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Epitaph of Destruction by Insomnia
Epitaph of Destruction, Prologue
Date: 30 June 2005, 4:53 am
Ninth Age of Reclamation, the Great Cleansing/On Planet "Earth", destroying final remnants of the Human Race
The orb of destruction latched and adhered itself onto the Human's Epithermal tissue layer. A bone chilling scream emanated from its mouth as it desperately tried to pry the grenade off, but it was quickly silenced as the ensuing detonation consumed and ripped apart the human in gore covered chunks of flesh and bits of carbonized bone, that rained asunder to the ground in wet, squishy plops.
'Xafomee brandished his weapon as four more interlopers approached him. They made a desperate attempt to kill him in valor of their fallen comrade. One threw a fragmentation grenade, and if it hit, it would blow him apart.
The Sangheili quickly jumped in a rebounding leap as the chemical weapon detonated and left a charring, smoking crater in the concrete where he stood only seconds ago. He took his Carbine, and aimed squarely at the primate that threw the explosive device. He triggered the zoom facility, and fired.
The purple rifle spat out kiwi beams of lancing energy at insane speeds. The trio of shots entered in-between its two bulging eyes, and out through it's cerebral cortex. The Radioactivity that existed throughout the projectile made it all the easier to hit and penetrate the bone underneath, sizzling its insides as the Human fell to the ground in a crumpled heap, a hole burned through the center of its head.
The others started to fire. Their high-explosive rounds were rebounded and absorbed by the coat of blue shielding that 'Xafomee possessed on his armor. However, his shield was dropping too rapidly, and if it went out, he would die very quickly.
He began a sprint towards the first one. He quickly grabbed its head, and violently twisted it to a one hundred and eighty degree angle. It didn't make a sound as it died.
He used the body as a shield to approach the second interloper. He threw the carcass onto the Human, knocking him face flat on the hot, black asphalt. He screamed his pain, noticing a piece of glass lacerated the right side of his face. He was still alive though, and he could watch as 'Xafomee took a scalpel and slammed it into his right eyeball and through the socket, ending the creatures suffering.
The third Interloper yelled something incomprehensible and fired, athirst for 'Xafomee's death. But 'Xafomee, a quick thinker, kicked the second dead corpse to the right at a good speed, and knocked the next one off balance. He yanked the weapon out of the creatures arms and saw something white and sharp come out of its arm socket, a bone going the opposite direction, penetrating his own skin.
He took the primitive rifle, and fired a trio squarely into its face, and blood oozed out of the newly established wound.
The fourth interloper, who had been watching, dumbfounded, watched as 'Xafomee came up to him, mandibles snapping. He grabbed the creature by its throat, and lifted it in the air. He squeezed as hard as he could, his slender fingers wrapping around the circumference of the creatures tan skin. His keen hearing sensory not only heard a sick gagging and strangling sound, and saw the blood foaming at its mouth, but heard, and felt its neck snap.
He took the now-corpse and threw it to the asphalt, face-first.
This is Zurr 'Xafomee, Captain of the Guardians of the Covenant, rank of Black Field Master and interlaced with irony. He is one of the greatest warriors of the Covenant when he would prefer to be in a quiet sanctuary and meditate. His excellent leadership skills and superb tactics make him a skilled commander when he would rather follow orders. His prowess and implacable swordsmanship with the Energy Sword makes him a superior at close range combat, but he would rather use stealth and take enemies out, one foe at a time.
This Sangheili is calm, quiet professional, and tackles any mission with expert skill, risking his life in thousands of sorties as much as being a front line Unggoy. He is easily the best warrior to befall the Covenant since the founding days.
He stared at the dead Humans with absolute pride, and knew he needed to rendezvous with his team. He would have walked out of the street to the base without a hitch, if his leg did not explode. He fell to the ground face first, scratching his polished black and red trimmed armor.
He fell into shock almost immediately. His senses buzzed with extreme pain, as if he could feel nothing more. The pain would not stop, and he groaned in desperate protest. Grayness dimmed the corners of his vision as he saw another human, carrying one of their 'Sniper Rifles' stepped up to 'Xafomee, aghast. The astringent pain started to take over his mind, and vision, when something inside of him sparked.
His mind buzzed with activity as he tried to muster the strength to attack the human, to spill its blood, when a Plasma Grenade landed on it from behind, and it was obviously devoured by the blinding flash of EMP.
An Unggoy in Ivory-Clad armor approached, with a triangle of black clad Unggoy holstering Fuel Rod Cannons guarding his rear. He looked at him, eyes wide, for if they lost him, it would not be good for the Covenant.
'Xafomee did not even know what was causing the pain until he saw a puddle of his own indigo blood seeping towards him. Even though the Unggoy spoke loud, he could barely hear him.
The Unggoy said, "We will get you back to ship now." when darkness took him.
"Our Seraph Squadrons have bombed every major metropolis in the area. Other than a few skirmishes two hundred kilometers south, there have been no other humans sighted in the vicinity." The Sangheili Field master Ver 'Kateramee said. His Gold and black trimmed armor bristled against the wind, filed with dirt, that dusted his highly polished armor. The orange landscape, the black typhoons of destruction that waged overhead, had all been completed thanks to this Sangheili. He bowed low to none other than Overseer Ala 'Omnamamee.
The Platinum armored Sangheili nodded. "Well done, 'Kateramee. Get the Seraph Fighters to perform one more bombing, and let them recon for the next two units. In the meantime, I think it's time we bring this world to an end. It has caused enough grief to our soldiers to find such a weak and small world. Evacuate all remaining ground staff, via Phantom, or Shadow. Also, round up all remaining turrets and vehicles, including the Scarabs. We leave to the Instrument of Retaliation in one full unit. Understood?"
The Sangheili Field Master bowed low and nodded. "Yes, Excellency," And walked away, his armor glinting amidst the wind as he directed his personal staff to evacuate everything.
'Omnamamee looked around and surveyed the area. Tendrils of black clouds swirled in raging hurricanes. Lightning flashed and crackled. He felt the ground underneath him shake as the thunder came around.
He focused his attention on the nearby Metropolis that the Humans called "New York," and watched as a duet of Scarab Walkers, accompanied by a legion of Wraith Mortar Tanks on the ground, destroyed a skyscraper. It collapsed on the ground and sent clouds of brown dust sky high. The ground rumbled and shook violently, as an after-effect.
He directed his lower staff members. "Bring a Phantom here to get me back on my ship. Tell Fleet Master 'Eneremee I will be arriving momentarily."
The Gray armored Field Apprentice nodded. "Of course excellency."
Ninth Age of Reclamation, the Great Cleansing/Aboard Covenant Flagship (Dreadnought-Class) Instrument of Retaliation, In Geosynchronous orbit around Planet "Earth"
Overseer 'Omnamamee stepped onto the bridge of the Gargantuan Covenant Dreadnought, the Instrument of Retaliation. The design of the Covenant Dreadnought was almost congruent to the design of the Covenant Carrier, but the ship was around six kilometers long, bristling with eleven plasma turrets and a particle discharge cannon that was propelled at the speed of light and had the potential to bisect any unnatural thing in space.
The Bridge was filled with interlacing intricate designs forming complex geometric patterns and designs along with exotic plants in orderly rows. The room was about five hundred units long, wide, and height was around forty units.
Fleet Master Ama 'Eneremee stood out on the elliptical epicenter of the bridge on the raised platform. Holographic panels buzzed around him, and he touched a display. It hummed as it cooled to a brilliant blue. His White and Gold trimmed armor made the Fleet Master look like a god on the bridge, directing his subordinates to do the work that was a necessity to keep the immense craft afloat.
The Fleet Master noticed the Overseer almost instantaneously. A warm welcome emanated in Sangheili dialect. "Welcome Overseer. I presume everything went well on ground?"
'Omnamamee was quick to respond. "Of course Fleet Master. Would I have come back if I had not done my work?"
'Eneremee's mandibles parted into a smirk. "I presume not, for the Prophets decree that any failure that jeopardizes the stabability of the Covenant means your head on a silver platter my friend."
"Of course Fleet Master. Tally up all remaining ground staff, and those that are missing and dead. I want a ratio on how many of our soldiers died compared to all that lived, plus one on how many of our forces survived for each Human killed."
The Fleet Master replied. "On it, Excellency," and then he barked the orders to his subordinates.
A pause followed, and 'Eneremee told 'Omnamamee the results, happily.
"For every one of our troops killed, five of enemies deceased, but some unggoy squads from the medium tonnage assault cruiser Joyous Proclamation were decimated. Also, two phantoms were destroyed by enemy single-ship fighters, sixty three ships were destroyed and also a Guardian was wounded."
"A Guardian? Which One?" 'Omnmamee inquired. He was concerned. The guardians were the best warriors in the Covenant, heads of the Special Operations. If even one Guardian died, it could be trouble. They also maintained order and diplomacy throughout the empire, but recently they have been guards for extreme ranking beings. Their elite group was hand-picked, by 'Omnamamee himself, and they were seasoned veterans, and each had a special profession. They were also as sacred to the covenant as the arbiters.
"Zurr 'Xafomee, the captain of the ten guardians. You will be pleased that the ships best physicians are working on his wound now. Half of his leg was torn off by a human sniper round."
'Omnamamee pondered the situation. "Alright. Proceed with normal operations, and may the gods help he lives. Also, inform the fleet to prepare for our glassing phase."
'Eneremee replied. "Yes Excellency." He directed the lesser beings to comply with his order.
'Omnamamee looked at the Fleet Master. He was indeed brilliant, and his hard won victories in the Beta Centauri System and in the Draco System won him the rank of Fleet Master. He was the youngest Fleet Master to befall the Covenant since the Age of Conflict, at least a millennium ago. Not exactly your ordinary prodigy.
The only reason he was not an Armada Commander, or a Naval Commandant at that was because the Council of Masters did not allow it, even with 'Omnamamee's orders. They thought he had to wait at least a decade before he reached that kind of maturity.
'Eneremee was finally done with his assigned task, and asked the Overseer a simple question. "Would you like to say some things to the fleet before the planet is glassed?"
The middle aged Overseer spoke, with a smirk tugging his mandible. "You know, I could save this for my sermon at Esymarco, but I minus well say some things now."
The Overseer walked up to the Fleet Masters platform, and talked into the COM Frequency that was directed to all of the Covenant Ships.
"Creatures of the Covenant. You are about to witness the destruction of the final redoubt of the Humans. Long have they evaded our forces so cowardly, and now, they will be wiped clean off of this universe, and a clean slate will start with everyone. Watch the destruction of this planet. That is an order."
After saying this, Hundreds of thousands of Plasma Torpedoes emanated from the six hundred Covenant Ships. Red Fingers of Superheated gas impacted and soil evaporated almost immediately. Charring Craters were left in areas where trees burned down instantly, and mountains collapsed, their snowcapped tops melting to steam. Oceans evaporated in steaming geysers, and septillions of particles of salt cluttered the atmosphere, mixing with the gas, deoxidizing the atmosphere.
Chemical reactions ensued when the Plasma hit active volcanoes, blowing up everything in unimaginable radiuses. Buried Nuclear warheads and mines blew up, destroying everything all over. What would have normally took days worth of bombardment took thirty units, thanks to what the humans did to their planet.
It was done, and the crew gave a hearty roar comparable to thunder, and even the Unggoy seemed overjoyed. Fleet Master 'Eneremee, more than happy, called out "Rejoice, rejoice! The last of the humans have been obliterated!"
Overseer 'Omnamamee smiled gallantly. "Take the fleet back to Esymarco, and let the Prophets will be done."
In a flash, the six hundred covenant warships disappeared from normal space.
Epitaph of Destruction, Chapter I: Conversation
Date: 1 July 2005, 3:49 am
Ninth Age of Reclamation, The Heart of Will/ On Holy Planet "Esymarco", City of the Prophets
'Omnamamee's shuttle made it's way onto the surface of the holiest planet in the galaxy, flanked by three Seraph fighters. The shuttles authority codes allowed immediate passage through the barrier of an estimated five thousand warships. The odd shuttle entered the troposphere of the planet as 'Omnamamee finished meditating among himself. The Priest of the Covenant is not very forgiving, and the slightest bit of news that he doesn't like means 'Omnamamee's life.
'Omnamamee cleared the gravity lift of the shuttle, with two Special Operations soldiers in pure black armor. The only reason the Guardians did not occupy him is because they were too worn out, and 'Omnamamee's guardsmen needed to be at the top of their game.
'Omnamamee's Armor glinted in the golden sunlight a shiny Platinum. A marble statue of an ancient prophet, the first priest of the Covenant stood with his arms raised in glory. 'Omnamamee cracked a smile as he recognised the power the Covenant had grown into, too powerful for anything in the galaxy. 'Omnamamee finished thinking when an Honor Guard Captain with two Honor Guards flanking him approached 'Omnamamee. "Greetings Overseer. I see you are here at Andadriüm, the capital of thre Covenant. State your buisness."
'Omnamamee retorted quickly. "And I have to be questioned by a Captain like this? Mind you that you are a lesser in my eyes Honor Guard, despite the Decree of the Prophets. I will have you removed from rank if you speak in such a tone again!" The Overseer stepped towards the White Armored Captain, looking more deadly and his tone growing more menacing every second.
"Heresy! I You Speak of the Prophets as if they are a lesser to you!" the Captain snapped back.
'Omnamamee began laughing. "Captain, you really think I am a heretic? I led the Operation and Destroyed the Human race you pathetic infidel! I will have you hanged right now if you say another word!" 'Omnamamee snapped raucously.
The Captain's inner strength came to a grinding halt. "My apologies Overseer. Forgive my irrational behavior, for I should not have acted in such a way being a Captain of the Guard of the Temple. Come, we shall see our glorious Priest now."
'Omnamamee followed, and turned to one of his Guards and whispered, "If he does anything like that again, kill him."
'Omnamamee observed the great statues and views of the Great walk to the temple of Andadriüm. The walkway was paved with glazed asphalt, in a shiny maroon color, smooth, and spotlessly clean, reflecting every action the Overseer did unto the reflective walkway. On both left and right, Sangheili Honor Guards of the Temple stood still, and their posture was perfectly rigid, perhaps because 'Omnamamee's authority was so powerful.
The outside of the walkway was forbidden to every member of the Covenant, except the Priest. The great plains of Nan-Dhazdüm, a green prarie with lakes shining a brilliant blue, and Hagemini Trees sporouting plump Granda Fruit, the greatiest delecacy in all of the Covenant, in a golden layer in the shining green leaves moist with early morning dew. It was said on these plains that the Forerunners blessed the First Priest to overrule the Covenant in their stead.
In the sky, Hundreds of Covenant warships drifted in low orbit , some docked with Gravity Lifts in Andadriüm, some in other cities, bust most orbiting the planet in an erraneous manner so that nothing that was not Covenant could hope to get through.
'Omnamamee reached the location at last, a great door lighted by a bright red light, signaling the door was locked. The Honor Guard Captain pressed a series of codes into the holographic terminal, and the light that was red turned into a grass green. A massive rumble occured, and the doors slid apart soundlessly.
As soon as he set foot in the chamber, he was awestruck with intracacies. Exotic plants, kinds he had never seen before, stood in ornate rows in pots. A blue chandelier, lit by bright blue electricity and plasma, was on top of the temple, providing lots of light into the the air.
After being escorted into the council chamber, upon seeing sight of the being, 'Omnamamee bowed as low as he could without even looking. The Honor Guard Captain however, announced his prescence. "My Lord, Overseer 'Omnamamee has arrived."
The High Priest of the Covenant, in White robes with Platinum underobes and Headpiece turned. The High Priest of Salvation was dressed in the finest clothing that any living being could ever hope to see, and the Priests face turned into a frown. "Guards, remove him, and kill him for speaking out of turn, Parade his corpse throughout the city, and let them know what happens when you speak out of turn.
'Omnamamee tried as hard as he could not to look back, and smiled as he heard the heretic-like Captains pleas for mercy strewn across the chamber until he far away, and the door shut.
"Overseer 'Omnamamee, rise my friend, and come closer," The Priests booming voice demanded, and 'Omnamamee obeyed, and came until he was thiry paces away from the grand throne of the Covenant. "Now tell me, why have you come here, and what have you to report to me?"
'Omnamamee was quick to repond. "My lord, we have destroyed Earth, and the Human race. The High Prophet of Truth was there in the Forerunner Ship, the Ark I believe it is, and started attacking us. I deemed him as a Heretic, and he would not Surrender. We destroyed his Ship and the Ark, and recent intellegence confirms that we have destroyed the Sacred Icon to the Second Halo ring we discovered. However, I felt it had to be done. The Jiralhanae have been destroyed completely. I await my punishment with faith and honor."
The council of the Temple screamed for 'Omnamamee's blood with outrageous vigor. He ignored them. "Truth would have killed all of you if he had the chance," 'Omnamamee barked. The Council still screamed.
The High Priest of Salvation stood from his throune, his robes covering his legs and feet completely. "You will not be Punished Overseer. I see it that you have done great things to the completion of our Covenant, and you have destroyed Heretics that have been unknown to me for ages. High Charity and its fleets are in smolders then?"
'Omnamamee replied. "Yes Excellency. The Parasite traveled there in a Human Ship. We destroyed it, and the Rebel Ships there. Also, our second Halo is still intact. The Demon, the one who killed the High Prophet of Regret, was aboard the Ark. He was also killed."
"Hail the Victorius Dead!" The Priest said. "We have killed the Demon, and peace has been restored throughout our Empire. 'Omnamamee, go and Destroy the Jiralhanae homeworld and their traitorous race, and our Covenant will be nearly complete. Then we will continue searching for more artifacts. Let us commence!"
"Yes my lord." 'Omnamamee said as he walked out of the Temple, the Council still screaming, until the Priest silenced them all with a threat. A great dilemma had been solved, and 'Omnamamee was spared.
"And 'Omnamamee, do not fail me again." The Priest warned.
'Omnamamee returned his warning with a low bow.
Epitaph of Destruction, Chapter II: Encounter
Date: 7 July 2005, 1:26 am
Chapter II: Encounter
Ninth Age of Reclamation, The Epsilon of Silence On Planet Esymarco, Inner Meditation Chamber
Black Field Marshal Zurr 'Xafomee let everything he had done in the past one hundred and twenty eight cycles float away. His mind was bent inward, and meditating, praying to the gods that he would be able to fight again for the sake of the Covenant, and the let everything unravel, right then and there. His sucesses earned him a promotion from Black Field Master to Black Field Marshal, and one hundred and twenty units of time in the sacred meditation chamber reserved normally only for the highest rankind beings in the Covenant caste.
The High Prophet of Truth directing the High Charity division of the Covenant had attacked on Earth bodly, without any prerequisites. Truth had not been reporting his actions to the High Priest of Salvation, except once, letting them know the location of Earth, which they had already found out before hand.
After the cataclysm of Unyielding Heirophant, Overseer 'Omnamamee amassed eight hundred ships, and stormed the Human homeworld, to exterminate them. What they found was a Civil war splitting the sacred bond of the Covenant in two in the division of High Charity. 'Omnamamee vaporized the Ark, which was the Forerunner ship, and destroyed every Jiralhanae controlled ship in the vicinity. Lately, the Covenant fleet had glassed the Jiralhanae homeworld, and had vaporized High Charity, killed the Demon, and had restored the second sacred ring to its original state.
'Xafomee stood up. His leg ached and burned like a hot coal in his lower tendon, but the miracle of techology was allowing his skin to be regrown back to its original state. Dressing covered the wound in triple layers, and the wounded hero of "Earth" was not lightly forgotten.
He stood out on the outer deck of the meditation chamber, watching the ocean as its waves broke against the sandy shore. Prophets walked upon the beach in robes, chattering to eachother, as well as Sangheili commanders and councilors in the upper echelons of Covenant society. 'Omnamamee liked the peaceful scene. He was war-driven and action thirsty like other Sangheili, yes, but he enjoyed peaceful scenes like these with the breeze blowing against him, the golden yellow sun, the Covenant warships in orbit, and the Silk robes brushing his tissue. Scenes not commonly found in the Covenant Empire.
The doors behind 'Xafomee warbled once and opened silently, revealing Overseer 'Omnamamee in Platinum armor, with white trimming. His face was calm, yet very serious.
"So 'Xafomee, are you enjoying your break from war?"
"Of course excellency. Was there something you needed to see me for?"
'Omnamamee's faced turned to stone. "We need to talk."
Ninth Age of Reclamation, Sacred Patrol Route In Patrol Route in Tau Ceti System Edge, Tau Ceti System, Sixty Eight Cycles Ago
True night was impossible in the inner regions of the Covenant Empire. Stars clustered together so closely together that even the backest regions of space were a symphony of stellar flames and ionized gases clumped in regions once considered uninhabitable.
Three sleek craft glided through that space that made up the inner Empire, three destroyers lined up in flanking positions slid through space soundlessly, watching for any hosilte actions that could break the current peace.
Ship Master 'Aragnomee walked erect and alone, soundlessly clicking his mandibles as he strode down the upper platform of the Bridge of the Indisputable Valor. His hands were clasped tightly behind his back, brushing against the solid golden armor that he wore with absolute pride. He watched the lesser Sangheili on the different holographic consoles as they monitored the status of the ship.
A slight detection of fear was noticed by 'Aragnomee as he walked past the navigational console. The officer stationed at it muttered something incomprehensible and then spoke out loud.
"Excellency, somthing is moving in, fast, but it is not slipspace."
'Aragnomee wanted a better view of what was happening. "Aft cameras," He barked. The holographic view screen in front of him blinked into exsistence, clustered space- and a appearence of something 'Aragnomee did not bargain for. A spherical shape sat in the center of a heavily distorted space, not even space at all. The sphere was solid, rocky, and had a supreme organic look to its green hide. Long tentacles sprouted from this center, and the ships circumfrence was around the size of three Covenant carriers.
The Sangheili commander was awestruck, and frantically began barking orders. "Warm up our Plasma Torpedoes and Pulse Lasers. Get the Incomprehensible and the Refined Justice into position, and order them to do the same thing. Come about forty degrees on mark one three seven. Boost engines to seventy percent."
A series of "Yes Excellency," followed the order as the Indisputable Valor's engines rumbled tens of decks underneath. The hull strained with the abrupt change of course, making the Commander have to solidify the muscles in his knees to keep him from losing balance.
The alien ship that had just appeared out of "Slipspace" was gathering something on its starboard tentacle. 'Aragnomee was alerted immediatly, and barked orders at the officers. "Raise forward shields to full power. Divert all power from the engines to the weapons capacitors to make them charge quicker."
Since the incident upon Ascendant Justice, Plasma Torpedo technology had been greatly increased thanks to a hostile AI running the captured Flagship. The plasma tropedoes glowed a hellish red as they awaited the command of 'Aragnomee. The thing gathering at the starboard tentacle grew into a cloud of unidentifiable organic material. Three charges fired from the aliens ships inner sphere.
The charges imacted upon the prow of the Incomprehensible. It's blue engine core blackened. The ship floated dead in space. It had lost power.
"Fire all turrets and pulse lasers! Continue to raise shield strength!" The Ship Master roared. Superheated vapor escaped the ships turrets as it headed and adjusted its course for the hostile ship. The liquid frothed in ununified patterns as it straighted out its course for the ship.
The black spot that had been gathering at the base of the alien ship fired-
and hit the dead Incomprehensible in the center of the ship, The black orb spread out into smaller, individual objects and rocked back and forth as it kept itself on the top of the ship.
The Plasma neared the alien ship, and a black gaping hole appeared in the plasma's trajectory. It ate the superheated gas whole.
The objects on the Incomprehensible buried into the ships hull. 'Aragnomee cut off the comm channel, knowing he would hear screams of death and pleas for help on it. 'Aragnomee was dumbfounded at the sight when the ion beam hit the ship that 'Aragnomee piloted. The lights went out, and all power except for emergency life support remained. Red lights flooded the bridge with an eerie glow.
'Aragnomee's pride had dematerialized right then and there. The Golden armor he wore might as well had been rust. The end of his reign as Ship Master, was at hand.
"Intensify foward pulse lasers! I don't want anything to get close to my ship!" 'Aragnomee screamed. He knew this order was futile against the new alien threat.
The objects clustered at the starboard tentacle hit the Indisputable Valor. A screeching sound was heard as the hull was pulled apart by the objects, parasites at that. 'Aragnomee could not do anything but wait for death.
The screeching came closer. The Unggoy on the bridge panicked, muffled yelping emanating from their breath masks.
The bridge tore open, and 'Aragnomee, screaming was torn apart by the ensuing vacuum that ripped through his body, destroying the oxygen in his lungs, and shredding his armor like paper in a paper shredder. The parasite ripped through everything. Sangheili and Unggoy were bisected and shredded like moldy paper as the parasite made its way towards the engines.
Ten units later and three clouds of Ionized vapor that had once been great Covenant Warships filled the outer rim of the Tau Ceti system as the alien ship jumped into their personal "slipspace."
The covenant had found a new enemy...
Epitaph of Destruction, Chapter III: Meeting
Date: 19 July 2005, 3:27 am
Ninth Age of Reclamation, The Avatar of Wisdom/ On Planet Kanaii, Council of Masters Headquarters, Esymarco System
Thunder and lightning roiled overhead as the black storm swept across the bulbous tower of the Council of Masters headquarters on the jungle planet of Kanaii. The dense jungle landscape was present around the tower, since the structure had a clearing of trimmed grass and elegant plants that lined the rows of a marble walkway that led to the spotless purple bulding that was protected by a planetary shield, which encompassed the entire planet and its cities.
However, Overseer 'Omnamamee and two of the guardians had enough authority to pass the planets shield system, and its accompanied small forcefield of Capital Ships that orbited above, that spanned from every Covenant held planet in the Galaxy.
The Phantom dropped off its passengers, the Overseer and two guardians in black clad armor, with silver trim in secondary areas of the brilliant armor. They began a quick paced walk through the torrential rain that ensued. Identification was shown to the two sentry outside, and the doors opened.
Inside the complex was warmth, familiar faces, and the efficient waterproof roof shielding the structure from the downpour outside. To 'Xafomee, this was home, even though it was a military headquarters.
'Omnamamee ignored every sign of respect the gold-clad officers gave him and continued his walk to the meeting room, which was made of fused glass, from the worlds conquered from their legions. The table in the centered hovered exactly one unit off the ground, and padded chairs were organized across the room.
'Xafomee escorted the Overseer to his seat, listening to the downpour hitting the ancient glass above as three officers entered the room in pure white armor. Armada Commanders the Black Field Marshal pondered as they took their seats silently. They murmured to themselves over why they were sent to this meeting. Armada Commander 'Naromee had a particular dislike for anyone that was in command over him, despite his excellent tactics which kept him on the board in the first place.
Armada Commander 'Sternomee was clean, sharp, and a well-kept officer that obeyed rules to the highest of traditions, but when battle began, he became very overworked over different things, throwing off his skill. The other high ranking officer, Armada Commander 'Qwendaromee had a particular hate for other races than the Sangheili, which got him in trouble alot.
An officer in ruby red armor entered, the Command Field Marshal, head of the Covenant Ground Forces talking to his Sapphire armored counterpart, the Naval Commandant of the ship based forces overhead, and every Covenant ship in space.
Countless other high ranking officers, including Ver 'Kateramee, who had been promoted to Grand Field Master for his work on Earth, entered as the downpour rang on the glass overhead in a single note that kept 'Xafomee at high alert.
'Omnamamee mentioned to the Guardians. "Keep an eye on them. Their greed and power makes them heretics at times." He whispered.
'Omnamamee began the meeting as the light in the room dimmed, only lit up by the white lightning outside and the inevitable crack of thunder following it. A hologram flared to life, and displayed three Covenant ships patrolling the Tau Ceti system edge.
"Council of Masters. You have been gathered here because of a threat that is not native to our galaxy. They have shown their strength, and in turn, we shall give them a war-"
The overseer was interrupted by the rude and arrogant 'Naromee. "You think of them as an honorable foe? What are you thinking?"
'Xafomee felt a dragon of hatred build inside of him and gulped it down, submitting it. He stepped forward, shooting a glance dangerous glance at the fool that could have broken a ship's shields. The silver glint on his helmet accompanied by the leviathan black made the nervous officer sink down in his seat.
The overseer continued as if he didn't hear the comment. "They have ambushed three ships one hundred and twenty cycles ago." The hologram changed to a circular ship with tentacles floating attatched to its core. A black vacuum appeared on its surface as a plasma torpedo approached it -
And the gaping black mouth enveloped the red superheated vapor in a single motion.
"This is its protection," he said as the hologram changed to zoom in to the ship. Little worm-like creatures spread out across its surface seemed to generate the vacuum. "It is very formidable, and we must work at its weakness, which our Hurag-"
'Omnamamee was cut off midsentence again by the same troublemaker who thought embarrasing himself once was not enough.
"So, you think they are superior to us in every way? By the gods, you are a fool." He snorted.
"That is enough you scumbag. I will have you killed if you dare to insult me in front of my lesser ranking officers."
The other laughed. "You think that will work? The priest thinks I am too high of a rank to dispose of you insignificant coward. How dare you command us like this, when you are less of an elder than we are?"
'Xafomee's dragon of rage succumbed again, but if it happened again, he would let it loose.
'Omnamamee pretended that never happened as he continued with his briefing. "This threat will be dealt with like they dealt with us. We were caught off guard and we will do the same to them."
Grand Field Master 'Kateramee asked a question. "What do these aliens call themselves, and why did they attack us?"
'Omnamamee replied. "A spy was sent in the same region where the attack was made. The ship was there, and they transmitted a message to the debris of the ship, which was picked up." He jestered to the hologram.
"We are the Yuuzhan Vong, the Wrath of the Gods." The voice emanated cold and harsh, laden with hatred.
'Naromee replied harshly. "This is not possible. You made this up to keep us occupied, you heretic!" His stubborn finger pointed accusingly at the overseer.
'Xafomee's dragon of rage escaped and let loose like a wildfire in his mind. 'Xafomee jumped and threw the other onto the ground, than raised him into the air, by the neck. His Energy Sword came to life with a flick and pointed at the heretics neck with utmost precision. 'Xafomee whispered harshly at 'Naromee. "You shall not ever insult the overseer like that again, and I will make sure you will not!"
He flicked his blade off and walked over to his position flanking the Overseer. He nodded to him.
"Begin preparing your fleets, all of you except 'Naromee. 'Eneremee will take your place you heretic."
Two sentries at the door took the writhing Sangheili away as the meeting ended with utmost intensity.
The Covenant Prepared for war again.
Epitaph of Destruction, Chapter IV: Plans
Date: 27 July 2005, 5:56 pm
Ninth Age of Reclamation, the Sacred Regions/Aboard Covenant Flagship Instrument of Retaliation, in planetary space above planet Kanaii, Esymarco System
Zurr 'Xafomee finished applying dressing to his wound after the intense meeting with the council of masters in his personal quarters. Fleet Master 'Eneremee, the commander of the Flagship Instrument of Retaliation had just been promoted to Armada Commander. The wound was getting better, but three/fourths of his original tissue had yet to regrow in the painful process.
The private communications link on his silk bed buzzed, and 'Xafomee picked it up, knowing the Overseer wanted him on the bridge. "Yes Excellency?" 'Xafomee inquired, his fingers brushing the edge of his highly polished, and yet to be put on armor.
"'Xafomee, I need you on the bridge. We have something to discuss." 'Omnamamee stated with a serious tone.
"Of course Excellency." 'Xafomee said. His leg had yet to heal, but 'Omnamamee knew that 'Xafomee could handle any mission thrown at him.
'Xafomee rushed to the bridge and had his identification checked before entering the luminous room. The décor had not changed one bit, but a few Huragok were busy making adjustments to a new lockdown system on the ship, following the events of the recent catastrophe at the system edge of Tau Ceti.
"You wanted me Excellency?" 'Xafomee stated out loud, a raw breach of standard protocol. A normal officer would have rank stripped at the spot, but the situation was much different than normal.
"Ah, 'Xafomee. I need to talk to you. Please, sit." 'Omnamamee said, sitting on the spotless floor across from 'Xafomee.
Seeing no other place to sit, he sat on the spotless floor, directly across his counterpart. "Yes Excellency?"
"The Council of Masters has become supremely weary these days. I have decided to prove our point, and capture one of their leaders. We will infiltrate the ship and capture their 'Ship Master' and bring him forward to the Priest of Salvation in order to declare a full scale war. Understood?"
'Xafomee immediately replied. "Excellency, who is going?"
"Myself, you, and the Guardians. Summon your squad to this ship, and we will begin our phase."
"Of course Excellency." 'Xafomee replied.
Ninth Age of Reclamation, Sacred Patrol Route/ Aboard Covenant Flagship Instrument of Retaliation, Tau Ceti System Outskirts
'Xafomee and 'Omnamamee stepped into the briefing chamber for special operation soldiers aboard the seven kilometer ship. 'Xafomee eyed his team carefully; Black armor with a dark red trim marked them with intimidation and prowess. That, and a lifetime of training on the sacred training grounds of Esymarco, since they were young. They obeyed orders without question, although each had enough rank that they didn't have too many people to obey in the first place. He has not seen his whole team in a long time, due to the Human-Covenant war.
Their scowling features glowed under the dim light of the room as 'Xafomee explained the plans of infiltration at the head of the glossed Hendass table. "The ship will be new to us, and we shall be prepared for anything that stands in our way. All of us are going, and we will travel lightly. No Snipers, since we do not have that kind of mobility. Energy Swords and a close range weapon only." 'Xafomee said, stating his authority over the team that usually didn't have to obey anyone. "We will execute this mission quickly, quietly, and without hesitation."
"Get to the armory now. I will meet you there in half a unit." 'Xafomee said. The entire team stood up without hesitation, and moved silently and efficiently towards the exit. 'Xafomee lingered with 'Omnamamee.
"I will be coming with you. My fighting skills are up to par, and they helped me attain my rank. I'm sure I still have skill." 'Omnamamee's mandibles parted into a smile.
"Of course Excellency, there is no point in holding you back." The Guardian said. The both laughed and 'Omnamamee gave a friendly pat on the black ones armor.
The two went into the ships massive armory. A Covenant dreadnought had to be armed not only spacewise, but groundwise also. That's why there were over ten thousand weapons in stock, Ten Behemoth Scarab Walkers, half a thousand Wraith mortar tanks, and of course, an entire legion of Ghosts and three full wings of Banshees. The Twelve Squadrons of Seraph Fighters waited in the fighter bay, however. Everything from Plasma Pistols, Carbines, Needlers, Fuel Rod Cannons, Plasma Rifles, and Plasma Grenades lined the massive room of the ship, ten stories high to be exact.
He cruised over to another compartment, a restricted compartment for normal beings, but for the Guardians, it was their compartment.
Customized Plasma Rifles painted different colors, experimental Carbines that held more ammo, and other brand-new weapons lined the shelves neatly, each set belonging to a different Guardian, lined on their own shelves. 'Xafomee sported a Plasma Rifle, normal looking on the outside, save its navy blue appearance, that fired just as fast as the Jiralhanae Plasma Rifle, but used a microscopic chilling core that utilized molecules as slower speed that effectively cooled down the magnetically guided plasma in the weapon.
In other words, it fired twice as fast, yet could fire for twice a long without having to overheat. This new alien would have a tough time with continuous plasma.
He grabbed half a dozen Plasma Grenades, and his personal Energy sword, who he had slain hundreds of Humans with, and attached both to his armor.
He eyed his team, who stripped down Carbines, cleaned Plasma Rifles, and test-activated Energy Swords. 'Omnamamee grabbed a Carbine, and his Energy Sword, which he had since he made Field Master. He couldn't even begin to count how many he had slain.
Fleet Master 'Eneremee rang on the intercom in the chamber. "We are exiting Slipspace at targets location."
'Omnamamee acknowledged as he directed the team to come to the docking bays.
On the bridge, Fleet Master 'Eneremee eyed the clustered space around him, and searched for the enemy vessel. "All passive sensors sweep in every direction. Warm up Plasma Torpedoes." He directed.
Plasma Torpedoes had become far more effective sense the battle of Reach. The hostile AI aboard Ascendant Justice had provided the fleet with an excellent way to direct around the new super compressed Plasma. It also recharged within fifteen miliunits.
The ops officer called to 'Eneremee. "Everything is operating well. 'Omnamamee wants to know how things are going. I sent him a report."
"Good. As soon as you have contact with a solid object on those sensors, I want you to fire all Plasma Torpedoes and Pulse Lasers at it. We are not trying to vaporize it. The real mission is their infiltration."
Suddenly, the ship lurched as every Plasma weapon on the ship fired at a contact right off the fore of the massive Flagship. 'Eneremee hung onto a nearby rail as everything shuddered on the ship.
"Prepare Particle Beam Cannons one through five. Re-direct our course to point one-two-eight. Seal all automatic bulkheads. Divert the power keeping our weapons hot evenly to the Shield Generators."
Acknowledgments followed the order as the ship rotated quickly to face the incoming threat. The Rocky, Organic surface pulsed as if it was alive, and the worm like creatures surrounding its blue-gray hide started moving fast, and produced a compressed black hole at the Plasma
- And ate almost all of it whole.
One bolt, however got passed the vacuum, and impacted on the bow of the alien ship. It immediately burst into flames, and the surrounding structure was caught in something close to a nuclear fire.
'Eneremee could not help but grin at the burning vessel. "Remember, we need not destroy it."