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Halo: Captain Keyes Story by monitor101
Halo: Captain Keyes Story Part 1
Date: 28 March 2003, 5:20 AM
(UNSC Pillar of Autumn, In orbit around unknown Ringworld, August 30, 2552 0657 hours) Captain Jacob Keyes (comanding officer UNSC Halcyon-class cruiser Pillar of Autumn) stood and watched as Master Chief petty officer Spartan John 117 turned and walked off the bridge. His irridescent green armor relfected a glimmer of light from the overhead into Keyes eyes, causing him to squint. Keyes turned to the main view screen and surveyed the still photo of the strange ring shaped planet. "Captain fireteam Zulu reports covenant bording party on the mess hall, thats right outside here sir," lieutenant Hall who manned the ops station, said. "Thank you lieutenant," he said and keyed the intercom and spoke into it,"Fire team zulu hold the covenant at bay,units five through nine repel borders and fall back to secondary defensive positions, all ship crew report to your evac group and await to abandon ship," he said into the intercom. "Lt. Hall seal off the bridge, Lt. Dominique tell Sergeant Holmes commander of fireteam alpha to guard the lifeboats. Two "Aye Aye's" signified that they had already carryed out their orders. "Ensign Lovell keep us on this heading and give me a proper approach vector coordinates -098 240 016 and level us out." Keyes figured out the best vector and heading for a soft landing, he got the geometry straight. Just before leaving Cortana did a geographic sweep of the ringworld and found a barren flat desert, the perfect LZ. "Aye sir leveling us out... approach vector done," Lovell furiously typed in the commands. The Autumn slowly turned to the left and came on a direct path for the ring. "Lt. Hikowa how far are the two covenant cruiser from us?" Keyes asked. "Umm about 50 million miles south of us, their just sitting there launching their fighters at us sir," she said. "Right Lt. Hikowa transfer as much power as you can from the MAC gun generator to the main thruster then fire the rest of the archer missiles at the cruisers that should distract them on my mark, Lt. Hall give me a hundred and ten percent from the secondary reactor to the main reactor flood the emergency coolent tanks with the reserve coolent and transfer all of the fuel reserves to the starboard and port thrusters we'll need them on the final approach, Lovell on my mark comcentrate the engines power to the main thruster and take us in manually on the approach,Hall tell me when the last lifboat has left and all of you get your crash helmats on," Keyes sad calmly. They Aye Ayed in unison, some of their voices were panic strikken. There were several clicks as each of the bridge crew snapped on their helmats. "Sir the last lifeboat left five minutes ago," Hall said. "Right mark," Keyes barked . "Missiles away sir," Hikowa panickly said. "All engines on the main thruster sir taking us in," Hall said without the slightest hint of emotion. Keyes strapped himself into his chair and gripped the support rail that ran along the ceiling. The Autumn jerked violently as the two cruisers began to fire pulse lasers at it. Keyes could hear the screams of Lt. Hikowa and hall. The entire ship felt as if it were going to fall apart. The main view screen turned bright yellow as they entered the atmeshpere. Keyes felt as if he were in a sauna. Beads of sweat ran down his face. The view screen turned from yrllow to blue as they entered the planet. "Sir we've entered the ring but we can't slow down we're traveling at a thousand miles an hour we're going in hard," Lovell yelled. "Just keep us level," Keyes yelled back. The turbulence was enourmous. The entire ship shook and rocked violently from side to side. Keyes could barley hear Lovell's voice. "Sir...Cap...we're.....500...feet...100.50...10..impa..." The straps tore and Keyes was thrown from his seat and slammed into a bulkhead and all went black. "Sir sir can you hear me we made it," Keyes heard Lovells deep voice boom into his ears. "Huh...wha...we made it," he stuttered. He got up and shook his head. Keyes felt something trickle down his forehead. He felt around to feel a deep gash on his forehead. "Sir Lt. Hikowa and Dominique are dead," Lovell said. Keyes looked around to see Hikowa lying on the floor in a pool of blood and dominique sitting in his chair with blood pumping from a wound in his head. "Sir we got to get moving several covenant dropships have landed and circled the entire crash site," Lovell said. "Captain their coming on to the bridge." To Be Continued...
Halo: Captain Keyes Story Part 2
Date: 31 March 2003, 11:35 PM
(UNSC Piller OF Autumn, unknown ring world, 0650 hours) Keyes was handed a pistol by sergeant Holmes. "Just in case something goes wrong," Holmes said. Keyes nodded and took the pistol. He checked the magazine which was full. Holmes pulled two spares from his belt and handed them to him. Keyes took them and put them in his belt. "How long have I been out since we crashed?" Keyes asked. "About an hour we tried to wake you up but you didn't budge," Holmes asnwered. "And what happened while I was out?" he asked again. "The covies started landing and my fireteam was able to hold them off, we were able to launch a command shuttle and they didn't track it and when Ensign Lovell woke you up they started coming towards the bridge and you blacked out again that was about a half hour ago," Holmes said. Keyes nodded and pulled back the slide and let it fall back it to place with a matallic click. He holstered the pistol and walked towards the shattered window. Outside was a vast barren desert that streched on for miles. It reminded him of his ranch in the navada desert. "Sir more covie dropships coming in fast," Lovell screamed his voice full of terror. Keyes pulled out his pistol and zoomed in with the scope, on the two dropships that were unloading troops. "Sir there's covies at the door," Holmes pointed towards a pressure door. Keyes ran over to it. In the initial landing he had ordered the bridge to be sealed off. The other pressure doors were sealed tight, these two pressure doors were separated with a small crack in the middle about an inch wide. A shadow blocked out the light that was coming in through the crack. Keyes fired off two shots and the shadow fell. Flouresent, blue colored blood seeped throught the crack on the floor. "Ensign open the door, sergeant Holmes have two of your men be ready to shoot whatever comes through that door, Lovell get the shuttle on the link and tell them we need to be extracted ASAP abd tell them to pick us up 300 miles to the east and get some transportation," Keyes said. "Sir we already have two warthogs and a tank outside," Holmes said. "Well then we're going to charge out of that door as soon as your shooters give us the all clear and we run like hell to those warthogs and get picked up by the command shuttle I'm sure they will send a pelican," Keyes said. "Yessir I sent the shuttle with five pelicans the other six were all destroyed in the crash," Holmes stated. "Which pelicans are still left?" Keyes asked. "Echo 419 or Foehammer, Vector 933, Bravo 22, Foxtrot 757, and Alpha 445, I sent 419 to evac survivors," Holmes answered. "Right well get your men in position and ready to move," Keyes said. "Yessir Wilson, Taylor you two take positions by the door and shoot anything thats in your way," Holmes barked. "Yessir" they said in unison and both took a knee in front of the door. "Lovell open it," keyes said. "Aye sir opening," Lovell said as he interfaced with the damaged controls. There was a click and the doors slowly opened. Wilson and Taylor kept their guns at the ready. In the hall there were two Grunts and one Jackal. Wilson fired a full auto blast at the Grunts with his MA5B assualt rifle. They were both propelled into the wall as the rounds tore through them and spattered blood onto the wall. The Jackal jumped and hid behind its energy shield and fired a shower of plasma at them, but its aim wasn't true and the bolts missed them. Taylor ran up and kicked its shield out of the way, he jammed his barrel into its head and fired a quick burst. Purple blood sprayed out from the back of its head and it went limp. "All clear," Taylor yelled. He ran ahead and disapeared around the corner. Holmes took point along with Wilson. Keyes and Lt. Hall were in the middle and Lovell and two other marines brought up the rear. As Keyes was walking he heard a scream."What was that?" He looked around. "Taylor," Wilson yelled. He ran ahead, as he was rounding the corner, two needles caught him squarely in the chest and exploded. He was thrown back against the wall. "Dammit get down," Holmes hissed. He signaled for the two other marines too come with him. "Stay here sir," he looked at keyes. Keyes watched as the three of them slowly made their way to the corner. Holmes did a somersault and fired. The other two popped out and did the same. He heard the screams of Grunts which were quickly silenced. "All clear," Holmes said. Keyes walked out over the corner. He saw five dead Grunts sprawled on the ground. As they were coming around another corner an Elite from out of no where popped out and melee'd Holmes in the head. Ten more came out and did the same before anyone could get a shot off. Keyes tried to shoot one but before he could a gold Elite slammed its plasma rifle on his head and all went black. To Be Continued...
Halo: Captain Keyes Story Part 3
Date: 5 April 2003, 12:02 AM
(Truth And Reconciliation covenant cruiser, 300 yards above unknown ring world, time unknown) Keyes awoke to a faint growling. His vision blurred then came into focus. He could feel four seperate, strong grips holding him. He looked around. Four Jackals were carrying him. Keyes could see several other Covenant walk past looking at him. He could see the unconcious bodies of the others being dragged By other Jackals. Keyes was dragged into a well lit room. At least a dozen Elites stood around him by the walls. This was the fourth time he was being interogated. A Jackal stepped forward and put something cold against his neck and a sharp pain shot through his body. His head buzzed and he could feel every vein pulse rapidly. An Elite in black armor stepped forward into the bright flourescent light that flooded the room. It pointed a long slender finger at him while the other hand palmed something on its belt and spoke. "You tell me where I can find the human who wears special armor." Keyes just looked at it. "I haven't the foggiest idea." He glanced up at a dressing that was wrapped around its head. "Next time you run into him you might consider ducking." The Elite in one quick, swift motion brought its hand up and back handed him across the face. Keyes staggered and recovered and whiped away the blood that was trickling down his face. He met the Elite's stare then he looked at the Grunt in blakc shiny armor that stood at its side. The Elite said something in its own language and the Jackals took him away. They took him through several hallways and corridors. They met up with more Jackals who were carrying the others. "Sir me and my last two marines are getting outta here sir," Holmes said. "What do you mean?" Keyes asked. "Were going to escape sir," He smiled weakly and whiped away the blood that was trickling down his face. "Nelson, Fowler get ready to go," Holmes said to the two marines. They both nodded their heads, tensed their muscles and awaited his command. "GO" Holmes shouted and he kicked the Jackals sheild out of the way and snatched it Plasma pistol. The ohter two did the same. Holmes pulled the firing mechanism and fired at the Jackal holding Keyes. Keyes ducked andone of the Jackals who was holding Keyes, was stunned by the sudden escape was struck with a hail of plasma fire. Purple blood sprayed onto Keyes. Holmes looked as the other Jackals hid behind their shields and fired. Fowler was hit several times in the chest and was thrown back against a wall and slowly fell to the ground leaving a spatter of blood on the wall. He died sitting up. Nelson and Holmes ran and disapeared around a corner. Two Elites charged after them and stopped in the middle of the hall and fired. Keyes new the hall that the corner that they had rounded was a dead end. He watched as the two aliens fired spraying the area with plasmaand heard two distinct screams, then silence. The three remaining Jackals grabbed Keyes and continued on. But they didn't picke up the others, just him. He turned around and watched as the two Elites came down and forced the other people downon their knees. He watched as one by one they were shot in the head. Ensign Lovell screamed and was immediatly silenced as the superheated plasma slammed into the back of his head. Lt. Hall prayed then fell as plasma hammered her head and fell in a pool of blood that was forming on the ground. Keyes looked away and prayed for his lost comrades. He was taken to a brig with several covenant around. Four other UNSC marines were in the cells. The Jackals took him to a cell and the water like energy field that served as bars faded. They threw him in and walked away. Keyes got up to his feet and went up to the strange force field that rippled like water. He touched it thinking that his hand would go right through but it met resistence. He walked into a corner and sat down exhuasted. In the cell paralel to his, a marine was standing up clutching his stomach. Blood dripped omto the ground. He was obviously wounded. He looked at Keyes and le his arms dangle revealing the wound. His burnt entrails fell out and the marine collapsed to the blood slick floor. Again Keyes prayed. He finished and leaned against the wall not knowing what was going to happen next. To Be Continued...
Halo: Captain Keyes Story Part 4
Date: 10 April 2003, 10:50 PM
(Covenant cruiser Truth and Reconciliation Brig,Time unknown) Keyes sat down, wiry and tired from the crash. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep but it never came. His mind ran with scattered thoughts. He tried to sort them out but couldn't. He forced himself not to worry and listened to the Grunt guards talk in english. "Did you hear the control room?" the first one asked. "Yes the exellency has sent a search- the second Grunt stopped in the middle of its sentence, it started to talk in its own language. "Whoever controls Halo controls universe," a third one said. "Who ever controls Halo controls universe," another one repeated it. They all began to say it as if chanting it. The Elite guards were saying it. "Shut the hell up you basterds!" a marine shouted over the noise. A gold Elite aimed its plasma rifle at the marine's cell and shot. The plasma bolt slammed into the energy field and disentigrated. The marine backed away from the field and sat down. He curled into a ball and began mumbling something. Keyes guessed that the Elite and shot at the marine as if demanding silence. He dismissed the thought and began to piece together what they ment by whoever controls Halo controls the universe. What is Halo? What is the control room? Why do they say that whoever controls Halo controls the universe? He thought to himself. The gold Elite walked up to his cell and keyed something on its belt. "Silnece next one to talk dies painful death," it barked. "Look hear I'm talking now lets see what your going to do ya' dumbass," a marine yelled. "Shut up!" Keyes yelled The Elite's face wrinkled in anger. It turned around and barked and growled something at a blue Elite. The blue Elite touched a holopanel and the energy fields materialized and the Elite walked over to the marines cell. The Elite fired a salvo of plasma at the marine. He screamed and was thrown backwards and hit against a wall. he slid to the ground, blood flowing from his chest. The Elite went from cell to cell shooting plasma at the walls, scaring the hell out of the four remaining marines. He came to Keyes cell and fired two plamsa bolts at him. Keyes ducked just in time. He felt the air crackle above as the plasma sizzled past and smacked into the wall. Keyes got to his feet and watched as the energy field reappeared. He sat down in the corner of the cell and thought to himself. Slowly he drifted off to sleep. keyes jumped back to reality at a shooting sound coming from the hall. It sounded like an MA5B assault rifle. Suddenly the doors opened and the Master Chief came running in. The little Grunts who had been sleeping, jumped up but they quickly fell to the ground in pools of flouresent blood. Keyes watched as the Chief lobbed a frag grenade at the gold Elite who was going to be a problem. The Elite and two others were blown skyward as the grenade exploded. Smoke, fire, and purple-black blood filled the room. Keyes looked up as the gold Elite was propelled into the air and slammed into the force field of his cell. The Elite slid down the field leaving a trail of blood that ran down after it. Keyes looked away to see plasma bolts hit the Chief, that seemed to come out of no where. "Its the Chief lemme out chief," one marine said. The Chief fired and a gray Elite materialized out of thin air and fell to the blood sliken floor. Keyes sat there and looked down at the ground as the energy field disappered and the Chief hovered over him and offered his hand. "Coming here was reckless you two know better," Keyes snapped as he took the Chief's hand and got tp his feet. A wave of relief and grattitude washed over him. "Thanks." "Any time sir," the Spartan said smoothely. "Can you find your way out these corridors and hallways are like mazes they all look the same?" Keyes asked with an expression full of doubt and the slightest trace of worry. "It shouldn't be too difficult all we have to do is follow the bodies," the Chief said. "Right one more thing while the covenant had us locked up in here I over heard the guards talking about this ring world they call it...Halo," Keyes said. "One moment sir accesing covenant battle net...according to the data in their networks, the ring has some kind of deep religious significince. It I'm analyzing this correctly they believe that Halo is some kind of weapon. One with vast unimaginable power," Cortana said. "Well thats true... they kept saying that whoever controls halo controls the fate of the universe," Keyes stated. "Now I see...i have intercepted a number of messages about a covenant search team, scouting for a control room. I thought they were looking for a bridge of a cruiser that I damaged in the battle above the ring but they must be searching for Halo's control room," Cortana said. "Thats bad news, if Halo is a weapon then they'll use it to wipe out the human race. Chief, Cortana! I have a new mission for you. We need to beat the covenant to halo's control room. Marines! Lock and load your weapons let's move," "Yes sir," one marine said as he picked up a plasma rifle. "Okay sir," another said, he picked up a needler. "sir with all do respect we should focus on completing current mission before we tackle another one let's move," the Chief said. "Right Chief you have the point," Keyes said as he picked up a needler. He watched as the doors opened and knew more trouble lay ahead. To Be Continued...
Halo: Captain Keyes Story Part 5
Date: 15 April 2003, 6:09 AM
(Covenant cruiser Truth and Reconciliation brig, Time unknown) Keyes picked up a Needler and was ready to go. The pressure door opened and plasma fire shot in from no where. Keyes watched as the Chief took a knee and opened up. Two dead Elites materialized from out of no where and fell to the ground dead. The Chief ran ahead but slowed down for the marines who wern't as fast as him. Keyes had troubke to keep up. He stumbled along through the corridors and passages until the Chief brought them to the bridge. Keyes followed the marines through the prssure door and saw the Master Chief opening up on two invisible Elites with plasma swords. Both soon fell to the ground in heaps. "Cortana to Echo 419 we have the captain and need extraction on the double," Cartana's voice crackled over the com channel. "Negevtive Cortana I've been engaged by covenant air patrols and I'm havin' a tough time shakin' 'em. You'll be better off findin' your own ride, sorry," Foehammer crackled back. "Acknowledged Foehammer, Cortana out." Cortana's voice came through the spartans external speakers. "Airsupport is cut off Captain, we need to hold here until she can move in," she said. "Aw, man! We're trapped in here! We're screwed! We're screwed man!" a marine screamed in panic. "Stow the bellyaching soldier, remember your a leather neck. Cortana if you and the Chief can get us onto one of those covenant dropships I can fly us outta here," Keyes said. "Yes captain there's a Dropship still docked follow the Chief," she said. Keyes nodded and suddenly a pressure door opened and three Grunts waddled in. Keyes srayed them with needles. Plasma fire from the marines left not much of the Grunts. More doors opened and more Grunts and Jackals came charging in. They were soon sprawled on the ground in pools of flourecsent and purple blood. The Master chief led them through several corridors and hallways until the came to the dock. It was guarded by ten coevant. The chief rushed in closely followed by the marines. The five Grunts were instantly killed as the marines rained hell on them. The Chief shot off well placed shots and took down an Elite. The other Jackals and another Elite stood their ground and returned fire. The Jackals shields were quickly taken out by non-stop plasma fire. Keyes ran up and to one exposed Jackal and emptied the clip of the Needler on it. The Jackal was blown into the air and landed several yards away. As soon as the last covenant fell, the Chief touched a holopanel and the Dropship was released from the clamps. "Thats it the Dropship is loose," Cortana said. "Everyone mount up, let's get onboard," Keyes said as the marines loaded up onto the ship. "Give me a minute to interface with the ships controls," Cortana said. "No need I'll take this bird out myself," Keyes said. He looked at the control panel. It was a holopanel and the ships interior was dimly lit. Keyes had trouble focusing but saw what he was looking for. He put is hands to the panel and moved his hand backward. The ship hovered away from the dock. "Captain Hunters," a marine said with a panic stricken voice. Keyes watched through the main veiwport as the Hunters came charging in on a dock. Keyes pushed the controls forward and the ship's bows crushed them. "Nice one sir," a marine commented. "Time for a little pay back," Keyes said. He turned the controls around and pushed them forward. The dropship accelarated forward into the night sky. He fought hard to keep it steady the controls were tricky. Keyes pushed harder on them and the dropship picked up speed. It banked to the left and headed south. "Cortana can you give the coordinates for Alpha base?" Keyes asked. "Yes captain I will load them into the ships data base and it will appear on the main console," Cortana said. Keyes watched as the coordintates popped up on the panel that hovered six inches from his face. He was heading in the wrong direction. Keyes ,ade the adjustment and the ship headed on a straight course for Alpha base. Keyes knew that the command shuttle had been shot down ehn it took off. But the helljumpers were able to take a Butte and make Alpha base. That wold serve as the HQ for now. Keyes was only ten miles from Alpha base. He couldn't wait to fall asleep. But right now he had to fly this damned ship. To Be Continued...