously annoyed. "I guess we should head for the nearest UNSC colony." "If we do that without calling for a transport it would take us around twenty-two hundred seventy-three years to get to within the solar system." "Well that absolutely isn't acceptable." The Chief said more to himself then Cortana then openly he said. "We need a faster way." "Chief, if I might, I have an idea, if we use the engines and the backup system we can send a message to the Omega system and request a pickup. But if we do do that almost all the power will be drained from the Longsword." "What if we get attacked or need to move." The Master Chief asked. "Well after we send the message we won't have enough power to do anything except have heat and air. Everything else will have to slowly recharge which can take up to 2 1/2 hours to recharge within an operating range and another 3 hours to fully recharge." "Approximately how long will it take a ship to get here and pick us up?" The Chief asked. "Umm." Cortana said while calculating it all. After 2 seconds of calculating it she replied. "About 168 hours if the message reaches them and they send a ship right away." "Well okay then," The Master chief said with a slight hint of doubt in his voice. "I guess we have no other choice but to do it." Right after he said to do it there was a slight hum through out the ship and then the lights suddenly got so bright it caused the chief to close his eyes then just as fast as they came on they went off. "Hmm." Said cortana after it was over. "That went better then I thought it would we have more power then I expected us to." "Cortana can you put a recharge timer on the console?" The Chief asked. "Sure." Cortana said. There was a slight pause and then there was a timer right above the control stick.
1656 Hours September 7, 2552 (Military Calendar) / UNSC Abraham Lincoln refueling around Prestige Omega system "Sir." Said Lieutenant David Jacobson, the communication's officer. "We're getting a message from (there was a slight pause then) a Longsword." "So." Said Commander Michael Hubbell clearly annoyed about being told such a meaningless thing about a Longsword. "Send a transport to go pick it up then get back to work." "But sir, this Longsword was with the Pillar of Autumn when it escaped from Reach." Explained Lieutenant David Jacobson. "And Cortana and the Master Chief are on board." "What?" Exclaimed Commander Hubbell "Well in that case I say we go get them ourselves. Lt. Jacobson tell the station to finish up refueling us so we can leave. Also send a message to Prestige HQ and ask them to give us permission to go pick up the Chief. Lt. Kinyo whenever you can put us on a course for the Chief with 100% power to the engines. Rhino give me an estimate on how long it will take us to get to the Chief." "Sir." Reported Lt. Jacobson. "The station says they can finish refueling us in 30 and Prestige HQ gave us the green light to go get the Chief." "Sir." Reported Rhino. "It will take us 32 hours to reach him from now assuming that it will take the station one half hour to finish." "Good people let's go get him." Commented the Commander Commander Hubbell had some time to think on the trip. He may have just been promoted to Commander and just given command of the Abraham Lincoln but his crew trusted him completely and with there lives. He felt that trust would be tested before this war with the Covenant was over.
1734 Hours September 7, 2552 (Military Calendar) / Longsword 37 In Space Around Destroyed Halo
The Chief had been asleep for a few minutes while Cortana waited for the transport we requested. Cortana decided to use what little power the Longsword had after sending the message to activate the long range radar and see if anything was out there. A few minutes after Cortana activated the radar she noticed a small blip on the screen almost too small to worry about, but after examining the blip she decided to wake the Chief. "Chief wake up you might want to see this." Cortana warned "What? What is it?" He said sounding extremely tired. "I could use a nap." "What do you think that is on the radar." After examining the radar screen for a little while he said "I don't know. It probably is just a piece of Halo." "I don't think so it looks like it is moving to fast." "Well then what could it be?" "Impossible." The Chief said. "I think that is the Monitor, how could he have survived that immense explosion?" "I don't know, nothing could have survived." Cortana stated. "This is a new Longsword everything is in perfect condition." She paused and then had a look of horror on her face. "Unless the Flood got on board and scrambled the insides." "Or maybe the Flood emit a small EMP field and my shields protected us." The Chief suggested. "Well," Cortana said. "I guess that is possible. It is a little farfetched though." Before they could say anything more a ship started coming out of slipspace. "What are the Covenant doing here?" Pondered the Chief "It looks like they are picking up the Monitor, see, that Cruiser is opening up it's cargo hold and the Monitor is going in." "But why?" The Chief wanted to know. Suddenly Cortana realized why. "Chief," She said shakily "The Monitor knows about Earth." "What?! How?" "Remember when we were in the Autumn's bridge and I set the self-destruct and the Monitor stopped it and was rambling about the Autumn's data base." "And you didn't stop him!" The Chief yelled "He blocked me out." "We have to do something, can we destroy him before he gets in the Cruiser?" "No, we can't, he is already in the Cruiser and we have to wait until the Longsword recharges. Even if we did have full power we don't have enough weaponry to destroy a single Covenant ship much less two. We'll just have to wait until backup gets here. "I hate it when I can't do anything to help." Complained the chief. "So do I." Agreed Cortana. "So do I."
0250 Hours September 9, 2552 (Military Calendar) / In Space Around Halo
"How long have they just been sitting there!?" Complained the Chief. "32 hours and 28 minutes exactly." Answered Cortana. Right after Cortana said that both the Cruiser and Destroyer turned to face the Longsword and they both fired a Plasma Torpedo and a Pulse Laser directly at the Longsword. The Chief instantly felt a wave of adrenaline wash over him as he reached for the control stick. The Chief grabbed the control stick and pushed the engine to full power and slammed the Longsword left then right barely missing the Pulse Lasers. "Chief," Came Cortana's worried voice. "Those shots melted half of the metal on the back of the Longsword. We are losing oxygen and heat, we won't last long enough for the transport to pick us up even if we did avoid the Torpedoes." Right after she finished another ship started coming out of slipspace directly in front of the Longsword. When it was completely out of slipspace Cortana realized it was a UNSC vessel, the Abraham Lincoln. Upon being fully out of slipspace it fired a salvo of Missiles. Right after the missiles got less then a kilometer away from the Lincoln the plasma torpedoes hit head on. "NO!" Yelled the Chief.
0253 Hours September 9, 2552 (Military Calendar) / In Space Around Halo
"Sir." Called out Lt. Hamel. "There are two Covenant vessels near the Longsword. And they just fired a Plasma Torpedo and Pulse Lasers! It looks like the Chief avoided the pulse lasers, well, most of it anyway we need to take the torpedoes blow to protect the Chief." "Roger that." Answered Commander Hubbell "Kinyo, prepare to bring us out of slipspace directly in front of the Longsword." "Lt. Paton, I want to come out of slipspace hot, warm up two MAC guns 2 heavy rounds for each gun." Rhino I want a firing solution for missile pods A1 though A10 to hit after the last MAC round "Yes sir." Called out the bridge. They exited slipspace directly in front of the Longsword and fired a salvo of missiles, right after the missiles escaped the tubes both Plasma Torpedoes hit the Abraham Lincoln head on. The Plasma Torpedoes hit the Lincoln head on and there was a slight green shimmer around the Lincoln then a wave of heat around the armor near were the Torpedoes hit but other than that there was no damage to the Lincoln. . "Man, that was close." Sighed Commander Hubbell. "Good thing we had shields. Hamel get those shields back up ASAP." "Aye sir." Responded Lt. Hamel. There was 4 thumps and the MAC rounds were streaking toward the Covenant ships. The first MAC round hit the Covenant ship dead center knocking their shields offline. Then the second round tore a huge hole in the middle followed by 150 Archer Missiles obliterating both Covenant ships. "Sir." Reported Hamel. "Both Covenant ships are destroyed." "Good job people." Commented Commander Hubbell. "Jacobson get me the Chief on the horn." There was a few second pause then "Hello?" It was the Chief. "Master Chief Petty Officer Spartan John 117 I presume." Commander Michael Hubbell said "Yes sir, how did you get here so fast? We were not expecting you for another 3 days." Replied the Chief. "I'll tell you the details later why don't we get you aboard the Lincoln first so you don't suffocate or freeze." "Sounds good to me." Answered the Chief.
0300 Hours September 7, 2552 (Military Calendar) / Longsword 37 In Space Around Halo
As the Chief piloted the Longsword into the docking station of the Abraham Lincoln he noticed that this ship was oddly shaped. It looked a little bit too big in the middle and it had some weird poles near the ends of the ship. He guessed that these were what caused the shimmer around the Lincoln and that they must be shields. Finally the UNSC had duplicated the Covenant shields, this may help the Humans win this war. When the Chief stepped out of the Longsword onto the deck, just like the one he had run along to get on the Longsword less then 2 days ago, he was greeted by hundreds of Marines and Techs. "Welcome to the Abraham Lincoln sir, it is a pleasure to see you" Said a rough voice. It turned out to belong to a Sergeant Willoms. "It is a pleasure to be here Sergeant. Any chance you can give a tour before I go to the bridge." Asked the chief. "Of course sir, do you want to get started right now?" "Unless we have something better to do." The Chief replied. "Works for me." Willoms said to the Chief, then to everybody else "Get back to your posts now." "Okay Chief were do you want to go first." Willoms asked the chief after they got out of the launch bay and in a Warthog. "Are you sure this thing will fit in the hallway and how about the weapons locker I would like to see if there are any improvements in some weapons." Answered the Chief. "Yes this will fit in the hallways." With saying that he stepped on the accelerator and the Hog shot forward. While they headed towards the nearest weapons locker Willoms explained how the UNSC had recreated the shields generated by the Covenant ships and put them on this and 4 other ships. He also said how this ship is roughly the size of the Autumn only bigger and how it has 3 MAC guns capable of firing 2 heavy rounds in 1 charge. When they got to the locker there were 5 marines inside the room, instantly Willoms ordered them all out, but the chief wanted them to stay. "The reason I chose this locker is because it has a shooting range." Willoms explained One of the Marines hefted a Rocket Launcher only this Launcher was twice the size of a regular Launcher so the chief assumed it held 4 rockets instead of the usual 2. "This is the big launcher as us marines call it it is a Rocket Launcher with 4 Tubes. It is capable of firing 2 rockets at the same time. It can also use a seeking Missile so you can bring down Banshees with it much easier." After finishing, the Marine holding the Launcher fired two missiles at a target 30 meters away completely obliterating the target. After showing the Chief what it can do to moving targets another Marine brought out a sniper rifle. "This sniper rifle isn't you're regular rifle it has an extended clip of 8 and it can hit a target twice the distance as the earlier rifle. It can also fire several different rounds. This sniper rifle can fire incerater rounds which can blow a hole the size of your fist right through a target. This round will be very useful to use so you don't have to go around or over the wall you can just shoot through it. It can fire a burner round that literally can start the target on fire from the inside." After letting the Chief try it out he handed him what looked like a MA5B assault rifle. "This may look like a MA5B but it isn't, it currently doesn't have a name yet but we call it the laser rifle. It uses a battery a little smaller than a regular clip." He then slammed a clip into it, leveled the rifle at the head of a target in the shape of a Grunt and pulled the trigger. There was a red beam with a slight shade a blue around the edges that shot right for the Grunts head and blew a hole right between its eyes. "Pretty good shot wasn't it?" Willoms asked. "Yes, it was." The Chief replied dryly. "If you go full auto with it it will fire 20 rounds a second, each battery has around 300 shots at full charge." "The battery will start recharging after 5 minutes of none use and will be fully recharged after 3 hours and you don't need to plug it into anything to recharge it." Willoms said. "Do you think I could get a laser rifle of my own?" The Chief wanted to know. "Of course you could." Answered Willoms. After saying that he handed over the laser rifle the Chief had seen Willoms use along with 3 batteries. "Well, that pretty much is it for weapons, what do you say we go look at the new vehicles?" Willoms asked. "That sounds good." Answered the Chief. With that they both hopped into the Warthog. On the trip to the vehicle hangar the chief took a 5 minute catnap to keep him on his toes. After he woke up they were in a large hanger with Pelicans and Longswords trying to land. "This is the Wolf it is a bigger and better scorpion." Explained Willoms "It has two barrels so you can fire one barrel, then the other while one reloads. It also has two autocannons instead of one like the scorpion. So it is twice as good, the only problem is that it is a little slower, but other than that it is better." "This is the Commander speaking, send the master Chief to the Bridge immediately." Came blaring over the intercom. "But sir." Argued Willoms. "I haven't showed the Chief all the new vehicles." "On the double crewman." "Yes sir, the skipper seems pretty jumpy. We had better get moving." Willoms said. The Chief and Willoms hopped in the Hog and got to the bridge in a few minutes. On the drive the Chief remembered how that had happened on the Autumn he hoped that it wasn't bad luck and that they wouldn't all die soon. Upon getting on the bridge the Chief ****************************************************************** *********************************************************************** ******************************************************************** ************************************************************************ *********************************************************************** ************************************************************************ **************************************************************************** ****************uage. "Chief, we need Cortana, put her in the holotank so she can decipher the message. Rhino, find out were the message is coming from. Paton, charge a MAC gun with 3 rounds, arm 25 Archer Missile pods and 1 of our nukes. Hamel, launch all of our Longswords and tell them to stand ready for attacking. Cortana, give me a firing solution for the MAC rounds to hit after the missiles have hit the wreckage around the shuttle so they don't have a chance to avoid the MAC rounds." "Sir it is in the middle of the Destroyer's wreckage." Rhino told everybody. "Missiles away, impact in 30 seconds!" Yelled Lt. Paton "Sir, they know where Earth is, they are making a message to send to there homeworld! They are preparing to enter slipspace!" Cortana yelled. "All the Longswords are out." Hamel reported. "Missile impact in 10 seconds." Cortana reported. "Tell the Longswords to move out and prepare to engage the enemy." Hubbell ordered. "Fire the MAC guns in the 3 seconds, 2, 1 Fire!" Cortana yelled. There was a rumble of thunder throughout the ship and then 4 white hot blobs of metal streaked toward the target. "They are preparing to enter slipspace, the Missiles are impacting now!" Yelled Cortana. On the view screen there were flashes of light and fire around where the Covenant ship was than right through the fire went 3 MAC rounds. Longsword 23 was about 3 kilometers from the ship and had the perfect view. All of the Archer missiles impacted into the layer of metal that surrounded the Covenant ship then right through the fire and smoke came a MAC round that barely hit the back end of the ship taking out the engines, then another Mac round hit the front end ripping off the nose then the final round went clean through the middle and wiped out the rest. "Good job people." Complimented Commander Hubbell "Jacobson, call the Longswords back, Kinyo, when the Longswords are back set us on a course for..." He paused and looked at the Master Chief silently asking him where he thinks they should go. "Earth." They both said in unison.
1500 Hours September 10, 2552 (Military Calendar) / UNSC Abraham Lincoln around Earth "This is Commander Michael Hubbell requesting to speak with the leader of the Covenant space defense." "Why do you want top speak with Admiral Cole?" Came the reply over the speaker. "It is of extreme importance that the Master Chief and I speak to him immediately." "All right I'll get him on the phone with you." The voice said. "No I must speak to him personally, it is to important to say over a radio." Argued Commander Hubbell. "Okay, you can meet him at the United Nations Space Command station." The voice answered. "All right we're on our way." Commander Hubbell responded.
It took them about 30 minutes to get to a Pelican and get to the station. On the flight down to the station the Chief talked to his pilot and found out his name was Sledge, biological brother to Foe Hammer. He believed that he was a better pilot then Foe Hammer and he said that he was the Chief's personal pilot. They came through the clouds over the command center and landed right next to the front door of the building. The Chief and Commander Hubbell hoped out of the Pelican and ran into the building while Sledge lifted off to go to a better more appropriate landing spot. When they got into the building they were ushered into a room where Admiral Cole and Stanforth were sitting around a long table with all sorts of people including the Marine chief and several commander's of powerful UNSC vessels. "Well," The Chief said "I say we get started right away, from the beginning." With that he began to tell them about Halo and how he defeated the Flood and the Covenant, he told them of how he destroyed Halo and that the Monitor said that there were more Halo's. He said how the Covenant found out about Earth and after saying that the group exploded. The Chief tried to calm them down and propose a counter action to defend Earth. "I suggest that we call back 90% of all the current human vessels that are made, UNSC black-market trade ships, even pirate ships." The Chief said. "That is nonsense the UNSC vessels can take a Covenant armada." Admiral Stanforth argued. "I am most sure that the Covenant won't attack with just a hundred or even two or three hundred ships." Commander Hubbell protested. "I think they will attack with so many ships that if we had every UNSC ship ever made we wouldn't be able to stop them, so we need help from others, enemies even."
United Nations Space Command ALPHA PRIORITY TRANSMISSION 04683Z-95 Encryption Code: None Public Key: None From: Admiral Stanforth and Admiral Cole Commanding Officer of the Covenant Space Defense To: Every Human Ship Ever Of Any Origin Subject: IMMEDIATE RECALL Classification: None
/Start file/ The Covenant has found out where Earth is and we need any ship that can fight to come and help us defend Earth. If you have any type of weapon on your ship along with a slipspace engine we need you to meet us at Mars for briefing and strategy planning. Please, humanity depends on you. If you want to help us please respond to this message. Thank you. /End file/
"There, that wasn't to bad was it now you guys." Commander Hubbell taunted. "You had better hope that the black-marketers don't turn on us or the pirates try to help the Covenant. Because if they do you won't have to worry about the Covenant war any more." Admiral Stanforth warned. "You would be surprised what people can do when something important is on the line like there planet." The Master Chief said. The Chief gave commander Hubbell a reassuring glance.
The Abraham Lincoln was waiting around Mars with fifty to seventy-five other ships for the rest of the two hundred-fifty other ships which responded to the message to get there. After 3 days all the ships that said they would be there got there and they started making a strategy to defend Earth. "Sir," The Chief said. "I say that we talk to the Covenant and challenge them to a final ground fight on one of the Halo's. That way the Marines and civilians don't have to get hurt." "That is a suicidal suggestion Chief you can't take on every single Covenant ground troop and win." Stanforth argued "Yes, I know. But I don't see a better way." The Chief said. "I stand a better chance against them on the ground then you do in space." "You're right." Cole agreed. "But still we can't send you in there alone that is suicide." "That is exactly the reason why we aren't going to send him in alone." A voice said from the darkness. Out of the darkness came an old gray headed woman which must have been in her sixties or seventies. She got closer and the Chief wondered why he hadn't noticed the voice earlier, it was doctor Halsey. "Doctor Halsey what are you doing here I thought you were on reach when the Covenant glassed it." The Chief said happily. "No I managed to escape with a few of you're friends." Doctor Halsey said. Behind doctor Halsey was two familiar bodies, along with what looked like 80 more people. "Chief, as you can see behind me there are you're two team members Fred and Kelly along with 75 new Spartans II and 2 Spartan III. They are going to help the Chief win the war." Doctor Hasley explained. "Fine," Admiral Stanforth said "We will attempt to make contact with the Covenant so we can have an all out ground war." "Good, we will use that as a backup plan we will first try to destroy the Covenant first, if that doesn't work we will go with this plan." Doctor Hasley commented.
1200 Hours September 20, 2552 (Military Calendar) / Super MAC Control Station In Orbit Around Jupiter
It had taken UNSC scientists over 100 years to find a way to harness Jupiter's gravity and IOs volcanic reactions and heat to charge a MAC gun, but they finally did and we have 10 Super MACs around Jupiter feeding off its gravity and another 15 around IO feeding off of the volcanoes. So there was a total of 25 Super MAC guns around Jupiter and my AI and I were in charge of them all. We hoped the Covenant would come by Jupiter so the MAC guns can take them out and give us an extreme advantage.
The Covenant exited slipspace near Jupiter that could be the worst mistake they could have ever made. There were hundreds of them Cruisers, destroyers, and about 30 flagships. It was amazing how many ships the Covenant had after losing nearly 300 at Reach. After being out of slipspace all the Super MACs turned and faced the Covenant ships that were still coming out of slipspace. Twenty-five MAC guns fired and 25 white hot streaks of metal sped towards the covenant ships, because their shields were still down nearly 50 Covenant ships were destroyed in one salvo. Half of the Covenant ships were still recharging while the second salvo of MAC rounds streaked toward them. One MAC round streaked toward a flagship that barely avoided the round and the round struck a Cruiser went right through and hit a destroyer obliterating both ships. A different round was fired at a recharging flagship but a Destroyer and a Cruiser moved in front of the ship to take the blow. The Covenant were willing to risk two ships to save one flagship. In the second salvo 24 Covenant ships were destroyed. Suddenly 7 nuclear mines exploded in the middle of all the ships knocking off there shields then the MAC rounds fired and destroyed 40 more Covenant ships and 5 flagships. We were winning. Suddenly the Covenant got smart and fired there own salvo of plasma torpedoes and pulse lasers, luckily the MAC guns had shield so we only lost 5 MAC guns, but we still have 20 Super MAC. By now the Human ships had gotten within range so they fired there own salvo of nearly 200 heavy MAC rounds. It took three heavy rounds to disable a Covenant Cruiser. guns which obliterated all but 5 ships, 2 destroyers, 3 Cruisers, and a flagship. These remaining ships would be what we would negotiate with. "This is Admiral Stanforth leader of the human space defense and we have a proposal for you." "Tell me why we should listen to you you human." An Elite asked. "Because by now you have at least 45 Super MAC guns and 150 of our vessels within firing range of you. You wouldn't be able to destroy even 10 of us before you would burn and die!" Admiral Stanforth yelled in anger. "What is your proposal?" The Elite demanded.
The Chief was in a training room with the new recruits talking to Doctor Hasley. "So how did you, Fred And Kelly get off Reach?" The Chief asked. "I was near reactor 4 when the Covenant attack. There was thousands of them Wraiths, Banshees Ghosts, Elites, Grunts, Jackals, and Hunters. The attacked En Masse and over whelmed us killing almost all of the Marines and Spartans." Doctor Hasley was telling the Chief all of this nearly in tears. "Fred ordered everybody to fall back. Fred picked me up and tossed me into the side seat of a Warthog, Kelly hopped in the gunner seat, and Fred jumped in the driver seat. We we're driving full speed to a pelican to get off of Reach when 5 Banshees started chasing us, Kelly was firing full auto at them but they kept avoiding the shots. We went over a hill and Kelly brought down the last Banshee when we noticed that there was a Covenant dropship next to the pelican. There were 5 Elites and 2 Hunters destroying the pelican. Fred then hopped out of the Warthog and started throwing grenades, he must have thrown 10 grenades in five seconds, while Kelly opened fire with the LAAG gun. When they were all dead Kelly hopped out of the back and ran full speed towards the dropship while Fred picked me up and carried me towards the dropship when we got near the dropship I heard Kelly opening fire on the dropships pilot then the agonizing scream of a dying Elite." By now she was crying completely and couldn't finish. She leaned her head on his shoulder and just cried for everything she had seen and been through that the Spartans saw every day. He let Doctor Hasley sit down while he talked to the other Spartans. "So you guys are the new Spartans, where is Mendoza?" The Chief asked. "Mendoza died in one of our training exercises we couldn't save him." A Spartan in a silver suit said. "I am CPO Daniel 175 leader of the Spartan IIs. Everyone calls me CPO kinda like how everyone calls you the Master Chief. I can show you a few Spartans if you would like me to." "Okay, that sounds great." The Chief answered hidding his emotions about Mendoza. "This is Summer, the second in command of the Spartans and can convince almost anyone." CPO said. "Hello, I have heard a lot about you and have always wanted to see you." Summer said. Summer was wearing a suit just like CPO while the rest of the Spartans were wearing a light brown suit. "Over there is Zak and Thomas they have an incredible ability with the Rocket launcher so they always have one with them." CPO explained. "Those two over there are Ashley and Dave there are both incredible with the sniper rifle. I don't have enough time to show you to everyone." "Daniel, is there a difference between the silver and brown suits?" The Chief asked. "Yes, there is a difference between the suits. Summer and my suits are more advanced then the other suits." CPO explained. "How are they more advanced?" The Chief asked. "The silver suits actually have an active camouflage programmed into the suit which we can activate for 30 minutes at a time." CPO said. Before the Chief could respond someone over the intercom yelled that the Covenant had exited slipspace near Jupiter. The Chief and CPO ran over to a television that dominated the left wall that showed the Covenant being destroyed by the MAC guns.
The Covenant eventually agreed and the UNSC let them escape to there homeworld. They both agreed on a time to fight, at the appointed time they would then fight on the ground and space. The last person or ship standing would win, the loser would be totally killed, there would be no draw, stalemate or surrender.
1500 Hours September 23, 2552 (Military Calendar) / UNSC Abraham Lincoln Around Halo II
"Sir the Covenant are in slipspace nearing the systems edge." Jacobson reported. "Lets hope they stop." Commander Hubbell said back. "Mobile sensor ship outpost 3 says that there are at least 400 Covenant ships in slipspace."
"ETA?" Commander Hubbell asked. "Outpost 3 says-" Jacobson paused "-45 minutes." "Okay, we will abide by the rules." Commander Hubbell said. "Jacobson, tell the Spartans they have 40 minutes to assemble there teams and prepare to leave for ground engagement. Paton, 20 minutes before they exit slipspace send one of our nuclear mine 250 kilometers straight off of the bow of the Lincoln and turn the remote detonation on. Three minutes till there are here charge the MAC gun. Hamel tell the Marines to be ready to repel boarders and leave with the Chief. Everyone else, do as I say when the time comes." "Sir, Yes Sir." The Bridge called out. They sat there and waited while Hubbell told all the Non-UNSC vessels what and when to do. He thought that they would have the upper hand despite the huge numbers. They waited for what seemed like forever until. "Sir, the Covenant are exiting slipspace!" Jacobson yelled. "Where are they? I can't see them!" Hubbell demanded. "There on the other side of the ring, behind it!" Jacobson answered back. "Space team Alpha through October turn around and engage the enemy at will, the rest of you turn and fire one salvo then engage then next group coming out of slipspace. Marines and Spartans move to primary defensive position and repel boarders." Commander Hubbell ordered. Every Human ship responded then did as he ordered. Several hundred Covenant ships were already out of slipspace and then the first Human salvo slammed into the first wave of Covenant. Nearly 200 MAC rounds slammed into 157 different Covenant Vessel. In the salvo of 184 MAC rounds there were 50 heavy rounds from the Destroyers, 97 light rounds from the Cruisers, and 37 mini light rounds from the Black-market and pirate ships. "Rhino, how many of them are there?" Hubbell asked. "There were 468 before the first salvo of rounds destroyed 157." Rhino responded. "Humans, continue to engage firing at will." "Sir, the Covenant fired their own salvo. Alerting the others now." Hamel said. The Plasma torpedoes streaked towards the Human vessels glowing a deadly rainbow of colors. Most of the Human ships were lucky enough not to have a torpedo lock on to them so they could get out of the way. All the Human ships fired another 184 MAC rounds which streaked towards another 150 Covenant ships before the Plasma Torpedoes impacted into 97 Human ships decreasing them to chunks no bigger than a suitcase. "HANG ON!" Hubbell ordered then yelled into the intercom. "Brace for impact!" Then three Plasma Torpedoes smashed into the side of the Lincoln knocking their shields off-line and damaging the 2 meters of solid Titanium A steel. "Sir, damage isn't serious we lost 6 inches of armor near deck 19." Hamel responded. "Charge the MAC guns and target three Covenant ships and fire when ready." Hubbell ordered. The MAC charged and then 9 streaks of metal impacted into 3 Covenant ships destroying them before they could do anything. "Shields are back on-line." Hamel reported. "Sir, a Covenant Cruiser is trying to ram the Deception, a Pirate ship, of course." Hamel said. "Roger that, Kinyo intercept course 200% power to the engines. Paton, arm Archer Missile A1 through A5 and fire when we are 200 kilometers away." Hubbell yelled. Then into the intercom he yelled. "Br****************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** ******************************************************* ************************************************ ******************************************************** *****************************Hubbell said back." Fire your MAC gun now then recharge and fire again." The link between them clicked off then 10 streaks of metal smashed into the Flagships shields causing them to ripple and shimmer a somehow beautiful silver. They both charged the guns again and fired, but the Flagship fired his weapon at the Lincoln. The Lincoln was hit by the laser in her mid-side slicing a hole clean through her. "Sir, decks 9 through 17 are gone, venting atmosphere in those areas! All Personnel in those areas are not responding! Complete casualties." Hamel Reported. "Archer Missile pods B1 through C7 are gone. Blown in their tubes, fires are all over the place, venting atmosphere. Evacuating all other non-essential decks!" "MAC gun charged and ready to fire!" Paton said. "Fire the gun and obliterate what is left of that Flagship. Warn the Spartans that they may have to make a high speed exit and to prepare for it. Arm Archer Missile pod C8 through D10 and target that other Flagship. I want a firing solution for the missiles to hit after the MAC rounds. Come on this war isn't over yet. We may be limping, but we're stilling fighting!"
The Chief had plenty of time to get used to the new Spartans. He used the time to try out the new weapons but by the time he was going to try the vehicles he heard the MAC guns fire and then Jacobson called over the intercom that the Covenant were in the system and move to primary defensive position. He ran to the nearest armory to grab some weapons. He grabbed an MA5B, an M90 shotgun and an S3 AM Sniper rifle along with 5 Grenades. He ran out and headed for deck 19 with a large group of Marines and a handful of Spartans. They got to deck 19 and met with another group of Marines and Spartans. "I think we should stick together." A scared Marine said shaking. "I guess he is right we should stick together." The Chief said. "Brace for impact!" The Commander yelled over the intercom. Seconds later they heard the sound of Plasma Torpedoes slamming into the Lincolns shields then one hit the wall right next to the Master Chief shaking the entire hallway they were in. The shaking caused every Marine to fall over and the Spartans shields to shimmer. "Are there any injuries?" The Chief asked. "Sir, I think my leg is broken." A Private said. "Oh man, my arm kills it must be broken." Another Private said. There were broken arms, legs, and ribs all over the place. The Chief assigned Marines to carry the injured to the nearest medical bay to get them fixed so they can come back and fight later. "Brace for impact!" The Commander yelled over the intercom. Without hesitating the Spartans and the Marines headed for the nearest place to strap in so they wouldn't get thrown around. The Marines all got strapped in but the Spartans didn't have time to strap in. The heard some Archer Missiles fire then seconds afterward they heard the Lincoln Scrapping against another ship so they assumed they were ramming a Covenant ship. They didn't get thrown around to much, not so much that their shields went offline. The Chief thought to himself. "We need to get down to deck 18 follow me!" The Chief yelled over the sound of the fire and sirens. The ran down the hall and came to a manhole that led down to deck 18. The Chief touched the door it was so hot that the rubber on his glove was singed. The Chief turned the shields on his up and grabbed the circled handle on the door, twisted and pulled with all his might while his shields were slowly dropping. "Stand back this might blow!" The Chief ordered. The door popped off and the pressure blew the Chief back three feet and the door rolled down the hallway and slammed into a wall with a loud thunk and clatter. The Chief slid down the ladder and landed on deck 18 with his own thud. He saw fires everywhere and Spartans helping the Marines stand up. "Get them to the service elevator!" The Chief yelled over the sirens. He then grabbed a Marine that was crawling toward the elevator and carried him to it. The Chief stopped at the door to the elevator And looked around and saw Spartans picking Marines up and helping them walk to the elevator when the Chief saw a Marine in the corner of the hallway. The Marine had a broken leg and fire liking at his boots ready to consume him. The Chief ran at him picked him up and carried him to the elevator and set him in the corner. The Chief looked around and saw that half of the Marines were in the elevator and the other half was almost there. The Chief then heard the sound he was hoping he wouldn't have to hear. The decompression alarms! "WE NEED TO GET OUT! NOW! They are decompressing this deck." The Chief grabbed two marines and threw them over his shoulders and carried them to the elevator. The Chief looked around the hallway and saw a Marine in the corner holding his right arm and trying to crawl away from the fire even though his back was pinned against the wall. The Chief ran to him and picked him up and put him in the elevator. He then turned around and went to help a Marine crawling to the elevator when the blast doors started to slide shut. "Uh-oh that isn't good." He said to himself then to the Marine "Hang on we need to get there fast." Before he finished talking he was running to the elevator. He got there just in time to slide the Marine between the two pieces of bullet-proof glass, and handed him to a waiting Spartan on the other side. "Chief, get in there is still time." The Spartan holding the Marine. "No, there isn't any time I'll find another way." The Chief replied. The Chief turned on his heels and ran down the hallway through several doorways and came to a saw at the end of the hall that a blast door was closing. It was half closed and closing fast. The Chief ran even faster and dove he got through tucked into a ball and rolled and landed on his feet on the other side of the door. The Chief turned around and said "Man that was close." The door was hissing atmosphere then slammed shut and the solid steel door started to close so the pressure from the vacuum wouldn't crack the glass. "This is the Commander speaking Marines and Spartans it is time for you to evacuate the ship grab your weapons and get to your vehicle now." Right after the transmission was over a Plasma Torpedo hit the Lincoln and cracked the armor in the deck the Chief was on and atmosphere was hissing out of the crack. "That's going to blow." The Chief whispered to himself. He turned to run and saw a Tech who was running for the exit the Chief picked him up and carried him to the exit. They got on the other side of the exit and the Chief pushed the button to lock the door. They continued to run down the corridor and came across a Spartan who was standing outside an escape pod. "We have room for one more!" He yelled over the roar of the engines and alarms. The Tech looked at the Chief with fear in his eyes, pointed to the escape pod and said "They need you on the ground we don't need you here there is nothing you can do, GO!" The Chief nodded and went into the pod, strapped himself in and nodded at the Tech. The Tech saluted him when the glass door slammed shut then he was hit in the back of the head by a red Elite who grinned at the Chief. The pod was shot out of the tube when the AID (Automated Internal Defense) tore the elite to shreds.
1600 Hours September 23, 2552 Escape Pod 54 En route to the Surface of the Halo Ringworld
The Chief sat down and looked away while the Tech was beaten down by the Elite and AID beat the Elite back and gave him what he deserved. "This time I'm sitting down, last time my suit was damaged." The Chief said to Cortana. "Good, I don't like being bounced around in this void." Cortana replied. "Very funny Cortana." The Chief said. "I thought it was." Cortana said. "Chief, are you ready." The pilot asked. "Roger that I'm ready." The Chief said back "Punch it." "Good." The pilot said back. "Calling for minimal safe distance we will regroup with some other UNSC personnel and engage the enemy on the ground."
"Attack!!!!" It was CPO. Almost instantly there were grenades exploding. A Grenade landed in the middle of a group of Grunts sending them flying. Then another Grenade in the middle of three Elites causing there shields to shimmer followed by 5 rockets hitting 3 Hunters and a Wraith. The warthogs were bouncing across the bumpy terrain tearing the Banshees to pieces. Jordan ran at a wraith and placed two Lotus antitank mines directly under the Wraith and blowing it and a Jackal sky high. "We're winning!" A Spartan with a shotgun yelled. "Don't get so cocky, I have a bad feeling about something." The Chief corrected. "Sir, enemy dropships inbound." Sally, the on-field communications, personnel said. "The Lincoln counts 55 of them." "Fallback." CPO ordered. "No we need to leave." The Chief said. "Sledge, we need a pickup can you and five other pelicans come get us, we need to fall back to rally point Beta." "Affirmative, pelicans inbound ETA is one minute." Sledge called back. "Mop them up and prepare to leave, grab what you can carry and get with your team. Come on people Earth is counting on us to win." The Chief said. Seconds after the Spartans killed the remaining Covenant the Pelicans appeared and started picking up the Spartans. "Sledge do you think the other Pelican pilots can fly us to the LZ?" CPO asked. "If I didn't I wouldn't have brought them." Sledge told CPO. "Good, Spartans load up, Jordan, set the timer delay for the nuke at 45 minutes." CPO ordered. All the Spartans got in the Pelican. "Sledge after you drop us off I want you to move some vehicular backup to here." The Chief said and put a NAV point in the Pelicans database. "Sure, I can do that, All right pilots pick it up we need to get there five minutes ago." Sledge said.
The Pelicans came over the ledge just as the Chief had done with Foe Hammer. There was an Elite there which did the exact opposite of what the Grunt did a month ago he started firing decided his plasma rifle wouldn't work and threw a plasma grenade on the Pelican next to the Chief the pilot instantly slammed the Pelican on to the ledge and the Spartans he was carrying all jumped out while one of them grabbed the pilot. Milliseconds after they were out the grenade exploded blowing the windshield to pieces and a chunk out of the engine. It was a good thing the pilot wasn't in the seat or he would have been killed. "Spartans mobilize!" CPO ordered. The all hopped out of there Pelican and positioned each other for an attack. By the time the Spartans were in position five more Elites, two Jackals, five Grunts, and a Hunter had joined the original Elite. "Snipers, rocketeers engage enemy." CPO yelled. There was a whoosh from the rockets and a series of bangs from the sniper rifles and all the Covenant forces drop dead. "Good job people." The Chief commented. "Lets move out, we haven't even begun to meet the enemy yet." Some people reloaded their weapons and everybody moved towards the door. The Chief took the lead because he knew where to go. They got threw the hallway and the Chief opened the door. There on the other side of the door was a Grunt that stared at him for a split second before a Spartan behind him shot him with his M6D pistol right between the eyes killing him instantly. An Elite heard the shot and came around the corner, saw the Spartans and yelled something in his language. Cortana guessed that that he called for backup, because two Gold swordmens came around the corner yelling in their language. "Take out the Gold Elites first!" The Chief Ordered. Instantly the first five Spartans opened fire on the Gold Elites chipping away at their shields. After nearly 40 rounds from each Spartan a shot finally got through causing the Elites to flinch, slowing them down. They were able to kill them before they got to the Spartans so they all concentrated on the other Elite killing him in seconds. They scanned the rest of the room and didn't find a single Covenant soldier, so they moved to the next hallway. When they entered the hallway the came around the corner and saw a Hunter in the middle of the hallway with a Jackal and ethier side of the Hunter. The Hunter charged his Cannon and fired into the middle of the group that the Spartans barely avoided. The shot came so close to the Spartans that the heat from the shot caused the Chiefs shields to shimmer. The round slammed into the wall exploding nearly hitting a shotgun carrying Spartan in the stomach. "Rockets!" CPO yelled. "Fire." Suddenly four rockets wished past CPO's head, two rockets hitting the Hunter and the other two rockets hitting the Jackal's shields sending them flying into the wall behind them killing them instantly. "Good job, is anybody hurt?" The Chief asked. "No sir," Sally answered. "Shields are recharging and no one has a scratch." "Good, because I don't want to know what would happen if someone got hit by one of those." The Chief said. They went out of the hallway and looked left and right and saw a Shade on both sides with an Elite in each one of them that instantly started firing. "Duck!" The Chief ordered while throwing a grenade at each of the Shades. The Elites saw the grenades coming but didn't have time to move. When the grenades exploded it sent the Elites and the Shades over the edge of the bridge, the Chief could hear the Elites scream as they fell, still alive on the fall. It hurt the Chief to hear that, but it had to be done. As they moved along the bridge they killed several Elites, tons of Grunts and a handful of Jackals, half of which fell of the bridge. As they neared the door to leave the bridge a Jackal ran back inside before the Chief could shoot him. He opened the door and saw something move but he couldn't tell what because it moved to fast. He came around the corner and saw what he missed, it was a Hunter he, of course, opened fire automatically. He got in enough good shots and killed the Hunter. He came around the corner and saw the Jackal with a charged up Plasma Pistol between two Hunters. By now Thomas came around the corner carrying the new Rocket Launcher. He instantly fired two rockets at the Hunters hitting them square in the chest. The Jackal then fired the shot at the Chief hitting him in the stomach. The Chief then retaliated with his MA5B killing the Jackal. The Chief walked to one of the Hunters with his shields still down and kicked him with his foot. "Its gun looks weird, like it's charging up." A Spartan said. "Its still alive!!" CPO yelled. "Chief, move." The Chief looked at the Hunter who was raising his Fuel Rod Cannon at the Chief. He fired the Cannon directly at the Chief hitting him in the neck. The shot exploded slamming the Chief into the wall at an incredible speed.
Halo: The Final Fight Chapter 2
Date: 31 October 2002, 9:05 pm
*Authors note* Hello for those of you who have read my earlier work you would have noticed that I sent in my entire story instead of just the first chapter, I would still appreciate it if you would still read the rest and if you have any comments, constructive or destructive, I would greatly appreciate it if you would send it to Masterchief15@juno.com so I can read it at home and do something about it at the same time. I hope you enjoy my work if you don't please tell me of what you dislike about it and I'll see what I can do. Thank you Chief 15 back to my story, enjoy!
Halo: The Final Fight Chapter 2
0250 Hours September 9, 2552 (Military Calendar) / In Space Around Halo
"How long have they just been sitting there!?" Complained the Chief. "32 hours and 28 minutes exactly." Answered Cortana. Right after Cortana said that both the Cruiser and Destroyer turned to face the Longsword and they both fired a Plasma Torpedo and a Pulse Laser directly at the Longsword. The Chief instantly felt a wave of adrenaline wash over him as he reached for the control stick. The Chief grabbed the control stick and pushed the engine to full power and slammed the Longsword left then right barely missing the Pulse Lasers. "Chief," Came Cortana's worried voice. "Those shots melted half of the armor on the back of the Longsword. We are losing oxygen and heat, we won't last long enough for the transport to pick us up even if we did avoid the Torpedoes." Right after she finished another ship started coming out of slipspace directly in front of the Longsword. When it was completely out of slipspace Cortana realized it was a UNSC vessel, the Abraham Lincoln. Upon being fully out of slipspace it fired a salvo of Missiles. Right after the missiles got less then a kilometer away from the Lincoln the plasma torpedoes hit head on. "NO!" Yelled the Chief.
0256 Hours September 9, 2552 (Military Calendar) / En Route to Pick up the Chief at Halo
"Sir." Called out Lt. Hamel. "There are two Covenant vessels near the Longsword. And they just fired a salvo! It looks like the Chief avoided the Pulse Lasers, well, most of it anyway we need to take the torpedoes blow to protect the Chief." "Roger that." Answered Commander Hubbell "Kinyo, prepare to bring us out of slipspace directly in front of the Longsword. Lt. Paton, I want to come out of slipspace hot, warm up two MAC guns 2 heavy rounds for each gun. Rhino, I want a firing solution for missile pods A1 though A10 to hit after the last MAC round." "Yes sir." Called out the bridge. They exited slipspace directly in front of the Longsword and fired a salvo of missiles, right after the missiles escaped the tubes both Plasma Torpedoes hit the Abraham Lincoln head on and there was a slight green shimmer around the Lincoln then a wave of heat around the armor near where the Torpedoes hit but other than that there was no damage to the Lincoln. . "Man, that was close." Sighed Commander Hubbell. "Good thing we had shields or those torpedoes would have decapitated us. Hamel get those shields back up ASAP." "Aye sir." Responded Lt. Hamel. There was 4 thumps and the MAC rounds were streaking toward the Covenant ships. The first MAC round hit the Covenant ship dead center knocking their shields offline. Then the second round tore a huge hole in the middle followed by 150 Archer Missiles obliterating each Covenant ship. "Sir." Reported Hamel. "Both Covenant ships are destroyed." "Good job people." Commented Commander Hubbell. "Jacobson, get me the Chief on the horn." There was a few second pause then "Hello?" It was the Chief. "Master Chief Petty Officer Spartan John 117 I presume." Commander Michael Hubbell said "Yes sir, how did you get here so fast? We were not expecting you for another 3 days." Replied the Chief. "I'll tell you the details later why don't we get you aboard the Lincoln first so you don't suffocate or freeze." "Sounds good to me." Answered the Chief.
0300 Hours September 7, 2552 (Military Calendar) / Longsword 37 In Space Around Halo
As the Chief piloted the Longsword into the docking station of the Abraham Lincoln he noticed that this ship was oddly shaped but he couldn't figure out how. He guessed that what ever made it look weird had caused the shimmer around the Lincoln and that it must be shields. Finally the UNSC had duplicated the Covenant shields, this may help the Humans win this war. When the Chief stepped out of the Longsword onto the deck, just like the one he had run along to get on the Longsword less then 2 days ago, he was greeted by hundreds of Marines and Techs. "Welcome to the Abraham Lincoln sir, it is a pleasure to see you" Said a rough voice. It turned out to belong to a Sergeant Willoms. "It is a pleasure to be here Sergeant. Any chance you can give a tour before I go to the bridge." Asked the Chief. "Of course sir, do you want to get started right now?" "Unless we have something better to do." The Chief replied. "Works for me." Willoms said to the Chief, then to everybody else "Get back to your posts now." "Okay Chief, were do you want to go first." Willoms asked the Chief after they got out of the launch bay and in a Warthog. "Are you sure this thing will fit in the hallway and how about the weapons locker I would like to see if there are any improvements in some weapons." Answered the Chief. "Yes this baby will fit in the hallways." With saying that he stepped on the accelerator and the Hog shot forward. While they headed towards the nearest weapons locker Willoms explained how the UNSC had recreated the shields generated by the Covenant ships and put it on this and 4 other ships. He also said how this ship is roughly twice the size of the Autumn and how it has 3 MAC guns capable of firing two heavy rounds in 1 charge and three light. When they got to the locker there were 5 marines inside the room, instantly Willoms ordered them all out, but the Chief wanted them to stay. "The reason I chose this locker is because it has a shooting range." Willoms explained One of the Marines hefted a Rocket Launcher only this Launcher was twice the size of a regular Launcher so the Chief assumed it held 4 rockets instead of the usual 2. "This is Bertha as us marines call it it is a Rocket Launcher with 4 Tubes. It is capable of firing 2 rockets at the same time. It can also use a seeking Missile so you can bring down Banshees with it much easier." After finishing, the Marine holding the Launcher fired two missiles at a target 30 meters away completely obliterating the target. After showing the Chief what it can do to moving targets another Marine brought out a sniper rifle. "This sniper rifle isn't you're regular rifle it has an extended clip of 8 and it can hit a target twice the distance as the earlier rifle. It can also fire several different rounds. This sniper rifle can fire incerater rounds which can blow a hole the size of your fist right through a target. This round will be very useful to use so you don't have to go around or over the wall you can just shoot through it. It can fire a burner round that literally can start the target on fire from the inside." After letting the Chief try it out he handed him what looked like a MA5B assault rifle. "This is an MA6B it is pretty much the same as the MA5B except it can fire 20 rounds a second and has a clip of 80." After Willoms finished he pushed a button and 3 Grunts and 2 Elites popped up. Willoms went full-auto on them and chopped them to pieces. "Pretty good shooting wasn't it?" Willoms asked. "Yes, it was." The Chief replied dryly. "Well, that pretty much is it for weapons, what do you say we go look at the new vehicles?" Willoms asked. "That sounds good." Answered the Chief. With that they both hopped into the Warthog. On the trip to the vehicle hangar the Chief took a 5 minute catnap to keep him awake. He woke up with Willoms shaking him and saying htat they were there they were in a large hanger with Pelicans and Longswords trying to land. "This is the Wolf it is a bigger and better scorpion." Explained Willoms "It has two barrels so you can fire one barrel, then the other while one reloads. It also has two autocannons instead of one like the scorpion. So it is twice as good, the only problem is that it is a little slower, but other than that it is better." "This is the Commander speaking, send the master Chief to the Bridge immediately." Came blaring over the intercom. "But sir." Argued Willoms. "I haven't showed the Chief all the new vehicles." "On the double crewman." "Yes sir, the skipper seems pretty jumpy. We had better get moving." Willoms said. The Chief and Willoms hopped in the Hog and got to the bridge in a few minutes. On the drive the Chief remembered how that had happened on the Autumn he hoped that it wouldn't end the same way it did last time.
Halo: The Final Fight Chapter 3
Date: 2 December 2002, 11:29 pm
0400 Hours September 9, 2552 (Military Calendar) / UNSC Abraham Lincoln Around Destroyed Halo
The Bridge was almost the same as the Pillar of Autumn's except it was twice as big. He was looking for the Commander when a voice behind him said. "Hello Chief, glad you could make it, how was your vacation"? Commander Hubbell asked. "Well, let's just say I won't be getting my next couple of paychecks." The Chief said turning around looking for the voices owner. It turned out to belong to a man 6 foot 5 inches weighing around 145 pounds as the Chief thought it looked like. "After you got on we decided to search the wreckage and see if there are any survivors." Commander Hubbell Explained. "Oh! My name is Commander Michael Hubbell, and this is," He said as he walked to the chair to the right of the large screen "Lieutenant David Jacobson, our communications officer, the officer, to his right is our ship statician and also she uses sensors to tell us how the other and enemy ships are doing. In front of the view screen on the right is Lt. Paton he is our weapon master, the one on his left is Lt. Kinyo our engine and navigation officer." Suddendly Hamel interrupted him. "Sir, we found an escape pod." "Ok, Chief, we going to need Cortana, can you put her in the holotank?" Commander Hubbell said. The Chief pulled Cortana out of his helmet and put her in the holotank. Her hologram appeared above the cylinder drum, symbols appeared all over her body. "Wow, this ship is amazing." "Glad you like it Cortana." Hubbell asked. "Where are they Kinyo?" Hubbell demanded. "Paton, arm 15 Archer Missile pods and charge a MAC gun with three light rounds. After we find them, fire the missiles, after the missiles impact into the metal fire the MAC gun so they don't see them coming. "Found you." Hamel said. "There in the wreckage of the Destroyer." "Missiles away, impact in 30 seconds!" Yelled Lt. Paton. There was a 20 second pause where nobody seemed to breath, they just stared at the view screen as the Missiles lazily moved toward there target. "Missile impact in 10 seconds." Cortana reported. "Fire the MAC guns in the 3 seconds, 2, 1 Fire!" Cortana yelled. There was a rumble of thunder throughout the ship and then 3 white hot blobs of metal streaked toward the target. "They are preparing to enter slipspace, the Missiles are impacting... Now!" Yelled Cortana. All of the Archer missiles impacted into the layer of metal that surrounded the Covenant ship then right through the fire and smoke came a MAC round that barely hit the back end of the ship taking out the engines, then in turn sent it into a clockwise spin then the second Mac round hit the front end ripping off the nose spinning it the other way then the final round went clean through the middle wiping out the rest. "Good job people." Complimented Commander Hubbell "Kinyo set us on a course for..." He paused and looked at the Master Chief silently asking him where he thinks they should go. "Earth." They both said in unison.
1500 Hours September 10, 2552 (Military Calendar) / UNSC Abraham Lincoln around Earth "This is Commander Michael Hubbell requesting to speak with the leader of the Covenant space defense." "Why do you want to speak with Admiral Cole?" Came the reply over the speaker. "It is of extreme importance that the Master Chief and I speak to him immediately in private." "All right I'll get him on the phone with you." The voice said. "No, I must speak to him personally, it's to important to say over a radio." Argued Commander Hubbell. "But- oh all right, you can meet him at the United Nations Space Command station." The voice answered. "All right we're on our way." Commander Hubbell responded.
It took them about 30 minutes to get to a Pelican and get to the station. On the flight down to the station the Chief was looking out of the pelican hatch, watching the pelican fly through the clouds when a large city came into view. If he remembered correctly it was Washington D.C., there were jet's flying around and following the Pelican. He was talking to his pilot and found out his name was Sledge, biological brother to Foe Hammer. Sledge believed that he was a better pilot then Foe Hammer and he said that he was the Chief's personal pilot. They came through the clouds over the command center and landed right next to the front door of the building instead of on the helipad on top of the building. The Chief and Commander Hubbell hoped out of the Pelican and ran into the building while Sledge lifted off to go to a better, more appropriate landing spot. When they got into the building they were ushered into a room where Admiral Cole and Stanforth were sitting around a long table with all sorts of people, including the Marine Chief and several commander's of powerful UNSC vessels. "Well," The Chief said "I say we get started right away, from the beginning." With that he began to tell them about Halo and how he defeated the Flood and the Covenant. He told them of how he destroyed Halo and all about the Monitor and how he said there were more Halo's. He explained what the Halo's could do if they were activated. He said how the Covenant found out about Earth. When he finished about Earth the group got all mad and started asking him all kinds of things about how the Monitor found out and why he didn't stop him. The Chief tried to calm them down and propose a counter action to defend Earth. "I suggest that we call back 90% of all the current human vessels that are made, UNSC, black-market trade ships, even pirate ships." The Chief said. "That is nonsense the UNSC vessels can take care of several Covenant armada's." Admiral Stanforth argued. "I am most sure that the Covenant won't attack with just a hundred or even two or three hundred ships." Commander Hubbell protested. "I think they will attack with so many ships that if we had every UNSC ship ever made we wouldn't be able to stop them, so we need help from others, enemies even." "No I refuse to call on my enemies to defend a planet that we can do ourselves." Admiral Stanforth said back. "I strongly suggest that you do as we ask." The Chief argued. "Or else if we lose, you will be banished." "Fine I will compose the message." Stanforth said. "Only if we can see it before you send it." The Chief said. "Deal." Stanforth said.
United Nations Space Command ALPHA PRIORITY TRANSMISSION 04683Z-95 Encryption Code: None Public Key: None From: Admiral Stanforth and Admiral Cole Commanding Officer of the Earth Space Defense To: Every Human Ship Ever Of Any Origin Subject: IMMEDIATE RECALL Classification: None
/Start file/ The Covenant have found out where Earth is and we need any ship that can fight to come and help us defend Earth. If you have any type of weapon on your ship along with a slipspace engine we need you to meet us at Mars for a briefing and strategy planning. Please, humanity depends on you. If you want to help us meet us 150 kilometers on the sun side of Mars at 1200 hours standerd time on September 15, 2552. Thank you. /End file/
"There, that wasn't to bad was it now you guys." Commander Hubbell taunted. "You had better hope that the black-marketers don't turn on us or the pirates try to help the Covenant. Because if they do you won't have to worry about the Covenant war any more." Admiral Stanforth warned. "You would be surprised what people can do when something important is on the line, like there planet or there lives." The Master Chief said. The Chief gave commander Hubbell a reassuring glance. He returned it with a slight nod and a wink. The Abraham Lincoln was waiting around Mars with fifty to seventy-five other ships for the rest of the two hundred-fifty other ships which responded to the message. After 3 days all the ships that said they would be there, got there and they started making a strategy to defend Earth. They were on the Abraham Lincoln in a large briefing room with Admiral Cole when the Chief said. "Sir, I say that we talk to the Covenant and challenge them to a final ground fight on one of the Halo's. That way the Marines and civilians don't have to get hurt." "That is a suicidal suggestion Chief you can't take on every single Covenant ground troop and win." Stanforth argued in an apparent bad mood. "Yes, I know. But I don't see a better way." The Chief said. "I stand a better chance against them on the ground then you do in space." "He's right Stanforth you have to give credit for that." Cole agreed. "But still, we can't send you in there alone that is suicide." "That is exactly the reason why we aren't going to send him in alone." A voice said from the darkness. Out of the darkness came an old gray headed woman which must have been in her sixties or seventies. She got closer and the Chief wondered why he hadn't noticed the voice earlier, it was Doctor Halsey. "Doctor Halsey, what are you doing here, I thought you were on reach when the Covenant glassed it." The Chief said happily. "No, I managed to escape with a few of you're friends." Doctor Halsey said. Behind doctor Halsey were two familiar bodies, along with what looked like 80 more people. "Chief, as you can see behind me there are you're two team members Fred and Kelly along with 75 new Spartans II and 2 Spartan III. They are going to help the Chief win the war." Doctor Hasley explained. "Fine," Admiral Stanforth said "We will attempt to make contact with the Covenant so we can have an all out ground war." "Good, we will use that as a backup plan, we will first try to destroy the Covenant, if that doesn't work we will go with this plan." Doctor Hasley commented.
1200 Hours September 20, 2552 (Military Calendar) / Super MAC Control Station In Orbit Around Jupiter
It had taken UNSC scientists over 100 years to find a way to harness Jupiter's gravity and IOs volcanic reactions and heat to charge a MAC gun, but they finally did and we have 20 Super MACs around Jupiter feeding off its gravity and another 15 around IO feeding off of the volcanoes. So there was a total of 35 Super MAC guns around. We hoped the Covenant would come by Jupiter so the MAC guns can fire on them first so no human lives can be risked and give us an extreme advantage.
The Covenant exited slipspace near Jupiter, that could be the worst mistake they could have ever made. There were hundreds of them Cruisers, Destroyers, even Flagships. It was amazing how many ships the Covenant had after losing nearly 200 at Reach. After being out of slipspace all the Super MACs turned and faced the Covenant ships that were still coming out of slipspace. Twenty-five MAC guns fired and 35 white hot streaks of metal sped towards the covenant ships, because their shields were still down nearly 50 Covenant ships were destroyed in one salvo. Half of the Covenant ships were still recharging while the second salvo of MAC rounds streaked toward them. One MAC round streaked toward a flagship that barely avoided the round and the round struck a Cruiser went right through and hit a Destroyer obliterating both ships. A different round was fired at a recharging Flagship but a Destroyer and a Cruiser moved in front of the ship to take the blow. The Covenant were willing to risk two ships to save one Flagship. In the second salvo 24 Covenant ships were destroyed. Suddenly 7 nuclear mines exploded in the middle of all the ships knocking off there shields then the MAC rounds fired and destroyed 40 more Covenant ships including 5 Flagships. We were winning. Suddenly the Covenant got smart and fired there own salvo of Plasma Torpedoes and Pulse Lasers, luckily the MAC guns had shield so we only lost 5 MAC guns, and we still have 30 Super MAC guns. By now the Human ships had gotten within range so they fired there own salvo of nearly 200 heavy MAC rounds. After nearly half an hour of fighting the Humans reduced the Covenant to 6 ships, 2 Destroyers, 3 Cruisers, and a Flagship. These remaining ships would be what we would negotiate with. "This is Admiral Stanforth leader of the human space defense and we have a proposal for you." "Tell me why we should listen to you a human." An Elite asked. "Because by now you have at least 25 Super MAC guns and 150 of our vessels within firing range of you. You wouldn't be able to destroy even 10 of us before you would burn and die!" Admiral Stanforth yelled in anger. "What is your proposal?" The Elite demanded.
The Chief was in a training room with the new recruits talking to Doctor Hasley during the fight near Jupiter. "So how did you, Fred and Kelly get off Reach?" The Chief asked. "I was near reactor 4 when the Covenant attack. There were thousands of them Wraiths, Banshees, Ghosts, Elites, Grunts, Jackals, and Hunters. The attacked En Masse and over whelmed us killing almost all of the Marines and Spartans." Doctor Hasley was telling the Chief all of this nearly in tears. "Fred ordered everybody to fall back after less then half an hour of fighting. He picked me up and tossed me into the side seat of a Warthog, Kelly hopped in the gunner seat, and Fred jumped in the driver seat. We we're driving full speed to a Pelican to get off of Reach when 5 Banshees started chasing us, Kelly was firing full auto at them but they kept avoiding the shots while returning fire. Fred told me to duck so I wouldn't get hit. We went over a hill and Kelly brought down the last Banshee when we noticed that there was a Covenant dropship next to the Pelican. There were 5 Elites and 2 Hunters destroying the Pelican. Fred then hopped out of the Warthog and started throwing grenades, he must have thrown ten grenades in five seconds, while Kelly opened fire with the LAAG gun. When they were almost all dead Kelly hopped out of the back and ran full speed towards the dropship while Fred picked me up and carried me towards the dropship, when we got near the dropship I heard Kelly opening fire on the dropships pilot then the agonizing scream of a dying Elite." By now she was crying completely and couldn't finish. She leaned her head on his shoulder and just cried for everything she had seen and been through that the Spartans saw every day. He let Doctor Hasley sit down while he talked to the other Spartans. "So you guys are the new Spartans, where is Mendoza?" The Chief asked. "Mendoza died in one of our first battles against the Covenant, we couldn't save him." A Spartan in a silver suit said with a alight tone of grief. "On a lighter note I'm Chief Petty Officer Daniel 175 leader of the Spartan IIs. Everyone calls me CPO kinda like how everyone calls you the Master Chief." Before the Chief could respond someone over the intercom yelled that the Covenant had exited slipspace near Jupiter. The Chief and CPO ran over to a television that dominated the left wall that showed the Covenant being destroyed by the MAC guns.
The Covenant eventually agreed and the UNSC let them escape to there homeworld. They both agreed on a time to fight. When the time came the Covenant would then move in the system and they would begin. They could then send the ground troops to Halo and the would fight to the death on the ground and in the air. The last person or ship standing would win, the loser would be totally killed, there would be no draw, stalemate or surrender.