
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction


HALO-003 Part 1
Date: 3 October 2003, 1:43 PM

Part 1

John looked up at the stars. Through his gold visor he could make out each individual cluster. "Beautiful, aren't they?" a voice behind him said. He spun around to see Captain Zevda smiling at him. "Yes, they're quite lovely." He replied, turning toward the window again. The Captain stepped up beside John. He stared out into the sky for a while, and then grabbed John by the shoulder.
"Come on, Master Chief. Let's get you to the drop ship." John sighed as he left the bridge of the spacecraft and entered the docking bay. "Damn this war, Captain." Master Chief said. Zevda nodded and pointed to a group of marines lined up in front of a drop ship. "This is your crew. Your assignment is to rescue a downed crew located somewhere on Halo-003. They were trying to make friendly contact with the Convenent, but with no success." Why the hell were they trying to be friends with them?" John asked. Many marines laughed. Zevda glared at them, and all of them fell silent. "Because, John-117, if we could work out our differences, then this war would be over. BUT IT ISN'T, NOW IS IT?" he yelled. John nodded. He turned to face Captain Zevda. "With all due respect sir, don't you believe that sort of saying doesn't mean anything anymore? I mean, they won't to wipe us out, not share crumpets and tea." Once again, the Marines laughed. Zevda glared at Master Chief. "One more witty remark and you brains will be splattered all over this dock. Now get moving." He said. His face was as red as fresh spilled blood. "Sir, yes sir." John replied. With a snap of his fingers, he ordered the crew to enter the drop ship.


Halo-003 was in sight. Cortana stared at Master Chief. She admired the green plated armor that protected all Spartans. She always thought it was better than the suits issued to normal marines. Memories came into he head. Her and Master Chief on Halo. Fighting, shooting, killing, all good times. She was glad it was over though, but it wasn't. Now she was being assigned to yet another mission. Master Chief turned to face her. He took a seat. "Nice view out there." He said. Cortana stared at the stars. "It looks just like the original. Same plants, same atmosphere, same everything. I bet it even has the same buildings." She said. A marine, Corporal Calvin Peerson, stood up beside Master Chief. Most people just called him Coach for no reason at all. "Sir, we have two minutes until entry interface." "Good. Assemble your squads, Coach. We're going in." "I hate reentries." Cortana complained. The windows no longer let in the darkness of outer space, and showed a pinkish haze. A little after a minute, the sky became clear and blue. A green land lay below them. Everyone gave a sigh of relief. Little did that platoon of marines know that an entire army of Convenent soldiers was waiting to kill them on the surface. Master Chief approached the pilots of the drop ship. "How much time?" he asked. "Less than a minute, sir." The copilot replied. Master Chief headed into the bay. "It's time." He said to Cortana. She nodded. Master Chief pulled her chip out of the holo-projector. He placed the chip in his helmet. Immediately Cortana began speaking to him. "This should be easy." She said. "Yes it should..."


When the drop ship landed, all of the Marines fled out in one group. Master Chief stood in front, waiting to shoot. Behind the boulders in front of them, a group of Elites and Grunts were waiting for the humans. "You distract them, while we sneak up and flank em'." An Elite ordered the Grunts. They nodded. "Go now!" the Elite yelled. The grunts ran off to the humans. "Warning! Multiple hostiles incoming!" Cortana yelled. "No duh!" yelled a marine. "Everyone open fire!" Master Chief yelled. Marines began to mow down all of the Grunts. They fell to the ground, blue blood pooling all around them. Suddenly, a marine screamed. Master Chief turned to see an Elite grab a marine by the head, then twist it off. He heard the sound of cracking bones, blood vessels snapping, and tendons ripping as the body was flung into the distance. Blood poured out of the severed head. The Elite pulled out the brain, opened his mouth, and swallowed it whole. It glared at him, then said, "You lose." Master Chief turned around and saw more Marines being attacked. One was being eaten alive. His screams were deafening. The others were being ripped apart. Blood was spilled all over the grass. Only one marine was surviving. The Elite in front of Master Chief grabbed that sole marine and ran off into the distance. "HELP ME! OH GOD, SOMEONE HELP!!!!!!!!!" he screamed. Master Chief managed to shoot one of the Elites, but the other two escaped. Cortana spoke. "We had better find him. There's nothing we can do for the others, though. We'll have to leave them." Chief nodded. As he walked passed the bodies, one started talking. It was the one who was eaten alive. "Help, sir...I, I...uhg." he moaned Master Chief ran to his side. Most of his chest was eaten out, except his heart and lungs. Blood was all over his hands and arms. "It's okay, son. I'm right here..." Chief said. The marine coughed up some blood. He grabbed Master Chief's hand. Master Chief gripped it tight. The marine smiled. His eyes began to twitch. Then he died. Master Chief loosened his grip. "Let's go, Chief." Cortana said. Master Chief stood up and walked away from the bodies.


The Elites threw the marine into a room. He forced himself into a corner, and then began whimpering. "Why are you doing this? Let me go, please!" he said, cowering in fear. An Elite grabbed him by the throat. The marine began pleading. "Please don't kill me! I have a wife and a son back home!" The Elite tightened its grip. "No, no please, no!" the marine wailed. The Elite let out a roar. The marine's eyes opened wide with fear. The Elite pulled him toward his face until they're foreheads were touching. The marine stared into the Elite's slim, evil eyes. "Please don't," the marine cried. The Elite laughed, and then set him down. He laughed even more, than turned to the other Elites. They nodded. The Elite punched the marine. Then the Elite grabbed a knife, and jabbed it into the marine's eye. He cried out in pain, blood gushing from his eye socket. When the Elite released the knife, the marine clutched his eye. The other Elite grabbed the marine's free hand, set it on a desk, and winked at the marine. The Elite thrusted the knife through the marine's hand, and then sliced off the hand's thumb. The scream was deafening. An Elite with took the marine's pistol, grabbed the marine's face, than asked a single question. "What's your name, marine?" The marine shook with pain and fear, and then replied, "Corporal Calvin Peerson. But people call me Coach."

To be continued...

HALO-003 Part 2
Date: 21 September 2004, 11:23 PM

Part 2

Corporal Calvin Peterson opened his eye. Where am I, he thought. All he could see was that he was in a corner. The ground was cold and hard. He tried to stand up. Somehow, he managed to hold himself up against the corner of the small room he was in. He stumbled over to what he thought was a way out. Instead, he ran right into a plasma energy field. He fell back screaming from the burns he just received from the plasma. He knew where he was now. A Covenant holding cell. He tried to think why he was here. He remembered being with Master Chief, being attacked, something with his hand…and then he remembered. He looked down at his hand in horror. The thumb was missing, and there was a gapping hole in his palm. Only then did he realize that his eye was missing as well. He screamed. A figure appeared outside of the cell. It was an Elite. The Elite stared at Peterson, as did the frightened Corporal. The Elite must have been a high ranking one. He wore gold armor, and Calvin could make out that he was holding an energy sword. The Elite spoke in grumbled English, "Feeling better, Coach?" he asked. Calvin could sense the sarcasm. "Shut up, you slimy son of a bitch!" he yelled. The Elite only laughed. Calvin went back to the corner and sat down again. He looked up and watched as a grunt came up next to the Elite. The grunt quivered with fear. "What is it?" asked the Elite. "Sir, um, there's a call from, um, the, the, humans, sir." he said. What the fuck, thought Calvin. The Elite must of read Clavin's mind, for he to yelled out, "What the fuck?" "It's true, sir." said the grunt, staring at Calvin. He laughed. "What are you laughing at?" yelled the Elite. The grunt jumped into the air, pointed at Calvin and said with fear, "Him, sir." The Elite nodded, then walked out of the detention center. The grunt followed.


Master Chief was running through an open valley, trying to find where Coach was being held. He was constantly looking around for danger, even though he knew he had Cortana to watch out for him. It was just from instinct. Suddenly, his motion tracker came alive with two large red dots. "Chief, look out! Incoming Banshees!" yelled Cortana. The super-soldier ducked down and rolled behind a large bolder. He looked up as the two Covenant flyers whooshed overhead, making their signature sounds. It was then when the call came over the radio. "This is Drop ship Oscar 49, does anyone copy, over?" said a voice. Cortana responded, "Roger Oscar 49. This is fire team Bravo 1. We read you, what is your position?" The pilot responded, "We're one mile west of the main river, near some mountains. We have vehicles and-" "And what?" asked Cortana. No response. "Oscar 49, come in!" she yelled. The Marine responded, "We've been engaged by two Banshees! We can't shake em! I don't think, AHH!" Then the transmission was cut. "Oh shit." Master Chief whispered. "Chief, Oscar 49 said they had vehicles. We had better check it out," said Cortana. The Master Chief nodded, then started running for Oscar 49's crash site.


"Sir, the Covenant cruiser is within range," said an operator from his station on the mighty Halcyon human cruiser. "Good, bring up the holo communicator." said Captain Zevda. "Yes sir." replied the operator. He punched in a few numbers on his keyboard, and a large hologram of an Elite popped up before him. The Elite looked disgusted as he stared at the human captain from his own cruiser. Zevda spoke first. "Greetings. I am Captain Zevda of The Referee. How are you today?" he spoke. The Elite rolled his eyes. "Shut up and get to the point before I get impatient and blow your little toy to pieces." said the Elite, obviously annoyed. "Fine, fine," said Zevda, "Well, to get to the point, we both know what's down on that ring. Hopefully, you're here to do what we're planning to do." The Elite interrupted the Captain. "We're here to kill the flood and destroy this facility, as well as anything else in our way," said the Elite, "So I would recommend leaving us alone." The Captain rubbed his chin. "Would you be open to a joint operation? Perhaps, we could work together to destroy the flood and the rest of these 'Halos'. What do you say?" asked Zevda. The Elite stared into the Captain's eyes, then said in the coldest, most horrible voice ever, "Not a chance in hell." Then the transmission cut. "What's going on, who turned it off!?" yelled Zevda, glaring at the operator who had started the transmission. "Sir, I didn't do it! They must have, SIR, INCOMING!" he yelled. A large blast shook the spacecraft. "We're under attack from the Covies!" screamed another technician.

To be continued…
