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From New York To New Mombassa by Unorthidox Everything Man
Episode 2: Forerunner
Date: 5 December 2003, 12:47 AM
The cold fog mingled down upon the Marines' heads. They trudged through a swampy area of New York. Not a word was said; the Marines' morale was very low. The Chief strode along a head of him, happy, and care free. "I hate in how he's always bumbling about and shit," one Marine said to another. "It's only because he can't die that fast, if we took down his shield, he wouldn't stand a chance," he shot a glance in the Chief's direction. "But you wouldn't do that would you?" the Chief looked back and smiled. The Marines continued their walk, until Chief heard the yelp of a Grunt. He raised up his hand and silenced the Marines behind him. He stuck his head out through the bushes, and saw a large battalion of Covenant walking across a bridge, connected to New York Harbor. He motion for the two snipers to come up to him. "You see those two ridges up there?" the Chief asked. "Yeah," the snipers said. "Alright, I want you two to head up there, and be quiet, then, engage the forces, get them shooting at you, and we will move in for the kill," he looked at them questioningly. "Yes sir!" The two snipers moseyed their way up the hill, keeping silent. A few minutes later, the first Brute fell to the ground, and the Covenant battalion began to fire upon the hills, not knowing what to aim at. The chief rallied the men, and told them to seek cover, then attack the battalion. The first few Marines hid behind a small rock, the rest found turned over cars. "On three, one two," the Chief held his breathe, "three!" The road, burst into noise, grunts and jackals dying, elites running for cover, as the snipers gunned down the brutes. The Chief leaped into battle, and cracked in a grunt's head, hot blue blood spurting up on his visor. An elite approached him from behind, only to have 16 sub machine gun bullets in his chest by the Chief. The elite staggered back and roared, as a 14.5mm tracer bullet flew through his head, scattering it upon the ground. The fight continued until the Covenant forces were destroyed, and the snipers descended from the hill. The Marines once again had survived, with the help of the Chief. The sense of urgency descended upon then quickly. They knew that they had to rush to the harbor, if they had any hope of catching a ride to New Mombassa. They hurried across the bridge, made of concrete, spanning over a 24-lane highway, cars stopped, bodies hanging from them. They were nearly across the bridge, when a shot from a fuel rod gun blew several Marines onto the ground below. "Hunters!!!!" One Marine shouted. He was soon to be corrected, as two Elite looking aliens strode out from behind the rock, where they had taken cover. They were tall, and bulky much like Elites, except they didn't have sectioned mouths, they didn't have mouths at all! They were completely black, and they raised their guns, and took aim. "Cover!!" Chief shouted, and rolled behind a rock, just as the shots erupted in a huge explosion upon the ground. Indeed they had encountered a new breed of alien, Covenant or not, it was not friendly. A Marine with the computer, clicked it on, as the chief sent out several Marines at a time. "Sir!!! It's a Forerunner!!" "No Way!!" "Yes sir!! It is!" "How'd they find Earth!?" "You have just a good as guess as me, guess they wanted to bring the Flood here?" "We can't let that happen!" The Chief rushed into the heat, as corpses of his comrades flew by his head at unGodly speed. The Chief raised his weapon, and began to fire off rounds from his battle rifle at the Forerunners. They dodged out of the way, at super-alien speed. "Sir! There's no way we can stop it! They've already planted the Flood!!" The Chief swung down on a Forerunner, "WHAT??" "That's right sir, Charlie Team just ran into about 60 of them, they need some shotguns, they're asking for a rush delivery!" "Darn, keep fighting!!"
This is the sequel to "Old Landmarks" It actually has the series title in it this time. What will happen to Chiefs battalion? Find out next time