Date: 28 September 2003, 7:10 PM
"IN COMING!!!!!" the pilot screamed a wising noise came past the back jet and the a BOOOOM. the pelican went into a dive. some of the men almost flew out but ther sholder straps held them in. i was holding on to the weapon bay door wen it happend. the capton toled the pilot to send out a s.o.s before we land he did a couple seconts later the pilot told use to brace your selfs. the (krrk) of the cb radio was the last thing i heard suddenly my head smacked into the steel. there was this dark fealling wraped around my head and a smell of burnt feathers.i was nocked out.
(krrrk)... alpha bravo i have reseaved your s.o.s coppy (krrk). (krrrk) yes this is alpha bravo to ground control we have taken heavy losses. we need extraction on the double. are cowordenents are omegga 20 brovo sector 5 frame seara. (krrk) (kkkkrkk) copy that were bringing in 5 drop ships soldier. give em hell out (krrrk)
i woke wen my capton started the engien of a whorthog. i hopped in. i coud tell that i had a concusion. the wizing of bullet flew past my head. i tried to duck in the passenger seat of the worthog but my comander screammed at me to get up and shoot. evry time i did i heard the pings of plasma hitting the armor of the worthog. i hopped out into a pack of marine that wer takeing cover behined the wrekeg of a scorpion.about 50 feet ahead of us ther was a hole mass of covonent. they cept ducking and hiding so that it was almost imposseble to get a shot of. the gy next to me was screaming because the medic was wrapping his wound. i asked him what happend."This dumbass poped a grenade right into a pille elites and they tosed it back. hes got a shit full of shrapnel in his leg." it looked pritty bad but he was better of then some of the other ones. i straffed of into a pile of brush i made sure no onw saw me. i pulled out my sniper rifle and zoomed in i saw so many covonent i must have picked of about 25% before i was out of ammo. an elit chareged me and i cruched his head in with the hadle on my pistol. a burst of blueish purple bool flew out of its mouth. it was dead. a hole squad of gruts caught me of gaurd. i pulled out my pistel and tried to aim for ther heads. i got at least 5 but then my sheald went out. all the plasma hitting my armor was makeing me hot. i bouce out of the bushes just in time wen one of the grunts threw a grenade. i ran back to the marines. they all looked at me like i was going to kill them the way i was running. then they saw what i was running from. a tall marine stood and told me to duck. so i did. instead of ducking i dove right into a boot of a nealing marine. i heard a great BOOM it must have been that marines hi explaseves or maby a white willy (white fosfurus) because they acted like they were on fire.one of the marines lafd and said "YAH THATS RIGHT BITCH" (krrrk) this is alpha bravo to ground control come in ground control(krrrrk)
(krrrk) this is ground control (krrk)
(krrk) damit ground control wen are those pelicans going to be here (krrrk)
(krrrk) eta is about 5 minutes over(krrk) (krrk) damb it thats not fast enufe tell them asap (krrrk)
(krrk) roger that (krrk)
i could hear my captan yelling at the cb frome a distance. i heard him talking about the pelicans. about 5 minutes ago we could have used 5 pelicans but now all we need is 3. just then i herd the rumbleing of pelicans they must have come from somewere ells but i was glad to see them ther was only 2 of them but they wealing some power right wen i saw them the lag guns started to roar. on the left and right of the passenger bay there were marines with rochet launchers. within 2 minutes we were out of there.
the captan was on the cb screamming because of the noisey jets on the pelican i heard him say after a good nights sleep were going back in. my heart sank and i fell asleep to the sound of the drowning jets