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Fan Fiction

Battle of Atari, Chapter I: Part I by Hashey

Battle of Atari, Chapter I: Part I
Date: 3 October 2004, 12:02 PM

Chapter One: Overtake of Atari I

2100 hours, September 03, 2552 (Military Calendar)
40 Kilometers west of Zulu Base
Hiigaran System, planet Atari I

It was almost light when Alpha Company was heading towards Zulu Base. The Company commander, Cpt. Riley, said to his men: "Listen up, guys. HQ ordered us to reinforce Zulu Base. They think that Covenant infiltration party's are on their way right now. Let's give them a warm welcome." All the soldiers laughed and they knew their job. You could see the first lights shining over the trees as Alpha Company flew over them in 4 Pelican's. Each Pelican had a Warthog attached to it and the pilots were ready to detach them.

When Alpha Company was about 20 Kilometers away from Zulu Base they got hit by Covenant AA. One of the Pelican's went down. The pilot asked Johnson if he should land or continue to the LZ at Zulu Base. Riley said to the pilot: "Alright lieutenant, let's land and detach the Warthog's." So the Pelican's landed and the Warthog's were manned by the Marines. "Let's set up camp here. It's going to be dark soon and we won't make it too Zulu Base then", Riley said.

1030 hours, September 04, 2552 (Military Calendar)
Special Tactics Base: Zulu.
Hiigaran System, planet Atari I

"Sergeant, take those Phantoms out", Major Anderson said to Sgt. Ramirez. "We can't let them take over this base". Anderson was the CO of Zulu Base for a week now when the Base got attack by Covenant Forces. They came in strength, with possible more forces then Zulu Base had at that moment. "Cpl. Enders, get HQ on the horn and ask for air support," Anderson said to his radio operator.
Enders replied:" Yes Sir, HQ is on the line". Anderson walked over to Enders and took the horn. "HQ, this is Major Anderson of Zulu Base. We are under heavy Covenant attack and request air support ASAP, "Anderson said over the radio. The reply came as followed: "I'm sorry Sir, we can't spare any planes right now. We're evacuating Atari I. Covenant Forces are attacking our bases all over the planet. Sorry sir, but we can't help right now. As soon as we got planes available we can come to evacuate you."
Anderson was really pissed now and went back outside to Sgt. Ramirez.
Ramirez asked the Major: "Sir, shouldn't we heard from Alpha Company about now or what?" Anderson said: "We should have, but we heard nothing. I hope they can come in time."

1025 hours, September 04, 2552 (Military Calendar)
10 Kilometers South-West of Zulu Base
Hiigaran System, planet Atari I

It was already 1025 hours when Riley was discussing the route towards Zulu Base with his Platoon Sergeants. When they we're just about to leave Riley heard HQ was on the radio. He went to his radio operator and took the horn. "Cpt. Riley, Zulu Base is under Covenant attack. What is your current position?"

"We are about 10 Kilometers South-West of Zulu Base and we are just about to move," Riley said.

"Roger that, please hurry up or else we loose it," said the soldier on the radio.

Riley gave back the horn and ordered everybody to mount up and move out. He mounted a Warthog and asked the Marine who was driving: "Zulu Base is under attack. You think we'll make it in time?" The Marine said: "I don't know Sir, I sure hope so. One of my friends is stationed in that Base." Now the Company was about 3 Kilometers away from Zulu Base. "We'll soldier, you know that we're the cavalry. We are supposed to arrive late," Riley said. The Marine smiled and pressed the gas pedal fully.

1031 hours, September 04, 2552 (Military Calendar)
Special Tactics Base Zulu
Hiiagaran System, planet Atari I

"Sir, I don't think we can hold out any longer," said Ramirez. The Covenant had almost taken over the base. Only the Armory and the Command Center was still under UNSC control. Anderson had given up hope that Alpha Company would still come. Another Phantom was on landing approach when suddenly it got blown to hell by a rocket. Ramirez and Anderson looked to where the missile came from and saw Alpha Company arriving with 10 to 15 Warthog's. Anderson ordered everyone to provide cover fire for Ramirez, who was going to open the gate for Alpha Company.
Now that Zulu Base was reinforced, Anderson saw more Phantom's incoming. Ramirez heard a message on the radio saying: "Zulu Base, this is Echo-322. We are 1 Kilometer from your position and are inbound to evac." Ramirez ran to the radio and replied: "Echo-322, this is Sgt. Ramirez. We have multiple Phantom's inbound. You got any toys to take them down?"
"Yeeha Sarge, we got two Longsword fighters with us. Diverting them now."

All of the incoming Phantom's were destroyed by the 2 Longsword fighers and Zulu Base was ready for Evac.

- End of Part 1 -

ps: This is my first story ever, so dont judge me too hard:)

Battle of Atari, Chapter I: Part II
Date: 8 October 2004, 3:20 PM

Part 2: Stranded.

1530 hours, October 25, 2552 (Military Calendar)
Aboard UNSC Destroyer Interceptor
Hiigaran System, near Vyagr IV.

      "Incoming boarding party's," said Captain Alvarez over the intercom. The Destroyer Interceptor was on its way towards the Hiigaran HQ Space Station when it got ambushed by Covenant Cruisers which disabled the engines and gun systems. Moments later they were sending boarding party's to take the UNSC ship.

      Captain Jack Riley fell off his bed when the first Covenant plasma torpedo's hit. He cursed out loud, while walking to his closet, and put on his battle armor. He ran to the armory and took a M7A1 out one of the racks. Riley, a 24 year old guy with brown hair and green eyes and in the service for 3 years now, was a Marine who fought in many battles and had enough experience as a Marine who fought in the UNSC for 15 years.

      Riley's squad was already waiting for him when he walked out the armory. "Move towards the Bridge. We have to get the Captain," said Riley.

      "This is Captain Alvarez speaking, all crew head for the lifeboats. The Covenant Forces have taken over half of the ship and I'm setting it on self-destruct. You have 20 minutes," sounded over the intercom.

      Riley and his men were pinned down in a corridor close to the bridge. Riley looked around the corner and his face got almost blown away by a plasma shot. Ramirez was able to get on the other side and threw a grenade towards the six grunts that were shooting at Riley's squad. Five died instantly and Riley shot the last one in the head. You could hear Enders say: "A nice grenade from Ramirez. Oeh, that's gotta hurt... And another one bites the dust thanks to Riley."

      After this, Riley and his men ran into the bridge and found Captain Alvarez there. Alvarez, a 67 year old man with grey hair, was lying on the ground, with a plasma wound in his chest. The squad just wanted to get to the lifeboats when Alvarez said: "Captain, wait. I want you to protect Liz. Grant this as my last wish." The squad looked at the Captain when he took his last breath. Riley took the Liz, the ships AI, and turned to his men.

      "Let's get outta here," said Riley and took Sam with him. The squad ran to the last remaining lifeboat. Ramirez, who was also the squad's medic, saw a wounded Marine lying in front of the door towards the lifeboat. He ran to the soldier and said: "Relax Marine, your coming with us." Ramirez pulled the soldier on his shoulders and joined the squad in the lifeboat. Liz said to Riley:" One minute till detonation." Ramirez yelled:" Let's get the hell outta here."

1555 hours, October 25, 2552 (Military Calendar)
Aboard lifeboat A-017.
Hiigaran System, heading towards Vyagr IV.

      "Touchdown in 15 seconds, brace for impact," said the pilot of the lifeboat. The lifeboat landed on the ground, leaving a small path in the ground. When the lifeboat still was in space, Ramirez tried to get the wounded Marine stabile, but he didn't make it. Riley walked to the back of the lifeboat and pushed the button to open the door. He went outside and on his right side he saw two crashed Pelican's with lots of ammo and two warthog's we're lying besides them. Enders walked over to the warthog's and said: "Hey Cap, these things still work. You want to have a race?"
The squad had to laugh about this. After they took as much ammo and manned the warthog's, Riley ordered the squad to move out.

      When they we're about two kilometres away from the lifeboat, Riley wondered where the surviving forces who already we're on the planet. Most of the crew of the Interceptor was still alive and we're now here. He had to find a UNSC position and try to call for help.

1625 hours, October 25, 2552 (Military Calendar)
Somewhere on Vyagr IV.
Hiigaran System, planet Vyagr IV.

      "Look over there," Enders said and pointed to something in the east. Riley held his fist up to let the squad know to stop. He picked up his binocular and looked towards the area where Enders pointed at. While he looked he saw flashed from plasma shots and rifle rounds. On the comm. he said to Ramirez:" Ramirez, follow us. I think we have some friendly forces up ahead, but under Covenant attack." Ramirez agreed and the two warthog's raced towards the flashes.

      The squad was coming closer and started to hear gunfire. Now Riley knew for sure that there we're more survivors and that they are under attack. He yelled towards the other warthog: "Prepare your guns, Covenant forces up ahead. Watch out for friendly fire." In a flash when he drove trough the Covenant Forces, killing most of the Grunts, he saw at least six Elite's, and over 20 Grunts and Jackals. He ordered the gunner and passenger to fire while he started making road kill. Two Elite's and 6 Jackals had to pick their brains from the wheels and two more Elite's took many bullets until their shield collapsed and the got shot by the Machine Gunners on the back. One of the passengers threw a grenade towards a group of Grunts, blowing them up and because of the explosion the plasma grenades they carried blew up too.

      It didn't take long to clean up the rest of the Covenant Forces. He looked over to the position of the Marines. Riley could see three lifeboats and at least fourthy Marines.
He walked over to the Marine who was commanding the men, a Sergeant, and said he was taking command. Now Riley was in charge of more men and his Squad expanded to a Company.

      The next day the company was able to find a UNSC camp on Vyagr IV. While waiting and fighting for a month or so, the Vyagr IV orbit was cleared of Covenant ships and the forces could be evacuated.

- End of Part 2 -
