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Courageous Pride by Sergeant B
Courageous Pride:Solutions Unavailable(Chapter 1)
Date: 13 September 2003, 1:03 AM
Instead of the rich green of the summer days, Earth was covered with black. New Mombassa was the last standing city on Earth. The Covenant pounded the UNSC forces in a 2 week's time. Now the marines had built a "fortress" around New Mombasssa. Everyone sleep only when needed to, because the Covenant were coming.
Chapter 1
Dagger Base, Area 67, Sector 20. 0900, July 19, 2557
"Sir, reporting for duty as ordered sir." Private Fawkins saluted the Colonel as he stepped into the Dagger Base. "At ease, son. Glad to have you at Dagger Base soldier. We need all the help we can get so we can get those bastards. They are bullshit son. You know that? Well, since you are a standard rifleman, why don't we put you with Delta Team. They are still building since the battle at Fredricks' Port, China. Son, they are in room 9B, 2nd Floor." The Colonel was a fairly old guy, about 60 years old. He had graying hair, 50 medals on his uniform, and had the Silver Eagle on him. Fawkins stepped into the steel elevator. Inside it had a gold shine in it. He punched in 2 and the elevator was activated. As he stepped out, 2 marines went in, barely noticing him. The hallway wasn't all that fancy. He passed by pubs, arcades, fast food places, and shooting ranges. He reached in and used the ID card on the security system. It flashed green and he opened the door. 3 other marines were inside the room playing their VX game system. They stared at him for a few seconds, then stood up. "So we finally have a full squad." said one of the marines. He stepped forward and shook Fawkins' hand. "Name's Tang. Private Terry Tang. And you are..." "Fawkins, John Fawkins." "Hello John. As you can see, this is Natalie." She was about 6'0 tall, slim. She had brown hair, and a nice smile. John looked at her carefully. No one could argue, she was the prettiest of them all. "This is Ken Aveno." He had blond hair, about 6'2, and was probably the same age as John. "And this is Sergeant George "Badass" Kenson." The Sergeant gave a small nod to John. "Well, never expected a new guy around here. Thought Covenant wiped out 3/4 of New Mombassa. So you're a survivor?", asked the Sergeant. "Yeh sir. Come from Area 2." Area 2, or called 2/4, was completely destroyed by the Covenant. All the buildings and wildlife was destroyed there. Suddenly, the combat alarm rang. The noise was deafening if you were so close, orders couldn't be heard. The red lights flashed onto the walls with tremedous speed. "This is Colonel Fredricks. All troops to battle stations. Repeat, all troops to battle stations. This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill." With their hands, the four raced up to their weapons room and pulled down weapons. The Sergeant got a Battle Rifle, Natalie got also got a Battle Rifle, Ken got a sniper rifle and SMG, and John got a Shotgun and Pistol. They sprinted to the top floor, their battle area they were to protect. Screams and shouts covered the base, blood flying through the air. The soldiers of Dagger Base easily would of lost their sense in the tense battle. Fawkins used a shotgun shell, killing the elite. The purple blood splattered out on the snow, soaking through it. The Covenant had been able to get to the top floor. The four marines fired upon the charging aliens. They returned fire with the same rage. Luckily, Sergeant Kenson was able to get a couple of grenades before he rushed out to the battle. He lobbed one to the group of Covenant, blowing them up into oblivion. They quickly raced forward, sweating on the stairs. They finally got to the ground. One of them spotted a Warthog. Before they were to run to the Warthog, Covenant impeded them. The mixed group of 5 elites, 20 grunts, and 6 Jackals dared to face them. All four shot at them, running to the transportation device, only managing to fire 1 or 2 succesive shots with their weapons. They hopped on and the Warthog lurched and was away. "Jesus! That was close! I can't believe that we guys made it out alive man!" said Aveno reviewing the attack in his mind. "And damn lucky to get a Warthog2." A Warthog2 is a Warthog with two 30mm armor piercing machine guns, front and back, with a Argent V rocket launchers attached to them. It also held one more person than the late Warthog. The Sergeant decided to make radio contact on the open channel to see if their were any more survivors from Dagger Base besides them. No replies. Where the hell is the Colonel?, thought Kenson. He switched the radio to the Command channel. "This is Sergeant Kenson to Command. Repeat. This is Sergeant Kenson to command. Does anyone read me?" The radio just hummed in the air. Then he heard a little sound from it. "Hey son. This is the Colonel. Get your asses up here now!" "Sir, we can't. We.." "Come please. Covenant attacking! Can't hol.." Kenson heard a explosion and the radio was dead. With a little tear dropping, he realized the Colonel was dead.
Courageous Pride:Solutions Unavailable(Chapter 2)
Date: 14 September 2003, 2:19 PM
Battle Path, Area 70, Sector 40 0700, December 20, 2557
The snow covered road slowed the four surviving marines of Dagger Base. "Hey Sergeant, you okay?" "Yeah. We're the only ones that survived." The 3 others suddenly paused, looking like they were frozen in Antartica. Terry didn't even realize that he had released his foot from the pedal. The Warthog slowly slipped away, causing it to bump into a tree. The humans snapped out of their freeze and stared at Terry Tang. "Geez man. Now we have to get to Charlie Base on foot!" exclaimed the Sergeant. They got off the broken vehicle and started marching torward the direction of Charlie Base. The morning shine filled the air, as beautiful as the stars. It was cold and snowing, so they had to make a "camp". Their "camp" was in the woods, and they were covered by the bushes ahead. "Okay guys, and girl, let's see how much ammo we got." They all pulled out their ammo, dropping it on the white snow. Fawkins started first. "Sir, I have 55 shotgun shells and 120 pistol rounds." "I have 400 M-5 Carbine round and 108 pistol rounds." "Me, I have 600 Battle Rifle rounds." "And I have 534 Battle Rifle rounds. Natalie, you don't have to give me any rounds. I'm fine." They started to talk about their life and joked around until it was dark. Black filled the sky, stars sparkling in their eyes. But something was wrong, really wrong. Terry and John stepped away from their "camp" and surveyed the area. Right above them were 10 Covenant Dropships. "Take Cover!", yelled Terry. They retreated back to where Natalie and Ken were. There weapons were raised, ready to fire. The Covenant poured out of the Dropships, weapons at ready. They marched away from the marines, but 50 grunts stayed behind with 4 Elites with them. After the rest were out of site, Aveno lobbed a grenade, blowing apart 30 grunts and 2 elites. They got into a battle formation, only known as the H formation to the Humans. The four marines jumped out of their hiding places and fired. The grunts quickly fell, leaving only 2 left. Fawkins shot them quickly in the head with his pistol. The 2 elites went back-to-back, firing at the humans. The Major Elite used his Needler rounds on Terry, causing him to explode. His body lay motionless on the snow. The others kept fighting. Finally, Natalie threw a Plasma Grenade she picked up and it burst the Major Elite in Plasma. She ran to Terry, checking his vital signs. It was low, like one red. "Now what? First we have to walk on FOOT, then carry an unconcious man!" shouted the Sergeant. "Oh shutup sir. He is one of your men dude. Don't let him die. He's been with you for at least one year and I've been with you since, 2 hours ago." They continued to walk on the snow-covered path, each taking 30 minute shifts for carrying Terry. After an hour of a boring walking session on Battle Path,they finally got near to C Base. Battle Path was the name for the path that led from Dagger Base to Charlie Base. They continued walking until they heard an explosion and a spark that looked like a firework. "What the hell was that?", asked Natalie. "Don't know but we're gonna find out.", replied the Sergeant. They paced faster to the base. As soon as they got there, they saw Covenant and Humans falling, blood covering the ground. It was horiffying to see. Humans all bloody, crying for help like they were trapped in a fire. Blood smered walls of Charlie Base, as humans were killed. "Shit! We better help 'em!", said Sergeant. They quickly ran to the battlefield, firing at the Covenant, helping the marines of Charlie Base. Natalie carried Terry over to the base hospital.
"How's he doing?", asked Natalie. Terry opened his eyes slowly as the nurse got the medkit. "Where am I?" The nurse injected a medicine into him and his vitals slowly regained to full. "Now, you're ready to fight."
Terry and Natalie ran out to fight the Covenant. They spotted John and Ken so they ran to that spot. "What took you so long Nat?" "Sorry Sarge, Terry had some recovering to do. But he's okay now." They fired on the Covenant with the other marines. As soon as at least 6000 of the base's 9000 troops were dead, they retreated. The 4 squadmates of Delta Team were lucky to find a 2 Remington Blasters up ahead. The rocket launcher was similar to the M19 SSM, but was a guided rocket launcher. As Fawkins and Tang were loading the rockets into the Blaster, Ken and Natalie covered fire for them. They shot down 2 elites and 10 grunts before the rockets were loaded. They spotted 5 Wraith Tanks in front of them, charging their motars to burn through the 2 layers of Titanium-A armor. It fired, melting the armor quickly. They could see comrades burning to death, dropping to the floor without struggle. "Rockets ready sir!", yelled Fawkins. Both of them fired their rocket launchers guiding it to 2 Wraiths. They fired another rocket, leaving only one left. They reloaded quickly, but the Wraith was able to fire one more motar blast that was directly to the four marines.