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Derelict: Shadows of Threshold by Big Steve (AKA Lone_Sniper_SG)
Derelict: Shadows of Threshold
Date: 26 April 2004, 10:00 PM
Derelict: Shadows of Threshold Chapter 1
Reporting for Duty 0115 Hours (Ship's time), September 19, 2552 (Military Calendar)/UNSC Cruiser Pillar of Autumn, location unknown.
A white haze filled Kevin's vision, like a fog. He blinked a few times, and the haze vanished to be replaced by three yellow-suited Cryo technicians around him. He saw the word Kohlbeck printed on the tag of one officer, and then saw of He looked around, and struggled to remember. He remembered The battle for Reach, and the slipspace jump. He remembered all non-essential personnel went into cryo sleep. He looked around through the chamber's plexi-glass window and saw dozens of other cryo tubes, most with occupants. The chamber opened and a naval rating handed him his uniform. Kevin tried to breathe, but instead coughed, and a thin transparent fluid drained out of his mouth. He coughed a couple more times, and then stood. He quickly donned his uniform, and then underwent tests to make sure he was in top health, then told him to gear up for combat.
As Staff Sergeant Geibe walked into the #7 launch bay, he was overcome with noise and activity. Marines were running this way and that, gathering up weapons and armor. Warthogs and Scorpions were being loaded, and Pelicans flew overhead. He strode over to the nearest Weapons locker and picked out a brand-new MA5B assault rifle. He slammed a fresh clip home and picked up five more. He next opened up a red-striped locker and grabbed an M90 Shotgun and 60 Magnum 8-gauge rounds for it, and three M9 HE-DP frag grenades. He clipped the grenades to his belt and dumped the ammunition into separate pockets. He set his weapons down and pulled out two large gray fiberglass cases, marked one with Delta 729 and the other Gulf 473, and dumped weapons, ammo, MRE's, medkits and Grenades into each. He loaded one onto a robot dolly and turned it on. The robot beeped and he ordered the dolly to Pelican dock 24. The dolly rolled away, toting its cargo. When the dolly returned, he loaded the other box onto it and sent it off to dock 34. He then gathered his weapons, slung the rifle over his shoulder and armed the Shotgun, then entered lift C8 and went down to the main floor of the bay.
Corporal Clay Johnson entered Bay 7 and immediately located his platoon. The other men of Squad 4 were busy checking their armor and weapons, and preparing for battle, when Staff Sergeant Geibe and 2nd Lieutenant Benjamin stepped in. The squad saluted, and they returned the salute, then proceeded to brief the squad on current events.
Staff Sergeant Manthey had almost reached "Hells Waiting room" when a plasma blast incinerated the area beyond the bulkhead. He backed away as the emergency blast door slammed shut and locked. "Guess we're not going in the heroic way..." he said.
Sergeant A.C. Lettow was only halfway to bay 7 when the Autumn shook beneath his feet. The ship rattled and crewmen got back to their feet. Adam bolted down the corridor and ran into a trio of Grunts. He reacted quickly, and triggered a three-round burst that took the lead Grunt in the head. He grabbed his rifle by the barrel and swung the butt at the second Grunt's head, knocking it out cold. Another burst of fire took care of the third Grunt. He continued to the bay, much faster than he was peviously going. When he arrived his platoon was already leaving, so he had missed the briefing. "Nice of you to show, Adam." Geibe said. "That hit knocked me on my ass for a few seconds, sorry, sir." Adam said, "So whats the 411?" "Pelican ride. Our HEV's are slag now. Too bad, I was looking forward to dropping in."
After about fifteen minutes of uninterrupted travel, the stranded ODST's met up with the Covenant boarding parties. There were atleast five Elites crammed into the small corridor, followed closely by Grunts and a pack of Jackals. The Marines opened fire with full auto and grenades. The explosions ripped through the group, killing the Elites and half of the Grunts. The remaining Grunts and Jackals returned fire. The Marines shouted and charged the Covenant, mercilessly slaughtering them.
Lieutenant Hansen has just cleared Bay seven when the Pillar of Autumn began its descent to the surface. To his starboard side was Delta 729, with Lieutenant Berge and the helm. His Pelican veered left and vectored toward a desolate mountain range. Sam followed, but lost time when he had to dodge escaping Covenant boarding craft. He punched the throttle and the Pelican accelerated toward a vast ocean that lay upspin of the range. "Change of plans, you guys are headed for the beach." Sam shouted over the radio.