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Fan Fiction

D-Day:Chronicles by htd

Date: 14 September 2004, 3:13 AM

Author Note: This is a joint project between me and Hunter_Killer. Also, if you read my Urban Warfare series (which is currently on pause because I can't do 2 stories at once, unfortunately) then you will understand it.

      "Grandpa, tell me another story of how you fought the Covies." I asked my grandfather, the aged Richard Chang.
      "Yes, Mr. Chang, tell us another one!" my lifelong friend Kyle Peters asked eagerly, his green eyes glowing with excitement.
      "All right you little rascals." Chang replied, rubbing my grass-like black hair "Once when I was a Lieutenant, we had to rescue these important people, and on the way we ran into an ambush. My XO, 2 privates, and I led a successful flanking attack, but I was hurt."
      "My XO and his teammates were under very heavy fire, and I was unconscious. But because we were best friends," Chang explained, while presenting Kyle and I each with a necklace with a half of a blue sphere "he saved me from a horrible death. Along the way I found a blue sphere, and I was able to crack it into halves, and my XO made them into these necklaces. That XO was your grandfather, Kyle. Now, we decided to pass them onto you. They represent your lifelong friendship."
      "Kids, time for bed." My mom, Emily, shouted from the kitchen. That night, as we lay in my sleeping bag, I fingered my necklace. It glowed with a warm blue, and I knew that Kyle's fate and mine were intertwined.

      "Okay, 7th Platoon, listen up. This is your 5th jump. If you make it, you'll be receiving your Comet." Drill Sergeant Waters informed 7th Platoon.
      "Another cake walk, eh?" Kyle mumbled to me, his light brown hair in a buzz-cut. He was the team's vehicle expert, and knew a bit of medicine as well, his trusty SMG always at his side.
      "Ja"I replied, in a German accent. After this was over, I could finally get into active duty as a soldier.
      After the briefing was over, Kyle and I walked over to "Hell's Waiting Room". We got into our pods and keyed over the private COM.
      "See ya at base." Kyle clicked before the countdown reached 00:05.

      The trip was the usual. Our chutes deployed and we landed smoothly in the target destination. Along the decent someone had played a song by Rage Against the Machine, an old rock band. I automatically guessed it as Kyle-he was never afraid of "breakin' da rules" as he put it.

      "Hey boys!" Jennie Chu, a fellow Lance Corporal, screamed behind me and Kyle after we landed in the target zone of the Australian outback. I jumped back in surprise. She was the same as ever. Even in 6th grade she had always taunted me-saying that I liked a girl who was a year older than me, and some other stuff. I had to admit that I liked her before, and I still had a small feeling for her. After all, she was attractive, with her flowing black hair and her dark black eyes. She was our scout-so we didn't feel embarrassed that she snuck up on us.
      "Holy crap, Jennie, never do that again." I replied, with a chuckle.
      "And what, you'll ?"
      "No, remember middle school?"
      "God, fine."
      Soon after we reached the base camp. My cousin, Kevin Liu, who also decided to join the ODSTs, was there, sipping a Cold Fusion. His dark eyes and glasses were the same as mine, and even Drill Sergeant Waters thought we were twins. He was the sniper, and more than once he had "killed" us in CTF in training. Our trio walked past him towards the bar.
      "Hey Sam, three Colds please." I requested.
      "So, you guys hear about the rumors that we've found the Covie homeworld?" Jennie asked.
      "Ja. Kyle and I read about it in the paper yesterday. Kind of curious about how they found it. After all, the Covenant ships always self-destruct before being captured."
      Suddenly, the loudspeakers came to life. "Attention all members of 7th Platoon, report to the briefing room now."
      "God, what the hell is happening now?" Kevin asked on the way there.

      We reached the briefing room at 0900 hours. The only words we heard from the briefing were unforgettable, as they would change my friend's life forever.
      "Backwater is under attack."
To be continued...
If H_K posts stuff with the same "D-Day title, just remember that we are working together, but he takes the role of Kyle.
I kept this short cause if it was longer, I couldn't post it on HBO.
Don't ask-even I don't know. 30 KB seems to be my limit-if it's even a kb past, the webpage goes white.
