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Better Off Dead:Pvt Prichard by I_Love_You_Bungie
Better Off Dead. Part 1 In The Begining...
Date: 8 September 2003, 9:19 PM
Pvt.Prichard risked another glance over the bunker, cursing as several plasma bolts slammed into the ground inches from his face."Sir,they are moving in spearhead formation,six grunts and two elite." Prichard couldnt help noticing the grim look spreading across the sergents face as he took in the news.Four marines would never be able to defeat such odds,even more so now that half were raw recruits, just off the production line.Prichard could see that one of them had wet himself in the first engament in which the rest of the sqaud had been obliterated."Right Jenkins,Paterson when i say now get out of the trench and make for sqaud beta, there situated in the townhall.Understood?" The men noded there heads."Prichard on 3 give them covering fire" "Sir,yes,sir!" "one,two,thr...".The sergents head exploded. The stench of burning flesh filled the air.The one called Jenkins panicked jumped out of the bunker and was melted to the sidewalk as the advancing sqaud opened fire.Meanwhile Prichard was scanning the bunker trying to find the area of twisted light that would tell him the position of the camaflauged elite.Paterson cracked vomiting crawling into the a corner and sradling his head in his hands.Much to young tought Prichard.Just then a movment caght his eye.Ducking low he rolled to his left firing the gun from his hip.Blue blood flew from what seemed like thin air. A grunt was followed by a thump as the elite hit the ground.Looking over the edge of the bunker yet again he saw that the sqaud were on top of him.Pulling the pin on a gernade he said a silent prayer and rolled it into the middle of the advancing sqaud.Body parts went flying and Prichard came out of cover sending a spray of fire into an elite who had rolled away from the blast radius. The shots were largley ineffective due to the shield and armoour protecting.Prichard did not fear death. He saw it as an inevitability and if something couldnt be avoided then why worry about it? He thumbed the gun to fully automatic and prepared to sell his life dearly. The elite fired several rounds and,with customary covenant skill, all shots hit.Prichard hit the back of the bunker and slid to the gorund. He could smell flesh burning again and he wasnt sure if it was his are the former sergents.Truth be told he didnt care. He felt himself slipping into unconciousness and slowly closed his eyes the last thing he saw was a soldier in green armour leeping over the trench and then more sounds of battle. -------- --------- ------- -----------"He's coming around."Prichard opened his eyes. Though his vision was blurred,no doubt because of the painkillers his body had been loaded with, he was sure someone was standing over him."drink this" The person lifted his head and prichard took several gulps of the warm liqued it tasted bitter but he could already see beter."Were am i is the usuall question."The man said,smiling,you are in the last human stronghold on Salamadastron.One of are men found you in the city, you were in a bad way,so he took you here." Prichard tried to sit up but his head began pounding.With a groan he sank back down."Rest is what you need,but unfortunatley you will bew getting very little of that." Prichard gave him a quizzacle look."Fine pvt. lets put it this way, in a couple of days ypu will have wished you died out there."THe man sighed "The base is surrounded.We have very little supplyes and the covenant will be attacking any minute.The general has ordered every amn capable of holding a rifle to be on the walls in 30 minutes.You my fiend,are capaple of holding a gun.The armoury is in the sixth door on the left." The doctor walked off to tend to another patient and Prichard sat up. Pusing down the vomit he felt rising in him he walked to the armoury and outfitted himself with a rifle and 4 gernades. On his way out alarms went of throughout the base.Red lights began flashing and armed men began to take there posts. Prichard followed `1 man to what was obviously the oouter wall.Hunkering down beside him Prichard thumbed off the saftey on the rilfe took carefull aim at an unwitting grunt and fire a threeround burst that killed it almost instanly.Other men opened fire all along the wall orders were being shouted and people were running around to fulfill them the return fire saw a man not to far away from Prichard fall to the ground, his face and half his shoulder a bloody mess. So it begins tought Prichard....
Better Off Dead Part 2 The Siege
Date: 9 September 2003, 9:40 PM
Na'lazz stood proudly in his polished yellow battle armor.He glanced at the battle with a trained eye,he could read the ebb and flow of a battle as easily as another could read text,and new that it would not be an easy fight. The looks of determination painted on the demons faces was admirable but,ultimatly,foolish.He had already lost 126 good men and was loath to give up more,but The Prophets word was law. With a quick hand gesture his Har'kyut came to him and formed up in a perfect line.Adorned in there purple battle armor and armed with a shocksword and plasma rifle they were the best of the best. Only the top elite became Strike Force and only the top Strike Force became Har'kyut.Nodding to his men he began to give his orders. ---------------- "INCOMING!" A great explosion engulfed the right wall and bodys went flying.Prichard discharged another clip into the oncoming horde."This is pointless!"Pvt.Watts shoted over the roar of battle.Prichard nodded slamed another clip into the rifle and returned to the job at hand."I have a wife you know"Watts said durring another reloading period.Prichard looked up into the young mans eyes and saw the fear there,fear at dying and fear for his wifes life.Not knowing what to do he pulled his face into a smile,something he hadnt done in a long time so he found it hard dew to lack of practise."We'll make it out of here me and you together,alright?"Watt smiled back and nodded nervously.Prichard didnt feel right,he had never liked lying. ------------- "Fire"Na'lazz said calmly again.The second plasma missile slamed into the wall,causing a breach.He nodded to two hunters and they lumbered forward to take advantage of the gap.Na'lazz and his har'kyut fell in behind them.Once threw the breach they found themselfs in a wall of human guns,but the two hunters made it impossible for the humans to make any shots on the more defeatable elites.Na'lazz powered up his shock sword,watched for a seconed as the hyper excited ion particles danced up and down between the two blades,only millimeters apart.He leapedover the hunters and landed amidst the humans.His sword came up in a glittering arc slicing threw armor and skin alike.He rammed his blade home in the chest of another human,feeling the release of power as the ion particles ripped the body into base elements,a most excrutiating way to die. He looked around,victory was near. ---------------------- Defeat was near,Prichard new. It would take a miracle to stop this new covenant assault.Just as this tought passed through his mind a pelican roared over the base its passengers,covered in shadow now fired from the back.The hunters were not ready and were mowed down by the shots,exposing the rear of the covenant elites.Shots ripped into them from all sides.But only one fell to the ground.These were obviously no ordinary elites.The tallest of them gave a signal and four elites broke away and charged up the ramp to the wall.One more was shot down before they made it half way.Prichard ducked under a swipe from one of there mighty shock swords,drew his combat knife and attacked at the unprotected throat,the elite swerved back lost its balance and fell from the wall.It landed on its neck with a sickening crack.Watts kicked another in the chest and opened fire with his rifle. The elite ducked, rolled and came up with a blistering punch to Watts chin.The Elite was about to finish him off when another marine attacked from behind,fireing wildly.The elite spun on his heel,his leg shooting up kicking the marine with such force that he spun several times before he hit the ground.The pelican landed in the courtyard its passengers unloading,Prichard recognized one.It was the Master Chief the soldier who had saved him in the city.He smiled to himself,now there was hope. ------------------ Na'lazz scanned the courtyard,seeing that 2 of his prize men were down and another was on the wall,cut off from the rest and hardpressed by 4 marines.The elite had incapitated two,Na'lazz could see,but he knew it was only a matter of time before he was overcome.He turned thinking that victory could still be attained and saw the worst possible sight.The Green One. He roared and drew his rifle firing with one hand and swinging his sword with the other.The other elite recognized the order to retreat and began to file ou threw the breach in the wall.Na'lazz gave one last glance at his lone warrior seeing that he was now dead.He marked the face of the one who stood above his dead Har'kyut,he had killed two of his warriors now and he would pay dearly.