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Chief's secret journal by Flooded hunters
The chief's secret journal
Date: 18 November 2005, 10:49 pm
09:00 2549 June 18
UNSC cruiser: explorer09
Reporting to my journal(actually, myself):
Today, we had target-practice in the on-board range. Kelly saw me shoot three grunt-targets in their heads from three-hundred meters with an M6D pistol. She gave me a thumbs-up and a solemn "congrats". She walked a little closer, bumped her forehead against mine and tried to kiss me, Fred walked up and asked, "what's going on here?"
"Nothing!" we both replied simultaniously and stepped away from each other. Kelly gave a nice, red blush and smiled while holding her hands behind her back. I smiled too. She winked and whispered something. Fred cocked an eyebrow and shook his head.
Later, I nailed all of the targets in our synthetic forest mounted on ("atop" if you will) a ghost. The first two targets were elites, I ran over one and lobbed a grenade at the other. Without a trace, assuradly it was destroyed. The next target was simple, another ghost emerged and I high-jacked it, threw out the pilot and hopped aboard. Kelly was atop the tall hill, covering me while Fred, James, and Linda were close behind cleaning up who I missed. Finally, at the end of the mission, we had to destroy a covi. dropship, it was pretty simple. We just got some heavy rounds out with our H.E.R.D. (heavy explosive round disperser) If they were real, we would have shown those bastards a thing-or-two.
Then, me and Fred had hand-to-hand training, him being stronger and taller gave him an advantage that I couldn't beat. I look forward to seeing what he can REALLY do against those alien mothers. Yesterday, he lifted twelve TONS, it was hell, I know, but he barely broke a sweat.
Yesterday, also Kelly did some serious damage with her sniper-rifle. She successfully took down twelve elite targets on TWO MAGS. Her sniping abilities were so keen, she got them ALL in the heads. With three shots, she "killed" eight (one time, she even hit four at once) by two lining up and shooting one into the other. She's got some nice skills. To me, her and that rifle almost seemed...hot.
Linda, our fastest spartan fought hand-to-hand with Kelly, Fred, and me today; astoundingly, she kicked our asses. She is so fast, you couldn't touch her unless she wanted you to (sexual reference not intended). When Linda tripped Kelly and me simultaniously, Kelly landed next to me and grasped my neck; she scrambled closer and put her forehead on the side of mine. Once again, Fred interveined by pulling me up, he gave a blunt -sigh- and a mere shake "no" of the head; he walked away.
We also, have gotten wind of our mission in two days: secure one of each species of the covenant and transport them ALIVE back to our base. This should be fun.
The following is something i'll never tell anyone:
Today, after we got some down-time, Kelly came into my room. She walked up, striding her hips left and right. I must admit, she was sexy. She aproached me, saluted, then did something I would never expect. She put her hand on my shoulder and pressed her cheek against mine. She kissed my cheek, suddenly, I felt awkward and extremely comfortable. I stepped back and demanded, "Hark! What are you doing?"
She only replied with, "amazing, isn't it? How, when your around someone your whole life and never tell them how you feel, one day, you just can't take it anymore." I cocked an eybrow, she kissed my cheek.
She started again,"Si..Jon, I'm in love with you." Then, she kissed my lips and wrapped her arms around my lower back (hips). She pulled her head back slowly, with a nice, "foxy" smile; I frenched her, then things got a little, "steamy". She pulled off her shirt and put her weight against me, I fell backwards on my bed and undressed while making out; she did the same. After that, we got "unreportable".
The only person i'll ever talk about this to will be her, and she's going to have to bring it up. If she ever tries that again, i'll have to report her. She might be "punished", but it's for the best. Until we're rid of the covenant, we can't take any chances; all spartans must be able to fight (if I know what I mean).
Although, I think i'm in love with her too; yes, I love her.
Until more to report (write).................