
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

CTF by Gold Elite

Date: 29 June 2004, 12:09 AM

      Oh, the day. It was beautiful and sunny. Well, it would have been if a battle hadn't been raging.
      Eric. Eric was his name. Was is a key word. Now people just call him the German Terror.
      He sat in a dirt filled cave on the cliff by Red Base with his best friend, Aaron. Eric's canteen was drained, and he was thirsty. He put it as 'dying of thirst,' but that was just over reacting. He was offered Aaron's canteen, which Eric took quickly and slurped the water down his throat, then threw the empty canteen down as if angry at it.
      Everyone on Blue Team knew what that meant. "You're welcome," Aaron replied.
      Eric took a peek outside at Red Base. He made use of his sniper's X2 scope. Slowly, but surely, he scouted around. Red Base was standing there, in all its 'kase'.
      Of course, Eric knew English, but German was his main language.
      On top of the base was a guard. He had a sniper rifle in his hands, and lying by him was a rocket launcher. One Ghost was circling the base, looking out for any Blue members trying to slip in to Red Base undetected.
      That was all Eric could see, but he was sure there was a Scorpion tank. He could hear the buzz of its engines, and he thought he could see the top of its gun.
      Eric and Aaron could take out a Ghost and tank out at the same time alone, so they were not worried about the vehicles. No, it was the sniper they needed to worry about.
      "Get out your rocket launcher," he told Aaron. "Be ready to kill the Ghost. Shoot it on my mark."
      Eric aimed his sniper onto the head of the head of the guard. "Three." He zoomed in to X10. "Two." He adjusted his aim. "One . . . "
      The two Blue members jumped at the voice, almost firing their weapons. As much as they wanted, they didn't turn around and fire the (ahem) ' kase' out of that guy. For all they knew, he had a shotgun, four grenades, and an over shield.
      "Put your guns down behind you. Both of them. Good. Now the grenades. Now, put your hands on your head, then stand up and turn around slowly."
      As the Blue members were told, they stood up and turned around slowly with their hands on their heads. When they did, they realized with a grim feeling in the pit of their stomach how stupid they were. A Red Team member was standing there holding the shotgun Aaron had just sat down. Other than that, the man was completely unarmed.
      "You two are idiots!" the man shouted. He lifted off his helmet, revealing a bearded, scarred, and bloody face. The man had brown hair. He made sure to spit on each of their breastplates before putting his helmet back on.
      The German Terror recognized him almost instantly. "Aren't you Bo Whye?" he asked, cocking his head to the side.
      "Yes," Bo replied. "You've heard of me?"
      A spark of hope jolted through Eric. "Yes, I have." He had heard how careless Bo Whye was. He rarely planned things out. Eric had also heard that the only reason he was alive today was because his teammates were there.
      "Go to Red Base," Bo said. "Don't even bother to look back. I'll be right behind you."
      Eric opened a private com link with the Colonel, Chris. "Hey, Colonel. I've been taken captive. Help me, and stuff."
      There was a short pause. "I can't! Blue Base is under attack! Figure something out!"
      "You want me to escape with no equipment!?"
      Another pause. "Sucks to be you!" His creepy laugh exploded suddenly.
      They arrived at Red Base soon. They went in. They went down a short hall, then a left, down another short hall, and then a right into an oval shaped room. The walls were made out of titanium. Hung on the left and right walls were five shotguns each. On the front and back walls were fourteen assault rifles each. There was a hole in the ceiling big enough to fit two pit front to back and four from side to side. In the middle was the prize of prizes, the Red Blood Gulch Flag.
      Standing by the flag was the Captain. Joseph Makee, was it, Eric thought.
      "Hello, and welcome."
      "Say hello!" Bo shouted, slapping Aaron, then Eric on the back.
      "Guten tag.," Eric said. " Dumpfbacke ." He smiled. "Now, what do you want?" He started pacing around the Captain with his hands folded around his pack.
      "I want Blue Flag," the Captain said, laughing. "The only reason you are alive is to discuss the terms of its surrender, German."
      The Captain now had his back turned to Aaron. He reached for the pistol at Makee's side as quick as possible. Bo jumped at the shock. He shot almost immediately, but the jump made him miss.
      Aaron shot three quick shots at Bo's head. The Captain turned and reached for his side arm, which wasn't there. Eric grabbed a shotgun and fired at the Captain's head. Both dropped dead.
      Aaron put the pistol in his side space, and then repossessed his shotgun.
      The sniper on the roof came to see what was going on. He looked down from the hole. A shot from Eric blew the snipers shields off; Aaron's shot killed him.
      The Ghost from outside stopped outside the exit, and the tank stopped in front the entrance.
      Aaron looked at Eric and smiled invisibly inside his helmet. "Let's do this."

CTF-Unusual Part1
Date: 16 July 2004, 1:13 AM

Before we start, I'd like to say that this has nothing to do with the story. I just did it for fun. It was about to bust out of me. Has anyone ever played Thief-The Dark Project?

      Eric stood in the shadows by the door. Someone on the other side was approaching. He gripped his combat blade tighter.
      "Eric," Victoria, the woman that hired him to steal Constantine's golden pistol, said softly. "It's Victoria. I trust you made it back alive? You've done well. Come with me. And bring the pistol. There's someone you have to meet. It's time for your payment."
      "Yes," Eric said.

      Eric, in full armor, sat in a chair. Victoria stood by a man in a cloak.
      "Hello, Mr. Eric," the man said. "A refreshment? I am in the possession of a unique brandy that has rather restorative effects. Would you like some?"
      "I prefer my payment in cash, not liquor," Eric said, bored. "Mr.?"
      "My apologies. I have been watching you very closely, Mr. Erics. So closely, in fact, that I'm afraid I forgotten we haven't actually met yet. I am Constantine." The man smiled.
      "And all this time I thought you were going to pay me," Eric said, pissed. "You've brought me here to kill me."
      "But you have it all wrong. Would it surprise you to know that it was I that hired you to steal my own pistol? Yes, you see, Victoria and I are . . ."
       "Old associates," Victoria added in.
      "Yes. You were being tested. Do you understand? And I must say, you more than live up to your reputation. You are quite an extraordinary thief."
      "Testing me? What do you want from me?"
      "You see, Mr. Eric, I am a collector. "But there are some...items, that are not available for purchase. They must be acquired using other means. In this case the item in question would be best acquired by thieving. Not simple thieving...no. I need an artist.
Like yourself."."
      "And what exactly is this . . . item?"
      "It is an ancient gemstone called the Eye for its unusual . . ."
      "Appearance," Victoria added.
       "Yes. Kept hidden in the sealed cathedral deep inside the halls of
the scum Hammerites. Oh, but forgive me. You are, possibly...friendly...with
the Order of the Hammer?"
      "No," Eric said angrily at the thought of Hammers. "Fanatics make unreliable friends."
      "Excellent. I am offering quite a sum for it," Constantine continued. "One-hundred thousand, upon receiving the Eye"
      " I don't see how I can refuse such an offer."?" Eric asked.
      The two hirerers smiled with malevolent joy. Eric stood and shook Constantine's hand. "Marvelous. Viktoria can fill you in on all the particulars. And Mister Garrett...the pistol. Keep it. You have earned it. But also...I believe you'll find it useful in
your quest...."

Return to the Cathedral
      The doors to the cathedral blew into the building with a blazing explosion. Eric stepped in through the mess, holding his rocket launcher firm. Another pair door stood across the entryway. Three undead guys with hammers opened those doors and ran towards Eric.
One rocket later . . .
      The undead guys laid in pieces on the floor, wall, and Eric's armor.
      Eric entered the doors in front of him, reloading his rocket launcher. When he got in, he immediately fired in all directions, reloading in between. Eight more rockets were fired, destroying the room, zombies, and ghosts within.
      The Eye was lying on the floor. Eric walked up to it slowly and picked it up. He turned it around and around and around again. He got mad at its ugliness, so he punched it. Then he put it in his magical, invisible inventory thingy.
      Eric exited through the back door for some reason. He dropped his empty rocket launcher and pulled out a shotgun. A ghost stood five feet in front of him.
      "Oh, hello," it said. "Welcome to our humble cathedral. I am Brother Murus . . ."
      "Die, Murus, DIE!!!!" Eric fired his shotgun five times before the ghost exploded into pieces. "Man, that psycho almost killed me!"

      Eric handed the Eye to Constantine. Creepy music was playing in the back ground.
      "I can't tell you how pleased I am,' he said. "I simply can't find the words. Perhaps Victoria can help me with that regard. She has such a way with them."
      "Yes, Mr. Eric," she said. "We are both so very pleased. Even though the Eye is defective."
      Victoria and Constantine gave Eric a weird look.
      "I'm sorry," Eric said.
      "I'm afraid she right. The Eye is completely blind."
      Eric cursed in German. "It's a friggin rock!! Now where's my pay?!"
      "Right," Constantine said with another malevolent smile. "Victoria, are you ready to give Mr. Eric his . . ." Constantine's chest busted out of his shirt. He grew horns, and the Trickster symbol appeared on his forehead. " . . .Compensation?"
      To Eric's joy, Victoria's clothes fell off, but not so to his joy was the fact that she had vines growing out of her. "Bow down to the Woodsie Lord, man fool!" Vines shot out of Victoria's fingers and smashed him against a pillar. "And offer up your flesheye so that his eye of stone may see."
      Victoria threw off Eric's helmet and ripped his right eye right out of its socket. Eric, covered in vines, fell to the floor, shaking with pain.
      " Bids he then the spruces to singer him an anthems! And the Woodsie
Lord binders them fleshes to stone!
      "Do you think those ancient phrases were mere words, manfool?" Constantine asked. "Look at me! I am the Woodsie Lord, the Trickster of legend!"
      Victoria handed Constantine Eric's eye. He set it on the tip of the Eye. " If you be thirsty, fleshthing, drink of me." The prongs on the Eye closed around Eric's eye. "If you be hungry, then feed for I am the honeymaker, and the jacksberry!"
      "He am the leaf that feeders on the fleshed ones. Thems that calls themselves Builders and wielded up a hammers against him"
      Eric looked up at the ugly God and his assistant. "I," Eric said slowly. "Am. Seriously. Pissed. Off."
      "My poor Mr. Eric, you won't be alive to see the sprawling glory of it! Your sacrifice is not yet complete. "
      Eric was starting to feel numbed. Constantine spoke up. " Stands He then in the greens and festered Maw and speeds He out his judgements upon the weeps and writhing man fools!"
      Eric saw Constantine a Victoria walk threw the portal, INTO THE MAW OF CHAOS, then the portal closed behind them.
      The pain drove Eric crazy as more vines covered his face, and his only eye closed.
