Gateway To Damnation by Vmanjr
Gateway to Damnation: Episode 1
Date: 25 June 2004, 11:11 PM
Attack of the Unknown
"This first 'episode' starts out with six people, four at Blood Gulch red base(which is portal to home): two looking out next to the portal are Teach and Cross. Tanner and Poncho are each in the upper walkway to the base. The other two Spartans: Specks and Screw, are at Blood Gulch blue base front hill(which is the Ammo Base)."
Blue Base Hill-Specks: I love it, especially when you stick your tongue in the middle of the hole and it gets all over your mouth.
Red Base-Listening on walkie talkie.
Blue Base Hill-Screw: No, no. When you try and stick the whole thing in your mouth is the best.
Red Base-Teach: Stop fantysizing about your first time with Poncho's mom guys.
Red Base-Poncho:*Talking soft so no one can here him* I swear, one day, im gonna get these guys.
Blue Base Hill-Specks: Need I remind you about my eyesight Teach?
Red Base-Teach: Whatever, just get overhere. Its night shift. *radio turns off*
Blue Base Hill-Specks: *Brings up Sniper Rifle* Watch this.
Red Base: A shot fires straight past Teach's face mask.
Blue Base Hill-Specks: We'll be right over.
Blue Base Hill-Screw: Nice, but I cant believe its night shift already? We should talk about doughnuts more often. And you have to admit, Poncho's mom is nice.
Walking On Dirt Road-Specks: O hell yeah. In a second I would hit her up. I wouldnt even have to think about it.
Walking On Dirt Road-Screw: Do you think they've always been listening to us?
Walking-Specks: Lets just say if they are, I think I can take all of them down in 4 seconds.
Turns The Corner-Screw: O dude, look. I didnt know we had a tank.
Standing On Corner-Specks: We didnt.
Walking Over To Tank-Screw: Its probably a new shipment, lets go check it out.
*Tank moves nozzle towards Screw*
Running Towards Screw-Specks: Get Down.
*Jumps on Screw as a shell passes them both overhead.*
Picks Up Screw-Specks: Run towards blue base, NOW!
Running-Screw: Hurry up Specks, hes loading another shell.
Red Base-Teach: Damn Specks. One day hes going to hit me.
Red Base-Tanner: Did you guys here that?
Red Base-Cross: Yeah, and it looks like Screw and Specks are running towards Blue Base.
Red Base-Poncho: Hey, I didnt know we had a tank.
Red Base-Teach: We dont.
*As all four of the Red Base Spartans look over to Screw and Specks a shell is fired near them, and misses both of them but hits right behind Specks, blowing him over Screw.*
Red Base-Teach: $hit, theres to much smoke I cant see.
Red Base-Cross: How did they get here?
Red Base-Tanner: Who are they?
Red Base-Poncho: Why are they attacking us?
Red Base-Teach: SHUT UP! This isnt the time for that. It looks like Screw is carrying Specks to Blue Base.
Red Base-Tanner: We have to get them!
Red Base-Teach: No, its too dangerous.
Red Base-Cross: Do we atleast have radio contact?
Red Base-Teach: No, there frequency is off. I guess it was damaged when Specks fell.
Running Threw Blue Base Opening-Screw: Were gonna make it buddy.
Red Base-Poncho: Did it ever occur to Screw that Blue Base Ammo Depo is highly explosive?
*As soon as Poncho finished his sentence the tank was already on the hill and lined up to shoot.*
Red Base-Cross: May God be with them.
*BOOM! Red based watched as Blue Base ignited with flames and pieces of cediment fell from the sky and then suddenly a purple and grey color twinkled in there right eyelides. Three ghosts and two warthogs came rushing out from behind the cave. One ghost headed for Blue Base, one stayed in the middle of the field, and one hiding in back of a tree. One warthog went on the cliff and one inside the cave showing its chain gun. The tank soon moved back to were the "armada" came out of and stayed on the hill.*
Red Base-Cross: May my hand steady with guidance, and my heart with belief.
*Cross took out the driver of the ghost that headed for Blue Base right before he had went around the back.*
Red Base-Teach: Tanner and Cross. Go through and warn Damnation, we need to tell them whats happening.
Red Base-Cross: Yes sir.
*As soon as tanner ran across the base it was sprayed with shells. VOOM. VOOM. Luckily, Cross and Tanner were already through the portal.*
Red Base-Teach: Poncho your next.
Red Base-Poncho: Its to dangerous, im gonna go around back.
*When Poncho ran down stairs and tried to get to the otherside, he was hit by the ghost who was hiding behind the tree.*
Red Base-Teach: Its a shame a man like that, who never knew his dad, died like this.
Damnation Portal-Teach: Shut it down. SHUT IT DOWN!!!
*The lights dimmed off, and were replaced by emergency red signals.*
Damnation-Tanner: Wheres Poncho?
Damnation-Teach: Im sorry son, he didnt make it.
Damnation-Tanner: He was the closest thing I ever had to a brother.
*Tanner and cross walked off, knowing how much they would miss him.*
Damnation-Employer: Teach, tell me what the hell is going on. I now know that three of my best men are gone.
Damnation-Teach: Ill explain everything tonight. Get the council going.
*Back on Blood Gulch*
Poncho: Son of a gun. My back is killing me. These white guys have no idea what this mex has stired up for them.
"Episode 2" Coming Soon