
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Earth Besieged by Janglurevil7

Date: 2 August 2004, 7:52 PM

By Halcyon-713

Chapter 1: The Pieces are Set

1700 hours, November 13, 2553 (Military Calendar)
Aboard Covenant Frigate Gates of Damascus, Sol System,

The frigate Gates of Damascus moved into position, plasma turrets and energy pulse guns bristling along the hull like the antennae of some massive insect. It released a burst from its maneuvering thrusters so that it was less than a kilometer from the destroyer to the left of it. A pair of cruisers gravitated to a flank formation above and below the frigate.
Inside, the frigate was similar to the bustling of a city. Engineers made modifications to the engines and weapons, while grunts pushed hovering dollies loaded with methane tanks and containers filled with tritium nitrate fuel. Elite and Brute boarding parties selected weapons from lockers.

Near the bridge, a team of Jackals patrolled a corridor that led to a meeting room. Inside, a lesser Prophet held conference with the captain of the ship, Nalka Kanasu'nee.
The black armored Elite bowed upon one knee before the Prophet, his eyes never leaving the floor. The Prophets escort, Jalna Ja'kinue listened to the Prophet as it whispered it's instructions for Nalka. The Prophet finished, and Jalna's eyes flickered towards Nalka.
"The Eminence has instructed you to take a team comprised of three of the highest ranking lower beings, three of your kind of the same ranking, three of the Shielded Assassins, and a pair of the hair covered ones, (3 black armor Grunts, 3 black armor Elites, 3 Jackals, 2 Brutes) and go ahead of the other ships in a transport to attack the infidels, and to hopefully capture one of their leaders." Spoke Jalna Ja'kinue.
Nalka bowed lower, his elongated head almost touching the ground.
"Of course, your Holiness. I shall do thy bidding immediately." Nalka replied.
"You may rise." Spoke a different voice.
Nalka looked up, and he saw to his surprise that the Prophet was the one that had spoken. Nalka rose, bowed again, and then strode toward the door. He pressed a series of buttons, and the door slid open with a hiss. He bowed once again in the doorway, then turned down the hall towards the bridge.
He entered the large, circular bridge. He walked up the ramp towards the command station that rose approximately two meters from the rest of the floor. He dismissed the lesser Elite. He keyed a button and spoke, "Leaders of Grunt troops Zeta, Epsilon, and Kappa report to weapons storage immediately. Jackals Kan, Lef, and Vax to weapons storage as well." He keyed off the COM, and turned towards three Elites working in the bridge.
"You three, name and rank," Nalka demanded.
The three Elites turned and saluted, then spoke:
"'Pranae Yulkinae, Special Operations," spoke the first.
"Oranee Sullay'fy, Special Operations," spoke the second.
"Ginuaes Yulkinae, Special Operations," spoke the third.
Nalka assessed the trio, then pointed at Pranae and Ginuaes. "You two are brothers?" he asked.
Ginuaes spoke, "Yes, your highness."
"Okay, you three, with me." Nalka said.

Nalka left the bridge, the three Elites behind them. He met two Brutes as he exited, and made the motion for them to follow. He entered the elevator, which was now severely crowded. They rode it down to Deck 3, and walked down a long hall to the weapons storage. Inside, the three Jackals Kan, Lef, and Vax were waiting. In the corner, were the three Grunts he had called down. The troops lined in a single line facing Nalka, with the Elites at the left and the Grunts at the far right, next to the Jackals.
Nalka began to address them, "You individuals are some of the best troops of your species. We have been ordered to go ahead of the other infantry and secure a leader of the infidels. Grab what weapons you want, we're going to be going in heavy," he looked at them, "Be prepared," he warned as he finished talking. The aliens went about gathering their tools.
Two of the Grunts took needlers, and the third hefted a fuel rod cannon. All three Jackals took a hand held shield generator, a plasma rifle, and a plasma pistol. Both Brutes took a high velocity grenade launcher. Pranae Yulkinae retrieved a X03 Carbine, a plasma rifle, and four plasma grenades. Ginuaes Yulkinae picked up a pair of plasma rifles, an energy sword, and two plasma grenades. Oranee Sullay'fy took eight plasma grenades, and an energy sniper rifle.
Nalka walked over to his private weapons locker. He entered the code to open it and pulled out a tray from the middle. He took an energy sword, an energy sniper rifle, a plasma pistol, and four grenades. He dropped the grenades into a satchel and tied it to his waist. He holstered the plasma pistol and put the energy sword next to it. He put a fully charged power battery in the sniper rifle and turned to the troops.
He made the motion for them to follow, and he opened the door out of the weapons storage. The team journeyed down the halls and entered the fighter bay. They selected a drop ship, and Nalka motioned for Ginuaes to release the docking clamps. The ship released, and the troops boarded. Nalka got into the pilot seat, and one of the Brutes got into the gunner seat.

The drop ship departed from the Gates of Damascus and glided down to the dark side of the planet. The drop ship heated to 107 degrees Celsius as they entered the atmosphere, and then cooled as they touched down on the beach of Africa

Besieged: Part 2
Date: 2 August 2004, 7:54 PM

1730 hours, November 15, 2553 (Military Calendar)
New Mombassa, African High Protectorate, Earth

The sirens blared, and Sergeant Benjamin J. Winston sat bolt upright in his bed, running a hand through his bright red hair. He scratched his stubble of beard and realized what was going on. The Covenant were attacking. He flipped on the lights of the barracks, and hurried over to his equipment locker. The other military personnel of Barracks Kappa-3 began to rise as well, identifying the sound of the sirens and the blaring red light as the sign that Earth was under attack. Sergeant Winston threw on his uniform and strapped some protective plating onto his shins and chest. He lowered his helmet onto his head, and inserted a blank recording chip. He pulled a small container from under his bed, opened it, and pulled out a tooth pick which he put in his mouth and chewed on.
He ran through the door to his right and entered the weapons storage room. He opened a locker and pulled out a sniper. He opened another and took out a shotgun. He opened two others, pulled three grenades from one, retrieved three extended clips for the sniper rifle, and thirty rounds for the shotgun. He turned to look at the person who was getting weapons from the locker next to him, Sergeant Phil McNiesh. Winston and McNiesh had fought in over twenty ground engagements against the Covenant together.
"Ready to kick some Covenant ass, Phil?" he asked.
"Hell yes!" McNiesh yelled as he pulled out an MA5B and twelve clips.
They ran out of the room and got into an M12 LRV, a Warthog. Winston got into the gunner seat, and McNiesh got into the driver seat. They were joined shortly buy the Heavy Weapons Specialist of the group, PFC Devon Aquilino. Devon hopped into the passenger seat and loaded two SPNKr rockets into his launcher.
The team drove off, and drove off in the direction of a huge column of smoke rising.
"Incoming Banshees!" McNiesh announced. At the same instant, a pair of Banshees flew overhead, firing their fuel rod cannons, narrowly missing the Warthog.
"No shit, next your going to tell me I'm on Earth," Winston replied. "Aquilino, don't use your rockets!" he yelled at Devon, who had stood up to fire a rocket. Winston jammed his fingers into the triggers, and was rewarded with the satisfying roar of the LAAG firing.
Rounds flew through the sky, tearing through the nearest Banshee. A round shot into the cockpit, tearing a hole into the pilot. The Banshee plummeted from the sky and crashed into a stand of trees. Winston turned his attention to the other Banshee.
The second Banshee had already turned around and was firing its pair of plasma rifles. Plasma bolts scarred the Warthog. Winston ducked as a bolt flew over his head. Blisters erupted on his neck and back. He swiveled the turret around and fired at the Banshee which had begun to turn. Rounds flicked off the Banshee's armor. A lucky round cut into the Banshee's anti-gravity pod, and it fell out of the sky.
The Warthog kept moving forward towards the city. The tires of the jeep bumped as it rose onto the pavement of the city streets. Static filtered through the COM of the jeep.
"Attention all UNSC forces, this drop ship Charlie-217, incoming. Any UNSC forces please respond. Over," said the voice of a young man. Aquilino grabbed the mic and spoke into it.
"This is Private First Class Devon Aquilino. I'm traveling into New Mombassa with two other Marines in a Warthog. Over."
"Roger, sir. We're going to be landing north of you position. We could use some support if you could spare it. Beware that there are several Covenant forces up ahead, as well as two Creeps and a Wraith. Over."
"Affirmative Charie-217. We'll be there. Thanks for the heads-up. Over."
"Over and out," The COM channel clicked off.
Aquilino turned towards Winston, "You guys get all that?"
"Yes ma'am!" remarked McNiesh with a wry smile. The Warthog turned sharply onto a road called Spooner Street. The two Creeps the drop ship had warned them about were there. A dozen or so Jackals were there, as well as a pair of Elites.
"Winston! Two grenades over and up, I want some suppressing fire, too!" McNiesh yelled, "Aquilino, take out those Creeps!" Winston let go of one of the triggers and primed two fragmentation grenades. He tossed them both over the LAAG and right in front of the line of Jackals. He jammed his fingers back into the triggers and started peppering the Elites with fire. Two streaks of fire erupted from the passenger seat as Aquilino fired a rocket at each of the Creeps. The rockets hit their targets and the Creeps erupted in a shower of sparks, shrapnel, and plasma.
McNiesh floored the Warthog and ran over the last Elite and the last two Jackals. They came to the intersection of Spooner Street and Westchester Avenue, and were caught by surprise as the Covenant Wraith plowed into the Warthog, sending it flipping end over end.
The trio fell out of the jeep, and landed against a building. The Warthog continued to roll down the street, and then stopped on its side, flames bursting from the engine. It exploded in fire, signifying their end.
They rose to their feet. Aquilino's rocket launcher had been knocked some seven meters away. The turret of the Wraith stared down at them.
A hail of plasma bolts slammed into the Wraith. A ghost slid across the intersection, and charged the Wraith. More plasma slammed into it, and the Ghost kept going forward. It ramped off of the Wraith, and fired more plasma onto the Wraith from above. It fell to the ground upside down. A green armored figure stepped out from the over turned Ghost, and threw a pair of plasma grenades onto the turret. They exploded, destroying the Wraith.
The trio of Marines ran forward, and saluted the Master Chief.

Besieged: Part 3
Date: 2 August 2004, 8:15 PM

1754 hours, November 13, 2552 (Military Calendar)
Covenant drop ship, en-route to New Mombassa, Earth.

Nalka Kanasu'nee decelerated the drop ship and spun it on it's axis to face right. He brought it down into the middle of the street, and released the troops inside. He turned to face the two Brutes with him.
"You two, stay in here and pilot the drop ship. Give us a warning if any of the infidels are spotted. We'll be down here searching their buildings for one of their leaders." Nalka told them. One of the Brutes made a low grunt, and the other nodded. He leapt of the ship and joined his forces.
The drop ship lifted off the ground at a vertical angle. It started forward, and turned around the next corner. A large explosion at the same corner sent shrapnel and the bodies of two Brutes flying into Nalka's view. One of the Grunts spoke up in it's high pitched voice.
"His Eminence be damned, we are majestically doomed."
Despite Nalka's distaste for the diminutive creatures, who couldn't help but agree. He turned around to address his team.
"Attention, it appears we are stranded here on the infidel's planet. Search and destroy tactics. Move out. Oranee, you're with me," he spoke with absolute authority. Oranee followed him as the troops split up.
They moved with extreme caution down the street towards the crash site. They rounded the corner, and came face to face with two marines with rocket launchers. Oranee stopped dead in his tracks, but Nalka leapt into the air, pouncing onto the marine to the right. He pulled out his energy sword, activated it, and plunged into the marine's stomach in one deft motion.
The second marine took several steps back, and leveled his rocket launcher at Nalka. He fired a rocket, and Nalka leapt high into the air, catapulted by the explosion. Several of his lower bones were either bruised or sprained, but none broken as far as he could tell. Nalka landed in a heap some three meters away.
The second Marine turned to face Oranee, but instead his eyes met the barrel of Oranee's energy sniper rifle. A sound of fright escaped from the marine's mouth, and Oranee shot an over-charged shot into his head. He ran over to help Nalka up to his feet.
"Sir, are you alright?" Oranee asked with genuine concern.
"Fine Oranee, that was adequate work dispensing the infidel," he replied. Oranee looked surprise, like this was more of an admiration than a demerit. The person-to-person COM channel clicked on, and Pranae Yulkinae spoke.
"Commander, there is a team of infidels in a foreign vehicle approaching. We've met up with two of our ground transports and a mortar tank. Orders?"
Nalka flipped a switch on his armor, and talked, "Stay where you are. We're coming," he turned off the COM link and nodded at Oranee, "You, up to high ground, I want you to see what's going on." The COM channel hissed again, and this time Ginuaes spoke.
"Commander, sir, the enemies are offering up more resistance than was anticipated! They have high explosives! They've already destroyed one of the transports! RAGH!! ARGHHHHHHHHH!" Ginuaes' yell disappeared and was replaced by an explosion. The line went dead, engulfed in a wave of static.
Oranee spoke. "Orders, Commander?"
Nalka sighed deeply, and turned to Oranee. "We strike back at them, like true warriors. And if we die trying, we'll be met with infinite peace." Nalka kicked in door of the nearest building, and stepped inside. There was a tangle of garbled screams, and a human corpse came out of the door. "Come on, or I'll feed you to the Jackals." Oranee double timed it up to the steps.
The pair of Elites climbed up fifty flights of stairs, until they reached the roof. They stepped onto the guard rail, and Oranee raised his sniper rifle. Nalka increased his targeting reticule to maximum zoom. He pointed north.
"There, Oranee, target that green one conversing with the other two humans."
"Aye, sir," Oranee replied. His rifle hummed with energy as he overcharged it. He released the shot, and a football sized ball of plasma hurtled towards the unsuspecting Master Chief. The plasma missed by a foot, leaving a large scorch mark where it hit.
"You missed! Oranee, you idiot!" Nalka scolded.
"You're right. I did," replied Oranee as he kicked Nalka in the small of the back. Nalka lost his balanced, and plummeted twenty-five stories. His body landed on the ground with a sickening thwack. Nalka looked up and saw Oranee turning away from his betrayal. Nalka cursed Oranee's house as he slipped into unconsciousness.
