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Chambers Company by AngryHorizon
Chambers Company: Chapter One
Date: 11 October 2005, 2:54 am
All of the men in my class signed up for the marines the day they graduated. They were all looking to get a piece of the covenant. I didn't want to be different, so I joined too. We had enough for a full company. The marines named our company Chambers Company, because that was the county in Texas where we came from.
I was looking to get away from Texas, but the marines saw fit to leave us there at Fort Hempstead, by Dallas. We were in for a shock in basic. We thought high school athletics was hard, no.
I went into training five feet ten inches tall, two hundred and fifteen pounds, with long black hair, and camp out of that camp five feet ten, one hundred seventy pounds, with short black hair. I had become a platoon leader, partly because I did so well in training, and partly because all my test scores were high. Apparently the marines like smart people.
1209 hrs. November 5th 2552 (Military Calendar)
In a Pelican dropship over Texas
I try to keep an air of the friendship I once shared with my men, but at the same time not letting them be completely insubordinate. I have known many of these men since first grade, and we have lots of memories. I wonder if they realize that any, or all of us, could be dead in next few months.
"Hey, lieutenant, remember the first football game we ever played. You were so nervous that you forgot the play by the time Johnny said hut. You ended going the opposite way of the blocks, and what was it three, or four people who nailed you," said Private First Class Yuani Rivers. He likes to talk about the good old days. Lately he has been talking about everything I did wrong in school. For the most part they were all funny.
"Yeah, it was five of those bastards," I corrected him with smile on my face, "My head still rings from the pop." I sat at the back of the pelican, so I could see the other two behind us. We were being shipped Houston so we could be sent of to Quadrant Five. They need some reinforcements, so they are sending us.
"I barely got the ball to you because of your screw up," said Private Johnny Melanco laughing. "I thought maybe I did something wrong, and then you got hammered." He slapped his hand on his thigh trying to control his laughing. He was always more popular in school then me, but we were good friends.
I thought about what was to come. I had been to Houston several times in my life, considering how close I lived to it. It is home to one of the major ports in the UNSC. I saw ships coming and going all the time, I just never thought I would be on one of them.
"Well thats enough on the topic of that Privates," I said that to get them to stop about that embarrassing subject. Football had been what I lived for in high school. We were the first team to win a state championship at our school since its beginning in 1903. It's amazing really.
"Fifteen minuets," called the pilot. It would be a
good thing to be so close to home again. But it was only for a moment, a very brief moment. Just long enough for us to board the Elanjar, a small frigate class warship. Home, I will forever miss it.
"Can you believe they got us traveling in the
middle of the day on an empty stomach," whined Corporal Hector Lipton. For a tough guy he was one of the biggest whiners in the universe. On the last day of high school he benched five hundred and fifty pounds. He has a large build, like a lineman, which he was.
"Shut up, we all know that you can't survive without food every ten minutes, but you don't need to complain about it for the fourth freak'in time," said Private Bruce Rebel. He was on the high school line as well, not as good as Hector though. He could hit just about anything with his battle rifle.
I looked out the back again, and I saw ships. They were passing by their massive docks. Some were docking, while others were leaving. The port of Houston is an extremely large expanse of military operations now, but the civilians have also built up the city with their towering buildings.
I took off my helmet and saw my refection staring back at me. I almost didn't recognize it by the way it had changed so much since I had last taken a good look at it. My overall appearance was older then eighteen. My deep blue eyes showed a weariness from none stop working since boot camp. My facial hairs were clean shaved to show my angular face more clearly. My long hair was gone, and that opened up my face even more.
We continued to pass building of magnificent beauty and decoration. When our pelicans flew pass a building of glass I was able to see our reflection glide beside us. The sun reflected off of them creating a blinding glare, so I had to look away.
The pilots were slowing us down, and turning into one of the small pelican size docks. The two other pelicans behind us followed suit. "Hang on," called the pilot, "Were are docking in five." Everyone grasped was already strapped in with buckles secure, but they grasped the handrails that separated each seat.
The back wheels hit, creating a small shudder. Then the front wheels hit, and I leaned to the side as to not go forward. There were men waving us in, and then they waved for us to stop. The breaks squeaked into action,lowing the rolling wheels to a complete stop.
The men around me unbuckled and rose. I did the same. We got off the craft and stepped onto the solid ground. I looked at my surroundings, and everything looked like it was chaos. I was certain though that all of this was planned, and anticipated. My men from the other pelicans came to me and fell into line.
Our entire company was organized in a matter of minutes as we waited on our next set of orders. The company leader was pacing in front of the line, glancing at his watch. He itched his head, which was covered in short blonde hair. He was our valedictorian, our class leader, not by any official business, but now it was official that he was leading the men in our class.
The pelicans we arrived on left as soon as we were out of the way. There was a high sealing above us. There were probably more planes up there. For now our company took up most of the hanger.
The doors in front of the pelicans opened and some more marines walked out, with a Captain leading them. He no doubt was bringing us our orders to board the Elanjar.
Chambers Company: Chapter One and Two
Date: 7 January 2006, 6:55 am
All of the men in my class signed up for the marines the day they graduated. They were all looking to get a piece of the covenant. I didn't want to be different, so I joined too. We had enough for a full company. The marines named our company Chambers Company, because that was the county in Texas where we came from.
I was looking to get away from Texas, but the marines saw fit to leave us there at Fort Hempstead, by Dallas. We were in for a shock in basic. We thought high school athletics was hard, no.
I went into training five feet ten inches tall, two hundred and fifteen pounds, with long black hair, and camp out of that camp five feet ten, one hundred seventy pounds, with short black hair. I had become a platoon leader, partly because I did so well in training, and partly because all my test scores were high. Apparently the marines like smart people.
My name is Joseph Madison, I am a 2nd Lieutenant in Chambers Company.
1209 hrs. September 19th 2552 (Military Calendar)/
In a Pelican dropship over Texas, USA
I try to keep an air of the friendship I once shared with my men, but at the same time not letting them be completely insubordinate. I have known many of these men since first grade, and we have lots of memories. I wonder if they realize that any, or all of us, could be dead in next few months.
"Hey, Lieutenant, remember the first football game we ever played. You were so nervous that you forgot the play by the time Johnny said hut. You ended going the opposite way of the blocks, and what was it three, or four people who nailed you," said Sergeant Yuani Rivers. He likes to talk about the good old days. Lately he has been talking about everything I did wrong in school. For the most part they were all funny.
"Yeah, it was five of those bastards," I corrected him with smile on my face, "My head still rings from the pop." I sat at the back of the pelican, so I could see the other two behind us. We were being shipped Houston so we could be sent of to Quadrant Five. They need some reinforcements, so they are sending us.
"I barely got the ball to you because of your screw up," said Sergeant Johnny Melanco laughing. "I thought maybe I did something wrong, and then you got hammered." He slapped his hand on his thigh trying to control his laughter. He was always more popular then me in school, but we were good friends.
I thought about what was to come. I had been to Houston several times in my life, considering how close I lived to it. It is home to one of the major ports in the UNSC. I saw ships coming and going all the time, I just never thought I would be on one of them.
"Well thats enough on the topic of that Privates," I said that to get them to stop about that embarrassing subject. Football had been what I lived for in high school. We were the first team to win a state championship at our school since its beginning in 1903. It's amazing really.
"Fifteen minuets," called the pilot. It would be a good thing to be so close to home again. But it was only for a moment, a very brief moment. Just long enough for us to board the Elanjar, a small frigate class warship. Home, I will forever miss it.
"Can you believe they got us traveling in the middle of the day on an empty stomach," whined Corporal Hector Lipton. For a tough guy he was one of the biggest whiners in the universe. On the last day of high school he benched five hundred and fifty pounds. He has a large build, like a lineman, which he was.
"Shut up, we all know that you can't survive without food every ten minutes, but you don't need to complain about it for the fourth freak'in time," said Private Bruce Rebel. He was on the high school line as well, not as good as Hector though. He could hit just about anything with his battle rifle.
I looked out the back again, and I saw ships. They were passing by their massive docks. Some were docking, while others were leaving. The port of Houston is an extremely large expanse of military operations now, but the civilians have also built up the city with their towering buildings.
I took off my helmet and saw my refection staring back at me. I almost didn't recognize it by the way it had changed so much since I had last taken a good look at it. My overall appearance was older then eighteen. My deep blue eyes showed a weariness from none stop working since boot camp. My facial hairs were clean shaved to show my angular face more clearly. My long hair was gone, and that opened up my face even more.
We continued to pass building of magnificent beauty and decoration. When our pelicans flew pass a building of glass I was able to see our reflection glide beside us. The sun reflected off of them creating a blinding glare, so I had to look away.
The pilots were slowing us down, and turning into one of the small pelican size docks. The two other pelicans behind us followed suit. "Hang on," called the pilot, "Were are docking in five." Everyone grasped was already strapped in with buckles secure, but they grasped the handrails that separated each seat.
The back wheels hit, creating a small shudder. Then the front wheels touched, and I leaned to the side as to not go forward. There were men waving us in, and then they waved for us to stop. The breaks squeaked into action, slowing the rolling wheels to a complete stop.
The men around me unbuckled and rose. I did the same. We got off the craft, and stepped onto the solid ground. I looked at my surroundings, and everything looked like it was chaos. I was certain though that all of this was planned, and anticipated. My men from the other pelicans came to me, and fell into line.
Our entire company was organized in a matter of minutes as we waited on our next set of orders. The company leader was pacing in front of the line, glancing at his watch. He itched his head, which was covered in short blonde hair. He was our valedictorian, our class leader, not by any official business, but now it was official that he was leading the men in our class.
T he doors in front of the pelicans opened and some more marines walked out, with a Captain leading them. He no doubt was bringing us our orders to board the Elanjar.
Chapter 2
It was very strange that I was able to climb rank so fast. I most likely would not have if the Marines had not been so short handed do to the war. I actually might not even be in the Marines right now if there wasn't a war.
I have two squads under me, barely enough to make a platoon, but our group barely had enough to make a company. The was Sergeant Melanco in charge of alpha, and Sergeant Rivers in charge of bravo. We were a tight group of friends all our lives, and I might be sending these men, my friends, to their deaths in combat.
0659 hrs. September 21st 2552 (Military Calendar)/
Fort Erickson, On the planet Yerszan in Quadrant Five
We were getting settled in our barracks after the reached orbit. The ride here was smooth, and relaxing. I was almost done when Johnny pulled out a MA5B Assault Rifle. The gun is retired.
"Where in the hell did you get that," I asked unbelievingly at what my eyes were capturing.
"My cousin, he has been in the service way longer than us. He had one, he let me have it because it saved his life, and he hoped it would do the same for me," answered the Sergeant proud of his weapon. He lay it down on his bed.
"Do you even have ammo for the thing," asked Private First Class Wes Rimmington. Rimmington has always rationalized things, and takes everything literal. He is content to just quit if he thinks a job is not possible.
"One hundred clips. Full and ready to go," responded Melanco.
"That must have been heavy to carry with you," I pointed out while making the final touches in my area.
"Sure as heck was," he said laughing. We continued to talk until we were all squared away. The officers in our company had to meet with command for our briefing on our stay in Fort Erickson.
Our company was stationed in the northern most facility in the complex. We had the Navy and Airforce flyers to the west of us, and to the south one of three supply depots in the base. There are only seven complexes like ours on the bases, and none of them were full. Most had several buildings in each with holes in it from the resent bombardments.
As I rode in a transport hog over to command I thought about what I had heard about Reach, and the Spartan-II's only a day earlier. Reach was destroyed, and the last Spartan fled on the UNSC cruiser the Pillar of Autumn. Does that meant that covenant are going to stop bombarding this place? I wondered senselessly to myself.
This base has been under constant attack for the past few weeks, and it is running low on forces, even with Chambers Company coming in. Although at seems of late that all bases, and branches of the military are running low. That draft will be forced soon. We passed the ODST, or Helljumpers, camp on the way to the command. They only had a lesser company on this planet.
The highest-ranking officer was waiting outside command to bring us in. We stepped off of the 'hog and saluted.
"At ease men," said the Brigadier General returning the salute. We enter a large black dome with wings on either side of it. We stepped out of the brilliant sunset, and chilly winter air.
We walked down a hall, past several doors, and finally entered a room with a long pure oak table, and leather chairs surrounding it. Some of the chairs were already inhabited. They rose, and saluted the General. We were all seated, and the General started the briefing.
"As I am sure you have all heard by now Reach has fallen. The Spartans fell there, all but one. He is an unknown sector engaged with the covenant. That is of no matter to us however. Our goal is to defend this base, because it is going to be re-outfitted into a major military base. We just have to hold it long enough for more men to get here. With the arrival of Chambers Company, you have boasted our numbers to a mid-size brigade, not including the men and women in the command.
"Now, Captain Summers, you will deploy your men in sector one of the base. You will have Dog Company to aid you. Speak with Captian Miller to find out were you are needed. He will fill you in on what sector one covers. Your company is now part of 32nd Brigade.
"The covenant may not attack for a while and the next arrival of men is in two weeks, a full battalion will be arriving, as well as a brigade of engineers."
There were few questions asked by the officers when the general asked for questions.
The men rose saluted, marched out
Chambers Company: Chapter Three
Date: 12 January 2006, 4:34 am
I kept thinking about the Spartans, and Reach. We were going to be stationed there, until the shortage of manpower here. All of us could be dead. They say the covenant force was huge, and they showed no mercy. No mercy was nothing knew though. The stories that reached us on Earth were stories of ferocious fighting, and brutality to those who surrendered.
I would never surrender my friends to be slaughtered.
0712 hrs. September 21st 2552 (Military Calendar)/
Fort Erickson, On the planet Yerszan in Quadrant Five
We were riding back in the M12 when Captain Miller came over the com, and told us were to meet him. Captain Summers turned left around some barracks, and then back north again. We reached an administration building for all the companies stationed in this particular plaza, which would be Chambers and Dog Company.
The Warthog skidded to a stop in front of the reinforced Titanium A building. The doors were glass, but there was a set of bunker doors behind them.
"Wait here," ordered our commanding officer. He got out of the drivers' seat, and walked up to the front door. The door slid open when he neared it, and closed shut again when out of the proximity of the door.
"Well at least we were put on an easy place. I mean with the Covenant all at Reach," said Harbor Campton III, we call him Trey because that means three. He was one of my close friends in school, but not really my best friend.
"Yeah," I said blankly wandering about the Pillar of Autumn. "I hope your right."
We waited in the warthog several minutes. Captain Summers finally exited the facility, and got back in the hog. He handed a file to 2nd Lieutenant Mason Smith. "Our orders," informed Red. He turned on the 'hog, and continued back to Chambers Company residence.
We reached base quickly and filed out of personnel 'hog. We followed our Captain to his office to receive our post. He opened the file, and began. "Our primary job is to maintain turrets five and six on perimeter defense. Each platoon will be on duty at different times. Harbor why don't you take first shift."
"All right, but what exactly do we do," asked Harbor. He had not the slightest idea what he was supposed to do. They were not trained in cannon use.
"Gather your platoon, and divide them among the two cannons. An instructor will be there to help."
"Sir," he said saluting, and turned on his back heel. He then walked out the door.
"Mason, you platoon will be on next shift. This is a temporary job until this base is reinforced. In which we will be stationed on a UNSC ship later," continued Red with the briefing. "Your shift begins in eight hours, dismissed. Joseph stay.'
"Sir," I asked inquisitively. Mason kept walking out the door.
"The radar picked up unknown movement fifty miles south from here, gather your platoon. Then meet me at the airbase, we are going to go check it out."
I left to gather his platoon as instructed. My first assignment made him nervous. I entered my barracks, and told my men, my friends, to suit up. "Pack for the worst, we don't know what to expect out there. Johnny, I would test that gun and see if it is proper working order. I know it was only recently replaced by the Battle Rifle, but it could still be messed up. Bring a little extra of everything." Those were my final orders. I was the first one geared up. I left to get in the personnel 'hog. I waited in the drivers seat in one of four Warthogs.
Slowly they exited, and filed in. I was surprised that they were able to figure out the Sergeants and Lance Corporals were to sit in the front where there was room for them. Or small convoy moved to the west towards the airbase. Once there Captain Summers was all ready waiting with two Pelican dropships waiting for us.
"Alpha squad, this Pelican, and Bravo this one," I ordered before anyone even had a chance to get off of the 'Hogs. Alpha entered Beta 213, and Bravo entered Beta 324.
The Pelicans shined in the bright sun. The planet had an Earth-like climate, and we were in what would be the Northern Hemisphere, so the weather was chilly. We could see our breaths when we exhaled. I was standing next to Red at the back of the dropships, with my platoon looking back at us from them. The moment seemed perfect, it was as if nothing were the matter. That instant would last in my memory forever. It was as if it were suspended between time and reality.
Red began the briefing on the mission that would begin in no more than one minute. I entered the Pelican with Bravo, while Red went with Alpha. The engine thrusters began, and the noise built up. We slowly left the ground.
Assignment 001 for Chambers Company
Chambers Company: Chapter Four
Date: 14 January 2006, 11:24 pm
Chapter 4
I was over eager about this, this task that lay ahead. My heart was pounding wildly. My head logically told me it would be nothing, while in my heart I knew. I knew it would be something more.
0845 hrs. September 21st 2552 (Military Calendar)/
Fort Erickson, On the planet Yerszan in Quadrant Five
We were several feet off the ground now. I sat at the end of the dropship, and chanced a glance down. Heights had never been one of my few strong points. The men chatted about what they expected to come of this endeavor. It would only be a few minutes to the deployment site, so I did everything I could to gather my thoughts. I recalled all of my training.
"Two minutes," called the pilot over the com. Once again my heart surged with anticipation. Beta 213 flew behind and slightly to the right of us.
"I hope we are back in time for lunch,'" called the voice of Lance Corporal Jack Lenon. He never missed a meal for anything.
The two minutes seemed to fly as we neared our insertion zone. "Enemies painted on motion detector," called the pilot over the com. Enemies. It rang in my head, my first contact with the Covenant. "We will have to drop you here."
"All right 1st platoon, this is our first real engagement, keep your cool," I ordered, also telling myself. I unbuckled myself seconds before touch down. When we were close enough I jumped to the ground, while the rest were unbuckling themselves. I lifted my rifle, and scanned the area for contact. None. This would give us at least some time to group up.
My Marines were all off the Pelicans, and we were ready to engage. "Captain," I called across the com.
"What is it Lieutenant," he responded almost instantly.
"We should run a recon before engaging. How about you, and me?" I offered.
"Yeah, all right lets move," he agreed. He switched to the command frequency to give out orders, "Sergeant Melanco, you're in charge until Joseph and I return from recon,"
"Ten-four," was his response.
"Let's move," I urged my superior. He concurred, and we proceed out of the small clearing, and into thick woods. The moved swiftly, but with incredible stealth. Our real-time battle analysis screen that come from the helmet, and was a small green transparent screen painted contacts one hundred feet away. We crept up behind a boulder, looked out across the woods into another meadow.
I observed five Elites. Four in the metallic blue armor, and one in the red armor. They had sixteen Jackals, and more than twenty Grunts. There were several deep-set purple tents looking structures. I looked for points of advantage over the camp. There were several boulders in my general area, and some on the left side.
"I have a plan," I whispered looking at Red.
"What is it," he asked in an equally low voice.
"I am going to take Alpha, and bunker down in those rocks. I will send Bravo here. You lay down a base of fire, make them retreat behind cover. We will hit them with frags, and finish them off," I elaborated on my scheme.
"Good deal, you get the men, and I will wait here," he ordered patting me on the back.
"Sir, you should come with me, because the men won't know where to go," I beckoned for my superior to follow me back. He nodded in agreement, and we sneaked back out the way we had come. It didn't take very long to reach the platoon. The men were standing around talking, not protocol.
"What the hell are you guys thinking," asked Captain Summers in an angry tone, but not raising his voice. "If we were the Covenant you would be dead meat. You didn't even see us coming."
"Sorry," said Johnny. "It won't happen under my command again."
"It had better not," ordered the Captain. "Now, the is a what looks like a small platoon size unit, and we need to wipe them out. Yauni, you men are with me, Johnny, you roll with Joseph. Bravo, we are to engage from the front, while Alpha hits them on their flanks. We need to be quite on the way over there, let's move."
Private First Class Andrew Lexington had his camera on the entire time, and was excited that he was about to film is first engagement. In school he would always have his camera with him, so he requested a helmet with equipped with a camera and received it.
I saw Bravo get into position easy, but my squad had to loop around a long ways to avoid detection. The thick woods gave us just enough cover to get by. I looked over the boulders we were behind, and saw that we went undetected. There were undoubtedly men inside the barrack looking structures, but with any luck they would run in confusion.
"Alpha is in position, mission is a go," I reported over the comm. I reached for a grenade, and waited. The others did the same.
"Roger Alpha, we are going to 'nade 'em as well," informed Captain Summers. "We will then unload at the same time after the firework display."
"Ten-four," I responded. I didn't need to explain to the men, they heard it on their comms.
"On three," said Captain Summers. I could tell his heart rate was racing. "Three, two, one, let fly!"
A hailstorm of grenades went into the air, but the Covenant were transfixed on who said "let fly". When the grenades landed wit a thud in the camp, they began to scream, and run. Several different explosions quickly silenced them at once. Smoke drifted away from the camp, while my men unloaded.
"Yeah, chew on that," yelled Lance Corporal Ronald Baldwin, but we call him Printer. There were several other remarks as the Covenant troops fell under the accurate, concentrated fire of my men. The battle, if you could label it as a battle, it was more of a small skirmish, lasted only a minute or two.
When the last round rang in our ears, I signaled for Alpha to move up, and Bravo to cover the advance. We ran a routine check of the camp, and deemed it secure. There was one structure that stood out from the rest however. It had what looked like several computers, and other stuff of that sort in it.
"Beta 213, do you copy over," asked Red over the comm. He lowered his masculine build onto a rock, and waited for a reply.
"We hear you Captain, did you eliminate the target," asked the pilot.
"Roger, but we made an interesting find," told Red, "Contact command, and see if you can't get an AI here ASAP."
"Ten-four." A few minutes later the pilot came back on line. "We have an AI coming, but Brigadier General Howard, and the 3rd Platoon will be making the trip. ETA fifteen minutes."
"Good, you can bring your Pelican here if you like," offered Red.
"Negative, en-route back to Fort Erickson," the pilot responded.
"All right, signing off main comm then," said Captain Summers. "1st platoon, set up a perimeter, the General is coming."
Chambers Company: Chapter Five
Date: 24 January 2006, 3:03 am
Chapter 5
The recent engagement pulsed through me like wildfire. It was a textbook assault, hit them, and flank them. I looked around, all of my men were around the perimeter of the base, but not looking for enemies.
0913 hrs. September 21st 2552 (Military Calendar)/
Covenant Camp south of Fort Erickson
"You need to be at attention," I ordered to Lance Corporal Baldwin, and Private First Class Remmington.
"We have taken out the enemy, what is there to look out for," asked Lance Corporal Baldwin, holding a plasma rifle scooping it out.
"Did you ever think that maybe there was a patrol out when we attacked?" I questioned my men.
"No, not really," Remmington offered truthfully. His face looked gloomy, compared to his normally bright, and strong features.
"Well, just be on the look out alright," I said walking away from my men.
We waited patiently for the Brigadier General to bring 3rd Platoon, and the AI to analyze what is on the computers. I heard the roar of the engines before I could see the aircraft closing in. I looked to the sky, and saw the dropships. They slowed the approach, and their thrusters blew the leaves, and trees around.
2nd Lieutenant Smith was the first to drop to the ground; Brigadier General Howard quickly followed him. The rest of 3rd Platoon filed of the Pelicans. I saluted the General, along with everyone else at the base.
"At ease men," he ordered, returning the salute, "So what have you found here?"
"This structure has a series of computers, and we need the AI to analyze the data. This detachment wasn't here for no reason, and we need to find out why they were here," informed Captain Summers leading Howard to the structure.
"Smith take command until we are done in the tent," I ordered Mason while entering the tent. The interior was a deep set purple, which made the place feel really cramped.
"I have the AI here, where do I insert it," asked the General. His strong features now looked perplexed as he searched for an entry point for the AI.
"Here sir," I spoke up pointing to and outlet in one of the computers. He walked over, and inserted it. A few moments later a hologram of the AI appeared. He was nothing real special, not named after anyone famous. He was called Thomas.
"Thomas,we need you to analyze all of the data in these computers, and inform us of anything important," ordered the General.
"Right," he said as he disappeared. We waited for several uncomfortable minutes, no one able to look at anyone else. "Well, it appears we have some very distinct advantages here, if we can play our cards right."
"What do you mean?" asked the General in earnest.
"This company was sent as a light reconnaissance unit. The Covenant dropped them off two hours ago, and they have a small fleet waiting only a four-hour jump from here to engage if this company sees fit. We could tell them that only a few small ships are needed, and the Elanjar could take them out easily with the help of some of our Longswords. Of course once they realize it is an ambush, they will request back up, then the rest of the fleet would be here in a heartbeat. We might request more UNSC ships, and set up an ambush."
"How big is this fleet exactly," questioned the General.
"Two CPV-Class Destroyers, two CAR-Class Destroyers, and one CCS- Class Battle Cruiser," informed the AI.
"What UNSC ships would we call in however, our fleet was just hammered at Reach. Most of the ships are pulling back to Earth as fast as they can just in case the Covenant found out the coordinates," said the General, almost as if talking to himself.
"There is one ship in our system that could help," announced the AI. "It is a frigate, but combined with firepower from the Elanjar, and all the Longswords we could muster up, we have a very good fighting chance. In fact the odds are in our favor to perhaps capture ourselves a Covenant ship!"
"Very good, request that only one ship, a CPV- Destroyer be sent here ASAP, even if the frigate can't make it, we are going to capture a Covenant ship, and send it to Earth for ONI to look at," ordered Howard.
"Based on the data, a large attack group will be sent here, while a group of, hold on. Apparently the Covenant have a new apparatus on board. From the schematics here it looks like some kind of new dropship. I am forwarding these schematics to Command. Anyhow, a large attack group will be sent here, while these new dropships will deploy troops directly into the base, with a storm of Orbital Insertion Pods. Our best course of action would be to let the ground forces get here, and then it as soon as they touch the ground, not giving it time to stage the assault completely."
"Yes, but how large is the ground attack unit going to be," asked the General, he was now pacing back, and forth.
"It is going to be about the size of about a very small battalion, four hundred men, including Spectres, Shadows, Banshees, and Ghost. They are going to land scattered in the small clearings around here. I suggest you bring up Mesa Company, and Fox Company. I can deploy them if you leave me here," said Thomas.
"Alright, bring the base up to full alert status. Make the preparations needed to get the job. Captain, you have command on this battlefield," ordered the General walking out the door. "Good luck son. Semper Fi."
"The message is being sent, and the frigate Washington is on it's way now sir," said Thomas, disappearing into the holotank.
"Very good, Thomas," spoke Red. "Keep everyone on alert until back up arrives."
I nodded, and saluted to my superior. I then went outside to proceed with my task.
Chambers Company: Chapter Six
Date: 25 January 2006, 5:06 am
Chapter 6
Sounded like a sound plan, but I just wasn't sure. It didn't seem like the Covenant would let this happen. They would send everything they have to take a base, and they have never been known to do reconnaissance.
1054 hrs. September 21st 2552 (Military Calendar)/
Covenant Camp south of Fort Erickson
I toured around the camp. It seemed to me that power had got into Red's head. We are all brothers here, and he is starting to treat us like trash. We are going to need a firm leader that everyone likes, but Red is burying himself in his own image.
Pelicans of men, heavy weapons, extra ammo, and vehicles kept arriving in twenty-minute increments. The area was active. Time was flying by. Red was positioning the men, while Thomas told him where to place them.
Chambers Company was left at the base they took. 2nd Lieutenant Smith was on the right flank of the base, while my platoon was on the left. Orders came through for us to hunker down, and become less visible. I smeared some mud on my already dirty face. The cool chill of the winter air made me shiver as the mud dried, and stuck to my face.
We cleaned up the base at to appear nothing happened. We stood up a few Elites to look like they were talking. Everyone was in position here, and as I understood it, the Washington had arrived. It lay dormant with the Elanjar waiting for the enemy. Thomas was able to talk to all of us via our helmet comes, so we waited for the word that the ship had arrived.
The trees were mostly bare, which didn't help us at all. The sky was clear, with the occasional bird flying over. This was a relaxing moment. I looked at my men. Private First Class Lenard James was hunkered down next to his lifetime buddy Private First Class Thomas Joucker. Lenard was a large lineman, but he was strong, and could nail anything with a sniper. His ocean blue eyes caught some light, and reflected it into mine. He winced at the bright light, as did I. His dark brown hair was cut like everyone else's, short on the top, and even shorter on the sides.
Thomas, was the opposite of Lenard. He is very slim, though he did not participate on the football team, he is still and extraordinary athlete. He was talking to Lenard, and his angular face broke out into laughter. It was good to see them having a good time, because any or all of us could be dead in a little while.
The tension was unbearable. We didn't waste anytime in setting up the ambushes. We have been in position for at least thirty minutes. The light north wind blew the naked trees gently. I was about to get up when Thomas came over the comm.
"It's here, but with the whole fleet! They intended on this, they are going to hit the base with us gone, possibly even bomb us here. The Elanjar, and Washington don't have a chance," cried Thomas using his installed voice to sound worried, panicky.
"Damn, we need to get out of here," cried Captain Summers over the comm. "Load up in the Warthogs you have, and high tail it back to the base, that goes for everyone." He then came over the private comm to me. "Joseph, get the AI, and Mason, and load up your platoons in the four Pelicans that stuck around. Then get back to base and rally with the rest of Chambers, I will follow suit in a 'Hog"
"Yes sir," I said fastly getting up from my mud hole. "1st Platoon, load up in the Pelicans, pronto!" I ran into the computer lab, and accessed the AI. I stuck him in one of the slots in my helmet. He would still be able to talk to everyone through my comm. By the time I came out of the structure, my platoon was loaded up mixed with 3rd Platoon. There were also members from other companies as well. I ended up standing. The take off was fast, and as I looked down, I saw our structured attack run around in madness, and chaos. The Pelicans did not rise high above the trees, and it was sickening to watch them go by so fast.
The thought of going higher didn't please me either. The memories of falling off of the building were still fresh in my mind. I was a volunteer firefighter for my town, and I was on top of one of the only tall buildings in my sleepy little town. It was engulfed in a raging inferno. The roof collapsed, but I didn't fall in the collapse. I jumped off, but fell of the side. I was fortunate for the weeks rain. The ground was saturated, and I landed in the full of water. I did not walk away with injury however. Two months of therapy were required to train my back to function properly again.
The Warthogs were navigating the terrain as best as they could, but there were just too many trees. They would not reach the base until it was to late.
"Lieutenant, I have no access to Command computers, or anything for that matter. I am virtually useless in you helmet," warned the AI.
"I will get you to Command as fast as I possibly can," I told him. The trees continued to swish past, and to add to the frustration, several squads of Banshees swooped down into view. The gunner opened, but they were out of range.
"Everyone down," I yelled as the Banshees boosted closer. Those who were standing and those on the last seats shouldered their weapons. Two out of the five men had rockets, and one was on the mounted machine gun. We waited. The other Pelicans behind us received fire, and they returned fire. I saw seven out of the more than thirty Banshees go down in a blinding shine of bright blue flames.
They were in range. Plasma screamed from their cannons. Projectiles were flung from our guns. Hot plasma struck the Pelican, leaving smoking burn marks. Sparks flew in the bay. Four out of four rockets were dead on. Another Banshee sustained damage from concentrated fire, and went down in a smoldering pile of flames. But the price wasn't free. Two Marines for another Company were hit. One was dead on impact, while the other fell off of the craft, and into the foliage below. The spent casings that lay on the bed of the Pelican gave off smoke.
"They will be back, and they probably won't attack from behind again, they were just playing with us," I said. "We need to keep our heads on straight now. Let's have a new wave of Marines up here."
Volunteers from every Company stood, but only about seven men could shoot out the back. This time we had more rockets ready to fire. No one from the Chambers Company made it up to the shooting platform however. The screams of the engines were suddenly loud to me. Everything around me became noticeable. Everyone in the ship was scared, with sweat rolling down the sides of their faces. I rose, and walked into the cockpit.
"Standing on the edge is not a good," said the pilot as soon as he noticed I was in there. "The Banshees could hit something, or I could hit an air pocket, the ship will become unstable, and they will fall out.'
"We don't really have a choice sir," I said respectfully. "We are way over overcrowded, and we have to try to fiend off the Banshees."
"Yes, I agree," responded the Pilot, while punching a series of buttons. The cockpit glowed on my face. "Tower, come in tower."
The tower must have responded, because he continued the conversation. "What is your status
We have four overstocked Pelicans screaming your way, ETA one minute
Roger, over and out. You might want to take a seat, here comes the Banshees again."
"Yes sir," I said going back to my seat. I warned those on the edge to brace themselves. They did as instructed. One arrogant Banshee presented itself as a target, and three of the Marines with rockets took the liberty of destroying it in an impressive inferno.
The men were quite, and the pilot called out twenty seconds. I looked out the back of the ship, and saw smoke rising from one of the structures in the base. Banshees were screaming all around, and all of the Longswords were in orbit fighting a losing battle. "All of you are to get into Command and defend the General, over," called the pilot over the comm.
The dropship lowered into yet another chaotic seen of Warthogs, and Scorpions scrambling, trying to grip with reality that they were under attack. We exited the ship, and saw destruction all around, but no ground forces. Banshees were swooping in and out, decimating anything in its path with its deadly fuel rod cannon.
Tracers from the cannons around the perimeter of the base were visible in the sky. They took out Banshees to the best of their ability. 2nd Platoon was no doubt putting up a hell of fight.
"Move, get into Command," I yelled at the top of my lungs over the comm. Everyone from the four Pelicans must have had the same assignment, because when I yelled that they all ran for the Titanium A structure that housed Command. I followed, and right before I entered the structure I looked back. All of the structures had damage done to them, thick black smoke lifted into the air. Plasma was screaming thorough the air. I looked into the general direction of our barracks, and wondered how 2nd Platoon was holding. I was yanked into the building when I saw an armada of giant ghost like ships coming down from the sky. They had a small bright blue circle underneath them, they must have been the new dropships Thomas was talking about.
I turned, and saw Trey form 2nd Platoon looking at me. The rest of 2nd Platoon had their guns focused on the doors.
"What are you doing here," I asked unbelievingly. I shook his hand. All of the Marines from the Covenant base were standing around.
"As it turns out our guns were in disrepair, and the General had us brought here just incase something went wrong in the attack," he informed. His dark brown eyes looked seriously at me, and then a little more light-hearted. "Looks like something did go wrong, but at least you guys made it back."
"Yeah, but Red probably won't make it. He left the base in a 'Hog, and there were Banshees all around," I said with a sad not on my face. "I need to find the General to return this AI."
"Yeah, he is down the hall, and to the right. There you will find a large door, it leads to the lower basement," he instructed. "We are all to head there. All Command personnel are down there."
"Alright, let's move then, for now, until Red returns I am in command of Chambers Company," I said not just telling him, but telling myself.
Chambers Company: Chapter Seven
Date: 30 January 2006, 3:56 am
Chapter 7
It was a mess. Men were scattered all over the base, and in the woods to the south. Banshees were screaming down firing plasma, and launching fuel rod cannons. More and more men were being dropped in all the time. Chambers Company was secured in Command, with the exception of Red. I don't think he is going to make.
1201 hrs. September 21st 2552 (Military Calendar)/
Command Basement under Fort Erickson
We left the Titanium A dome entrance to the Commands basement. The entrance to the basement was hidden, so the Covenant should have a tough time finding us here. The halls were cramped and dimly lit, but there was so much space in the rooms. The first room housed the control area. This is where I found the General. I saluted, as did all of those who entered the room that was full of bright screens, with low light.
"Lieutenant Madison I want you to stay here. Lieutenant Champton, and Smith take you company, and the men from the other companies you have with you down the hall past five doors, and enter the sixth one on the left," he said shaking our hands now.
"Sir," they said leaving.
"Now Joseph, it is Joseph right," he asked.
"Yes sir," I responded.
"I understand that you have my AI in you helmet, I would like it back," he said.
"Yes sir," I said pulling off my helmet to get Thomas out. I yanked him free, and handed him over.
"Where is Captain Summers," he asked while handing the AI to one of his subordinates, whom then plugged him into one of the computers.
"He wasn't with us when Thomas said that all of the ships came. He ordered us to board the Pelicans that you left for us," I told him. "He is in a hog en-route back here, that's all I know."
"Oh dear," he said. I could here faint sounds of chatter from the monitors. He was about to continue, but I butted in.
"How are the flyboys holding up sir," I asked curiously.
"They are not doing to well. The Elanjar has been boarded, and the Washington is fleeing," he said. "We did manage to take out two ships however."
"That's good then," I said relieved to finally get some good news.
"Yes," he said absently. "We have been monitoring all of the combat around here, and the men on the surface will be gone in about thirty minutes tops. I am not willing to let that happen. In hanger six there is a small destroyer that just got the final repairs done on it yesterday. The navy personnel that operate are here, they will be able to fly it. We just issued an order for all surviving personnel to report to the ship," he said pacing around the room looking at all of the screens.
"All of those that are in or with Chambers Company right now are under your command," the General continued. "And since Red is MIA, if you haven't heard all of the Warthogs at the Covenant base have been wiped out. I'm sorry, but since he is MIA, you are being promoted to Captain, I will let you choose whom ever you wish to take you spot. Now go get re-stocked on ammo and equipment. We leave in five minutes," he patted me on the back.
I left the room fighting tears. Red didn't make it
no he did make it. He is just MIA
he will turn up. I wasn't going to hide this from my men. I walked down the hall with the same instructions. Five doors down, and on the sixth hang a left. I entered the room, and they were all sitting down, and talking quietly. They all quieted down when my presence was known.
The room wasn't anything spectacular. I was lockers around the edges, and lockers in the center. These lockers were stocked with lots of gear however.
"Chambers Company, restock yourselves, we move out in an hour. Johnny, come here please," said sitting down at an empty locker.
"Sir," he asked.
"Don't do that, Red didn't make it man," I said, now overcome with emotion. Still no tears came.
"What, no
he is still alive man," he said slowly walking backwards and sitting. He rubbed his forehead frantically.
"I have been promoted to Captain, and given full command of Chambers Company. You are a now 2nd Lieutenant, and in-charge of 1st Platoon," I said. "Now tell everyone else about Red, and pick a knew sergeant to fill you boots,"
I rubbed my hands together. There was just so much information to take in all at once. I didn't know how I would tell Red's parents if I ever saw them again. I restocked, and waited for orders. We had just a small glimpse of the hell war is. When I signed up I thought it would be a breeze, that I would be invincible. They got Red.
"Alright," I finally stood, ready to face my men, "Red didn't make it back, so I am stepping in his place. We are going to board a UNSC destroyer, and get back to Earth. For those of you that are not part of Chambers Company, you are now. Lieutenant Melanco, please organize our new comers into squads, and evenly distribute them to our platoons."
With that said the room was full of motion again. I went to the doorway, and looked down the hall, first to the right, then to the left. A line of ODST's was coming down the hall, fully geared down. The line went on for a while, I just watched them go by. Nodding to those who nodded at me. Their black armor made me shined in my eye, and I wished at that moment that I could be a Helljumper.
When the last one walked past I guessed it was time to go. "Alright, let's move." Everyone stood, and walked to the door. We filed out of the room solemnly. I walked forward. Those that were in the control were now exited with the General at the lead. There was a new face next to him however. He looked tall, and a little overweight, but not much. He had a full salt and pepper beard, not regulation for enlisted men, so he was higher up. He was in the navy, I could tell by the Commander by his stripes. The ship must be his.
"Captain Madison, enter that door there," ordered the General gesturing to the door to the right of me.
I did as told. I entered to a massive room, but not a tall room. Just long, with rows and rows of seats. Many men, and women were already seated there. The ODSTs were there, and we sat next to them. We filed in professionally, and without incident. I looked back, and saw a lot of navy personnel enter, with those from command.
The General went up to the front podium. He was wiping some sweat off, and then he began briefing some two hundred of that were in the large room. "Men, to make this brief for times sake, we have been beaten. The Washington has fled. The Elanjar is gone, and there is only one Covenant ship left, a CPV-Class destroyer. Our only chance is to flee on the Melissa. We have about two hundred men, there was about two hundred men on the surface, and about one hundred men in woods. I think that we will be all that leaves this rock," he said sadly. "There are still survivors on the surface, and they are hunkered down in the hanger. We need to get to them, and leave this rock. The navy and Command personnel will be taken a direct route to the hanger, with the remnants of Manchester Company, and Halifax Company. 1st Platoon of Chambers Company and all of the ODSTs will go get in the pelicans that are left in the hanger. From there you will take them to the Covenant ship and take it for us."
"What!" I stood, clearly out of line. "That is a suicide mission sir. We total at least seventy, and we all couldn't fit in the Pelicans. With all of them that have been used here lately."
"I understand your concern, and you should be court marshal. I am going to let that go in light of recent events, but there are enough Pelicans, and before you say anything else, we have pilots to fly them. The destroyer is small, and has likely depleted lots of its forces here on the surface," said the General looking very sternly at me.
"Yes, sir," I receded back to my seat. I looked around, not wanting to look at the General. I noticed for the first time that even though there were so many of us here, this massive room could still sit many more.
"The rest of Chambers Company, and all other companies with us to the Melissa, now move out," he said stepping down, and receiving a Battle Rifle from a solider near by.
We stood, I shook hands with my friends as they left with the other men. The ODST captain was walking toward me when the last of the men going to the Melissa left. I saluted and then shook his hand.
"You are the ones who took the Covenant camp in the first place, eh," he asked in a Canadian accent. He was tall, a small beard growing, and he appeared to be in his mid-thirties. There were ten pilots with them.
"Yes sir, we are," I said. "Now we should move."
"Agreed, Helljumpers move out," he thundered. They scrambled towards the door.
"Chambers move out," I ordered and they raced towards the door. I followed suit, with the Captain right behind me. We came to the door, and members of the Melissa were still filing out. We waited for our turn. We could hear the battle raging outside. Explosions, gunfire, and screams, lots and lots of screams. As it drew closer to my turn, I felt my adrenaline pumping. I stepped out in the choas of battle, and my gun began firing for the second time that day.
Chambers Company: Chapter Eight
Date: 6 February 2006, 3:26 am
Chapter 8
Suicide is what I called it. If a planed attack could not take a ship, then what would an improvised charge do? I don't think 1st Platoon will survive this day.
1243 hrs. September 21st 2552 (Military Calendar)/
Fort Erickson, Yerzan
I kept running out the door. The firing of the guns, the bang of the explosions, it was all lost to me. I just ran for the closet cover I could find. 1st Platoon, and the ODSTs followed. The Covenant screamed around in banshees, ghost, and spectres, blasting plasma as they went. Flames were everywhere.
We quickly dealt with the immediate threat that waited for us outside of Command. We continued in the general direction of the pelicans.
"Alpha, move up. Bravo, lay some cover down now," I yelled while pointing to where I wanted them to go. The ODSTs talked to each other in the helmets on a separate comm, so I could not hear them. A ghost came in from behind the corner of the building Bravo and I were hunkered down at.
"Ghost," yelled 2nd Lieutenant Melanco pulling out a grenade. It speed forward with it's speed boost catching an ODST, and Lance Corporal Ronald Baldwin. They were ripped over the hood, and hit the ground with a hard 'thud'. Their legs screamed forward, blood splattering everywhere. Ronald cried out in pain, and the ghost circled back around. With a short burst it silenced him.
Next to me, Melanco through his grenade, and Alpha unloaded on it. The fragments from the grenade ripped through the Elite who commanded it. The flurry of rounds pierced his armor, and jerked him to the ground in a loud scream of agony. I ran forward, unable to believe my eyes. Ron was still in formation with running with us, he had to be. My chest was contracting, my head started to hurt. I realized I wasn't breathing. I gasped for breath.
"Hold," I hollered, hold up a fist. I knelt next the corner and looked around. There was nothing except blood, and bodies everywhere. I gave the go for the ODSTs to proceed across to the opposite building. They crossed swiftly and professionally. In the windows of the tall building grunts stuck there methane sucking heads out.
"Up top," yelled an ODST, first pointing, then shooting. More ODSTs opened up on the tangos. It was then our turn to cross, we moved quickly, non-hesitatingly. We ran to edge of the next building, the ODSTs on our heels. I peeked around the corner, and masses of Covenant were in the open field that lead to the hangers that housed the pelicans.
"What do you think," I asked the Captain who was looking at what I was looking at. I looked again, spectres, ghost, wraiths, and men, lots of men.
"We are not going to make it on foot, that is almost certain. This is one of the vehicle bays, I suggest we load up," he said standing from his kneel, and entering a door that was only a couple paces behind. He threw a grenade in the room, and then entered in a storm. All I could here was several shouts of clear.
"Lets move it boys," I called walking through the doorway, and looking at a burnt, splintered wall. I proceed down the hall the ODST captain was sprinting down. We moved swiftly through the dark, unlit halls. We cut a left, and entered a large bay, with all of the doors still shut, but with holes of molten plasma, and bullets riddled throughout it.
"We need to load up in the hogs, and jet for the hangers. The tanks are too slow, even though they will do a lot of damage," said the ODST captain. I nodded in agreement, and walked over to my men. "Load up, and ride as fast you can towards the hangers."
"One pilot to a 'Hog, we don't want all of you dying in one 'Hog," ordered the Captain over the comm. I loaded up with Private First Class Bruce Rebel, and Lance Corporal Jack Lenon.
"Sir," said Bruce in the passenger side of the 'Hog. His look was sad, and his eyes were watered down. He must have seen Ron get hit by the ghost. I looked all around me, and all of the men were loaded in a Warthog. The ODST captain drove his M12 to a control panel, got out, and activated it. He quickly got back in, and waited for the large doors to open. The doors were silent, so maybe we had a chance to build speed before the Covenant noticed us, but not with our luck.
As soon as the doors were high enough, plasma screamed through. Mortars hit, splashing under the opening, and hitting the M12s in the front. The survivors of the first attack got out, ran for another Warthog. When the door was high enough, the men in front me hit the gas. When there was enough room for me to accelerate, I hit the gas. The smell of burning rubber filled the air as we exited. Plasma flew in from all sides. Mortars hit some targets dead on, some flipped Warthogs, and the survivors were gunned down by concentrated plasma fire.
"Look at all of them," called out Jack, unloading on the Covenant with the LAAG.
"Yeah, there is a lot," said Bruce firing his weapon.
Jack opened his mouth to talk, but it was filled with concentrated energy, and an enemy sniper hit its target. He didn't even have a chance to scream before he was dead, and on the ground.
"Fuck," called Bruce in a loud frightened voice, "Joe, did you just see that."
"Yeah, I caught a small glimpse of it," I said wearily. Only a couple of more yards before we reached the hanger. Some men had already reached their destinations, and the pilots fired up the pelicans. The hanger doors were still closed, and the survivors were entering a side door. I stopped the 'Hog next to the small group of 'Hogs that had made it.
"Get out, move," I screamed, and Bruce ran for the door. I was right behind him. We entered, with a stream of plasma right behind us. There were several ODSTs, and three men from Chambers Company guarding the entrance. The ODST captain was looking at a dead elite that they had killed.
"Load up in the first pelican, that's where the rest of Chambers Company is," ordered the ODST captain. I finally saw his name on his helmet, Captain Brossard. "You three, go with him. We are leaving here in thirty seconds" He pointed to the three from 1st Platoon, and they followed me.
As we walked to the pelican, I could here mortar fire landing on the roof of the hanger. The ghost and banshees screamed around the structure. I loaded up, and saw three more men from 1st Platoon waiting. I looked back out the back of the pelican. The Captain waited at the door. At about twenty seconds, and group of Covenant entered the doorway, only to be put down by a storm of fire. More were coming in right behind them.
"Alright, that's it, there is no one else," yelled the Captain. The ODST must have known that meant to leave, because they stood, lobbing grenades at the door, and running to the pelicans. The Captain hit the control panel to open the hanger doors.The Covenant were halted temporarily by the grenades, but the men would not have enough time to get away, so I shot from the back of the pelican, as did Private First Class John Restor. The doors opened fast, and the Covenant weren't in a good position to shot at us as the pelicans left the hanger.
Our Pelican was first out, and only two other pelicans followed us out. Banshees came down on the last one hard. Brilliant blue plasma hit, and bright green fuel rod shots hammered its hull. It began smoking, and stopped gaining altitude. The back engines erupted, and in fell out of the sky like a stone.
"Sealing off the back," called the pilot over the comm. I backed off as a Titanium A door slide into place. I made a small noise, as the cabin pressurized. I looked at my men again. Only eight of my fifteen men made it. Only eight of my classmates, my friends. I fought tears.
"Good job men," I said in a low voice. My hands were on my knees, and my head sagged.
Jack, Thomas, Hector, Aspen, Ron, John, and Kevin, all of them dead. They did not make it. My mind raced through all of the memories. It was just too much.
"Captain," called Captain Brossard over the comm.
"Yes, sir," I answered.
"What is your dead count," he asked sounding as unwilling as I was.
"Seven out of fifteen. I only have eight left, sir," I said taking slow, painful breaths.
"I have fourteen here, not count me," he informed me, "that's twenty-three altogether, counting me, plus the four pilots, so that would be twenty-eight.'
"Yes, sir," I agreed with his math.
"We reach the Covenant vessel in three minutes," called the pilot.
"Sir, we will engage in three minutes," I told the Captain.
"Good, I'm more then ready to get back at them," said Captain Brossard.
Chambers Company: Chapter Nine
Date: 2 April 2006, 3:41 pm
Chapter 9
Several problems jumped out at me about this mission. I have always heard that Covenant ships have powerful shields that protect them, furthermore any ship that was almost in UNSC hands self-destructed. On top of that we had no AI to fly the bucket.
1315 hrs. September 21st 2552 (Military Calendar)/
In Space above planet Yerzan
I began to think about the crew that went for the Melissa. Two thirds of my company went that way. My leg was shaking from the tension. It is a habit I have had since I was very little. I looked around at the eight men in 1st Platoon I had left. The weight of those men, my friends, suddenly fell on me, but I had to keep composure if I expected to get back to earth any time soon.
They were all looking around too, except Yauni, who had his head down. Grim was on all of their faces, and looked as though they were all depressed. But this was the requirement of the service.
"This is General Howard, do you read me over," came the General of the COM.
"Roger, this is Captain Madison".
"For starters, we made it off of the rock, we are sending four Longswords to your position to aid you on your assault," he began. It was on an open COM, so I assumed everyone was being briefed at the same time. "We are also loading up all of our pelicans with men, and a second AI to aid Thomas. Our shipboard AI is going to take manual control of your ships, and coordinate the attack herself. As you are well aware of, their ships have shields. We are going to down them with our MAC guns."
"Charge to one hundred percent, sir," I heard in the background.
"Aye, get me a firing solution, and wait for my command," responded the Captain.
The General kept going, "You will then land, and take the ship."
"Arm Archer pods A1 through A7, let's give their pulse lasers something to shoot at."
"ETA at Covenant ship, one minute," said the General over the COM.
I walked to the front of the pelican. The Covenant vessel was in front of us. I saw little specks on the horizon speeding our way. Seraphs. Pelicans settled into formation behind us, according to the aft camera. The Seraphs launched their ordinance at our formation, and I heard screams on the COM, and then static. The static. The pilots switch camera views, and the pelican behind us was the only one left.
The Seraphs spun around for round two. But before they could launch another salvo they erupted into a brilliant flame of bright blue and yellow flames. The four Longswords sped past me.
More chatter from the crew came across. "Fire Archer missiles."
"Aye, aye, missiles away."
"Fire the cannon on my mark."
"Ten seconds," called the pilot.
"Fire!" I heard the Captain yell. I looked forward, and the MAC round smacked the Covenant vessel on its side. It shields shined bright silver, and then collapsed. Detonations from the missiles went off. The massive Covenant vessel grew rapidly in front of me. Lasers hit their marks, but did not hit any of our ships.
A pulse laser struck an Archer missile next us, and our pelican shuddered. I flew to the right, and hit the wall. My vision was disorientated for a few seconds, but it quickly came back. The ship was big, and the pelican flew into one of the many hanger bays.
The craft stopped, and the back opened. The men in 1st Platoon jumped out the back, and I was right there with them, ready. There were blast from the few Grunts that were in the bay, but the pilot unloaded on them with the 70mm auto-cannons. The hanger was ours in a matter of seconds. The other pelican unloaded, and I saw 2nd Platoon racing toward me, Trey at the lead. All were accounted for, except Richard Hargraves.
"Joseph, good to see you man," said Trey. We clasped hands, and I nodded. He continued, "I think we are all that is left, but I have a 'smart AI' that will aid us."
"Give it to me," I said sticking out my hand to retrieve it. He placed it into my hand, and I walked over to the nearest, what looked like a pedestal for human AIs. I slotted it in, and am image of an ancient Spartan warrior rose.
"Wow, we are on a Covenant ship," he began, "I am downloading the schematics of the ship onto your HUD. I will highlight the best route to the bridge, do not leave that passage. I am locking down all other sections of the ship, and venting the atmosphere, so we can even the odds. Move!."
I jumped at the last word. I turned, and everyone was looking at the AI, or me I didn't know. "Andrew, and Lenard, stay here and guard our ships. Everyone else, on me."
We went into a hallway. The ship was a luminescent purple that made me uneasy. The ceiling was high over our heads. That would be a waist of space on UNSC ships. The bridge wasn't to far away, it was just getting there. 1st Platoon stuck to one side of the hallway, while 2nd Platoon was on the other. We covered each other as we rounded corners.
It was our turn to go first. I stepped around the corner, and an elite stood in my face, along with four more, and a group of grunts. He swung his rifle at me, but I stepped back. The men unloaded on it. The other elite's threw their grenades the men of 2nd Platoon. Gerald was stuck, he tried to run, but Harry, and Jonas were still in the blast radius. They went up in a bright blue inferno.
I looked away, and helped finish off the last of the small Covenant group. We continued, and quickly reached the bridge. I used a plasma grenade to deactivate the electronics in the door.
"1st Platoon, on the door. Pull it open," I ordered, pointing to the door. "2nd Platoon in firing position, stat."
The men quickly got in position. 1st Platoon slowly opened the door. There were a lot of elites in the massive bridge. I threw a frag into the group, and we unloaded on them before the doors were fully open. It was a short skirmish, flashes, noises, death. I didn't realize it in the small seven-second exchange of fire, but I lost three friends. And Tommy was severely injured.
"Andrew and Lenard, get to the AI, and get to the bridge ASAP," I ordered over the COM. "Bruce, Ambrose, Yauni, and Trey, round up the dead, and get their dog tags. Seth, Chris, Paul, Greg, and Ron, go get as much supplies off of the pelicans as you can. Everyone, form a defensive perimeter, we are still not secure." When I was done, Andrew and Lenard showed up on the bridge. Andrew handed me the AI. "Good job, all of you." I plugged in the AI, and he popped up.
"There is an enemy AI, but I almost have him down. He seems to be a copy of one of ours, am-," he was saying, but I cut him off.
"Send a message to the Melissa that we have control of the ship, and can you get us home," I asked in earnest.
"Sent, and no," he responded calmly.
"Why, you can't fly this thing," I asked amazed.
"No, I can fly it better then any UNSC ship, but I can't go to Earth, not without authorization," he said. "We have to jump to a random vector, and we have to be inspected by the UNSC for bugs. I am receiving a transmission from the Melissa, do you wish me to send it through?"
"Yes," I said not believing him. I had heard of the Cole Protocols, but not this, why would they have one for Covenant ships. Did they actually think that we would capture one?
The General, and the Captain showed up on one of the screens in the bridge. "Captain," the General started, "Where is the Colonel I sent?"
"I was not aware of any Colonel," I answered truthfully. "He might have been on one of the pelicans that was shot down en route to the ship. Only my pelican and the pelican with 2nd Platoon from Chambers Company was on it."
"Yes, we were watching, we just didn't know who was on what after all of the flames dissipated," responded the General. He was tapping his chin, looking blankly at the screen.
"General, it seems that we can't head to Earth because of a protocol set down by ONI. It seems that Covenant ships have to be checked for bugging devices that might lead them to Earth," I informed the General, even though I assumed he all ready knew.
"I am going to override that protocol, they hit Reach, they undoubtedly know where Earth is since it is practically on Earth's door step," he said looking me square in the eye. "Captain, prepare to jump, set coordinates for Earth," he said looking back at the Navy captain. He then looked to me and gave the same orders.
"Yes sir, Captain Madison out," I said saluting. The link went dead, and I then turned to speak to the AI. "Get us home, now."
"We are on our way, and we will undoubtedly beat them home, and I'm not so certain that the UNSC will welcome a Covenant ship sitting on its door step," warned the AI, receding into the confines of the ship. "We will arrive in seven hours."
"Seven hours men, rest up, but when we are an hour away, we need to ready one of the pelicans for departure." We rested for six, six well earned hours in my book. When she woke me up and said we were an hour away, I couldn't believe it. I thought I had just set my head down.
"We need to prepare a message to be sent out to all the ships not to engage, and it has to be something legit so that they know that we are who we say we are," I ordered the AI.
"Already done," replied the AI, "Everything is set and ready to go."
I turned to my men, "Let's ready the pelican for departure then." The pelican only took a few minutes with the Covenants gravity beams. I choose to send 1st Platoon out of the ship to help show that we were UNSC.
"ETA one minute," announced the AI. I was done saluting my men, so I went to bridge to be there to talk to the UNSC ship that spotted us first.
When I got to the bridge, we exited slipspace. Earth was on the forward view screen, but there so were many UNSC ships that considered us a serious threat. "Message sent."
I waited pertinently for one of the ships to try and link us was us, but none did, instead they turned and sped toward us. "What are they doing?" I could picture my face, blank of expression, scared. They thought us a threat, and they were going to us out.
"They are readying to attack."