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Fan Fiction

Enigma of halo by Madcat_97

Enigma: part 1
Date: 6 April 2003, 2:56 AM

Enigma: part 1

As the pelican rumbled under his feet, vibrating the soft inside of his boots, John rubbed his MA5B with a itchy trigger finger. It was battle scarred, the indicator screen on it long gone, blown of by a ghosts plasma beam. Instead the area now housed a scope he pulled from an older model sniper rifle, the bearer of that being one of his Spartans. The night sky seemed so dark, so empty, the ring disappearing into the distance. He remembered the first time he found the rifle. A dying marine gave it to him as a group of jackals and elites converged onto their Cliffside fort. He remembered how he grabbed the rifle, popping the elites in the head, and getting one of the bullets right into a grenade on the elites belt, killing them all off.

The chief snapped out of his thoughts of the dead marine, when a not so dead one yelled out to him that they were almost there.

The chief leaned out of the pelican, waiting till the pelican was about a fifty meters of the ground, when...

He jumped out, his rifle tearing through the cold night's snowfall, popping a thought to be well hidden jackal in the head, splattering the still working shield with blood. John slammed into the ground, rolled, and started in an all out run, tearing through the covenant who where hiding to ambush them. Suddenly, a gold sword elite jumped out of a bush, his plasma sword glowing in the night. His multi jawed mouth dripped with saliva, making the chief pause a moment. Then he remembered something. As they both stood still, waiting for each other to move first, the chief dropped down, just as the elite jumped. Then John jumped up in front of the elite, delivered a quick kick to the elites sword, stabbing through the covenants guts and killing him instantly. There were two distinct thumps. The thump of the elite plowing through the snow, coloring it a grotesque purple blue color, and the thump of the chiefs MJOLNIR armor on a rock shelf as he landed hard.

John stood still as the night seemed silent again. His rifle had been sliced in half by the elites sword, the gap dripping with blood and chunks of the elites melted armor. He looked around him, seeing that half of his marines where dead, the other half fixing themselves up. The ground was littered with limbs, and was discolored by the countless bodily fluids spilled on it.

"Gaaah! I'm getting out of here!" a single grunt screamed. The chief waited a moment, then yanked out his pistol and popped the grunt in the head.

The chief looked at the rifle and yanked off the nameplate on it.

It read this: whoever picks this up, keeps it. Kick some ass.
-earliest owner: Lt. Keyes

"hmm." The chief sighed out loud, thinking of Keyes. "A little bitchy sometimes, but always seemed to know what to do." The master chief said to the marine standing behind him. "Always knew how and when to kick ass."

"Chief, we all miss him." The marine half whispered to him.

"As much as I do?"

"Some of us more than others. Maybe well find him chief, I don't know."

"I hope we do, chief." Cortana chimed in, reminding him that she was still there. "chief, I am enjoying this walk down memory lane, but..."

"Just a minute. Here. Keep this sergeant."

As the snow turned to rain, the chief handed the sergeant the nameplate from the gun. The piece of metal was streaked with sleat, which ran off as the rain came. The Sergeant took the piece of metal, the rain glancing off of it onto his cold red hands. He looked up from the plate to the chief.

"Is this for real?" The dazed marine asked.

"Do you want me to scan it?" Cortana chimed in.

"No." John told Cortana, hoping to discourage here.

Didn't work.


"Quite. Sergeant?"

"Yes sir?" the marine snapped to life.

"Move out. No dawdling."

"Yes sir! Master Chief Sir! Okay marines, move out! We've got a ride out of here, this mission is aborted! Take it!" The sergeant yelled out the orders to the remaining marines.

The chief climbed into the dropship, thinking of what Cortana was telling him about the covenant cruiser they were going to raid, but losing it in thought. How did the covenant know they were going to be there?

Enigma: Part 2, Suspects
Date: 9 April 2003, 11:03 PM

Enigma: part 2

The campfire crackled as the chief and the marines sat by their pelican, waiting for the light of day. The chief calmly reviewed his squad's personnel files. He calmly scrolled through their latest psychology files of the 7 women and 9 men on his team. He calmly checked them all, trying to find the one person who could be responsible for tipping of the covenant about their latest attack on a tundra base camp.

The chief found it hard to believe that anyone would work with there own enemy, a friend working with the enemy against his own people.

"Done chief."

John stopped his search on his HUD when cortana started to talk.

"I've narrowed it down, chief."

"What is it?" John asked her.

" Of the 16 people on the team, sir, including recent battles, loss of friends, post tramatic stress..."

"It's what?"

"12, sir. 12 people."

John leaned back and sighed. This war had taken its toll on people, but would they try to get out to that extent? Death?

"Cortana, How many had access to the radio in the last 48 hours? Of that group?"

"10 Chief."

"How many could communicate with the covenant?"


"Who could delete the logs from the radio?

"5, sir."

"Name them all."

Johns HUD filled with a list of names to links of files. He looked up at their hideout. They were in front of an artificial cave, caused by a covenant mining operation, which they conveniently wiped out. The fire started to dwindle, and the marines climbed into their bed rolls.

"Cortana, are you sure whoever alerted them was from our team?"

"Yes, Chief, these are the only people who could have done it."

"The covenant could not have just seen us?"

"Not in that little time, in that visibility and in that force. We were in an unlikely spot for a DZ to be, chief. They knew."

"Thanks, Cortana."

"I'm sorry chief."

"You Can go into power save for now."

"Alright. Goodnight, chief."

John slowly scrolled down the list, reading their files.

Lt. Koran, Anne
Medals: 1 purple heart
War Achievements: covenant speech, radio technology

Born on a human colony who's name we have not acquired as of yet, Lt. Koran is an experienced infantryman who was turned down for the 577 Dragon rider squadron, and since then has had a continuous grudge against the air force.

Diagnosed with:
Possible PTSD
Known to be slightly unstable.
Aggressive to Special ops officials (Ghosts, Spartans and elite Fighter pilots.)

Srg. Corrins, Andrew
Medals: Expert Marksman, 3 purple hearts
War Achievements: covenant speech, radio technology

Born on reach, Private Corrins is a class-A sniper who originally applied for a project on reach to teach a classified group of soldiers Marksmanship. Being turned down for this project, he assaulted the officer who informed him of this, and since has had a dislike to the now disclosed MJOLNIR and Spartan II projects.

Diagnosed with:
Triggered aggression (In close to the MJOLNIR and Spartan II projects)

Lt Potter, James
Medals: Elite fighter pilot, Expert marksman, MASH surgeon, , 3 purple hearts, Medal of honor, citation for bravery
War Achievements: covenant speech, radio technology

Born on harvest, Lt potter has been joked about being like the James Potter, a character from an old TV show from the 1970's and 1980's called M*A*S*H*. This colonel potter, however, is considered to be one of the best soldiers in the army, and would be a warrant officer, if not for his psychological profile and the many times he was charged for conduct unbecoming an officer, because of this he has decided the army is showing unfair aggression to him and has at many times tried to derail projects like the exosuites, which he delayed for a year.

Diagnosed with:
Triggered aggression (To special military projects)
Confirmed PTSD (Near chronic)

Srg Colins, Arthur
Medals: 3 purple heart, Medal of honor, citation for bravery
War Achievements: covenant speech, radio technology

Born on a human colony who's name is not available at this time, Private Colins came from a broken home and was mentally unstable throughout life. Drafted at the age of 21, he began to learn to control aggression and aggressive outbursts. As he grew older, he became a strong officer, and a powerful training officer. But at the age of 27, his hand was blown of by a Spartan who had accidentally shot him in the cross fire. He was then required to get a somewhat less functional mechanical hand, Which he took as a burden, and created a hate for the Spartans.

Diagnosed with:
Possible PTSD
Triggered aggression (In close to Spartans and the Spartan II project.)

Lt Pallins, Katrina
Medals: N/A
War Achievements: covenant speech, radio technology, covenant biology, covenant history, covenant tactics, covenant technology

Born on Earth, Lt Pallins is a simple infantryman who has only tried to understand the covenant and because of this, has become a covenant sympathizer. Though she will fight them, she usually avoids killing them, and one time, allowed one of her marines to die so a grunt could escape. She also has used her personal beauty to enchant male officers, and has offered services in exchange for not killing covenant (these services will not be described, as they are a court Marshall able offence.

Diagnosed with:
Enemy sympathisation (may commit treasonous acts to protect covenant)
Use of sexual exploitation

John closed the file and sighed. He looked at his men and women, picking out the possible treasonous people. Tomorrow, he would tell everyone of a second ambush they would create. And catch the one person who would sell out their own race.

