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Earth: Combat Evolved by drexx
Earth: Combat Evolved Chapter 1
Date: 01 March 2002, 12:15 am
As the Master Chief and Cortana left what the remains of Halo in the longsword, Master Chief pondered what happened to 343 Guilty Spark. If his shotgun at close range wouldn't make a scratch , maybe he could have escaped Halo. However he had much more important things to think about than what happened to a stupid floating ball, He had to worry about how to get home. "How many light-years form Earth are we?" he asked Cortana. "We are approximately 26 light years away." "How long 'till we get there?" "Um, about 12 days at maximum speed." "12 Days?!" He barked. "Well at least I can get some shut-eye" He explained as he pulled Cortana out of his head and placed her in the proper port. "You keep an eye on things and wake me when were 10 hours from Earth." The master Chief then climbed into the ships slightly cramped, cryo-tube. After the 12 days Cortana had calculated, the cryo-tube was opened and the Master Chief defrosted. "How'd things go while I was out?" he asked. "Well, aside from a few escaping banshees, nothing much." Cortana said smugly. "Banshees!" The master chief yelled. Cortana put her hands on her holographic hips, then pointed to a corner. He looked over and there were seven dead elites piled up. "How the hell did you-" "No time for a chat now chief, were closing in on earth, we're 20 minutes away." "Didn't I tell you 10 hours?" the chief said angrily. "We've arrived ahead of schedule." She replied "Why don't you get your things ready?" "Did you phone ahead" "The com-system is down, those damn parasites were shooting as we escaped, remember?" The Master chief grunted slightly then went to a locker where he'd kept his weapons. He reloaded his shotgun and assault rifle and slung them over his shoulder, he then placed four plasma and four fragmentation grenades in his pocket-like side compartments. "Five minutes until arrival." Cortana muttered from the speaker next to him. He checked his shields then proceeded toward the bridge. He was suddenly knocked off of his feet by something colliding with the ship. The chief hurried to bridge to see what was going on. He arrived to see Cortana staring outside with a look of terror in her holographic eyes. "What the Hell just happened?" Cortana didn't answer "What the hell just happened?!" "They found us" She managed to mutter, pointing outside. The Master chief looked out and saw something he'd never expected. Huge Covenant warships were obliterating the human ones, while their drop-ships zoomed toward the planet. He could see that banshees were coming at human fighters and warships from all directions. "Oh my god." He said in a whisper only he could hear. "Dock this ship!" He suddenly screamed to Cortana who sprung into action. "I cant, take one of the banshees." she offered. "What banshee?" The Master Chief asked. "I used the tractor beam to get a few of the escaping banshees while you were sleeping. "Why not use the longsword?" he said with a puzzled tone. "We were hit by a stray missile, the reactor is going to blow." He suddenly grabbed Cortana out of the panel and placed her back in his neural interface, and rushed to the docking bay on the lower level. "Well" He said "here we go again." as he was entering the banshee to help fight the covenant once more. -TO BE CONTINUED-
Earth: Combat Evolved Chapter 2
Date: 09 March 2002, 2:50 pm
As he sped out of the damaged Longsword, the Master Chief noticed something odd. There were covenant ships attacking each other. Could this be a covenant rebellion, or rouge faction, of the covenant military, or perhaps other humans had hijacked the ships, well at least they weren't attacking him. He switched on his suits Trans-com beacon so that he wouldn't be shot at by his own side. After a few simple dogfights and the destruction of a covenant troop freighter the Master Chief docked in, what seemed to be the lead ship. It was the USS Nevada, a relatively large vessel with tons of firing capabilities, it was the only ship undamaged. The Master Chief climbed out of the banshee and exchanged salutes with the crewman on deck, he then headed toward the bridge to find out what was going on. As he entered the bridge he almost fainted, there were two elites working side by side with human pilots. He immediately lifted his shotgun and proceeded toward the closer elite. "What the hell are you doing soldier?!" screamed the captain "What the hell are you doing working with these covenant bastards?!" The Master Chief responded. He was then amazed to hear the elite start speaking, he told of a rebellion in the covenant. The Elite explained that the covenant were losing too many lives in their war with the humans, so they decided to genetically construct a warrior race of beings to assist in the fight. These warriors were fitted with plasma weapons that connect directly into thier nervous system, which allows them to shoot better than any real covenant soldier. They were also very strong, and most were fitted with a cloaking device and shield generator. Naturally, this was against the beliefs of most of the covenant, however, many believed that the benefits outweighed the risks, those who opposed this protested, but to no avail, they were forced to leave. The elite explained that, while he did not like the humans way of doing things, this was not a reason for war, however the gross incompetence of his own race was. So he explained that himself and others like him left with hijacked banshees and drop ships headed for Earth, with the help of a mysterious human that they received transmissions from. "So you see, we are here to help you" the Elite continued, the master chief reluctantly lowered his gun, but kept his finger on the trigger... just in case. "That's why there were covenant ships attacking one another out there." the captain pointed out. "We have forged an alliance with the covenant rebels. Congratulations Master Chief, you are now in command of 2,600 elites, 3,000 grunts, and 2,000 jackals. You will be able to tell the difference between the good and bad covenant soldiers by their colors, all friendlies will be white." The Master Chief nodded. "Your first mission is to lead your forces to fight the covenant threat down on Earth, don't worry about us up here, we can handle ourselves. Watch this." The captain pushed a button and a Covenant cruiser blew up. "Haha, I never get tired of that! You will be briefed on your first mission down on F-deck" the Captain said while pulling the now very silent Cortana out of the Master Chiefs head, Cortana Will brief us on your adventures aboard the autumn This was nearly too much information for him to handle at once. The Master Chief stumbled out of the room in total disbelief, it was time for him to be outfitted for some new weapons and a nice, long shower. -TO BE CONTINUED-