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Fan Fiction

Dannhe's Rise to honor by Phoenix

Dannhe's rise to honor
Date: 30 November 2004, 10:59 PM

Dannhe surveyed himself. He was proud of the cobalt blue armor he wore. Though at the bottom of the ranks, he was still an elite. He had passed and graduated from every test the covenant could put him through, and thus, he got to go on his first mission. His full name was Dannhe Tachahera Kiel. He looked to his right and saw his master. He had known him all his life. The elite standing next to him was Zulu Mortuma Zuki and he wore the gold armor of an honored elite. The Zealot was very influential and swung the council to allow Dannhe to come on this mission. Zulu was like a father to Dannhe. The dropship slowed to a halt and the side hatches opened out.
"All of you pile out! We must act quickly if the operation is to be a success. And remember, no human, not even the ones with the special armor are worth fear or respect!" said Zulu in his commanding voice.
All twenty of the elites jumped out of the hatches. Dannhe noticed that every one of them wore scarlet or black, he couldn't help but feel a little out of place.
"I'll pick you up when you call" said the pilot.
"Alright, do you know why we're out here?" Roared Zulu
"To killed an armored demon!" the rest shouted
"Here's the plan, one of those ridiculous bulky craft the humans call 'pelican' has crashed. They've set up a rudimentary perimeter around it. Our scouts have spotted several squads of Special Forces humans, and one of the ones with special armor. Should we kill this human, and you can believe me every single one of you will graduate to the next level."
That statement had every elite drooling for the armored humans blood.
"Follow me!" he roared.
The squad of elites ran through a thick wooded forest to a stream. They followed it downstream to a clearing where Dannhe saw the bulky craft smoking from many holes in its fuselage.
"On my mark, three, two, one, mark!" roared Zulu.
At that moment, Zulu drew his sword, every elite brandished there weapons. Dannhe's first shot flew straight and true, it hit a human straight in the visor burning it away, and pity it wasn't the human they were all after. Then he turned, he saw Zulu slice a human when he saw the demon human sneak up behind him, his strange weapon only a unit or two from Zulu's back.
"NO!" screamed Dannhe.
Too late. The armored human opened in a barrage that would have made a hunter stumble. A solid stream of tracers punched into Zulu's armor.
The rounds tore at Zulu's shield until it overloaded and snapped off. The rounds ripped through Zulu armor, spatters of blood stained the ground.
Dannhe ran over to his fallen comrade while another elite jumped on the demon and started to grapple with it.
"Dannhe, is that you?" Zulu whispered.
"Yes, what is it?" Dannhe asked.
"Take my sword, kill it for me..." Zulu's voice trailed off.
And with that, Dannhe grabbed Zulu's sword, it shone bright in the semi darkness. Dannhe could see one of his brother elites faltering in the battle with the demon, and Dannhe charged, taking no heed of the humans between him and the demon. One human lashed out with the butt of his weapon but Dannhe struck him down with his sword. Just as the elite who had been wrestling with the demon fell, the demon looked up and saw Dannhe upon him, and the bright light of the plasma sword was the last thing he ever saw. IT shocked every body, as Dannhe stood there breathing heavily, the demon at his feet. An elite in the midst of finishing off a human stopped what he was doing, shocked. The humans broke and ran, leaving the elites there, still staring at Dannhe. Then the reality of what happened struck them and they cheered.
"Pick us up now." Dannhe said to the pilot over his comm. System.
"I'll be there in two units" he said.
"I said now damnit!" roared Dannhe.
"Yessir, sorry sir." The pilot said back.
The pilot had sported the red armor of a veteran, and even he realized how de3aly serous Dannhe was. He must have recognized that the demon had been slayed, and that he was now talking to what was to become one of the most respected elites in the covenants army. The dropship arrived half a unit later.

Dannhe's Rise to honor part 2
Date: 1 December 2004, 8:45 PM

"Truly a rare occasion, that a demon such as this be slayed. With this, we honor you with your new armor. For the first time in ever so long, has a rookie been promoted to the rank of spec. ops. Elite. You may now put on your new armor" The prophet hovered a unit over the ground. Not just any prophet, the prophet of truth. One of the hierarchs. Not only that, but the supreme commander of the entire covenant, and he lay his honor on Dannhe.
Over in the corner in a heap, was an ex-Spartan. Even the honor guards avoided it, and gave Dannhe looks of admiring respect, and envy. A full team of engineers removed Dannhe's old armor and attached his new shiny black armor.
"Seeing as you have slayed one of these demons, we have a new mission for you." The prophet made a gesture and a map of a giant ring popped up on a holo screen.
"Halo. Magnificent isn't it?" the prophet mused. "However, in there ignorance, the humans have stumbled upon it."
"The humans? But how?" Dannhe stammered.
"Accident, we suppose, but it is no matter. There is, however, one thing that has us worried. Another of these armored demons has stumbled upon it. And we want you to-"
The prophet was cut off by a loud whining, and than a bone shaking explosion emanating from the corner where the demon had lain. The Spartans armor erupted in flames, vaporizing an honor guard that had strayed too close. The remaining honor guards sprang all around the Prophet of truth.
"Even in their death these infernal beasts never cease to annoy me!" shouted the prophet. "Go to the Spec. Ops. Commander, he is waiting in the hallway!" said the prophet as the honor guards rushed him away from the smoldering heap that was once a Spartan.
In the hallway outside the ceremonial chamber wait the spec. ops. Commander in his gleaming white armor.
"Congratulations on your promotion, it should be interesting to have you in my exclusive group." Said the spec. ops. Commander. His voice was soft, but it had a deadly tone to it, the kind of voice that instantly commanded respect.
"And it will be an honor to work with you." Said Dannhe.
"We must get to the surface immediately. If we can hit the humans hard before they can set up camp. Go to the armory, grab a weapon, and get to a launch pod. They will be leaving in exactly one unit. I'll brief you on the rest on the plan once we hit the surface. Understand?" said the commander.
"Sir, Yes sir!" said Dannhe, and with that he sprinted to the armory.
One unit later, Dannhe inspected his weapon. He had a plasma rifle, pistol, and a few grenades. That should be enough until he got to a groundside armory.
"Is everybody ready?" The commander face popped up on a screen in Dannhe's HUD.
Dannhe hit the acknowledgment button.
He heard a rhythmic thumping as the pods launched towards the giant ring. Dannhe couldn't shake the feeling that this particular op was not going to go well.
The wind rushed against the drop pod and it started to shake violently. Than suddenly there was a loud crash followed by a crack as the pod hit the ground and the door ejected.
"Every body is to proceed to this structure here where we have your individual missions waiting for you." The commander shouted over the comm. system.
Dannhe sprinted to the grand delta shaped structure. Dannhe was angry at the thought that humans would desecrate such a beautiful world with there filth.
"Dannhe. Dannhe!" the commander yelled as Dannhe stared at the structure
"Dannhe, you will be participating in an op to take back a fortified human position. They have designated it alpha base. We already have a spy inside, and he will alert us when the armored demon that accompanied the humans. When he triggers that alarm, your and handful of others will storm the place, kill any human you can find, especially that blasted armored demon!" the commander shouted.
"I will be you squad leader, seeing as I cooked this plan up myself." Said rather proud looking elite in black spec. ops. armor. "We leave in four units, so get some sleep, and be ready for some action when you awake. Dismissed."
Dannhe started to head towards his bunk when the spec. ops. commander stopped him.
"I'd watch myself if I were you," he said. "That particular elite is a bit too hungry for revenge. Seems he got clipped on the human ship, plus he's notorious for his idiotic missions." He whispered.
Dannhe would try to remember that, not that there was much he could do about it. Orders were orders. Dannhe drifted off to sleep.
"Everybody up. NOW!" someone yelled.
Dannhe struggled out of bed and trotted out into the dropship pad. He craned his neck and followed the ring all the way around the to starry sky, than back around to the dropship pad where one of those bulky pelican ships rest.
"We are taking a human vessel?" Dannhe questioned.
"Yes. We will take the humans by surprise. We have one of the humans piloting it, they won't know what hit them." Said the squad leader that the commander had warned him about.
Dannhe thought a moment. This plan didn't seem too bad, except he would have to endure that meaty smell the humans left on everything they touched. The craft lifted up off the ground and hummed toward Alpha Base.
"When this bucket touches down, I want everybody in active camo!" shouted the squad leader.
Dannhe was the first one off the pelican. The humans were confused as to why an empty dropship might be landing in there base. Taking advantage of this, Dannhe ran down to the humans control room and slit the throat of those who controlled the AA guns. With throaty chuckle he called the dropships.
"The AA guns are down, proceed." He said.
Just as reinforcements arrived, Dannhe noticed a Banshee on the horizon, fleeing the scene.
"Squad leader one of our own is fleeing, filthy heretic" spat Dannhe.
There was no reply.
"Squad leader?" still nothing.
An elite ran up next to Dannhe.
"What's going on?" he asked.
"Our squad leaders gone AWOL, the commander always had a bad feeling about him... alright, anyway, I'm taking control of this op now. Have we found the armored human?
An elite came before Dannhe, enraged. "The human's video records show that the demon left over six units ago, our spy either betrayed us, or is a coward!" he yelled.
"Heresy!" an elite near Dannhe hissed.
Dannhe thought for a moment.
"If the armored human isn't here, this op is a waste. We could continue to slaughter the humans, but we would be accomplishing nothing. We should call in the dropships and extract whatever's left of this squad.
"Yes sir!" said the elites. A quarter units later they were heading for home. Home, for the moment, was the covenant Destroyer undying loyalty.

"Fled you say" asked the commander.
"Yes sir. After that, I took control of the squad. The human's video records show that the demon left six units ago." Dannhe said.
"And you didn't think to take Alpha Base for the covenant?" the commander asked.
"We were sustaining heavy casualty's sir. The whole point of the op was to kill the armored demon and get out quick. The humans may have called in reinforcements or gotten their AA back on line, then there would be not chance of escape" said Dannhe
"Indeed... Well you showed great initiative in taking control of the squad, how would you like to lead an op of your own? The commander asked.
"It would be an honor sir." Said Dannhe.
"There is a swamp where some humans are reported to be heading towards. We have a small weapons cache there. That should give you a tactical advantage. Be careful though, the council will not tolerate failure." The commander said.
"Then I will not fail! Sir!" said Dannhe.
Dannhe planned the whole thing out. He would take grunts and jackals to lure the humans into the structure, than he would have a special ops. elite squad waiting for them, they would trap them in the structure and close in. It was fool proof, but life always throws something your way you can't quite predict.
Dannhe waited, crouching low behind a giant pillar.
"You think this will work Dannhe?" said an elite next to Dannhe.
"We will soon see."
Then they heard a big explosion.
"Stay here, I find out what that was." Said Dannhe.
Dannhe came up behind a grunt standing next to a large crater in the wall.
"Ling Ling told him not to! Told him!" said the grunt.
"What happened here?" asked Dannhe
"Well first Misulu says he bet he can through grenade against wall so hard it blow up. Ling Ling says he can't, but then- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!" the grunt was cut off as a steady stream of green pods flowed out of the crater in the wall and attached themselves to Ling Ling.
"Squad, get over here!" yelled Dannhe firing rapidly at the strange little creatures.
The squad came up behind Dannhe and, though stunned for a minute by what they saw, opened fire on the pods.
"Keep. Firing!" yelled Dannhe as two or three pods got incinerated on his shield.
Just then, and elite screamed as his shield was overloaded by the strange creatures and they attached themselves to him.
"Elites, we are leaving!" yelled Dannhe.
More and more Elites fell as they tried to escape the parasites. They ran for a while when they saw the first elite who fell come up in front of them. Except he was different. He was horribly deformed, a sickly green color and the creature had apparently embedded itself inside him, because a few tentacles protruded from his chest. One arm looked like a giant three tipped whip. The other held a plasma rifle.
"Moroma?" one of the elites to Dannhe's left said questioningly.
Then the ex-elite took his whip like arm a slashed at the elite with incredible force. The elites shield overloaded almost instantly, and a pod creature attached itself to him. The elite screamed and fell.
"Let's go!" said Dannhe as he struck the creature down with the butt of his plasma rifle.
Noone followed him. Dannhe looked behind him only to see that his squad was fighting hard not to be overcome by yet another wave of the pod like creatures. Then Dannhe's shield flared and he felt himself being struck by plasma bolts.
Dannhe turned around yet again and saw the ex-elite standing once more. He fired his plasma rifle at the mutated elite until its entire body went up in flames.
"I said let's go!" Dannhe repeated.
Only a handful was left of his squad.
The elites sprinted past more mutated creatures, one looking like a jackal, one looking like a grunt, and then one that looked just plain odd. It look like a giant balloon, and when one of his elites struck it with his needler, it exploded, killing the elite instantly as well as spewing a few pods.
"Keep going" shouted Dannhe
They did. When they finally reached the exit, the dropship was waiting there for him.
"I lost your signal when you entered the structure sir. I decided to come down here incase things got hot." The pilot crackled over the radio.
"Good work. Team, in the dropship now!" Dannhe said.
"What was that?" the elite next to Dannhe stammered.
"I don't know, but I shall have to answer to the prophets because of it." Dannhe said.
"Enemy dropship inbound. It's all alone. Do you want me to engage sir?" the pilot crackled over the comm. again.
"No, I want you to get us back now, whatever's in there will meet there demise soon enough." Said Dannhe.
Through the fog and foliage however, Dannhe could have sworn he saw the tell tail green glint of a Spartan.
