Forever Brothers by StickyHelljumper
Chapter 1-- Ambush
Date: 10 April 2005, 12:40 AM
Slowly, a heavily battered Pelican Vessel glided through the tall mountains of Delta Halo towards one of the contact points Sargent Johnson had given them. Aboard the battered vehicle sat the remnants of a platoon. The company was now down to 8 soldiers, led by Sargent Jacob Branston. He walked quietly over to the cockpit and asked the pilot what their estimated ETA was going to be.
"Approximately, two hours sir; I radioed Containment Base 1 about ten minutes ago to let them know we were right on schedule," replied the pilot. The Sarge silently wiped some sweat off his wrinkly forhead. For a man in his late sixties, Jacob only looked a day over 50. He had sandy brown hair that was only flecked with gray, and his square-like face was only punctuated by a few wrinkles. He looked over the company of soldiers and didn't see warriors for Earth.. He saw a tired bunch of rag dolls that wanted nothing more than to get off this damn ring.
Frankly, Jacob wanted the same thing. He had already lost so many people; soldiers, friends... relatives. However he knew what had to be done, the Covenant has to be stopped even if it meant the life of every one of his men. He had witnessed things that had changed him over this war. He had entered the UNSC Armed Forces 30 years before as a young and eager Private who was ready to defend what mankind held so dear. Now he was a 68 year old man who was very tired of the fighting and the battles that were constantly being lost. He wanted out so badly, but he knew that if he quit now, when the people of Earth were desperately depending on their success, he would be seen as nothing more than a cowerd.
He closed his eyes, thinking about the atrocities this war had produced. Not just from the Covenant, but from his own soldiers. The image of a helpless boy emerging from a Covenant controlled building and being shot multiple times in the face went through Jacob's mind and he had to fight to hold back a tear. He had been so young, though Jacob. Then the image of him holding the smoking gun hit him and he felt a wave of sadness come over him.
Reaching into his breast pocket, he took out a very crinkled piece of paper that read, Official Resignation Application printed on the front. Then he pulled out a damaged photo of him and his once full Platoon smiling over a pile of Covenant scum they had taken out. Looking back at the form Jacob thought to himself, if only it were that easy. He still had a duty to complete; getting these men safely back home.
And with that last thought, Jacob Branston ripped the Resignation form in half, tossed it out the window, and watched as the wind whipped it away into the darkness of the mountains below.
-- 1 hour later --
Night had fallen and most of the soldiers were sleeping soundly. Jacob had managed to sleep a little, but he really wasn't tired. Besides, he wanted to be fully alert when he went to meet up with Sargeant Johnson. Most of their mission in the Ice Fields of Delta Halo had been a success.
They had successfully located a Covenant Brigade preparing to assault Containment Base 1 and quickly launched a full scale attack destroying the Dropships and killing most of the Elites. Unfortunately, half the platoon had been lost in the battle and a few more had been injured. Now they were to return to their Contact Point and help defend the Base from enemy attackers.
Jacob breathed slowly and soon closed his eyes to at least try and sleep when suddenly the ship violently shook to one side. Almost instantly the Sarge was on his feet, alert and picking up his Battle Rifle. He quickly ran towards the cockpit to see what had happened. "Sir, we're being ambushed by two Covenant dropships that just appeared on radar," shouted the pilot frantically. "I'm performing evasive maneuvers to try and get out of their fire path."
The Pelican dropped altitude and spun to the right, but the Covenant ships, being much faster, had already dropped to their position and continued firing their destructive bolts of plasma at the already damaged outer hull. "Pilot, radio Containment Base, and tell them we need immediate aerial support," shouted Jacob.
"Sir.. They've knocked out our radio transponder and weapons system," replied the pilot with a sudden tone of fear.
"Damn't, we'll just have to improvise then." He look downwards at the mountains below them and knew their only chance of survival was to land. "Pilot, take us downwards towards that plateau there; it's our only chance. "On my command, I want you to lower the hangar door; I have a little surprise for those bastards.
With that, Jacob quickly made his way to a large storage container and kicked it open. "Private Sanchez, give me a hand here," shouted Jacob. Quickly, the young mexican soldier reached in and helped him lift out an large machine gun turret. They carried it over to the hangar door and dropped it down. Jacob adjusted the scope on it and with a shout towards the pilot, prepared to give the Covenant hell. The hangar slowly dropped open...
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry for there not being to much action but I can promise you, the next chapter is going to be action-packed.