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Fan Fiction

Halo: Delta Force by SpecOpsGt

Halo:Delta Force
Date: 13 November 2005, 6:14 am

First off I would like to let everyone know that this is my first time writing a story so if you have anything to say to me that would be cruel sounding try to make em' as nice as possible. ty.

Chapter 1:Decisions, Decisions

"Sidewinder, gimme' sum cover fire, will ya!" yelled Spartan #218. 218 is one of the few spartans to have lived past the human-covenant wars. Most were killed or , unfortunately , taken over by the flood and forced to be destroyed. "Yes sir!" yelled Sidewinder. One of the 3 covenant elites, or sangheili, as they like to be called when there not adressed by their "names". He is profficiant in almost every single weapon known to man and covenant. Not to mention he fought along-side humans when they fought the "Noble" Prophet of Truth, the Brutes, the Jackals, and the Drones in the final days of the human-covenant war. Now he fights with Delta Force in hopes of stopping the Flood from reaching earth and her sister planets. Sidewinder picked up a carbine and fired with almost as much accuracy as Delta's sniper Saif. In only 8 shots he brought down 5 combat forms. "Fire in the hole!" yelled their demolitions/tank expert Matt. This guy was really off the hook with a history of being able to take out wraith tanks with only grenades and taking hunters on by himself. Delta obviously chose him to use anything that went BOOM. "Jesus Christ! Are you tryin to kill me Matt!" yelled Sidewinder."Sorry!" he said (this was Matt's "favorite" word) "He moved at the last second and he was locked on.". "Uh-huh, Whatever!". "Riddler, see if u can take any of them out. Saif, give him cover fire!""Yes sir!" they yelled in unison. "God damn it! Where's Shadow and Meka at!". No sooner than 218 asked did Delta's driver Shadow and their 2nd in command Sgt.J.Meka fly over top of a trashed van and crushed at least 10 combat forms. Meka began to fire the Warthog's three barreled, 12.7 mm M41 LAAG (Light Anti Air Gun) at the onslaught of combat and infection forms. "It's jammed Shadow! Well what do ya' expect! I found it in an alley way! Besides all ya' really gotta do is give it a good kick and it'll start up in no time." argued Shadow ,the second of the three elites and Delta's vehicle pilot, and Sgt.J.Meka ,Delta's 2nd in command. The group was on the planet Reach which had found new creatures to accompany it's almost completely destroyed surface, Flood. Their mission was to infiltrate the city, learn of how it is the flood became as intelligent as they were, and to reach the main city, Pantheon, and plant a nuclear device which would hopefully destroy Reach and the Flood with it. "Damn, where's Riddler at!" yelled 218. Just as he had said that a combat form managed to find his way to the Spartan's location. The two struggled to get an advantage over each other. Just as the combat form was just about to hit 218 in the head with his mangled, yet nonetheless iron-like fist. 218 flung it over the ledge right behind Sidewinder. The very second Sidewinder saw it Riddler destroyed the beast with his mighty Psi-blade, a miniature version of the Energy Sword, with a swift blow to the back of the beast's head. Riddler was the stealthy and the only stealthy one on the team. He as one of the Spec Ops elites which helped the Arbiter to reach his goals before the war. When the Arbiter joined with the humans Riddler felt left behind and joined with him. He is now the only one "officially" allowed to use the Energy Sword aside from 218. He prefers to use his Psi-Blades however as they weigh less and are easier to wield. "Man am i glad to see you Riddler" said Sidewinder. "Likewise". BOOM. An explosion happened right behind the squad catching them off guard. "What was that?!" said Riddler. He and Sidewinder looked right at Matt. "What? All I did was plant some claymore in case they tried to sneak around behind us.". Riddler and Sidewinder continued to destroy as many Flood as they could see. 218 knew that they were going to have a tough time fighting the Flood in such an open area. "We need to find cover" yelled Jason (218's human name). "Saif, do you see anywhere that we can go?!". "That'd be a negative sir. Wait I see a place it's about 30ft from here!". "Well you heard the man. Let's get a move on!". "Yes sir" yelled Delta. "Meka you lead them to our new base over there. I'll hold them back as long as I can." "Yes sir" replied Meka. "Meka! Wait!" "What is it sir?" "Once you lead them in there and secure the area, Tell Saif and Sidewinder to give me support fire when I'm en route." "Yes sir"

Halo:Delta Force Part 2
Date: 15 November 2005, 2:06 am

I'd first off like to thank all of my friends who supported me for writing this in the first place and secondly I'd like to thank all the people who posted comment's of support. TY.

Chapter 2: Time to hold our own

Jason was quick to look for weapons which would be effective against the flood. He managed to find a shotgun with only 6 extra shells left in it. He did manage to find two SMG's with full ammo. He thought this to be his best bet. On his way to regroup with Delta Force he found that no Flood knew of their position. With this in mind he quickly told Delta "The Flood have no idea that you guys have changed positions. Im going to help out 2nd squad. There gettin' hammered down there." "Roger That.".

218 ran as fast as possible to 2nd squads position. When he turned his radio on to listen for any other squads near his possition he soon realized the worst possible thing. Once he turned on his radio he heard nothing. Not a single noise. He thought to himself "This could only mean that the Flood I fought earlier might have knocked out my General Command link." Althought he could still maintain communication with Delta he could not tell if 2nd squad was alive or dead until he reached their location.

Back at Delta's current location the Flood found them and were hitting them pretty hard. Sidewinder was oddly rackin' up more kills than Matt, which is odd due to he had previously found a Rocket Launcher. Riddler found his personal favorite weapon, the Beam Rifle. Although Saif was the team's sniper he was more proficent in the use of the human Sniper Rifle. Riddler picked up his weapon and with a single shot took out 2 combat forms. For the first time during their mission he was actually happy. He now knew that these Flood have grown stronger, meaning scoped rifles now do damage to the beast's (halo players may remember that sniper weapon rounds went right through flood combat and carrier forms).

Jason closed on the last known coordinates of 2nd squad. He saw them. Their hunters were devestating the Flood. The Spec-Ops Elites that went with them were holding their own as well. Some even carried Fuel Rod Cannons of their own. Their phantom had crashed just a few hundred meters from their location. Jason ran as fast as a Spartan could move. On his way he encountered two combat forms. He met them with his SMG's which shred through both flesh and the bits of armor still left on their bodies. After he had dissposed of them he continued on. He found a shotgun with more ammo in it than the previous one he had found. He held it in his weapon slot on his back. He continued on. Three more combat forms appeared out of nowhere. He pulled out his shotgun and nearly ripped one of them in half. After a few more kills he finally grouped up with 2nd squad. Their leader, a covenant elite Honor Guard greeted him. "We have been holding our own here for quite some time, we are glad you have met us.". "Same here" replied Jason. Just as things seemed calm around 20 or so combat forms busted throught the debris of a nearby building and rushed 2nd squad's location.

Jason pulled out his shotgun. And quite surprising enough the Honor Guard pulled not one but two energy swords. He had never before seen an elite do this before. It caught him off guard before he stopped dazing off. The Honor Guard sliced through Flood after Flood after Flood. He even completely disentegrated one by hitting him with both of his blades at the same time. "C'mon we have got to get out of here before more Flood approach." Jason kept on this elite as if he ran with the wind. They stopped. The hunters had fallen behind and they were waiting for them to regroup. Thats when the Flood managed to jump 2nd squad. The Honor Guard and Jason ran away as their soldiers yelled for them to get away whilst they fought to defeat the Flood. They found their hunter allies. They all ran as fast as possible to regroup with Delta Force. They found an abandoned Shadow. It, although in need of serious repair, was still drivable. Jason took control of the covenant troop transport. The two hunters jumped on the bottom whilst the Honor Guard jumped on top and pulled out two plasma rifles from their holsters. Aparently this elite was far more powerful than any other Jason had encountered before.

In no time they reached Delta Forces position. Apparently it seemed the Flood were in full retreat. Jason had thought up the answer quick. They had pissed off Matt. "This is Jason. Did one of the flood hit Matt?" "There retreating. What do you think?" replied Meka. "Good point". The small band left from second squad retreated to the safety of Delta H.Q. as they referred to it while there to be holding out there. Little did they know that they would not be needing it for much longer....

Halo:Delta Force
Date: 19 November 2005, 2:06 am

Chapter 3: Hybrid

As Jason and his group entered the building they were greeted by both Riddler and Saif aiming their rifles nearly into their mouths. "Sorry sir." said Riddler. "At ease soldier." replied Jason. "Sgt. whats our status?" "Our power supplies our at maximum and we've checked our food reserves." "And?" "We have enought food for several months." "Good". "This is the commander of 2nd squad his name is, ermmm, what was your name again?" said Jason to the now, who seemed to be larger than when he first looked at him, elite Honor Guard. "My name is Nexus. I am not what you beleive me to be am I?" "Not at all you appear too large to be a normal elite. Oh sorry Sangheili." "No harm. I am neither. I am what you get when you cross an elite with a spartan super soldiers DNA. I am a Hydroc. Stronger than an elite, and with as fast or faster reflexes than even yourself. All of Delta Force dropped their jaws and joules in amazement. "I had heard of them trying to do this but the final results were far too aggresive to be used." said Sidewinder. "Hehe, well lets just say this armor does more than give me an appearance resembling an elite Honor Guard." "It controls your anger?" "To some degree yes. But it mostly armor for the time being." Nexus removed his helmet to reveal what appeaered to be an elite armor but the "crown" was larger and stuck up into the air more (the crown is the part of his helmet which sticks into the air near the back of his head). His joules were shorter as well. He also seemed to be larger muscular wise. This would explain his ability to wield two Energy Swords.

He removed the Honor Guard armor to show a very interesting new look. His armor was blue. Not dark dark blue but just a shade darker than the normal elite blue. He also had very interesting looking shoulder pads which appeared to be shells but with two stacked on top of each other. His legs and the armor which rested on top were also larger. "Let me introduce my "Body Guards". This is Drix and that is Drax." Nexus said as he pointed to his Hunter friends. "BODYGUARDS? You mean to tell me that even though you are a cross between an elite and a Spartan you still need bodyguards?" yelled Shadow. "They are not so much my bodyguards as they are my friends. These two saved my life and i owe them for that. I give them my life as they have given me theirs." "That's very noble of you." said Jason. "Well it is the truth."

ROAR. A flood group had met up with the majority of their numbers and regrouped for another attack on the Delta H.Q.. "Men, to your possitions NOW!" "Yes sir"."Pleas allow me and my hunter allies to help you." "Of course your help would be much appreciated". The two hunters aimed their cannons straight at the door. In less than two minutes time the Flood would be on top of them. Shadow had managed to repair a broken down turret and decided to mount it. Riddler and Saif posted up on the roof with their sniper rifles. Sidewinder and Meka armed themselves with their Carbine and Meka's personal BR55 Rifle. It had an increased rate of fire and had a longer range. These two were stationed on one of the fire escapes on the side of the building. Matt was still angry so he helped the Hunters to defend the front entrance. They prepared themselves. This fight was abut to be the largest, fearcest, and most grueling fight they all would have.

SMASH! SMASH! The Flood were really trying to get through now. KABOOM! The door was down.... "Fire at will!!" yelled Jason. And without hesitation the Hunters and Matt fired straight at the well, flood of Flood (this is what the names means duh). Almost 30 some died with the first attack. Nexus jumped down and began attacking Flood at will. He and his sword combo were really being appreciated here and now. Jason jumped down to help him. With his shotgun he tore through as many Flood as Nexus. Sidewinder and Meka kept firing and firing at the almost endless amounts of Flood. Shadow just kept on shooting. He was beggining to run low on ammo. Perhaps this was why the turret had been abandoned. Saif and Riddler were trying to stop the stronger looking ones from reaching the base. "Im goin' down there with everyone else to see if i can thin their numbers." Riddler said whilst engaging his Psi-blades. By the time he arrived it seemed as though they were fighting a losing battle. Just when all hope seemed lost a Pelican dropship came into view. "You boys need a hand." said the pilot. "Naw we can handle it" said Jason sarcasticly. The peican's turret began firing as it landed on top of the building. "Delta! Lets move it!" yelled Jason as loud as possible. Everyone managed to get onto the pelican (three humans, a spartan, 4 elites and two hunters makes for a tight fit). Together they all left that area of Reach for good. You can bet that they won't miss it any time soon. "Pilot we need to get to Pantheon. Is there any way of you dropping us off at the heart of the city center?" asked Jason. "Yes sir. Right away sir.". "BRACE YOURSELVES! Enemy A-A rockets.". The rockets nailed the pelican in its right side. The pelican and it's crew were getting ready for a rough ride. They were only a few hundred meters from where they were supposed to place there nuclear device. The only problem was they saw something they thought they would never have to face. Even together the chances of them dying were now drasticaly increased. It was the one thing even the Flood feared. A Juggernaut.
