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Defection by Zach Laskaris
Defection: Part 1
Date: 29 August 2003, 6:26 PM
"Hold the right flank!' roared Toolmeth, the Elite, as the human Scorpian tank bore down on their position in the ruined forerunner fortifacation on the human colony Clutch, an ancient Forerunner world. "With what!?" yelled Xreetu the grunt shrilly, as he dove for cover behind a rock " we've got nothing but plasma pistols over here!" " just shoot already!" bullet and plasma struck through the air at an alarming rate, and several grunts went down. "we won't last much longer like this" yelled Aarzanz, the groups hunter warrior," the Northern facility has collapsed to human forces;we're alone now,Toolm, and we've got nowhere to run!" at that instant, a voice came over the transitter: "hold on, Air support is on it's way." with that, a couple of Dropships washed over the fray covered by several Banshees. "Yeeaaa!" came a voice over the receiver Toolmeth knew it was his friend Ulanf, the Banshee pilot. Toolmeth smiled. the dropships landed fresh troops in the area and took Toolmeth and his men bach to the Avenger of Life, their command craft. on the the way home, Toolmet heard Xreetu tell his friends Vidnat and Szcono how he took on and stopped the Scorpian tank at the battle. Cwozo the Jackal crooned, the Jackal way of a laugh. As they docked with the Avenger and got out he saw a Grunt Mechanic talking to his friend about something, and heard snippets: " they'll get what they deserve,they will," "yup, I'm gonna watch upfront at the execution" "What execution?" Toolmeth stepped in, "of the Human captives" said one of the grunts enthusiastacly. By order of Prophet Tenorr" these words hit Toolmeth like a brick wall, or, a titanium one. he ws a devout follower of the Coventry, but the murder of defensless sentient beings who had done nothing but protect their homes? it was too much for him, he didn't care what it cost him, but he would stop this no matter what. Later that night, as the halls darkened, a lone shadow stalked the corridors of the Covonent cruiser. However, another shadow followed it, just out of sight. Toolmeth strode up to the grunts gaurding the holding cells: they were asleep he knocked them out with the flick of a wrist and entered. "wha-" some bleary-eyed Marines said as they woke up one by one."who the hell are you!!?" "a sympithizer." Said Toolmeth hurriedly, powering down the cells." we've got to go now" "in a hurry, I see" Toolmeth spun around. Cwozo was standing there, slouching agaisnt a wall. Several Marines put up their fists, the ones whohad picked up weapons, or had stowed some with aimed them at him. "Don't worry," Cwozo said to Toolmeth, "I came to help." "You did?" Cwozo smiled "yep, me and the rest of our gang." as the door opened and Xreetu, Vidnat, Szcono,Aarzanz, and Ulanf entered carrying weapons fot the human troops. "Alright, let's do it" said a Marine, "yes" smiled Toolmeth, "Lets" the group burst out of the detention block, taking out gaurds as they went."Hurry" said Aarzanz, "or they'll sound- "he was cut off by a peircing siren that reverbrated through the ship"-the alarm" he finished lamely.the fighting was intense, and soon Marines began to fall. "We can't win" Xreetu said to Toolmeth "we'll never make it!" suddenly Toolmeth noticed something: the Weapons research Dept. he went for it " were are you going?!" shouted Ulanf. "Just go" yelled Toolmeth as the door opened, Toolmeth spun and locked it, looked around, and saw the lab abanonded. Releived, he looked around. at first he thought it was empty, except for one thing, Toolmeth picked it up. It looked like a Human Shotgun, except for strange glowing Domes and fins covered it making it look like a plasma pistol was stuck were the trigger was and had 'infected' the rest of it. Next to it were glowing orbs, the orbs fit smoothly into the weapon, and he collected more. Just as he shouldered it the door blew down, and 2 Marines stood there "c'mon" one yelled waving at him, and he followed. as they entered the docks, Toolmeth saw a waiting dropship being pummeled by covenent weapons. as he and the Marines races to the ship, a Golden Elite charged them Toolmeth spun around,whipped out the strange weapon and fired. a stupendous blast of a hundred tiny glowing needles rammed into the Elite, knocking his chin up, and blowing him back severa feet as he landed with a wet Smack! the Marines looked awestruck but there was no time Toolmeth jumped aboard, along with the Marines, and flew off into the black night
Defection: Part 2
Date: 3 September 2003, 1:42 AM
"Yeeeeehaaaaa!!" roared Ulamf as the Avenger fell away in the distance, becoming a speck on the horizon. "it's not over yet, said one grizzled Marine, scar over his left eye and a sergeants cap, there's gonna be Banshees. " he's right! squeaked Xreetu shrilly "Banshee fighters are gaining on us!" "Damn it " muttered Toolmeth " how long till they're in effective firing range?" " 20 seconds!" "can't we use this things belly-cannon?" asked the old Marine " no, it cannot aim higher then 90 degrees" "couldn't we get above them?" " Yes, but the cannon's plasma blasts are slow, and the Banshees can outrun them." " we could force them away, right?" "yes, but they could return." " we could force them into a wall...." the Marine thought aloud "...or a canyon cliff! you!" he pointed to Xreetu " were's the nearest canyon?" "below us-Moon Canyon." " get there."
the Banshee captain smiled. They had opened fire on the drop ship and it was smoking as it dropped altitude into Moon Canyon. He signaled for his wingmen to drop below the drop ship and destroy it's hover stabilization field (the big blue plasma thing) As the Banshees fell below them, Ulamf manned the guns. As the first Banshee reeled forward, the guns spoke. the Banshee spun right as the plasma waves flew towards it. To late the pilot noticed the canyon wall. He attempted to pull up, but the plasma struck its wing and it fell towards the infinite canyon bottom. The second Banshee was easier- it was stunned by the firsts death and was plastered with plasma. However, with the crews eyes upon the battle, the ship almost careened into a bridge spanning the canyon. it barely managed to float above the surface. Ulamf struggled in his seat, if he didn't get out of his seat, he would be crushed by the bridge! at the last moment, as the gun broke off, the straps fell off and he rolled from underneath the ship just as it screeched against the bridge top.
As the dazed Marines and Rebels stumbled from the drop ship, one brash human stepped up. Aiming his gun at Toolmeth and prepping a grenade, he yelled " stop right there!" at once tension burst like a dam. The rebels aimed at the Marines and the Marines aimed back. With seconds left till a battle ensued, an old voice broke through the Marines lines " stand down marines." it was the older marine from the drop ship. "it's obvious these covies are helpin' us, and there's no time to explain why now." as to exemplify his point, more Banshees streaked towards them, growing in the distance. "hurry!" yelled Toolmeth " we need somewhere to hide!" " hey! right there" yelled a marine, pointing at a door on the right part of the bridge. " go go go!" yelled the Marine sergeant frantically. As they ran towards the door, Cwozo dove forward, rolled, and smashed the activation panel wit his fist, opening it. As Toolmeth passed, holding the rear, tossed a plasma grenade on it, and dove inside as the door closed behind them. Shutting of the Banshees. Once they where inside, flashlights flickered on, revealing an old, great cavern. " We should get movin'." said the sergeant marine decisively. " who are you?" asked Toolmeth, awed by his sense of command. " Sergeant Jacob Daniels and who are you?" Toolmeth introduced himself as did his squad to the marines and the marines to his squad. After they set off, they didn't run into anything dangerous. After about 3 miles, they came to a gigantic room, which didn't have to much space to walk on, but rather looked like the big cavern in the Halo mission Halo, with the warthog and such. anyway, there was one big difference, and one marine noticed " hey sarge, look!" the groups heads swiveled to where he was pointing, and gasped. A great, ghostly image was swimming in the great void, echoing through the cavern. It was a battle, as an unknown race fought each other with swords and shields. " I see you newcomers have come across the Galactic Spectral Hologram Projector" said a brisk voice behind them, and the turned guns up towards it. A blinking green orb hovered there, a droid " who are you?" asked Toolmeth angrily. " I am 246 Fertile Spark, and am the warden of this installation." "and whats this thing?" this device was created by our masters the forerunners to moniter the galaxy and attempt to stem the spread of infection 2451ER78, known to other races as flood." "Toolmeth gasped, as did his squad, and even some marines" " it also this installations mission to create Anditote 237I906C53 to hold the flood, and create successful forruner clones." "wha?..." Toolmeth's head was spinning. " however, this is none of your concern. You must return to the surface and keep your battles from unlocking the test subjects, or stop spark production" "spark.." " yes Subplasmicly Powered Advance Robotic Koilides" " Uuuh..." "Shoo! Shoo! I have work! 343B Guilty spark and 506 Scouter spark will escort you away! Now go!" the team was herded by tractor bots towards 2 robots on the other side of a lit Light Bridge.