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Blue Squadron Chronicles by Hunter_Killer
Blue Squadron Chronicles
Date: 23 August 2003, 9:02 PM
0975 Hours, 2 May 2601(Military Calendar) Wolf 359 System, 0.06 Light-years from Sol, Fighter Frigate/Medical Frigate Redemption, Fighter Bay 2
"Ok, Blue Squadron. Engage the Seraph Fighters, and keep 'em busy. We gotta protect the bombers while they take out that Assault Carrier!" Said Commander Jonathan, to his squadron of top-notch kids. I mean, the oldest one [Colonel Lance McDouglas, Jonathan's wingman and Blue 2]was 12, and Jonathan was only 11! "Move out!" And with that, the people proceeded to their Longsword B Interceptors. At Jonathan's, three Tan Uniformed Techs, Fighter Mechanic Techs, were adding the finishing touches to the fresh suit of paint on the Sword. "Um, guys..." Jonathan addressed the Techs, "How long will this take?" "Just done," Said Tech Chief Jenson, as he jumped down from the left wing. He saluted, and went over to a Bomber. The other two resumed their duties on the Scorpion Bomber that Jenson was by, loading ordinance and fuel into it. Jonathan entered the fighter, and walked down a hall into the cockpit. The Longsword B Variant had more space for the pilot to stretch out in, even though the original Sword had plenty. He began to work the controls. A loud clang sounded, as the Sword as loaded unto the catapult; a little boost for a fighter. The Engines were slow to get speed, but could keep it, even in high velocity turns. The rest of the fighters followed suit. He clicked on the Blue Squadron Personal Communications Freq. "Blue Group, Report Status," He said into the microphone. "Blue 2, Ready and waiting." "Blue 7, Locked and Loaded." "Blue 5, All Green here." "Blue 9, Full Power." "Blue 3, Clear, Boss." "Blue 6, All Good." And the rest reported in. "Ok, peoples. Catapult in five... FIVE!" Jonathan shoved both the throttles(For his twin Sword Engines) forward to MAX, and pressed the GO! Button on the Catapult Control Panel. His fighter was hurled forward at 7000 Miles per Hour. The Blast Doors were open, and the Sword plowed into space, did a barrel roll, and flew towards the 30 Seraphs. The other 14 Longswords followed, two at a time. "Blue Group, Attack Formation Delta 4. I count thirty, say again thirty Seraphs. Pretty bad odds, for the Covies." Jonathan smiled. "Blues 1, 5, 9, and 13, will take point in respective diamonds." The Longswords divided into four groups of four fighters, in Diamond Formations. Jonathan's diamond was in front. He pressed the 'ARM' Button on a control panel, and his weapon inventory popped up on a Screen to his near left.
Fighter-to-Fighter M-682 'Raven' Mark III: 12
Ship-to-Ground/Capitol Ship M-121 'Starhammer' Mark II: 12
Fixed Autocannon AC-41 'Foe Hammer' Mark VI: 2100 Rounds
On his control unit, he switched to his Ravens. The appropriate crosshairs appeared on the HUD, projected into the viewport. He pressed a red button on his left, and a semi-transparent, red tinted piece of Plasti-Glass, supported by electric supports reaching to the ceiling on both sides, slid down in front of his face. This was his Targeting Computer. On it, each dot that was a Seraph in the distance was outlined by a triangle, along with range numbers under the triangles, respectively. His computer beeped, and he knew he had a lock. "Blue One, Fox Three!" Announced Jonathan over the radio, as he squeezed the button on his flight stick that was red. The missile, its propellants ignited, soared out of the ordinance bay under the Sword, and rushed through the heavens. "Blue Two, Fox Three!" Lance had launched a missile. It joined Jonathan's, heading towards the Seraph fighters. The others also let loose missiles, and now fifteen explosions bloomed. Fifteen triangles, along with the numbers, disappeared. And then, the Seraphs engaged Blue Squadron.
Lt. Commander Taggart's Scorpion Bomber, along with 9 Others, were hurled off the deck of the Fighter Bay. They raced clear of the ship, then slowed, as the Burst by the Catapult wore off. He clicked on his Squadron's Freq. "Gold Team, Formation Alpha 3," He said, in an Italian Accent, then clicked on Blue Squadron's Freq. "Commander, Bombers en route. Cover us." "Copy, Gold Leader. Well, peoples, you heard him! Take down those fighters! Pronto, Amigos!" The radio clicked off.
Junior Lt. Dack Ralter attempted to shake the Seraph Fighter on his tail, but just couldn't do it. Twin bolts of Fuel Rod Plasma Impacted the Sword, sending trails of smoke and debris from the hit areas. Dack struggled to keep the fighter under control. No use! Suddenly, on a screen, the words
Scrolled across. "Shit!" Said Dack, as the Fighter exploded, sending debris flying and blossoming a puff of explosion.
Blue Squadron Chronicles, Part Two
Date: 18 October 2003, 12:18 AM
Note to Readers: Ok, peoples. I'm stopping D-Day II, Covenant Invasion, and Halo 001. No more of em for now at least. Maybe in a few months or so...
0991 Hours, 2 May 2601(Military Calendar) Wolf 359 System, 0.06 Light-years from Sol Escape Pod for Longsword B Variant Blue 4
Dack watched, as the one-man escape pod he was in was hurled forward. By launching at the exact moment of detonation, his pod looked like more debris. The Seraph ripped away, the Elite inside laughing.
Jonathan yanked the flight stick up. The Fighter nimbly dodged the Fuel Rod Plasma thrown at it by twin Covenant Fighters. The Green blobs hit the shields of the Assault Carrier, and Jonathan shot the tiny nuke in one of his missiles at the shields. They flickered, then died. "Whatever the hell you did, Jonathan," Said Taggart to himself, as his bombers made their final run, "Whatever you did, you did it well." "Blue Group," Said Taggart under a secure UNSC Channel, "Return to Frigate. Launching Nukes. Detonation in 170 Seconds." "Aye, aye. Don't wana stick around for dat! Move, people!" Jonathan's voice boomed over the comm. channel. The Longswords all rushed back to the Frigate, and it prepared to utilize Slipspace Drives. "Launch HAVOKs now," Taggart commanded, and 8 Nuclear Missiles ripped into the hull. "Timer engaged. Detonation in 170..." The bombers quickly pulled up and away, back towards the Frigate. The Covenant fighters broke off their attack runs, in a state of panic. Several red lines brightened the lateral lines on the Covenant Ship. Jonathan was at the Bridge of the Redemption, and saw this. "Captain!" He yelled to the Commanding Officer of Frigate Redemption, Capt. White, and pointed to the viewport. White looked, and almost jumped out of his uniform. "Pulse Lasers! Hard to Port, Ensign! NOW!!!" The Helm Officer obeyed, just a second before the lasers discharged their deadly Plasma at the ship. The lances streaked to the side of the ship, none hitting. White sighed. They'd all gotten incredibly lucky, and they all knew it. The explosion went off in a brilliant flash, and a devastating Shockwave reached out for the Human Ship. "Slipspeed! NOW!!" Ordered the Captain, and the ship speeded away, only a split second before the wave ripped through where they were just at.
Ten minutes later, Jonathan's Quarters, Deck 4 Section 7, UNSC Frigate Redemption/ Well, it was the end of a nutbusting mission, and the Wing Commander had just gotten the news. Dack had called a meeting of the Squadron, at 1400 Hours today at the Squadron Briefing Room, probably something special. Dack occasionally had something entertaining or cool [a lot of times both] for Blue Squadron; he was self-appointed Morale Officer. And he was doing a helluva job at that post! Jonathan smiled, and recorded another kill in his personal data file. Now he had 92 Confirmed Fighter Kills, 3 Eliminated Enemy Ships, and 10 Unconfirmed Kills of both kind.
1400 Hours, Blue Squadron Briefing Room, UNSC Frigate Redemption/ Jonathan stepped through the door, and it closed behind him. Most of Blue Squadron had gathered already, and most were talking amongst themselves. When he entered, the whole Squadron yelled to him, "Hey, Johnny!" "Yo," Jonathan replied, and he took his seat. "Where's Dack?" He asked his XO. "Dunno, said he'd be here soon..." His voice trailed off, as a jovial Dack walked in, carrying 2 Jackets on hangers. "Ta duh!" He announced, displaying the Jackets to all the SPARTAN V Pilots. On the front, it said FREEDOM OF CHOICE with the Confederation Flag, A Planet, with a sword and several stars circling it, at the bottom. On the other side, it said
in big white letters. Jonathan smiled. "This is good. I like it. What bout you guys?" Lance wrapped his arm around Dack, and said, "looks good. Nice one, kid." "Hey," Replied the Lt indignantly, "I'm only 4 months younger than you!" Everyone else had similar sentiments, and soon they all had on their spiffy new squadron jackets. Junior Flight Officer William Peters, 'Chubby' as they called him, had to get a Large size, while the rest got small or regular. So, they headed down to the pub, with drinks on Jonathan ["YAH!!!!" Everyone cheered after hearing this]. They had a few rounds, and most stumbled back to their quarters on Deck 4. Petty Flight Officer Brett Farve had to be carried back to his quarters, out cold, by a Crewman passing by. And so, a busy day for Blue Squadron was over. And so, the only casualty was a result of the Beer[Farve], and he'd be fine after a smidgen of rest.
NOTE: I'll do a funny quote after each fic if I can help it, Ok? Good.
Groucho: "As secretary of War, what kind of Army do you think we should have?" Cheeko: "Well, I think we should have a standing army." G: "Why a standing Army?" C: "Cause then we save money on chairs." - Marx brothers Short Movie, 'Duck Soup', 1930s
Blue Squadron Chronicles, Part Three
Date: 24 October 2003, 6:23 PM
1101 Hours, 9 May 2601(Military Calendar)/ Near Saturn, Sol System
Jonathan squeezed the button on his flight stick, and the machine guns onboard geared into action. Instantly, 700 Rounds were injected into the hapless Covenant Dropship, as the bullets pinged and punctured it. Several dozen rounds hit home in the ship's engines, and a second later a brilliant flash signaled the end of the enemy craft. Jonathan whooped, as his fighter began weaving in and out of the area, destroying new targets.
The rest of his squadron was fairing similarly, and soon more than a dozen Dropships and 14 Seraphs were gone. However, there were plenty left; over 200 Dropships and escorts to match rushed hungrily towards the blue gem of Sol; Earth. Blue Squadron was not going to let this happen. Backing them up was Red Squadron, Gold Squadron, Green Squadron, Brown Squadron, and Purple Squadron, and the 50 Ships left of the crippled UNSC Fleet. On Earth, over one billion Marine and Militia battalions stood ready to defend the planet. This was the last of the gasping UNSC's force. This was it. There was no surrender, only death. Humanity could not win, vs. the superior tactics, numbers and technology of the Covenant, but they could sure as hell make them pay for their crusade. Already, over 600,000,000 Covenant lay dead, almost 120,000,000,000,000 Humans now do not exist. Jonathan kept this in mind, as he charged forward towards one of the 30 Covenant Ships in system; a Small Frigate Class Battleship. The lateral lines of the sleek enemy vessel began to glow red, and they grew brighter every second. His HUD flashed a warning, and Jonathan quickly struck the stick, causing the fighter to barrel roll out of the way of the lance of red light. "Son of a bitch," Scowled Jonathan, as he regained his course. "Blue 2, 3, 4, and 5 move out on my point, now," Ordered Jonathan into the radio, and the 5 Fighters encircled him a second later. They sped towards the Frigate, and soon they had Target Lock. Jonathan fired his chainguns, but the bullets just bounced off the potent Plasma Shielding. "USS Cambridge , please assist at Vector 182, by 620," Jonathan called over the radio. Before an answer came from the UNSC Assault Frigate, Jonathan's radar lit up with red blips. They surrounded the little formation, and closed in. "Contacts! Enemy Fighters, 9 o' Clock High! Take Evasive Action!" Lance's voice yelled over the radio. The plasma weapons on the ships lit up, and spewed blue bolts of the searing stuff towards the Longsword Bs. Jonathan gripped the stick, and swiveled it. The fighter swerved, narrowly avoiding several columns of bright blue Plasma. It soared harmlessly to the starboard. Lance fired a Missile directly into the plasma lines, and it exploded. The explosion absorbed the rest of the volley, and Lance gave the middle finger to a Seraph that he flew up to. The distance between them was 10 Meters. The Elite yelled with rage, and tried to ram. It flew directly into a hail of bullets, and it became a fireball, spinning wildly out of control. Lance smiled, and went full throttle towards the Frigate. Dack's fighter was hit by two bolts of deadly Plasma, and the outer layer of Titanium-B sizzled away. Dack, after exploring several unpleasant phrases, pulled the throttle to %0. The Seraph sped in front of the Sword, and Dack quickly rewarded it with a missile up the tailpipe. It exploded in a brilliant flash, and several pieces of debris slowly floated aimlessly, and a mass of frozen, blue blood also floated loose. Flight Officer Chelsea Richards's Longsword simply sped past the Plasma Bolts, and past the seraph. The wing sliced through it, and it exploded a second later. F.O Brett Farve's fighter was hit by a fuel rod bolt, and a trail of smoke blazed out of the sizzling hull. Warning klaxons and screens lighted up inside the fighter. However, Farve was able to keep it under control enough to down the enemy fighter with machine guns and steer towards the Covenant ship. Now, the UNSC Ship moved ahead, and twin Magnetic Accelerator Cannon bolts blazed from launchers in the hull. The bolts hit the Frigate's shields, and they overloaded. The Longswords flew ahead, and pounded the enemy with Space-to-Ship 'Jackhammer' Rockets. Little explosions dotted the hull, and it began to come undone. However, several red lines blasted deadly laser beams at the UNSC Ship. The beams punctured the Ship, and it sizzled. It was now rendered disabled and almost torn in 4 pieces, as it slowly floated in space. Several seconds later, the damnable Covenant ship exploded several times over, as the reactor was punctured. So the Battle of Earth went back and fourth.
Blue Squadron Chronicles, Part Four
Date: 29 October 2003, 12:57 PM
1121 Hours, 9 May 2601(Military Calendar)/ Near Earth, Sol System
"Uh oh..." mumbled Jonathan, as the giant blob of Fiery Red Plasma sped ever closer to his Sword. He pulled extremely hard on the stick, and the ship sharply flared straight up. However, the Plasma changed course to track the fighter, and it enveloped the Sword. There was a blinding flash. The ship flew out a moment later, numerous explosions and fires riddling the devastated fighter. Jonathan coughed at the smoke filling the cockpit, as he struggled without effect with the controls. It spun out of control, straight towards a Covenant Cruiser. "Not good... not good..." He fervently repeated under his breath, while spraying a fire extinguisher at the flaming Comm. Panel. It was now closing in on the Enemy Vessel, only 200 Meters away...
1123 Hours, 9 May, 2601, Command Center of Covenant Cruiser Divine Wind/ "Commander!" Yelled a panicky Red Elite to the Golden Commander Elite. "Yes?" The Elite walked over to the Red one's station, and read the displays. "There's a Human fighter-probably damaged-coming towards us at 4000 Units per Unit! What do we do, Excellency!?" "Muahahahahahahahahaha, lower shields and turn the ship so it lands in Launch Bay 2. Pressurize it and get some Security Teams down there. This could be fun..." "Yes, excellency!" The Elite typed the orders on the holo-panel that popped up by the Elite's thought, and the ship instantaneously gyrated to face the Fighter with the Launch Bay 2.
1124 Hours, 9 May, 2601, "Blue One" Longsword B/ Jonathan was thrown free from his seat, his safety belts snapping, from the impact with the deck. His head's fall was cushioned by a pillow blown from down the hall. It still hurt his head, though, and he was slow to get up. When he regained a vertical base, he looked around for his M10E Pistol. Before he found his weapon, he was attracted to a beeping noise. It was in the engine room. A klaxon was blaring still. Weaving through debris, he found the cause of alert. The fuel tank was on fire! "Aw, man," Said Jonathan, and his adrenaline kicked in. In 2 Seconds flat, he had sprinted out of the fighter and to the other side of the room. He turned, in time to see his beloved Longsword-and his weapons, supplies, personal photo he had there- explode. The rumble of the deck planted the Spartan V on the glossy violet deck with a thunk. He got up, and rubbed his rump. "Aye, aye, aye," Said he. Using his enhanced hearing, he heard an Elite commanding some others behind a door to the room. Jonathan dove behind a few crates, and the door beeped and opened. "Worp! Worp! Worp!" Yelled and Elite, and a squad consisting of 7 Grunts, 4 Jackals and himself charged in the room. After seeing nothing, they became confused. "Where is it?" Questioned a Grunt, holding his Plasma Pistol nervously. "Here," Replied Jonathan, and he vaulted over the Crates into a Red Grunt. They became entangled, and Jonathan wrestled control of the Plasma Pistol, which he promptly drove clear through the head of the unlucky Grunt. Blood trickled out, as the Covenant opened fire. Jonathan rolled, still holding the lifeless corpse, avoiding 14 needles and 6 Bursts of Plasma. Jonathan used the Grunt as a shield, it taking two hits immediately. He stuck the Weapon around his shield, and gave two Grunts an early grave. Aimlessly firing-and getting a Jackal in the groin-, he ran back to the crates. Plasma erupted in streams over and to the sides of the Crates, and Jonathan ducked. "Hello..." Said he, as the Crate began to melt, and a Plasma Grenade fell on top of him. He ignited it, and gave it a good chuck to land right on a Grunt. It panicked, and ran around wildly. In the plasmatic blast, it took out all but a single Grunt. It yipped, and ran away. It didn't get 5 Meters before a superheated bolt of Plasma hit it square in the shoulder, and the jet stream of blood spun the body round and round like a top. Jonathan smiled, and stood up. There were several bodies, most charred beyond recognition. This was just the beginning. He was going to kill every single one of the god damn bastards on the Ship, by hook or crook. So, he scavenged around for 2 Plasma Rifles and a full load of Plasma Grenades. Once so armed, he set out to get to the next floor, where he saw several dead Marines. Probably from another assault. He had a plan: Find a radio, and call for Marine backup. Even he couldn't take all the enemies, since he was meant for the air anyways. With a couple dozen jarheads, he could take the ship easily, though. Entering the next hallway, he took out several Covenant troopers. Grunts, most of them. The rest were Jackals. Nothing he couldn't handle. Every hallway after that, more Covenant. Finaly, he entered the door to level two. A Red Elite was on vigilant patrol. He crouched, and snuck up to 12 Centimeters behind it. A swift blow to the back dropped it with no resistance. After another quick sweep, he approached the bodies. After looking over a Corporal's, he found a working radio. "Blue One to UNSC," Said a blatant Jonathan into the radio. "Jonathan? Holy Crap, I thought we'd lost ya. Where are you?" Said Lan's voice over the radio. "On the Covie Cruiser that's biggest. Come Gimme some Marine backup to secure the ship, will ya?" "I'll put in a word for ya to General Kirby; we're commin!"
Blue Squadron Chronicles, Part Five
Date: 8 November 2003, 1:15 AM
1135 Hours, 9 May 2601(Military Calendar)/ Near Earth, Sol System
Jonathan had been waiting a solid 20 minutes before he saw the three pelicans in front of the launch bay. He ran over to the holo-panels, and-after a few tries-opened the forcefield on the bay. The Covenant used a fail-safe shield that holds oxygen in, and lets ships pass too. The Dropships scooted in, and each unloaded 7 Special Operation Marines, equipped with M232 Battle Rifles and MB9H Assault Rifles, which quickly thundered up the hallways to the Flight Leader. Upon arriving, they set out, with Jonathan leading. Soon, they encountered a Hunter in the next hall, which they promptly Fragged with Frags and bullets and plasma. It fell, without firing a single shot. "Where's the other?" Asked a Marine. "Probably killed by the prior assault," Jonathan said, pointing to another dead Marine they came across. So, after continuing for a bit, and killing about 8 dozen Covies, they came to the Command Center. This one had four doors; three had humans behind it. 7 Marines at one, 7 at another, and 6-with Jonathan-at the last. "Go!" He yelled, and the Marines charged in. After a fierce firefight with the Elites and Jackals there, the Bridge was theirs! Casualties from that one fight totaled a dozen and a half Covenant, and two Marines. "Ok," Said Jonathan. "Marines, secure the ship. You two, stay with me. Move out!" All but two Marines ran into the other door. Jonathan began to decipher the flight controls, and soon had the ship on course for another. He fired all lasers and torpedoes into the other ship, prompting a flash signaling 7 Score of Covenant's immediate death. Two other Covies fled into slipspace; the rest were getting hammered by the UNSC Ships(About 40 were left now) Jonathan then hailed Admiral Forest's Flagship. "Sir, Divine Wind captured and ready for orders. Got any for us? Or shall I get a new Longsword?" "Orders? Three simple words: KILL THEM ALL!! Forest out." "Aye, aye," Said Jonathan, as he blew up another Covie. The battle had now turned! Earth was certainly safe from attack! At least for now, Thought Jonathan. In less than an hour, all enemies had been driven away in one way or another, and the UNSC Forces limped to Earth to regroup. With the new Plasma weapons on the captured Covie, the UNSC quickly devised a laser that would cut through Plasma Shielding. However, it would take time to put in. An EX Model was installed on the Blue Squadron's Longswords ASAP. Now the UNSC had a chance to fight back. And the Enemy struck again. It was two weeks from the last assault.
Two weeks from now, Blue One, on patrol in the asteroid field of Sol/ This patrol was almost over. Usually, a scanner sweep was all than needed to make sure no Covies were present, but the UNSC's Scanner stations-along with many other vital units-were annihilated. So, Fleet command sent in the Fighters in sweeps 2 Minutes apart. Jonathan and Lan were racing, with their engines on %170. Jonathan narrowly avoided an asteroid, and swiveled to fit between two more. Lan used his Cannons to carve a path through this space rock, whilst tearing alongside the Flight Leader. A small meteor hit Jonathan's sword, and left a large dent. "There goes the paint job," Noted Jonathan on the radio. However, Jonathan was narrowly winning over the Lt. Jg. Lan, and loving it.
"Oh well," Lan's voice crackled over the radio, after the race was over, "There's always next time." "Yah, Uh huh, jus' like last time, boy!" Bantered Jonathan. "A Plasma Torpedo was chasing me! I had to swerve and lose!" Lan complained. "Excuses, excuses..." Jonathan said. Then, a weird blotch appeared on the scanner scope. "Hello..." He said, and checked the scanner readings. Definitely 10, at least, monstrous sized ships showed up, with around 600 Fighters surrounding them. "Oh shit. This ain't lookin' good," "What?" "Enemy fleet." "I see it. We'd better warn UNSC Command!" "Ok, you go and get help. I'll press on the attack and tie as many of them up as possible." "It's suicide! I'm staying here!!" "No you AREN'T, You're going to warn the UNSC. NOW." "As you wish, Commander," Said Lan, defeated, and his fighter accelerated in the other direction. "Commander," Piped up the fancy new "Smart" Fighter AI, Merlin, "Enemy Capitol Ships, 200 million kilometers and closing." "I see them, Merlin." Jonathan then pushed the throttle forward, and the engines roared with gusto. The Longsword sped up even more, and created a fold of space because of the super high velocity, parting for it. "Warning: Engines at one hundred and seventy-five per cent. Engine meltdown in one minute," Said Merlin with worry punctuating his voice. "Ok, Ok," Jonathan said, and pulled it down to a hundred per cent. The engines began to die out, but stabilized after a second. With a jolt, the fighter slowed. "THAT'S better," Said Merlin indignantly.